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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 54201 to 54250:

  1. Antarctica is gaining ice
    I would expect Zwally to have the numbers right. The interesting science question is reconciling the ICESAT data with the GRACE data. This abstract was done in July. The point for Watts is provide some reassurance to readers wondering about the arctic meltdown. All his readership cares about is having an excuse to do nothing. I suspect for the average US citizen, the effects of climate change are so far small, in the future, and happening elsewhere, whereas any sort of mitigation is perceived as less spending power by one means or another.
  2. Antarctica is gaining ice
    I would be cautious about reading too much into these results. This is also just a conference abstract. Then again, Zwally does good work. It also keep in mind that they conclude that: "A slow increase in snowfall with climate wanning, consistent with model predictions, may be offsetting increased dynamic losses." If true, one has to wonder for how much longer that might hold?
  3. Obama, Romney, and Various National Climate Policies Around the Globe
    KR @1 - thanks, fixed. Dale @2 - fair points, but it's still very early in the Australian system. Better to have a system in place that can be weakened or strengthened than no system at all.
  4. Obama, Romney, and Various National Climate Policies Around the Globe
    Please note the Australian Govt appears to be back-peddling on the carbon tax. They've already removed the floor price, linked us to the EU carbon market (so companies can substitute cheap international credits with the expensive AU ones) and also cancelled the coal power station buy-out process. State Govts have also been cancelling/down-scaling the residential alternative energy schemes and subsidies.
  5. Obama, Romney, and Various National Climate Policies Around the Globe
    Moderators - Fig. 1 has badly formatted HTML code, missing the initial "h".
  6. Antarctica is gaining ice
    Yah, barry - sounds like accelerated loss in addition to accelerated gain - perfectly consistent with global warming, as the authors note: "A slow increase in snowfall with climate warming, consistent with model predictions, may be offsetting increased dynamic losses." Watt's the big deal? Ha ha ha, but more seriously, how long would you expect the mass gain to last, if indeed it is happening?
  7. Antarctica is gaining ice
    Apparently an internal document, not a peer-reviewed study. Maybe they have submitted/plan to submit.
  8. Antarctica is gaining ice
    The WUWT report is about recent ICESat data that apparently show mass gain in the Antarctic ice sheet from 2003 - 2008, citing a paper (and linking a video) by lead author Jay Zwally. The NASA page on it is here.
  9. A vivid demonstration of knee-jerk science rejection
    The problem is not just laziness about making sense of science. Superficially, fake balance accepting the logic that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge implies that journalists need to learn more science.
    This is a really good example -- on the one hand we have multiple, relevant experts telling us about Arctic sea ice, nicely balanced by another guy at the end telling us what he doesn't know: "Climate change is a murky science," [Christy] said. "To some [i.e. those who are experts on Arctic ice] it's an easy answer to say it's due to extra greenhouse gases. To the rest of us [i.e. those who aren't], separating natural variability from human impacts remains a wicked problem." (Editorialising mine. :) Perhaps the reporter should have asked himself why he was balancing his report with "expert" opinion from someone who finds the whole problem too difficult to solve? Since when is that news? There are literally billions of unqualified people they could have asked who could have said they find it all a bit complicated as well. Why didn't he "balance" it by finding some nutjob willing to say that the oceans were going to boil next week? Why is the "balance" always between the mainstream view and only one of the two potential fringe views? Why do they get to paint the mainstream as "alarmists" rather than looking for real alarmists (preferably those who actually are hoping for One World Government (TM)) so that the mainstream can look sensible and conservative in contrast? It's not just the problem of false balance, it's that the false balance is biased and always goes only one way. (I've seen a really good graph somewhere (here at SkS?) that visually represents the gamut of views on climate sensitivity and shows the mainstream clustered around 3C with a big bump at low sensitivities representing "skeptics" and a long tail to the right with "extreme warmists" and showing how including just the "skeptics" and not the "extreme warmists" creates the illusion that the "true answer", which "must lie somewhere in the middle", actually lies in the trough between the mainstream and the "skeptics"; whereas if the "extreme warmists" were included, then the "middle" value would actually be the mainstream view (and the "middle ground" fallacy that many people intuitively believe would actually give the right answer).)
    But really, it's simpler than that. The mode of argument and the chief sponsors are exactly the same as for a range of other faux debates from tobacco to ozone hole. Failing to spot this is a major fail.
    Absolutely. Why are their BS detectors so utterly useless that even when it's the same people from the same organisations saying the same things about climate science as they used to say about medical science (re: tobacco) they still don't detect it?
  10. Vanishing Arctic Sea Ice: Going Up the Down Escalator
    @ dana1981 #27: I do believe that you are being a tad too harsh on Watts. After all, he and the Wattsonians come from a parallel universe where the laws of physics and chemistry are entirely diffeerent than those that apply here on Earth.
  11. A vivid demonstration of knee-jerk science rejection
    philipm, The first graph is used in many posts here (example) and originally comes from Murphy et al 2009. The second is also used in many posts here (example) and originally comes from Foster and Rahmstorf 2009. The third originally comes from Santer et al 2011, discussed here at SkS and mentioned in many other posts. If you right-click on each image you can obtain the URL for the image hosted by SkS.
  12. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    "Rapid rebound in bulb luminosity confirms theory that low amount was because of storm causing abnormal min"
  13. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    I trust that the following will not offend... "Man may have made the bulb, but only God has the power to turn on the electricity."
  14. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    It's hard to stop a moving object... "Wipe off those fingerprints on the bulb before you screw it it. We don't want people to learn who made it and where it came from."
  15. A vivid demonstration of knee-jerk science rejection
    Blogger's Hall of Amnesia As well as McIntyre – the man who chucked around allegations first and then got round to checking his Inbox – it’s:
    Dr Roger Pielke Jr (he replied to the initial contact) Mr Marc Morano (of Climatedepot; he replied to the initial contact) Dr Roy Spencer (no reply) Mr Robert Ferguson (of the Science and Public Policy Institute, no reply) It will be noted that all 4 have publically stated during the last few days/weeks that they were not contacted.
  16. New research from last week 36/2012
    Yes, our salvation undoubtedly lies in Tupperware, lots of it. We'll need the UN world government to enforce purchases but that can easily be woven into Agenda 21. Anybody found cracking PE and attempting to make moonshine go-juice can be sent for a "moon landing," heh-heh-heh.
  17. Do we know when the Arctic will be sea ice-free?
    "Unless you are a scholar and a well known scientist, no one may seriously listen to what you say, write or research. I am not a scientist but an electronic engineer with long years of interest in geology and history." Umm...did anyone *else* get hit by the low-flying Irony Horse? Astrofos, I would indeed ask you, AGAIN, to justify your earlier comments, pointed out by Daniel Bailey, plus now please explain why anything you say should be taken as authoritative from this point on. FYI: I have a bit more than an "interest" in geology: i have a degree and 14 years of experience in the field.
  18. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    But it was much darker during the MWP!
  19. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    'Living rooms have been brighter in the past!' I'm rather disappointed LA21 hasn't been mentioned yet. And, of course, the Illuminati (boom boom!)
  20. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    "How many Wattsians does it take to install a CFL? NONE! They all deny they work!" John Hartz, you are on a roll...I canna resist!
  21. New research from last week 36/2012
    Doug, we were warned.... Just one word >;-/
  22. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    Eric wrote: "Most skeptics agree in principle on the need for a new light bulb, but believe that the modeled light output of most light bulbs is exaggerated by a factor of two." Sounds about right... given that the modeled output of the light bulbs would (like climate models) have been refined until it matched actual observed output. So, restated; 'Most 'skeptics' believe that observed reality is exaggerated by a factor of two.'
  23. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    "The bulb is just poorly sited - see my pretty pictures??!!" "The bulb will change itself"
  24. AGU Fall Meeting sessions on social media, misinformation and uncertainty
    Australian Climate Madness I just love that! Sounds as though the name was chosen in a moment of irrational exuberance, too hastily to realize the double entendre. My immediate association on seeing the words: "coal exports."
  25. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    Sorry, but the ideas just keep coming: "Say 'Ad hominem attack' three times before you start."
  26. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    "Switching on my lightbulb* won't make any difference, and it will blow out my power bill." [*Sadly, there is evidence that illumination doesn't work for some - it's the King Arnulf Effect.]
  27. Do we know when the Arctic will be sea ice-free?
    In case anyone missed it, Astrofos is trying to poe Lewendansky's survey subject.
  28. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    Yet another: "Put on your Galileo T-shirt before you screw it in."
  29. Vanishing Arctic Sea Ice: Going Up the Down Escalator
    Daneel @26 - Let's be fair to Watts. That graphic would indeed show a quick sea ice extent recovery if you would just flip it upside-down. I'm sure that's what he meant. After all, Watts seems to view the world upside-down and backwards.
  30. AGU Fall Meeting sessions on social media, misinformation and uncertainty
    I have notice that Australian Climate Madness and Climate Depot are prominently featuring a misinterpretation of my words, suggesting that I have said that Lewandowsky has no moral recourse but to rewrite, retract or correct his paper. More accurately, I believe that Lewandowsky has no recourse but to rewrite, withdraw or correct if he agrees with my analysis. I doubt any AGW "skeptic" will want to argue that disagreeing with an analysis by Tom Curtis is itself an immoral act - and certainly I would not either. (How does it come about that so simple a premise needs explaining?) I have left the following comment at Australian Climate Madness, and emailed Marc Morano requesting a correction. I would appreciate it if anybody who comes across a similar misrepresentation directs people to this post.
    "Your claim that, “As Tom Curtis observed, Lewandowsky has no moral alternative but to withdraw his paper” is an over interpretation of my words. It is very obvious that Lewandowsky has the very moral option of simply disagreeing with my analysis. If he disagreed, then he would be acting immorally if he did rewrite, withdraw or retract. This is a distinction you should easily be able to make. If you cannot, you are committed to the belief that every climate change “skeptic” with whom I disagree and who does not rewrite, withdraw or retract is acting immorally – a view to which I certainly do not hold."
  31. AGU Fall Meeting sessions on social media, misinformation and uncertainty
    geoffchambers @150, for the record, up until about December 2010 I was only an occasional reader of SkS, and do not recall the survey at all.
  32. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    John Hartz: Increase the wattage. It will make plants grow faster and bigger. Corollary to "Global warming will expand the surface of the planet, a good thing!"
  33. AGU Fall Meeting sessions on social media, misinformation and uncertainty
    Stephan has a new post up providing all the pertinent details enquiring minds would want to know.
  34. AGU Fall Meeting sessions on social media, misinformation and uncertainty
    geoffchambers@150 Thank you for the clarification.
  35. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    Perhaps we should start a pool on when the Wattsonians will rise up in self-righteous indignation over Ari's toon and this comment thread.
  36. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    You speaketh volumes beyond words alone...
  37. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    Most skeptics agree in principle on the need for a new light bulb, but believe that the modeled light output of most light bulbs is exaggerated by a factor of two.
  38. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    I don't need to change a lightbulb (often). One of my "early model" CFL bulbs gave up recently after 24 years of use, the other one (purchased at the same time) is still working ...
  39. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    Another balloon: "Just follow Anthony's instructions!"
  40. Antarctica is gaining ice
    OK. Watts is claiming that a recent report by NASA shows that satellite measurements find that the Antarctic as a whole is gaining land ice mass rather than losing it as previously thought. He also has a side-swipe at skeptical science suggesting you update this post and he provides a link to this page.
  41. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    Some more balloons to consider: "No can do. Changing a light bulb is part of the UN secret agenda to create a world government." "Light a candle! If candles were good enough for the Founding Fathers, they're good enough for us." "Burn some clean coal instead!" "Increae the wattage. It will make plants grow faster and bigger."
  42. Do we know when the Arctic will be sea ice-free?
    Thank you all.
  43. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    A couple of additional analyses of lighting alternatives: Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs – A Tale From Dust to Dust and LED life-cycle assessment HT to Hot Topic for pointers to those.
  44. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    Laugh it up, fuzzballs....>;-D
  45. AGU Fall Meeting sessions on social media, misinformation and uncertainty
    Bob Loblaw #149 No, I did not mean to imply that anyone implied that I would not get a response. My apologies if I gave that impression. I was surprised that Cook offered to answer all my questions in a private email. I wasn’t after anything secret, but simply wanted to know if the post had gone up and if there had been any comments. The private email and the offer to tell all naturally whetted my appetite. I was sort of hoping he’d say: “Look, I’d rather this didn’t get about, but Tom Curtis tore the survey apart in the comments, so we binned them”, but no. Nada. Just the legendary Australian taciturnity when dealing with strangers. Pity.
  46. Vanishing Arctic Sea Ice: Going Up the Down Escalator
    HAHAHAHA!! I went to one of the linked posts by Watts. It's from 2008 and claims "that the recovery is at a significantly faster rate than in recent years." Clumsy old Watts hotlinked the extent graph from JAXA instead of hosting it himself. The thing is, that image is updated every day, so his post from 2008 now proudly shows a picture from 2012. "Look at the red line!"
  47. Do we know when the Arctic will be sea ice-free?
    @ Dale: Luckily SkS (via Neven) answered your question here concerning the effects of an ice free Arctic.
  48. Antarctica is gaining ice
    Interested in your response to this post on WUWT. Thanks.
    Moderator Response: [DB] It is customary when linking to an outside document to first provide your understanding of it. Please proceed to do so.
  49. 2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    Bob Loblaw - And we cannot make any predictions until the models of the 'speed of dark' are sufficiently robust, which won't be for decades...
  50. Philippe Chantreau at 04:23 AM on 11 September 2012
    2012 SkS Weekly Digest #36
    Bob, that makes perfect sense. An entirely self consistent argument. It is in fact very close to the stuff we can find on the thermodynamics thread. Sigh...

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