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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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2012 SkS Bi-Weekly News Roundup #4

Posted on 25 November 2012 by John Hartz

This is the fourth edition of a biweekly roundup of selected news articles and blog posts about climate change and its impacts. Readers are encouraged to comment on the posted articles and to provide links to other articles of importance.

Cop 18: Expectations

Every statement from US diplomats at the Doha negotiations will be closely scrutinised for signs that Obama will indeed make climate change a priority of his second term – and that America remains committed to the global agreement diplomats have been seeking for 20 years.

Obama under pressure to show Doha he is serious on climate change by Suzanne Goldenberg, Guardian (UK), Nov 23, 2012

Cop 18: What's at Stake 

Diplomats from around the world will gather for the United Nations (UN) climate talks next week in Doha, Qatar, where negotiators hope to agree a second phase of the Kyoto Protocol and lay the groundwork for a new global treaty that will take force by 2020. Nature takes a look at what is expected from the 18th annual Conference of the Parties (COP 18), which runs from 26 November to 7 December.

What's at stake in Doha climate talks by Jeff Tollefson, Nature, Nov 23, 2012

Energy Generaton: US

Across the country, utilities are switching from coal to cheap natural gas. In April, for the first time, natural gas pulled even with coal as a fuel source for power plants. Through August, the use of coal to generate electric power had tumbled 17 percent while the use of natural gas jumped 27 percent, according to the Energy Information Administration.

The demise of coal-fired power plants by Steven Mufson, Washington Post, Nov 23, 2012

Impacts: Europe

Climate change is affecting all regions in Europe, causing a wide range of impacts on society and the environment. Further impacts are expected in the future, potentially causing high damage costs, according to the latest assessment published by the European Environment Agency today.

Climate change evident across Europe, confirming urgent need for adaptation, European Environment Agency, Nov 21, 2012

Ozone Hole

Argentine scientists agree that there are signs of recovery of the ozone layer that protects life on earth by filtering out the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation, but they are cautious about saying that the problem is on its way to a solution.

Shrinking Ozone Hole, Growing Hopes by Marcela Valente, Internaional Press Service (IPS), Nov 23, 2102 

Prince Charles Warns Mankind

The Prince of Wales has warned that mankind is on the brink of “committing suicide on a grand scale” unless urgent progress is made in tackling green issues such as carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, intensive farming and resource depletion.

Mankind must go green or die, says Prince Charles by Jonathan Brown, The Independent, Nov 23, 2012

Worldwide Vulnerability of Forests

Climate change puts at risk not only the rich diversity of life in the world’s forests, but also the ability of those forests to suck carbon dioxide out of the air, as they do today in immense volume, helping to limit global warming. In other words, if forests start dying from global warming, that means the warming will get worse, presumably killing more forests — a dangerous feedback loop.

The Worldwide Vulnerability of Forests by Justin Gillis, New York Times, Nov 23, 2012

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Comments 1 to 1:

  1. Oh boy has the start of COP18 ever set the deniers into a frenzie in Canada. On every news site I've looked at today which allows commenting, the majority of comments are rants related to how the UN is just stealing our money, the globe has been warming for 12,000 years, its a natural cycle, ect ect. The brass jokes of the woefully ill-informed have taken over today, leaving the rest of us shaking our heads (and overwhelmingly downvoted)
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