A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.
The figure is from paper #57.
1. How modifications of China's energy data affect carbon mitigation targets
"After revision, China's mitigation challenges increase by 5%."
4. Effect of major policy disruptions in energy system transition: Case Finland
6. Factoring in the forgotten role of renewables in CO2 emission trends using decomposition analysis
9. Bridging the gap: Do fast-reacting fossil technologies facilitate renewable energy diffusion?
13. Pricing Carbon and Adjusting Capital to Fend Off Climate Catastrophes
"While we find that some women reported a positive experience, others felt women were poorly represented and heard and encountered barriers beyond their gender including race, nationality, command of English, and discipline."
15. Are renewable energy subsidies in Nepal reaching the poor?
16. The implications of how climate funds conceptualize transformational change in developing countries
17. Relationship between economic growth and residential energy use in transition economies
18. Deconstructing resilience: why gender and power matter in responding to climate stress in Bangladesh
19. Framing clean energy campaigns to promote civic engagement among parents
"In both studies, we find the odds of taking action are reduced by over 90% when participants are asked to make a phone call and leave a voicemail message, versus signing an online petition. Among the parents already engaged in advocacy, we observe a ceiling effect regarding attitudes towards clean energy and find the cost campaign produces unintended consequences. Among our public sample, we find that participants who believe the campaign to be credible and comprehendible are more likely to take action than those who discredit the campaign or do not understand its message. Additionally, we find parents who have children under the age of 18 negatively adjust their attitudes towards fossil fuels after being presented with health information. Ultimately, we find that campaign messages can influence energy attitudes and parents are willing to take action on the topic if the advocacy action seems like an effective approach."
20. Potential environmental benefits from woodfuel transitions in Haiti: Geospatial scenarios to 2027
21. A historical analysis of US climate change policy in the Pan-American context
22. Bearing Witness? Polar Bears as Icons for Climate Change Communication in National Geographic
23. Greenhouse gas emissions of hydropower in the Mekong River Basin
24. Does risk perception limit the climate change mitigation behaviors?
26. How Climate Change Risk Perceptions Are Related to Moral Judgment and Guilt in China
27. Exploring News Frames, Sources and Editorial Lines on Newspaper Coverage of Nuclear Energy in Spain
29. Enlargement of the semi-arid region in China from 1961 to 2010
30. The seasons’ length in 21st century CMIP5 projections over the eastern Mediterranean
Temperature and precipitation
31. Causes and probability of occurrence of extreme precipitation events like Chennai 2015
32. Variability of precipitation in Poland under climate change
33. Urban surface effects on current and future climate
"Projection of urban land surface temperature shows urban regions get warmer by up to 13 °C at the end of 21st century under RCP85 scenario and the urban heat island intensity also increases by from 1 to 1.5 °C."
35. Winter Precipitation Efficiency of Mountain Ranges in the Colorado Rockies Under Climate Change
36. Decadal fluctuations in the western Pacific recorded by long precipitation records in Taiwan
37. Skilful seasonal predictions of Summer European rainfall
Extreme events
39. Floridian heatwaves and extreme precipitation: future climate projections
"Results show a tripling in the frequency, and greater than a sixfold increase in the mean duration of heatwaves over Florida when the current standard of heatwaves was used. The intensity of heatwaves also increased by 4–6 °C due to the combined effects of rising mean temperatures and a 1–2 °C increase attributed to the flattening of the temperature distribution."
40. Projected trends of extreme rainfall events from CMIP5 models over Central Africa
41. Estimates of present and future flood risk in the conterminous United States
"Our data show that the total US population exposed to serious flooding is 2.6–3.1 times higher than previous estimates, and that nearly 41 million Americans live within the 1% annual exceedance probability floodplain (compared to only 13 million when calculated using FEMA flood maps). We find that population and GDP growth alone are expected to lead to significant future increases in exposure, and this change may be exacerbated in the future by climate change."
43. Trends of cyclone characteristics in the Arctic and their patterns from different re-analysis data
45. Extended-range forecasting of Chinese summer surface air temperature and heat waves
47. Probabilistic assessment of projected climatological drought characteristics over the Southeast USA
48. Evaluating impacts of recent Arctic sea-ice loss on the northern hemisphere winter climate change
"The results reveal a 700-m deep fjord that abruptly ends on a 100-300 m deep sill along the calving fronts. The shallow sills explain the presence of stranded icebergs, the resilience of the glaciers to ocean-induced undercutting by warm Atlantic water, and their remarkable stability over the past century."
52. Spatiotemporal variability of Canadian High Arctic glacier surface albedo from MODIS data, 2001–2016
"In fact, results of the land surface model experiments show that the projected increase of variability of meteorological variables leads to cooler permafrost soil in contrast to an otherwise soil warming in response to climate change."
55. The European mountain cryosphere: a review of its current state, trends, and future challenges
Forcings and feedbacks
58. Human-induced climate change: the impact of land-use change
59. What can decadal variability tell us about climate feedbacks and sensitivity?
"Together these results suggest that some of the physical processes responsible for setting the magnitude of global temperature change in the twenty-first century and climate sensitivity also help set the magnitude of the natural decadal variability. Furthermore, a statistically significant correlation exists between climate sensitivity and decadal variability in the tropics across CMIP5 models, although this is not apparent in the earlier generation of CMIP3 models. Thus although the link to sensitivity is not conclusive, this opens up potential paths to improve our understanding of climate feedbacks, climate sensitivity and decadal climate variability, and has the potential to reduce the associated uncertainty."
65. Historical tropospheric and stratospheric ozone radiative forcing using the CMIP6 database
"The total ozone RF grows rapidly until the 1970s, slows towards the 2000s, and shows a renewed growth thereafter. Since the 1990s the shortwave RF exceeds the longwave RF. Global stratospheric ozone RF is positive between 1930 and 1970 and then turns negative, but remains positive in the Northern Hemisphere throughout. Derived stratospheric temperature changes show a localized cooling in the sub-tropical lower stratosphere due to tropospheric ozone increases, and cooling in the upper stratosphere due to ozone depletion by more than 1K already prior to the satellite era (1980), and by more than 2K out to the present day (2014)."
66. Evaluating Emergent Constraints on Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity
"For 4 of the 19 constraints, the originally-proposed explanation for correlation is borne out by our analysis. These 4 constraints all predict relatively high climate sensitivity. The credibility of 6 other constraints is called into question due to correlation with ECS coming mainly from unexpected sources and/or lack of robustness to changes in ensembles. Another 6 constraints lack a testable explanation and hence cannot be confirmed. The fact that this study casts doubt upon more constraints than it confirms highlights the need for caution when identifying emergent constraints from small ensembles."
68. Multi-model surface temperature responses to removal of U.S. sulfur dioxide emissions
Carbon cycle
69. Controls on boreal peat combustion and resulting emissions of carbon and mercury
70. Evaluating humidity and sea salt disturbances on CO2flux measurements
71. Constraining projection-based estimates of the future North Atlantic carbon uptake
73. Recent acceleration of the terrestrial hydrologic cycle in the U.S. Midwest
74. The influence of water storage in marine sediment on sea-level change
Atmospheric and oceanic circulation
76. Changes in ENSO Activity during the Last 6,000 Years Modulated by Background Climate State
77. Food security and climate change: the case of rainfed maize production in Mexico
78. Vulnerability of Ghanaian women cocoa farmers to climate change: a typology
79. Climate change adaptations of shrimp farmers: a case study from southwest coastal Bangladesh
80. Fanning the Blame: Media Accountability, Climate and Crisis on the Australian “Fire Continent”
82. Climate variability, rice production and groundwater depletion in India
87. Climate change likely to reduce orchid bee abundance even in climatic suitable sites
88. Massive Mortality of a Planktivorous Seabird in Response to a Marine Heatwave
"Carcass deposition followed an effective reduction in the energy content of mesozooplankton, coincident with the loss of cold-water foraging habitat caused by the intrusion of the NE Pacific MHW [Marine HeatWave] into the nearshore environment. Models examining interannual variability in effort-controlled carcass abundance (2001-2014) identified the biomass of lipid-poor zooplankton as the dominant predictor of increased carcass abundance. In 2014, Cassin's Auklets dispersing from colonies in British Columbia likely congregated into a nearshore band of cooler upwelled water, and ultimately died from starvation following the shift in zooplankton composition associated with onshore transport of the NE Pacific MHW."
89. Projected changes of thermal growing season over Northern Eurasia in a 1.5 °C and 2 °C warming world
91. Reproductive trade-offs in a temperate reef fish under high pCO2 levels
"Parental pairs in the simulated ocean acidification conditions exhibited increased reproductive output, with 50% more clutches and 44% more eggs per clutch than pairs under control conditions. However, there was an apparent trade-off between offspring number and size, as larvae of parental pairs under high pCO2 levels hatched significantly smaller, suggesting differences in parental provisioning, which could be related to the fact that these females produce more eggs. Moreover, results support the hypothesis of different energy allocation strategies used by females under high pCO2 conditions. These changes might, ultimately, affect individual fitness and population replenishment."
93. Forest resilience to drought varies across biomes
94. The perpetual state of emergency that sacrifices protected areas in a changing climate
95. Coral reef habitat mapping: A combination of object-based image analysis and ecological modelling
98. A global comparison of the climatic niches of urban and native tree populations
99. Climate change, disease range shifts, and the future of the Africa lion
100. Atmospheric teleconnection influence on North American land surface phenology
101. Anti-herbivore defences and insect herbivory: Interactive effects of drought and tree neighbours
104. Satellite view of seasonal greenness trends and controls in South Asia
105. Seed banks of native forbs, but not exotic grasses, increase during extreme drought
"We found consistent weakening relationships between mean growing-season (April–October) NDVI and both PDO and NAO. A similar pattern was also found in the temporal relationship between NPP and PDO. Such weakening relationships were partly attributable to weakening regional summer atmospheric circulation and its causal effects on changes in hydrothermal conditions over the Tibetan Plateau."
"Here, we recall first quantitative measurements of terrestrial and atmospheric thermal infrared radiation that were made about hundred years ago, and relate them to present day radiation budget measurements and greenhouse effect investigations through the atmosphere. At the beginning of the 20th century measurements of the effective terrestrial radiation and the counter-radiation of the atmosphere were of great interest primarily to prove theoretical aspects of the Earth radiation balance and the upper temperature inversion."
112. South Pacific evidence for the long-term climate impact of the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary event
113. Icebergs in the Nordic Seas throughout the Late Pliocene
114. Mid-depth temperature maximum in an estuarine lake
Posted by Ari Jokimäki on Friday, 9 March, 2018
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