A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.
Temperature, precipitation, wind
Wind over the Adriatic Region in CORDEX Climate Change Scenarios
Simulating Arctic 2-m air temperature and its linear trends using the HIRHAM5 regional climate model
Regional trend changes in recent surface warming
Comparison of land–ocean warming ratios in updated observed records and CMIP5 climate models (open access)
Extreme events
Future projections of extreme temperature events in different sub-regions of China
Drought characterization over India under projected climate scenario
Projecting Changes in Societally Impactful Northeastern U.S. Snowstorms
Synoptic climatology of hybrid cyclones in the Australian region
Multiple climate hazards in Eurasian drylands
Forcings and feedbacks
A hierarchical statistical framework for emergent constraints: application to snow?albedo feedback
Global IWV trends and variability in atmospheric reanalyses and GPS observations (open access)
Indirect Influence of Humidity on Atmospheric Spectra near 4 μm
Impacts of distribution patterns of cloud optical depth on the calculation of radiative forcing
Global changes in the diurnal cycle of surface ozone
Solar cycle characteristics and their application in the prediction of cycle 25
Variability in Basal Melting Beneath Pine Island Ice Shelf on Weekly to Monthly Timescales
Control of ocean temperature on Jakobshavn Isbræ's present and future mass loss
Localized plumes drive front?wide ocean melting of a Greenlandic tidewater glacier
Groundwater in catchments headed by temperate glaciers: A review
A coupled glacier–hydrology model and its application in eastern Pamir
The Energetics of Extensive Melt Water Flooding of Level Arctic Sea Ice
Estimating snow depth over Arctic sea ice from calibrated dual-frequency radar freeboards (open access)
Sea level interannual variability along the west coast of India
Coastal Sea level rise around the China Seas
Runoff from glacier ice and seasonal snow in High Asia: separating melt water sources in river flow (open access)
GNSS-derived PWV and comparison with radiosonde and ECMWF ERA-Interim data over mainland China
Atmospheric and oceanic circulation
Regional Changes in the Mean Position and Variability of the Tropical Edge
The Role of Hadley Circulation and Lapse-Rate Changes for the Future European Summer Climate
Carbon and nitrogen cycles
Contribution of soil inorganic carbon to atmospheric CO2: More important than previously thought (open access)
Uncertainty in United States coastal wetland greenhouse gas inventorying (open access)
Magnitude, pattern and controls of carbon flux and carbon use efficiency in China's typical forests
The Influence of Interannual Climate Variability on Regional Violent Crime Rates in the United States (open access)
Societal causes of, and responses to, ocean acidification (open access)
Economic and biophysical impacts on agriculture under 1.5 °C and 2 °C warming (open access)
Analysis of wheat farmers’ risk perceptions and attitudes: evidence from Punjab, Pakistan
Ricardian analysis of climate change–agriculture linkages in Pakistan
Environmental change, adaptation strategies and the relevance of migration in Sub-Saharan drylands (open access)
Demographic variation and change in the Inuit Arctic (open access)
Pinatubo volcanic eruption exacerbated an abrupt coral mortality event in 1991 summer
Impact of carbonate saturation on large Caribbean benthic foraminifera assemblages (open access)
Limiting the high impacts of Amazon forest dieback with no-regrets science and policy action
Reduced carbon use efficiency and increased microbial turnover with soil warming
Effects of climate and demography on reproductive phenology of a harvested marine fish population (open access)
Climatically controlled reproduction drives interannual growth variability in a temperate tree species (open access)
Northward expanding resident species benefit from warming winters through increased foraging rates and predator vigilance (open access)
Is oxygen limitation in warming waters a valid mechanism to explain decreased body sizes in aquatic ectotherms? (open access)
Climate change communication
Utilizing the Dynamic Role of Objects to Enhance Cross-Cultural Climate Change Collaborations
Climate Policy
Why the social cost of carbon will always be disputed (open access)
The Paris Agreement and climate change negotiations: Small Islands, big players
Climate, air quality, and health benefits of a carbon fee-and-rebate bill in Massachusetts, USA (open access)
Health co-benefits and the development of climate change mitigation policies in the European Union
Energy production
Is it the end of the line for Light Water Reactor technology or can China and Russia save the day?
Governing energy transitions and regional economic development: Evidence from three Brazilian states
Does transmission unbundling increase wind power generation in the United States?
Emission savings
Can constitutions bring about revolutions? How to enhance decarbonization success
The onset and rate of Holocene Neoglacial cooling in the Arctic
Solar activities and climate change during the last millennium recorded in Korean chronicles
Other environmental issues
Substantial changes in air pollution across China during 2015–2017 (open access)
Posted by Ari Jokimäki on Friday, 23 November, 2018
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