Most of us know the drill for our role as airline passengers. By briefings and inspection, cabin crew give us quick instructions on matters of physics and then make sure our lesson has sunk home, by making sure our safety belts are fastened. Disagreement on and refusal of our applied physics lessons are not options. Buckle up, or stay home. It's that simple. Why would it be otherwise? Physics follows its own rules, not ours; E ∝ mv2 and the destruction that comes from that are not personal matters.
For quite a while now, learning about other physics related to airline travel typically happens long before we walk a jetway and enter an aircraft cabin. One would have to be flightless and living beneath a rock to have avoided learning about the annoyingly, inconveniently large CO2 footprint we create as commercial aviation customers and consumers. As with the more direct physics of staying strapped into our chairs in the event of problems, most of us agree with or at least defer to the science of aviation being a climate threat; reasonable people understand that our personal choice to "fly" comes with a physics pricetag expressed in warming of the planet.
Unlike our sensible respect for the physics underpinnings of safety belts, what we perfectly well know as a rational matter about our impact on climate as armchair aviators isn't translating into conscientious behavior when it comes to flying. In Willingness-to-pay for carbon dioxide offsets: Field evidence on revealed preferences in the aviation industry Sebastian Berger et al. meticulously employ a set of 62,000+ real-world airline ticket purchases and assess what ticket purchasers are willing to pay for CO2 offsets. In the real world today, the authors crisply show that "median willingness-to-pay to voluntarily offset a ton of carbon dioxide from flight-related emissions is zero, with the mean willingness-to-pay being around 1 EUR."
This is a finding that might surprise even a diehard cynic, or ignite cynicism in an otherwise sunny disposition. Assuming that arguments over the efficacy of offsets are a bit too esoteric to be a large factor in decisions at this retail level, an essentially complete lack of cooperation is puzzling. It's tempting to cast harsh judgements on air travelers, in the face of such seeming complacency. The statistical outcome encompasses large numbers of individual people quite able and even eager to entertain discussions about climate change and how personal choices affect climate, including choices about traveling by aircraft.
Leaving aside all questions about the fundamental premise of offsets and aviation, here's a chance to learn more about ourselves. Perhaps we're not looking at a fundamentally sad and depressing fact of human nature. Maybe these numbers can be improved. More data might be helpful toward resolving our true qualities.
Berger et al. is distinguished and a distinct advancement in understanding through its reliance on empirical data produced by actual ticket purchases. As opposed to asking abstract hypotheticals, in the case of buying a real ticket a concrete method to incorporate offsets becomes involved. The process of exposure to offset options is well described in the paper. To the purchaser it's not necessarily obvious that offsets are important or even (with inattention) available, hence there is no solidly certain cue to memory and no overt nudge to be conscientious included in the purchase process. Offset is an ancillary bolt-on along with other optional features of the flight in question.
Perhaps we're seeing here a communications failure in the airline ticketing process; Given what Berger and this team of authors have found, it would be very interesting to see the effect of a) making offset choice an unavoidable decision point in the purchase process and b) making the choice to opt out of a precalculated offset necessary in order to make the "wrong" decision. In the latter implementation, perhaps it's the case that cognitive discomfort caused by actively choosing "wrong" would have a powerful effect. it may be necessary or at least better to engineer a collision between a purchaser and thinking about knock-on effects of travel, provide a blatant nudge fully intimate to the moment of purchase.
Globally elevated chemical weathering rates beneath glaciers is yet another paper revealing a more subtle effect of warming, and the amazing ultimate reach of "just a trace gas."
Living with sea-level rise in North-West Europe: science-policy challenges across scales is by its nature a good foothold on what the future portends for much of Europe.
Outside the Safe Operating Space of the Planetary Boundary for Novel Entities. What's on the label is what's in the tin. The authors argue that we're in a situation of runaway technology exceeding safe planetary limits.
Hydrogen’s Hidden Emissions. Shell’s misleading climate claims for its Canadian fossil hydrogen project. Fossil fuels with a simpler molecule and another name? Read to find out.
All of the above are open acces and free to read.
Observations of climate change, effects
Siberian taiga and tundra fire regimes from 2001–2020
Talucci et al. Environmental Research Letters
Open Access 10.1088/1748-9326/ac3f07
Changes of Southern Hemisphere westerlies in the future warming climate
Deng et al. Atmospheric Research
Earlier snowmelt predominates advanced spring vegetation greenup in Alaska
Zheng et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Active fires show an increasing elevation trend in the tropical highlands
Xiao et al. Global Change Biology
The changing extreme values of summer relative humidity in the Tarim Basin in northwestern China
Nian et al. Climate Dynamics
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s00382-021-06110-2
Atlantic Water inflow through the Yermak Pass Branch: Evolution since 2007
Artana et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
(provisional link) Tibetan Plateau temperature extreme changes and their elevation dependency from ground-based observations
Decreases in mean annual streamflow and interannual streamflow variability across snow-affected catchments under a warming climate
Liu et al. Geophysical Research Letters
Increasing Winter Ocean-to-Ice Heat Flux in the Beaufort Gyre Region, Arctic Ocean Over 2006–2018
Zhong et al. Geophysical Research Letters
Open Access pdf 10.1029/2021gl096216
Globally elevated chemical weathering rates beneath glaciers
Li et al. Nature Communications
Open Access pdf 10.1038/s41467-022-28032-1
The shift in temperature zone boundaries in China based on the changes of the climate growing season in the Qinling Mountains from 1964 to 2015
Deng et al. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Trends in air mass frequencies across Europe
Petrou et al. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Cold air outbreaks in Fram Strait: climatology, trends, and observations during an extreme season in 2020
Dahlke et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Open Access pdf 10.1029/2021jd035741
Changes in Great Plains low-level jet structure and associated precipitation over the twentieth century
Ferguson Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Trends in seasonal and monthly rainfall for semi-arid Merguellil basin, central Tunisia
Chargui et al. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
Characterizing temporal trends of meteorological extremes in Southern and Central Ontario, Canada
Shah et al. Weather and Climate Extremes
Open Access 10.1016/j.wace.2022.100411
Instrumentation & observational methods of climate change, contributors, effects
KrigR—a tool for downloading and statistically downscaling climate reanalysis data
Kusch & Davy Environmental Research Letters
Open Access 10.1088/1748-9326/ac48b3
A global coral-bleaching database, 1980–2020
van Woesik & Kratochwill Scientific Data
Open Access pdf 10.1038/s41597-022-01121-y
A dynamical adjustment perspective on extreme event attribution
Open Access pdf 10.5194/wcd-2021-40
Modeling, simulation & projection of climate change, effects
Assessment and projection of elevation-dependent warming over the Tibetan Plateau by CMIP6 models
Zhu & Fan Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Projections of indices of daily temperature and precipitation based on bias-adjusted CORDEX-Africa regional climate model simulations
Dosio et al. Climatic Change
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s10584-022-03307-0
Extreme wind-wave climate projections for the Indian Ocean under changing climate scenarios
Krishnan et al. Climate Dynamics
Future change in extreme precipitation in East Asian spring and Mei-yu seasons in two high-resolution AGCMs
Chen et al. Weather and Climate Extremes
Open Access 10.1016/j.wace.2022.100408
Climate-driven Mediterranean fire hazard assessments for 2020–2100 on the light of past millennial variability
Lestienne et al. Climatic Change
(provisional link) Increasing future precipitation in the southwestern US in the summer and its contrasting mechanism with decreasing precipitation in the spring
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Hamadalnel et al. Atmospheric Research
Climate change projections for Greece in the 21st century from high-resolution EURO-CORDEX RCM simulations
Georgoulias et al. Atmospheric Research
Stratification constrains future heat and carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean between 30°S and 55°S
Bourgeois et al. Nature Communications
Open Access pdf 10.1038/s41467-022-27979-5
Climate change impact on extreme precipitation and peak flood magnitude and frequency: observations from CMIP6 and hydrological models
Meresa et al. Natural Hazards
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s11069-021-05152-3
Advancement of climate & climate effects modeling, simulation & projection GCMA
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Junquas et al. Climate Dynamics
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Lee et al. Climate Dynamics
Open Access 10.1007/s00382-021-06107-x
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Cheung et al. Climate Dynamics
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s00382-022-06136-0
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Fasullo et al. Geophysical Research Letters
Impacts of the Unforced Pattern Effect on the Cloud Feedback in CERES Observations and Climate Models
Chao et al. Geophysical Research Letters
Evaluating the nature and extent of changes to climate sensitivity between FGOALS-g2 and FGOALS-g3
Wang et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Open Access 10.1029/2021jd035852
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Rogers et al. Climate Dynamics
Open Access 10.1007/s00382-021-06114-y
(provisional link) AMS workshop report:Convection-Permitting Models for Climate Research
Dynamics of ENSO Phase-locking and Its Biases in Climate Models
Chen & Jin Geophysical Research Letters
A piecewise integration approach for model error-induced biases of greenhouse gas contribution to global warming
Li et al. Climate Dynamics
Open Access 10.1007/s00382-021-06089-w
Cryosphere & climate change
Nonlinear sensitivity of glacier mass balance to future climate change unveiled by deep learning
Bolibar et al. Nature Communications
Open Access pdf 10.1038/s41467-022-28033-0
North Atlantic cooling is slowing down mass loss of Icelandic glaciers
Noël et al. Geophysical Research Letters
Open Access pdf 10.1029/2021gl095697
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Melnikov et al. Natural Hazards
Sea level & climate change
Modelling present and future climate in the Mediterranean Sea: a focus on sea-level change
Sannino et al. Climate Dynamics
Open Access 10.1007/s00382-021-06132-w
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van den Hurk et al. Climate Risk Management
Open Access 10.1016/j.crm.2022.100403
(provisional link) Tropical peatlands in the anthropocene: lessons from the past
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Kapsch et al. Geophysical Research Letters
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Wu et al. Climate Dynamics
Vegetation response to rapid climate change during the Lateglacial–Early Holocene transition at Gola di Lago, southern Switzerland
Höhn et al. Boreas
Open Access pdf 10.1111/bor.12578
Southeastern United States hydroclimate during Holocene abrupt climate events: evidence from new stalagmite isotopic records from Alabama
Medina?Elizalde et al. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Biology & climate change
Earlier snowmelt predominates advanced spring vegetation greenup in Alaska
Zheng et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Sea ice extent and phenology influence breeding of high-Arctic seabirds: 4 decades of monitoring in Nunavut, Canada
Gutowsky et al. Oecologia
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Restrepo et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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Feng et al. Global Change Biology
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Lindmark et al.
Open Access pdf 10.1101/2021.01.21.427580
Climate Sensitivity and Ecoclimate Sensitivity: Theory, Usage, and Past Implications for the Future Biospheric Responses
Williams et al. Current Climate Change Reports
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Centeno-Alvarado et al. Regional Environmental Change
A background-free phenology index for improved monitoring of vegetation phenology
Xie et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Altitudinal difference of growth-climate response models in the north subtropical forests of China
Zhang et al. Dendrochronologia
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Saunders et al. Global Change Biology
Global divergent trends of algal blooms detected by satellite during 1982–2018
Fang et al. Global Change Biology
Effect of climate change on potential distribution of oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.) in the twenty-first century in Turkey
AYAN et al. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
A global coral-bleaching database, 1980–2020
van Woesik & Kratochwill Scientific Data
Open Access pdf 10.1038/s41597-022-01121-y
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Xu et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Local adaptation in a marine foundation species: Implications for resilience to future global change
DuBois et al. Global Change Biology
(provisional link) Temperature-precipitation background affects spatial heterogeneity of spring phenology responses to climate change in northern grasslands (30°N-55°N)
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Fattah & Morshed Theoretical and Applied Climatology
One hundred-seventy years of stressors erode salmon fishery climate resilience in California’s warming landscape
Munsch et al. Global Change Biology
GHG sources & sinks, flux, related geochemistry
Is the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis valid? A global analysis for carbon dioxide emissions
Kaya Kanl? & Küçükefe Environment, Development and Sustainability
Asymmetric Response of the Biological Carbon Pump to the ENSO in the South China Sea
Li et al. Geophysical Research Letters
Open Access pdf 10.1029/2021gl095254
The role of terrestrial productivity and hydrology in regulating aquatic dissolved organic carbon concentrations in boreal catchments
Zhu et al. Global Change Biology
Validation of in situ and remote sensing-derived methane refinery emissions in a complex wind environment and chemical implications
Leifer et al. Atmospheric Environment
Compound hydroclimatic extremes in a semi-arid grassland: Drought, deluge, and the carbon cycle
Hoover et al. Global Change Biology
Quantifying net carbon fixation by Tibetan alpine ecosystems should consider multiple anthropogenic activities
Ma & Zuo Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Open Access 10.1073/pnas.2115676119
CO2 capture, sequestration science & engineering
Altitudinal difference of growth-climate response models in the north subtropical forests of China
Zhang et al. Dendrochronologia
High potential of stable carbon sequestration in phytoliths of China’s grasslands
Song et al. Global Change Biology
Existing land uses constrain climate change mitigation potential of forest restoration in India
Gopalakrishna et al. Conservation Letters
Open Access pdf 10.1111/conl.12867
Decarbonization strategies for Switzerland considering embedded greenhouse gas emissions in electricity imports
Rüdisüli et al. Energy Policy
Open Access 10.1016/j.enpol.2022.112794
Techno-economic assessment of increasing the renewable energy supply in the Canary Islands: The case of Tenerife and Gran Canaria
Qiblawey et al. Energy Policy
Open Access 10.1016/j.enpol.2022.112791
Future emissions of particles and gases that cause regional air pollution in California under different greenhouse gas mitigation strategies
Li et al. Atmospheric Environment
Conflicted transitions: Exploring the actors, tactics, and outcomes of social opposition against energy infrastructure
Sovacool et al. Global Environmental Change
Open Access 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2022.102473
Analysis of Some Major Limitations of Analytical Top-Down Wind-Farm Models
Emeis Boundary
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s10546-021-00684-4
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Zhang et al. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
The aluminium demand risk of terawatt photovoltaics for net zero emissions by 2050
Lennon et al. Nature Sustainability
Open Access pdf 10.1038/s41893-021-00838-9
Geoengineering climate
Opinion: To assess marine cloud brightening's technical feasibility, we need to know what to study—and when to stop
Diamond et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Open Access pdf 10.1073/pnas.2118379119
Long-term trends in Aerosol Optical Depth obtained across the globe using multi-satellite measurements
Gupta et al. Atmospheric Environment
The deep blue day is decreasing in China
Wang et al. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s00704-021-03898-1
Climate change communications & cognition
Willingness-to-pay for carbon dioxide offsets: Field evidence on revealed preferences in the aviation industry
Berger et al. Global Environmental Change
Open Access 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2022.102470
Great expectations: Public opinion about energy transition
Thomas et al. Energy Policy
Open Access 10.1016/j.enpol.2022.112777
Culture and identity in climate policy
Patterson WIREs Climate Change
Open Access pdf 10.1002/wcc.765
Users’ Cognitive Load: A Key Aspect to Successfully Communicate Visual Climate Information
Calvo et al. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Open Access pdf 10.1175/bams-d-20-0166.1
Community perceptions of climate change and ecosystem-based adaptation in the mangrove ecosystem of the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania
Nyangoko et al. Climate and Development
Open Access pdf 10.1080/17565529.2021.2022449
Stories of intentional action mobilise climate policy support and action intentions
Sabherwal & Shreedhar Scientific Reports
Open Access pdf 10.1038/s41598-021-04392-4
Adolescents’ Representations of Climate Change: Exploring the Self-other Thema in a Focus Group Study
Lee & Barnett Environmental Communication
Opposing effects of Spirituality and Religious Fundamentalism on environmental attitudes
Preston & Shin Journal of Environmental Psychology
Conflicted transitions: Exploring the actors, tactics, and outcomes of social opposition against energy infrastructure
Sovacool et al. Global Environmental Change
Open Access 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2022.102473
Limited evidence that carbon tax rebates have increased public support for carbon pricing
Mildenberger et al. Nature Climate Change
Open Access pdf 10.1038/s41558-021-01270-9
Agronomy, animal husbundry, food production & climate change
Costs and effectiveness of climate change adaptation in agriculture: a systematic review from the NENA region
El Chami et al. Climate Policy
Assessment of agricultural emissions, climate change mitigation and adaptation practices in Ethiopia
Feliciano et al. Climate Policy
Open Access pdf 10.1080/14693062.2022.2028597
Timing and magnitude of climate-driven range shifts in transboundary fish stocks challenge their management
Palacios-Abrantes et al.
Open Access pdf 10.1101/2021.08.26.456854
Climate change in the temperature and precipitation at two contrasting sites of the Argentinean wheat region
Basile et al.
Open Access pdf 10.21203/
Environmental determination of spring wheat yield in a climatic transition zone under global warming
Zhao et al. International Journal of Biometeorology
Deforestation-free land-use change and organic matter-centered management improve the C footprint of oil palm expansion
Quezada et al. Global Change Biology
Open Access pdf 10.1111/gcb.16069
Impact of temperature on agricultural drought occurrence under the effects of climate change
Bouabdelli et al. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Heterogeneous impacts of climate change on crop yields across altitudes in Ethiopia
Ginbo Climatic Change
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s10584-022-03306-1
Integrating climate-smart agri-innovative technology adoption and agribusiness management skills to improve the livelihoods of smallholder female cocoa farmers in Ghana
Yamoah & Kaba Climate and Development
Potential greenhouse gas emissions mitigation through increased grazing pressure: a case study in North Portugal
Ameray et al. Carbon Management
Open Access pdf 10.1080/17583004.2022.2029575
Risk and reward of the global truffle sector under predicted climate change
Cejka et al. Environmental Research Letters
Open Access 10.1088/1748-9326/ac47c4
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Eco-Performance at Farm Level: A Parametric Approach
Stetter & Sauer Environmental and Resource Economics
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s10640-021-00642-1
Crop calendar optimization for climate change adaptation in rice-based multiple cropping systems of India and Bangladesh
Wang et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
The effect of temperature on grapevine phenological intervals: Sensitivity of budburst to flowering
Cameron et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Climate and agronomy, not genetics, underpin recent maize yield gains in favorable environments
Rizzo et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Open Access pdf 10.1073/pnas.2113629119
Contributions of climate change to cereal yields in Tibet, 1993–2017
Ding & Shi Journal of Geographical Sciences
Climate change could reduce and spatially reconfigure cocoa cultivation in the Brazilian Amazon by 2050
Igawa et al. PLOS ONE
Open Access 10.1371/journal.pone.0262729
Hydrology & climate change
Quantification of impacts between 1.5 and 4 °C of global warming on flooding risks in six countries
He et al. Climatic Change
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s10584-021-03289-5
Simulation and assessment of projected climate change impacts on urban flood events: insights from flooding characteristic metrics
Hou et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Future urban heat island influence on precipitation
Steensen et al. Climate Dynamics
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s00382-021-06105-z
Trends in drought occurrence and severity at mid-latitude European stations (1951–2015) estimated using standardized precipitation (SPI) and precipitation and evapotranspiration (SPEI) indices
Dukat et al. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s00703-022-00858-w
Decreases in mean annual streamflow and interannual streamflow variability across snow-affected catchments under a warming climate
Liu et al. Geophysical Research Letters
Global climate-driven trade-offs between the water retention and cooling benefits of urban greening
Cuthbert et al.
Open Access pdf 10.31223/x5k02f
The analysis of summer 2020 urban flood in Zagreb (Croatia) from hydro-meteorological point of view
Nimac et al. Natural Hazards
Climate change impact on extreme precipitation and peak flood magnitude and frequency: observations from CMIP6 and hydrological models
Meresa et al. Natural Hazards
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s11069-021-05152-3
Climate change economics
Regional trade agreement burdens global carbon emissions mitigation
Tian et al. Nature Communications
Open Access pdf 10.1038/s41467-022-28004-5
A harmonized country-level dataset to support the global stocktake regarding loss and damage from climate change
Scown et al. Geoscience Data Journal
Open Access pdf 10.1002/gdj3.147
National climate funds: a new dataset on national financing vehicles for climate change
Bhandary Climate Policy
Open Access pdf 10.1080/14693062.2022.2027223
Emission reduction cooperation in a dynamic supply chain with competitive retailers
Wang et al. Environment, Development and Sustainability
Do firms respond differently to the carbon pricing by industrial sector? How and why? A comparison between manufacturing and electricity generation sectors using firm-level panel data in Korea
Kim & Bae Energy Policy
Climate change mitigation public policy research
Impact of critical success factors and supportive leadership on sustainable success of renewable energy projects: Empirical evidence from Pakistan
Zaman et al. Energy Policy
How to promote sustainable adoption of residential distributed photovoltaic generation in China? An employment of incentive and punitive policies
Wang et al. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
Misinformation and Instant Access: Inconsistent Reporting during Extreme Climatic Events, Reflecting on Tropical Cyclone Idai
Weather, Climate, and Society
Stories of intentional action mobilise climate policy support and action intentions
Sabherwal & Shreedhar Scientific Reports
Open Access pdf 10.1038/s41598-021-04392-4
Is the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis valid? A global analysis for carbon dioxide emissions
Kaya Kanl? & Küçükefe Environment, Development and Sustainability
Carbon emissions reductions from Indonesia’s moratorium on forest concessions are cost-effective yet contribute little to Paris pledges
Groom et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Open Access pdf 10.1073/pnas.2102613119
Effect mechanism of Chinese-style decentralization on regional carbon emissions and policy improvement: evidence from China’s 12 urban agglomerations
Xu & Li Environment, Development and Sustainability
Climate change adaptation & adaptation public policy research
Living with sea-level rise in North-West Europe: science-policy challenges across scales
van den Hurk et al. Climate Risk Management
Open Access 10.1016/j.crm.2022.100403
Global climate-driven trade-offs between the water retention and cooling benefits of urban greening
Cuthbert et al.
Open Access pdf 10.31223/x5k02f
Increasing heat-stress inequality in a warming climate
Alizadeh et al. Earth's Future
Open Access pdf 10.1029/2021ef002488
Projections of Freshwater Use in the United States under Climate Change
Warziniack et al. Earth's Future
Open Access pdf 10.1029/2021ef002222
Power in resilience and resilience's power in climate change scholarship
Garcia et al. WIREs Climate Change
Open Access pdf 10.1002/wcc.762
Designing fit-for-context Climate Change Adaptation Tracking: Towards a Framework for Analyzing the Institutional Structures of Knowledge Production and Use
Lucy et al. Climate Risk Management
Open Access 10.1016/j.crm.2022.100401
Cross-border migration on a warming planet: A policy framework
Byravan & Rajan WIREs Climate Change
Towards effective stakeholder collaboration in building urban resilience in Phnom Penh: opportunities and obstacles
Nop et al. Environment, Development and Sustainability
Designing synergetic and sustainable policy mixes - a methodology to address conflictive environmental issues
Kosow et al. Environmental Science & Policy
Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change through residential urban green structures: co-benefits to thermal comfort, biodiversity, carbon storage and social interaction
Schmidt & Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz Walz
Open Access pdf 10.3897/oneeco.6.e65706.suppl1
(provisional link) From federal transfers and local investments to a potential convergence of COVID-19 and climate change: The case study of São Paulo city
Climate change impacts on human health
Increasing heat-stress inequality in a warming climate
Alizadeh et al. Earth's Future
Open Access pdf 10.1029/2021ef002488
Global water shortage and potable water safety; Today’s concern and tomorrow’s crisis
Salehi Environment International
Open Access 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106936
Climate change impacts on human culture
Impacts of climate change on organized sport: A scoping review
Orr et al. WIREs Climate Change
Open Access pdf 10.1002/wcc.760
Climate warming and permafrost thaw in the Russian Arctic: potential economic impacts on public infrastructure by 2050
Melnikov et al. Natural Hazards
Effects of ocean mesoscale eddies on atmosphere–sea ice–ocean interactions off Adélie Land, East Antarctica
Huot et al. Climate Dynamics
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s00382-021-06115-x
Attribution of observed recent decrease in low clouds over the northeastern Pacific to cloud-controlling factors
Andersen et al. Geophysical Research Letters
Open Access pdf 10.1029/2021gl096498
Extreme citizens science for climate justice: linking pixel to people for mapping gas flaring in Amazon rainforest
Facchinelli et al. Environmental Research Letters
Open Access 10.1088/1748-9326/ac40af
Patterns of atmospheric circulation in Western Europe linked to heavy rainfall in Germany: preliminary analysis into the 2021 heavy rainfall episode
Ibebuchi Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s00704-022-03945-5
Informed opinion, nudges & major initiatives
A joint climate and nature cure: A transformative change perspective
Rusch et al. Ambio
Open Access pdf 10.1007/s13280-021-01679-8
Transition from waste management to circular economy: the European Union roadmap
Chioatto & Sospiro Environment, Development and Sustainability
Opinion: To assess marine cloud brightening's technical feasibility, we need to know what to study—and when to stop
Diamond et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Open Access pdf 10.1073/pnas.2118379119
Willingness-to-pay for carbon dioxide offsets: Field evidence on revealed preferences in the aviation industry
Berger et al. Global Environmental Change
Open Access 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2022.102470
Outside the Safe Operating Space of the Planetary Boundary for Novel Entities
Persson et al. Environmental Science & Technology
Open Access 10.1021/acs.est.1c04158
Climate-Washing Litigation: Legal Liability for Misleading Climate Communications (pdf), Bhargava et al., The Climate Social Science Network
The contents of the research report enhance the legal community’s understanding of climate-related ‘greenwashing’ litigation. Greenwashing is unsubstantiated or misleading claims regarding an actor’s environmental performance. The authors analyze this type of litigation by examining key cases and developments, particularly cases and complaints brought against the largest emitters of greenhouse gases who are predominantly non-state actors.
2021 U.S. Geothermal Power Production and District Heating Market Report (pdf), Robins et al., National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The report provides policymakers, regulators, developers, researchers, engineers, financiers, and other stakeholders with up-to-date information and data reflecting the 2019 geothermal power production and district heating markets, technologies, and trends in the United States. The authors present analysis of the current state of the U.S. geothermal market and industry for both the power production and district heating sectors, with consideration of developing power projects. Geothermal heat pumps, although a key technology in the wider use of geothermal resources, are outside the scope of this report. In addition, the report evaluates the impact of state and federal policy, presents current research on geothermal development, and describes future opportunities for the U.S. geothermal market and industry.
Solar on Superstores. Big roofs, big potential for renewable energy (pdf), Huxley-Reicher et al., Frontier Group
The flat, open, sunny roofs of giant grocery stores, retail stores and shopping malls are perfect locations for solar panels. The United States has more than 100,000 big box retail stores, supercenters, large grocery stores and malls, with almost 7.2 billion cumulative square feet of rooftop space. The rooftops of America’s big box stores and shopping centers have the potential to generate 84.4 terawatt-hours (TWh) of solar electricity each year, equivalent to the amount of electricity that would power almost 8 million average U.S. homes, or more than 30,400 typical Walmart stores. California, Florida, Texas, Ohio and Illinois have the largest big box store solar generation potential. Generating the full 84.4 TWh of clean solar power potential from America’s superstores would reduce global warming pollution by more than 52 million metric tons of CO2 annually – equivalent to taking over 11.3 million passenger vehicles off the road. Big box stores and shopping centers could replace half of their annual electricity use by fully building out their rooftop solar potential. Producing electricity on rooftops, close to where the electricity will be used, reduces energy losses that happen during electricity transmission and distribution – losses that made up 6% of gross electricity generation in 2020.7 Solar power also makes the grid more resilient to outages and disruptions.
The State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
The objective of the state of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture report is to build awareness of the status of land and water resources, highlighting the risks, and informing on related opportunities and challenges. It also aims to underline the essential contribution of appropriate policies, institutions, and investments. Recent assessments, projections and scenarios point to the accelerated depletion of land and water resources and associated loss of biodiversity. The report highlights the major risks and trends related to land, soil and water resources, and presents the means for resolving competition among users and generating the desirable benefits. The report provides an update of the knowledge base and presents a suite of responses and actions to enable decision makers to make an informed transformation from degradation and vulnerability towards sustainability and resilience.
Hydrogen’s Hidden Emissions. Shell’s misleading climate claims for its Canadian fossil hydrogen project (pdf), Global Witness
Shell says the carbon capture system at its 'Quest' fossil hydrogen plant in Canada stopped five million tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere in less than five years. A Global Witness investigation found the hydrogen plant released a further 7.5 million tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere over the same period - emissions from the plant that Shell does not publicize. Only 48% of the carbon emissions produced at Shell's plant are being captured - far less than promised by the industry in general. When the plant's overall greenhouse gas emissions are factored in, such as methane pollution from the fossil gas supply chain, only 39% of its total emissions are captured.
Southern Company’s Troubled Vogtle Nuclear Project (pdf), Institute for Energy Economics and financial Analysis
Georgia Power Company, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, and the City of Dalton, Georgia, are the four owners of the two new reactors being built at the existing Plant Vogtle site.1 Originally estimated by the owners to cost slightly more than $14 billion and to be in service in April 2016 and April 2017, the total cost has more than doubled, climbing above $30 billion. The owners now estimate commercial operation will not begin until 2022 and 2023—more than six years behind schedule.
Distribution System Operator with Transactive (DSO+T) Study: Main Report (pdf), Reeve et al. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The study investigates the engineering and economic performance of a transactive energy retail market coordinating a high penetration of customer-side flexible energy assets. The study seeks to answer whether such an implementation is cost effective for customers, recovers sufficient revenue for Distribution System Operators, and is equally applicable and beneficial to a range of flexible asset types, renewable generation scenarios, and market assumptions. Using a highly interdisciplinary co-simulation and valuation framework, this assessment encompasses the entire electrical delivery system from bulk system generation and transmission, through the distribution system, to the modeling of individual customer buildings and flexible assets (including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units, water heaters, batteries, and electric vehicles). The study exercises a transactive energy retail market coordination scheme designed to integrate with an existing day-ahead and real-time competitive wholesale electricity market. Software decision-making agents are designed for the retail market operator as well as various price-responsive flexible assets.
(Also see DSO+T: Integrated System Simulation DSO+T Study: Volume 2; DSO+T: Transactive Energy Coordination Framework DSO+T Study: Volume 3; DSO+T: Valuation Methodology and Economic Metrics DSO+T Study: Volume 4)
Confronting the Wildfire Crisis. A Strategy for Protecting Communities and Improving Resilience in America’s Forests (pdf), U.S. Forest Service
Under the strategy, the Forest Service will work with partners to engineer a paradigm shift by focusing fuels and forest health treatments more strategically and at the scale of the problem, using the best available science as the guide. The Forest Service, has the science and tools to size and place treatments in a way that will truly make a difference. The strategy’s focus is on key “firesheds”—large, forested landscapes and rangelands with a high likelihood that an ignition could expose homes, communities, and infrastructure to wildfire. Firesheds, typically are about 250,000 acres in size and are mapped to match the scale of community exposure to wildfire. Under this 10-year strategy, the Forest Service will work with partners to treat up to an additional 20 million acres on National Forest System lands; treat up to an additional 30 million acres of other Federal, State, Tribal, and private lands; and develop a plan for long term maintenance beyond the 10 years.
Confronting the Wildfire Crisis. A 10-Year Implementation Plan (pdf), U.S. Forest Service
The implementation plan builds on a national strategy for confronting the wildfire crisis facing the Nation. The implementation plan focuses on changing the trajectory of risk by identifying the right locations and tools for fuels and forest health treatments that are science-based and equitable; developing needed workforce capacity and investing in the enabling conditions required for success; working with partners across jurisdictions to develop and implement projects that are landscape scale, outcome-driven, and community ready; supporting planning and investments in fire-adapted communities and on partnerships to restore and reforest areas already affected by fire and mitigate risks associated with postfire disaster events.
We know it's frustrating that many articles we cite here are not free to read. One-off paid access fees are generally astronomically priced, suitable for such as "On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light" but not as a gamble on unknowns. With a median world income of US$ 9,373, for most of us US$ 42 is significant money to wager on an article's relevance and importance.
Most articles appearing here are found via RSS feeds from journal publishers, filtered by search terms to produce raw output for assessment of relevance.
Relevant articles are then queried against the Unpaywall database, to identify open access articles and expose useful metadata for articles appearing in the database.
The objective of New Research isn't to cast a tinge on scientific results, to color readers' impressions. Hence candidate articles are assessed via two metrics only:
A few journals offer public access to "preprint" versions of articles for which the review process is not yet complete. For some key journals this all the mention we'll see in RSS feeds, so we include such items in New Research. These are flagged as "preprint."
The section "Informed opinion, nudges & major initiatives" includes some items that are not scientific research per se but fall instead into the category of "perspectives," observations of implications of research findings, areas needing attention, etc.
When the input list for New Research is processed, some articles do not produce a result from the journal databases we employ. Usually this is because the publisher has not yet supplied information to for the given article. In these cases and in order to still include timely listing of articles, we employ an alternate search tactic. While this method is usually correct, sometimes the link shown will lead to an incorrect destination (available time does not always permit manual checking of these). We invite readers to submit corrections in comments below.
Each edition of New Research is reprocessed some two weeks after intitial publication to catch stragglers into the DOI ecosystem. Many "provisional links" will end up being corrected as part of this process.
Please let us know if you're aware of an article you think may be of interest for Skeptical Science research news, or if we've missed something that may be important. Send your input to Skeptical Science via our contact form.
A list of journals we cover may be found here. We welcome pointers to omissions, new journals etc.
The previous edition of Skeptical Science New Research may be found here.
Posted by Doug Bostrom on Thursday, 27 January, 2022
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