A selection of new climate related research articles is shown below.
Historical Analysis of U.S. Tornado Fatalities (1808-2017): Population, Science and Technology (open access)
Climate Change and Psychology: Effects of Rapid Global Warming on Violence and Aggression
Climate, conflict and forced migration (open access)
The Nexus of Climate Change, Land Use, and Conflicts (open access)
Assessment of climate change impacts on buildings, structures and infrastructure in the Russian regions on permafrost (open access)
Prediction of annual dengue incidence by hydro-climatic extremes for southern Taiwan
Differences in the impact of heat waves according to urban and peri-urban factors in Madrid
Spatial Patterns of Crop Yield Change by Emitted Pollutant (open access)
Improving rice development and phenology prediction across contrasting climate zones of China
Adoption of potato varieties and their role for climate change adaptation in India (open access)
Can the development of drought tolerant ideotype sustain Australian chickpea yield? (open access)
When will current climate extremes affecting maize production become the norm? (open access)
Diagnosing the weather and climate features that influence pasture growth in Northern Australia (open access)
Climate extremes and agricultural commodity markets: A global economic analysis of regionally simulated events (open access)
Community-based adaptation to climate change in small island developing states: an analysis of the role of social capital (open access)
‘My new routine’: Assessing the impact of citizen science on climate adaptation in Bangladesh
Global patterns of terrestriality in amphibian reproduction
Responses of an endangered brown bear population to climate change based on predictable food resource and shelter alterations (open access)
Migrating birds avoid flying through fog and low clouds
The impacts of warming on the toxicity of carbon nanotubes in mussels
Forest drought resistance at large geographic scales
Climate change and tree harvest interact to affect future tree species distribution changes
Multiscale climate change impacts on plant diversity in the Atacama Desert
Agent-based modelling of wind damage processes and patterns in forests
Drought alters the trophic role of an opportunistic generalist in an aquatic ecosystem
Rangeland vulnerability to state transition under global climate change
Physiological and biochemical responses of Emiliania huxleyi to ocean acidification and warming are modulated by UV radiation (open access)
Variation in brachiopod microstructure and isotope geochemistry under low-pH–ocean acidification conditions (open access)
Other impacts
Open fires in Greenland in summer 2017: transport, deposition and radiative effects of BC, OC and BrC emissions (open access)
Climate change communication
Personalized risk messaging can reduce climate concerns
Bringing climate scientist’s tools into classrooms to improve conceptual understandings
Cognitive biases about climate variability in smallholder farming systems in Zambia (open access)
Evaluation of a template for countering misinformation—Real-world Autism treatment myth debunking (open access)
Climate Policy
Energy production
Framing the picture of energy consumption in China
Measurement of effective energy consumption in China's rural household sector and policy implication
Emission savings
Socio-technical scenarios for energy-intensive industries: the future of steel production in Germany
What causes deforestation in Indonesia? (open access)
Temperature, precipitation, wind
Model derived uncertainties in deep ocean temperature trends between 1990?2010
A link of China warming hiatus with the winter sea ice loss in Barents–Kara Seas
Changes in agro-climatic indices related to temperature in Central Chile
Changes in intense rainfall events and dry periods across Africa in the twenty-first century
Future precipitation extremes over India from the CORDEX-South Asia experiments
Climate change suppresses Santa Ana winds of Southern California and sharpens their seasonality (open access)
Multi-model seasonal forecasts for the wind energy sector
Extreme events
Northeast Atlantic Storm Activity and its Uncertainty from the late 19th to the 21st Century (open access)
Persistent Hydrological Consequences of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
A three-dimensional numerical simulation approach to assess typhoon hazards in China coastal regions
Growing spatial scales of synchronous river flooding in Europe
Forcings and feedbacks
Change detection of bare-ice albedo in the Swiss Alps (open access)
Accuracy of current Arctic springtime water vapour estimates, assessed by Raman lidar
Total cloud cover climatology over the United Arab Emirates (open access)
Global glacier volume projections under high-end climate change scenarios (open access)
Resolving seasonal ice velocity of 45 Greenlandic glaciers with very high temporal details
Past and Projected Freezing/Thawing Indices in the Northern Hemisphere (open access)
Rock glaciers as a water resource in a changing climate in the semiarid Chilean Andes
Global water availability under high-end climate change: A vulnerability based assessment
First Evidence of Anoxia and Nitrogen Loss in the Southern Canary Upwelling System
Atmospheric and oceanic circulation
Mechanisms and Impacts of a Partial AMOC Recovery Under Enhanced Freshwater Forcing
Investigating the feedbacks between CO2, vegetation and the AMOC in a coupled climate model (open access)
Carbon and nitrogen cycles
Linkage between tropical terrestrial carbon cycle and precipitation: The two anomalous years of 1979 and 1996 (open access)
Methane budget estimates in Finland from the CarbonTracker Europe-CH4 data assimilation system (open access)
Deep?sea oxygen depletion and ocean carbon sequestration during the last ice age
Posted by Ari Jokimäki on Friday, 8 February, 2019
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