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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 115001 to 115050:

  1. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    chriscanaris at 16:38 PM on 18 July, 2010 HumanityRules at 10:50 AM on 18 July, 2010 Each of you is presenting a woeful account of science and science careers – rather like the “grumpy old men” programme we have on TV! Addressing a couple of things: (i) chriscanaris – I gather you may be speaking from Australia where things are a little different from the UK. But I’ve just chatted with a Australian colleague, and I don’t think things are that different! In the UK you certainly don’t need a first class Honours degree “to get past Honours into a Masters/PhD stream”. You can do a PhD with a second class degree (a 2.1. is the requirement) and a Masters with a 2.2. In fact a Masters is a way of returning to the PhD stream. Two of our recent PhD students entered this way – they messed up their final exams, didn’t get a 2.1 and so did a Masters to return to their chosen career plan. It would be a dismal system that didn’t have the flexibility to ensure that excellent and dedicated individuals are able to pursue their goals. (ii) With respect, your comments about “honours projects” are simply silly. You seem to be attempting to create the impression that a scientist is locked into some conformist enterprise from the very point of his/her final year undergraduate degree project. Not only is that not true but it presents a rather dismal picture of youngsters and their motivations. Every final year project I’ve been engaged in either at first or second hand is an exploration to find out something new, to explore a hypothesis, to test a reagent, or help develop a new assay and so on. One might well find that the observations are incompatible with the particular hypothesis of the supervisor…so what…that’s life. Either way, one graduates and moves on with the next thing. Student’s are not mice that are cowed into conformism by their final year undergraduate experience! (iii) I don’t agree with your comments about PhD’s either. You may or may not do groundbreaking research (it doesn’t really matter – after all one can’t prejudge the success of a project else it wouldn’t be science). You’re not so much “dependent on the goodwill of your supervisor for financial support” as on the structures in place in the department (whether university graduate school, or research institute or industry) to ensure that students are adequately supported. If you happen not to like the project you’re doing, or don’t get on with the supervisor, or it turns out he doesn’t have the facilities to do what you want, then you can go somewhere else. Young scientists are not little mice that have to do what they’re told (things are somewhat less free in Japan and China, but at least in Japan efforts are being made to reduce the rigid academic hierarchies since these are recognised to be counter-productive). (iv) As for your comments about postdocs and publishing – we’ll they simply don’t accord with my experience either. All your comments about having to do this and that and the other can be boiled down to one sentence; “to succeed you have to work hard, be quite good at what you do, and be productive”. That’s life isn’t it chris? Why should life as a scientist be any different. As my PhD supervisor said to me many times “it isn’t supposed to be easy”! In publishing you certainly don’t “have to be careful not to upset a potential reviewer”. As with all aspects of science the criterion is “get it right”. If your work is sound it doesn’t matter if it might upset “a potential reviewer”. If you consider that there is a potential reviewer who might take exception to your work then you request that the editor doesn’t send your paper to that individual; or you request that the editor takes into account a potential conflict of interest. That’s part of the job of an editor. Neither s/he nor the scientist submitting the paper is a little mouse that has to conform to the curious Kafkaesque edifice that you and HR seem to be attempting to portray! (v) HR, you comment on an apparent “culling of mid career scientists”. What do you mean by that specifically? There’s no question that in the present economic climate many scientists are and will continue to lose their jobs (unemployment pretty much everywhere is rising; I wouldn’t say that my job is completely secure!). The pharmaceutical industry is closing down entire research and development centres (e.g. Merck closed down its UK neuroscience research centre in the UK a few years ago, and GSK has just shut down a huge research centre near London). What else does one expect? If you are speaking more generally, it would be helpful to know what you’re referring to. I would say that science does have some peculiar career aspects. For academic science probably the greatest “culling” occurs around the time a researcher is coming to the end of his/her first or second postdoc and realizes that s/he is unlikely to get a permanent position. There is also a significant mid-late career shift where “at the bench” scientists move towards more administrative or teaching roles. Otherwise it’s not clear what you’re referring to specifically….
  2. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Earlier post... "CBW at 07:15 AM on 18 July, 2010 RSVP, your "correction" to gpwayne's sentence was wrong. Period. The sentence was about radiation, not heat flow." If radiation is not heatflow, can you please explain what it is? a little food for thought... The current black body temperature of this photon radiation is about 3 K (−270 °C; −454 °F). Some regions of outer space can contain highly energetic particles that have a much higher temperature than the CMB.
  3. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Most respectable religions admit that you cannot prove the existence of God, and in fact one's belief is a matter of faith. And even in the case of science as applied, for instance, to aerospace (i.e., Space Shuttles and commercial aircraft) your flight survival is ultimately a matter of personal faith and chance. The inability to recognize this distinction signals fanaticism and at best ignorance.
  4. HumanityRules at 20:15 PM on 18 July 2010
    Part Three: Response to Goddard
    Robert sorry for my stupidity here but what you seem to be saying about antarctica is mass is being lost because mass is being lost. I didn't read a mechanism here. Coast thinning is a result of increased calving? But what is the cause of increased calving? Everything you discuss seems to be talking about general mechanisms that are unconnected to AGW. for example you seem to be connecting fast ice flow with channelling. Geology surely?
  5. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    John D (#46), what matters is that, unless you can show a *trend*, then the numbers you've shown us are utterly irrelevant. If you look solely at peak cloud cover the period you've shown then, for all but a few brief years, you're looking at levels of 67%-68%. Since 2000, there has been no significant increase or decrease in cloud cover, yet global temperatures have still risen by around +0.12 degrees (in spite of solar minimums unseen since the 19th century). Now, from my albeit brief reading of the subject, part of the mechanism of cloud formation is believed to be the interaction of cosmic rays with the atmosphere. According to the best hypotheses I've seen, when solar output is high, cloud levels tend to fall-as the sun's output shields the Earth from Cosmic Rays. When the sun's output is low, then cloud cover tends to rise. Now, isn't it *convenient* that the 13 years you've focused on happen to coincide with a rise in sunspot numbers for the previous solar cycle (around 1989-2000). I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a cyclical rise & fall in cloud cover which is inversely proportional to changes in sunspot numbers-certainly not something that can explain the consistent rise in temperatures of the last 60 years. This is what comes of trying to find a "trend" in a very small amount of data.
  6. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    The problem, Chris (#54), is that a significant proportion of the West's per capita energy consumption (&, hence, CO2 footprint) is the result of waste. Inefficient use of private vehicles, wasteful lighting on the street & in office buildings, poorly insulated homes with inefficient heaters & air-con units....& the list goes on. Western Nations are also much better placed to supply more of their electricity from non-fossil fuel based sources (such as hydro, geothermal, landfill & sewerage gas, solar (PV & thermal) & Wind)-yet instead our political leaders want to demand that the 3rd world cut back on the energy they need simply need to achieve economic parity with the West, rather than ask their citizens to make even the most reasonable cuts to their consumption. No wonder the developing world spat the dummy!
  7. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    John D, the only person showing a penchant for ignoring the facts is *you*. Even if the levels of yield increase achieved at the Horsham FACE trial were sustainable, the issue of decreased levels of protein, water-soluble carbohydrate, zinc & iron would still be of vital importance from a nutritional point of view. A roughly 1% to 5% decline in protein content (in g/kg) means that animals & humans will need to consume 1% to 5% more grain in order to ensure that they get their minimum daily dose of protein. This represents an on-cost to consumers. Of course, achieving these increased yields, even in the short-term, would require a significant (+25%) increase in nitrogen-which means an increased cost to the farmer. So, if nothing else, the FACE trial seems to indicate that primary produce will come at a much higher price under an enhanced CO2 environment. That said, the Horsham trial really doesn't deal with a number of other issues-such as the future impacts of acclimation, the potential for increased competition from weeds, the potential for increases in plant pests & diseases, changes in hydrology, the effects of warming on senescence, & the potential for an increase in extreme weather events-such as droughts & floods. Any one of these factors alone could significantly reduce the long-term yields of wheat crops-yet all of them are predicted to be a problem in an enhanced CO2 world. Also, if you need to know why nitrogen & water are limiting factors in plant metabolism, then I fear your knowledge of plant biology is extremely limited. Photosynthesis is a process primarily driven by enzymes & other nitrogen rich molecules. Water, of course, is a primary constituent of photosynthesis-but is also a key substrate for the majority of the plant's cellular processes & makes up a large proportion of the plant's Wet Weight. Starve a plant of either nitrogen or-moreso-water, & its unlikely that any amount of increased CO2 will result in improved yields. Indeed, the plant is almost certain to DIE before it yields ANYTHING-which is why droughts are such a big issue for farmers!
  8. Does partial scientific knowledge mean we shouldn't act?
    adelady at 17:51 PM, the increasing severity of bushfires in Australia? The worst fires in Victoria's settled history occurred in 1851. Perhaps you are confusing impact on humans and infrastructure which is dependant on population distribution. Or perhaps of those fires that are uncontrollable, essentially due to man's tendency to put out fires that ignite naturally, as he must do to protect life and assets, allowing fuel loads to build up to the extent it inevitably leads to fires that are uncontrollable, rather than any changed climate related factors. High fuel loads result from periods of prolific growth due to higher moisture levels which then burns when punctuated by periods of drier conditions. Missing fuel reduction burn targets is often blamed on conditions not being suitable for long enough to get targetted areas burnt.
  9. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Graham @ 16 Thanks for turning your attention to my comments. You suggest that many of my arguments are sceptical as opposed to denier positions. For the record, as I have often stated on this blog, I believe that pumping ever increasing CO2 in the atmosphere exposes us to substantial risks and is an activity better avoided if at all possible. However, CBW @ 18 asserts re CAWG: This is a denier question, not a skeptical one. It creates a straw man that allows the denier camp to label its "opponents" as crazy alarmists out to stop all human progress. He adds: The probability of catastrophe requires you to define what you consider to be a catastrophe and propose something that might bring it about. Then you can try to compute a probability. I thought I had given a reasonable definition of catastrophe: that increasing atmospheric CO2 levels would set in train a concatenation of positive feedbacks with far reaching adverse consequences. Perhaps I should have said something on the lines of 'ever increasing adverse consequences beyond our capacity to control or mitigate.' As matters currently stand, I just don't know whether the evidence exists to predict such an outcome confidently. Equally, I can well understand many of us not wanting to wait and find ourselves embroiled in a worst case scenario. Consequently, I would happily support moves to make vehicles more energy efficient, public transport better, power generation much less fossil fuel dependent, and the like. However, you can see the problems with labels such as 'sceptic,' 'denialist,' 'warmist,' and the like which do very little to facilitate communication. I would add 'creationist' to the list - those who believe that God created the world and humanity include very many people who are very comfortable with the notion that he used evolutionary processes to attain his end. I find myself very much in sympathy with HR @ 36 who writes: Reducing human society (and human beings) to simple carbon emitters is part of the problem of the approach of climate science and environmentalism in general. You reduce humanity to the role of polluter. HR @ 49 adds: Still far worse to global human health is malnourishment and lack of access to resources in general. Again, I couldn't agree more. Any solution to environmental problems must take into account the dignity and legitimate aspirations of each and every human being on this planet. Each and every death through malnutrition, HIV, TB, malaria, crime, or unsafe work environments is one death too many whether it occurs in Sydney or Calcutta. You speak of 'climate colonialism.'I should add that have just returned from a visit to Ho Chi Minh City (or Saigon as the locals still prefer to call it) - my son just married a local lass. The contrast with Sydney resonated powerfully with my recollections of my childhood years in Ghana where the poverty was far greater. I would be greatly saddened to see the good citizens of Saigon including my newly acquired Vietnamese family denied the right to aspire to (if not attain)a higher standard of living. Much the same applies to the good folk I left behind in Accra where my mother ran a medical practice in the midst of a typically African area - we lived above her surgery and not in an expat ghetto. Neither Accra nor Saigon would have any hope of coping with climate change or any other crisis if deprived of basic infrastructure (Accra has open sewers though, irony of ironies, Ghana boasts a nuclear reactor). The poorer the society, the greater its adverse environmental impact and its carbon footprint (think of all the charcoal stoves in Accra). In Accra, malaria remains endemic - there is no drainage system and the most families live in single room dwellings. Kwashiorkor, the disease that has come to epitomise chronic protein insufficiency, is a Ghanaian word. The third world's almighty dummy spit at Copenhagen thus comes as no surprise - there is an almighty disconnect between its priorities and those of the prosperous Anglo-Euro-sphere.
  10. Does partial scientific knowledge mean we shouldn't act?
    The ozone hole? Surely this is an example of the difficulties encountered when we delay action on anthropogenic introduction of any superfluous stuff into the atmosphere. We've stopped, or as good as, releasing the nasties into the atmosphere and it will *still* take decades more to recover. The 30+ additional forest fires in California have as much to do with excessive drying of the landscape as anything else. Just as the increasing severity of bushfires in Australia is related to long term drying of the forests - not forgetting the astonishing frequency and severity of heatwaves.
  11. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    "What are the chances I will publicly eat humble pie and recognize the greatness of a skeptic scientist (due to accomplishing the above)?" I don't know. But I too will bow down on my arthritic knees and kiss the ground this super clever person walks on. But wishful thinking hasn't yet won a lottery for me, I'm afraid.
  12. actually thoughtful at 17:05 PM on 18 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    ChrisCanaris - you bring up some good points about the real-world of science. Many scientists spend their careers testing out minor, but interesting hypothesis - "warmer water will increase dolphin populations" - etc. And I do think climate science is unique in 2 ways - there are DEEP pockets wanting it to be false - the extractive energy business, the most profitable business on the planet and all of us want this sentence lifted! It sucks - it is hard to think about - every trip to the store in a motor vehicle is also a guilt trip (will my CO2 be the final bit that pushes us over some tipping point...?) But let me ask you this - when all is said and done - would you rather have the reputation of Darwin, Einstein or ChrisCanaris (and I mean you no disrespect whatsoever). The ego drive of great scientists (and some not-great scientists) is sufficient motivation to create the hypothesis,beg/borrow/steal for funding and create results that prove something great/new/interesting. At this point, with the stakes so high, if the skeptics had ANYTHING, anything at all, they would put a proposal in front of Exxon or BP and get funded in a heartbeat (not to say they wouldn't be funded by NSF or other government research funding arms - but even if they weren't, they have a plan B that you probably don't have in say, Australian drug research). To the best of my knowledge the skeptics have come up with: pick at the edges of the some of the data, where the data is inconclusive or COULD be interpreted in a less warming way; attack the methods of the science done so far (Mann, Jones, etc) and; the exact size of the positive feedbacks isn't yet known. As I said to HR - where are the big ideas that are lacking funding? I would have egg on my face, I would be embarrassed at my support of AGW - but I also commit right now to personally thanking the Principal Investigator who shows that AGW is false, and that there is a BETTER, valid comprehensive world view that explains everything we are seeing now and doesn't hold the AGW sentence over our head. What are the chances I will publicly eat humble pie and recognize the greatness of a skeptic scientist (due to accomplishing the above)?
  13. Does partial scientific knowledge mean we shouldn't act?
    This topics question is = Does partial scientific knowledge mean we shouldn't act? Well according to the "Climate-changers" and Al Gore. It is perfectly fine to never act on fixing the ozone layer, or re-forestation, or vehicle emmissions mandating, hybrids, electrics, or inerting Co2 into a harmless chemical, orbital shades, or any other reaistic long term solution. They only want to destroy economies by cap and trading with no effect on emissions nor solutions whatsoever. Acting irresponsibly is disasterous, and not acting, which is what the current "Climate-change" frauds insist on, is horrific.
  14. HumanityRules at 16:53 PM on 18 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    50.chriscanaris I'd have to agree with that. Young scientist might have the far reaching dreams but that is in no way represented by what they do. It's only those with a long CV, a good track record and plenty on grounding that can afford the pleasures of testing orthodoxy. All the rest are grinding out the results that are easily publishable. That's all that real matters to younger scientists unfortunately. You don't need a conspiracy to generate a concensus especially when there is an influential body pushing for it.
  15. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Hi Y’all – and thanks for the comments. robhon
    Rather than equating scientists to a flock of birds the more accurate metaphor would be a herd of cats. Each is of its own mind. But when you see all the cats heading is the same direction... THEN you know something is really happening.
    Nice one – wish I’d thought of that. skepticstudent
    While I disagree totally with everything he said, I'm still whirling and dazed trying to figure out what God, Creationism, or Christians have to do with a supposed ACGW.
    I suspect your confusion may be a little exaggerated, but I will expand on one aspect this point: as a business analyst I came to understand that a key skill I had to develop was pattern recognition. The relationship between creationism – and many other arguments like Y2K, ozone holes, 9/11 and others – is the pattern of argument. They all rely on similar techniques, similar chains of inference that never quite connect, similar sleights of hand when confronted with hard evidence, similar attacks on the principles when nothing else will suffice. In this respect, creationists demand something they know they can’t have – absolute proof in the fossil record of a connection between other primates and homo xxx – which they demand so they can claim that without such proofs, the theory can be shown to be inadequate, or flawed, or broken. It is sophistry of course, but many are taken in. (Funny that creationists don’t support the obvious notion that if God was that smart, evolution is what He would invent to save Himself the bother of doing it all by hand). MattJ
    …with such a hard battle ahead of us, we cannot afford to waste time and energy preaching to the choir.
    Actually, one of the most common themes in all military history is the need to maintain morale, especially when you are outnumbered by the baying mob. tobyjoyce
    What Graham is arguing (I think) is that nothing associated with rising temperature in the world today makes sense except in the light of Anthropogenic Global Warming.
    More or less, Toby – to refine my argument a little, I would restate it this way: there is no other theory that satisfactorily addresses every line of investigation related to changes in the climate. All investigations converge, meeting at the same place: ACC. JBowers Hello old bean (JB and I fight the good fight together over at the Guardian from time to time). HumanityRules Referring back to my point about pattern recognition, may I observe that your argument is a ‘standard text’ for denialists – a cliche, in other words, and a very recognisable type of assumed victimhood:
    …[climate science is] driven by political necessity not empirical data.
    Political reaction has always lagged the science. It is the ice melting that drives political action, despite their definition of necessity being the requirement for business as usual – because this paradigm is the most profitable. If you think the "tax and control" arguments have merit, read this post on my blog. You then go on to claim that scientists are being forced, coerced, intimidated etc – the net result being that nobody is investigating other mechanisms that might cause the climate to warm. May I point out that the greatest prize in science right now would, without any doubt at all, go to the man, woman or team who could seriously dent the ACC theory with credible science? And that if they could not find the funding from conventional sources due to some alleged control-freakery or connivance, they would find it readily, and supplied in copious quantities by those who are already spending millions on denialist PR – like Koch, Exxon etc. Ask yourself this: why are so many vested interests spending so much on spin, when they own research facilities and employ many scientists. Where is the fossil fuel funded scientific investigation of these ‘other contenders’? Rhetorical questions, of course. There is no ‘opposing’ science, because science isn’t adversarial. It is competitive, but not between arbitrary paradigms like political opposites. The reason scientists are not spending much time on anything other than GHG cause/effect is – as I said at the start – there is little else credible left to study (notwithstanding the CERN Cloud work, which is interesting and wholly credible because it is good science. Kirkby doesn't seem to be very intimidated, does he?)
  16. Does partial scientific knowledge mean we shouldn't act?
    More to my post: We SHOULD act. we should act on scrapping the Co2 focus and actually fixing the ozone layer, fixing deforestation and start re-forestation, mandating hybrids and electrics and sugar beet ethanol for global fuel sources, and chemistry based change of Co2 gas into a harmless chemical or something that can be used. Thats right, REAL CHANGE, something the Co2 scammers aren't interested in. Remember in Gore's self-glorification project how he spoke of the cause of polar ice cap melting? Was it Co2? Nope. Even HE outlined the real cause. More solar "radiation" hitting the ice, melting it, pooling the water due to natural gravity, and erosion based effects. Bottom line, more solar radiation hitting caps due to weakened ozone layer. Then he says nothing about it ever again for years now. I would not be surprised if he has since deleted this from his new videos in production. What a fraud. Have any of you guys researched into the factual and real possibility chemistry based approach of 'inerting' Co2 by changing it through chemical process into something else? Quite easy. What about deforestation law changes, reforestation laws, mandating backburning, or emmissions on vehicles? California emits less pollution from all cars on the road than one forest fire causes yet the Ignoramous Sierra club causes 30+ additional fires each year due to their ignorant conservation laws. Yosemite national park was ruined, burnt to the ground by the Sierra Club's incompetance, and 10+years of emissions cause by their ignorance. They will never be regarded again as a reputable source of information.
  17. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    actually thoughtful @ 37 You say to HR: Your post is full of cynicism. Overturning the standard quo is the dream of every young person, and certainly of young scientists. From my limited exposure to scientific research (personal experience, interaction with scientists, and reading scientific papers in my field), this is certainly not the case. From the moment you embark on your honours research project, you are constrained by your supervisor and the prevailing views in his/her lab and the department. Any hopes of overturning a consensus are rapidly dissipated. Most science proceeds by tiny incremental advances in ever increasingly specialised areas. HR seems to have some real insights into the enormous competitiveness in the scientific world, the size of the egos, and the fierce struggle for survival epitomised by the struggle for research grants. To get past Honours into a Masters/PhD stream, you have to have first class honours. No honours project would be on the scale that would overturn a prevailing paradigm. First class honours are very difficult to attain - most science students leave the field at this point and find a paid job - often secondary school teaching or a job in industry. I myself quit basic (ie, pre-clinical) sciences upon completing the equivalent of an 'Honours' degree and went back to medicine after a nightmarish year in which I effectively sunk what my then supervisor thought would be a groundbreaking explanation of sudden infant death syndrome. I should add that I didn't do anything startling or innovative and in any case I didn't have the self-confidence to handle the stresses inherent in trying to climb the greasy pole of lower level academia. I did some modest research while training in psychiatry (much less stressful when you have a secure job). Even at PhD level, you very rarely find yourself doing ground breaking research. Mike Mann is one outstanding exception. At the same time, you depend on the goodwill of your supervisor for financial support (opportunities to tutor, an adequate allocation of grant moneys for materials and equipment, and the like). At postdoctoral level, you have to struggle for appointment as a lecturer in your field - often your initial appointment is temporary. Even when you attain tenure, your academic salary does not suffice to carry on research - you need grant moneys. To get these, you need to have a good name and a sufficiently impressive publication record. You also have to have a good publication record to be promoted. Indeed, much research is as much driven by the need to publish and be cited as it is by the genuine importance of the questions posed. To publish good research, you have to go through the peer review process which is sometimes intensely stringent, sometimes lackadaisical, and sometimes in-between. However, you also have to be very careful not to upset a potential reviewer. Hence, there are powerful incentives to avoid controversy. There are equally powerful incentives to piggy back onto 'fashionable' areas. Does this apply to climate science in all its branches? Frankly, I am not qualified to say. It does apply strongly in medicine in Australia where a great deal of research is funded by pharmaceutical companies. Pharmaceutical companies fund research partly because it creates goodwill and good publicity. They also like to fund clinical research which may create markets for their products. The potential for distortions has generated significant debate in medical journals though on the whole pharmaceutical companies have an interest in not doing anything too obviously shonky.
  18. Philippe Chantreau at 16:24 PM on 18 July 2010
    Facebook page to support John Abraham
    The only thing that Monckton is "artful" in is the grotesque. The buffoon has received all the attention he deserved and should get no more, really.
  19. Does partial scientific knowledge mean we shouldn't act?
    The Climate is changing, but what is changing it? MANY things and NOT overwealmingly Co2. The political Fraudsters would snowball you into thinking it's only Co2 and the only plan of action is to cap and trade without any responsible solutions, and open up the gammet on wasted money bureacracy, yet do NOTHING about the ozone layer, significant change to vehicle emissions and production emissions, orbital shades, re-forestation, ocean re-breeding and changes in fisheries, and chemical 'inertion' of Co2, or other alternatives. This just highlights the widespread fraud going on. Acting in the wrong way, or an irresponsible way is worse than not acting. You give the example of lasik eye surgery, but your comparison is dead wrong. with lasik this is a well research specific and exact tangible science with millions of tests and results, whereas the climate is still an almost immeasurable science many are still trying to understand. A more proper comparison in your example would be trying out lasik for the first time by going into massive public and private debt while knowing much of the money will not be spent on lasik research or development whatsover, and your eyes will be fired with an unproven idea that has not been used, tested to any significant degree, with no results documentation (ie sequestration) Maybe you might want to present a point that is actually relevant or even possibly level unlike this garbage point of should we not act and trying to falsely claim this has any similarity to a lasik procedure concept. Wow.
  20. HumanityRules at 15:42 PM on 18 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    50.Donald Lewis Still far worse to global human health is mal-nourishment and lack of access to resourses in general. Being vastly over-weight may be bad for your health but it's not showing up in the broard US metrics such as life expectancy, which against all the odds is still going up! Again this degraded view of humanity would prefer to see us as greedy over-consumers or victims of the food industry rather than challenge the real issues. One thing that brought this home strongest during the Copenhagen Summit was Oxfam, a Christian charity which for the whole of it's history has argued for more resourses for the developing world. It turned it's attention to the industrialized nations for their over-consumption. It seems their intention now is to drag us all down the worst possible conditions rather than dream for a better life for all. Personnally I'd prefer to follow the idea of more for all even if that means I'm flawed.
  21. Donald Lewis at 14:50 PM on 18 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Thanks Graham. Regarding the perils of wielding Ockham's razor... I have a possibly 'weaker' version Ockham's razor that works for me. If the traditional version is something like "Of two explanations that equally well explain the data you have on hand, the less complicated explanation tends to be the correct (better?) explanation." , then the weaker version is "Of two explanations that equally well explain the data you have on hand, assume the less complicated one is correct as a working hypothesis because it will be easier to disprove it with new data." If one disproves it, one can move on, and the chance one can move on is increased because it is easier to empirically debunk the less complicated argument. In either version, the problem remains that people dispute the ranking of the complexity of explanations and whether two different explanations equally well explain the data. In the climate change blogs, the situation is confounded because some folks who don't generate new data simply deny the current, full ensemble of data. No form of Ockham's razor addresses that situation. Sigh... I mean look at the preceding comments, eg Humanity Rules. I hear adults and children in the US are over weight and that it is a public health issue. What an insult! But If humanity rules, why doesn't humanity just decrease the acceleration due to gravity. That would solve the weight problem. Oh wait. humanity may not actually rule gravity, but it does rule perception... better to claim that US citizens are not overweight and the data is flawed. Why? Any reason may do. Well the climate data, at least, we know is flawed because "You may be describing general scientific rules but climate science is different from any other science. It's driven by political necessity not empirical data. There is a dynamic here that doesn't really exist in any other field." Oh, that explains the data? Those climate scientists are different. Uh, planetary scientists, geologists, atmospheric scientists, glaciologists, oceanographers, mammalogists, ornithologists, ichthyologists, herpetologists, invertebrate biologists, ecologists, phenologists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, and statisticians are all conspiring with this unscientific, oddball, special group of "climate scientists" to create a fantasy of climate change?
  22. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Marcus at 13:01 PM , what you seemed determined to ignore is that despite lower grain protein %, with increased yields the amount of protein produced in the grain PER HECTARE INCREASES. In addition given that plants are about 50% carbon, increased structural growth, not only requires firstly an additional supply of that carbon, but even a very basic understanding of plant biology surely suggests that the plants will also require additional water and nitrogen, but somehow this basic truth seems to elude you.
  23. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Marcus at 13:08 PM, you seem to have drawn a lot of conclusions about what might, or might not be aberrations or normal and missed the point completely. A decrease of about 5 percent corresponds to a radiative net change of about 0.9 W/m2 within a period of only 13 years, which may be compared with the total net change from 1750 to 2006 of 1.6 W/m2 of all climatic drivers as estimated in the IPCC 2007 report, including release of greenhouse gasses from the burning of fossil fuels. Trend or not it is something that still has to be accounted for over the period observed, especially a change of that magnitude. Disregard whether it is a trend or not and consider instead how it fits in or otherwise with other observations over the same period.
  24. HumanityRules at 13:40 PM on 18 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    44.Marcus I think most, if not all accept that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. It's the apocalypse that is usually questioned. Secondly I don't whinge I point out that a political processes is occuring here and that is a two-sided process, the AGW supporters on this website only seem to recognise one side of this debate exists while on the other side is pure science and empirical data, that's selective blindness. Your description of the underhand tactics is applaudable except that it's intention is simply to paint one side as devils and the other crusaders. Unfortuantely the more degenerate individuals on the other side of the debate believe the same thing but in reverse. The Deniers have thier own brave heros on WUWT while the AGW are evil communists. Approach the debate from this perspective and we'll get nowhere. I try objectively to think about my field of science and how ideas compete, ego's clash and petty personnal rivalries work through. And then I look at climate science and see what's going on there and honestly try to ask myself whether this is just the same thing only exposed to full public scutiny. Honestly I see no connection between the two things it's bizarre to try to fit the tactics of both sides into your own field of science, try it. I'd go back to my original comment there is a dynamic going on here that does not exist in other fields of science
  25. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Hmmm John D (post#34) seems like you're cherry-picking again. If you look at the period just prior to 1987, I see cloud cover at levels closer to 65% to 66%. The 69% cloud cover around 1987-1990 seems more like an aberration than a normal state of affairs. For much of that graph, cloud cover levels seem to hover at closer to 64% to 67%. I certainly don't see any *trend* in cloud cover-either increasing or decreasing.
  26. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Ah, John D is still pushing his beloved FACE trial as proof that a higher CO2 world will be better for agriculture-& still he ignores the basic facts. He ignores the fact that evidence of Acclimation was already being seen by the researchers at the end of the 3rd year of the trial-suggesting that peak yield increases of +20% had already been reached (longer term trials suggest only a 5% to 8% increase). He ignores the fact that the 20% yield increase was achieved only under the optimum conditions (& that the so-called "sub-optimum" conditions are not a truly accurate simulation of the conditions farmers will face in an increased-CO2 world). He ignores the fact that nitrogen demand increased by about 25%, in spite of a decrease in protein yield (which of course means that human & animal consumers will need to eat *MORE* grain to get a similar amount of protein-thus partly negating the increased yield benefits). He ignores the fact that the FACE trials also don't simulate for changes in weed propagation &/or the presence of insect & microbial pest species in an enhanced CO2 world. The fact he *really* ignores, though, is that a number of trials have shown that increased nitrogen &/or water-in ambient CO2 conditions-can yield the same, or greater, levels of yield increase as enhanced CO2 conditions-but without any decline in protein content. This strongly suggests, once again, that it is nitrogen & water-not CO2-which are the limiting factors in plant yield. The fact remains that, if John D were reading the FACE trials, & all the other studies cited above, in an unbiased fashion, then he'd realize that none of them really support his assertion that increasing the planet's levels of CO2 will *automatically* lead to improvements in agricultural output. It's exactly this kind of simplistic thinking that so undermines the denialist argument.
  27. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    HR. First of all, the relationship between increased CO2 & an enhanced Greenhouse effect was discovered *long* before the IPCC was ever created-& initially in the face of some stiff opposition. It was large amounts of empirical data that enabled this relationship to be shown-& to date the various denialists have yet to provide any COUNTER-EVIDENCE to undermine this relationship. Instead, the Denialists resort to all kinds of political & ideological arguments to try & attack the theory of AGW. 2nd, you whinge about the existence of a list of Climate Change Denialists existing on the internet, but I ask you-have any of these Denialists been subject to hate mail? Death threats? Threats of legal action? Threats of funding cuts to themselves or their organizations? Climatologists who support the theory of AGW have been subjected to *all* of these threats-not to mention being subjected to computer hacking & accusations of being engaged in massive global conspiracies. Yet you accuse *us* of being politically driven. Ha, that's hilarious. The politics driving this so-called "debate" is that the people who control access to our primary sources of energy do *not* want to relinquish that control any time soon-yet AGW poses the greatest threat to that control which they have ever faced. So they're deploying every weapon in their arsenal to undermine it-not with science, but with emotive claims about "World Governments", "Global Socialism" & "Economic Ruin"!
  28. HumanityRules at 12:25 PM on 18 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    41.muoncounter Not all the list signed that petition and does it matter if they did? They presumably produce science which question aspects of AGW. This is what is important, digging out petitions they signed and labelling them denier is a way of denigrating the science from the outset. I agree Bush did the same. It's a two-sided political debate. You can't seem to accept the other side exists though.
  29. HumanityRules at 12:10 PM on 18 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    40.JMurphy Let's just be clear here that list really does exist?? And it's worth remembering Kenneth Williams did have several knives sticking in his back when he spoke those immortal words so it would be fair of him to assume that not everybody was on his side :) So the IPCC is not a political beast? It's purely an information gathering service?
  30. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    HR #36: Where to start? "driven by political necessity not empirical data. There is a dynamic here that doesn't really exist in any other field." Climate science is drowning in empirical data, so much so that we often read arguments that are little more than 'my data is better than yours' (for example, see: UAH vs. RSS LT temperatures vs. GISS temperatures, etc or ice extent vs. ice volume, etc). "What is the point of researching other aspects of climate control than CO2 when all it does is highlight you as an outsider?" The point is that its necessary to know the effects of sulfur and aerosols and methane and yes, even water vapor. None of that is outside the mainstream; nor are glaciology, paleobiology, plate tectonics, etc. This is one of the biggest scientific tents you'll find; we need expertise in lots of disciplines. "In climate science you become a heretic. Who wants to find themselves on a list like this?" People who signed the Oregon petition presumably did so because that was what they believed at the time. Its all public record. "a culture exemplified by the blacklist one has to go beyond the empirical data to question what is driving the consensus." Blacklist? Have you forgotten what was happening to Hansen et al during the Bush years?
  31. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    HumanityRules wrote : Everything you say may be true but with the IPCC to lead the science and a culture exemplified by the blacklist one has to go beyond the empirical data to question what is driving the consensus. I know : it's that great big conspiracy, isn't it ? All I can think of is the line from Carry on Cleo - "Infamy, infamy ! They've all got it in-famy !!"
  32. HumanityRules at 11:52 AM on 18 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    37.actually thoughtfull I think my post is more of a response to cynicism. The radical ideas of today are cynical and conservative. I'm not sure how the politics of fear, catastrophe and apocalypse can be interpreted in any other way. This used to be the playground of religions now it's seen as youthful radicalism.
  33. HumanityRules at 11:43 AM on 18 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    "we asked what would happen to the climate if we artificially increased the proportions of greenhouse gases" I'm not sure that's what we did. We developed society, we followed a development path which allows more and more individuals the possibility to express their full potential rather than live basic hand-to-mouth existences. We developed the extraordinary machines you're sitting in front of that allow people from across the planet to communicate, and very much more. We developed great ideas. Reducing human society (and human beings) to simple carbom emmitters is part of the problem of the approach of climate science and enviromentalism in general. You reduce humanity to the role of polluter. Take that mind set and any set of empirical data and I'm sure you come up with dire conclusions.
  34. actually thoughtful at 11:38 AM on 18 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Really HumanityRules? Your post is full of cynicism. Overturning the standard quo is the dream of every young person, and certainly of young scientists. Hansen et al had to do that when the idea of a serious problem was first proposed in the early 80s. Where is the data, the research - even the brilliant ideas, in need of funding? The same place the brilliant ideas to bring the world gold from iron - no where - because it isn't realistic. How can we read your post as anything but cynical cover for the lack of real ideas amongst the deniers/skeptics?
  35. HumanityRules at 10:50 AM on 18 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    You may be describing general scientific rules but climate science is different from any other science. It's driven by political necessity not empirical data. There is a dynamic here that doesn't really exist in any other field. "because no other contender is left standing" - this statement is primarily true because the IPCC demands only that CO2 be left standing, there is no interest in other contenders. Research other contenders and you begin to find yourself in the Wikipedia list of climate deniers. What is the point of researching other aspects of climate control than CO2 when all it does is highlight you as an outsider? Science, probably like the rest of the world, is a brutal game. I've only in recent years noticed how much culling of mid career scientists occurs, mainly because I've reached that point in my life. Reputation, connections and past record are the only thing that counts to whether you will continue in your beloved profession. Who's going to jeopardize that for a few controversial idea's? Like many others I'd always assumed that deniers generally being of the older generation was a sign of the conservative nature of this strand of thinking. It makes equally good sense that these people also have less to lose from standing out of the crowd. In other strands of science you maybe labelled a bit of a loose cannon. In climate science you become a heretic. Who wants to find themselves on a list like this? Just on a small note I just noticed that this list not only lists climate deniers but also all their recent PhD and MSc students, looks like the consensus might be getting in early to blacklist the next generation of potential deniers. Petr Chylek strikes me as a perfect example of a scientist doing science who sticks his head above the parapet. Everything you say may be true but with the IPCC to lead the science and a culture exemplified by the blacklist one has to go beyond the empirical data to question what is driving the consensus.
  36. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    J Bowers at 08:47 AM, you appear to be missing the point of some of the articles you linked to. For instance, "Food for Thought: Lower-Than-Expected Crop Yield Stimulation with Rising CO2 Concentrations" compares modelled results to actual results obtained in real world FACE trials. The models were developed from trials in laboratory enclosure trials under ideal and controlled conditions, and as shown in the article do not reflect reality. Part of the purpose of FACE trials is to allow more realistic models to be developed. If you look carefully at the results tabulated, whilst the FACE results are lower than the enclosure results, what did you expect, there is still a significant increase in yield under the enriched CO2 FACE trials. All the article proves is that the models being studied were unrealistic. It reminds me of the wheeler dealer who hoped to make 5 million on a deal, and when he only made 4 million complained of losing 1 million. The link "Rising CO2 levels threaten crops and food quality" also only provides half the story. What it fails to mention is that whilst grain % protein levels fell, the increased grain yield meant that overall the amount of protein produced per unit area of land increased. This is in line with the situation under normal growing conditions where, as grain yields vary according to the growing conditions year upon year, the protein levels vary inversely. Thus years where growing conditions have been tough, and grain yields are down, grain protein levels are often some of the highest. Plants require mainly carbon, water and nitrogen. Therefore it should be no surprise if increased CO2 allows improved structural growth, the water and nitrogen requirements also increase. What has to be considered is whether the inability of the plants to achieve optimum ratios is source or sink related, that is is the limitation within the plant itself to take up, or within the soil to give up. Given the advances in knowledge and techniques related to improving crop yields, I would reserve any pessimism for when scientists start indicating that they know all there is to know and that they are unable to make any further advances. I don't see that, in fact, my impression is that they are at the other end and only starting to understand, and whatever gains have been made so far are only the beginning, with no limits being set, except by the pessimists that is.
  37. Monckton tries to censor John Abraham
    batsvensson at 08:30 AM on 18 July, 2010 We can't control it in the way we control mechanical things. But we can refrain from *damaging* it in the same kind of way that we sustain or maintain biological systems. If you don't want lung cancer, don't smoke and don't use one of those awful smoky stoves inside your little house in India. When London was enveloped in smog for endless years, with residents dropping like flies on the worst days, they got rid of coal burning domestic fires and got rid of the problem. The CO2 problem would have been solved decades ago if it had been smelly, visible, damaging buildings and bad for tourism.
  38. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    The most obvious missing link is clouds, or rather an adequate understanding of clouds, what drives their formation, and their effects. Overall, clouds have a nett cooling effect on the planet, but different clouds at different levels act differently. Water vapour from which clouds form, is by far the most abundant GHG. In theory it responds to the initial warming initiated by CO2 and thus is directly responsible for the bulk of the warming. However there appears to have been virtually no change in the last decade as it hovers at levels around the lower levels of the past three decades. Within the still short period of satellite cloud cover observations, the total global cloud cover reached a maximum of about 69 percent in 1987 and a minimum of about 64 percent in 2000, a decrease of about 5 percent. This decrease roughly corresponds to a radiative net change of about 0.9 W/m2 within a period of only 13 years, which may be compared with the total net change from 1750 to 2006 of 1.6 W/m2 of all climatic drivers as estimated in the IPCC 2007 report, including release of greenhouse gasses from the burning of fossil fuels.
  39. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    "Hey, is it our fault those people are starving? We're trying as hard as we can to put plant food in the air."
    Probably not. Climate Change Surprise: High Carbon Dioxide Levels Can Retard Plant Growth, Study Reveals (2002) Rising CO2 levels threaten crops and food quality (2010) Food for Thought: Lower-Than-Expected Crop Yield Stimulation with Rising CO2 Concentrations. Long et al (2006) And then we have more immediate observations of a different kind of the retardation of crop yield: Russia swelters in heatwave, many crops destroyed
    (Reuters) - Soaring temperatures across large swathes of Russia have destroyed nearly 10 million hectares of crops and prompted a state of emergency to be declared in 17 regions.
  40. Monckton tries to censor John Abraham
    @ adelady at 01:45 AM on 16 July, 2010 "Denialistas have an exactly parallel problem. They have no way to control the ocean, the atmosphere or nature in general." In what respect can we control the ocean and the atmosphere system?
  41. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    RSVP - what what CBW said. Your statement was completely, absolutely wrong.
  42. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    The great biologist Theosdosius Dobzhansky made the oft-quoted statement that "Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the light of Evolution". What Graham is arguing (I think) is that nothing associated with rising temperature in the world today makes sense except in the light of Anthropogenic Global Warming. AGW links phenomena the world over - arctic ice, retreating glaciers, rising sea levels, ocean acidification etc. Howiver, AGW is not a meta-theory in the sense that Evolution is. AGW depends primarily on atmospheric and radiative physics as an explanation. It is not therefore a paradigm in its own right. This makes the denialist's task even more difficult. What they seem to be trying to do is attack every single item of evidence piecemeal - it is ALL either faked or mistaken, that is every one of the many thousands of papers that have been written by thousands of scientists. The unlikeliness of this is obvious, and links denialism to other conspiracy theories, like Ufology (e.g. the government is covering up the existence of aliens). Creationism obviously falls into this bracket also, particularly the way denialists project themselves as an oppressed minority defending "true" science.
  43. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    SkepticStudent @21: Are you not aware of the "creationist" literature that purposely distorts and misrepresents the scientific literature; especially in the areas of physics, geology, biology, astronomy and even climatology? I don't mean that as a criticism, it's just a fact.
  44. Archibald’s take on world temperatures
    Jim Eager at 05:45 AM on 6 July, 2010 He probably gets it from the widely disseminated misquoting of Phil Jones. Dude, the man said that the evidence of global warming in the past decade wasn't statistically significant. Which means you cannot make the claim that global warming has progressed in that time frame.
  45. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    RSVP, your "correction" to gpwayne's sentence was wrong. Period. The sentence was about radiation, not heat flow. A correct statement: "CO2 and certain other gases re-radiate LWR in random directions." An incorrect statement: "CO2 and certain other gases re-radiate LWR in random directions as a function of a difference in temperature." Radiation is a function of an object's absolute temperature, not a difference in temperature. See this link for a discussion of thermal radiation.
  46. Part Three: Response to Goddard
    Meltponds I don't think have been necessarily counted but melt area is measured every year. Check out the copenhagen diagnosis page 25 for an idea of the measurements taking place. By the way, is it just me or is the copenhagen diagnosis not a great resource. I'm surprised more people don't use it.
  47. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Scared Amoeba: the strongest pin against the Creationist balloon is the thought that if you accept that an entire universe, including layered fossils, decaying isotopes and light en route from ancient supernova suddenly sprang into existence 6000-odd years ago, you can't exclude the possibility that it happened a fortnight ago and that Jesus Christ never actually existed. The best definition of Occam's Razor is; When you hear the sound of hoofbeats in the night, think "horses", not "zebras" let alone "Arcturian mega-donkeys".
  48. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    KR Heat has to go somewhere. As the ambient temperature "down here on Earth" increases, the GHG effect must diminish. It will want to go where it is cooler, which is up and out.
  49. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    To CBW... If I give you a dollar and you give me a dollar at the same time, neither of us has gained much. Heat transfer works the same way. This link contains the following... The formula to know the amount of heat transferred by radiation is: q = e σ A [(ΔT)^4] Where q is the heat transferred by radiation, E is the emissivity of the system, σ is the constant of Stephan-Boltzmann (5.6697 x 10^-8 W/m^2.K^4), A is the area involved in the heat transfer by radiation, and (ΔT)^4 is the difference of temperature between two systems to the fourth or higher power.
  50. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    RSVP at 22: 'In your remark, "gases re-radiate LWR in random directions..." you forgot to add " a function of a difference in temperature"...' Radiation depends on temperature only, not difference in temperature.

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