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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 77301 to 77350:

  1. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    And equally valid, if E_a < dC then the right is also +, as well as if E_a == dC then the right is also 0.
  2. One Confusedi Bastardi
    The problem with the 'wind' explanation is that the average concentration of the ice pack is currently at an all time low of about 57%. Meaning that the wind forces which sometimes (e.g. 2007) act to create a low extent by causing the ice to 'bunch up' in a smaller area are less in evidence now than at any prior point in the satellite record. Basically, we've got a near record low extent even though the ice is more spread out than it has ever been before... because there is so much LESS ice. However, that won't stop the 'skeptics'. A few years ago the predominate argument they made was that the ice was NOT retreating. Indeed, it was 'recovering'. As that has become more and more obviously ridiculous I've seen an increasing tendency to go with, 'Oh, this is nothing special. We expected this all along. Just a natural cycle. Cycle of what? Well... nature. Duh!' Which is why the 'debate' idea for dealing with them doesn't usually work so well. They just go in and say nonsensical things and stick to them in the face of all evidence to the contrary. Yes, people thinking logically can then see how ridiculous their arguments are... but as we have seen in 'discussions' with 'skeptics' here, there are plenty of people who will respond to complete nonsense with approval of its unquestionable accuracy. Any venue where 'skeptics' are able to make things up with impunity will fail to win over the dedicated disbelievers. All they need is some shred of an argument for why what they want to believe must be right and they will hold to that even in the face of incontrovertible proof to the contrary. We've all seen it. That is why I keep saying these issues need to go to court. Put them in an environment where they are required to tell the truth and 'skeptics' have NOTHING to support their claims.
  3. Dikran Marsupial at 21:00 PM on 16 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale Glad we agree so far. So following from dC - E_a = E_n - U_n we can work out the difference between E_n and U_n without knowing anything about the values of E_n and U_n, provided we know dC and E_a. Specifically, if we know that the left hand side is negative (i.e. E_a > dC) then the right hand side must also be negative (i.e. U_n > E_n). Do you agree with this? p.s. sorry got subscripts wrong, should be fixed now.
  4. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Yes I agree, it's a simple algebraic statement that the annual change less what we throw up there, is representative of the natural cycle.
  5. One Confusedi Bastardi
    Id be curious as to how the great professor Bastardi thinks that clouds keep the surface warmer at night without violating the first law of thermodynamics.
  6. One Confusedi Bastardi
    "Ice in the arctic could come close to an extent as low as 2007, with record low volume. What will Bastardi and others say then? A 'Natural variation'? " Wind, they say the wind is melting the ice.
  7. One Confusedi Bastardi
    When will the Public in the USA, as well as in AU- and elsewhere begin to ignore Fox and the likes of Bastardi? From my perspective- what do we need to see with dangerous violent weather to convince these deniers? Ice in the arctic could come close to an extent as low as 2007, with record low volume. What will Bastardi and others say then? A 'Natural variation'?
  8. Soil Carbon in the Australian Political Debate (Part 1 of 2)
    Matt Holden @8 Along with Malcolm Turnbull, Greg Hunt is one of the few members of the Opposition to accept climate science. I praise them both for defending it. As climate action spokesman, Hunt’s task is not easy. After Tony Abbot overturned the Opposition’s previous bipartisan support for an emissions trading scheme, he had the unenviable job of stitching together a politically plausible alternative with inadequate funding. Hence the emphasis on soil carbon offsets, which Hunt believes he can acquire cheaply. I believe he has seriously underestimated the cost of the permanent sequestration of CO2 in agricultural soils, something I will explain in detail in Part 2. In the meantime, you might be interested that in his written response to me, Hunt stated: I would also note that soil carbon has traded at $1 per tonne in the United States. If Hunt thinks this figure means anything, he is sadly out of touch. He is quoting the US voluntary market, which has no fixed rules, and therefore nothing on which to fix a value. The Republicans, ideological allies of our Opposition, blocked Obama’s attempt to put a price on carbon. As a consequence, the voluntary market collapsed. The credits sold at $1 per tonne were dumped on the market at a fraction of their cost of production.
  9. Dikran Marsupial at 19:19 PM on 16 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale Thanks for engaging with the exercise, much appreciated. So we can re-express the conservation of mass by writing dC = E_a + E_n - U_n where dC is the annual increase in atmospheric CO2, E_a is annual emissions from anthropogenic sources (fossil fuel use and land use changes), E_n is total annual emissions from all natural sources and U_n is total annual uptake of CO2 by all natural sinks. This should be uncontraversial as it is merely a restatement of the first step in algebraic terms. Next, subtracting E_a from both sides, we have dC - E_a = E_n - U_n Do you agree that this is correct?
  10. Sceptical Wombat at 15:28 PM on 16 August 2011
    One Confusedi Bastardi
    Debates are not a particularly good way of discussing science. If one debater feels free to invent facts as he goes along and the other feels constrained to stick to what she knows to be true then the former will almost certainly win the debate. However if anyone does feel inclined to debate any of the "skeptics" I suggest they read first.
  11. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale, everything you say is 'hypothetically speaking', 'speculating', 'maybe' or 'could', and none of it is backed up with evidence. Hypothetically speaking, some hitherto unknown natural cycle could drive rapid warming since the Industrial Revolution. Hypothetically speaking, faries could live at the bottom of my garden, too. Until you, or Salby, or anyone else can provide evidence for these magic natural cycles driving the rapid 20th Century warming, they remain merely fairies at the bottom of the garden. Scientifically, nothing you or Salby has said troubles climate science in the slightest, which can already explain very well the recent warming and its attendant variations.
  12. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale#58: "until the evidence which led him to the claim is released" No need to wait. The evidence is already out there and is publicly available. Shown below is 1965-2010 emissions (red is 2000). source Not constant; not even that close to 'consistently linear,' whatever that means. Ups and downs due to economic activity. The graph linked earlier showed atmospheric CO2 increases are smaller after the years of lower CO2 emissions (no surprise there). But it does strongly suggest that there aren't any 'hypothetical natural events' taking up the slack. The big natural events -- Pinatubo, for example -- are well-known and well-studied. "I'm just speculating off the top of my head" Well, that's a start. But if you are just speculating, how can you be so confident about natural variation? I always thought speculation was akin to guessing. Not a very skeptical thing to do.
  13. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    muoncounter, A consistent rise with little deviation is a constant rise. As I said, it's Salby's claim, not mine. And until the evidence which led him to the claim is released, there's nothing further I can say about it. I never said that temperature causes increased CO2, Salby does in his podcast. But hypothetically speaking, if temperature increases and a number of natural events occur, they could increase CO2. So indirectly temperature could increase CO2. Take for example the Russian permafrost. As it thaws, GHG's are released. Or more plant growth in the northern and southern extremes where carbon sinks aren't as efficient, more CO2 would be released (rot etc). There's also a new study out a couple weeks ago that claims higher temps stunt tree growth, thus reducing their efficiency as carbon sinks. In a lot of these cases there is lag between the temp increase and the CO2 increase (rotting and new growth doesn't occur straight away for instance). But without researching it deeply I couldn't say definitely if their could be a link. I'm just speculating off the top of my head. As for where emissions go, into sinks of course. The atmosphere isn't the only place emissions go.
  14. One Confusedi Bastardi
    Tom Curtis: I rather suspect that's why DSL suggested a series of debates, each on a specific topic. That way, if they try to start a Gish gallop, the moderator should pull them up, and get them back onto the topic at hand. If they're made to talk about CO2 for even 15 minutes, without being able to throw in "but what about [sunspots|PDO|cooling|whatever]" when they get asked an uncomfortable question, then it should be evident very quickly that they really don't know what they're talking about, and don't actually have anything to rebut the science. Of course, they would almost certainly refuse any debate that puts such limitations on them.
  15. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale#56: "confusing the Green ... and the red" No, you appear to be confused. First it was "human emissions are constant" and the varying delta CO2 was some sign of '30 GT of natural variance'. Now its "pretty consistent to the linear trend," which is not a constant. If Salby contends that "natural variance absorbs between none or all human emissions," he's right just as often as a stopped clock; the average airborne fraction is about 50%. From data I've seen, its never as low as 'none' and never as high as 'all.' So '30 GT natural variance' does not compute. Looks like a low on average of ~40% and a high on average of ~70%. Natural variance (crudely speaking) +/-15%. But you've missed the more important graph: in the current world, atmospheric CO2 increases whether temperature anomalies go up or down. How can this possibly mean increasing temperature causes increased CO2? Oh, then there's that mass problem. Where'd the cumulative mass of our emissions go, if not into the atmosphere?
  16. One Confusedi Bastardi
    The main sceptics have declared total war on you people, they are subjecting you to the biggest campaign of disinformation propoganda in the history of science. Get organised and get in the media, make a big huge noise,keep it clear and simple, dont compromise your integrity.
  17. One Confusedi Bastardi
    DSL @ 11, challenge them to a written debate or else you are inviting a victory for them by Gish gallop.
  18. One Confusedi Bastardi
    Camburn#13: "no statistical verification of increased events of extreme weather." Comment on Linking extreme weather with a statistically significant hint.
  19. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Continuing from here. Camburn: "no statistical verification of increased events of extreme weather." No? See Deo et al 2007, reporting a statistically significant increase in Australian heat waves: Of the 61 sites over the observation period, only one station showed statistically significant decrease in heat wave incidence since 1950. The increases in heat incidences were confined in eastern and South Australia with the magnitudes of increases varying across the continent. Large increases of about 0.415ºC yr-1 have occurred at Snowtown (SA) and 0.394ºC yr-1 at Dubbo (NSW), while most of the remaining stations in eastern Australia showed smaller increases which were statistically significant at 95% confidence interval. A hint here, a hint there; pretty soon you're talking about a trend. Do they get much snow in Snowtown these days?
  20. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Muoncounter, In the first graph blue (emissions) looks pretty consistent to the linear trend. You're not confusing the Green (what goes to sinks) and the red (what stays)? Salby contends that natural variance absorbs between none or all human emissions, the difference between rear to year ppmv increase based on isotopes, so since we currently emit about 30GT that's the natural variance. That's his claim.
  21. Where have all the people gone?
    On the subject of Florida, there are some interesting vulnerabilities to sea level rise. A fair number of people live on barrier islands on the west coast. As it stands now, those islands are marginal for evacuation when a hurricane is predicted to hit (do note, evacuation by car; given 24 hour warning, you have the option of swimming to the mainland). The bridges and causeways all have low spots; raising sea level even half a meter gives the storm surge a head start on cutting the islands off for evacuation. Elevation of wells is no big deal; it's easy enough to thread another meter of pipe onto the wellhead and lift the pump. The water table underneath is what matters, and again, some areas on marginal on water supplies, to the point that Tampa was talking about running sewage through a desalinization plant (it's cheaper than purifying seawater; the energy cost is non-trivial). It doesn't hurt to keep a little history in mind (my GGF moved to Florida in the 20s, my wife is 3rd generation native, we learned some history in school, and I read more later). A truckload of people moved to Florida in the last century. A truckload could also leave. The decline of civilization in Florida would look not so much like the Road Warrior, and it's not quite tropical, but in the absence of mosquito control and alligator control, and with the added bonus of uncontrolled invasive species (pythons, fire ants, nile monitor lizards), and several species of poisonous snake (eastern diamondback rattler, cottonmouth, coral snake, copperhead, pygmy rattler) , life could get interesting. The climate/wildlife also is very friendly to rabies. Historically, Yellow Fever was enough of a problem that towns changed their names to avoid the word "yellow" (Yellow Bluff became Ozona, for example). This is also not terribly speculative -- one friend was bitten by a pygmy rattler, our vet's son bitten by a diamondback (and it was treated with veterinary antivenin!), my composition teacher caught a bad case of encephalitis from a mosquito bite, a friend of my cousin's was killed and eaten by an alligator. Another friend had to do the rabies series after an animal bite, and I recall seeing a bunch of dead (presumed from rabies) bats on another friend's driveway.
  22. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale#52: "Since human emissions are constant... " Incorrect. Emissions go up and down with global economic activity. See the graphs here. The portion of anthro CO2 that remains in the atmosphere varies with the ocean's ability to soak it up and year-to-year changes in growing conditions. "That means there's a 30GT per year variance." That makes no sense at all.
  23. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    DSL Of course I'm not saying that. ENSO is only one part of the puzzle which affects weather. Though a sustained ENSO in one direction may influence climate (not control it). But what it does do is alter weather in the greater Pacific basin (Aust and US included) which influences plant growth which in turn alters the carbon cycle.
  24. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Ok, so there's variance, but you said "more" variance. What do these variations have to do with the trend in atmospheric CO2? You aren't heading toward some form of "El Nino causes global warming" are you?
  25. One Confusedi Bastardi
    DSL: As of yet, there is no statistical verification of increased events of extreme weather. There are hints, but hints don't work as hints have been known to be wrong in the past. As far as variable weather during the later 40's thru mid 70's. I think that depends on where you live. The weather was far from tranquil in the USA during this period.
    Moderator Response: [Albatross] Everyone. Please stay on topic. This thread is about Bastardi's Fox news interview. Future off-topic posts will be deleted.
  26. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    @DSL, "What is the evidence that suggests more natural variance? Why do you think this?" Human emissions are a constant stream. Year on year ppmv rises varies between 0 and +3 (1.5 +-1.5). Since human emissions are constant and would cause the same increase each year, what causes the variance? Natural variance. That means there's a 30GT per year variance. @Dikran, "So, do you agree that conservation of mass applies and the annual rise in atmospheric CO2 is equal to the sum of emisions (from all sources) minus the sum of all uptake (basically only natural sinks)? Yes or No?" Yes.
  27. Daniel J. Andrews at 06:02 AM on 16 August 2011
    One Confusedi Bastardi
    Forget climate scientists correcting Bastardi. What I'd like to see is John Christie, Roy Spencer, Pat Michaels, or even Fred Singer--all of whom must know how badly wrong Bastardi messed up his high school level knowledge--correct him. Or get a reporter to ask them if Bastardi is correct. See if they are willing to publicly say he's wrong. I'm sure we all know the answer to what will happen though.
  28. One Confusedi Bastardi
    He'd never do it, Phila, as you know. He, like his employers, likes the communication to be one-way. If that wasn't him over at Tamino, he's certainly heard about the post/comments by now--and probably read them. I don't think he lacks the intelligence to know that if he crawls out from under the styrofoam rock that is Faux News, reality is going slap him upside the head. Gather funds. Challenge them to a series of debates. Gore could do nothing better with his bank account. Pay them to come out and then expose not just their arguments but the motivations for their adherence to those arguments. Don't do it simply--a one shot, two-hour special. Do a comprehensive job, a two-hour debate for each of the following subjects: CO2, paleo, temp record, sensitivity (over two sessions), models, biosphere, cryosphere, extreme weather, mitigation (over two sessions). If we want mitigation, the democracy must be made responsible, and that only occurs through knowledge. And the U.S. Congress should be forced to watch with head immobilizers and eyelid clamps. Inhofe and Morano get front row seats.
  29. Dikran Marsupial at 03:53 AM on 16 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale wrote: "it's 3am here, so you'll excuse me if I skip your steps." Ignoring for the moment the fact that you didn't answer the question posed to you, I am happy to continue with it tomorrow. If you have the patience to wait for Salby's paper, I have the patience to wait until tomorrow to explain to you why there is no real need to wait until Salby's paper arrives. I have noticed however over the years that as a rule, "skeptics" are unwilling to follow this particular step by step explanation, and refuse to engage with it, because they know there will come a point where they are proved wrong. Please prove an exception to the rule. "If your steps are like the SkS explanation, then I can already predict you assume a limited or no natural variance in natural sources/sinks." No such assumption is involved at any stage (in fact if you follow the steps towards the end I will show a plot that demonstrates that the natural carbon cycle is both unbalanced and highly variable). If you think that it does, then you don't understand the argument, however you can always prove me wrong by pointing it out when you think the assumption has been made. You can only do that though by following the derivation and agreeing or refuting the points step by step. "That is where I disagree, and that I think there is more variance." As I have already pointed out, it is well known that there is considerable variance in the carbon cycle from year to year. I have also explained why it doesn't explain the long term trend. So, do you agree that conservation of mass applies and the annual rise in atmospheric CO2 is equal to the sum of emisions (from all sources) minus the sum of all uptake (basically only natural sinks)? Yes or No?
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] I suggest we ignore Dale on this thread until he answers the question. Either he is interested in the scientific truth, in which case he will go through the exercise with me step by step and we can resolve the issue in a scientific manner, or he is a troll. It is up to him to demonstrate which is the case, but this will only work if we ignore him until he has answered the challenge or ducked it.
  30. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    I'll repeat what Muon has to say using different language, just in case one of the two of us is confusing. Dale: "That is where I disagree, and that I think there is more variance." What is the evidence that suggests more natural variance? Why do you think this? You keep saying this, in one form or another, but you never provide a theory and evidence to explain it. You just say it. If I held you to your own standards--"beyond a shadow of a doubt"--your baseless "I think" would fail miserably. Note: Keep in mind that what lies "beyond the shadow of a doubt" is the bludgeon of ideology. Science tries not to wander beyond the shadow. If you're looking for absolute truth, go to church, mosque, or temple (or the earlier Francis Fukuyama).
  31. One Confusedi Bastardi
    (snip) It amazes me that Bastardi and a host of others are even taken seriously. The weather everywhere is becoming more unstable- we have crossed the line into 'Dangerous Climate change'. Heavy rains yesetrday and today in New England- 5" in Boston possible- flooding....ground is saturated- we do not need an errant tropical cyclone.....
    Moderator Response: [RH] Removed OT historical/political reference. See comments policy.
  32. One Confusedi Bastardi
    Dhogaza: Phila: you're assuming honesty that's not in evidence, I'm afraid ... Oh, I'm not assuming he's honest, by any means. But given his latest comments, I'm thinking that flat-out stupidity may be an even bigger problem. And I'm wondering if it's possible he could be made to feel ashamed of himself, if confronted face to face by experts. I definitely recognize that it's a longshot, though. pbjamm: I would say that this and similar articles would qualify as experts explaining to him how he is wrong. Yeah, but again, that's all very public. And conversations in person tend to be pretty different from online feuding. A group of climate scientists offering to buy Bastardi lunch and explain why he's wrong would (possibly) be different. Online argument allows for a lot more posturing and wiggle room. That's not a prescription, though. I'm just thinking out loud. And I have to add that even if I were qualified to set the guy straight, I wouldn't relish the thought of spending an afternoon with him. Hopefully it won't violate the commenting policy to suggest that he seems kind of...well, unpleasant.
  33. One Confusedi Bastardi
    Phila@6 I would say that this and similar articles would qualify as experts explaining to him how he is wrong. The link to Tamino's Blog is full of people telling him that he is wrong as well as how he is wrong. It does not seem he is listening to them though.
  34. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale wrote: "If your steps are like the SkS explanation, then I can already predict you assume a limited or no natural variance in natural sources/sinks." SkS explanation: "As discussed in the first paragraph of this post (and evident in Figure 1), the natural flux of CO2 in and out of natural systems varies from year-to-year." Funny. Your objection to the 'SkS explanation' seems to be completely false.
  35. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale#45: You had asked (Dale#39) "how do ice ages come and go?" In that context, Milankovitch cycles, together with the appropriate oceanic circulation pattern and the associated feedbacks (thank you,Tom Curtis -- I did overgeneralize) combine to provide a forcing mechanism. Science demands explanations. The way some folks use 'natural cycles' can be interpreted as if they are really saying 'I dunno.' ""all" or "almost entirely" is not totally proven as far as I can see." You do not get to use 'its not proven' as a block; if you expect anything to be 'totally proven,' you'd better go into a different line of work. And with that, we stray far from the topic at hand.
  36. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale @45, a) Re "shouldn't the burden of proof lie on proving humans have caused all of the recent increase?". Had you been familiar with the scientific literature on this subject, you would know that multiple, independent lines of evidence indicate that our emissions are responsible for the rapid increase CO2. There will be a post on this very topic in coming days. b) I find it off that you find Salby's hypothesis tenable, whereas the other "warmist" scientists have to prove (alas one cannot "prove" anything in science) "beyond a shadow of a doubt". Quite the double standard. c) You are now clearly trolling.
  37. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dikran, it's 3am here, so you'll excuse me if I skip your steps. If your steps are like the SkS explanation, then I can already predict you assume a limited or no natural variance in natural sources/sinks. That is where I disagree, and that I think there is more variance.
  38. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dikran, I actually said "considering the power of nature to alter its own course". Milankovitch (sp?) cycles are a natural cycle. I didn't just limit it to CO2 or the climate. Please stop moving the goal posts. Also note, I'm not saying recent warming is due to Milankovitch cycles either. There could be some other cycle which we haven't found yet. Which Salby argued for in his podcast mind you. pbjamm, since we already know that warming and CO2 can change naturally, shouldn't the burden of proof lie on proving humans have caused all of the recent increase? I haven't seen that proof beyond a shadow of a doubt. We can say "some" is due to humans, but to say "all" or "almost entirely" is not totally proven as far as I can see. Not when new natural sources of CO2 keep being found such as all those underwater volcanoes not known about previously, or the recent finding that tropical forests which respond to increased CO2 by growing more are causing more CO2 to be released from the soil than originally thought.
  39. One Confusedi Bastardi
    Phila: you're assuming honesty that's not in evidence, I'm afraid ...
  40. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale @40, I was being sarcastic when I said "I and climate scientists had no idea". And for someone who mused up thread that " an "advocate" preaches the AGW doctrine and does not accept any natural cause", you ought to develop a thicker skin, especially should you wish to engage in a rigorous scientific debate with scientists. Besides, I'm not sure what I misinterpreted, please elaborate. "So you are rejecting Salby's theory " It is not a theory, it is a hypothesis. Please note the very important difference. And it is not only me who is highly skeptical of his hypothesis, nothing fanatical there (please cease with the strawmen), and for the record he has provided (limited) evidence. It will be interesting to see whether or not Salby's results are reproducible or if he will share his data.
  41. Dikran Marsupial at 02:35 AM on 16 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale, I am happy to walk you step by step through the reason that we can be confident that Salby's conclusion must be wrong, without having to see the paper. Show you are a true skeptic by going through the exercise with me. Do you agree that conservation of mass applies to the carbon cycle, in other words the annual rise in atmospheric CO2 is equal to the emissions into the atmosphere from all anthropogenic and natural sources minus the CO2 taken out of the atmosphere by all natural carbon sinks (assuming anthropogenic sinks are not significant compared to other sources and sinks). Do you agree that is true? I'm taking my son swimming for half an hour or so, but I'll be back shortly for the next step.
  42. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale@39 "Climate can change either direction by itself, and HAS does this many times in the history of Earth. The possibility that some natural occurrence could cause the last 200 years of warming is real. Or is your argument only applicable where you see fit?" Sure Dale, but what *caused* the climate to change and start/end those Ice Ages? Sure Dale, it is *possible* that "some natural occurrence could cause the last 200 years of warming" but unless you can explain what that natural occurrence is and why CO2 does not cause warming then you have nothing to back up your position.
  43. Dikran Marsupial at 02:27 AM on 16 August 2011
    Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale Ice ages come and go not because of the internal variability of the carbon cycle but because of a change in external forcing due to variation in the orbit of the planet. It isn't climate choosing its own course, it is the climate being pushed in a different diretion by changes in forcings. As I have pointed out, the fact that the annual rise in atmospheric CO2 being greater than annual anthropogenic emissions proves that the natural environment is a net carbon sink, and hence is opposing the long term trend, not causing it. Of course the carbon cycle includes mechanisms that cause atmospheric CO2 to rise, the point is that we know this is not actually happening; if both man and the natural environment were net sources of CO2 then atmospheric CO2 levels would be rising faster than anthropogenic emissions, but this is observed not to be the case. As to your comment to Albatross, people are liable to get exasperated if you repeatedly ignore what they are telling you. Again you ignore the fact that the mass balance problem means that the rise in CO2 can only be anthropogenic. No other explaination can be reconciled with the data (unless UFOs are stealing CO2 from the atmosphere, which I would regard as somewhat unlikely). If you can't understand that very simply point, you are not in a position to make an informed decision.
  44. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Albatross, there's no need to try to be insulting, considering it was you who made the mis-interpretation of what I said. So you are rejecting Salby's theory when you have not even seen the evidence? Isn't a sceptic (as is continuously said here over and over) one who analyses the body of evidence before making an informed decision? Thus if you're making up your mind before seeing Salby's evidence, ( -Snip- ) As for me, I want to see his data so I can analyse the full body of evidence to make an informed decision.

    [DB] Please have a care with the inflammatory tone and rhetoric.  The next comment constructed in this fashion will simply be deleted.

  45. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dikran & muoncounter: If climate cannot alter its own course (according to you), then how do ice ages come and go? Climate can change either direction by itself, and HAS does this many times in the history of Earth. The possibility that some natural occurrence could cause the last 200 years of warming is real. Or is your argument only applicable where you see fit?
  46. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    Dale @27, "Albatross, affecting the climate is not just limited to CO2" Really? I and climate scientists had no idea. Need remind you that here, in this post, we are concerned (or rather Salby is) with the what is driving the rapid increase in CO2 levels. Please stop playing games-- it is transparent and not constructive. You do not have to see Salby's data, or presume anything. Based on the information at that he has volunteered Salby is sunk. You know the premise of his hypothesis-- based on what we have long known about the carbon cycle, do his musings make you the least bit skeptical of his claims? It seems not. Now perhaps he is a lousy communicator (doubtful, he has published in reputable journals before) or has not volunteered some critical information, or perhaps he has just gone "emeritus"-- we will see. But a true skeptic should be raising his or her eyebrows when they hear something like what Salby is claiming. Not going "Wow!" like Judith Curry did, or posting it at WUWT as the the definitive death blow to the theory of AGW as Watts unskeptically and uncritically did (without caveats) when he gave Bastardi a platform and a megaphone-- well death blow is how "skeptics" and those in denial about AGW there are interpreting Bastardi's very, very confused diatribe in which he makes specific reference to Salby's hypothesis.
  47. One Confusedi Bastardi
    What I'd like to see is for climate scientists and/or other news outlets/politicians to very publicly call Bastardi and Fox News out for this. I wonder if it would be better for climate scientists to offer to meet with him and explain, in private, the points he got wrong. Public humiliation and contradiction tend to make people dig in their heels (people like Bastardi, especially). Having a bunch of experts politely demolish his views in private might not cause him to recant them, but maybe it'd make him think twice before saying similarly daft things again. It's a very faint hope, granted. After all, someone who was capable of feeling shame, or learning from mistakes, would probably not be in Bastardi's position. Still, calling people out doesn't have a great track record either.
  48. SkS Weekly Digest #11
    This seems based on SkS input: Great infographic with science-based soundbites!
  49. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    muoncounter @36, " Natural systems respond in a manner to oppose change" That is an over generalization. What can be said confidently is that natural systems do not typically have unstable feedback loops, where a feedback loop is unstable if it has a gain of <-1 or >1. However many natural systems do have feed backs with a gain >0 but <1. Mean Global Temperature is one of them, with increased temperature bringing about changes that tend to increase temperature, but by less than the initial increase. CO2 is another, with increased CO2 leading to increased temperature, which leads to increased CO2 in the atmosphere, which leads to increased temperature. In this case the gain is <<0.5, but >0. The importance of a gain less than 1 is that any feedback with a gain less than 1 will self damp so that the initial signal is amplified, but you do not get a run away feedback. Of course, I'm pretty sure you know all this, and just got carried away.
  50. Murry Salby - Confused About The Carbon Cycle
    DM#35: "opposing the increase not causing it. " That's another vital point: Natural systems respond in a manner to oppose change (example - Lenz' Law). If increasing temperature produces CO2 and increased CO2 increases temperature, we must be living on Venus. And if you buy that, I have a perpetual motion machine for sale on eBay.

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