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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 57251 to 57300:

  1. Ian Plimer Pens Aussie Geologist Gish Gallop #2 of the Week
    @dana1981 I take exception to this: "the Australian government (primarily their Labor Party) passed Clean Energy Bill 2011, which implemented a national carbon pricing system (starting as a tax, then becoming an emissions trading system). This was a major achievement for Australia, but one which political conservatives tended to oppose". In fact, opposition to the carbon pricing scheme is not limited to political conservatives, and, according to surveys, includes the majority of people in Australia. Polls I have seen have shown that up to 80% of Australians believe that AGW is a real issue, yet as many as 75% are opposed to the carbon tax. (And despite rumours to the contrary, Australians are not necessarily politically conservative when it gets down to the polling details: ). So I think it is factually incorrect to present opposition to the carbon tax as something associated with political conservatism (or AGW denial) - that is certainly not the case in Australia. The Liberal Party's position on the carbon tax is seen as a populist move, even though most people polled disagree with their AGW-denialist stance. I also disagree with the description of the carbon tax as "a major achievement for Australia", and I say this as someone who fully agrees with the science on global warming, and sits far to the left on the political spectrum. This is actually a point of contention among the environmentalist movement in Australia. In my own experience, the carbon tax has made the Greens (and environmental issues) quite unpopular, where previously they were seen as having a moral high ground. It has alienated people who agreed with us on AGW, because it is seen as a measure in which average people will be made to pay for a problem created by big business. A conservative government in the next election is a near-certainty at this stage, and the carbon tax is one of the policy decisions that has contributed to this near-certainty. macoles wrote: "The only plausible criticism of the CEF package is that low incomes earners will be overcompensated via the "Household assistance measures", and that could be seen as vote buying."" In fact, there are more people in tricky economic circumstances in Australia than is commonly reported, as cost of living increases have been eating away at us for some time. There's a lot of doubt that the carbon tax's compensation packages will actually compensate for all the increases, much of which will be difficult to track (as businesses fold their cost increases into the prices that they pass on to consumers). Perhaps more importantly, Treasury figures have shown that the carbon tax and cap & trade program is only expected to reduce emissions by something like 2% by 2050 - the reason that higher figures are often quoted is that they include "reductions" from the purchasing of carbon offsets from overseas. This is an especially fraught issue; in some cases businesses will be "purchasing" things such as 'a promise not to log an area of forest that (supposedly) otherwise would have been logged'. One could write essays on the problems with cap & trade (and many already have, so I'll stop myself there). Another consideration is the role of economic recession - already in full swing overseas, and definitely en route to Australia (via recent drops in Chinese manufacturing/infrastructure, which partly relies on Australian mining exports; and via the high Australian dollar that has already caused substantial job losses in manufacturing, retail and tourism; a lot of people are already 'underemployed', if not unemployed). Carbon pricing is an incentive scheme to reduce unnecessary production, but recession already raises the price of production and pares things down to a bare minimum (even below the bare minimum, as unemployment & poverty rise). The 1990s economic crash in Eastern Europe did more for carbon emissions than any carbon price has. The alternatives I would propose involve nationalisation of energy production & active development of alternatives (rather than using a market incentive system), which I'm sure I don't need to go into (and it'd take me OT anyway). So I question the characterisation of opposition to carbon pricing as a hallmark of political conservatism, and the description of it as a step forward for those of us who know that AGW is a problem and want to do something about it. Both implications are factually incorrect.
  2. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    AH. Tony Duncan, Vt, USA
  3. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Posting on my facebook page. You have gone through hell because of ideological thuggery. I know scientists aren't perfect and science isn't perfect, yet you should never have been subjected to the hostility and paranoid delusions of these people. Your have my sympathy and support, and what you have gone through has strengthened my resolve to do what I can to get the facts as we know them out to the public
  4. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Phil, I regard you as an honest and brave scientist. My children will learn to take you as a role model. Their children and those of the fake skeptics will be inspired by your great contributions to the survival of civilization. Keep up the good work. There are many of us who will stand up for dealing with reality rather than preserving personal interest. Thank you for all you do! Bill Rumbley USA
  5. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Long time reader (and learner) here and had to register to show support. Let us hope the increasingly desperate talk from the deniers shows they realise that the end game has arrived for them. No one should have to receive the sort of stuff Professor Jones has so I totally support this show of support for him. Mike Doyle, London
  6. Mercury rising: Greater L.A. to heat up an average 4 to 5 degrees by mid-century
    Can I ask that headlines referring to temps in ºF and so departing from the international scientific convention of ºC make this clear in the headline itself?
  7. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    It's a sad world where you have to thank people for doing there job, but here it is : thank you a lot. Herwig Regelbrugge, Belgium
  8. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    It is shameful that this abuse is so extreme and has gone on so long; all as the result of the unsolved crime of stolen emails. I hope you feel the support of your many friends who appreciate your scientific expertise. Jon Parker Houston, Texas
  9. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Martin Mathers, Scotland
  10. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    James Lawrence Powell, USA
  11. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Gary Kunkel, Utah, USA
  12. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Sent by email.
  13. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Robert Evans Boulder, Colorado USA
  14. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    When I find myself asking "Why bother?", sooner or later some of Gandhi's words come back. Something along the lines of: Almost everything you do may seem insignificant, but it is IMPERATIVE that you do it as well as you can. Chin up! And that goes out to all of us. Mark E, USA
  15. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Stephan Reed Long Beach CA USA
  16. monkeyorchid at 02:22 AM on 3 July 2012
    Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Dr Richard Milne, Edinburgh
  17. Miriam O'Brien (Sou) at 02:05 AM on 3 July 2012
    Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Miriam O'Brien, Victoria, Australia.
  18. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Stewart Longman, Calgary, Canada
  19. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Sveinn Atli Gunnarsson Reykjavik, Iceland
  20. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Prof. Jones, You have the deep respect and gratitude of innumerable people, including mine.
  21. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Evan Bush, Kentucky
  22. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Harriet Shugarman USA
  23. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Richard G, UK
  24. Manwichstick at 00:32 AM on 3 July 2012
    Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Shawn Brooks, Toronto
  25. Sudden_Disillusion at 00:14 AM on 3 July 2012
    Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Stefan Meier, Switzerland
  26. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Not at all an expert in Latin but I think the title isn't right. It should be NOLI not NIL
    Moderator Response: [Sph] "Nil" is one of several common, valid slang variations (of which none are truly good Latin). The phrase originated during WW II.
  27. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Jeremy Dawes - UK
  28. Chookmustard at 22:27 PM on 2 July 2012
    Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Adrian O'Hara Australia
  29. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Kristof Vandoorne, Belgium
  30. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Yvan Dutil, Québec, Qc, Canada
  31. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Bruce Cooke, Australia
  32. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    We all stand beside you Phil, with every new day, comes new strength. John Wilby, Australia.
  33. Cornelius Breadbasket at 19:03 PM on 2 July 2012
    Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Dear Dr Jones, I am sorry that you have been the centre of a politically and industrially motivated storm resulting in such dreadful emails. Ever since your own emails were hacked I have wanted to say how appalled I was that you have been hauled over the coals – it should never have happened to the extent that it did. While it has been reassuring to know that your work is sound and that you have been exonerated, the personal cost to you must have been horrendous. You have my utmost respect for bearing this burden in the name of objective scientific research. James Pavitt (UK)
  34. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    As Duke Ellington used to say: " I will not let them tear down my magnificent personality " Ignore the fools and cowards Dr Jones.
  35. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Larry Pryor, USA
  36. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Sky McCain UK
  37. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    The campaign against climate scientists is an attack on science and all that it represents: knowledge and reason. It must not be allowed to succeed. Mike Korsch, Australia
  38. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Leigh Thompson Australia
  39. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Anders Emretsson, Sweden
  40. Pierre-Normand at 16:26 PM on 2 July 2012
    Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Pierre-Normand Houle Montreal, Canada
  41. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Thank you for your work, Markus Hanrath Hessen Germany
  42. Keith Hunter at 15:44 PM on 2 July 2012
    Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Keith Hunter, New Zealand
  43. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Donald Broatch, UK
  44. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Phil, I just don't understand what possesses some people. That they exist is disturbing. At least we know intellectually, that rational, sane humanity outnumber them. For the earth For humanity UncaDoug (aka Doug350) Hayward, CA, USA
  45. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Oh, yes, I do not wish to be anonymous in this. I am willing to stand with you Dr. Jones. Sincerely, Vincent Pawlowski Tucson, Arizona, USA
  46. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Dear Dr. Jones, It is truly saddening that you have to be the recipient of such vile hatred. I am also aware that you are not alone in getting these kinds of disgusting messages. Please know that you have the unwavering support of millions of good people who empathize with your situation. I have spent years studying the moral implications of anthropogenic global warming. There is NO coherent moral system that can condone doing nothing about global warming. Even the most laissez faire of attitudes would demand that all engage in at least an absolute minimum of no regrets actions. Regardless of what such venom indicates about those who engage in these threats, we can do well to accept our own part in the dilemma. To have people who are so frightened by our desire to do the right thing that they fight even the most modest soultions indicates that WE are doing something wrong. There are those of us who are trained and willing to listen to the fears of those who feel so overwrought at the implications of climate change that their denial becomes toxic vitriol. This rage seeps into their daily lives, making it very painful for those around them to be around them. If you are one of the people believing that AGW is a giant conspiracy, please talk to someone. Get help. There are those who have been where you are, and have found recovery. We are ready to listen.
  47. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Thanks. And don't let the bar stewards get you down. Paul Byard, Australia
  48. Help Send Peter Sinclair to the Mt. Baker Glacier
    I wish Peter good luck & fun, however, if they are going to climb Easton Glacier, there is a word of warning: snowmobiles. I don't know current regulations by NPS (I don't live in WA, USA any more) but when I was there, I chose to climb via Cooleman-Deming Glacier, specifically to avoid the nastiness of the horrific noise and suffocating stench the operators of those silly machines create. And that's related not only to the destruction of National Parks but to global warming too! When I was standing on the rim near Roman Headwall, I saw many dozen (maybe hundred?) dots of snowmobiles down on Easton, together with constant hum. Unbelieivable. Easton was the last place I wanted to be on that day.
  49. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Keep up the good work Prof Jones. John Rogers, Sydney, Australia
  50. Nil Illegitimi Carborundum
    Lindsay Bussau, Australia.

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