Climate Science Glossary

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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Climate Science Glossary


Terms 901 to 950 out of 2022

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Feulner et al. (2013)On the Origin of the Surface Air Temperature Difference between the Hemispheres in Earth's Present-Day Climate
Feulner et al. 2013On the Origin of the Surface Air Temperature Difference between the Hemispheres in Earth's Present-Day Climate
Field et al. (2012)Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation
Field et al. 2012Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation
Firth et al. (2019)Quantification of global waste heat and its environmental effects
Firth et al. 2019Quantification of global waste heat and its environmental effects
Fischer & Aiuppa (2020)AGU Centennial Grand Challenge: Volcanoes and Deep Carbon Global CO2 Emissions From Subaerial Volcanism—Recent Progress and Future Challenges
Fischer & Aiuppa 2020AGU Centennial Grand Challenge: Volcanoes and Deep Carbon Global CO2 Emissions From Subaerial Volcanism—Recent Progress and Future Challenges
Fischer et al. (2020)The carbon content of Earth and its core
Fischer et al. (2021)Increasing probability of record-shattering climate extremes
Fischer et al. 2020The carbon content of Earth and its core
Fischer et al. 2021Increasing probability of record-shattering climate extremes
Fisher et al. (2011)Recent melt rates of Canadian Arctic ice caps are the highest in four millennia
Fisher et al. 2011Recent melt rates of Canadian Arctic ice caps are the highest in four millennia
Fixsen (2009)The temperature of the cosmic microwave background
Fixsen 2009The temperature of the cosmic microwave background
Flanner (2009)Integrating anthropogenic heat flux with global climate models
Flanner 2009Integrating anthropogenic heat flux with global climate models
FLICC posterFLICC Poster
FLICC-PosterFLICC Poster
Flux adjustmentFlux adjustment
Forget et al. (1999)Improved general circulation models of the martian atmosphere from the surface to above 80 km
Forget et al. 1999Improved general circulation models of the martian atmosphere from the surface to above 80 km
Forster & Gregory (2006)The Climate Sensitivity and Its Components Diagnosed from Earth Radiation Budget Data
Forster & Gregory 2006The Climate Sensitivity and Its Components Diagnosed from Earth Radiation Budget Data
Forster & Ramaswamy (2007)Changes in atmospheric constituents and in radiative forcing
Forster & Ramaswamy 2007Changes in atmospheric constituents and in radiative forcing
Fossil fuel emissionsFossil fuel emissions
Foster & Rahmstorf (2011)
Foster & Rahmstorf 2011
Foster & Rahmstorf 2011Global temperature evolution 1979–2010.
Foster & Rahmstrof (2011) Global temperature evolution 1979–2010.
Foster and Rahmstorf (2011)Global temperature evolution 1979–2010
Foster et al. (2010)Comment on “Influence of the Southern Oscillation on tropospheric temperature” by J. D. McLean, C. R. de Freitas, and R. M. Carter
Foster et al. (2017)Future climate forcing potentially without precedent in the last 420 million years
Foster et al. 2010Comment on “Influence of the Southern Oscillation on tropospheric temperature” by J. D. McLean, C. R. de Freitas, and R. M. Carter
Foster et al. 2017Future climate forcing potentially without precedent in the last 420 million years
Foukal 2006Variations in solar luminosity and their effect on the Earth's climate
Foukal et al. (2006)Variations in solar luminosity and their effect on the Earth's climate
Foukal et al. 2006Variations in solar luminosity and their effect on the Earth's climate
Framework Convention on Climate ChangeUNFCCC
Francey et al. (1992)A 1000-year high precision record of δ13C in atmospheric CO2
Francey et al. (1999)A 1000-year high precision record of δ13C in atmospheric CO2
Francey et al. 1992A 1000-year high precision record of δ13C in atmospheric CO2
Francey et al. 1999A 1000-year high precision record of δ13C in atmospheric CO2
Francis & Vavrus (2012)Evidence linking Arctic amplification to extreme weather in mid‐latitudes
Francis & Vavrus 2012Evidence linking Arctic amplification to extreme weather in mid‐latitudes
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