One-line rebuttals now available as flashcards for study or play

Guest post by Anna Haynes

When countering climate contrarianism in our daily lives, those of us without - or caught without - our SkepticalScience App-equipped iPhones, Androids and Nokias must resort to using the human memory.  Fortunately, with practice this can work reasonably well; and way to practice is to run through Skeptical Science's "climate myth" one-line rebuttals, in the form of cue-and-response flashcards at from Flash Card Exchange, a website for making and sharing flashcards for study.  You can either "flip" through the cards online, or - if you're the old fashioned type - you can print them out for off-computer use.  (Printing them isn't free, though, so I haven't tried it.)

If you do print out the flashcards, you could play Counter the Contrarian with your friends.

Here's a cue:

Flashcard Cue

And here's your answer:

 Sample flashcard answer

A caveat: the "one-liner" wording of the contrarian claims and one-line responses is often too concise to be optimal for flashcards, so some of them do look a little odd.

Posted by ahaynes on Sunday, 9 January, 2011

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