2014 SkS Weekly Digest #25

SkS Highlights

John Cook's An externally-valid approach to consensus messaging garnered the highest number of comments of the articles posted on SkS during the past week. The article is a summary of a guest article, An "externally-valid" approach to consensus messaging that was posted on the website, The Cultural Cognition Project at the Yale Law School. [For more information obout this project, see the SkS Spotlights section below.] 

Transformational Climate Science at Exeter University by Jim Hunt received the second highest number of comments. 

El Niño Watch

Toon of the Week

 2014 Toon 25

h/t to An Inconvenient Truth

Quote of the Week

"Nineteenth century water law is meeting 20th century infrastructure and 21st century climate change," says Bradley Udall, a senior fellow at the University of Colorado Law School, "and it leads to a nonsensical outcome."

Water war bubbling up between California and Arizona by Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times, June 20, 2014

SkS in the News

Adam Corner's Guardian blog post, Who cares about climate change consensus? addresses the brouhaharaised by the climate denier crowd over the merits of Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature, Cook et al, 2013, Environmental Research Letters.

SkS Spotlights

The Cultural Cognition Project (at Yale Law School) is a group of scholars interested in studying how cultural values shape public risk perceptions and related policy beliefs. Cultural cognition refers to the tendency of individuals to conform their beliefs about disputed matters of fact (e.g., whether global warming is a serious threat; whether the death penalty deters murder; whether gun control makes society more safe or less) to values that define their cultural identities. Project members are using the methods of various disciplines — including social psychology, anthropology, communications, and political science — to chart the impact of this phenomenon and to identify the mechanisms through which it operates. The Project also has an explicit normative objective: to identify processes of democratic decisionmaking by which society can resolve culturally grounded differences in belief in a manner that is both congenial to persons of diverse cultural outlooks and consistent with sound public policymaking.

Poster of the Week


h/t to Forecast the Facts and I Heart Climate Scientists.

SkS Week in Review

Coming Soon on SkS

Mother Nature Always Bats Last!

Posted by John Hartz on Sunday, 22 June, 2014

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