2014 SkS Weekly Digest #7

SkS Highlights

Dana's Unprecedented trade wind strength is shifting global warming to the oceans, but for how much longer? generated, by far and way, the highest number of comments of the articles posted this past week. 2013 was the second-hottest year on record without an El Niño by Dana generated the second highest and Dana's MP Graham Stringer and CNN Crossfire are wrong about the 97% consensus on human-caused global warming the third.

Celebrating another SkS milestone! 

2014 Toon 7

The SkS Facebook page has recorded 20,000 "likes" and continues on its upward climb.

Quote of the Week

"As we work toward next year's climate conference in Paris, we continue to urge all nations to join us in pursuit of an ambitious and inclusive global agreement that reduces greenhouse gas emissions through concrete actions," read the op-ed published in the Washington Post and Le Monde newspapers.

Obama, Hollande Call For 'Ambitious And Inclusive' Global Climate Deal, Reuters/The Huffington Post, Feb 10, 2014

SkS Week in Review

Coming Soon on SkS

In the Works

SkS in the News

Lindsay Abrams cites SkS multiple times in her Salon article, The ultimate guide to shutting down climate trolls

In There Is No Warming posted on Common Dreams, John Queally quotes extensively from Dana's Guradian blog post, Unprecedented trade wind strength is shifting global warming to the oceans, but for how much longer?

Tristan Edis includes the Excalator in his article, Another scientific dagger to the deniers posted on The Climate Spectator.

In Seeing Over the Horizon: Sharp Rise in Ocean Temperatures in 2013, posted on The Energy Collective, Schueneman links to Rob Painting's Seeing Over the Horizon: Sharp Rise in Ocean Temperatures in 2013 and to his more recent post, The Oceans Warmed up Sharply in 2013: We're Going to Need a Bigger Graph.

John Cook's Debunking climate myths: two contrasting case studies, originally posted on the Conversation, was reposted on CWEBNews.

SkS Spotlights

And Then There's Physics is a relatively new blog site where people gather to discuss climate scince and related issues in a civil manner.  The articles posted tend to focus on what's happening in the UK.

Posted by John Hartz on Sunday, 16 February, 2014

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