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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 77251 to 77300:

  1. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    KR, Agreed that total amount is more important than source. My point really was that its untrue to say nature sinks all of its own and only half of human emissions. The ratios are irrelevant when the total weight is out of sync.
  2. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Sorry I said less than above when I meant more than.
  3. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale If that was an honest question, my sincere apologies. You have indeed been quite involved and reasonable in a discussion that 'skeptics' tend to avoid. I have repeatedly, however, seen the Ship of Theseus question (which molecule is which) inappropriately invoked up in mass balance discussions, on multiple threads and blogs. Since in regards to climate we're concerned about CO2 concentration, not the origin of individual molecules, claiming (as some have) that we aren't raising atmospheric concentrations based on the ancestry of those molecules is simply an incorrect view. Isotopic analysis is quite useful for determining the rates at which CO2 moves from one climate compartment (air, water, soil, plants, rocks) to another. But again, the relevant quantities for climate change are total CO2 concentrations and amounts, not origins.
  4. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dikran, I think both of us used the word "responsible" incorrectly above. Nature did not cause an increase in my example. The total weight of emissions being less than the intake is the cause of the rise. If E_n had dropped by 15, then the rise would be zero. Again the total weight of emissions is the cause of no rise.
  5. Dikran Marsupial at 08:38 AM on 17 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale You appear to have missed my last question, which cannot be adequately answered "yes nature has taken out more than put in." My last question is repeated below.
    Dale wrote: "Nature is responsible in ratio between E_n and E_a, so in the example above, 70% whilst humans are responsible for 30%." So you are saying that in that year the natural environment caused 70% of the rise of 15 units of atmospheric CO2 that happened that year, even though it took 15 units of CO2 out of the atmosphere more than it put in? Hint: The natural environment is responsible for 100% of the uptake and we are responsible for (essentially) 0% of it.
  6. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    If I'm going to be continuosly called a troll, I will just simply leave.
    Moderator Response: [Albatross] Please do not leave just yet. You are making progress on this matter. Dikran may well convince you yet. Everyone, please exercise maximum patience with Dale. And Dale, people would not get so frustrated with you if you a) Listened and b) Stopped making stuff up.
  7. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale @71, in your example, you would agree that the presence of E_a is causing natural processes to absorb 10.5 units less of E_n than it otherwise would have. In other words, even in your pedantic example, human emissions are responsible for 100% of the increase, 15% by directly increasing the atmospheric concentration, and 85% by substituting for natural emissions that otherwise would have been removed.
    Moderator Response: [Albatross] Fixed bold tag
  8. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Daly @78, I get rather [ -snip- ] just making things up on this forum. For example:
    "If we want to look at isotopes, is it correct to say that human emissions contain a higher ratio of C12 to C13? Since in fossil fuels C14 and C13 breakdown over time to combinations of methane, nitrogen and C12."
    In fact C14 decays into N14, and electron and an antineutrino. As protons (ie, hydrogen ions) are not a decay product, there is no possibility of forming methane from the decay of C14. C13, in contrast, is stable and does not decay. Consequently C12 is not the decay product of any Carbon isotope.
  9. Joseph E. Postma and the Greenhouse Effect
    My personal favorite collection of arrogant jumbled words from Postma's latest diatribe:
    This, as opposed to the illogical direct comparison of said physically unique (i.e., different) metrics without qualification and the consequent arrangement of tautologies built up to superficially sustain and promote that original deception. Thus, there is absolutely no allowance nor justification for a back-radiative GHE whatsoever, in the reference frame of logic and Natural Philosophy. We will return to this ahead.
    It doesn't get any clearer than that.
  10. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    I apologise if my comment was taken as trolling but since I had been corrected for precision in the past I thought that was the culture here. And the meaning of "all natural emissions" is pretty clear. Please continue your lesson. To answer your last question, yes nature has taken out more than put in.
  11. One Confusedi Bastardi
    That first part about us being responsible for 3% of the atmospheric CO2 yearly increase is just incredible... How far does the scientific skills of Mr. "chief meteorologist" go? Addition and subtraction? Maybe not that far?
  12. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Excuse me, but being precise is trolling? I've had other people in this very thread "correct" me as I wasn't precise, yet when a "sceptic" does it it's trolling? If we want to look at isotopes, is it correct to say that human emissions contain a higher ratio of C12 to C13? Since in fossil fuels C14 and C13 breakdown over time to combinations of methane, nitrogen and C12. Is it also fair to say that around 85% of plant life "prefers" the lighter isotope of C12 over C13 (it's well documented that the ratio of C13 in these plants is lower than atmospheric ratio of C13). Thus even though the C12/C13 ratio of human emissions is different to the natural C12/C13 ratio, the increased amount of C12 would be "preferred" by these plants. So that would imply that these plants "eat" human CO2 at a faster rate. Of course, this has been observed with the faster growth of C3 plants over C4 and CAM plants.
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] Precision ought to be tempered by common sense. Common sense should have told you that I didn't mean natural uptake took up the same molecules of CO2 that had been released that year by natural sources.

    I suggest we leave the isotpic arguments until later.

    Pedantry is often used by trolls to avoid addressing the substantive issues and obuscate the discussion. It is a good idea to ask if the meaning is not clear so that honest precision is not confused for trolling (it also facilitates the discussion of the substantive issues).
  13. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale - As he has noted, Dikran is well aware that what remains in the air is not just anthropogenic CO2, but rather a mix of CO2 from anthropogenic, biological, and natural chemical sources. Again, though, it's the amount of CO2 in the increase, in ppm - that's what is important. You are making semantic/rhetorical points of no scientific import. If you claim it's an error that invalidates the mass balance discussion, I would consider you to be either sadly misdirected or deliberately disingenuous. If it makes you comfortable, insert the phrase "an amount equal to" before every CO2 amount, as in: Dikran - "That "bit more" has averaged about half of an amount equal to anthropogenic emissions" -- Dikran - There are some differences, in that isotopic uptake of plants differs between various carbon weights, and anthropogenic carbon has a different isotopic mix than stuff in the biological side of the carbon cycle. That's useful for tracking purposes. But yes, Dale is either quite confused or trolling.
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] Yes, the point about the isotptic differences is correct (but I didn't want to overly complicate things). I am interested to see how Dale will answer my most recent question.
  14. Dikran Marsupial at 06:53 AM on 17 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale wrote: "Nature is responsible in ratio between E_n and E_a, so in the example above, 70% whilst humans are responsible for 30%." So you are saying that in that year the natural environment caused 70% of the rise of 15 units of atmospheric CO2 that happened that year, even though it took 15 units of CO2 out of the atmosphere more than it put in? Hint: The natural environment is responsible for 100% of the uptake and we are responsible for (essentially) 0% of it.
  15. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    KR, Dikran stated that ALL natural emission are removed and half of human emissions remain, which is just simply not true. Unless you are claiming that natural sinks can discern between natural and human carbon in the air and prioritise natural carbon over human carbon.
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] It should have been obvious that I was talking about amounts of CO2, not the molecules themselves, that would be absurd. There is no mechanism by which the sinks differentiate between anthropogenic CO2 and natural CO2, nor is there a mechanism to differntiate between natural CO2 emitted last year and this, which would also be required under your misinterpretation!
  16. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Nature is responsible in ratio between E_n and E_a, so in the example above, 70% whilst humans are responsible for 30%.
  17. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale - You are making the classic Ship of Theseus error, confusing components with structure, or in this case amounts. An amount of CO2 equal to about half of anthropogenic emissions remains in the atmosphere. It doesn't matter whether those are all anthropogenically produced molecules, decayed plant matter, exchanges with the ocean, etc. - it's the amount that matters when discussing climate. To quote Heroclitus - "Ever-newer waters flow on those who step into the same rivers." Yet you still get just as wet...
  18. Dikran Marsupial at 06:35 AM on 17 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale So how much of the rise in atmospheric CO2 is the natural environment responsible for in your example?
  19. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Okay let's look at it via numbers. Say for argument, E_n is 70 and E_a is 30. This makes a total of 100 E. Thus since we know on average ~50% of E_a is taken up, U_n must be 85 (E_n + (0.5 * E_a)). However due to mixture E_n and E_a are removed in ratio, unless you claim U_n is intelligent enough to discern the difference and remove all of E_n first. Thus by the numbers above, 85% of E_a is removed, and 85% of E_n is removed, which leaves total remaining E of 15 (0.85 * (70 + 30)) made up of 10.5 E_n and 4.5 E_a.
  20. Joseph E. Postma and the Greenhouse Effect
    I should hold my tongue, but I put a lot of effort going through Postma's first paper (this is his second) and arguing with him on a denial site. It sounds like this paper is much like the first. That first spent page after page teaching standard climate science as if he had developed and derived it himself, while also constantly adding the words "thermodynamics," because that was his main contention, that simple thermodynamics explained everything without the greenhouse effect. Of course, the first funny thing was that for all he used the word "thermodynamics" over and over, he never actually applied much thermodynamics. He just started sentences with the phrase "Thermodynamics says that" followed by whatever point he wanted to a priori declare to be an unassailable truth. What was really amazing, though, was that all of those pages really watered down to two paragraphs where he "developed" the equation for an adiabatic lapse rate using gravity. He then substituted the actual observed lapse rate and tried to work downwards from the altitude with an average atmospheric temperature of 255K to the surface, which was magically (Ta da!) 288K, which "proved" that gravity caused all warming, not the greenhouse effect. The flaws in this are legion, but the main flaw was the bit of sleight of hand which allowed him to effectively prove that 2 + 2 = 4, and therefore 4 - 2 = 2, and therefore the greenhouse effect doesn't exist. All he did was to take observations of the temperatures at the surface and 5,000 ft, apply a linear equation created based on those observations, and then declare that since the equation computed the proper temperature of the surface by plugging in the temperature at 5,000 feet, then the greenhouse effect does not exist because the equation (and gravity!) explained all. It was simple insanity wrapped in a huge, complicated bow of "thermodynamics" and basic climate theory that had been developed by other people, but helped to make his presentation look brilliant and scientific. I can't bring myself to read his latest travesty. I'll let Chris do so, and laugh at the denial twits who think they're onto something.
  21. Dikran Marsupial at 06:07 AM on 17 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale wrote "I'll come back to that at the end of the steps. ;)" No, we had better deal with it now. If you disagree with that statement it means you must have misunderstood a previous step. If U_n > E_n it means that natural uptake was sufficient to take up all of the natural emissions for that year, as well as a bit more. That "bit more" has averaged about half of anthropogenic emissions. If you disagree with that, you need to explain your position.
  22. Climate's changed before
    That's one heck of a 'natural cycle!' And for those who accept that increasing temperature is necessary for increasing CO2 (the Salby effect), the 'its cooling' meme is blown.
  23. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    @rustneversleeps, Unfortunately, Dale does. ;) @Dikran "U_n > E_n means that the natural uptake removes ALL of the natural emissions as well as ~50% of human emissions." I'll come back to that at the end of the steps. ;) But yes, sinks have removed more than the natural cycle puts in.
  24. One Confusedi Bastardi
    Well, it's OT but I can't resist ...
    unless I see rain on the radar
    You don't see rain on the radar, you see rain on a false-color image generated by a model that interprets data returned by doppler radar ...
  25. Greenhouse Gas: It's not just about CO2
    Second comment of the day. I have now revised several points to clarify and correct as has been advised to me by my friends. Hope it reads better than it did. Kev C
  26. Joseph E. Postma and the Greenhouse Effect
    I'm not sure I agree with you Marco. But that is another topic.
  27. rustneversleeps at 03:48 AM on 17 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
  28. Climate's changed before
    Good grief, DB, where did you get the second graph? I don't recall having seen it. That is almost painful.

    [DB] I collect 'em, like Imelda Marcos does shoes...

  29. Joseph E. Postma and the Greenhouse Effect Part 2
    I am open to that possibility...but Joe Postma is now posting comments on Judith Curry´s blog, and the quality of the comments are slowly making me a skeptic, or perhaps even a ¨denier¨ of that possibility.
  30. Joseph E. Postma and the Greenhouse Effect Part 2
    Chris, I am going to disagree with your next to last sentence. Yes, it is wrong, but I am not sure it was intended to confuse casual readers. Let's accept the possibility that Joseph E. Postma simply does not have the intellectual ability to really understand what he is doing. The stupid, it sometimes hurts, but it really exists (I could show you a paper in which essentially nothing is right, most of which the author did not understand when I pointed it out (it actually got published in an otherwise reasonable journal (IF 2.8)). We'll have to live with people who seriously and honestly believe they are right, regardless of everything and everyone pointing out their errors. Their intentions may not be nefarious, they are just spectacularly wrong.
  31. Climate's changed before
    Fitz, there is an IPCC graph which shows different records overlapping. However, demonstrating that they align wasn't its intended purpose so the resolution is low and the records aren't all identified. The red is atmospheric, the green looks like it is probably Law Dome, and the purple must be Vostok. In any case, see the How reliable are CO2 measurements? page for more info.

    [DB] There is this one; I'll look for others:

    Ice Core CO2


    This one, showing the departure from the natural range of CO2, is a jaw-dropper:



    To paraphrase the Bard:  The Rate's the Thing...

  32. Joseph E. Postma and the Greenhouse Effect
    This reminds me of how the electronic structure of atoms is taught: start with the Bohr model. Simple, elegant...but in essence wrong. It's just a better starting point than quantum mechanics and having to discuss orbitals, probabilities, and all that from the start.
  33. Greenhouse Gas: It's not just about CO2
    The above posting is still being reviewed by a couple of my friends. They have picked me up on one or two punctuation errors, a couple of bad syntax errors and a few modifications that could make it more informative without much alteration. Aside from that I am still working on a follow up article with some further ideas as well as trying to present a more informative viewpoint to the everyday population who simply don't have time to read masses of technical and scientific data. So over the next couple of days I intend to edit the article to correct the oversights. Anyone who has seen a glaring mistake or thinks I could improve a point or two then please feel free to comment. Regards Kev C
  34. Joseph E. Postma and the Greenhouse Effect
    'Of course, this is never done in climate modeling or in more detailed analyses appropriate for scholarly literature, so it is more an exercise in complaining about undergraduate education than an attempt to correct what he calls a “paradigm” in climatology.' This made me laugh out loud. A great summary of the hard work of knocking down straw men.
  35. One Confusedi Bastardi
    "The short term forcasts for my area have been so miserably wrong that unless I see rain on the radar, I discount it."
    Bastardi is probably Camburn's weatherman :-) The accuracy of models is off-topic here. As DSL suggests, if you want to argue about that, please take it to the "models aren't reliable" page.
  36. Dikran Marsupial at 01:12 AM on 17 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale you have missed an important point. It isn't just that the natural sinks remove ~50% of human emissions. U_n > E_n means that the natural uptake removes ALL of the natural emissions as well as ~50% of human emissions. The remaining ~50% of anthropogenic emissions is what has been causing atmospheric concentrations to rise. Back to the step by step: You agree that for the last fifty years natural uptake has exceeded natural emissions (U_n > E_n). Do you agree that this means that the natural carbon cycle has consistently opposed the rise in atmospheric CO2 as in each of the last fifty years it has taken more CO2 out of the atmosphere than it has put in?
  37. Climate's changed before
    I've recently come across a number of arguments suggesting that the ice core CO2 measurements are inaccurate as they can be contaminated or only show CO2 concentrations in one location etc. Is there any charts that show the data of the various ice core datasets laid over each other to demonstrate that they are in agreement with each other as you wouldn't expect the same problems to occur at exactly the same time periods at different locations around the world. Cheers
  38. One Confusedi Bastardi
    So you produce a model based on observation. The model outcome predicts that whatever the meteorologist says, the result will be the opposite. You act on this model by discounting the forecast completely. You then apply another model. You check the radar and use your proprietary software to predict the chance of rain. You then act on the model by carrying or not carrying your umbrella. I wonder how often your models are correct. 100%? 90%? Why don't you peruse the "Models aren't reliable" page to see how accurate temp modeling can be? This is entirely on-topic, since Bastardi uses models to predict short-term weather but denies that models will work for long-term climate.
  39. Pete Dunkelberg at 00:22 AM on 17 August 2011
    What was it like the last time CO2 levels were this high?
    BP's comment seems on topic to me. His question is "How much of the climate difference between the Pliocene and today is due to the closure of the former Panama seaway?" Step one in answering the question: find out how global ocean circulation changed. BP found a good 1998 paper on that. Next step: integrate this with modern climate models. Closure of the Panama Seaway during the Pliocene: implications for climate and Northern Hemisphere glaciation from ten years later is a good start.
    Abstract/Summary The "Panama Hypothesis" states that the gradual closure of the Panama Seaway, between 13 million years ago (13 Ma) and 2.6 Ma, led to decreased mixing of Atlantic and Pacific water Masses, the formation of North Atlantic Deep water and strengthening of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation, increased temperatures and evaporation in the North Atlantic, increased precipitation in Northern Hemisphere (NH) high latitudes, culminating in the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) during the Pliocene, 3.2-2.7 Ma. Here we test this hypothesis using a fully coupled, fully dynamic ocean-atmosphere general circulation model (GCM) with boundary conditions specific to the Pliocene, and a high resolution dynamic ice sheet model. We carry out two GCM simulations with "closed" and "open" Panama Seaways, and use the simulated climatologies to force the ice sheet model. We find that the models support the "Panama Hypothesis" in as much as the closure of the seaway results in a more intense Atlantic thermohaline circulation, enhanced precipitation over Greenland and North America, and ultimately larger ice sheets. However, the volume difference between the ice sheets in the "closed" and "open" configurations is small, equivalent to about 5 cm of sea level. We conclude that although the closure of the Panama Seaway may have slightly enhanced or advanced the onset of NHG, it was not a major forcing mechanism. Future work must fully couple the ice sheet model and GCM, and investigate the role of orbital and CO2 effects in controlling NHG.
    The next step is to look at papers that cite this one, using google scholar.
  40. One Confusedi Bastardi
    Camburn, while it is true that there are details of climate change impacts which cannot be proven, that does not change the fact that the overall framework and rough range of climate impacts presented by the IPCC and various other scientific organizations would ALL be admissable in court... while NONE of the rants and delusions of internet 'skeptics' would be. In the United States the determinant is the 'Daubert standard', which requires (among other things) that any scientific testimony be limited to matters which have undergone peer review and are widely accepted by the relevant scientific community. Only a handful of 'skeptic' claims meet the peer review requirement, and literally NONE of them meet the 'widely accepted' requirement. However, the fact that 'skeptic' 'science' would be inadmissable in court isn't really what I was getting at. Rather, I was going for the much simpler concept of 'testimony under oath'... which would preclude, or introduce penalties for, the many blatantly false things which 'skeptics' like Bastardi and Salby have been saying. To take your example... a climate scientist saying what they think will happen based on a model would never be perjury. It might even be admissable as scientific evidence (that is, to be considered scientifically established as opposed to just the individual's view) if it was solidly grounded. On the other hand, Bastardi explaining that 'the greenhouse effect violates the first law of thermodynamics' is provably false. There is no way he could get away with that in court.
  41. Soil Carbon in the Australian Political Debate (Part 1 of 2)
    How nice to read a description of what soil carbon refers to. Having read the oppositions document titled 'Direct Action' there was no description of what the method entailed. There was no suggestion as to how farmers or whoever would be paid for the capture of carbon, presumably other than by some form of extra tax - perhaps a carbon tax?
  42. One Confusedi Bastardi
    DSL: Kinda off topic, but I will respond. NO, I do not take my umbrella with me. The short term forcasts for my area have been so miserably wrong that unless I see rain on the radar, I discount it. rains. doesn't rain.
    Moderator Response: [Albatross] Yes it is off topic, additionally, your subjective, unsubstantiated assertions concerning the accuracy of weather forecasts for the Dakotas is very likely incorrect. Please limit your posts to discussing which of Basatrdi's assertions you either agree or disagree with.
  43. One Confusedi Bastardi
    Indeed, Camburn--that court theory you have is awful. Most of what happens in a court is based on probability and psychology (and often a kind of pseudo-psychology). Good grief, the doubt game again Camburn? Let's say Bastardi gives you a 70% chance for rain tomorrow. Do you take your umbrella with you?
  44. One Confusedi Bastardi
    DB: What I wrote is true. You are smart enough to know this.

    [DB] Camburn, whether I am smart or not is debatable.  The individual components of climate science you lump-sum question are better discussed on the individual threads (many exist) which address them. 

    This thread is about Bastardi's "challenges" in accepting and presenting the science of climate change to the masses.

  45. One Confusedi Bastardi
    Throught history climate has varied considerably. We do not really know all the causes of this. Some may think they know, but in reality, it is unknown. TSI reconstructions have huge variations depending on the author. I see charts on here that are totally different than other charts written by scientists that are very qualified and think their chart is the correct one. I don't remember the author of the series on ocean PH, but it was an excellent series. Well presented. This is a valid concern that really can not be disputed. That would stand up in court. The other items of AGW would not.

    [DB] "Throught history climate has varied considerably.  We do not really know all the causes of this.  Some may think they know, but in reality, it is unknown."

    You offer unsupported opinion and conjecture only in your spreading of memes.  You may deny what the literature and the state of the science state, but that doesn't change the fact that you do it without scientific basis. 

    Thus the denial.

    Ultimately, this is going far off-topic.  If you wish to "debate" minutiae, please do it on relevant threads, not this one.

  46. One Confusedi Bastardi
    Camburn: "A model can't be used in court to project as that is something that may happen in the future, the different outcomes of the different models shows that it is a crap shoot. You can't prosecute someone for disagreeing what "may" happen in the future." People have been successfully prosecuted for negligently transmitting HIV based on the fact that the recipient *may* fall victim to AIDS in the future. Despite different models showing different risks of infection as a consequence of unprotected intercourse because we can't pin the risk down precisely, etc etc. I do hope your knowledge of science is better than your knowledge of law ...
  47. One Confusedi Bastardi
    DB: Not a goalpost shift at all. Most of warnings of AGW are based on model outcomes. Most of the warnings are temperature related, which are based on model outcomes. The temp response is based on sensativity, which is still all over the place and I do not feel anyone really knows which number is the "correct" number. I think the crux of the whole of AGW should be based on PH of the oceans, the effects of lowering ph. This is documented, the cause well understood and incontrovertable.

    [DB] Yes indeed it was a goalpost shift, for the reasons I stated.  Deniers and denialists to this day, like Bastardi, deny measurable metrics of climate change.  That is the point CBD was making.  Broadening it is a goalpost shift.

  48. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    For the sake of the lesson I will retain questions till the end. But yes, we'd already concluded above that natural sinks remove on average ~50% of human emissions (as shown in the above graph).
  49. One Confusedi Bastardi
    CBDunkerson: I agree, it should go to court. A model can't be used in court to project as that is something that may happen in the future, the different outcomes of the different models shows that it is a crap shoot. You can't prosecute someone for disagreeing what "may" happen in the future.

    [DB] Nice goalpost shift, dragging models into the picture.  CBD was referring to actual measurable and verifiable metrics, as you well know.  Forcing reality to contort itself to the skeptics paradigm would entail violating nature and spacetime itself.

  50. Dikran Marsupial at 22:15 PM on 16 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale Great, so we agree that if E_a > dC then we know that U_n > E_n. Lets look at the data. In the plot below, the blue line shows annual anthropogenic emissions from fossil fuel use and land use changes; the red line shows the annual change in atmospheric CO2 calculated from the obsevations made at Mauna Loa. All three datasets are available from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre. The green line shows the inferred difference between natural emissions (E_n) and natural uptake (U_n). Note the plot is labelled a little differently such that dC = C', F_a = E_a, F_i = E_n and F_e = U_n. Do you agree that E_a > dC for every year of the last fifty years (at least until 2006), and hence we know that for the last fifty years U_n > E_n?

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