Cranky Uncle with Dr. John Cook

Cranky Uncle teaches players to spot the techniques of science denial. The original version of the game deals with climate change denial, and a newer version focuses on vaccine hesitancy. Both are fun and effective... and free!

In December, Melanie Trecek-King - who runs the "Thinking is Power" website - talked with John Cook about the Cranky Uncle game. They discussed both the classic and the vaccine version of the interactive game explaining the techniques and tricks used in science denial.

[youtube id="SalraZ4QF2c"]

The Cranky Uncle game is freely available on iPhones, Androids, and browsers via the links below where you can then select one of the available 12 languages to play it in. If you already played V1 of the game in English on your device, you'll need to start from scratch by first deleting your account in the settings and then selecting another language. The browser version looks best if you resize the screen to mimic a smartphone in portrait mode.



Posted by BaerbelW on Wednesday, 27 December, 2023

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