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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 80101 to 80150:

  1. OA not OK part 2: Thermodynamic duo
    Thanks Hugo, we appreciate your interest, but please be patient. This is post 2 of 18. We will get there. It would be fair to say that one of the many motivations to write this series was what we see as misconceptions in your seawater equilibria post at Skeptical Science. Most of the responses to your thoughts, here and in that post, can be addressed by responding to a single point. You said:
    Taking a solution of dissolved carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, carbonate, calcium ion and water ... to be in equilibrium with solid calcium carbonate and gaseous carbon dioxide...
    While equilibrium chemistry is indeed quite simple, it is an inconvenient fact that the ocean is not in such an equilibrium. It is very important to remember that non-equilibrium systems behave quite differently to equilibrium systems. This fact changes much of what you have said here and in your previous posts.
  2. Eric the Red at 11:52 AM on 7 July 2011
    Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    wingding, The temperature anomly is a 5-year moving average. The GISS 5-year moving average has been ~0.55 for the past 8 years, Had CRUT was about 0.1C lower 8 years ago, and has declined slightly since. If you go back to Figure 2, most of the proxies hit a low point in the early 19th century, and have shown a similar increase in both the 19th and 20th centuries.
  3. Michael Hauber at 11:21 AM on 7 July 2011
    Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Shorter Akasofu: Assume that the warming trend from 1880 to now was caused by natural causes. Therefore this warming cannot have been caused by human emmitted Co2. Even though humans have been emmitting Co2 over this entire time period.
  4. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Icarus: Very good point. I liken this sort of 'LIA Recovery = linear upward trend' argument, to a man standing on the beach at mid-tide, screaming in panic because the water is rising and soon the entire world will be flooded... Although I'm sure there will be plenty of deniers who would twist that around the other way when talking about climate science, the obvious point is that a model based on curve-fitting a short period of data can give you very bad results, while a model based on an understanding of the physical mechanisms that drive the tide will tell you to walk five paces up the beach and relax. The difference now, of course, is that the curve-fitters are the ones telling us to relax, while the folks looking at the physical mechanisms driving climate have got seriously worried looks on their faces...
  5. Eric (skeptic) at 10:55 AM on 7 July 2011
    2010 - 2011: Earth's most extreme weather since 1816?
    Albatross, thanks for the links. I read through Dai and it shows an upward trend in RH and paints a bigger trend for the central U.S. (fig 10a) where we have plenty of thunderstorms. On top of that trend are the fluctuations from the patterns, particularly ENSO (basically lower RH in La Nina and higher in El Nino). That may be primarily due to the relationship with temperature. I'm not sure how well severe convection correlates with the trend and the fluctuations. There are many different papers with various measurements and fluctuations but I have yet to find one with a clear or even tentative correlation with the RH trend and fluctuations shown by Dai.
  6. Over the tipping point
    @villabolo: don't forget CO2 emissions from concrete and steel manufacture also. Certainly they're a relatively small part, compared to the electricity generation. And they'd certainly be manageable. There are even alternatives for steel - e.g. direct reduced iron instead of coke-fired blast furnaces. Either way, a wind turbine produced using the dirtiest of brown-coal-fired electricity is *still* one of the lowest-carbon sources of electricity we have available to us. It's certainly an awful lot better than continuing to burn that brown coal...
  7. Bob Lacatena at 10:17 AM on 7 July 2011
    Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    12, dana1981, Alas, I cannot take credit for "climastrology." skywatcher just introduced the term over on a comment over at "What does past climate change tell us about global warming." He goes on to say a quick google shows he's not the first either. And then I came here, and low and behold, it was the perfect example of climastrology in action. The timing was just too good.
  8. Bob Lacatena at 10:12 AM on 7 July 2011
    Climate's changed before
    Sorry, I meant climastrologist sighting, not climatologist sighting.
  9. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Comment #1 claims that Akasofu used HadCRUT. I am quite sure he actually used GISTEMP land only. The red line on his chart continues at the same slope through the 2000s. The 2010 anomaly was 0.83C, which if anything appears to be *above* the top end of his drawn "IPCC prediction curve". In the public paper he's switched to using NOAA land+ocean. The circle for 2008 is still there although it is plotted incorrectly at the position of 2011. Akasofu's cycle also now peaks around 2010 in the published paper rather than 2000 as it does in the unpublished graph above. Similarly the IPCC "coned" projection is shifted along to begin around 2010 rather than 2000.
  10. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Eric the Red #9 WfT is a data visualisation tool that we are lucky to have. Its pro bono creator Paul Clark makes his methodology transparent. Let's not get carried away.
  11. Climate Cherry Pickers: Falling sea levels in 2010
    One big problem for layman is that Goddard using data up to March 2010 if asked would have said in 12 months time the oceans will most likely be lower and John Cook would have said the oceans most likely will be higher. So, just as picking a longshot horse or stock doesn't make you an expert (you may just be lucky) people will pay attention to "winners" until their predictions are shown to be wrong.Jason1
  12. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    "What big error bars you have". Yep, climate models are for forecasting climate. They are no good at shorter scales because the climate system has a lot of internal variability. They are good for 30 year trends, not next years temperature. I think this discussion belongs in models are unreliable.
  13. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    "So the statement “model parameters can be adjusted to match any set of temperature observations" is not true? " Of course not. Even a brief look at papers on model parameterisation, or a look at the FAQ at realclimate would show that model parameters are not "fitted" to temperature. This is a common denialist assertion repeated without a shred of supporting evidence. If you are going to repeat it, then I do not think it unreasonable to ask for a paper showing a model parameter that was tuned to global temperature. I would also suggest looking at RC post on what IPCC models really say. You might also consider how successful Wally Broecker was at forecasting 2010 temperature in 1975, using results from a model so primitive that it didnt have parameterizations.
  14. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Akasofu's data is wrong in *both* directions (i.e. both the recent temperature trend, which is still upwards, and the temperature before 1880) -
  15. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Eric the Red Akasofu did not use any particular dataset to make his projection. He added a multidecadal (armonic?) oscillation (PDO) to a linear fit (recovery from LIA), that's it. If his "model" is so sensitive to the choice between two very similar datasets (I invite you to compare the two) I'd say that the "model" is weak, to say the least. Anyways, this discussion leads us nowhere, there are much more solid reasons to dismiss the "model", as highlighted in this post and by others in the comments.
  16. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Eric the Red - "Whether his predictions is based on physics or not will not matter..." That, Eric, is a horrifying statement to read in a scientifically oriented discussion. It gives me roughly zero confidence in your critical and analytic abilities. Curve fitting without physics is just numerology, or "chimps and buckets", as Dikran noted. It has no predictive power, no scientific insights, as it doesn't contain any cause-effect relationships, or even statistical correlations. As many of the causes of climate change (anthropogenic gases come to mind, for some reason) aren't changing along a NNN year repeating sine wave, extracted curves just aren't going to be helpful for predictions. Cause-effect relationships, on the other hand, are. Akasofu has not explained the 'linear warming' since the LIA (which, incidentally, isn't linear, as the OP points out), and in fact makes no attempt to connect to causes or physics. It's just curve fitting, and with enough degrees of freedom you can fit anything. But predict, no. If you have the cause-effect relationships understood, you can predict what will happen to the climate as the causes (emissions in particular) change. With a close fit of something that doesn't have violent trajectory changes (like global temperature averages, sufficiently smoothed) even the simplest curve fit will fit for a brief while. But that's not predictive of cause and effect, just a symptom of limits to the rate of trajectory change. It tells us nothing about long term behavior of the climate system. This is a very sad, very bad paper.
    Moderator Response: (DB) ETR's comment was deleted for trolling for the reasons you mention.
  17. Eric the Red at 07:08 AM on 7 July 2011
    Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    FYI, the temperature graph in Figure 5 above is referenced as NOAA in the recent paper.
  18. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Very good point Jeff T - if there were such a thing, the global temperature has already "recovered" from the LIA, and overshot that recovery.
  19. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Akasofu has a serious internal contradiction. If the temperature increase over the last two centuries is a "recovery," then one can estimate how close it is to fully recovered from the (downward!) curvature of the data. If the data are truly linear, as Akasofu claims, the system is far from fully recovered. In that case the recovery will take temperature far above even the highest claims for medieval warming. But a temperature far above the previous maximum can hardly be considered a recovery. In fact, as others have said, the curvature actually appears to be upward. Thus, the "recovery" seems still to be starting and is headed a long way up.
  20. History Matters: Carbon Emissions in Context
    To me, the conceptual problem is that we draw the bathtub around just the atmosphere. In reality, the bathtub contains the atmosphere, the ocean (OA anyone?), and the plants. Very little CO2 is coming out of this tub and human emissions of CO2 are by far the main input to the bathtub. Something has to overflow.
  21. Over the tipping point
    @3. Paul D "Wind turbines are not zero carbon systems, they are very low carbon systems, as are most renewables and sustainable systems." Paul, the necessity to burn FF to produce any form of alternative power is an initial cost only. Once we get to the point where a substantial fraction of our energy comes from alternative sources, the clean energy they generate will make a substantial contribution to the manufacture of any further windmills etc. Therefore, clean energy will get to the point where it will produce more clean energy while reducing and soon replacing all FF.
  22. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    @cynicus at 00:19 AM on 7 July, 2011: Akasofu used HadCRUT? I recall him referencing several temperature datasets in his paper, and the figure in the article above (the red/blue "cycle" one, Figure 1) is an interpretation based off of GISS, HadCRUT3, NOAA, so on, but I don't think that he specifically used HadCRUT for any major conclusions of his. For the more general audience, in any case, since it was Riccardo who had used HadCRUT in his article that Dana referenced, the accusation of a cherry pick toward that choice is rather weak, and calling the usage of an average of datasets a cherry pick itself is even weaker and simply silly. In the context that the HadCRUT data was used as well, it isn't obvious to me that the choice of data is even relevant, since the principle of trend choice still applies. Without a physical justification for a trend, and thus with trend order being arbitrary, the residuals will show a cycle within a certain trend and not show it in others. To say there's even a well-defined cycle at all is specious. No matter the data set you're using, this will still apply, especially in the case where the different data sets are so similar in behavior over the time period.
  23. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Nice deconstruction. It's also worth noting that the journal in which the pared-down paper was finally published (Natural Science) is not on the ISI listing -- which is to say, does not meet the accepted standard as a for bona-fide peer-reviewed journal. This isn't too surprising, as I'm guessing many of the issues raised by Dana's analysis would (or perhaps did) prevent publication in an actual journal.
  24. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Eric #9 - Sphaerica and Dikran have already done a good job responding to your rather absurd comment. If you think physics doesn't matter, I'm not sure why you're reading a science-based site like SkS to begin with. And if you think taking the composite of 4 datasets is cherrypicking, I suggest you look up the definition of the term. Also see my response to comment #1. By the way Sphaerica, I like your term "climastrology". That gave me a good chuckle.
  25. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    thepoodlebites, how do the error bars affect that black line you can see in the first graph, which is labelled 'IPCC Ensemble', and around which the actual temperature records are congregating ?
  26. Climate's changed before
    What I don't understan is why Mr. Cotton didn't post on the Akasofu thread to protest that his epicycles are more true then those epicycles. I mean, they can't both be right, surely? Without physical reality as the final arbitrator, it should be a good bit of sophistry.
  27. Climate's changed before
    Yes, well if climatologists are anti-science (lets say) than what better term to use to describe the sighting in 180?
  28. Bob Lacatena at 03:56 AM on 7 July 2011
    Climate's changed before
    Climatologist sighting on the Akasofu thread!
  29. Bob Lacatena at 03:55 AM on 7 July 2011
    Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    9, Eric the Red, Oh, and on top of everything else, there's no reason for you to try to use a disparaging term like "tree hugger." That's just an elitist "I hate environmentalists of all flavors" attitude that serves no purpose except to expose your underlying ideologies. Last... would you like to try to justify your unsubstantiated claim that "the recovery from the LIA is loosely tied to phsyics"?
  30. Bob Lacatena at 03:52 AM on 7 July 2011
    Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    9, Eric the Red, Can you have posted a more patently offensive comment? First, how does the woodfortrees index make it "tree hugger"? It incorporates the satellite data as well as GISS and HadCRUT. Your label of it being cherry picked seems to be pulled randomly itself out of thin air. Second, how is this a "cherry pick"? He used what he felt was a representative record, one which incorporates multiple measurements. Do you have actual evidence that another choice -- HadCRUT -- would have yielded noticeably different results? Last, but not least, you are wrong, basing predictions on physics does matter more than anything. It makes all the difference in the world. Physics/mechanics based theories are science. Correlations and "look! squirrel!" based theories are climastrology. They are worthless. If you can't see the difference there, you must consider yourself to be hopelessly lost in the issues until you can see and understand that fact.
  31. 2010 - 2011: Earth's most extreme weather since 1816?
    Skywatcher @272, Thanks, and you are welcome :)
  32. Eric the Red at 03:27 AM on 7 July 2011
    Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    Whether his predictions is based on physics or not will not matter (although recovery fro, the LIA is loosely tied to physics). Dana is using a cherry pick above when moving from CRU data to tree hugger.
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] If he had been picking cherries, dana would have chosen a ripe one, e.g. GISSTEMP. Picking an average also has good statistical justification (c.f. Bayesian model averaging). Akasofu on the other hand has picked the ripest cherry for his own argument. The "tree hugger" comment does you no favours either. Please review the comments policy.
  33. 2010 - 2011: Earth's most extreme weather since 1816?
    Eric @273, "Or is that not what you meant?" Correct, I did not mean that. "But the increase in moisture is a worldwide average, not necessarily some local area prone to thunderstorms." Not true. Areas prone to thunderstorms, including intense/severe thunderstorms have experienced an increase in near surface specific humidity. See references below. "The patterns dictate the moisture levels, not the GAT." Not entirely true, see references below-- increases in specific humidity are closely correlated with warming in most regions, inlcuding regions with thunderstorms. Dai (2006), noted an increase in annual surface specific humidity over most land areas, see his Fig 9b. "The data show increases in specific humidity of several percent per decade, and increases in dewpoint of several tenths of a degree per decade, over most of the country in winter, spring, and summer. Nighttime humidity trends are larger than daytime trends. The specific humidity increases are consistent with upward temperature trends." Here is a relatively old study for the USA by Gaffen and Ross (1999): "The data show increases in specific humidity of several percent per decade, and increases in dewpoint of several tenths of a degree per decade, over most of the country in winter, spring, and summer. Nighttime humidity trends are larger than daytime trends. The specific humidity increases are consistent with upward temperature trends." Here is a study for Canada by Vincent et al. (2007): "After accounting for these discontinuities, the results of trend analysis show evidence of an increase in air moisture content associated with the warming observed in the country. During winter and spring, the significant warming in the western and southern regions is accompanied by an increase in dewpoint and specific humidity and by a decrease in relative humidity; in summer, warming is observed in the southeast and it is associated with significant positive trends in dewpoint and specific humidity." And another for China by Wang and Gaffen (2001): "Moisture increases are observed over most of China. The increases are several percent per decade for specific humidity, and several tenths of a degree per decade for temperature and dewpoint."
  34. thepoodlebites at 03:10 AM on 7 July 2011
    Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    #53 Make that JMurphy, not KMurphy. A typo and a copy typo, nothing more. No conspiracy or hidden agenda, just the facts please.
  35. Dikran Marsupial at 03:07 AM on 7 July 2011
    Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    rand15 yes, a prediction can be accurate without being based on any particular theory; however predictions made by chimps trained to pick the numbers out of a bucket can be accurate as well. The point is that predictions based on physical theory are more likely to prove accurate, at least that is what history tells us (hence the name of the series of articles). There is a heirarchy in the strength of arguments: physics > statistics > chimps & buckets chimps + buckets provides no insight statistics provdes insight into correlations physics offers insight into causal relationships If you have identified the causal relationships correctly, your predictions will be good, whateve the circumstances the model is used in. You can't say the same for a statistcal model based on correllations; they can only be expected to be accurate in the region of the calibration data. The "chimps & buckets" model is equally accurate in all circumstances, but not in a good way ;o) Akasofu is somewhere between "statistics" and "chimps & buckets" (as his statistical methodology is questionable).
  36. thepoodlebites at 03:05 AM on 7 July 2011
    Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    #51 KMurphy Ulterior motives? Surely you're joking Mr. KMurphy. Justed wanted to access precisely what scaddenp referenced, so there would be no misunderstandings. I'm now visiting the website now, for the first time. Wow, what big error bars you have, +-0.4C.
  37. thepoodlebites at 02:51 AM on 7 July 2011
    Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    #50 belay my last: too many nots, sorry. My guess is that the model temperature predictions based on CO2 rise alone will not match the observed temperature record since 2000. If that is the case then the radiative forcing components that Meehl used in 2004 were not accurate and that forcing from natural climate variability has not been properly accounted for. Or to put it another way, the temperature record for the last decade can not be reproduced in the model with anthropogenic forcing alone.
  38. Climate's changed before
    Turns out I'm not first with the word (bah!) - a google search on 'climastrology' comes up with all sorts of nasty anti-Gore, anti-science stuff. But I would certainly say it fits very well for people who think they can predict climate using some flavour or combination of 'cycles' rather than the well-understood and well-verified radiative physics, just like your example Sphaerica.
  39. Over the tipping point
    Wonder what weather changes the rapid loss of arctic summer ice will bring?
  40. Philippe Chantreau at 02:23 AM on 7 July 2011
    The Last Interglacial - An Analogue for the Future?
    That's a very long and wordy post that seems to be tending in the direction "we don't know" and "it's natural cycles", although this is actually not clearly stated nor defended in the post. I'm sure some will find your mini lecture on D.O. events informative but there are better sources for that. The same applies to the other types of events mentioned. I'll restate that there has not been a D.O. event in over 20K years. The periodicity of Bond events has not been established. Bond argues of approximately 1500 years, +- 500 years. It is not clear whether there actually is a cycle. If the timing of Bond event #1 is correct (450AD), then another should be underway now, or should be/have been, anywhere between 500 years ago and 500 years from now. But how much would that concern us? It is possible that the LIA was a Bond event (they are cold episodes), but perhaps it was not. If it was, it would confirm the lack of a global character of these events. The vast majority of them do not correspond to any clear climate signal, especially on a global scale. There is little indication that the LIA was a global event. Milliken, for instance, failed to find a clear signature for it in the SHALDRIL cores. I find that these purported cycles are of little to no relevance to the current warming event. I don't see how you demonstrate otherwise.
  41. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    thanks CBD, figure numbering corrected. I agree, "LIA recovery" is one of my favorites because it's just so ridiculous, like the climate just bounces around some natural equilibrium for no apparent reason. As I noted in the rebuttal to "LIA recovery" linked in the post, the factors which caused LIA cooling are not currently causing warming, so again, it's a completly unphysical argument.
  42. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    rand15 - you're free to object, but the fact is that Akasofu's prediction is not based on physics at all. "Recovery from the LIA" is not physics. Akasofu did not even attempt to identify the physical cause of the warming trend, other than a throwaway reference to cosmic rays in the published version of the paper.
  43. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    You've got two items labelled as 'Figure 4'. Last two images should be changed to 'Figure 5' and 'Figure 6'. I always love the 'recovering from the Little Ice Age' explanation... as if it were completely reasonable to identify an effect without a cause.
  44. The Last Interglacial Part Two - Why was it so warm?
    #9 - The paper you link to just provides further confirmation that some regions had continental climates during the Eemian due to the orbital configuration and Arctic sea-ice / albedo feedback. I touched on this in Part 1 of the series. I'm afraid it doesn't provide any support for #1.
  45. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    @dana1981 [dana1981] No you're missing the point. Akasofu's prediction is inaccurate because it's not based on physics. I really object to this notion. A prediction can be perfectly accurate without being based on any specific theory. And a prediction can be inaccurate even though based on "physics", if it is based on a faulty analysis or if some important factor has been omitted. Should a prediction turn out to be inaccurate, you can then say "oh, well, what do you expect? It wasn't based on physics." Should it turn out to be accurate, then you want to find out why, which may be coincidence or may be new physics, or previously overlooked factors.
  46. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    thepoodlebites wrote : "When you get a chance, can you please point me to RC’s regularly updated model-data comparisons?" You obviously have some ulterior motive for asking that because a few seconds of searching found this, up to the end of 2010 : Real Climate 2010 updates to model-data comparisons Were you looking for something else ?
  47. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    CBDunkerson 1) Shutting down nuclear plant if there are demonstrable safety concerns is a Good Thing. In the wake of Fukushima, this may accelerate, and that would be a Good Thing too. What is not a good thing is when arguments based on accidents at old plant (Chernobyl and Fukushima) are used to try and prevent construction of Generation III plant. That's illogical. Remove logic and what is left? 2) See #96.
    SEGS: - 1,600 acres of the Mohave - best insolation in US - Capacity 354MW - Output (unverified) 75MWe - Load factor 21% See the problem? You aren't going to power the planet with solar. It's wishful thinking.
    You did not respond. The footprint of low-density energy technologies is a serious constraint on solar and wind. Interconnectivity and security of same over wide areas is another (even for the US, long-distance HVDC interconnectors represent a security of supply risk). Variability is another. See also Mark Harrigan at #171. Actual insolation is another (thanks again, Mark Harrigan; you said it for me). We've been through the European DESERTEC handwaving upthread. It was not resolved satisfactorily eg #81 ff. You say:
    The fact that one power company says it does not make it true.
    Well, who do we listen to? The chief exec of E.ON UK (and every other energy expert who says the same), or you? Especially since your response rests on SEGS, which as MH has helpfully pointed out, is an irrelevance for the UK. Solar is an irrelevance at mid/high latitudes generally. Huge pumped hydro resources are the best bet, but you are in trouble if they do not exist and you are forced to engineer them. Again, we've been through all this earlier in the thread. At what point do proponents of renewables finally concede that their case is actually weak and unpersuasive? Perhaps after reading the critiques of Jacobson & Delucchi?
  48. Mark Harrigan at 01:23 AM on 7 July 2011
    Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    If you are a Scientific American subscriber you might want to look at this article from July Scientific American Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (actually the link works even if you're not a subscriber) which reports a new study from this period that shows how over a period of about 20,000 years natural events contributed to huge greenhouse gas emssions that raised global temps by almost 8 degrees C. Have a look at the graph on the 4th page of the article. It draws a precise analogue with the amount of CO2 we are injecting into the atmosphere today in a tiny fraction of that time. If we keep doing business as usual it suggests if anything current warnings are a gross UNDER estimate of what might happen. Worth a Read - and very sobering. So denialist models like Akasofu's be damned - here is solid evidence what happens if the CO2 levels go up like they are
  49. thepoodlebites at 01:12 AM on 7 July 2011
    Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    #49 scaddenp So the statement “model parameters can be adjusted to match any set of temperature observations" is not true? I don’t consider “put up or shut up” or “do it yourself” as compelling arguments in a debate on the scientific issues. And for the record, I have never said that CO2 is irrelevant. The question remains climate sensitivity to CO2 rise. I was specifically addressing the radiative forcing components that Meehl used. The conclusion that “the negative and positive forcings are roughly equal and cancel each other out, and the natural forcings over the past half century have also been approximately zero” to be extremely convenient. So if “radiative forcing from CO2 alone gives us a good estimate as to how much we expect to see the Earth's surface temperature change,” why not run Meehl’s 2004 model again with the same forcings and include observations from the last decade. My guess is that the model temperature predictions based on CO2 rise alone will not match the observed temperature record since 2000. If that is the case then the radiative forcing components that Meehl used in 2004 were not accurate and that forcing from natural climate variability has not been not properly accounted for. Or to put it another way, the temperature record for the last decade can not be reproduced in the model with anthropogenic forcing alone. When you get a chance, can you please point me to RC’s regularly updated model-data comparisons?
  50. Eric the Red at 01:01 AM on 7 July 2011
    Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: Syun-Ichi Akasofu
    cynicus, I agree that including a new average is inconsistent. The 5-year moving average (centered around Jan., 2000) shows a very slight decline from 0.43 in 2000 to 0.41 today (5 years averaged around Dec., 2008). The CRU 5-year moving average reached a maximum of 0.46 in mid 2004. Since the most recent moving average is only tabulated to the end of 2008, Figure 5 is quite accurate so far. Any claims of an inaccurate prediction are premature. We need to wait another few years to see if it holds.

    [dana1981] No you're missing the point.  Akasofu's prediction is inaccurate because it's not based on physics.  As I noted in the article, even if Akasofu gets lucky and his prediction turns out to be close to the actual temperature change, it won't be because he was right, it will be because he was lucky.

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