Skeptical Science New Research for Week #37, 2019

63 articles with 10 freely available as open access
Pitch in!
In the abstract for Unlocking pre-1850 instrumental meteorological records: A global inventory (an open access article), Stefan Brönnimann tells us:
Instrumental meteorological measurements from periods prior to the start of national weather services are designated “early instrumental data”. They have played an important role in climate research as they allow daily-to-decadal variability and changes of temperature, pressure, and precipitation, including extremes, to be addressed. Early instrumental data can also help place 21st century climatic changes into a historical context such as to define pre-industrial climate and its variability. Until recently, the focus was on long, high-quality series, while the large number of shorter series (which together also cover long periods) received little to no attention. The shift in climate and climate impact research from mean climate characteristics towards weather variability and extremes, as well as the success of historical reanalyses which make use of short series, generates a need for locating and exploring further early instrumental measurements. However, information on early instrumental series has never been electronically compiled on a global scale. Here we attempt a worldwide compilation of metadata on early instrumental meteorological records prior to 1850 (1890 for Africa and the Arctic). Our global inventory comprises information on several thousand records, about half of which have not yet been digitized (not even as monthly means), and only approximately 20% of which have made it to global repositories.
Having an inventory in hand, the next logical step is to render these records into a format suitable for computational input. There are ongoing efforts to do this— projects to which all of us may contribute help. For more information and leads to ongoing conversions, visit the ACRE website. The "citizen scientists" approach has proven very successful; in a brief period of time some 3,272 volunteers made thousands of old meteorological observations from the UK available as input to various weather and climate research avenues. Collections in the inventory described by Brönnimann will doubtless become grist for the mill of citizen volunteers.
"Let them eat lobster thermidor"
With yet another week's articles ranging from "concerning" to "dismal," adolescent lobsters finding an expanded habitat in certain areas thanks to a changing climate seem a welcome relief. Unfortunately, close reading of Goode et al's The brighter side of climate change: How local oceanography amplified a lobster boom in the Gulf of Maine reveals that generally warming waters on the larger scale are the reason for otherwise less suitable lobster habitat improving so as to produce a burgeoning boon of deliciousness. As is the case with setting one's house on fire and basking in warmth on a cold winter's evening, local and ephemeral effects are likely not worth the ultimate cost.
Physical science of anthropogenic global warming
Connecting AMOC changes
Indian Ocean warming can strengthen the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation
Quantifying the importance of interannual, interdecadal and multidecadal climate natural variabilities in the modulation of global warming rates
Emergent Constraints on Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks (open access)
Observation of global warming and global warming effects
More hots: Quantifying upward trends in the number of extremely hot days and nights in Tallahassee, Florida, USA: 1892–2018
Changes in mean flow and atmospheric wave activity in the North Atlantic sector
Physical retrieval of sea-surface temperature from INSAT-3D imager observations (open access)
An interdecadal shift of the extratropical teleconnection from the tropical Pacific during boreal summer
Trends in Compound Flooding in Northwestern Europe during 1901–2014
Large Decadal Changes in Air?Sea CO2 Fluxes in the Caribbean Sea
Hot Summers in the Northern Hemisphere
Nineteenth?century Tides in the Gulf of Maine and Implications for Secular Trends
Upper ocean distribution of glacial meltwater in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
Climate, irrigation, and land?cover change explain streamflow trends in countries bordering the Northeast Atlantic
Significant increases in extreme precipitation and the associations with global warming over the global land monsoon regions
Observed Changes in Extreme Temperature over the Global Land Based on a Newly Developed Station Daily Dataset
Influence of Track Changes on the Poleward Shift of LMI Location of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones
Unlocking pre-1850 instrumental meteorological records: A global inventory (open access)
Saharan air intrusions as a relevant mechanism for Iberian heatwaves: The record breaking events of August 2018 and June 2019
Contribution of extreme daily precipitation to total rainfall over the Arabian Peninsula
Innovative trend analysis of annual and seasonal rainfall in the Yangtze River Delta, eastern China
Modeling global warming and global warming effects
Tidal responses to future sea level trends on the Yellow Sea shelf
Northern Hemisphere atmospheric stilling accelerates lake thermal responses to a warming world
Quantifying the cloud particle?size feedback in an Earth system model
Understanding Monsoonal Water Cycle Changes in a Warmer Climate in E3SMv1 Using a Normalized Gross Moist Stability Framework
Projected changes in the probability distributions, seasonality, and spatiotemporal scaling of daily and sub?daily extreme precipitation simulated by a 50?member ensemble over northeastern North America
Deglacial abrupt climate changes: not simply a freshwater problem (open access)
Assessment of the changes in precipitation and temperature in Teesta River basin in Indian Himalayan Region under climate change
Impact of internal variability on climate change for the upcoming decades: analysis of the CanESM2-LE and CESM-LE large ensembles (open access)
A bias-corrected projection for the changes in East Asian summer monsoon rainfall under global warming
Streamflow response to climate change in the Greater Horn of Africa (open access)
Intensified hydroclimatic regime in Korean basins under 1.5 and 2 °C global warming
Humans dealing with our warming of the planet
Importance of framing for extreme event attribution: the role of spatial and temporal scales (open access)
Assessing the maturity of China’s seven carbon trading pilots
Cross-sectoral and trans-national interactions in national-scale climate change impacts assessment—the case of the Czech Republic (open access)
Adaptive capacity in urban areas of developing countries
An intra-household analysis of farmers’ perceptions of and adaptation to climate change impacts: empirical evidence from drought prone zones of Bangladesh
The road traveled and pathways forward: A review of Loss and Damage from Climate Change: Concepts, Methods and Policy Options
Spatiotemporal changes of rice phenology in China under climate change from 1981 to 2010
A policy mixes approach to conceptualizing and measuring climate change adaptation policy
The brighter side of climate change: How local oceanography amplified a lobster boom in the Gulf of Maine
The acclimation of leaf photosynthesis of wheat and rice to seasonal temperature changes in T?FACE environments
Post?truth and anthropogenic climate change: Asking the right questions
Fairness conceptions and self-determined mitigation ambition under the Paris Agreement: Is there a relationship?
Historical development of climate change policies and the Climate Change Secretariat in Sri Lanka
A global decarbonisation bond (open access)
Climate change adaptation in coastal cities of developing countries: characterizing types of vulnerability and adaptation options
The potential impacts of Emissions Trading Scheme and biofuel options to carbon emissions of U.S. airlines
Regional carbon policies in an interconnected power system: How expanded coverage could exacerbate emission leakage
Examining concern about climate change and local environmental changes from an ecosystem service perspective in the Western U.S
Implementation solutions for greenhouse gas mitigation measures in livestock agriculture: A framework for coherent strategy
Projected declines in global DHA availability for human consumption as a result of global warming (open access)
Building political support for carbon pricing—Lessons from cap-and-trade policies
Cities and greenhouse gas reduction: Policy makers or policy takers?
Biology and global warming
A review of environmental droughts: Increased risk under global warming?
Climate change alters elevational phenology patterns of the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus)
Global warming promotes biological invasion of a honey bee pest
Flexibility in a changing arctic food web: Can rough?legged buzzards cope with changing small rodent communities?
Effects of climate warming on Sphagnum photosynthesis in peatlands depend on peat moisture and species?specific anatomical traits
Trait structure and redundancy determine sensitivity to disturbance in marine fish communities
Temporal and spatial trends in marine carbon isotopes in the Arctic Ocean and implications for food web studies
Testing for changes in biomass dynamics in large?scale forest datasets
Future projections of record-breaking sea surface temperature and cyanobacteria bloom events in the Baltic Sea
Please let us know if you're aware of an article you think may be of interest for Skeptical Science research news, or if we've missed something that may be important. Send your input to Skeptical Science via our contact form.
The previous edition of Skeptical Science new research may be found here.
Posted by Doug Bostrom on Tuesday, 17 September, 2019