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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 120901 to 120950:

  1. Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    Somewhere in the area from around comment #56 to #71, a comment must have been deleted, because the references are off by one. This could be confusing. So, if comments are deleted for reasons, numbers should be revised within the afffected area. Alternatively, some people seem to know how to reference a comment with a hyperlink. Please tell us how you do that!
  2. Earth's five mass extinction events
    Sorry, I meant to link to this Wikipedia page.
  3. Earth's five mass extinction events
    Re #15 response According to Wikipedia, the Devonian spanned 416 to 359 million years ago, and the main extinction event was about 364 million years ago. So where does the "75 million" come from?
  4. Earth's five mass extinction events
    @ 15 James Wight Response: Sorry, that should be "75 million years ago". Around 75 million years ago, there was a period of 13 million years when corals were thriving. Then things went horribly wrong... Yabbut that wasn't in the Devonian (which was 354-410 million years ago)... :-)
  5. Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    To Karl_from_Wylie and Et al I also thought about the fact that the UK is not the entire planet, but then had musings along the lines of doug_bostrom's comment, "we've only got one reputation per login", and abstained thinking it wasnt worth bringing up. After reading your last comment about flawed methodologies, I would add that natural selection would likely have an affect on the timing of seeds over the course of 200 years. In other words, a seed produced in the year 1800 is not the same as a seed planted in 2000, especially as affected by an urban heat island.
  6. Earth's five mass extinction events
    Hey, John, do you have a reference on the anoxia outcome?
    Response: I was just quoting the Veron paper - I suggest reading through the paper, following any references and report back to let us know what you find :-)
  7. Earth's five mass extinction events
    ...and the Earth will enter the sixth mass extinction. What is the definition of a MEE? It seems to me that we are entering one now. I think we should be referencing what we are seeing now not as a Climate Crisis, but as a Mass Extinction.
  8. HumanityRules at 15:44 PM on 15 April 2010
    Earth's five mass extinction events
    Here John, for your list on reef references. Looks at real world areas of the ocean aftered by ENSO to suggest what may happen to reefs worldwide with increasing CO2.
  9. Earth's five mass extinction events
    "In the Late Devonian period 75 million years, the environment that had clearly nurtured reefs for at least 13 million years turned hostile and the world plunged into the second mass extinction event." I don't understand what you're trying to say here. To what do the "75 million years" and "13 million years" refer?
    Response: Sorry, that should be "75 million years ago". Around 75 million years ago, there was a period of 13 million years when corals were thriving. Then things went horribly wrong...
  10. HumanityRules at 15:39 PM on 15 April 2010
    Earth's five mass extinction events
    2.cbrock "John Harte at the University of California.... the extinction holocaust" I was critised for suggesting alarmist were peddling catastrophes and asked to show examples of scientists doing this. You may have just done that for me. The particularly wording Prof Harte uses here is the most offensive language imaginable.
  11. HumanityRules at 15:32 PM on 15 April 2010
    Earth's five mass extinction events
    This is just about reef ecosystems?
    Response: Veron 2008 uses the fossil record of coral reef extinctions to glean certain facts about past mass extinctions - by looking at the nature, timing and geographical spread of coral extinction, they deduce that global atmospheric CO2 levels changed dramatically during each of the 5 mass extinctions. While ocean acidification was devastating to marine ecosystems, obviously other factors were in play such as the mass extinction at the end Triassic where 80% of all land quadrupeds also went extinct.
  12. Arctic Sea Ice (Part 1): Is the Arctic Sea Ice recovering? A reality check
    Albatross @ 25 in response to Humanity Rules @20 'The long-term trend is statistically significant, the short term trend is not, there is no way of getting away from that fact.' We have no way of knowing except via the passage of time whether the short term trend will eventually be statistically significant. I think this is broadly equivalent to what statisticians call a Type II or Beta error - rejecting a statistically non-significant trend because of insufficiency of data. Wikipedia amusingly calls it an 'error of excessive skepticism.'
  13. Earth's five mass extinction events
    Karl (#8) not to leave your last post unanswered, it's really not possible to have a productive discussion about nonspecific complaints. But the article hardly seems a ringing indictment: We focus on three key topics: the impact of climate change on water supplies, food, and biodiversity. The investigation reveals that the IPCC's broad conclusions were sound. Indeed, the stringent rules of the IPCC means the report sometimes understated the potential impacts of climate change - on biodiversity, for instance. Going on, we see some details of the "flawed methodology" you refer to. We've got the Thomas paper, which was criticized this way: when New Scientist contacted the authors of those critiques, none demurred from the IPCC finding. One, John Harte at the University of California, Berkeley, said most of his criticisms suggested that Thomas underestimated extinction rates. Far from the IPCC being guilty of exaggeration, he says, its caution may have led it to underplay the extinction holocaust awaiting the planet's biodiversity in the coming century. The article goes on to discuss a problematic report on drought, where instead of 179 million persons at risk of water shortage, the net turned out to be "just" 40 million. A gaffe alright, but not an indication that nothing's happening, eh? Finally there's the matter of crops yields in Africa (again). A clear case of the IPCC ending up with a squishy conclusion. But anything in the article questioning the basic premises this entire matter hinges on? No. And anything talking about exaggerated extinctions, in the New Scientist article? Any problems with hyperbole noted? No, the opposite. And I can just about guarantee that by now we'd have heard of 'em, if such there were. After all, New Scientist looked into that specific issue, right? So I don't agree with you, Karl. I don't see a refutation of multiple avenues of mainstream science or a reason to seriously imagine we've got thousands of researchers on a delusional path. Nope.
  14. Earth's five mass extinction events
    Hi John, when I last read the Veron paper it seemed to me that some of the CO2 reconstructions didn't seem wholly congruent with what I'd seen elsewhere. Now, looking at Veron's figure 3, I wonder how it would compare (and how the question marks reflect uncertainty ranges). I'd like to see the most recent and best or consensus reconstructions of atmospheric CO2 and marine pH. Two minor comments: (1) for the end Cretaceous, you say "tropical marine life was decimated," but decimated has two common uses. Which usage do you mean? (2) At the end you say Earth will enter the 6th mass extinction, but many biologists say that the 6th extinction is well underway. I thought it was Stuart Pimm, but Google disagrees -- the idea precedes 1995.
  15. Earth's five mass extinction events
    I am struggling to follow your logic. The article states: "The investigation reveals that the IPCC's broad conclusions were sound. Indeed, the stringent rules of the IPCC means the report sometimes understated the potential impacts of climate change - on biodiversity, for instance. But our findings suggest there may have been problems with the way its conclusions were presented." In what way does this imply that the methodologies are wrong and thus the conclusions cannot be trusted? If the criticism is that methodologies lead to underestimation, then surely you conclude that the conclusion should be taken as best case, rather than of no value at all. Highlighting some areas for improvement in not a reason to chuck the baby out with the bath water as the investigation clearly and unequivocally states.
  16. Karl_from_Wylie at 14:44 PM on 15 April 2010
    Earth's five mass extinction events
    #7 Bern Call me cynical, it like saying, "Hey I don't agree with your methods but your conclusions agree with my pre-concieved conclusions on the issue, so you're study is good."
  17. Karl_from_Wylie at 14:41 PM on 15 April 2010
    Earth's five mass extinction events
    #5 doug_bostrom Please see the points the author made at NewScientest Although the author supports the ultimate conclusions, the entire article challenges the methodologies of the IPCC. I question whether one can support conclusions if the methodologies are not acceptable.
  18. Karl_from_Wylie at 14:18 PM on 15 April 2010
    Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    #74 Alexandre "Try to find something as comprehensive showing cooling, or insensitivity of ecosystems to temperature, or whatever your working hypothesis is. " I don't have a "belief" to defend. I am not a denier. But I am skeptical of things that are presented as fact, when discovered that the underlying methodologies are flawed, or when people don't follow the rules they set for themselves.
  19. Ocean acidification: Global warming's evil twin
    John, have you considered posting this as a reply to the argument "Ocean acidification isn't going to happen"?
    Response: I was planning to do a synthesis of a number of papers into a single post but rather than let perfect be the enemy of good, for now I've used this post to add the 107th skeptic argument "ocean acidification isn't going to happen". Thanks for the suggestion.
  20. Are we too stupid?
    Shawnhet, the reason why PV systems and the like are "unaffordable" is the same reason why, for any country with substantial access to coal and the willingness to burn it, nuclear also is unaffordable, at least in the eyes of the economist's "rational man" and his present inability or unwillingness to integrate external costs of fossil fuel consumption into his equations. The capital cost of coal generation plant commissioning is substantially less than that of nuclear, somewhere in the neighborhood of half as much. And of course that's the estimate for "overnight" building costs, the perfect world. Folks like to ascribe the cost intensive nature of nuclear plant construction to excessive regulations, but I would caution anybody expecting to winnow down the overnight capital cost of a nuclear plant by eliminating regulations, operating rules and the like to think again. It's too easy to condemn construction standards and inspections without taking into a account the reason for each and every iota of regulation; there's not as much fat in nuclear regulation as we might imagine from popular literature. I've got nothing particular against nuclear power; clearly in certain contexts it works. My point in singling out nuclear plants is simply to help avoid making the mistake of imagining investors will flock to nuclear plants if given half the chance. Where are those investors today? Putting the money where they get faster ROI, such as coal plants. Why? At least in part because we're not doing full cost accounting for using coal and other fossil fuels for electrical generation. So, whatever are our pipe dreams of future energy supply, as long as there's plentiful coal and an incomplete accounting structure the private sector will have a strong preference for building coal generation plants and will continue to ignore the entire spectrum of seemingly more expensive systems.
  21. Are we too stupid?
    Doug, It seems as though your only response is to make carbon more expensive. The point about PV systems is not that they are cheaper now than all other forms of energy *right now*, but that their cost effectiveness is increasing exponentially quickly. This makes them a better investment *long-term* than the marginal sorts of improvements you are talking about in #83 IMO. As I have said before, nuclear power is the simplest near term solution for *large* reductions in GH emissions. These have already been used by, for example, the French. I don't really follow the example of the solar capture technology you advocate, but if I understand you correctly implementation of it requires a tax increase on carbon emissions(IOW it is currently too expensive, but when carbon is priced "correctly" this tech would be simple and easy to implement). As I have already argued, I think these sorts of tax increases will be increasingly difficult to bring forward, so I recommend other options. As to why the different options will be funded, this is not so terribly difficult to understand. I am pretty sure that most industrial countries actively impede the construction of nuclear power plants, we could move to a lower carbon footprint with just a shift in priorities (see the French example). As for why PV will be funded, again it comes back to the exponential nature of the growth. When PV finally becomes truly economical whoever has invested in the winning version will become absurdly, disgustingly wealthy (similar to folks who bought IBM in the 50s or Microsoft in the early 80s). You can hardly go a full week these days without some new piece of research or product that increases the efficiency or decreases the cost of solar power. Government investment in research can only speed that along. IMO, you continue to argue for a false choice where there is no way to make any progress on the GH gas front without what you might call pricing carbon accurately. There are clear alternatives that do not require this, and that would work. Cheers, :)
  22. Arctic Sea Ice (Part 1): Is the Arctic Sea Ice recovering? A reality check
    Russia among other nations has had a fleet of ice breakers and ice breaking cargo ships operating in the Arctic, breaking ice to open their ports and rivers and even taking excursions to the North Pole. The latest of 8 operating nuclear powered versions will make ten knots through 8 feet of ice with a maximum ice depth of 9 feet. The USSR's first nuclear ice breaker was launched in 1959. The first of the latest Antarctica class was launched in 1975 they are used for clearing the sea lanes north of Siberia and for sightseeing, with excursions to the North Pole. The effect of breaking up all this ice and exposing the broken surfaces to the warmer seawater plus the heating effect of sunlight on the exposed water cannot help but have an effect on the system. Broken ice would experience accelerated melting in the summer and slower ice build up in the winter due to precipitation falling on water and not having a chance to freeze and accumulate as it would on ice. How much has this disturbance changed the balance of nature in the arctic? -T
  23. Earth's five mass extinction events
    Re #4 Karl_from_Wylie: I'd echo Doug Bostrom's question in #5 above. I'd also add this one: if the only identified flaws in a methodology are that it underestimates adverse impacts of CO2 emissions, should we not take action to mitigate the impacts that it predicts? Or should we wait until we know with more certainty how bad the train wreck is going to be before we think about applying the brakes? Call me cynical, but that's like saying "Hey, this analysis suggests only some of the passengers in the first carriage are going to be killed, but there are some train experts who think it could be worse, so hold off on that brake lever until we figure out exactly what's going to happen."
  24. Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    #68 Karl_from_Wylie The IPCC is doing a great job gathering the available science on this issue. I recommend Rahmstorf 2007 as a reference of how their projections are doing compared to observations. But even if you don't like this panel: I'm sure you're aware of the fact that the IPCC does not produce science itself. It just gathers it in a report. The evidence in this case, therefore, is not the AR4, but the underlying 75 peer reviewed papers. Try to find something as comprehensive showing cooling, or insensitivity of ecosystems to temperature, or whatever your working hypothesis is.
  25. Earth's five mass extinction events
    I haven't managed to get hold of Veron's paper, so it's premature for me to comment on it. However, there were reefs in the Palaeocene, after the K/T event. A big decline in reefs seems to have happened later at the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum. Reference
  26. Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    Ah, Karl_from_Wylie, you DO think headlines are the most important part of an article. OK, we disagree then : I will stick to the contents of the articles themselves and will treat them as more important than the headlines above them. In fact, I only really scan headlines before moving onto the detail contained in the articles, but that's me.
  27. Earth's five mass extinction events
    Which methodology, Karl? Can you be more precise?
  28. Karl_from_Wylie at 09:29 AM on 15 April 2010
    Earth's five mass extinction events
    #2 cbrock The point of the article, is how can conclusions be trusted if the methodology is questionable.
  29. watchingthedeniers at 09:26 AM on 15 April 2010
    Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    To be frank, Karl's posts are full of non sequiturs and logical fallacies. Your analogy is a poor one: what did you hypothetical men die off? Could they have lived to 100+ Was it cancers? What % of the population does that demographic apply to. What is the average life span? 40 years? 50? 90? Hence, it does not follow that it is an appropriate analogy. Re IPCC credibility and the so called "scandals" - those arguments won't fly here. Climategate investigation: no proof of fraud, better disclosure called for Mann, Jones cleared of all wrong doing.
  30. Karl_from_Wylie at 09:20 AM on 15 April 2010
    Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    #71 JMurphy "....Was it "Please add a section to the "Climate Alarmist" section." ? Bingo! Headline reads, "Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years" But when read, the article is only about the UK. Analogy..... Headline - "Worldwide, men are dying at a high rate" Story - Men over the age of 90 years old are dying at a rate higher than the general population. Studies are suggested for other age groups to be studied.
  31. Sea level rise is exaggerated
    On the other hand: "Sea levels in New Zealand have remained relatively stable throughout the past 7000 years, but salt-marsh cores from southern New Zealand show evidence of a recent rapid rise. To date and quantify this rise we present a proxy sea-level record spanning the past 500 years for Pounawea, southeastern New Zealand, based on foraminiferal analyses. Ages for ten sea-level index points are established from AMS14C, Pb concentrations, stable Pb isotopes, pollen markers, charcoal concentrations and 137Cs. Sea level was rising slowly (0.3 ± 0.3 mm yr−1) from AD 1500 to AD 1900, but during the 20th century the rate increased to 2.8 ± 0.5 mm yr−1, in agreement with instrumental measurements commencing in 1924. This is the first sea-level record from the southern hemisphere showing a significantly higher rate of sea-level rise during the 20th century as compared with preceding centuries." A 20th century acceleration of sea-level rise in New Zealand Found in list of articles citing the Hannah article cited by butareyousure...
    Response: Just letting you know I've added a new argument "New Zealand sea level is not accelerating" along with the two peer-reviewed links from these last two comments. Good to have these papers at our fingertips for future reference.
  32. butareyousure at 08:53 AM on 15 April 2010
    Sea level rise is exaggerated
    Speaks for itself! "These new results indicate that relative sea levels in New Zealand have been rising at an average rate of 1.6 mm/yr over the last 100 years - a figure that is not only within the error bounds of the original determination, but when corrected for glacial-isostatic effects has a high level of coherency with other regional and global sea level rise determinations. There continues to be no evidence of any acceleration in relative sea levels over the record period."
  33. Tarcisio José D at 08:03 AM on 15 April 2010
    Earth's five mass extinction events
    Fine subject for discussion Mr. John. A possible explanation for these extreme events is in the soil sealing caused by excess ammonium in the soil derived from the decomposition of organic matter. This is not "peer-rewied" but it is a matter to be discussed because in the sealing soil, the rain water does not infiltrate. It runs through the surface and goes straight into the oceans. To balance the evaporation rate of water into the atmosphere nature calls for the warming of the oceans. This sealing is a natural cause and is verifiable olso in forest soils. Here in Manaus the infiltration of water into the soil goes up to 20 cm depth only. With the lack of water to evaporate soil temprature in summer reaches 48 degrees centigrade. This problem must be present throughout the intertropical zone. In the Americas, Africa and New Zealand.
  34. Earth's five mass extinction events
    Karl_from_Wylie But when you read the New Scientist article, you find "But when New Scientist contacted the authors of those critiques, none demurred from the IPCC finding. One, John Harte at the University of California, Berkeley, said most of his criticisms suggested that Thomas underestimated extinction rates. Far from the IPCC being guilty of exaggeration, he says, its caution may have led it to underplay the extinction holocaust awaiting the planet's biodiversity in the coming century." So one of the big issues with the IPCC process is that they often end up being conservative to build consensus statements.
  35. Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    Karl_from_Wylie, you state that you read the last sentence in the last paragraph from this article (which calls for more study to determine regional and global results), and yet then claim that it supports your comments in your first post. Since the 'comments' in that first post of yours consisted of just three sentences, perhaps you could show which ones are supported : Was it "Please add a section to the "Climate Alarmist" section." ? Can't see how but await your explanation. Was it "If a study shows something is happening in the UK, it must be a world-wide phenomenon." ? Reading that last sentence from the article again, I can't see how. Was it "Ha ha." ? Hmmm... Perhaps you read a lot into headlines, since you spent most of your response to me, detailing how 'alarming' the headline on this article is because it doesn't mention the word 'UK' ? Don't you think that the article is more important (the article that mentions the 'UK' and 'British' in the first paragraph), or do you believe that headlines matter most.
  36. Karl_from_Wylie at 07:52 AM on 15 April 2010
    Earth's five mass extinction events
    IPCC's 2007 report predicted that ... "20 to 30 per cent of plant and animal species assessed so far are likely to be at increased risk of extinction if increases in global average temperature exceed 1.5 - 2.5 °C" above current levels" But you can see the issues with their "assessment" at
  37. Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    doug_bostrom at 03:27 AM , I think all plants respond to soil temperature and soil moisture. Soil temperature will bear some form of relationship to photoperiod, but as can be seen now in Victoria, growing conditions for plants, and those animals that live on them, are more spring like than autumn like, at least until soil temperatures begin to fall below optimum.
  38. Peter Hogarth at 07:07 AM on 15 April 2010
    Arctic Sea Ice (Part 1): Is the Arctic Sea Ice recovering? A reality check
    Berényi Péter at 05:55 AM on 15 April, 2010 I like the animation, but you are basing a controversial statement based on a snapshot of a section of data that is far less than 10% of total Arctic “edge”, with uncertain navigation errors, and with unknown definition of ice concentration. If I thought the ACSYS data was representative of overall Arctic Ice extent I would have used it, but their accompanying documentation gives fair warning. I'd have liked to push the data as far back in time as possible and presumably so would Vinje and Goosse (ACSYS). Anyway, here is their modeled estimation of historical Northern Hemisphere ice extent anomaly.
  39. Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    Karl, I know, I use too many commas, but, thanks.
  40. Arctic Sea Ice (Part 1): Is the Arctic Sea Ice recovering? A reality check
    BP my point is, surely there is some relationship between temperature and sea ice extent? I think we could agree that if the polar regions never dipped below freezing, we'd see lower ice extent? Not to be snarky or facetious but instead just point out there's a continuum here that is sort of inevitable. Also I agree w/Riccardo; I don't think the extent information you've got is sufficient to warrant much in the way of conclusions about where we're headed with regard to ice mass. The gif movie is cool but you ought to add some indication of recent median extent to the base image.
  41. Karl_from_Wylie at 06:11 AM on 15 April 2010
    Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    #57.Alexandre You are presenting a "Straw Man" argument. I didn't say there was no evidence. I pointed out the limitation of this study. Your post from the IPCC was enlighting. I'm glad that the IPCC doesn't have credibilty issues.
  42. Karl_from_Wylie at 06:06 AM on 15 April 2010
    Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    #63 JMurphy I did read that, and supports my comments. Headline reads, "Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years" It would have been more appropriate to say, "UK Flowers blooming earlier now..." But that wouldn't be as alarming would it?
  43. Karl_from_Wylie at 06:03 AM on 15 April 2010
    Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    #64 doug_bostrom 1. All previous posts were read prior to my post. 2. I'd suggest you google the term "ad hominem" comments. Additionally if we want to start exchanging personal advice, I've got a bunch for you. Cheers
  44. Berényi Péter at 05:55 AM on 15 April 2010
    Arctic Sea Ice (Part 1): Is the Arctic Sea Ice recovering? A reality check
    #34 doug_bostrom at 03:32 AM on 15 April, 2010 Surely you can better qualify that remark? Do I have to? The LIA is the coldest period during the last eight thousand years. On the other hand, the last decade is claimed to be at least as warm as the Holocene Optimum five thousand years ago. Still, some years in LIA show sea ice extent lower than the lowest recent summer one. Therefore sea ice extent and temperature should not be closely related. Either this or the last decade is not so warm after all.
  45. Arctic Sea Ice (Part 1): Is the Arctic Sea Ice recovering? A reality check
    This is what i'd call extreme cherry-picking: one day, in one year, in a small portion of the arctic where extreme melting in 2007 did not occur. People could use their time and intelligence more productively.
  46. Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    Karl_from_Wylie Maybe you´d like to take a look at my comment #57 above. To claim that there´s no evidence, one has to at least try to look at the evidence.
  47. Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    Karl_from_Wylie you should take a moment to read some of the comments here that are less flippant than yours. I'd also suggest using Google Scholar w/the search term "phenology climate change." It's worth remembering, we've only got one reputation per login, may as well make 'em last.
  48. Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    Karl_from_Wylie, you seem to have missed this bit, right at the end of the article above : The next step in this research is to see whether the same techniques can be employed on a larger scale, to give a regional or global picture of nature's response to temperature change. It was at the end, so perhaps you didn't get that far ? Ho hum.
  49. Karl_from_Wylie at 03:43 AM on 15 April 2010
    Flowers blooming earlier now than any time in last 250 years
    Please add a section to the "Climate Alarmist" section. If a study shows something is happening in the UK, it must be a world-wide phenomenon. Ha ha.
  50. Arctic Sea Ice (Part 1): Is the Arctic Sea Ice recovering? A reality check
    Berényi Péter while I can think of all kinds of problems with trying to generalize conclusions from Arctic ice in 1664 versus Arctic ice in the present, you are as usual to be congratulated for actually doing original work on this topic. But your conclusion "sea ice extent and temperature are not closely related" is not up to your usual snuff. Surely you can better qualify that remark?

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