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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Climate Risk Index 2014: Haiti, Philippines and Pakistan most affected

Posted on 18 December 2013 by John Hartz

This article is a reprint of a press release posted by Germanwatch on Nov 12, 2013.

Major share of economic and human burden of weather catastrophes on developing countries

Germanwatch LogoOvershadowed by the ongoing human catastrophe in the Philippines, Germanwatch presented the 9th annual Global Climate Risk Index at the onset of the Climate Summit in Warsaw. “The index shows that the most severe weather related catastrophes in 2012 occurred in Haiti, Philippines and Pakistan”, says Sönke Kreft, Team Leader International Climate Policy at Germanwatch and co-author of the index. „The landfall of Hurricane Sandy in the US dominated international news in October 2012. Yet, it was Haiti - the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere - that suffered the greatest losses from the same event."

The Philippines come second in the 2014 Climate Risk Index. “The unfolding human tragedy caused by super-Typhoon Haiyan will only be captured in future reports. The Global Climate Risk Index 2014 tells the story of a country constantly battered by climate-related catastrophes”, explains Kreft. Pakistan, the third ranked country, has been among the three most affected countries worldwide for three consecutive years.

For the last 20 years the ten most affected countries are without exception developing nations - with Honduras, Myanmar and Haiti taking the worst brunt during the period 1993-2012.

The climate summit in Warsaw is expected to chart a road-map for an ambitious 2015 agreement. "Our results are really a wake-up call to ramp up international climate policy and to better manage weather-related disasters”, says Kreft, “the year 2015 represents a major milestone, which needs to deliver a new climate agreement, and the international disaster framework is also up for renewal.” The Warsaw conference also negotiates how to directly address climate related loss and damage.

The index also shows significant climate impacts in developed countries: The region hosting this year’s climate conference ranks highest among the developed countries in 2012. Kreft: “Eastern European countries, including Russia and Poland, feature high in the index in terms of vulnerability. Ironically, these countries often reflect less ambitious climate policies. For these countries the COP in Warsaw should be a turning point to move away from coal and oil dependency.”

The Germanwatch Climate Risk Index ranks countries according to relative and absolute number of human victims, and relative and absolute economic damage. The core data stems from the Munich Re NatCatSERVICE. The most recent available data from 2012 as well as for the 20-year-period 1993-2012 were taken into account for the preparation of this index.

Subject Report: Global Climate Risk Index 2014

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Comments 1 to 2:

  1. "The climate summit in Warsaw is expected to chart a road-map for an ambitious 2015 agreement." Well, I guess that didn't happen.

    "Our results are really a wake-up call" The crucial folks seem to still be asleep.

    0 0
  2. This article fleshes out the map of climate effects in my mind as I have never imagined before. I imagine a river of humidity coming off of the Atlantic and slamming into the Easter coasts of Mexico and the USA, a similar river from the pacific slams in to the eater coasts of Southeast China and Asia. The island on the way are hit the hardest, the Philippines and Cribbean. Energy from the Indian Ocean is diverted by the highest mountain range in the world affecting the Pakistan Delta the worst.

    The dry side of climate change, I guess is why Poland and Russia are on the list of places most affected, but what about the US West and Northern Mexico? Are there such scientifically derived maps?

    I look at my one-year old and fear for her future when I see the 2013 arctic ice curve approximate the 2012 extreme maximum today. I have done every thing I can to contribute to a solution. I am thankful for the community here for your efforts.

    0 0

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