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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 53351 to 53400:

  1. New research from last week 38/2012
    The sea level oscillation paper looks very interesting (at least from the abstract and figures). If the signal is real, the WN Pacific, North Atlantic and Indian ocean are past their upward inflection, so while they are still contribute positively to sea level rise, they contribute negatively to acceleration. However my first guess is that we are seeing the response to the late 19thC volcanoes and the mid-20thC aerosol cooling.
  2. New research from last week 38/2012
    Is there any research that has recorded any effects associated with human activity and development. Specifically: North Central region of Florida. The massive growth of the Orlando, Fl area (the huge addition of Concrete and Asphalt holding "heat" and releasing it throughout the cooler evening hours, than heating up much quicker the next day / the draining of Wetlands for development, which are recharge area's...holding & releasing moisture in a longer, more consistent time-span (that action going away with the draining /development) Then, our coastal water temperatures, butting against these massive concrete/asphalt expansions of development just 60 miles inland. The action of watching clouds pile-up against the coast, and then the action of seeing them "funnel out", through Ponce Inlet, >as if leaking through this watery exit. NOTE: Over the years, you could witness an every afternoon summer showers, (we got them in 2012 for the first time in several years). It appears (I don't have data to confirm), but, which seemed to have "shifted" to other area's or not existing in my area at all. I am curious if the data exist that demonstrates these "elevated Big City Temperature increases", are in fact changing wind-direction, and cloud development or lack of? Hence changing surface temp.
  3. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #38
    This is not just SkS' week. This is Dana's week. His articles have been reposted/quoted in 11 publications! As regular reader since mid-2011, I noticed Dana's leading role as SkS most prolific author. A role very well played, as the above references prove. Congratulations, Dana and keep it going!
  4. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    barry strictly speaking, there's no lab experiment possible on the enhanced greenhous effect. It is like asking a lab experiment on the gravitational collapse leading to the explosion of a supernova. Climatology shares with astronomy and other fields of science the characteristic of reproducible and controlled experiments being impossible. But then, knowing the radiative properties of GHGs and the structure of the atmosphere you know what to expect. Whoever knows even a little bit of the two does not question the atmospheric greenhouse effect, self-styled skeptics only question its magnitude.
  5. Arctic sea ice reaches lowest extent for the year and the satellite record
    Useful paper which was quite well hidden so might not have been picked up: It's slightly out of date as it pre-dates the record ice loss we've just experienced but appears to be a very comprehensive summary of Arctic ice loss and it's effects, with particular emphasis on the ability of models to match observations.
  6. Naomi Oreskes' study on consensus was flawed
    The final paragraph of the conclusion of the Bray paper is truly bizarre. I am sure that the 38% of scientists who participated in the IPCC but thought that the IPCC reports underestimated sea level impacts would be horrified to discover that their disagreement with the 50% who said the IPCC got it right was being used to argue that the science is not settled. If someone really wants to argue inaction, then they need to show the percentage of scientists who support that inaction, not use the scientists who think the situation is even worse than reported to justify their stance. Spelling mistakes aside, there are a few other phrases in the conclusion that make me surprised this passed peer review — the suggestion that the current science is not devoid of "dogma and politics", the need to "wrest the issue from the hands of politico quasi-scientific institutions", the reference to ClimateGate and "the ensuing crisis in climate science concerning transparency", and "it will be interesting to see whether the facts will remain constant and the truth will change or the truth will remain constant and the facts will change". It seems to me that perhaps there is dogma and politics involved, but not where the author indicates.
  7. Record Arctic Sea-ice minimum 2012 declared - it's the Silly Season!
    #34 - , oh, my! Dr Inferno will be getting jealous!
  8. Naomi Oreskes' study on consensus was flawed
    roxanne - Even a quick look at Bray is very informative. After noting that there is a range of opinion (in particular a fair distribution of scientists who feel that the IPCC is either over or under estimating attribution, risks, etc), he concludes:
    When, as is often prematurely claimed, ‘the science is settled’, then, and only then, should the public and politics enter the fray. What this analysis has disclosed is that the science is NOT settled and that perhaps beneficial scientific skepticism, albeit in an infant stage, is growing and may wrest the issue from the hands of politico quasi-scientific institutions that have become fashionable in the era of ‘global’ studies.
    In other words, even though the mean of the surveyed scientists fall right along the generally accepted center of opinion as expressed in the IPCC, Bray wishes to Demand Impossible Perfection, a form of "Moving the Goalposts" - no action until there is unanimous consent (and possibly more than that, I'm certain additional criteria could be added) before acting. There is a consensus, a very strong one - in fact, stronger than the science in the CFC/ozone issue that led to the Montreal Protocols and success with addressing that problem. Brays work (IMO) is simply an attempt hair-splitting to raise doubts and delay action. I am not impressed.
  9. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    Do you have anything yet, barry? Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not sure people do that kind of stuff anymore. They certainly don't publish it. You might ask over at science of doom.
  10. Naomi Oreskes' study on consensus was flawed
    Roxanne, I would say that this is an apples and oranges situation, and Bray knows it. As he points out, Oreskes tested for consensus on AGW basics, which at the time were being attacked by "skeptics." Bray wanted to see if there was consensus not on whether it was happening or whether it was us or even whether it was bad, but on specific issues -- sensitivity, model projections, etc. I'll read Bray further and see if I have anything to add. It's all kind of goofy to me, though, since the science is what it is. Consensus convinces the untrained and unfamiliar, or it makes research direction decisions. For the former, all you really need to know is that all of the world's major scientific bodies have issued statements of acceptance and concern. For the latter, read Spencer Weart's work at AIP. There is consensus for a limited range of sensitivity, but there is no consensus on a single figure. That is clear in the literature. If someone wants to turn that into "there is no consensus on AGW," well, they are free to abuse the untrained public. We'll all just deal with the aftermath.
  11. PBS False Balance Hour - What's Up With That?
    Actually, given that the standard line is that 98% of the scientific community is in agreement, PBS should have given Muller 49 minutes and Watts one.
  12. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    barry: "the meat and potatoes physical lab test." I think you need to explain just exactly what it is you mean by this. For example, if what you want is a simple demonstration that CO2 really does absorb IR radiation, then there are gazillions of commercially-available systems for measuring CO2 in air using IR spectrometry. e.g., Licor.
  13. Naomi Oreskes' study on consensus was flawed
    What are people's thoughts about Bray's study, which also refutes that there is a true consensus? Bray, D. (2010). The scientific consensus of climate change revisited. Environmental Science & Policy, 13(5), 340-350. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2010.04.001 final draft at
  14. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    I'm on a quest to find peer-reviewed papers specifically testing the enhanced greenhouse effect by raising CO2 levels in a volume of atmosphere in the lab. I'm looking for a fistful of more tightly controlled examples of those experiments you see on youtube. Not OLR or DLR in the atmos, not spectroscopic tables, just the meat and potatoes physical lab test. Checked every citation for Tyndall's papers. Nothing. Tried various search terms in google scholar. Nothing. I begin to imagine that this experiment has never been submitted for peer review! If anyone knows of such papers, or can tell me the right search terms to use to find them, that would be much appreciated. I plan to offer them up to Ari for a new list @, and to have them standing by for the undead hordes.
  15. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    This time I promise to get it in one, but I couldn't resist. From Scientific American: "Fox News Distorts Climate Science; in Other News, the Pope Is Catholic"
  16. Record Arctic Sea-ice minimum 2012 declared - it's the Silly Season!
    Just to expand on what happened with Ian's first hand clarification on WUWT..... Anthony posted in reponse "you kids don't know what you are talking about". Says it all really I'm afraid. Anthony also gave me a new perspective and meaning of the phrase "All science is either physics or stamp collecting"
  17. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    He's a link to the decision:
  18. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    rpauli @8 Thanks for the heads up ... Wiki hasn't even updated yet. Not sure if I agree with your interpretation ... the attempt by the village to address global warming, and assign responsibility to energy companies, on the basis of calling it a common law public nuisance, was quite a stretch. I am not sure they would have succeeded even in front of the whole Ninth Circus en banc.
  19. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    Sorry about the continuation of the all-States, all the time news, but I think this does rate a mention, and I have not noticed it being posted anywhere on SkS before. My apologies in advance if it has been. From July: Monthly coal- and natural gas-fired generation equal for first time in April 2012 From August: King Natural Gas Will cheap natural gas give us an opportunity to reduce ­emissions while inventing new technologies? Or will we simply become addicted to another fossil fuel? ""Cheap natural gas has taken a big bite out of coal very quickly," says David Victor, an energy expert at University of California, San Diego. "And there's going to be a bloodbath in wind power as well." For investors and technologists hoping to make renewable energy, such as wind and solar power, cost-competitive with fossil fuels, reaching so-called grid parity has suddenly gotten much tougher. Arguably, it's impossible to reach with existing technologies. The United States is saving about 400 ­million metric tons of ­carbon ­emissions annually in the recent switch to natural gas from coal. That's roughly twice as much progress 
as the European Union has made in complying with the Kyoto Protocol through 
policy efforts." We have, in fact, reduced our per capita carbon emissions to levels last seen in 1961. Dana has stated that everything he has read points to current low prices of natural gas to be unsustainable. It is possible that he might want to read more widely. For one thing, a gas pipeline to the Bkken Shale formation will be completed next year. To date, they have been flaring the gas produced at the wellhead, for want of anything better to do with it. For another, according to another EIA report from last year by far the largest shale play in the lower 48 is the Monterey Shale, a pickle shaped formation that runs several hundred miles along the western San Joaquin Valley. It is estimated to contain four and a half Bakkens worth of unconventional oil and gas, and they have hardly begun working it. As little as five years ago, I would have bet my life that energy prices would rise, or at the very least would stay stable. Recent developments have me stunned (much like the Norwegian Blue, garden pests stun easily). In any event, the news is very mixed ... while current progress is nice to have, it makes further progress look much more difficult. Best wishes, Mole
  20. Record Arctic Sea-ice minimum 2012 declared - it's the Silly Season!
    @34... That's a howler!!!! Not only moving the goal posts- but totally imaginary goal posts.
  21. Record Arctic Sea-ice minimum 2012 declared - it's the Silly Season!
    Here's another, and it's not from Denial Depot - it's from ClimateRealists, and it's in earnest!: Arctic IcePack to be back to normal in December
  22. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    We might want a category for Legal aspects... i.e. the 9th Court just shot down the lawsuit Kivalina v Exxon - which means the courts decided that the EPA and Congress must decide what to do about CO2.
  23. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #38
    ".. big week for SkS .." You guys pretty much rock - and it's noted. ;-) "What say you!" I like it. Nice to have the media (gibberish) beside the real stuff.
  24. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    I found that the presentation - colourization and categorization - made it easy to skim the list and focus on areas that particularly interest me. Thanks!
  25. Record Arctic Sea-ice minimum 2012 declared - it's the Silly Season!
    Would certainly be good for readers to post any other daft Arctic sea-ice arguments they have encountered in this thread. I've today come across someone posting 'that' graph of sea ice area anomaly where the scale of the Y-axis is shrunk so as to show there's nothing happening! Have lost count of the number of times Tamino has debunked that one!
  26. Record Arctic Sea-ice minimum 2012 declared - it's the Silly Season!
    Chris- When I wrote the note @ 18, I had no idea that someone was actually using the meme...I was simply trying to add a perception of the memes that were possible to John Manson's list. I read the last two sentences as well, but all of us are all too familiar with selective quotations and decontextualization of quotations. Thanks for sharing that the meme is actually in use. Perhaps you and John can add some text to the article, and it can be included in a 'myth buster' index.
  27. How to Solve the Climate Problem: a Step-by-Step Guide
    I see, Sph. Apparently, I didn't know Jack's . . .
  28. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    @Paul D #3 About one-half of the articles listed in this week's round-up are US-focused becasue the PBS-Watts interview garnered one heck of a lot of attention. This was an anamoly. As an SkS author residing in the UK, you certainly have ample opportunity during the course of a week to provide links to articles that you would like to see included in the Digest.
  29. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    @Paul D #3: In the ideal world, science should drive environmental policy. In the real world, the relationship is messy as illustrated in the articles under the Public Polciy heading. I believe that the majority of SkS readers are interested in keeping their finger on the policy deveopment pulse as well as the "pure" science.
  30. Record Arctic Sea-ice minimum 2012 declared - it's the Silly Season!
    Dave123 @18, If Matt Ridley was realy influenced by what he read in Hansen 2003 (possible), then, he managed to read just the first two sentences of the abstract! The last sentence of Hansen 2003 abstract sais:
    However, soot contributions to climate change do not alter the conclusion that anthropogenic greenhouse gases have been the main cause of recent global warming and will be the predominant climate forcing in the future
    which Matt probably failed to understand, or rejected it as the unexplainable contradiction of his pre-conception of "all-mighty Chinese soot"! In WSJ, they have a strong incentive to blame everything on China.
  31. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    Peter Wadhams is saying he predicted arctic ice collapse in 2016 "few years ago". I know Wieslaw Maslowski predicted the same in 2006 (before 2007 record melt). I'd like to know the source of Wadhams' prediction. It'd be interesting to compare these predictions. Those two guys have their results matched very closely, although to my knowledge they don't collaborate...
    Moderator Response:

    [DB] Maslowski's 2006 prediction (from his NAME model, discussed here) was based on data through 2005, and is still tracking today.

    Wadham's original comment was based on his unique access to classified submarine data and to Maslowski's model results.

    Note that it is only for the most severe (for the state of the remaining ice) model runs results does even Maslowski's model track what is actually occurring in the Arctic.

  32. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    Out of the 27 articles 13 are about American issues. And all the public policy articles are on US issues. I agree that the list represents what JH thinks is important. One should remember that science is driving environmental policy, without securing the truth in science, you have no environmental policies, you just have ideology, whether that is on the left or right.
  33. SkS: testimony to the potential of social media and the passion of volunteers
    JSAM @9 "I'm very annoyed with SkS. You've been running a conspiracy and yet I have not been invited to partake. Harrumph. (Insert sarccy smiley about here.) " Your annoyed JSAM? Some of us have been members of the SKS Author Forum for a couple of years. If SKS has all this secret funding, how come we ain't seen any of it? And if the funders have an agenda they are 'buying', how come we all get to right what we think? Including not being able to spell. 'write'.
  34. Record Arctic Sea-ice minimum 2012 declared - it's the Silly Season!
    #28 - the same could be said for NSIDC & JAXA Arctic sea-ice plots: however, within a few more years the aforementioned organisations, plus Dana, creator of The Escalator, are 'all gonna need a bigger graph'!
  35. Record Arctic Sea-ice minimum 2012 declared - it's the Silly Season!
    "Now then. If I were to melt a whole ice-cube in 2011 and then melt a half ice-cube in 2012 then I'd have melted less ice in 2012 but still have ended up with nothing. Fail." This reminds me about the joke about the man who thinks he is winning because his hair has stopped falling out, failing to realize that he has become completely bald.
  36. How to Solve the Climate Problem: a Step-by-Step Guide
    Okay Jack, I do support nuclear energy. I think it will have to part of the solution for some countries. I would also say that I earn my living substantially in petroleum, coal, and energy and I get no grants for climate science. From a substantial study of the science (I have physics as well as geology background), I concluded that the sooner the world can find a way to kill my area (especially coal), the better. I would conclude from your comments that you are substantially ill-informed on the science but fortunately, you have reached a good site to remedy that. Please dont confuse scientists with greenpeace activists.
  37. Record Arctic Sea-ice minimum 2012 declared - it's the Silly Season!
    A small criticism of the 'Artic Sea Ice Extent' and 'How "Skeptics" View Artic Sea Ice Decline" graphs. Both graphs could have there Y axis start at zero, the ice extent starts at 2 million km2 and the skeptic view at 3 million km2. I know graph makers are probably trained to avoid the "wavy line a the top" effect but it smacks of graphing tricks to emphasize your point. We shouldn't need to resort to graphing 'tricks'.
  38. How to Solve the Climate Problem: a Step-by-Step Guide
    DSL, The key word is "rhetoric." There is nothing else there. Nada. Zilch. Search for "Jack Fate" on the Internet and look for his opinions on creationism, Obama, etc. There is no rational discussion to be had here. Only "rhetoric."
  39. How to Solve the Climate Problem: a Step-by-Step Guide
    Jack, you used the phrase "climate science complex," an allusion to "military-industrial complex." That use strongly suggests that you think there is some organized extra-scientific effort that controls climate science. In other words, you don't think the actual science warrants action, so there must be a conspiracy to prop up a weak science in order to achieve political goals (one world government? Marxism-Leninism? HAARP?) that go well beyond the science. If that's true--and it may not be, but the evidence so far leads me there--then you have two problems. One, you've yet to show that the science is weak, and I've asked you. Two, you've yet to give evidence that SkS supports the "climate science complex." If you'd look around a little, you'd notice that the site does not advocate for any one solution. Solar and individual "at-home" responses come closest to having universal appeal among the dozens of regular posters. That's where my analysis of your comments is so far. I'll be quite happy to have more data to work with, as long as it doesn't confirm the suspicions I outline above. Further, if you are serious about engaging in an exchange of ideas (in other words, if you think your ideas are worth a _____), then you'd be much more effective by removing the accusatory tone and foregone conclusion from your rhetoric. Your comments thusfar contain very little information useful to an on-topic discussion. They strongly suggest that you're here to teach everyone a lesson. Maybe I'm wrong, but the problem is at least half yours: you chose the words and their order.
  40. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    @Tristan #1: The articles listed in the weekly round-up are simply those I find to be of particular importance and relevance to our readers. The SkS author team does not vet this list before it is posted. Thus the articles are not "SkS endorsed."
  41. Record Arctic Sea-ice minimum 2012 declared - it's the Silly Season!
    "And if, as these denialists on Wattsupia are saying "It's the storm what done it, guv!" ..." Remember that Goddard claimed that the storm (as it was happening) signaled an extraordinarily end to the melt season. That wasn't ... quite ... correct, as it turns out.
  42. CO2 lags temperature
    barry - If you want some fun, take that graph, remove the isolate, normalize to get on the same scale (fractional temperature changes and ~380ppm have different scales), and you get this graph of the relative trends (I took out the CO2 yearly averaging as well, to clarify what we are looking at). That's the real data, the actual information hidden by the rather (IMO) deceptive graph you were shown. There are in fact a few people at WUWT who seem to specialize in those misleading graphs, such as Smokey, as discussed at Tamino's blog.
    Moderator Response: [DB] Fixed 2nd link per request.
  43. 2012 SkS Weekly News Round-Up #2
    Does this edition contain too many articles? Too few? About right? The more the merrier in my opinion. I think SkS should aim to be a one-stop shop and linking to "SkS endorsed articles" is an efficient way to do so.
  44. CO2 lags temperature
    Thanks both.
  45. CO2 lags temperature
    barry - I've seen that graph too, mostly at WUWT. As Bob Loblaw noted, it's due to short term ENSO variations. That particular graph has had all long term trend removed (the 'Isolate' command), and has a total range of -0.15 to +0.25 ppm - whereas annual growth of CO2 concentrations is ~2.07 ppm currently, or roughly an order of magnitude greater than these small variations. In other words, it's a graph of noise. Whoever created it was (IMO) on a search for something to confirm their preconceptions, or to mislead others. It's right up there with plotting recent temperature changes on a scale of Kelvin degrees starting at zero - visually convincing of 'skeptic' points, but once you get a good look at the dimensions, well, it's nothing to speak of...
  46. CO2 lags temperature
    barry: short-term variations in CO2 and T are affected by factors other than long-term trends. The short answer is El Nino, and the longer answer is easily found over at RealClimate: El Nino's Effect on CO2 Causes Confusion
  47. CO2 lags temperature
    Wonder if anyone has seen this kind of graph purporting to show CO2 lagging temps on interannual timescales in the modern age. I see that the 5 year trends have been removed, but don't know how to interpret this. CO2 lags temps in the modern day?
  48. How to Solve the Climate Problem: a Step-by-Step Guide
    JackFate. I hope that you've completed the rehash of Lewandowsky's survey that Watts is hosting. Please inform us that you have. You've very conspicuously proved Lewandowsky's original point, and I am curious to see how well the 'repeat' will demonstrate this... or whether folk such as yourself reply otherwise, in order to disguise what's really fulminating just beneath the surface.
  49. How to Solve the Climate Problem: a Step-by-Step Guide
    Moderator Response: [DB] Moderation complaints snipped.
  50. How to Solve the Climate Problem: a Step-by-Step Guide
    Jack, this is a climate science website. You seem to equate environmental groups (i.e. Greenpeace) with climate scientists. It's not our place to criticize Greepeace, or criticize the media for failing to criticize Greenpeace, because as far as I'm aware that group has not made any major incorrect arguments regarding climate science. You also claim
    "This piece laments that you can't get through with your message"
    That is not at all what this post says. The post is talking about balance - the fact that the 3% minority of climate contrarians get a disproportionate amount of media coverage.

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