Climate Science Glossary

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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Climate's changed before
It's the sun
It's not bad
There is no consensus
It's cooling
Models are unreliable
Temp record is unreliable
Animals and plants can adapt
It hasn't warmed since 1998
Antarctica is gaining ice
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Climate Science Glossary


Terms 1901 to 1950 out of 3143

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model hierarchyClimate model
model spectrumClimate model
Modes of climate variabilityModes of climate variability
Mole fractionMixing ratio
Monckton et al. (2015)Why models run hot: results from an irreducibly simple climate model.
Monckton et al. 2015Why models run hot: results from an irreducibly simple climate model.
Monnin et al. (2004)Evidence for substantial accumulation rate variability in Antarctica during the Holocene, through synchronization of CO 2 in the Taylor Dome
Monnin et al. 2004Evidence for substantial accumulation rate variability in Antarctica during the Holocene, through synchronization of CO 2 in the Taylor Dome
Montreal ProtocolMontreal Protocol
Moran (1974)Some Misconceptions in Studies of Climate Modification
Moran 1974Some Misconceptions in Studies of Climate Modification
Morice et al. (2012)Quantifying uncertainties in global and regional temperature change using an ensemble of observational estimates: The HadCRUT4 data set
Morice et al. 2012Quantifying uncertainties in global and regional temperature change using an ensemble of observational estimates: The HadCRUT4 data set
Mörner & Etiope (2002)Carbon degassing from the lithosphere
Mörner & Etiope 2002Carbon degassing from the lithosphere
Motyka (2003)Little Ice Age subsidence and post Little Ice Age uplift at Juneau, Alaska, inferred from dendrochronology and geomorphology
Motyka 2003Little Ice Age subsidence and post Little Ice Age uplift at Juneau, Alaska, inferred from dendrochronology and geomorphology
Mouginot et al. (2014)Sustained increase in ice discharge from the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, from 1973 to 2013
Mouginot et al. (2019)Forty-six years of Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance from 1972 to 2018
Mouginot et al. 2014Sustained increase in ice discharge from the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, from 1973 to 2013
Moving GoalpostsLogical Fallacy: Moving Goalposts
Mueller et al. (2008)Venus surface thermal emission at 1 μm in VIRTIS imaging observations: Evidence for variation of crust and mantle differentiation conditions
Mueller et al. 2008Venus surface thermal emission at 1 μm in VIRTIS imaging observations: Evidence for variation of crust and mantle differentiation conditions
Mullen & Lester (2006)Vexatious litigants and unusually persistent complainants and petitioners: From querulous paranoia to querulous behaviour
Mullen & Lester 2006Vexatious litigants and unusually persistent complainants and petitioners: From querulous paranoia to querulous behaviour
Muller et al. (2008)Saying the wrong thing: Improving learning with multimedia by including misconceptions
Muller et al. 2008Saying the wrong thing: Improving learning with multimedia by including misconceptions
Murphy et al. (2009)An observationally based energy balance for the Earth since 1950
Murphy et al. 2009An observationally based energy balance for the Earth since 1950
Myers et al. (2015)Simple Messages Help Set the Record Straight about Scientific Agreement on Human-Caused Climate Change: The Results of Two Experiments
Myers et al. (2021) Consensus revisited: quantifying scientific agreement on climate change and climate expertise among Earth scientists 10 years later
Myers et al. 2015Simple Messages Help Set the Record Straight about Scientific Agreement on Human-Caused Climate Change: The Results of Two Experiments
Myers et al. 2021 Consensus revisited: quantifying scientific agreement on climate change and climate expertise among Earth scientists 10 years later
Myhre et al. (2019)Frequency of extreme precipitation increases extensively with event rareness under global warming
Myhre et al. 2019Frequency of extreme precipitation increases extensively with event rareness under global warming
Myrow et al. (2014)High-prevision U-Pd age and duration of the latest Devonian (Famennian) Hangenberg event, and its implications
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