In every walk of life there is trust. Trust, that when you go to bed at night your alarm will wake you up at the right time. Trust, that when you use your debit card, your financial institution will have the correct amount of money in your account. Trust, that the talking heads on the boob tube are reading the teleprompter correctly.
And largely that trust is rewarded. Hence the ongoing placement of your trust. But when it comes to things climate science-related, why is it that people continue to place their trust in those who've been show to endlessly perpetuate non-science, memes and zombie arguments?
When my car breaks, I take it to an auto mechanic. When I get sick, I go to the doctor. When deciding on a retirement plan that suits my family's needs, I consult a professional in that area. And when I need the straight poop on matters related to climate science, I go to actual climate scientists. But why is that?
People who put in a lot of time to understand an issue don't necessarily need to trust anyone, because they can form their own informed opinions. But nobody can be an expert on every issue, so the 99% of the public that doesn't possess the expertise on a technical subject like climate science would be smart to defer to that 1% who do have expertise. And of course nobody has more climate science expertise than climate scientists.
Here's some blunt talk from actual climate scientists (Warning: Some off-color content):
Yo….we’re climate scientists.. and there’s no denying this Climate
Change Is REEEEALL..
Who’s a climate scientist..
I’m a climate scientist..
Not a cleo finalist?
No a climate scientist!
Droppin’ facts all over this wax
While bit**es be crying about a carbon tax
Climate change is caused by people
Earth Unlike Alien Has no sequel
We gotta move fast or we’ll be forsaken,
Cause we were too busy suckin’ d**k in Copenhagen: (Politician)
I said Burn! it’s hot in here..
32% more carbon in the atmosphere.
Oh Eee Ohh Eee oh wee ice ice ice
Raisin’ sea levels twice by twice
We’re scientists, what we speak is True.
Unlike Andrew Bolt our work is Peer Reviewed… HO!
Who’s a climate scientist..
I’m a climate scientist..
An Anglican revivalist?
No a climate scientist!
Feedback is like climate change on crack
The permafrost subtracts: feedback
Methane release wack: feedback..
Write a letter then burn it: feedback
Denialists deny this – in your dreams
Coz climate change means greater extremes,
Shit won’t be the norm
Heatwaves bigger badder storms
The Green house effect is just a theory sucker (Alan Jones)
Yeah so is gravity, float away mother f***er!
Who’s a climate scientist..
I’m a climate scientist..
A Penny Farthing Cyclist?
No a climate scientist!
A Lebanese typist?
A Paleontologist?
A Sebaceous Cyst?
No! A climate f***ing scientist! Yo! PREACH!
Interviews conducted with the climate scientists behind the construction of, and performing in, the video can be found here.
A radio version for more genteel audiences can be found here.
Update: An extended-video cut, also clean, can be found here.
The YouTube movie has gone over 142,000 views...
Hungry Beast is a television show from ABC Oz that focuses on a range of issues, some controversial and challenging from a younger persons take with some irony & satire thrown in. They explore the voracious engine that is the media, politics and the relentless pace and sometimes absurdity and horror of the modern world - the Hungry Beast.
Posted by Daniel Bailey on Saturday, 14 May, 2011
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