Six incredibly popular climate policies

This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Karin Kirk

Astrong majority of registered voters support certain policies aimed at tackling climate change, according to recent research by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (the publisher of this site) and the Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University.

An infographic showing strong support for climate-pollution reducing policies

Here’s a summary of these results.

Solid support from Democrats; mixed results amongst Republicans

The figure above, excerpted from the report, illustrates how opinions about climate policies differ across political worldviews. Democrats robustly support all the climate policies described in the survey. Republican voters, however, were split on their policy preferences. Conservative Republicans stand apart from all other groups in their lack of support for any measure except federal funding to help farmers store soil carbon.

In contrast, moderate Republicans expressed strong support for each of the policies — and in fact, support for many of the policies among moderate Republicans was closer to that of moderate Democrats than to the positions of conservative Republicans.

This finding suggests that mainstream views in the U.S. may be coalescing toward agreement on climate solutions. Efforts to seriously reduce climate-warming pollution have only just begun, and future progress hinges on widespread and enduring public support. This data indicates that policymakers have an opportunity to continue to build bipartisan agreement.

Learn more

The spring 2024 polling covers many aspects of climate policy and can be viewed in full at the Climate Change and the American Mind website. The site also contains previous results from this twice-a-year polling effort.

Posted by Guest Author on Wednesday, 26 June, 2024

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