Shaping Tomorrow's World After One Month

About a month ago, we unveiled Shaping Tomorrows World, a website dedicated to exploring solutions to the multiple crises and challenges that are currently facing our societies.

Since then, we have had more than 10,000 visitors and 20,000 page views. We have posted articles written by well-known Australian intellectuals, such as Clive Hamilton and Carmen Lawrence, and we have had input from overseas scientists such as Dana Nuccitelli, who also frequently appears on Skeptical Science. We have also welcomed aboard Murdoch University, in particular their Institute of Sustainability and Technology Policy, who have made a financial contribution that will enable us to add more features to this website.

We are on Facebook and we have a growing number of followers in the Twitterverse (@STWorg).

So what is our "brand", what are we seeking to accomplish and how will we get there?

After only a month, some of those questions remain to be resolved, but there are several things we know already.

First, our "brand" is defined by:

We will build our blog incrementally but based on these principal attributes. One of the most exciting aspects of blogging is its dynamic nature, and this dynamism must necessarily translate into a certain amount of entropy and chaotic random walks—nonetheless, there is no harm in a strategic direction, and part of the purpose of this post is to propose and refine our strategy.

We seek to expand on the following broad issues in the future:

Our first specific goal is to examine the reasons why a country such as Australia, which often claims to contribute very little to the global emissions, must nonetheless cut emissions. We will commence a series of posts on this in the very near future.

Suggestions for other strategic projects are always welcome.

Posted by Stephan Lewandowsky on Monday, 30 May, 2011

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