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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 43901 to 43950:

  1. 4 Hiroshima bombs worth of heat per second

    theelf @ 1: "The anology of each of the 7.1 billion people on the planet continuously running about two dozen 1500-watt hair dryers might also be a useful, although it is hard to imagine 7.1 billion." 

    Isn't the point, though, that you don't have to imagine 7.1 billion to understand this analogy?  The 7.1 billion is just a scaling factor that could just as easily be left out; all you have to do is imagine everyone, everywhere running two dozen hair dryers constantly, which could be a very funny image.  I picture the following cartoon: a goofy looking human in a bath towel running a dozen hair dryers in each hand, and then zooming out to bring all of their neighbors into view doing exactly the same thing, then panning over to show a busy city sidewalk packed with people rushing to work with a briefcase and a dozen running hair dryers in each hand (either with arms at their sides, or perhaps even up above their heads continuing to dry their hair as they walk, briefcases dangling in the air), and then zooming out again to show the same scene carried out on every city sidewalk.  Then, maybe a time lapse, and show people doing it on the job - at their desks in front of computers, on construction sites, standing up at a chalkboard in front of a classroom (each student also holding the two dozen hairdryers at their desks).  

    Admittedly, the message is no longer bite-sized once you've gone to this extent of production, and the cartoon might only be viewed by people who already understand that we have a real problem on our hands.  

  2. citizenschallenge at 23:11 PM on 8 July 2013
    Climate Change Denial now available as Kindle ebook

    Excellent book, I've already got the hard copy, but I do keep wondering...

    When is the audio version coming out ?

  3. Agnotology, Climastrology, and Replicability Examined in a New Study

    Skeptical Science has a particular interest in communication techniques... this paper seems to represent an instance of a new experiment in communication across the divide with writers who deny conventional aspects of climate science.

    The reviews and responses are also an interesting study. in communication problems. The nature of the subject matter is going to make it hard to get a reviewer who has relevant expertise but does not have a personal stake in the subject.

    It's amusing to see insulting content clothed in terms of politie discourse. The classic is where Hanekamp adds an extra comment just to say: "I would like to thank Ben-estad et al. for the exchange with me. It has given me a wealth of information for my philosophy classes."

    The appropriate response would be, I suggest, be along the lines of: "We are delighted that these exchanges will be of use to your philosophy students. Indeed, we'd be willing to come and give a guest lecture on the matter, which would doubtless be of considerable benefit to your students."

  4. Climate Change Denial now available as Kindle ebook

    Thanks John and Haydn for what must have been a massive amount of time and effort into publishing this much needed book.

    In order for this book to get the readership it deserves please consider making the purchase price $0 (free!)

    If this book was in the public domain it could become the definitive text book in the psyological war against not only climate deniers but also motivation for climate change believers who are currently sitting on the fence.

  5. Cornelius Breadbasket at 18:14 PM on 8 July 2013
    The Consensus Project Update and Dana on Al Jazeera Inside Story

    It is Shihab Rattansi who does Inside Story for Al Jazeera.  He is brilliant - knows his stuff and how to communicate.

  6. Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’

    Dr Francis talks about the effects of diminishing heat gradient between the Arctic and Northern tropics resulting in weakening of the jet stream with consequential transfer of heat northwards and cold southwards. It seems to me that her argument that this diminishing gradient is brought about by transfer of water vapour into the Arctic producing temperature amplification and loss of sea ice is both plausible and likely - at least in summer.

    However, I find it difficult to believe that this could occur during the winter months when sunlight hours are low, as are Arctic temperatures. So, should we not expect jet stream weakening to occur only in the warmest Arctic months? Is there evidence that it occurs outside these months?

  7. One Planet Only Forever at 15:00 PM on 8 July 2013
    2013 SkS Weekly News Roundup #27B

    Trapping CO2 underground, as presnted by Denise Chow on LiveScience, is not a sustainable activity. Technically it may seem like a solution but it really isn't helpful.

    In fact, burning fossil fuels is not sustainable because eventually future generations will not be able to continue the practice. So the burning of fossil fuels needs to be reduced.

    In addition to the fact that burning fossil fuels is not sustainable, there are many other impacts from the extraction, transport, processing and ultimate burning of fossil fuels, even sweet natural gas, that accummulate (are not sustainable).

    A current generation may be able to get a short-term benefit from activities that are not sustainable, but those activities create negative consequences for future generations. The global economy cannot be expected to sustanably grow as long as so much of its activity is simply not sustaianble. It is as simple as that.

  8. Agnotology, Climastrology, and Replicability Examined in a New Study

    Can you say anything on the prcoess from here and guess at schedule?

  9. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise

    Klaus Flemlose @69, thank you for that find.  That is indeed the tree with the mark, and Axel-Morner's appearance therefore positively identifies the tree as being the one he is talking about.  As the picture I reffered to above was very grainy, I have made a screen capture and reproduced the picture below:

    Further, comparison of this picture with the "before" picture shown @55 shows they are pictures of the same tree, probably taken at the same time.  The "before" picture, therefore, does not show that the sea was much closer than in the "after" picture, but merely shows a grainier picture with a higher tide.

    (I should note that picture you showed @56 may also be using natural variation to conceal the sea level rise.  In that case, I would suggest, the erosion shown is likely to have been from a recent storm surge.)

    What is most interesting about the video, however, is the way that Axel-Morner so casually leans against the tree:

    He does this while telling us that the tree has not been knocked down in fifty years.

    Later, refering to the time of that filming he had this to say:

    "This tree, which I showed in the documentary, is interesting. This is a prison island, and when people left the island, from the ‘50s, it was a marker for them, when they saw this tree alone out there, they said, “Ah, freedom!” ... I knew that this tree was in that terrible position already in the 1950s. So the slightest rise, and it would have been gone. I used it in my writings and for television.  

    You know what happened? There came an Australian sealevel team, which was for the IPCC and against me. Then the students pulled down the tree by hand! They destroyed the evidence. What kind of people are those? And we came to launch this film “Doomsday Called Off,” right after that, and the tree was still green. And I heard from the locals that they had seen the people who had pulled it down. So I put it up again, by hand, and made my TV program.... 

    They call themselves scientists, and they’re destroying evidence! A scientist should always be open for reinterpretation, but you can never destroy evidence. And they were being watched, thinking they were clever."

    So, according to his later account, the tree had just been propped up by hand.  Yet in the film, he casually leans against it and it is rock steady.

    Well, we already knew the story of the vandalistic Australian scientists was a fiction, but it is nice to have additional confirming evidence.  It is also interesting to see the nature of Axel-Morner's scientific ethics.  "[You] can never destroy evidence", he writes, but he is certainly not averse to manufacturing it.

  10. CO2 effect is saturated

    basnappl @234, first a correction.  I thought the copy of Griggs and Harries 2004 was a preprint of the paper you were looking at.  In fact, you were looking at Griggs and Harries 2007, which is a seperate (although related) paper.  Based on that, my comment @233 is correct so far as it goes.  That is, observations of changes in OLR match those predicted by models,  within observational limits of ghg, temperature and H2O profiles.  That is, the slight discrepancy you have pointed out results from our limited knowledge conditions within the atmosphere rather than any failing of Line By Line (LBL) or Band models of radiative transfer.

    One thing we do know is that those radiative transfer models are extraordinarilly accurate.  This is shown by the match between one particular model and observations shown in the graph below:


    (For more examples, see my discussion here and my article here.)

    Because of these tests of accuracy when the conditions are well known, and because radiative transfer models are based on very well known physics, the discrepancy you point to is almost certainly the result of atmospheric conditions rather than deficiencies in the radiative transfer models.  That being the case, there is no question of the greenhouse effect being saturated, for all radiative transfer models predict the logarithmic relationship between CO2 concentration and radiative forcing, ie, that you get approximately the same increase in forcing for each doubling of CO2.

    It is interesting, however, to look at the reason for the "zero signature" between 1997 and 2003.  Griggs and Harries are more explicit in 2007 than in 2004, attributing the lack of signature to temperature profile.  As it happens, using the lapse rate it is possible to use the brightness temperature as a rough indicator of altitude.  If we do so, we see that in order to have zero influence in the band in question, the increase in CO2 between 1997 and 2003 would need to be matched by an increase in temperature at 7-10 km altitude greater than that at the surface, and that expected by the models.  In other words, it appears that Griggs and Harries have found a tropospheric hotspot.

  11. The Consensus Project Update and Dana on Al Jazeera Inside Story

    tcflood: I agree that SkS could do with more coverage of solutions and that our team would be strengthened if we had more contributors with expertise in energy and economics solutions. We are always open to contributions from new authors. (Hint)

    Dana, rustneversleeps and I have all written recent articles on carbon taxes and carbon capture and storage  and we intend to do more in the future. 

    One problem is that, when it comes to alternative energy and climate economics, there is a relative scarcity of peer-reviewed material to draw upon compared to the physical sciences. And, certainly, when it comes to controversial matters such as peak oil, nuclear energy, geoengineering and so on, there is nothing approaching a 97% consensus. (As far as I can tell, there is no issue in the entire field of economics on which the majority of experts can agree.)

    So, any "solutions" articles we write will necessarily be more subjective and less reliably referenced--and more contentious--than the hard science material that is the main focus of SkS. 

  12. The Consensus Project Update and Dana on Al Jazeera Inside Story

    I was amazed by the quality of the interview conducted by the AJ interviewer – I didn’t get his name.  He was so much more widely and deeply informed than any American media interviewer I’ve heard. If only msnbc did this kind of work instead of burying its lens up Ms. Palin’s you-know-what.

    He asked some excellent questions regarding policy and economics that didn’t play so much to the central forte of his guests. I also noticed that the issue of whether nuclear energy will need to be a part of the complete solution to generate a fossil-fuel-free energy sector was never mentioned.

    I wonder if SkS would benefit from some resident policy and economics wonks. Some articles/threads by someone really knowledgeable about electricity transmission and grid technology and management would be hugely valuable. Threads discussing grid integration of intermittent sources and its cost and the extent and costs of required backup, etc. would be very valuable.

    You guys are extremely good at the science of AGW and at making the argument for stopping bulk CO2 emissions, but that’s only half of the discussion. I think your site would become even more influential if you developed as expert a discussion of the other half of the problem – solutions.

  13. The Consensus Project Update and Dana on Al Jazeera Inside Story

    Dana, it was good to see you "in person."  All the guests in the two shows in the post were knowlegeable and contributed wisely to the discussion.  

    My main concerns continue to be the irreversable limits we have already passed.  Some are more obvious than others.  The ice sheets and glaciers are melting and sea level is rising.  Extreme weather events are increasing both in number and intensity.  Ocean waters are becoming more acidic.  We know that there is enough carbon already in the climate system "pipeline" to allow these processes to continue for some time.  We should also be discussing these consequences and how much time the next generations will have to deal with them as we inevitably reduce carbon pollution.  We don't have all the answers (i.e., all the potential consequences) but we have enough to begin discussions.

  14. Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’


    Further to chriskoz's comment about the naming of the cells (just the tropical one is the Hadley cell), the boundary between the Polar and Ferrell cells is a bit more complicated than the old three-cell visual.

    Winds blow because of a difference in air pressure. We are used to looking at air pressure at the surface, but atmospheric circulation also depends on pressure at different heights in the atmosphere - and differences in pressure. The idea of the Polar/Ferrell/Hadley cell circulation fits the early knowledge of surface pressure and wind patterns, but the high-altitude winds are a bit different.

    Even with the same surface pressure in two regions, different air temperatures would mean different pressures at altitude. Cold air is more dense than warm, so starting with the same surface pressure and moving upwards, the colder location will see pressure dropping more rapidly. (Pressure is just the weight of the overlying air.) Consequently, at high altitude there will be a lower pressure in the cold location than in the warm, so you have a high-altitude pressure difference, and thus can have high altitude winds even though the surface pressures are equal. The pressure relationship to temperature differences is call baroclinicity. Wikipedia has an entry on thermal winds, and one on baroclinicity.

    There is a strong temperature contrast between the Polar and Ferrel cells. The resulting thermal conditions lead to the jet stream - high altitude baroclinic winds. Just as surface winds can be seen to follow the patterns of surface pressures, the jet stream can be seen to follow the patterns of the high-altitude pressures.

    Just to confuse things, meteorologists do not draw maps of the pressure at a constant altitude for upper air analysis. Instead, they pick a constant pressure, and determine what altitude you find that pressure at. The map will have the same pattern of highs and lows, but it's a slightly diffeerent way of thinking of things. Here is the web page of Environment Canada showing some of the maps available for analysis, and here is the map for the 500mb (500 hPa in SI units).

  15. No warming in 16 years

    Richard... yes, sort of... though it doesn't mean much. The Earth is heating up, and most of the absorbed energy goes into heating the ocean. According to the figures; 93.4% of it. Of the rest, 2.1% is taken up as heating of continents, and 0.8% is taken up as melting Arctic sea ice. So you can divy up those numbers in various ways. I don't recommend it; it muddles much more than it reveals.


    If the sea ice wasn't there to be melted, then everything changes; because it's a complex interacting system we are considering. For example, the loss of sea ice in summer is a significant feedback that contributes to the magnitude of all changes. You could consider a conterfactual in which melting ice isn't particularly endothermic, so that no energy was taken up, any excess energy would be taken up mostly in the ocean; meaning very little difference in land temperatures. We already know that when there's excess energy around, it goes mostly into the ocean.


    The other issue is that temperature is not heat.


    The temperature we get to is not determined by heat capcities; but simply by what temperatures will bring radiation emitted into balance with radiation absorbed. Heat capacities -- and the absorbing of excess energy -- is part of the process of getting back into balance.. and this is about how long it will take for temperature to stablize for a given atmosphere or forcing.


    The energy figures are not really about temperature, but about the imbalance and the time it will take to get to balance again.... whatever temperature that happens to be. Getting rid of the capacity of melting ice to absorb heat would mean only we get to equilibrium temperature a tiny little bit faster. It makes no difference to the temperature we actually reach.

    Moderator Response:

    [JH] I deleted your duplicate post of the above. 

  16. Richard Lawson at 00:21 AM on 8 July 2013
    No warming in 16 years

    Thanks Sylas.  So is it possible and/or justifiable to calculate the surface heating that would have taken place had that 10^21 J gone into warming the atmosphere instead of into melting Arctic ice?

  17. No warming in 16 years

    Richard, your estimate looks good.


    Skeptical Science have used 0.5 W/m^2 as the energy imbalance for Earth... this is the energy going into heating the planet. At 5.1e14 m^2 for Earth's surface, and 3.15e7 sec per year. and for a 16 year period of time, you have about 1.3e23 J of energy heating the Earth. Using 0.8% of this into Arctic Sea ice (from the diagram above) this corresponds to 10^21 J. Same as you have calculated.

  18. Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’

    This was a very interesting post and certainly displays that even two experts on the "consensus" side can disagree about the details of the disruptions caused by anthropogenic climate change. The contrast in perspectives between Dr. Trenberth and Dr. Francis is actually quite refreshing. I tend to personally favor Dr. Francis in this particular difference of opinion.

    From a larger perspective, the high amplitude jet stream patterns we are see are yet one more global example of a positive feedback mechanism whereby the overall increase in energy in the Earth system is trying to balance between pole and equator. The meridonal advection of energy brought about by this pattern is enhanced such that we get more vigorous equator to pole mixing. We are seeing the exact same thing higher in the stratosphere and even the mesosphere with an enhanced Brewer-Dobson circulation. 

  19. No warming in 16 years

    Richard, your estimate looks good.


    Skeptical Science have used 0.5 W/m^2 as the energy imbalance for Earth... this is the energy going into heating the planet. At 5.1e14 m^2 for Earth's surface, and 3.15e7 sec per year. and for a 16 year period of time, you have about 1.3e23 J of energy heating the Earth. Using 0.8% of this into Arctic Sea ice (from the diagram above) this corresponds to 10^21 J. Same as you have calculated.

  20. Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’

    The mechanism linking Arctic amplification (AA: increased sensitivity of the Arctic to global warming or cooling) to changes in the jet stream that Steve Vavrus and I proposed and demonstrated in our March 2012 paper involves more than just sea-ice loss. While the ice loss is the largest contributor to AA in fall and early winter, rapid Arctic warming is also driven by the pronounced negative trend in snow cover on high-latitude land in spring and early summer, and even more strongly by the increase in water vapor at high latitudes, which affects AA in all months. That water vapor warms the Arctic in all seasons in 3 ways: it is a greenhouse gas, it releases latent heat into the atmosphere when it condenses into clouds, and those additional clouds also trap heat below them. Most of the modeling studies to date that examine the Arctic’s effects on the large-scale atmospheric circulation have focused only on the influence of sea-ice loss. I believe this is the reason that most of those studies fail to find a robust response, while the real world (which DOES include all the contributions to AA) is responding more strongly.

    As commentor #8 points out, most of the modeling studies also average over time and over many ensemble members, which would smear a signal of a more amplified jet stream if those meanders did not occur in the same location. Take March 2012 versus March 2013, for example. In both cases the jet stream was highly amplified, but in 2012 there was a trough over the western U.S. and a large ridge over the east, which led to the breaking of thousands of high temperature records. A year later, the trough-ridge location was opposite but equally anomalous. Averaging over the two years would produce no signal.

    It is also important to note that AA has emerged from the noise of natural variability only in the last decade or two (challenging tests of statistical significance), it is strongest in the fall and near the surface (because of sea-ice loss), and it is now becoming evident in all seasons and through a deep atmospheric layer (because of increased water vapor). This must inevitably have a more pronounced effect on the polar jet stream as we continue to warm the planet by burning fossil fuels.


  21. Klaus Flemløse at 20:52 PM on 7 July 2013
    Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise

    I think, I have found the stockmark picture mentioned in post 55. It can by found in the video: after 7 minutes and 42 second. The logo originates fra Newsworld. There is a cut in the video so it is not possible to make sure it is the same tree. 

    8.june 2013, 11.00

    Before the cut we can se the ocean with  a clear horison without any ships. After the cut , there are many ships in the horison. This means it is two different sequence taken at different times and different angels. Prof. Mömer is standing close to the tree and we can't se the whole tree. Does this mean, that it is a case of another photo manipulation ?


  22. Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’


    You understand the things correctly (but your "Polar Hadley cell" is just called "Polar cell"), it's worth quoting this excellent article by John Mason here based laregely on Francis 2012.

    However that's not the primary point of contention between Kevin & Jennifer above. The point is, that Kevin looks to me like climate scientist who averages everything (i.e. colder conditions in Arctic mean slower heat transfer therefore no large T swings  expected) denying the variability of weather where he does not seem to specialise. To which Jennifer (both climate & weather specialist) replies that heat transfer is not by convection but by fast blowing wind which is simple and modest and dead-on accurate in rebuting his claim.

  23. Richard Lawson at 18:38 PM on 7 July 2013
    No warming in 16 years

    Another factor, or maybe a subset of the ocean heat uptake, is the meting of the Arctic Ice. It is noteworthy that the ice melt has speeddecades once 2001. I have calculated that some 10^21 Joules have gone into melting the ice since 1997.

  24. The Consensus Project Update and Dana on Al Jazeera Inside Story

    If you think Arabic language + google translate = imperfect text, check for example this translation of AJ commenting on recent tornadoes in OK. I'm just shocked with surprise: apart from few obvious misnomers: lack of distinction tornado vs. hurricane (maybe due to Arabic language nuances that someone speaking that language can explain), the translation reads perfectly clear and accurate, far clearer than most Fox, CNN, WSJ nonsense, where language is not a barrier for English reader.

    In particualer, everything what Mike Mann has said is quoted without misrepresentation after this double translation. Why? Because the sound and honest journalism by the author (Yasser Aerami) + impartial google translator can confuse some technical words but cannot distort the meaning. On the other side, a human translator can be very biased and can distort the meaning (as we've seen meny times from denialists) and produce the text so obfuscated as sometimes incomprehensible. The climate science became comprehensible to me only after I started to read SkS. In terms of Climate News, AJ stands among those Fox, CNN, WSJ obfuscators like SkS stands among WUWT and the like.

    Dana, I cannot wait AJ launch in Amerika. Hopefuly they be able to stream something over internet because Im located in AUS. Let us know.

  25. Agnotology, Climastrology, and Replicability Examined in a New Study

    In the interactive comments for review of this paper, in a reply by Rasmus ("SC C292: 'Reply to Ellestad/Solheim/"klimarealistene"', Rasmus Benestad, 25 Jun 2013"), there is a reference to a scanned copy of a letter:


    I will maintain that Ellestad and “klimarealistene” are engaged in a propaganda campain. On February 3rd 2012, Ellestad wrote a letter to the director at MET Norway in an attempt to gag me, after I had commented on the Humlum et al (2011) paper on the website of a Norwegian newspaper. (A scanned copy is available on-line:

    The link provided does not work. Is the scanned copy still available anywhere? Thanks!

  26. CO2 effect is saturated

    Hello Tom,

    Thanks for the reply.  I read through the preprint as best I could.  I am unfamiliar with the models used and some of the terminology.  Is it true that, in their analysis, the temperature profile of the atmosphere is the fitting parameter?

    As far as how well I represented their claims, I will quote with some (perhaps unnecessary) context:

    First quote, commenting on the difference spectra figure I included in my previous post:

    "An initial inspection indicates that the processing of the data has not caused any major artifacts. In all cases the difference spectra are seen to have consistent and reproducible
    features. The only sign of asymmetry (which could indicate a mismatch of wavenumber scales between the spectra) is in the CO2 (0110 → 1000) band at 720 cm-1, which may be due to its position on the very steep high frequency wing of the CO2 fundamental centered
    at 667 cm-1."

    Second quote, in reference to the same:

    "A negative brightness temperature difference is observed in the CO2 band at 720 cm-1 in the IMG–IRIS (1997–70) and the AIRS–IRIS (2003–1970) difference spectra, indicating increasing CO2 concentrations, consistent with the Mauna Loa record (Keeling et al. 1995). However, this channel in the difference is also sensitive to temperature, and we note that in the 2003–1997 difference, despite a growth in CO2 between these years, there is no signal at 720 cm-1."

    Third quote is where the portion in my previous post comes from, now with context:

    "The CO2 band at 720 cm-1, though asymmetric for the reasons stated earlier, nevertheless shows some interesting behavior, with strong negative brightness temperature difference features for 1997–1970 and 2003–1970: whereas, the 2003–1997 (a much shorter period, of course) shows a zero signature. Since we know independently that the CO2 concentration globally continued to rise between 1997 and 2003, we must conclude that the 2003–1997 result must be due to changes in temperature that compensate for the increase in CO2. This would mean a warming of the atmosphere at those heights that are the source of the emission in the center of this band. This is somewhat contrary to the general (small) cooling of the stratosphere at tropical latitudes." (emphasis mine, I'm only trying to show where my "explanation" came from)

    Fourth quote, regarding differences between model results and observations:

    "Finally, there exists a marked gradient in the simulated spectrum between 800 and 700 cm-1, which is absent in the observations. This coincides with the far wings of the strong CO2 band centered at 667 cm-1. In sensitivity tests, this gradient showed sensitivity to the amount of CO2, and is therefore related to the strong CO2 band, and may reflect reanalysis uncertainties in temperature."

    The paper includes appendices detailing the temperature profiles used to coerce the models to the data.

    I would appreciate some help digesting this.

  27. CO2 effect is saturated

    basnapple @232, I have difficulty reconciling your description of the "explanation" by Griggs and Harries with that which they offer in the preprint version of their paper.

    Specifically, in that version they show (Fig 3 a&b) that two popular reanalysis products do not predict the observed changes in OLR.  They also show, however, that there is a profile constrained by observations that does predict the observed changes in OLR (Fig 3 c).  That means the observed changes in OLR are consistent with the expectations of radiative physics plus observed changes in gas and temperature profiles, even though the observations of those profiles is of insufficient resolution to permit accurate prediction of these small changes in OLR.  As they put it,

    "Simulations created using profiles merged from a number of datasets show that we can explain the differences seen in the CO2 and ozone bands by the known changes in the those gases over the last 34 years." 

    This contrasts sharply with your claimed "explanation", which is of course no explanation at all.  Converting a claim that changes in OLR lie within those expected given known limits of observation, and hence that there is no discrepancy, to a claim that a discrepancy exists for which there is no explanation is very substantial.  I doubt that editorial review would have forced so large a change on the paper.  Nevertheless I ask that you quote the original sections of the paper as published to show that you have indeed fairly represented Griggs and Harries. 


  28. CO2 effect is saturated

    Sorry for my various typos.  I should have read it over before submitting!

  29. CO2 effect is saturated


    I have a question that I was hoping might be answered here.  I've read through the comments and admit that most of what is being discussed are not things I understand well.  It seems that the results of difference spectra reported by Harries et al. are a smoking gun.  IR measurements from space over time provide concrete, easy to interpret proof that the composition of the atmosphere has changed with time in such a way that more IR is captured.

    In trying to understand the methodology better, I came across this more recent publication by the same author using the same approach.  It included data from another satellite in 2003.  Here is the result:

    The paper states that "The CO2 band at 720 cm-1 ... shows some interesting behavior, with strong negative brightness temperature difference features for 1997-1970 ... whereas, the 2003-1997 ... shows a zero signature." (Edited for clarity relative to my question--the essence of it is captured)

    The "expanation" offered in the paper is essentially that there most be some compensating effect since it is known that CO2 concentrations increased between 1997 and 2003.

    I'm willing, in my ignorance, to grant that that's true.  However, I wonder, if the presence of a difference between 1970 and 1970 is seen as proof that CO2 isn't saturated, why is zero difference between 1997 and 2003 not powerful evidence that it is?  It just seems to me that if the former evidence is enough to make one feel sure CO2 is absorbing more that the later evidence should convince the same person that CO2 is not absorbing more (between those dates).

    Any insight would be appreciated!

    Moderator Response:

    [RH] Fixed image width.

  30. The Consensus Project Update and Dana on Al Jazeera Inside Story

    Thanks sauerj.  Al Jazeera's willingness to have thorough discussions of climate change without false balance is impressive and laudable.  I just wish some more mainstream American cable news networks were willing to do the same.  At most you'll get Chris Hayes devoting a few-minute-long segment on his MSNBC show to climate change with a good set of panelists every so often.  Or you'll get Fox News putting Joe Bastardi on to see if he'll try and break his record for dumbest thing ever said about global warming.

    I think Al Jazeera is launching an American station in the near future.  I hope they're successful, and show the existing American networks how it's done.

  31. Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’

    I think a number of the above commentators are right on the money.  If I understand the situation correctly, the strength of the jet streams is a function of the speed of rotation of the two Hadley cells that create the jet stream in question.  The polar jet stream is located where the  Polar Hadley cell and the Ferrel cell meet.  The Ferrel cell is an 'idler gear' between the Equatorial Hadley cell and the Polar Hadley cell, but the Polar Hadley cell,  is a powered cell, powered by polar air made dense by radiating heat into space and lacking heat from the sun to counter this cooling.  With a complete cover of snow and ice, the arctic absorbs very litte heat.  Looking at the NSIDC website for October 2012, about half way down we see a report of rising air due to heat given off from open water and winds from the South West.  In other words, a reversal of the Polar Hadley cell.  As we have more open water for longer periods, this reversal should become more persistant and stronger.  The jet stream which is becoming weaker and wobbling should disappear and we will have, essentially, a two cell system in the Northern Hemisphere.  Weather patterns which are creeping northward, should lurch northward.  The effect should initially be seen in  Autumn and should spread further back into summer over the ensuing years.  We will have, in essence, an offshore wind as the land cools off in the fall but a lot of heat is available in the open Arctic ocean.  This offshore wind, though, will persist day and night rather than being a phenomenon that occurs only each evening as in temperate areas.  The effect on agriculture should be pretty much as described in "A change in the Weather" mentioned above.  What I find worrying is that if you take a bit of lisence in interpreting the preliminary results from El'gygytgyn, it seems that we already are in a new climate regime but the effects are not yet being felt.  In other words, the climate is  not yet in equilibrium with the present CO2 levels.  We have set the system in motion towards a new equilbrium but now all sorts of feed back mechanisms will work their way through until we are in the new climate.  If so, and as we head with gay abandon towards 500ppm, it should be exciting times.

  32. A Change in the Weather at 02:57 AM on 7 July 2013
    Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’

    In 2005, I had an intuition about the link between the Arctic ice cap and the behavior of the jet stream. It became the predicate of my novel, A Change in the Weather. I continue to be stunned and amazed--and really, anguished--that my intuition appears to have been accurate.

    The story is a thought experiment about the imminence and abruptness of this change, and how it might affect the economy and social organization of America as seen through the lens of a single family. The politics of it would certainly be off-topic here, but I think it's safe to say the first consequence would be the failure of agriculture, which will put tremendous strains on society not only in the US but across the globe.

    Look at what happened in Michigan in March 2012. Nighttime temperatures set all-time record highs for the entire month because the jet sream had lifted its skirt so far north. The tropical air that wafted underneath coaxed the apple trees into an early blossom. When the jet stream dropped back to its habitual latitudes, the blossoms couldn't survive the cold. Michigan lost 90% of its apple crop.

    I think when the ice cap finally inverts from white heat reflector to black heat absorber, even just for a few weeks in late summer, these erratic excursions will be greatly amplified and interfere with the rainfall patterns that agriculture has depended on for millennia. In my book, it happens in 2018. That's just five years from now. I've checked this with Dr. Francis, Dr. Masters, and Dr. Mark Serreze at the NSIDC, and Dr. Ken Dunton at UT-Austin. They think this timeframe is plausible.

  33. The Consensus Project Update and Dana on Al Jazeera Inside Story

    Dana, Both sets of interviews are very good & informative (recommend all to watch). I am impressed by Al Jazeera's integrity to sound journalism (i.e. not pandering to the typical argumentative interview via including the 'denialist' in the mix). Everyone was professional yet gave a piece of their own personality to this "debate of our time" (in other words, it was neat to hear & see you, Dana, in person). As an older guy myself (& increasing realizing how fast life slips by), I sadly wonder, Dana, what it will feel like for you, when in 20-25 years from now, you will be the 'old' guy in the mix (remembering & memorializing the late climate heros before you), and yet still talking in hopeful terms about these same basic policy initiatives. I hope not, but yet ...

    I thought the question on the rudimentary development of people's belief & its possible change (& the study sited, starting at 7:50 on 2nd interview) to be interesting. It implied that scientific announcements and weather upsets have little impact, but that political 'browbeating', and I would add, bolstered by repetitive ideological news broadcasts have, back to the study, the strongest impact on shaping & solidifying a person's 'bent', moving from a budding presumption to an entrenched imutable convention. Sadly, I would say this seems to match my unscientific observations, casting yet even more doubt that change via good & noble things, like logic & truth, will have a remotely easy time of it. ... But, I'm just another agent of noise speaking from my own entrenched and immutable position.

    Thanks again for posting and for your continued hard work!

  34. citizenschallenge at 23:37 PM on 6 July 2013
    Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’

    yup, also see:

    Weather Extremes Tied to Jet Stream Changes
    By: Seth Borenstein
    Published: June 25, 2013

  35. grindupBaker at 12:27 PM on 6 July 2013
    2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes

    Our neighbour's Premier Alison Redford just said on CBC they were overdue for their bit of heavy rain because it was 120 years since they had one. It'll be interesting to hear what is said for the next one.

  36. Daniel Bailey at 11:34 AM on 6 July 2013
    There is no consensus

    I've cobbled the following list together from a variety of sources and persons.  Apologies, but it's been too long to remember whom they were for proper attribution:

    The IPCC’s conclusion that most of the warming since 1950 is very likely due to human emissions of greenhouse gases and has been endorsed by this great cloud of witnesses:

    the National Academy of Sciences,

    the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,

    the National Center for Atmospheric Research,

    the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,

    the American Geophysical Union,

    the American Institute of Physics,

    the American Physical Society,

    the American Meteorological Society,

    the American Statistical Association,

    the American Association for the Advancement of Science,

    the Federation of American Scientists,

    the American Quaternary Association,

    the American Society of Agronomy,

    the Crop Science Society of America,

    the Soil Science Society of America,

    the American Astronomical Society,

    the American Chemical Society,

    the Geological Society of America,

    the American Institute of Biological Sciences,

    the American Society for Microbiology,

    the Society of American Foresters,

    the Australian Institute of Physics,

    the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society,

    the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the CSIRO,

    the Geological Society of Australia,

    the Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies,

    the Australian Coral Reef Society,

    the Royal Society of the UK,

    the Royal Meteorological Society,

    the British Antarctic Survey,

    the Geological Society of London,

    the Society of Biology (UK),

    the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences,

    the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society,

    the Royal Society of New Zealand,

    the Polish Academy of Sciences,

    the European Science Foundation,

    the European Geosciences Union,

    the European Physical Society,

    the European Federation of Geologists,

    the Network of African Science Academies,

    the International Union for Quaternary Research,

    the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics,

    the Wildlife Society (International),

    and the World Meteorological Organization.

    There aren’t any national or international scientific societies disputing the conclusion that most of the warming since 1950 is very likely to be due to human emissions of greenhouse gases, though a few are non-committal.

    The last organization to oppose this conclusion was the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG). They changed their position statement in 2007 to a non-committal position because they recognized that AAPG doesn’t have experience or credibility in the field of climate change and wisely said “… as a group we have no particular claim to knowledge of global atmospheric geophysics through either our education or our daily professional work.”

    There are people maintaining lists of these orgainzations, but I'll have to try and dig up the links.  Been about 3 years since I lasted looked at them...

    The now-defunct website maintained a seemingly-complete listing, but it has gone into the great Internet Twilight zone.  However, the most recent archive of the site can be found:

    Moderator Response:

    [RH] Fixed the few super long URL's that were breaking the page formatting.

  37. Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’

    Jeff Masters site has had several recent posts on this as well including this: from just a couple days ago.

  38. Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’

    Not an expert, but I could follow both arguments; I also found Dr. Francis' to be more compelling.

    As I understand it:  The jet stream(s) are not driving forces; they are a product of the large circulation patterns for polar, intertropical, and Hadley cellss; they exist where the circulation patterns meet.  Physics predicts, and we have observed, that warming anamolies increase toward the poles.  The waves in the jet stream are largely a result of the different speeds of the larger circulation patterns.  When air (or any fluid) flows past other air, turbulence is created.  For less deltas, the turbulence has larger, slower waves.  I suppose an analogy could be that shorter frequency waves have higher energy than longer frequency waves; and in this case the energy in the wave is a product of the energy differences between the air masses in the different circulation patterns.

    If someone has a better understanding, I'd be glad to hear it.

    So, if this is by-and-large correct, then we would expect to see changes in the jet stream waves (amplitude, frequency, and location) with any lessoning of temperature gradient between equator and pole.  The Arctic ice is particularly interesting if you think of it as an temperature buffer.  There is a fair amount of energy delta between several million cubic meters of ice and the same mass of water, at the same temperature.  So, I think that there would be a change in the jet stream pattern regardless of if the Arctic were land or sea, but I suspect that the difference is enhanced by the larger differences we are seeing being ice minimum and ice maximum.

  39. citizenschallenge at 01:11 AM on 6 July 2013
    Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’

    Fascinating article, thanks for printing it.

    And thanks chriskoz for voicing my thought:

    "Note how (Trenbirth) says "there might be influence somewhere in Europe, for example, but not over entire NH". To which I may reply: well, the same jetstream flies over Canada US and in Europe, why do you think America is "immune" to it?


    And sorry for doing this, but it is only slightly off topic considering how science skeptics love pointing out the 1920/30s arctic warming (where they fail to mention the warming was rather localized, originating around Spitsbergen) trying to imply that there is nothing unusual about current events.

    I've been reading: "The Arctic Warming 1919 to 1939" by: Arnd Bernaerts

    Which has introduced me to the notion that intense navel activity caused a great deal of ocean mixing, disrupting the thermohaline current, and leading to the freak warming event that started off Spitsbergen and spread outward from there:

    " a long barrage between the Orkney Islands and Norway ... (USA and UK mines laid) 73.000 mines __about 5,000 exploded prematurely soon after laying __20,000 mines were disposed of while the work was in progress __from the remaining ca. 50,000 mines __more than 30,000 mines were already ‘gone’ in spring 1919, either drifted away, or exploded during winter storms; __rest 20,000 were swept in 1919." {ch.8 p.94}

    In all something like 200,000 mines were laid in various North Atlantic locations.

    ~ ~ ~ 

    As for ships and U-boats:

    "The situation became dramatic when U-boats destroyed more ships than Britain could build in early 1917. In April 1917, the same total rate of the previous annual rate of 1916, ca. 850,000 tons, was destroyed by U-boats. In April 1917, Britain together with the Allies lost 10 vessels every day. During the year of 1917, U-boats alone sank 6,200,000 tons, which means more than 3000 ships, and, during the war months of 1918, another 2,500,000 ship tonnage. The total loss of the Allies ship tonnage during WWI is of about 12,000,000 tons, namely 5,200 vessels. The total loss of the Allies together with the Axis naval vessels (battle ships, cruisers, destroyers, sub-marines, and other naval ships) amounted to 650, respectively 1,200,000 tons."  {ch.8 p.88}

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

    It's one of those thoughts that at first blush is way out there, but then on reflection and considering the new found appreciation for the amount of deep ocean churning whales and other sea creatures produce as they dive to deep depths then return to surface ( - it doesn't seem so far fetched.


    I'm curious how has the scientific community reacted to Bernaerts' hypothesis?

  40. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise

    Klaus, perhaps after Morner has addressed his integrity here, he can go to Open Mind and address this

  41. Peak Water, Peak Oil…Now, Peak Soil?

    Stephen Leahy,

    I did not infer or imply you made this stuff up?

    Read my comment again. It's the bits left out that got to me. Then you say:

    "Iceland has not recovered, it remains Europe's largest desert despite the amazing efforts of the soil cons service. "

    It has recovered and adapting to the new soil conditions, and as it warms, the position will improve. The statistics prove this.  See the references in my previous coment especially

    "FYI It is a 1000 word article, not a transcript of 3 days of talks" - I know what you wrote, I have all the transcripts from the conference, yet so much was omitted in the true story of Iceland farming.

    1. Fertilizer usage reduced since 1981
    2. Barley 15,000 tonnes per year for zero in 1970
    3. Beef cattle increase to 2011
    4. Horse breeding doubled
    5. Pigs increase X 6
    6. Laying Hens plus 50,000 since 1970.

    What these figures exhibit is a shift from dairy and sheep to other forms.

    It's called adapting, not peak soil. Iceland is becoming one of the most unique farming communities in the world with now less than 6.5% of the population producing more agricultural and pastoral product than 77% of the population did in 1901. Change and adaption is what Iceland farmers are great at. If you visited the  Westfjords you would have seen a great change from an old farming practices to  the new.

    Have a look at the constant change between agriculture and pastoral - it's called adaption.

    Your article was a correct representation of the conference, but needed a lot of information regarding the true nature of the industry in Iceland to create balance. 

    I am sorry if I have upset you in my comments above and here. I have seen Iceland over many years, and it is improving greatly, except for the fact that the good farmers, agricultualists and pastoralists are aging and not been replaced. It should be retiltled - PEAK FARMER. 

    And if vrooomie had any manners like you have Stephen, he would have asked similar questions. We have to keep fighting to reduce the carbon pollution or we will all be at peak END.

  42. 2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes


    "dramatic music" is for large, poorly educated audience. Like most TV shows, they must add some "drama" to entice audience. Otherwise they would go out of business if they'd left with viewers like you & me only.

    I think it is getting better: not so long ago they used to entice audience by falsely pretending  the existence of "debate": i.e. showing Monckton, Bob Carter and even Tony Abbott arguing this science is "crap". No need to say that none of those characters (with the exception of Bob Carter) are even worth mentioning along the names of the scientists, let alone give then any air time. In case of Bob Carter, if giving him any time, it is mandatory to mention his personal  bias due to regular payments from The Heartland Institute in appreciation for his scientific opinion. Otherwise his apearance is misleading for poorly educatred audience.

    But not a hint of any "skepticism" in this program. Let's hope this change is for good, at least in Catalyst.

  43. Two Expert — and Diverging — Views on Arctic’s Impact on Weather ‘Whiplash’

    I don't think Kevin's & Jennifer's views are diverging by much. Kevin does not contradict the theory of meandering jetstream's signifficance on NH weather, he's just a bit skeptic (in a good sense) and is looking for more evidence. Note how he sais "there might be influence somewhere in Europe, for example, but not over entire NH". To which I may reply: well, the same jetstream flies over Canada US and in Europe, why do you think America is "immune" to it?

    Personally, I give more edge to Jennifer's view because she's more knowledgeable expert in this particular topic. And some evidence confirming meandering jetstream's theory at work in America (e.g. tropical cyclone Sandy) do exist to back her.

  44. Cornelius Breadbasket at 18:03 PM on 5 July 2013
    2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes

    mikeh1 @ 5


    I'll share this one.  I'd prefer it without the dramatic music - but it is a very well put together documentary.  Thank you!

  45. Climate change science: what’s in a name?

    I do believe the next glacial period is estimated to be around 50000 years from now if the natural forcings (Milankovitch cycles) are the main driver. The question remains though whether the new state of the biosphere with a substantial higher CO2 concentration (so far 40% over what it should be) will even allow the planet to cool down enough for serious glaciation. Most likely it will cool down though as the tilt surely must have a substantial effect on the amount of energy absorbed (but I am really only guessing here). Our CO2 emissions will most likely not go down much in the coming decades and every year really reduces the chance for these natural forcings to overcome the artificial injection of insulation in the atmosphere. But they will still come "on top", including the weather patterns, so I wonder how the next major El Niño will affect us. No doubt another round of high scores.

    About the terms, I still think AGW is the correct term as its our deliberate warming of the planet which is of essence here, climate change is just one effect of this. And as villabolo say here the effect it has on food production is probably the immediate one we will notice, partially also because there are so many of us on the planet now. Add a bit of energy crisis due to oil shortage and the "green revolution" goes *poof*, and we are back to being more relient on whatever energy the soil and the sun gives our crops. Some freak weather incidents on top (due to e.g. a messed up jetstream) will then add the little extra challenge. I say we live in interesting times...

  46. Climate change science: what’s in a name?

    Thank you KR.

  47. Bert from Eltham at 12:31 PM on 5 July 2013
    Understanding the long-term carbon-cycle: weathering of rocks - a vitally important carbon-sink

    Bear with me.

    The mindless universe started with inflation.

    Soon after cooling enough atoms of H, and He and a bit of Li formed.

    Some of these atoms some time later gravitationally collapsed into stars.

    These early stars were responsible for nucleosynthesis of heavier nuclei.

    It was only supernovae that actually produced nuclei above Iron 56.

    All this newly formed matter that was strewn everywhere then finally at some cool places formed new stars and planets.

    The third stone from the Sun was geologically active with ordinary chemistry to make a near habitable planet. The above is very good article.

    Early mono cellular life transformed the oceans and atmosphere and forever changed the simple chemistry that was in effect up till then and it took four billion years!

    Finally multi cellular life evolved. Until we came along. We are all trashing our only home because of greed.

    Worth a look.


  48. 2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes

    Moderator - the following may be a better link to the Catalyst story. The mp4 works well on a tablet but not so well on a desktop.

  49. 2001-2010, A Decade of Climate Extremes

    The following is a link to last night's excellent Australian ABC Catalyst science program on extreme weather.

    It includes interviews with the following climate scientists.
    Dr Erich Fischer, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH
    Dr Karl Braganza, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
    Dr Lisa Alexander, Climate Change Research Centre, UNSW
    Dr Susan Wijffels, Marine and Atmospheric Research, CSIRO
    Professor Jennifer Francis, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University


  50. Climate change science: what’s in a name?

    skymccain - "...why we have not entered the cooling part of this glacial/interglacial cycle yet."

    We were starting the cooling portion of this cycle, with Holocene temperatures starting to decline, until the Industrial Revolution. Now, apparently, Milankovitch cycle cooling is off the table for many thousands of years. 

    Holocene temperatures

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