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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Rick Santorum

The two columns below show quotes (left column) from Rick Santorum paired with what the science says (right column). Click on text in right column for full details.

Quotes by Rick Santorum vs What the Science Says
"Maybe because we have learned to be skeptical of "scientific" claims, particularly those at war with our common sense - like the Darwinists' telling us for decades that we are just a slightly higher form of life than a bacterium that is here purely by chance, or the Environmental Protection Agency's informing us last week that man-made carbon dioxide - a gas that humans exhale and plants need to live, a gas that represents less than 0.1 percent of the atmosphere - is a dangerous pollutant threatening to overheat the world."
22 February 2012 (Source)

Many substances are dangerous even in trace amounts; what really matters is the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

"And there is so much we don't know about this complex field, which is made even more difficult by our inability to make predictions and test climate hypotheses, except with computer simulatio"
22 February 2012 (Source)

That human CO2 is causing global warming is known with high certainty & confirmed by observations.

"Yet we all know that the world has been both much hotter and much colder than it is today, and that temperatures have changed dramatically over the millennia for a multitude of reasons."
22 February 2012 (Source)
Climate reacts to whatever forces it to change at the time; humans are now the dominant forcing.
"Climate change's Pharisees reassure us that the global-warming science is still settled. Never mind recent revelations of gross misconduct on the part of Britain's Climatic Research Unit."
22 February 2012 (Source)

A number of investigations have cleared scientists of any wrongdoing in the media-hyped email incident.

"It is one thing for ideologically driven science to indoctrinate children in classrooms. It is another for politicians to use science to destroy national economies and redistribute global wealth. I refer, of course, to the latest scientific non-controversy, man-made global warming."
22 February 2012 (Source)

The benefits of a price on carbon outweigh the costs several times over.

"Do any of the proposed solutions put forward by Al Gore and his friends do anything to solve the problem? Even the scientists who support the theory will admit to you that it doesn’t do anything to solve the problem. "
4 January 2012 (Source)
Scientific studies have determined that current technology is sufficient to reduce greenhouse gas emissions enough to avoid dangerous climate change.
"why have we decided that this one particular factor, carbon dioxide, is in fact that tip of the tail that wags the entire dog. Why from a scientific point of view do we make the assertion that this is in fact what is the case when there is a whole lot of other factors out there that could be affecting it?"
4 January 2012 (Source)

Multiple sets of independent observations find a human fingerprint on climate change.

"pick a point in history where you haven’t seen a change in the climate. The climate does change."
4 January 2012 (Source)
Climate reacts to whatever forces it to change at the time; humans are now the dominant forcing.
"I believe the earth gets warmer and I also believe the earth gets cooler"
9 June 2011 (Source)
Climate reacts to whatever forces it to change at the time; humans are now the dominant forcing.
"they said, 'Oh, let's take advantage of that and say that we need the government to come in and regulate your life some more because it's getting warmer.' Just like they did in the '70s when it was getting cooler. They needed the government to come in and regulate your life because it's getting cooler."
9 June 2011 (Source)

The vast majority of climate papers in the 1970s predicted warming.

"the idea that man, through the production of somehow responsible for climate change is, I think, just patently absurd when you consider all the other factors, El Niño, La Niña, sunspots, moisture in the air"
9 June 2011 (Source)

Rising CO2 increases atmospheric water vapor, which makes global warming much worse.

"the idea that man, through the production of somehow responsible for climate change is, I think, just patently absurd when you consider all the other factors, El Niño, La Niña, sunspots"
9 June 2011 (Source)

In the last 35 years of global warming, sun and climate have been going in opposite directions

"And I think history points out that it does that and that the idea that man, through the production of somehow responsible for climate change is, I think, just patently absurd"
9 June 2011 (Source)

Multiple sets of independent observations find a human fingerprint on climate change.

"And I think history points out that it does that and that the idea that man, through the production of somehow responsible for climate change is, I think, just patently absurd when you consider all the other factors, El Niño, La Niña"
9 June 2011 (Source)

El Nino has no trend and so is not responsible for the trend of global warming.

"And I think history points out that it does that and that the idea that man, through the production of CO2 — which is a trace gas in the atmosphere, and the man-made part of that trace gas is itself a trace gas — is somehow responsible for climate change is, I think, just patently absurd"
9 June 2011 (Source)

The natural cycle adds and removes CO2 to keep a balance; humans add extra CO2 without removing any.

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