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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 114501 to 114550:

  1. The nature of authority
    johnd at 04:21 AM on 24 July, 2010 ”…clouds have been determined as having an overall nett cooling effect…” One needs to be careful. As Palle et al (2006) have described an albedo change due to secular cloud variation doesn't necessarily imply a surface temperature response since clouds have warming ("heat trapping") as well as cooling (albedo) effects. Palle have more recently (Palle et al., 2009) described the total albedo variation (expected to be mostly cloud-related) and found that this has been pretty trendless during the last 10 years. E. Pallé et al (2006) Can Earth's Albedo and Surface Temperatures Increase Together? Eos Trans. AGU, 87(4), doi:10.1029/2006EO040002 link to paper Palle et al. (2009) Inter-annual variations in Earth's reflectance, 1999-2007 J. Geophys. Res. 114, D00D03 link to abstract ”But there is still that indecision as to whether temperature is a function of clouds or clouds a function of temperature. We may find that there is rather little relationship between Earth temperature and cloud cover, largely due to the fact that a warmer atmosphere maintains a higher concentration of water vapour ( KR has described this), and so cloud cover has no necessary systematic relationship with temperature. After all the Earth has warmed by an amount (0.8-0.9 oC) since the middle of the 19th century, that supports the conclusion that the climate sensitivity cannot really be below 2.0 oC (i.e. the temperature rise is that expected even without factoring in the slow response times of the climate system and the cooling effects of atmospheric aerosols, although one should consider non-CO2 contributions like nitrous oxides, methane and black carbon). So there pretty much has to be a positive feedback from water vapour as predicted by our knowledge of the greenhouse effect. Otherwise one might ask: “where is this supposed cooling effect of clouds”?! So far (as far as I’m aware) there is only one direct analysis of the cloud response to warming surface temperatures. This study (Clement et al., 2009) tends to support the conclusion that the cloud feedback is a positive one (i.e. a warmer equatorial sea surface results in a reduced cloud cover). However more data is needed on this. A. C. Clement et al. (2009) Observational and Model Evidence for Positive Low-Level Cloud Feedback Science 325, 460 – 464 link to abstract Likewise many of the determinations of climate sensitivity (Earth equilibrium surface temperature response to increased greenhouse gas concentrations) are phenomenological, in that they assess the relationship between CO2 and surface temperature during ice age transitions or during the deep past. In these analyses all of the feedbacks (whether positive or negative) are “lumped in”. Since these analyses pretty uniformly find a climate sensitivity near 3 oC, it’s difficult to support a significant negative cloud feedback (unless there is a positive feedback we’ve not yet discovered). R. Knutti and G. C. Hegerl (2008) The equilibrium sensitivity of the Earth's temperature to radiation changes Nature Geoscience 1, 735-743 link to paper johnd at 09:26 AM on 24 July, 2010 ”Thus it is reasonable to expect that as atmospheric water vapour content varies, so too would that of clouds.” No that’s not a “reasonable” expectation. The fact that a warming atmosphere (so far) tends to maintain a near constant relative humidity means that cloud cover doesn’t necessarily vary with water vapour content. A warmer atmosphere maintains a higher water vapour content than a cooler one, and there is no reason to expect the extent of cloud cover to vary with temperature. That’s not to say that there may not be more rainfall in a warming world (Allen et al. 2008). But remember that rain clouds are just a proportion of total clouds. We expect in a warming world that rainfall will decrease in the equatorial regions of the Earth (consistent with Clement et al’s observation of reduced cloud cover above warming sea surface) and we will have increased rainfall at higher latitudes. That’s pretty much what is observed (Zhang et al, 2007). Thus during the 20th century, the latitude band from around the equator to around 30 oN has become drier (reduced rainfall; enhanced drought) as the Earth has warmed during the 20th century, much as predicted. This latitudinal band of reduced precipitation will widen as the Earth continues to warm (and so, for example, Amazonia is expected to dry progressively towards the South as the Earth continues to warm). The higher latitudes (especially above 50o N and below 10 o) have seen enhanced precipitation. Global warming and shifts in precipitation regimes is expected (and already observed) to lead to amplification of extreme precipitation events (e.g. Allen et al. 2008). X. Zhang et al. (2007) Detection of human influence on twentieth-century precipitation trends Nature 448, 461-465 link to abstract RP Allen et al. (2008) Atmospheric warming and the amplification of precipitation extremes Science 321, 1481-1484 link to abstract
  2. Doug Bostrom at 09:13 AM on 25 July 2010
    The nature of authority
    JohnD regarding the paltry record for longitudinal cloud data there may be some hope for improvement at seeing into the past. Though they're presently focused on sea ice there's a group working on reprocessing Nimbus satellite data providing nearly continuous twice-daily coverage capable of reasonable cloud imagery from approximately 1964 to 1972 See this site. Also with regard to the behaviors and role of clouds I still encourage taking a look at the leads to a Science paper I mentioned upthread looking at their non-obvious properties.
  3. The nature of authority
    scaddenp at 06:42 AM , I think generally data is collected first and published papers come somewhat afterwards. It must be appreciated that the ISCCP research is very much a work in progress, and that our understanding of how the climate works will advance beyond whatever the latest IPCC report contains. The whole subject of clouds is acknowledged as being the least understood of all the factors driving climate by scientists on both sides of the debate, and it would be a brave person who claims that they know better than that. Thus the door has been left open to the possibility that advances may place a different perspective on current understanding, and that is what I find interesting and worthy of discussion. I really don't subscribe to the notion that all that there is to know is already known, in any field, or that we should reinforce that notion by endlessly patting ourselves and each other on the back, and rejecting anything that might challenge such a comfortable enjoyable existence. The correlating of clouds and global temperatures is only one, perhaps small part. The most important part, at least I think so, is getting a fuller understanding of all the factors that are involved in the formation of clouds. The difficulty for understanding clouds is that there is very limited amount of what could be described as high quality data, and that available is only for a very limited time span, a couple of decades. It also appears impossible to reconstruct proxy historical data. It therefore puzzles me how clouds have been adequately accommodated in climate models as the assumptions cannot be validated by back-casting, given that they are a significant factor in determining the energy balance. With regards to the ice age question, firstly it needs to be appreciated that even during the ice ages, the planet was not one solid block of ice. It still had the tropical regions with the accompanying temperature differentials, resulting wind circulations and varying ocean currents, and clouds I presume. The types of clouds present would have to be considered, but it still comes down to knowing what are all the factors involved in the formation of clouds. An equivalent question could be asked about CO2. If CO2 levels remained apparently constant from the ice age until the industrial revolution, how could the inter-glacial warming occur if CO2 works the way it is postulated?
  4. Doug Bostrom at 08:36 AM on 25 July 2010
    Part One: How do ice sheets lose ice?
    "Agwscam" what we know is that regardless of what else may be happening with the climate the modifications we're making to the atmosphere will impose their own warming, added to whatever else is going on. It's worth noting also that so far there's no known natural variability in play just now to explain the long term trend in climate we're seeing while on the other hand the changes are a reasonable fit to predictions arising from our understanding of physics and how the climate functions. Think of it this way: starting with a balance of $0 you deposit $10 in your bank account and when you check your balance you see $15 available. Your $10 is there and some unknown (rich uncle? bank error?) has gifted you with $5. The $10 you expected to find is present, leaving a separate puzzle to be solved. By the way, did you know your chosen handle here violates the comments policy and thus technically speaking all of your remarks should be deleted? Give a thought to changing it or resign yourself to possible frustration with having your comments reliably appear in public on this site.
  5. What do you get when you put 100 climate scientists in a room?
    To answer your question, agwscam, we'd have to know what an "organization with a pro-AGW theory position" is. Can you give some examples?
    It's a slur ... the write is George Monbiot. In our modern up-is-down world, if you accept the conclusions of science, you are a "moonbat", unless you're "fat" (that's for gallopingcamel, I don't understand why he hasn't brought up the most important fact that proves climate science wrong).
  6. The nature of authority
    shawnhet - the long term inverse relationship of global cloud cover to temperature is something shown by johnd's 1983-2008 data here as compared to the temperature data over that period. Some additional information comes from the Warren paper I referred to earlier, showing no trend in coverage from 1952-1981, when the temperature wasn't showing much of a trend either. This doesn't prove the relationship, but does demonstrate that over that 29yr period global cloud coverage didn't appear to change independently of global temperature. Looks like a clear inverse relationship - I will freely admit to not having any solid theories why. I could always make some wild guesses, though... :)
  7. It's Pacific Decadal Oscillation
    Tom Dayton - Here is the WHOLE actual definition: "Updated standardized values for the PDO index, derived as the leading PC of monthly SST anomalies in the North Pacific Ocean, poleward of 20N. The monthly mean global average SST anomalies are removed to separate this pattern of variability from any 'global warming' signal that may be present in the data." If the "global warming" signal wasn't subtracted out of the index there would be an upward trend.
  8. The nature of authority
    johnd - I struggled to find adequate metadata or published papers that illuminate your ISCCP data set. I asked at realclimate and got this response from Gavin Schmidt. "First impressions are that this has a number of artifacts in it likely due to inhomogeneities in the satellites (varying levels of spatial coverage through time as satellites drop in or out). The definitive precipitable water vapour analyses are discussed in Chapter 3 of AR4, and I'd start with those publications and authors to see what the differences are with the ISCCP product". And indeed a very different picture is shown there. There is a danger here again of amateur analysis drawing a long bow from data that is improperly understood and not fit for purpose. Before you get carried on cloud reducing sensitivity, please consider how the ice-age cycle could happen if clouds worked the way you postulate.
  9. What do you get when you put 100 climate scientists in a room?
    I keep on hearing an AGW proponent referred to as "George Moonbat". Can anyone confirm that such a person exists? I must say it is an unusual name, and I wonder if it is a nickname rather than a real name. Thanks in advance.
  10. Models are unreliable
    JMurphy at 02:56 AM , I think it is quite clear that I was referring to "long term weather forecasting capabilities". It is not so much about insufficient localised information, but about forecasts that are so vague that they are meaningless (a 50% chance of above average rains and a 50% chance of below average rains is a common forecast) and despite the vagueness they still have a poor strike rate. In contrast, private forecasters are able to demonstrate an overall much higher degree of accuracy plus provide detailed local information to satisfy their customers requirements. In the meantime as long as the government injects sufficient funds to upgrade to super computers, we still have to wait perhaps 3 to 7 years before we get forecasts that are "good enough to be useful".
  11. Part One: How do ice sheets lose ice?
    Even if one were to concede your theory it brings to mind two questions; How do you KNOW that this isn't all a perfectly normal progression of a natural gradual warming climate cycle when you have no satellite data to compare it to because all of this satellite data is brand new (this information would be impossible to reconstruct)? Even if you were somehow able to prove the point above, how do you KNOW that you can definitively exclude other causes and that anthropogenic CO2/GHG is to blame?
  12. The nature of authority
    Pete Ridley:
    Reliable analysis and prediction of global climates is impossible due to the significant scientific uncertainties.
    "Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." --Charles Darwin
  13. The nature of authority
    shawnhet at 04:31 AM, it applies as the overall NETT effect over longer time frames. As skywatcher makes mention of, depending on the seasons, types of clouds and regional conditions, the shorter term effects are much more complex and variable with the opposite occurring. It is the balancing out of all these factors that determines to NETT effect which is what is relevant in climate time frames.
  14. The nature of authority
    On cloudiness, something else to bear in mind is the season or the climate in which the clouds appear. In summer/warm climate, increased cloudiness leads to lower temperatures by reducing incoming radiation. In winter/cold climate, it can lead to higher temperatures due to inhibition of outgoing radiation. Not an issue if you're considering a long-term global dataset, but it is an issue if your dataset is either spatially or temporally partial. It's a complex problem, not easily open to simplistic solutions! From what I've read, it looks like the effect is somewhere between no impact and a slight positive feedback, but uncertainties are understandably larger than other feedbacks.
  15. What do you get when you put 100 climate scientists in a room?
    gallopingcamel, to show that you have actually read the judgement, please state what you mean by "Stewart Dimmock (the truck driver) won his case challenging Al Gore's book". And what was the "correct conclusion" drawn by the UK judge - as you see it in the written judgement ?
  16. gallopingcamel at 04:55 AM on 25 July 2010
    What do you get when you put 100 climate scientists in a room?
    JMurphy (#121), Your suggesting that Stewart Dimmock (the truck driver) won his case challenging Al Gore's book because he was well funded makes no sense. The book sales alone were reported as $23 million; if British justice could be bought, Al would surely have prevailed! The real problem with Al Gore's book is its unrelenting alarmism that is not justified by the evidence. The UK judge did not have to be an expert in climate science to weigh the conflicting evidence and draw the correct conclusion.
  17. The nature of authority
    johnd, I agree with your post #87, however, I don't agree with the contention that the relationship btw cloudiness and temps will always be inverse. Assuming arguendo that the proximate effect of a temp increase is an increase in cloudiness, under what circumstances will the observed relationship btw cloudiness and temps *appear* to be inverse? I can only think of one consistent way for this to be the case and that is where the cloud feedback signal is masked by a natural variation of some sort. Cheers, :)
  18. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    It was posted about here.
  19. The nature of authority
    HumanityRules at 12:25 PM on 23 July, 2010 I don't object to the "formal aademic process" I was just trying to ask what is an expert? You fetishise the publication process too much. It is a very important if not dominant means of disseminating scienctific ideas but it is not the only one. I'm pretty sure McIntyre et al do not prioritize publication. Saying their ideas aren't published so aren't valid is just a way of avoiding those ideas. Many strains of science do not develop ideas primarily through peer-review, pharmaceuticals for example. fetishise very funny! ”McIntyre et al do not prioritize publication” McIntyre/McItrick (not sure who else your “et al.” refers to) have had a go at publication but they’re not very good at it. Their critique of Mann et al was found to be incorrect and of little merit in a very detailed published scientific analysis. McItrick had a go at publishing some work on the contribution of the UHI to temperature variation but got it hopelessly wrong by mistaking degrees for radians.... In any case you are talking about “disseminating scientific ideas” and “McIntyre et al” don’t do that, do they HR? They’re "auditors"; after all that's what they call themselves. The only other of your possible “et al”s that I can think of is Craig Loehle (another “auditor”), and he doesn’t “disseminate scientific ideas” either I think we’d agree, although he did in the past when he was a scientist. ”pharmaceuticals” Not a good example I think, ‘though without specific examples it’s difficult to know exactly what you mean. I would say the vast majority of “dissemination of scientific ideas” that underlie development of pharmaceuticals is done through the scientific literature. I’ll give an example of why I think this is the case. Perhaps you can give an example of your idea of pharmaceuticals as “a strain of science [that] do[es] not develop ideas primarily through peer-review”. Anti-HIV pharmaceuticals. There are many of these based around inhibitors of HIV-protease, reverse transcriptase inhibitors, inhibitors of virus-cell fusion. One can trace the development of ideas for these treatments through the scientific literature. The fundamental “scientific ideas” that lead to HIV protease inhibitors, for example, was (i) the identification of HIV as a retrovirus and its isolation (largely from publically funded science in France and the NIH in the US, and published in numerous scientific papers as the discoveries and ideas emerged); (ii) the sequencing of the HIV genome (published in the scientific literature by scientists (largely) at the NIH); the realization that the HIV protease was an aspartic protease through identification of sequence homologies with earlier discovered proteases from different organisms (all of which as disseminated via the scientific literature)… …and the key “scientific idea”, which was the observation that the unique structure of HIV protease gave the possibility of designing specific inhibitors (aka “drugs”) by modelling into the now-known structure of the active site of the enzyme (this work done variously by scientists at the NIH, London University, Case Western University, Pfizer and (the then) Merck, Sharp and Dohme was all published in the scientific literature – e.g. the X-ray structure of cloned and synthetic HIV-protease in several papers in 1989. Of course the pharmaceutical industry then took over to do what they do best: they screened their massive compound databases for possible HIV-proteases inhibitors and their chemists set about making compounds that might “dock” into the HIV-protease structure. Now pretty much all major pharma companies market HIV-protease inhibitors that compete in the marketplace based on the scientific ideas” that were developed and published in the scientific literature. One can follow a similar development of other anti-retrovirals (e.g. reverse transcriptase inhibitors ; cellular fusion inhibitors etc.) through similar trains of “scientific ideas” published in the scientific literature. I would say that's pretty standard fo develpment of new pharmaceuticals. Much of the work that develops the "scientific ideas" that underpin the development of pharmaceuticals is published in the broad (and vast) biomedical scientific literature, and pharmaceutical science specifically has a large number of journals in which research is described and scientific ideas are disseminated.
  20. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    "The bad faith mentioned by David above is also patent, I have seen it on a number of occurences, in which Watts trumpeted papers that did not support a "skeptic" position at all as if they actually did" I don't know such cases demonstrate bad faith on Watts part, rather than simple ignorance. A year or so ago he was touting a paper which discussed the role of halogenated compounds in ozone depletion as "proving science wrong about CFCs causing ozone depletion". He was simply unaware that CFCs banned by the Montreal Protocol are, in fact, halogenated compounds!
  21. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    Ned Following your link brings me to these words... "In the context of these paperlists this is a difficult subject because none of the papers seems to be freely available online, so we have to settle on abstracts only. However, I don’t think that matters that much because the main point of this list really is to show that the basic research on the subject exists. " Just imagine if AGW counter arguments tried this.
  22. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    apeescape: Thanks! I hadn't seen that before. It doesn't seem to be on the English version of their pages. chriscanaris: G&T is Gerlich & Tscheuschner. dorlomin: Do you have a link for Steve Mosher's temperature reconstruction? Does it differ much from the others, either conceptually or in the appearance of the results?
  23. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    Ned, the Japanese version of their website seem to have monthly and yearly (World, Northern, Southern hemisphere) datasets in an HTML table.
  24. Models are unreliable
    johnd, I believe you are mixing up your climate forecast models and your weather forecast models. SAFF weren't impressed with the seasonal forecasts they are given, especially as they are not yet detailed enough to give localised information. Weather, not climate.
  25. What do you get when you put 100 climate scientists in a room?
    gallopingcamel, it is obvious that you still haven't read the original transcript of the judgement and still prefer to rely on the version you have read that has been filtered by a secondary website. Why ? Anyway, to anyone else who may be interested, if you DO read the judgement, you will find that there are no mention of 'whoppers', because there were none; the 'plaintiff's case was not proven, because the film is still shown in schools and he only received about two thirds of his costs back; there were 9 minor 'errors' pointed out (written as 'errors', not errors, by the judge, for obvious reasons, i.e. they weren't errors as such but claims that couldn't be determined to the fullest degree, etc.), so no-one should be confused as to whether there were 9 or 11; Al Gore wasn't 'proven wrong in court' about his film, because it is still being shown, albeit with some guidelines attached, albeit those guidelines were already produced as part of the whole process of showing the film in schools; there was no 'irrefutable evidence' against Al Gore, whatever evidence that is supposed to be about; and the 'truck driver' was also a local election candidate for the right-wing New Party, whose manifesto was written by our favourite peer Monckton, who also persuaded a rich friend of his to put the money up for the court case. Some 'mere truck driver', eh ? Now, before you go any further gallopingcamel, please read the original transcript of the judgement.
  26. Peter Hogarth at 01:30 AM on 25 July 2010
    Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    Thanks Ned, I wasn't aware of these other individual reconstructions, but it is encouraging to see they are in agreement with the official versions.
  27. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    @ 21. That's one of the reasons anomalies are used rather than absolute temperatures. Think about it.
  28. Doug Bostrom at 01:18 AM on 25 July 2010
    The nature of authority
    Ken, I believe your post here illustrates a fundamental problem with the utility of the "climategate" data, leaving aside entirely questions of the legality or ethics of its provenance. You remark, "The best article on Climategate I have read is by Terrence Corcoran, who analysed the first 5 years of the 13 year record and gives a detailed chronology." Terrence Corcoran cannot render a "detailed chronology" of the thoughts and communications touched upon in the emails in question; the record is acknowledged as incomplete and thus a complete, detailed and fully precise chronology is impossible to produce from what was published. The people who obtained the emails did not provide the rest of us with the complete dataset, they chose to pass along certain portions of the record while redacting other parts. Worse, we cannot know the editorial intentions of those choosing whether we'd be enlightened or remain in ignorance. An example from the National Post article you cited: What really rocked the paleoclimate work at CRU, and ultimately shook the IPCC, was a seemingly out-of-the-blue email on June 17, 1998, from Michael Mann to Phil Jones, then head of East Anglia’s CRU centre. Before then, no mention had been made in the email cache of Michael Mann... "Seemingly out-of-the-blue." Was it? How do we know? Corcoran seems to understand at some level that the detail necessary to draw broad conclusions cannot be derived from what we're allowed to see by the people who obtained the email. Here's how he expresses the problem: The emails are not a random grab of email records from one scientist’s computer or extracted in a coarse raid on the central computer facilities of one climate institute. Only by reading the emails in chronological order, from the first email sent March 7, 1996, by Russian scientist Stephan Shiyatov, from the Laboratory of Dendrochronology, Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, in Ekaterinburg, Russia — complaining to British scientist Keith Briffa about funding problems for his tree-ring research — does it become clear that the emails are part of a conscious and systematic assemblage of 13 years worth of vital communications among some of the world’s leading climate scientists. Emphasis mine. Corcoran acknowledges an agenda on the part of the people who obtained and disseminated the email as well as their selectivity in deciding what we may or may not know about its content. We can't do science with this sort of data, we're left with intuitions and thus are fully at the mercy of our prejudices. My prejudice leads me to wonder why the folks who obtained and published the emails in question chose to preserve ambiguity over certainty by not providing us with the complete dataset. Is that ambiguity necessary for making the strongest impression, and what would happen to our conclusions if we were able to see the entire record?
  29. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    #21: "urban heat island effect" Where have we heard this before? UAH and RSS are satellite temperature measurements. For the global columns in Ned's Fig 8, they average a trend of 0.14ish. All others average 0.16ish; if there is such an effect, then its magnitude is limited by the difference, 0.02 or so. And how does UHI impact the ocean temperatures, which are equally self-consistent? (or is that a part of the conspiracy?)
  30. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    David @ 18: Thanks for your kind comments. You're probably right when you say that advances in my field would eventually have come for the right reasons. Still, I do do think the contrarians may have helped stimulate research by highlighting the flaws in the prevailing paradigm. In medicine, many advances occur with serendipity. Often, there's folks out there in underfunded labs beavering away at something highly specialised and obscure in the basic sciences. The relevance to clinical medicine may not be immediately apparent - however, more clinically oriented folk looking for answers stumble across the work and suddenly something very obscure becomes very interesting and hot stuff. Work on the retroviruses focused inter alia on transcription of DNA to RNA (an important topic to be sure) is an excellent example - without that foundation, we would have been very much slower in identifying the HIV virus. We see similar processes in climate sciences - think of the extraordinary interdisciplinary collaboration underpinning GRACE. Phillipe @ 20: I'm conscious of the limitations of WUWT. I did say the readership is far less sophisticated than the bloggers - that's not a glowing endorsement of the bloggers. Some of the posts have a very puerile quality. Still, one does come across enough pieces which are food for thought - hence I visit but almost never post (in marked contrast to this site). In fairness to them, they have put up corrections and counterarguments and more recently they seem to have been trying to align more closely with consensus science. I find it much easier to cope with ideologies I disagree with than with bad faith. While ideology may be impervious to evidence, it has its own internal logic. All of us partake of some ideology (even if we would be loath to call it that). BTW, I have to confess my ignorance: who are G&T?
  31. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    The issue of urban heat island effect is still extremely important to consider in all this though lets remember... I have not seen many reconstructions at all that can effectively keep this effect at a minimum.
  32. The nature of authority
    Thingadonta, on the definition of theory: "This word is employed by English writers in a very loose and improper sense. It is with them usually convertible into hypothesis, and hypothesis is commonly used as another term for conjecture." In the correct sense, a scientific theory is not a hypothesis. Theory: "a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena; theories can incorporate facts and laws and tested hypotheses."
  33. The nature of authority
    chriscanaris, @85, I have no problem with a civilzed conversation with the Hulmes and Currys, or with anyone else for that matter. However, when they tell me that there is a point to prolonged exchanges (or "debates") with people who have adopted the tactics of the tobacco industry in relation to science, there I part company with you and them, unless you can convince me otherwise. Gould gave up debating with creationists because (1) it lent the oppsition an intellectual credibility they did not deserve, and (2) the debates were reported by creationists invariably as "Evolutionist gets his ass kicked". You could see the same thing happening in this case.
  34. Philippe Chantreau at 23:50 PM on 24 July 2010
    Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    Chris, no work that is rigorous, well thought out and scientifically carried out receives contempt. The likes of Carter et al, Soon-Baliunas or G&T should reeive contempt. The bloggers at WUWT are not that sophisticated. See the Western snow pack thread, CO2 snow, etc... The bad faith mentioned by David above is also patent, I have seen it on a number of occurences, in which Watts trumpeted papers that did not support a "skeptic" position at all as if they actually did. WUWT is not a credible source of information.
  35. The nature of authority
    DougB #44, JMurphy #49 The best article on Climategate I have read is by Terrence Corcoran, who analysed the first 5 years of the 13 year record and gives a detailed chronology. Links here: and Part 2 here; Climategate led me to Dr Trenberth's Aug09 paper "An imperative for climate change planning: tracking the Earth'd global energy budget" which has been oft quoted in this blog. Dr Trenberth's 'travesty' comment in the leaked emails caused advocates like Gavin Schmidt of RealClimate to publicise Dr Trenberth's paper as *already out there and not a secret at all*. This paper really opened my eyes to the state of play regarding AGW theory, modelling, measurement and the importance of the energy balance and OHC measurement; and the wide range of uncertainty in the various forcing components. So Climategate was not a waste of time, and it did expose the scientists involved as typically human with all the same vices as someone like Joe the Plumber.
  36. The nature of authority
    shawnhet at 21:44 PM , that is what some scientists do consider to be the case, that is a decrease in cloud cover, even a very small decrease, causes the temperatures to rise, and conversely an increase in cloud cover causes temperatures to fall as a nett effect. Thus not being clouds that are responding to temperatures, but clouds determining temperatures. Given increased atmospheric water vapour content correlates with increased temperatures, and for water vapour to complete it's part of the hydrological cycle, it must change state from a gas to a liquid or a solid before returning to the surface, it follows that increased atmospheric water vapour should result in increased cloudiness, thus exerting an overall nett cooling effect. Compare the charts I posted earlier with temperatures over the same time span and see what conclusions can be drawn. The red/blue coloured chart showing the mean cloud amount over the different latitudes is interesting with perhaps the 1998 El-Nino able to be identified.
  37. The nature of authority
    KR:"We're still discussing cause/effect regarding clouds and temperature. However, if cloud cover (a negative forcing) decreases with CO2 driven temperature increases (inverse relationship), then cloud level is a net positive feedback." Yes, I understand that, however, my point is that if cloud cover were decreasing for some other reason (e.g. a natural variation), then the fact that cloudiness decreased in conjunction with increased temps was merely coincidental and doesn't necessarily imply that this inverse relationship will hold up under other conditions(such as when natural variations are different). Cheers, :)
  38. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    RSVP writes: It seems odd that a change of 1.36 ppm in one case should elevate temperatures one degree, and that it takes a 175 ppm in another case to do the same. The log(2) relationship only holds for a moderate range of CO2 concentrations (basically, earthlike conditions as opposed to very high (Venusian) or very low-CO2 conditions). I don't have a reference for this right at hand, but if you want to get picky about it we can probably find one (it was discussed a couple of months ago when Steve Goddard was busy misunderstanding the physics of the Venusian atmosphere). RSVP continues: What prevents a skeptic from assuming this is simply a tailored curve fit to back a theory? Maybe the assumption of dishonesty isn't actually a characteristic of skepticism? There are a century's worth of papers on experiments involving the radiative properties of CO2 listed at Ari's AGW Observer website.
  39. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    I think Steve Mosher has done a reconstruction.... dont see him on the list.
  40. David Horton at 21:28 PM on 24 July 2010
    Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    Yes Chris, good stuff. However I think your analogy breaks down - in the psychiatry case it sounds like the "skeptics" were right (partly right?) but for the wrong reasons. I don't think that counts. Other psychiatrists would have go there eventually for the right reasons. Also "implicit assumption of bad faith" - the problem is that while your psychiatrists may not have been acting in bad faith (though it sounds as if, like AGW deniers, they were acting from ideological beliefs) there is absolutely no doubt that many, perhaps 97 out of a 100 of the deniers are acting in bad faith. For reasons to do with ideology (a complex ideology) on the one hand and financial interest (one way or another) on the other hand. I think most of these ideologies break down in the face of deniaworld's massive attack on not just climate science but all science. The only analogy I think is close is the tobacco companies fight against restrictions ad regulations.
  41. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    One note -- Figure 6 shows the result of a great deal of work by Ron Broberg to develop a non-GHCN temperature data set based on the SYNOP/GSOD database of surface temperature reports. Nick Stokes used these data in his TempLS program. This is quite an interesting project, IMHO, and the comparison in figure 6 (from Nick's blog post) is rather impressive. I'd encourage interested readers to check out the posts about GSOD on Nick's and Ron's sites.
  42. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    Thanks for the kind words and helpful suggestions, everyone. I had looked into the JMA data set (briefly) but wasn't able to find a numerical version of the data in an easy-to-use format. I admit I didn't invest a lot of time in it. They do post a version of the full data set but it's in a fairly complicated and cryptic format. It probably is worth looking into further, however, since as apescape points out it uses some different sources and thus would nicely complement the others. chriscanaris, thank you for your long and thoughtful comment. I always enjoy reading your ideas and opinions here. The first half of your comment I agree with completely. Not knowing anything about psychiatry I found the second half fascinating, though I'll have to remain agnostic on the extent to which it's an analogy for the "science process" issues in AGW.
  43. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    GP Alldredge writes: Did I miss something? It appears to me that the post is focussing on global land+ocean anomaly. But the dataset referenced "CRUTEM" is from land-station data only. For land+ocean, you need "HadCRU". I used HADCRUT for the parts of the post that deal with land/ocean temperatures (figs 1 & 4) and CRUTEM for figure 3, which compares land-only temperatures. Figure 8 has both CRUTEM and HADCRUT in it (note the microscopic labels...). The original draft of this post had more detail on the reconstructions, including an explanation of CRUTEM vs HADCRUT, GISTEMP land-only vs land/ocean, etc. But it was getting absurdly long....
  44. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    It seems odd that a change of 1.36 ppm in one case should elevate temperatures one degree, and that it takes a 175 ppm in another case to do the same. What prevents a skeptic from assuming this is simply a tailored curve fit to back a theory?
  45. Models are unreliable
    I am having a good chuckle at the discussion about "being good enough to be useful" The parliamentary inquiry last year into the long term weather forecasting capabilities of BOM and the CSIRO received a submission from the federal Department of Agriculture describing the current forecasts as too inaccurate for farmers to use, whilst the submission from the South Australian Farmers Federation described them more to the point as "less then useful". This confirmed that nothing has changed since a University of Melbourne study 5 years ago found the same situation then. However the good news was that if the government could provide "significant further investment" in super computers, reliable usable predictions may be available in at least 3 years, but possibly as far away as 7 seven years.
  46. The nature of authority
    tobyjoyce @ 58 'My own feeling is that Hulme and people like Judy Curry are not really helping. There are some issues over which no compromise is possible.' I guess we have to part company here despite out mutual regard for Stephen Gould. It bears remembering that the IPCC is itself a 'compromise.' Once we lose the capacity to talk to one another in a civilised way, hopes for progress evaporate. In another setting, I've heard it often said that the role of the expert is to shed more light, not more heat (pun sort of half intended but the saying is genuine - not one I made up).
  47. Models are unreliable
    Actually, ref, comment #195, please don’t make assumptions about my motives. You are completely wrong about me wanting to delay things. What I’m wanting to do, as hopefully most sceptics do, is my best to ensure that the climate change medicine dispensed by the politicians is not more damaging to humans than any natural or unnatural changes to the global climates. Until I am convinced that the medicine will not make things worse I will continue searching for a better understanding. At least there are some people here who are trying to help me get that better understanding, but you are not one of them. Tom (Dayton) ref. comment #207: I do read Realclimate articles and comments but always in a very sceptical manner because of the pedigree of the main contributors. I do like that quotation you gave - "I use the term validating not in the sense of ‘proving true’ (an impossibility), but in the sense of ‘being good enough to be useful’)” but the question is good enough to be useful for what? For me the validation of computer systems starts with the user requirements. Policy-makers (including politicians) are among the primary users of those climate models. There are others like environmentalists. I leave it to you to work out what “good enough to be useful” means. Must dash, as the boss is calling. Best regards, Pete Ridley
  48. Doug Bostrom at 17:04 PM on 24 July 2010
    What do you get when you put 100 climate scientists in a room?
    Gallopingcamel I'll stick with the opinion of the judge handling the case, that Gore's movie was "broadly accurate." Looking at the matter from a slightly different perspective, when you mistakenly cited a finding of dishonesty by the justice presiding over the case were you merely careless, or just ill-informed? I'm sure you did not intend dishonesty so we can eliminate that possibility straight off.
  49. Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    'Over the past year, there has been quite a flurry of "do-it-yourself" temperature reconstructions by independent analysts, using either land-only or combined land-ocean data.' The striking aspect of these reconstructions is not only their similarity to peer reviewed work but also the origin of some in sources associated with 'scepticism.' I checked out the Jeff Id reconstruction which was done by RomanM and posted on Lucia's Blackboard. Lucia is described as a 'lukewarmer' on WUWT and seems to strive for balance from what I've seen of her site. Jeff Id is strongly sceptical and very politicised in his perspectives (hence I stopped visiting his site - far too much partisan baggage). I think the notion that the world is not showing an overall warming trend in recent decades simply can't be taken seriously. WUWT has shifted the argument to suggesting that the 1930s showed similar temperatures to today but alleges that temperatures have been subsequently 'adjusted.' The latter claim would be worth dissecting. Interestingly, the Japanese data set posted by apeescape shows a 1940 warming though it's substantially less than that of the last 30 years. At any rate, the bottom line is that not even WUWT is claiming the absence of a current warming trend even while alluding to some recent 'weather' events which seem counterintuitive to the 'consensus' (sea ice, record cold in South America, etc). However, its readership's responses are much less nuanced with comments on the lines of 'It's freezing down here' or references to AGW being a proxy for 'world government,' 'socialism,' and the like. Sometimes, someone responds with a bit of serious science but this is rare. WUWT's readership is thus far less sophisticated than its bloggers. The readership seems to be more interested in entrenching preconceived notions. The bloggers however do give an airing to questions which ought to be at least asked (even if the eventual outcome may often be rejection of the hypothesis by the scientific community). The readership on pro-consensus sites is much more sophisticated. I do however feel perturbed at times by the undercurrent of anger of some posters which I feel divides the world into 'them' and 'us.' Some may simply be people who do not suffer fools gladly - well, I do understand that - I react similarly to the 'hired guns' in my own field though I couch my written responses in far more polite language. Others, however, may I fear be similarly not wanting to engage with the real complexities. The problem with disengaging from the complexities is that it actually hinders scientific advancement. The '100 scientists' post included a couple of responses suggesting that the dissenting 3 scientists played an important role. I might illustrate this with an example from my own field. When I was a medical student and trainee psychiatrist, the prevailing explanation of illnesses such as schizophrenia and major depression was the 'monoamine' hypothesis. Basically, psychotropic medications all shared common mechanisms in respectively blocking or potentiating the activity of monoamine neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) such as dopamine blockade (in schizophrenia) or serotonin and/or noradrenaline potentiation at synapses (junctions between nerve cells). Schizophrenia was seen as a consequence of excess dopamine activity while depression as a consequence of serotonin/ noradrenaline insufficiency. Animal models, some in vivo studies in patients, and post mortem studies of patients lent support to the hypothesis (ie, multiple converging lines of evidence existed) even though no direct evidence of synaptic monoamine dysfunction was ever demonstrated. There was no question that our drugs worked reasonably well (though often with limited effect) and as best as we could tell only worked only if they affected synaptic neurotransmitters in specific ways. However, while the impact on synaptic neurotransmitter activity was demonstrably immediate, symptoms usually did not recede until at least two to six weeks of starting on the drugs. At the time, some contrarians debunked the monoamine hypotheses of depression and schizophrenia precisely because of this problem (and a whole lot of other issues besides - eg, depictions of psychiatric illness as no more than a social construct). The profession saw them as eccentrics and indeed they included in their number some seriously eccentric people. Because of the stigma around psychiatric illness, a significant body of patients often ended up with less access to treatment. The views of the contrarians fed the antipsychiatry movement which has had and to some extent still has a lot of traction. Nevertheless, a great deal of further research ensued and we now think that depression and schizophrenia have far more complex though still poorly understood origins. Much of the research implicates intracellular mechanisms as well as changes in neuronal connectivity in key brain areas ensuing over periods going from weeks to months and much more in keeping with real life trajectories of treatment response. We're hoping that this research will result in more sophisticated therapies (ie, more effective therapies that address the causes of these illnesses with significantly lower side effect burdens for patients) though so far nothing is on the horizon. The evidence base around the AWG hypothesis is arguably more robust than the evidence base around the neurobiology of psychiatric illness. Parallels however exist. We have an extraordinary knowledge explosion in brain function but much of this knowledge has not yet been integrated into a coherent synthesis. Neuroscience like climate science depends on a multiplicity of disciplines encompassing inter alia physicists. We have a similar knowledge explosion in climate science. My impression is that we may have a better synthesis in climate science than we do in neuroscience. However, treating the work of outliers with outright contempt runs the significant risk of demotivating folk who actually do want to look more closely at pieces in the jigsaw that don't quite fit (like some of the questions around cloud cover, feedbacks, and the like). Some of the folk currently interested in these areas may well be barking up the wrong tree. Maybe the bits of the jigsaw fit better than they think. However, angry dismissals of their work with the implicit assumption of bad faith add to the problem and don't contribute to solutions.
  50. Doug Bostrom at 16:09 PM on 24 July 2010
    Assessing global surface temperature reconstructions
    I've seen -some- of these examples cited in various places but never all together. This post ought to be be a mandatory checkpoint for sensible self-professed climate skeptics; going off the rails on a matter so unambiguously resolved will serve as a useful credibility diagnostic no skeptic will want to fail. One improvement I could think of would be to bring the external supporting material together under one roof so as to avoid "rot" of the links but I suppose there could be some permissions hurdles. Nice job, Ned.

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