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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Help Send Peter Sinclair to the Mt. Baker Glacier

Posted on 2 July 2012 by greenman3610

These are re-posts from Climate Crocks.  Peter Sinclair has received enough funds to meet his basic needs for this trip, but could still use additional funds from those who are able to donate.

As of now, I am starting a 3 week fundraiser aimed at outfitting myself to join a scientific team on Washington’s Mt Baker, an active volcano in the Cascades Range.  I’ve been invited by one of the world’s foremost glacier experts, (and an advisor to this series..) Dr. Mauri Pelto, to come along and document his annual research foray onto a rapidly declining mountain glacier.

Unlike well-funded, professional climate deniers, I don’t have the Heartland Institute, The Koch Brothers, Oil, Fossil Fuel, and Tobacco Companies paying my way. If this is going to happen, I have to rely on my viewers to jump in and help out, as many have in the past.

Therefore, from now until midnight, Friday, July 13th, I’m running a fundraiser on, a crowd sourcing site with a good track record, and inviting any and all friends of Climate Crocks – if you’ve ever thought about what you could do to help communicate the science on the issue of the millennium, here’s one of the most direct and efficient opportunities you could have.

My first goal is to get there and back with all my fingers and toes intact, so I’ll need to outfit myself with some decent mountain gear and the appropriate tools.  With any luck, this will be stuff I can use on future research expeditions as well. Then I have to have some resources for travel and accommodations.  I have therefore set a modest funding goal of 4000 dollars. Imagine what it would cost some giant organization to get where I’m going and do what I’m going to do – any gift you give is going to go a lot farther than it would almost anywhere else!

Under kickstarter rules, I have to raise ALL of the goal by the deadline, or none of the pledges will be collected. If I go OVER the goal, then that’s great, and more resource that will quickly be plowed into better cameras, better sound, and more videos.

Now – here’s the cool part – you can get some GREAT gifts for pitching in – Just look!!

$25 or more:

Disc 1 of the three DVD collections of the earliest Climate Crock videos!
Save ‘em, swap em, collect ‘em, show ‘em on your local cable channel!
Bring ‘em to your local tea party meeting and watch the fireworks!

Disc One:  -
•Party like its 1998
•2009 Arctic Ice Update
•”Creepy at the EPA!”
•”Birth of a Climate Crock”
•”The Temp Leads Carbon Crock!” (first edition)

$50 or more:

Three Disc Set of Climate Crock Classics:
Disc One, see above.

Disc Two
•”32,000 Scientists!”
•”It’s so Cold, there Can’t be Global Warming”
•”Climate Crock Sacks Hack Attack” Part 1 – the story of ‘Climate Gate’
•”Climate Crock Sacks Hack Attack” Part 2 •”In the 70s, Scientists Said there’d be an Ice Age

Disc Three
•”How do We Know About Climate Change?”
•”Flogging the Scientists”
•Renewables Solution of the Month: Hybrid Cars
•Renewable Solution of the Month: Wind

$100 or more:

Long before there was Climate Denial Crock of the Week, there was Alex’s Restaurant, the first green cartoon strip, syndicated (briefly) in papers across the planet. I put the strip together in part inspired by James Hansen’s testimony to congress in 1988, and for a few years in the early 90s, it was syndicated by the giant King Features syndicate.  I like to think it was ahead of its time – but it still exists in book form.

These are true collector’s items, I’ve had book and comic collectors write to me over the years about finding them in out of the way book shops and garage sales. I have 75 mint condition copies, ready to go for anyone that wants a piece of Climate Crocks, not to mention comics, history.

This volume, published by Crossing Press in 1993, features the first year and a half or so. Comes with the DVD set mentioned above, as well.

“There are so many strips around with no heart…..Alex’s feels real and has a ring to it – the drawing is terrific!” -Pulitzer winner Jim Borgman

“The drawings are great, and the IDEAS are wonderful!”  - Pulitzer winner Mike Peters

Those that have been watching this series and reading this blog can judge for themselves what an opportunity like this could mean, and what I’ll bring home from this trek.  My commitment is to keep learning, keep growing, keep speaking and spreading the best information possible.


When you have a history of epic swan dives, pratfalls,  and face plants such as those in my checkered career, you don’t automatically assume that everything will come off smoothly.

But here it is. About 30 hours after it began, the funding project to put Climate Denial Crock of the Week on a glacier this August is funded, and a go.

There are still 12 days to go in the fundraiser, but the rules make it clear that you must make the original funding goal, or you receive NONE of the pledges. Now that we’ve met that goal, the additional contributions still coming in just help firm up my bare bones funding proposal. What I’m saying is, don’t feel you have to stop now.  Any additions to the $4000 base proposal will definitely go to good use, and directly help improve the frequency and quality of these productions.

Deepest gratitude to all who pitched in, blogged, face booked, emailed and tweeted this project to their circles.  I’m looking forward to taking this series to a whole new level.

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Comments 1 to 4:

  1. My two favourite websites happily collide. :)
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  2. I wish Peter good luck & fun, however, if they are going to climb Easton Glacier, there is a word of warning: snowmobiles. I don't know current regulations by NPS (I don't live in WA, USA any more) but when I was there, I chose to climb via Cooleman-Deming Glacier, specifically to avoid the nastiness of the horrific noise and suffocating stench the operators of those silly machines create. And that's related not only to the destruction of National Parks but to global warming too! When I was standing on the rim near Roman Headwall, I saw many dozen (maybe hundred?) dots of snowmobiles down on Easton, together with constant hum. Unbelieivable. Easton was the last place I wanted to be on that day.
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  3. To answer Chriskoz's question about Easton Glacier - snowmobiles are not allowed on the hard ice whatsoever. Mount Baker is in the jurisdiction of the National Forest Service and the Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. On the north side it has a wilderness designation, on the south side is a large section with a National Recreation Area designation. The Park actually starts to the east of Mount Baker so if you do the Hannigan trail to Copper Ridge or Cascade Pass to Stehikin you'll cross into the North Cascade National Park lands. Running a snowmobile on the hard ice (the glaciers) [will] get you a lovely ticket (payable to the National Forest Service in Colorado). Easton falls in the NRA, the National Recreation Area, which we call the "snow cone" because of its shape and extends from the Schriebers Meadows trail head to the summit. Snow has lingered long and is plenty deep this year starting at and elevation of about 3,500 feet. While I'm thrilled Mr. Sinclair is coming he would do best to start working out now, every single day. The road up to Artists Point remains closed as are many of the trail heads including Railroad Grade which will take you up to Easton and Deming.
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  4. Over at, Peter said that he is climbing stairs with heavy loads in his backpack. Great feature. It's awesome how Skep Sci and Climate Crocks bring us closer to the scientists, peer review literature, and how science is done. I had money in my donation budget this year for both sites!
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