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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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2012 SkS Weekly Digest #33

Posted on 20 August 2012 by John Hartz

SkS Highlights

Hansen's New Climate Dice - Hot, Loaded, and Misunderstood by Dana not only attracted the most comments of the articles posted during the past week, it also drew praise from a prominent climate scientist. Book review: Language Intelligence by Joe Romm by John Cook was the second most commented article. 

Toon of the Week


Quote of the Week

"Today’s humans probably need air-conditioning if they want to thrive and prosper. Yet if all those new city dwellers use air-conditioning the way Americans do, life could be one stuttering series of massive blackouts, accompanied by disastrous planet-warming emissions." - Elisabeth Rosenthal

Source: The Cost of Cool Elisabeth Rosenthal, New York Times, Aug 18, 2012 

The Week in Review 

Coming soon 

  • Charles Keeling debunks the claims about carbon dioxide measurements (Ari Jokimäki)
  • New research from last week 33/2012 (Ari Jokimäki)
  • Lindzen, Happer, and Cohen Wall Street Journal Rerun (Dana)
  • Patrick Michaels' 1992 skeptical claims versus the 2012 reality (MarkR)
  • How much has nuclear testing contributed to global warming? (Tom Curtis)
  • Matt Ridley - Wired for Lukewarm Catastrophe (Dana)
  • Unpicking a Gish-Gallop: former Greenpeace figure Patrick Moore on climate change (John Mason)
  • Skeptic Magazine vs. Heartland and Monckton: Cherry-picked Denialism (AlexC and Dana) 

SkS Spotlights 

The University of New South Wales Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) is a multi-disciplinary research group comprising one of the largest university research facilities of its kind in Australia. 

CCRC houses research expertise in the key areas Earth's climate: atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial processes. We apply basic scientific principles to pressing questions on climate dynamics, global climate change, and extremes of weather and climate. 

Our atmosphere research includes studies of large scale dynamics, convection, radiation, climate feedbacks, and factors controlling precipitation changes and other meteorological impacts. 

Our oceanographic research focuses on the ocean's role in the climate system: including large-scale physical oceanography, coupled climate modes and regional ocean circulation, palaeoclimate dynamics, the ocean's thermohaline circulation, and global biogeochemical cycles. 

On the land surface, we focus on modelling terrestrial processes in climate models, to develop our understanding of the effects of carbon dynamics, hydrology and vegetation processes on climate. 

Scientists at CCRC employ a variety of research tools including global and regional models of the atmosphere, ocean and land surface, coastal domain simulations and process models. We also use a great variety of data collected from satellites, weather stations, ships, eddy-flux towers and aircraft from regions as diverse as the Great Barrier Reef, the tropics, urban surfaces, the Tasman Sea and Antarctica. 

The CCRC is the lead institution in the newly formed ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, a multi-university initiative to advance fundamental climate sciences in Australia.

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Comments 1 to 5:

  1. We do have cactus in Wisconsin. Other than that the cartoon is just plain silly.
    0 0
  2. And as such it superbly highlights the cognitive bias and deep-seated denial of deniers.
    0 0
  3. Steve, you might have cactus in WI, but I'll go on record as saying you do *not* have Saguaro cacti, and as DB states, the cartoon, and perhaps your response, illuminates the cognitive bias and denial of the those who call a simple cartoon "silly."
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  4. @vroomie #3: I was born in Wisconsin and spent most of my life residing in the Madison area. I traveled the state extensively. I do not recall ever seeing or hearing about cactii native to the state. There are lots of sand-bur weeds however.
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  5. John, apparently, there are native species in your home state...who knew? However, *not* saguaros! Cactus species native to Wisconsin I'm certainly amazed: we also have hardy prickly pear in Colorado, but in the south cholla and a few others are able to weather the climate. Species migration is one of those interesting things we're seeing wrt AGW, and is one of the more telling bits of evidence it *is* getting warmer. The biggest one of interest to me is the killing of most of our lodgepole pine, from the Japanese pine beetle, an invasive species which, 40+ years ago, wouldn't survive winter conditions in Colorado's mountains. For quite some time, it has, and its effect culminated in the fires you heard about this past summer, many of which are still burning.
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