Search ResultsResults 1101 to 1125 out of 2934:
Authors: Tian, J; Wang, Px; Cheng, Xr (2004)
Journal: Science In China Series D-earth Sciences
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Scenarios For Sea Level On The Finnish Coast
Authors: Johansson, Mm; Kahma, Kk; Boman, H; Launiainen, J (2004)
Journal: Boreal Environment Research
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Lambeck, K; Anzidei, M; Antonioli, F; Benini, A; Esposito, A (2004)
Journal: Earth And Planetary Science Letters
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Fartaj, A; Ting, Dsk; Yang, Ww (2004)
Journal: Energy Conversion And Management
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Selective Oxidation Of Ethylhenzene To Styrene With Carbon Dioxide
Authors: Cai, Wq; Li, Hq; Yi, Z (2004)
Journal: Progress In Chemistry
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Gerber, S; Joos, F; Prentice, Ic (2004)
Journal: Global Change Biology
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Goyal, Rk (2004)
Journal: Agricultural Water Management
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Ewen, Tl; Weaver, Aj; Eby, M (2004)
Journal: Atmosphere-ocean
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Kirschbaum, Muf (2004)
Journal: Global Change Biology
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Space Technologies For The Building Sector
Authors: Gampe, F (2004)
Journal: Esa Bulletin-european Space Agency
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Rhoderick, Gc; Dorko, Wd (2004)
Journal: Environmental Science & Technology
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Latroche, M (2004)
Journal: Journal Of Physics And Chemistry Of Solids
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Xu, Wg; Xiao, Cl; Li, Qs; Xie, Ym; Schaefer, Hf (2004)
Journal: Molecular Physics
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Brauning, A; Mantwill, B (2004)
Journal: Geophysical Research Letters
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Schulz, K; Jensen, Ml; Balsley, Bb; Davis, K; Birks, Jw (2004)
Journal: Environmental Science & Technology
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Lea, Dw (2004)
Journal: Journal Of Climate
Category: Paleoclimate
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Jacobson, Mz; Seinfeld, Jh; Carmichael, Gr; Streets, Dg (2004)
Journal: Geophysical Research Letters
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Huesemann, Mh (2004)
Journal: Environmental Progress
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Chakraborty, J (2004)
Journal: Journal Of Environmental Science And Health Part A-toxic/hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Vavrus, S (2004)
Journal: Journal Of Climate
Category: Methods
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Miles, L; Grainger, A; Phillips, O (2004)
Journal: Global Ecology And Biogeography
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Schaeffer, M; Selten, Fm; Opsteegh, Jd; Goosse, H (2004)
Journal: Journal Of Climate
Category: Impacts
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Lu, Q; Wu, H; Yu, R; Shen, G (2004)
Journal: Sar And Qsar In Environmental Research
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Mitsui, Y; Ohira, Y; Yonemura, T; Takaichi, T; Sekiya, A; Beppu, T (2004)
Journal: Journal Of The Electrochemical Society
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it
Authors: Six, J; Ogle, Sm; Breidt, Fj; Conant, Rt; Mosier, Ar; Paustian, K (2004)
Journal: Global Change Biology
Category: Mitigation
Endorsement Level: 3. Implicitly endorses AGW without minimising it Prev 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Next |