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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 79401 to 79450:

  1. Visions of the Arctic
    What may be bad for polar bears will probably be good for manatees. Well, if some guy on the Internet thinks so, that's good enough for me! Polar bears for manatees sounds seems like an even trade. Lord only knows why I ever bothered trying to follow the trail of cause and effect any further than that. It beats me why we waste our money funding scientific research in this country, when the real facts about nature are available gratis and free of charge online, in the form of casual speculation from anonymous "experts."
  2. Visions of the Arctic
    I have never read a piece by an environmentalist which did not pose a dire warning of some kind about the imminent demise of some form of wildlife And of course, all of them turned out to be wrong, so nobody has anything to worry about, ever. Right? One of the ugliest and oldest denialist tactics is this insistence that negative scenarios are manipulative or inherently improbable (even -- or especially -- when the evidence supports them). The fact that it's often presented as an attack on "emotionalism" makes it even more absurd, since it's an entirely emotional reaction (kind of like shouting "Is not!" until your face turns purple). The fact that it's also hypocritical is demonstrated by their over-the-top alarmism about any steps we might take to address the problems. But then, everyone here knows this. Including, I suspect, the people who keep trotting these comments out.
  3. JosHagelaars at 07:44 AM on 14 July 2011
    OA not OK part 5: Reservoir dogs
    @Doug Mackie When the oceans warm up, the uptake of CO2 will be reduced: Is this reduced uptake already taken into account when an extrapolation of pH and the total dissolved carbonate species are calculated for a future date? PS, for those interested, on estimates are given for several parameters at different dates regarding the ocean acidification.
  4. apiratelooksat50 at 07:24 AM on 14 July 2011
    Visions of the Arctic
    Ken Lambert at 28 Good post. Goes back to my polar bear and manatee analogy. What may be bad for polar bears will probably be good for manatees.
  5. apiratelooksat50 at 07:08 AM on 14 July 2011
    Visions of the Arctic
    Paul D @ 21 and 22, First, I wear several hats: science instructor, swim coach, and environmental consultant. My educational and professional background is in aquaculture, fisheries and wildlife biology. From there I moved into industrial EHS management and eventually into consulting. I am published in the environmental field and have worked closely with my local, state and Federal environmental regulatory agencies. I am also a recommended consultant by my state Department of Natural Resources for nuisance wildlife control. (I trap and relocate whenever possible). Don't know if that makes me a wildlife scientist, or not, but... And, you are absolutely correct about organisms being under 24/7 duress. It is eat or be eaten. Reproduce or watch your genes disappear. Food, shelter, and water are the primary needs. Survival of the fittest, right? Again, polar bears evolved due to the stressors of an ice age. But, life has always adapted and always will. Yes, human behavior has undoubtedly impacted many forms of wildlife. Some positive, some negative. No one knows for sure what our climate impacts on arctic biomes will be.
  6. OA not OK part 5: Reservoir dogs
    Riccardo, it's clear -- I was trying to be funny (but clearly was not).
  7. OA not OK part 5: Reservoir dogs
    So, adding CO2 to the atmosphere causes CO2 to get into ocean water (via a partial pressure mechanism, or something else?). This CO2 mostly doesn't remain as CO2 but becomes ions of mostly bicarbonate (aka hydrogen carbonate) and some carbonate, all by chemical reactions with water at near-surface ocean depths (e.g., low pressure) and typical near-surface temperatures (does temperature matter much?). We know this experimentally and by measuring sea water concentrations. Do we have chemical analyses of sea water from 300 years ago or do we have vials of old water or is it determined by proxies? Are deep ocean carbon increases due mostly to ocean currents or to something else? How does this affect the Carbonate Concentration Depth? Does the carbonic acid species last long and is it what disolves sea shells? (I'm not doubting that there is some basic chemistry that I'm missing. Please correct any misunderstandings I demonstrate.) (And forgive me, please, for not knowing what you think I know.)
  8. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    KR #320 Which can only be good news. Out of general, but practical interest, are we in broadly compatible time zones? As you have probably gathered, I'm in the UK. Please note, I do not ask where you are.
  9. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Interesting note: July 4, 2011, the Spanish Torresol solar project became the first to generate uninterrupted 24 hour power from the sun. Torresol uses a 15 hour molten salt supply as a storage mechanism, and is predicted to provide power ~20 hours a day average, with summers having multiple 24-hour production cycles. It's expected to generate ~110 GWh/year from a 19.9 MW capacity tower design.
  10. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    KR #317 Thank you. What I wanted to establish was whether you (or Tom) differed with MacKay's estimate. It was you who quite correctly emphasised the need for common definitions. I'm looking for figures which are generally going to be acceptable here. I'm not trying to get you or anyone here to actually 'do my homework'. Just to be clear.
  11. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    The other thing that would be helpful are pointers to reliable estimates for transmission and conversion loss estimates for HVDC. Also, what is considered the maximum realistic distance over which HVDC can be employed. I'm looking at this myself, of course, but I'd be interested to know what figures would be generally accepted here.
  12. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Given CSP's high conversion efficiency (a conversion efficiency of 31.25% for a Stirling engine dish system) and effectiveness ~60% greater for a tracking system over a fixed system, 15 W/m^2 for a desert system sounds entirely reasonable, despite the spacing required between collectors for 2-axis tracking. The Stirling engine dish systems are the highest conversion efficiency available, although linear Fresnel systems offer higher effective power density due to high fill factor, and are reasonably inexpensive to build. Incidentally, the above info was located with a quick Google on "concentrating solar power stirling engine". This information is readily available.
  13. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    MacKay's estimate of a power density of 15W/m2 for CSP is explained here (note 178).
    178 Concentrating solar power in deserts delivers an average power per unit area of roughly 15 W/m2. My sources for this number are two companies making concentrating solar power for deserts. says one of its dishes with a 25 kW Stirling engine at its focus can generate 60 000 kWh/y in a favourable desert location. They could be packed at a concentration of one dish per 500 m2. That’s an average power of 14 W/m2. They say that solar dish Stirling makes the best use of land area, in terms of energy delivered.
    The SunCatcher appears to be a state-of-art two-axis CSP collector. Any views on MacKay's power density estimate for (Stirling Engine based) CSP plant? (This is not a loaded question btw. I am after knowledge).
  14. OA not OK part 5: Reservoir dogs
    DSL I apologise if it hurts your feelings. As a non-english speaking I may be wrong but the use of the word meat to indicate the essential part of something looks quite common to me. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (entry #4) seems to confirm. In any case, I hope the sense of my comment is clear.
  15. Visions of the Arctic
    Ken Lambert@28 said "Surely the odds are that some creature somewhere will benefit from a warmer world. In fact the odds are probably even that 50% of creatures will benefit and 50% won't." The whole issue is very complicated. If you assume that humans are more adaptable to change in climate than other species and we tend to like staying in one place these days. Then if a 'creature' Southern Europe started finding things tuff and migrated north, it is likely that it wouldn't have a problem because the it probably already adapted (or has been genetically manipulated by humans) and can live beside humans. However in the same scenario, creatures in North Africa may be used to living well away from humans. So even if they crossed the Mediterranean they have the added problem of cities, towns, industry and other human developments of Southern Spain and France. The chances are humans aren't going to be to happy with that (along with possible desertification of Southern Europe). So humans could be forced to move North or stay in hotter Southern Spain/France and live with the migrating species from Northern Africa. Now I suppose if you couldn't care about economics (which seems strange since economics seems to be the core of many skeptics opposition to AGW) then you could say, who cares? It will all sort itself out. Humans will just settle elsewhere and migrate North. But the reality of that concept is that it is really about ignoring the future and living for today. That is what current economic theory is about, so no surprises there. The main issues regarding all of this, including Polar Bears, is the capacity in the modern world for species to migrate. Probably air and sea species (birds, fish etc) have a head start, but will still have problems with other environmental issues. But land based species are going to have a hard time (with the exception of trees and plants possibly). But apart from just climate change, humans are putting huge amounts of pressure on species under the current climate conditions, let alone one in which climate is changing.
  16. WaxItYourself at 03:41 AM on 14 July 2011
    CO2 is coming from the ocean
    David: Keeling, C.D. et al (2001), Exchanges of Atmospheric CO2 and 13CO2 with the Terrestrial Biosphere and Oceans from 1978-2000. I. Global Aspects II. Three-Dimensional Tracer Inversion Model to Deduce Regional Fluxes III. Sensitivity Tests IV. Critical Overview SIO Reference Series, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, 88 pages
  17. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    For some reason the difference between max capacity and average power keeps coming up in skeptical arguments against renewable power...
    Ah. Now that I can help with. Certainly as regards the UK. The problem is that renewables manufacturers and the government have a naughty habit of quoting capacity rather than average output when talking up the latest wind project.
  18. Trenberth on Tracking Earth’s energy: A key to climate variability and change
    CO2isnotevil, the problem has always been that "skeptical" arguments are not consistent with anything else. No alternative theory has been brought forth that accounts for the physics and the data. At best, "skepticism" as you define it is just a series of attacks launched from no theoretical position and designed to get rid of the narrative that the reality of GW forces (it is us and it is bad) but not at all establish a more accurate, socially-produced scientific understanding of climate. In other words, you don't care about the science; you care about managing the spin--hence the nature of your comment.
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] Please keep the discussion impersonal and on the science. As they say "don't wrestle a pig, you both get dirty, but the pig likes it"; if you think someone is not engaging in scientific discussion, the best policy is to simply ignore them.
  19. Visions of the Arctic
    I suppose it begs the question (modern usage), how much warming can a polar bear?
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] "warming" added
  20. What we know and what we don't know
    I would suggest taking the (off topic) discussion on CO2 growth rates to the An exponential increase in CO2 will result in a linear increase in temperature thread. Or better yet, Eric the Red, go discuss this with Tamino, who has rigorously shown the greater than exponential growth of CO2.
  21. co2isnotevil at 01:53 AM on 14 July 2011
    Trenberth on Tracking Earth’s energy: A key to climate variability and change
    Ken, [Moderation complaint deleted] BTW, it's my understanding that Trenberth is traveling around AU/NZ and will return on the 21'st. G
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] Posts containing complaints about moderation are normally deleted (after reading), so it is a bad idea to mix such complaints with any other comment you want to make as that will get deleted as well. I have edited your post, rather than deleting it, on this occasion to make sure you understand the situation.
  22. Eric the Red at 01:40 AM on 14 July 2011
    What we know and what we don't know
    Kevin, Tom is correct in that I am not misreading the graph. If the CO2 increase was exponential, the rate of increase (Tom @16) would show a linear rise. Since 1900, atmospheric CO2 showed a near linear rise until WWII, then an exponential rise. As shown in @8 and @16, the rate of increase is decelerating. In an exponential, it would be constant, and if it were faster than exponential, it should be accelerating. I am not discounting Tom's analysis, as it may accurately portray the causes. However, the increase started deviating from an exponential growth in the 1960s, and is approaching a linear increase (has been linear for the past 13 years). In fact, had we continued growing exponentially, the rate of increase would be over 3ppm/yr, not the 2 that we have measured recently. The exponential growth was during a time of exponentially rising population and economic growth. Neither of these appear to be happening today.
  23. Visions of the Arctic
    Eric the Red at 23:43 PM on 13 July, 2011 Eric, the evidence indicates otherwise. Surprising as it may seem global biodiversity as indicated by the fossil record is inversely related to temperature; i.e. greater biodiversity during cooler periods and lower during warmer. PJ Mayhew et al. (2007) A long-term association between global temperature and biodiversity, origination and extinction in the fossil record Proceedings of The Royal Society B 275, 47–53 abstract Of course the huge rate of warming that we are experiencing now and still to come is bound to lead to considerable species loss, compounded by habitat degradation and loss, and that's of greater concern (the very rapid warming) than a warm climate per se.
  24. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    In my previous post about Waldpolenz Solar Park and long term density, I did not actually show my calculation of the instantaneous power density. I wanted to show that as well for completeness. Waldpolenz occupies 110 hectares, and generates ~40,000 MWh per year. Conversion efficiency is irrelevant for this calculation. That's 4*10^10 Wh/year, divided by (24*365 hours), divided by 1.1*10^6 m^2, giving an average power density of 4.15 W/m^2, with correct units. This agrees with Smil's estimate of 4 W/m^2. Note that instantaneous power for a PV system like this will of course vary from summer noon maximum to nighttime zero - the rated capacity of the plant must be able to handle the summer noon maxima. This is one reason that the rated capacities of solar and wind power plants are so much higher than the average power produced. For some reason the difference between max capacity and average power keeps coming up in skeptical arguments against renewable power... Adding tracking to this fixed panel system would likely increase both average power density and effective collection of available sunlight by ~60%, without changing maximum capacity (through more time spent near maximum), albeit at a significant cost in initial build and maintenance.
  25. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    BBD - The ~230 Wh/m^2 average is taken directly from MacKay, and is a quite conservative estimate of tropical year round 24hr averages. The peak on his table is 273 Wh/m^2 in Nouakchott, MR. This refers to sunlight available prior to conversion into usable power. The 200 W/m^2 (note the different units - W/m^2 vs. Wh/m^2) came from peak insolation of 1000 W/m^2 and a 20% conversion efficiency - instantaneous converted power at noon, not time averages of sunlight. Apples and oranges. Wh/m^2 and W/m^2 are not equivalent, despite confusingly similar numbers. I always have to double check what I'm working with...
  26. OA not OK part 5: Reservoir dogs
    Meat - eating meat - a movement of carbon between reservoirs that are in an original figure (an animal that has organically grown (originated) the meat?) - resulting in fluxes - bloody flux? - uncooked meat? The Vegan in me is weeping quietly in a dark corner, Riccardo.
  27. What we know and what we don't know
    kevin s, I greatly appreciate the sentiment and comments, but let me assure you that Eric the Red is one of the regular cast of characters here, and is very unlikely to be misreading the graph in the way you suggest.
  28. Visions of the Arctic
    Eric the Red @29, that is a simplistic response. Life adapts to the conditions it is in, and when those conditions change, some species find themselves ill adapted to the new conditions and go extinct. That is part of the reason the end of the last glacial saw an extinction pulse, and why the PETM and the end Permian warming resulted in massive extinctions. Indeed, the end Permian extinction was the greatest extinction known in 600 million years. A shift from cold, relatively dry conditions to warm moist conditions, therefore, is likely to result in an extinction pulse. That in five to ten million years life will adapt and there will be more species, and more biomass on the planet will not change that. Further, unlike the events in the PETM and Permian extinction, on this occasion species around the world are already massively stressed from habitat loss and over exploitation. That means life has few resources with which to survive a significant environmental change.
  29. Visions of the Arctic
    Ken, you can't calculate the odds of evolution like that--even with very gradual changes. It all depends on the type of change. For example, if a snowball Earth gradually develops, will 50% of species benefit? No. If an mile-wide asteroid strikes the Earth, will 50% of species benefit? No. If gradual warming (3C over 40k y) occurs, will 50% of species benefit? Possibly. If rapid warming occurs, will 50% of species benefit? Maybe, but you'd damned well better have a studied reason for thinking so (and express it), because rapid change rarely benefits elements in a complex, integrated, dynamic biological system. Even elements that benefit in the short term in such conditions might be doing so at the (unfortunately necessary) cost of their long term survival. Your statement is evidence of poor thinking, Ken. In fact, it seems only to serve a need to be contrary. While I might agree that there might be a need to point out these "Natural World 101" type ideas for the sake of lurking doubters, in this case I think it's a complete waste of time.
  30. What we know and what we don't know
    This succinct summary is useful...the more succinct the better, I find, because in face-to-face conversations, people taking the so-called "skeptic" position often change the topic frequently. This type of info seems to be best suited for people who are willing to modify their opinions in light of established facts. But as we know, not everyone is like that. I'm not sure what the proper approach is to those who aren't. But I think it's best to extend people the benefit of the doubt for as long as possible. For example, ETR's assertion that looking at all the data, CO2 rise is decelerating may seem like an unwillingness to accepts the facts plainly presented. But I wonder if perhaps he is reading the graphs of rate of CO2 increase presented here as graphs of CO2 level (instead of rate of increase). In that case graphs like the one from Tamino that Tom presents @ 16 would indeed *look* like there was a deceleration, and ETR would think *we* are the ones in denial. But of course, it is in fact a graph of *rate* of increase, and any curvature is not acceleration but acceleration of acceleration (or "jerk"). I think extending the benefit of the doubt feels better and has a better impact on lurkers than branding someone a denialist...even if they probably are. And I choose to believe that ETR is misreading the y-axis but being otherwise reasonable. Mods, I realize that most of this crosses into territory that's been declared off-topic, and I certainly won't be offended if this comment is deleted because of that. I just thought it was worth noting that in this particular case, what looks at a glance like trolling could be an honest mistake. I don't participate here often, so I don't really know the cast of regular characters....
  31. Eric the Red at 23:43 PM on 13 July 2011
    Visions of the Arctic
    Ken, Historically, life has benefited more from warmer than cooler climates. Plant life becomes more abundant due to the longer growing season and greater precipitation. Animal life benefits from greater plant life, and milder winters. That is not to say that there are not those who come out on the short end due to competition and changing environments. Recently, the growth of the human population has influenced other life on this planet much more than any factor since the end of the last ice age.
  32. Neptune is warming
    Dikran Marsupial @5, I suspect Svenmark would have a hard time applying his theory to Neptune as well. Is he some how going to increase Neptune's 100% cloud cover?
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] Good point! ;o)
  33. Eric the Red at 23:36 PM on 13 July 2011
    The Medieval Warm(ish) Period In Pictures
    Sea level is a bit trickier to ascertain as local levels may change much more dramatically than global levels, with causes unrelated to global changes. However, here are a few examples regarding to sea level during the MWP:
  34. OA not OK part 5: Reservoir dogs
    "In the next series of posts we will discuss the movement of carbon between each reservoir (fluxes) that are in the original figure" Here's where the meat is :)
  35. It's cooling
    The gulf stream might be changed because of the salt concentration decreasing due to ice melting in poles. This stream is supposed to bring heat from tropics. I wonder `how strong this effect will be for the European coasts...
  36. Dikran Marsupial at 23:31 PM on 13 July 2011
    Neptune is warming
    Thebadmentor@4 Can you suggest another forcing that affects both Neptune and the Earth. This article is a counter-argument to the suggestion that solar focing is responsible for climate change on Earth as it is also causing climate change on Neptune (except it isn't). It is the skeptics that seem to think only TSI affects planetary climate ("its the sun"). P.S. Yes, I do know about Svensmark's cosmic ray theory as well, but you would have a hard time applying that argument to Mars, which is also used as an example in such arguments.
  37. OA not OK part 5: Reservoir dogs
    Correct me if I am wrong; but it appears to me that the caption underneath the diagram showing carbon reservoirs explains the blue and red circles.
  38. OA not OK part 5: Reservoir dogs
    ianash - Hope I'm not explaining things that are bleedingly obvious to you here. The diagram (Figure 2) does take a little effort to understand. It is divided schematically into five fields, representing the five main reservoirs of carbon in the global carbon cycle. As stated in the caption, the size of the blue circle represents the mass of carbon in each reservoir in pre-industrial times, while the red circle shows the mass of carbon in the mid-1990s (as noted in the post, things have changed quite a bit since then. Could someone put up some updated numbers? Even an approximation would help.) For some reason, unexploited fossil fuels are shown in a single black dotted circle rather than red and blue ones. In each field, the black circle indicates the scale of change from pre-industrial to mid-1990s. If the black circle appears in a blue circle (as it does for atmosphere and both surface and deep oceans), that reservoir has gained carbon. Soils and plants has a black circle in the red sphere, indicating a loss of carbon (think deforestation, though also other processes). The fossil fuel circle indicates the relative scale of estimated recoverable reserves vs total amount of fossil fuels extracted and exploited (i.e. less than 7%), making the point that there is still plenty of carbon we could potentially dig up and stick in places where its going to mess things around (i.e. the atmosphere and oceans). Numbers give the Gt of carbon represented by each circle and then the % change. (Some have criticised the IPCC's figures for being considerably too rosy about the total reservoir of recoverable carbon from fossil fuels, but even less optimistic figures still give us plenty of scope to keep making more mess.) So the quick take-away message from the figure is that between the industrial revolution and the mid-1990s, we took 283 Gt of carbon from places where it wasn't doing anything particularly bad for us and put it into places where it is.
    Moderator Response: I should have said: Previous unclear caption was edited. Doug
  39. Thebadmentor at 23:23 PM on 13 July 2011
    Neptune is warming
    TSI is your argument? Do you really think that its only TSI that affects Plantes Climate? WOW!
  40. OA not OK part 4: The f-word: pH
    @DLB From someone who reads recent scientific papers that is a surprising question. What makes you think the dissociation of water would change?
  41. Visions of the Arctic
    I have never read a piece by an environmentalist which did not pose a dire warning of some kind about the imminent demise of some form of wildlife. Surely the odds are that some creature somewhere will benefit from a warmer world. In fact the odds are probably even that 50% of creatures will benefit and 50% won't.
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] The odds are almost certainly not 50-50. Most organisms will have adapted to a particular ecological niche, and so any change is likely to mean they are sub-optimally adapted for their conditions. Of course there will be winners and loosers, but the theory of evolution would suggest there will be more loosers than winners, at least in the short-medium term.
  42. Eric (skeptic) at 22:36 PM on 13 July 2011
    Trenberth on Tracking Earth’s energy: A key to climate variability and change
    Rob #35, if the weather causes a 0.1 or 0.2 rise or fall in GAT in less than a week (although this only happens a few times a year), it is probably one of the more random effects of weather (using a precise definition of random). For this to happen, with either outcome cooling or warming, a lot of weather systems have to complement in both hemispheres which are, for the most part uncoupled. Getting both hemispheres to line up on a short time scale is thus pure chance. Getting a single hemisphere to align in warming or cooling is a little less random due to teleconnections, but those are limited in scope and generally peristent through a season. The topic certainly merits a lot more research.
  43. Eric the Red at 22:35 PM on 13 July 2011
    The Medieval Warm(ish) Period In Pictures
    scaddenp, You were requesting information on glacial retreat. The first in from Schnidejoch in Central Europe, the second is from Glacier National Park in Montana, and the third is from the Greenland ice cores.
  44. Trenberth on Tracking Earth’s energy: A key to climate variability and change
    Moderator - Daniel Bailey Do we have any indicaton that Dr Trenberth will participate in discussions on this thread? There are a number of questions which merit some response (and a few which do not), so if there is no one arguing Dr Trenberth's case (chiefly himself) - this thread will wither on the vine.

    [DB] My understanding was that Dr. Trenberth was travelling abroad for a few weeks.  As a service, he provided this article before he left.  Given his busy schedule, I would be (happily) surprised if he were able to make an appearance before then.

    That being said, perhaps few feel the need to prosecute the case so eloquently presented by an expert, such as Dr. Trenberth?

    In any event, questions remaining unanswered should be addressed in a future iteration of this article, so tack any of them up here for posterity.  Few threads here at SkS are truly "withered"; many are inactive, but witness the undead 2nd law thread...

  45. Eric (skeptic) at 22:21 PM on 13 July 2011
    Polar bear numbers are increasing
    Thanks very much for the update (30 September 2010) on this older post. I just noticed it now and it is much improved in context over the original.
  46. OA not OK part 5: Reservoir dogs
    I'm not trying to be funny - the diagram just makes no sense to me - sorry for not being substantive enough for you.
  47. Visions of the Arctic
    The writeup on the Davis Strait population says: "Ecological covariates associated with survival suggest that the decline may be as a combined result of short-term and local density dependence, stabilization of harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) numbers and declining ice conditions." Ergo, I wouldn't agree with the statement that this was due to hunting. That leaves only three populations (Baffin, Kane, and Lancaster) which are declining primarily due to hunting. The Chukchi Sea population is declining due to both ice loss and illegal hunting, but it isn't clear how much of the decline is due to each factor.
  48. Seawater Equilibria
    Further reflection on Eby et al suggests that if we were to stop all emissions instantaneously, CO2 levels would fall to about 315 ppmv after 10 thousand years, but take 50 to 100 years to fall to 350 ppmv. That is, of course, irrelevant. The only target we have a realistic hope of achieving at the moment, and only if we act decisively in the next few years is around 450 ppmv, locking in a 2 degree temperature increase that is likely to last for a century or so, and take over three thousand years to fall back below 1.6 degrees C.
  49. Seawater Equilibria
    Eric (skeptic) @91, you may find Eby et al, 2009 more useful than Archer and Brovkin, 2006. They examine the impacts of both smaller, and a wider range of CO2 slugs than to Archer and Brovkin. In particular they examine the impact of a slug of 160 Pg on top of 2000 levels of CO2 in the atmosphere (estimated at around 300 Pg). The slug of CO2 adds an additional 69 ppmv of CO2 to 2000 levels. This slug then decays exponentially so that its contribution to the atmosphere is just 41% of the original after 50 years (34.5 ppmv), just 37% after 100 years (25.5 ppmv), just 35% after 150 years (24.2 ppmv), and 27% after 200 years (18.6 ppmv). After a thousand years it declines to 23% (15.9 ppmv), and after 10 thousand, to about 18% (12.42). These decay rates are an overestimate of expected decay rates for stopping all emissions now. That is because if the CO2 is introduced slowly rather than as a single slug in one year, it has time for some of it to reach enter the deep ocean before emissions cease. Consequently the initial peak of atmospheric CO2 concentration is not as high, but the decay rate from that peak is slower. For example, in the 160-A2+ model run conducted by Ebi et al, peak atmospheric CO2 was just 37.7% of that in the 160 model run. In the 160-A2+ run, CO2 was introduced over several centuries, and the decay pattern follows a similar path to the 160 run from the point where that run decays to 40% of the peak. As it happens, Eby et al ran a control experiment with no emissions after 2000. The result was that after ten thousand years, the CO2 concentration dropped by 55 ppmv from a peak of 376 ppmv. That represents a fall to 33% of the peak increase after ten thousand years. It also suggests that after 150 years of exponentially increasing emissions, 16% of CO2 that would otherwise be stored in the atmosphere has been stored in the deep ocean.
  50. Eric the Red at 21:36 PM on 13 July 2011
    Visions of the Arctic
    Eric, Recent polar bear populations have been so strongly influenced by hunting that other influences are lost in the noise. There is little doubt that the Oslo agreement has been responsible for an increase in polar bear populations worldwide over the past several decades. Actual values for this increase are open to speculation as early data was difficult to obtain. Even recent numbers are somewhat speculative. Restricting hunting to natives in the affected areas may have resulted in population changes to certain areas (Hudson Bay) that are not representative of the whole. Increases in human populations in these areas have probably been a much larger factor than any other. Recent calls for lifting the ban on polar bear hunting will undoubtedly effect their numbers. Discerning the effects of climate change in relation to hunting is very difficult.

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