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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 59001 to 59050:

  1. Turbines in Texas mix up nighttime heat
    Wait,wasn't it the AGW 'skeptics' that also made the claim that: "Humans are too insignificant to affect global climate"?
  2. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Harris has posted the same two comments over at Tamino's blog. So no, doesn't look like he's actually engaging at all.
  3. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Given that Mr. Harris included virtually identical sentences in #2 & #17 it seems likely that he isn't really reading the thread / taking part in the discussion so much as copy and pasting talking points.
  4. Alberta’s bitumen sands: “negligible” climate effects, or the “biggest carbon bomb on the planet”?
    Reserves : 100 billion barrels is 15*10^9 toe. Energy intensity : 1 toe produces 5 000 dollars of wealth (GDP). => 15*10^9 toe = 75 trillion dollars. That's a potential 20 000$ dollars of wealth per year and per Canadian over 100 years. My guess is that they'll exploit it.
  5. West Antarctic Ice Shelves Tearing Apart at the Seams
    Here's the journal reference for the information contained in my post #7: J. M. Strugnell, P. C. Watts, P. J. Smith, A. L. Allcock. "Persistent genetic signatures of historic climatic events in an Antarctic octopus", Molecular Ecology, 2012; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05572.x
  6. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    muoncounter: The quotes given are from videos of the lectures given taken by Carleton staff for the benefit of students.
  7. Turbines in Texas mix up nighttime heat
    This is why I lean towards the mixing argument - I cannot see how the blades' motion will translate into heat capable of a measurable temperature change for kilometres, or tens of kilometres about the farms. I do concede that the windy area would be reasonably mixed as well. All i can suggest is that (possibly) the resultant turbulence directs air flow into colder hollows and valleys down-slope that are other wise relatively sheltered, displacing the cooler air and giving a warmer than average surface reading. Obviously I present this tentively - pure speculation.
  8. West Antarctic Ice Shelves Tearing Apart at the Seams
    More troubling news about the stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet... “Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that genetic information on the Antarctic octopus supports studies indicating that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet could have collapsed during its history, possibly as recently as 200,000 years ago. Source: “Antarctic octopuses 10,000km apart “genetically similar”, University News, University of Liverpool, May 9, 2012
  9. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Tom Harris - our interest is not in the feedback you got on your class, it's on the accuracy of its content. Dikran Marsupial has asked a very specific question about your supposed claims about the source of the atmospheric CO2 increase, for example. Commenters - please refain from directing any more questions to Tom Harris until he has answered Dikran Marsupial's question. We don't want to overwhelm Tom with too many inquiries.
  10. Sapient Fridge at 03:36 AM on 11 May 2012
    101 responses to Ian Plimer's climate questions
    monkeyorchid, technically the O2 from photosynthesis is produced by splitting water rather than from CO2. The end result is the same though, CO2 is absorbed and O2 released, so apologies in advance for my pedantry :-) I thought the answers were pretty good, though I think they could have given a clearer explanation of warming seas releasing CO2 in some questions e.g. 77
  11. Dikran Marsupial at 03:35 AM on 11 May 2012
    Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Tom Harris, I am glad that you are joining the discussion here. I would be very grateful if you could answer the question I posted here relating to a scientific issue forming part of the content of your course.
  12. TomHarrisICSC at 03:31 AM on 11 May 2012
    Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Here is my letter to the editor that was published yesterday concerning attacks on the Earth Sciences course by another insect biologist: BTW, several of their issues raised by Hassell et al were completely false factually, which is not surprising since they did not have the notes for the course that only registered students had (where the many scientific references were listed and much more details were included). The university hired me to teach it four times and even gave me a raise during that period in the tiny amount (really tiny) they paid me for the course. There was never any criticism whatsoever given to me against the course by anyone who matters in the administration, staff or faculty at Carleton - everything I heard back were compliments so they obviously have no problem with the course. In fact, it is back in 2013 with the originator and original instructor Professor Patterson teaching it. Remember, the U supplied the vast majority of the teaching material, content and notes, etc. and so they obviously concluded I taught it well, as did the students who rated the course very highly. The fact that an insect biologist and his biologist friends didn't like it is immaterial and I don't plan to even answer their silly charges, many of which are completely wrong. Tom Harris Carleton University Sessional Lecturer for ERTH2402 - 2009, 2010 (twice), 2011
    Moderator Response: [Albatross] Mr. Harris, with respect, you have still not answered the questions directed to you here, in particular the question posed to you by Dikran Marsupial. I encourage you to please defend your assertions using citations from reputable peer-reviewed sources. The letter to the editor that you linked readers to is not relevant to the discussion here and it in no way refutes the critiques made about the content of the course you taught, here or elsewhere for that matter. As per the comments policy, further off-topic content posted by you will be deleted. Thank you for your cooperation. TC: Mr Harris, the fact that the primary author of the CASS report is an entomologist has no bearing on the validity of his, or the reports critique. Indeed, given that he has written peer reviewed papers on the impacts of climate change, and is a referee for a journal devoted to that subject means he has better technical qualifications on the subject of climate change than, for example, a mechanical engineer. You are welcome to post detailed responses to the CASS report here. Indeed we encourage it. If you can correct any misquotes by that report, or provide evidence that they have misrepresented you, or if you can defend any of your particular claims from your course here, we welcome that because we place truth above "partisan" interest. But if your only defense continues to be allegations that the report is inaccurate because the primary author is an entomologist, we will be enforcing the comments policy which forbids ad hominens, and therefore argumentum ad hominen.
  13. Turbines in Texas mix up nighttime heat
    The overall efficiency of a wind turbine is limited mainly by the amount of kinetic energy from the wind it is able to convert into blades movement. It does not produce waste heat, the energy remains as kinetic energy of the wind. Friction and efficiency of conversion to electricity produce heat; they are are much smaller, though not negligible. I don't have any reliable number but I don't think that the waste heat from wind turbines has any significant effect. Thermoelectric power plants probably produce much more heat per unit power output. The boundary layer mixing explanation isn't very convincing too. As it happens, wind turbines are often placed on top of a (windy) slope, where vertical mixing should already be significant. An intriguing result, though clearly irrelevant from an energy and climate point of view.
  14. Turbines in Texas mix up nighttime heat
    I think you need to clarify your point; re - 'no such thing as local warming'. Sure - an energy input will disperse over a wide area - and the amount of joules will be fairly fixed - but the resultant temperature change is spatially dependent. If I introduce heating from a gas burner in my house - the temperature change is greater near the source. Similarly with figure 1 above, it's very much a localized effect. But this is moot point regardless. Night time does create a thermal stratification of a given air column - with warmer above and cooler below. If you mix up that air column - you end up bringing warmer air down towards the surface - and thus the temperature at the surface goes up. You havent created any new warmth - there's been no enrgy input to do so - you've just moved what's already there around. Amazingly, there's a marvellous example of this mixing process creating spatially localised temperature fluctuations, with out changing the earth's global heat budget as a whole, on a much larger scale. It's called weather.
    Moderator Response: TC: Edited to remove all caps. Compliance with the comments policy is not optional. Please ensure you comply in future, as failure to do so may result in deletion of your post, which requires much less effort from moderators.
  15. West Antarctic Ice Shelves Tearing Apart at the Seams
    ajki: Thank you for bringing this new paper to everyone's attention. I will proceed to transform the news release into an SkS article. The graphics that are provided by the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research are extremely well done.
  16. West Antarctic Ice Shelves Tearing Apart at the Seams
    Another paper, another area, same topic: Press release AWI (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research) Hartmut H. Hellmer, Frank Kauker, Ralph Timmermann, Jürgen Determann, Jamie Rae: Twenty-first-century warming of a large Antarctic ice shelf cavity by a redirected coastal current. Nature 10 May 2012, Vol 485, page 225. DOI: 10.1038/nature11064 [, Abstract]
  17. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    "The critique on the course was conducted in an unethical fashion by people who are untrained in the field and so had many errors and naive assertions." Tom@2, I do hope you are not referencing any of the folks who regularly moderate and/or write articles on this site: To refer to them as "unethical" and 'untrained in the field" is a folly, in and of itself. They have shown themselves to be exemplars of rigorous, honest, and unmotivated-by-policy scientists, who use the scientific method, strictly. ALL are highly qualified to instruct and, indeed, to critique courses such as yours, without the ad hominem pokes such as you've employed.
  18. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    According to Professor Tim Patterson in the radio interview above, the course in question has been scrutinised and approved by the relevant department in Carleton Uni. Also the balance between "academic freedom" and the scrutiny of peer reviewed verification is mentioned to underscore both the legitimacy and the high standard of the course. But clearly the above self-touted balance have failed miserably in this case: the course being evident and undefendable nonsense, in contradiction to any peer-reviewed literature. The teacher of the course (Tom Harris) rather than defending his ideas considered here, as the adherance to the Aristotelian ethics would suggest, instead apears to create confusion with his drive-by comment @2. Where is the source of such uttermost failure of educational ethics at Carleton? Who is the dean responsible for this course and how was is approved? These are very obvious follow-up questions that beg to be answered. Academic freedom can be sacrified in favour of any inquiry, as too much freedom has been apparently given to some irresponsible people here.
  19. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Tom Harris: I should also like to inquire how you think the demonstrably false claims made in the course square with, say, the obligations set out in the CUASA collective agreement on academic freedom: Academic freedom carries with it the duty to use that freedom in a manner consistent with the scholarly obligation to base research and teaching on an honest search for truth.
  20. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Tom Harris, you assert of your CASS critics:
    Several of their issues were completely false factually
    No doubt you can provide specific examples? With references to back up your position?
  21. Bob Lacatena at 23:27 PM on 10 May 2012
    Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    It speaks volumes that Mr. Harris dropped in to emotionally lambast his critics (and yet with no substance offered whatsoever behind his complaints), and yet he does not himself address or defend a single point raised in the post.
  22. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    I fail to see how the report can be considered 'unethical,' when it offers quotes attributed directly to Mr. Harris: - "There hasn’t been an acceleration in glacier retreat worldwide" (TH) - When you look at most rural datasets, you don’t see global warming.‛ (TH) These are factual statements and presumably Mr. Harris offers his students some documentation to back them up. Or is this version of 'teaching' no more than 'take my word for this'? - You know, we haven’t had any warming since 2003 and CO2 is still rising. I know that’s not climate, but still it just doesn’t really make a lot of sense.‛ (TH) If it is not climate, why mention it at all? - Every day in the newspaper I read about another idiot biologist who says that the world’s biota is going to be destroyed by another temperature rise of a degree or two. -- video shown in class I am not aware of newspapers being reputable scientific sources. If these aren't direct quotes from Mr. Harris, then the study can be considered unethical. That's something he or his students could verify.
  23. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    I was involved with a 'discussion' about this over at The Martlet (the student newspaper at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada), which mainly involved Paul MacRae, another self-proclaimed climate 'expert'. Unfortunately, Poptech became involved and it spiralled quickly into a dark abyss of his own usual !
  24. Turbines in Texas mix up nighttime heat
    Nick: That doesn't seem right to me. My understanding of the UHI (from Wikipedia) is that it is primarily associated with changes in albedo and heat retaining properties of surfaces, rather than heat emissions from human activities. We might be able to check this: Sunlight ~ 100W/m2 High city population density = 10^4/km2 = 10^-2/m2 Domestic energy consumption ~ 10^3 W/capita Thus human energy emissions ~0.1*sunlight Suburbs probably 10 times lower. How about wind farms? A 5MW turbine sits in a space of about 5x10^5m2, generating an average of 1-2MW. Again about 2-4W/m2. A bit lower than dense city, but higher than suburb. OK, it's not clear cut.
  25. Alex The Seal at 21:28 PM on 10 May 2012
    Scientist Sets Record Straight on Medieval Warming Research
    Excellent study on the European MWP Here "A gridded reconstruction of spring-summer temperature was produced for Europe based on tree-rings, documentaries, pollen assemblages and ice cores. The majority of proxy series have an annual resolution. For a better inference of long-term climate variation, they were completed by low-resolution data (decadal or more), mostly on pollen and ice-core data." Using a number of different proxies they mapped temperature anomalies giving a detailed regional view of the warming.
  26. Daniel Livingston at 20:30 PM on 10 May 2012
    Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Rpauli @ 6 "It is vastly disruptive to embrace anthropogenic global warming." I understand where you're coming from, and share some of your values, but that is the point: your statement above is a very value-laden statement -- ideological in fact. One can logically embrace the science of AGW with no disruption at all. Whether there is disruption or not is a question of values and policy, not science. If one values the sustainability of life as we know it on planet earth, where "life" is more about egalitarian and environmental values than individualistic and entrepreneurial values, then it might logically follow that one who holds such values may also embrace solutions to AGW that are potentially disruptive. But there are a few steps of logic there, and logic that is based on assumed values and, thus, I would argue, ideology. One of the appeals of this site, to me, is that it separates the policy, values and ideology from the science. Not that we should ignore values and policy response, but that we should understand how problems and solutions are discursively framed - accounting for and understanding both cognitive and normative elements.
  27. monkeyorchid at 18:36 PM on 10 May 2012
    101 responses to Ian Plimer's climate questions
    The Geological Society website has a ridiculously uncritical review of Plimer's book, by Julian Vearncombe, at the link below. The review even makes a virtue of having "few references, hidden at the back". How is that a good thing? Not the society's finest hour!
  28. monkeyorchid at 18:31 PM on 10 May 2012
    101 responses to Ian Plimer's climate questions
    Answer 19 misses one main point: most of the CO2 originally present was turned to oxygen by early photosynthesis. Otherwise, excellent resource!
  29. Dikran Marsupial at 17:54 PM on 10 May 2012
    Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    TomHarrisICSC Simple question, was this quote representative of something actually said by a lecturer during the course? "...the majority of the rise of CO2 has nothing to do with humans....One of the things I find astounding about this whole climate debate is that some of the most basic tenets – you know, the idea that CO2 rise is mainly caused by humans, the idea that temperature rise is definite, its occurring, - many of these things are either not true or are simply unknown, or highly debatable." Do you agree that the majority of the rise in CO2 has nothing to do with humans? Yes or no. I am not remotely interested in the ethics of your critics, I am interested in the accuracy of your scientific position. If you are not willing to defend a particular point, the readers can draw their own conclusion.
  30. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    It is vastly disruptive to embrace anthropogenic global warming. This makes for a greater cultural upset than the heliocentric solar system or rejecting flat earth. AGW means a total rethinking of our civilization. No wonder it is resisted so.
  31. Doug Hutcheson at 16:54 PM on 10 May 2012
    Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Tom @ 2, I have a few questions for you:
    1. How is it that you have no qualification to teach such a course, yet you object to a critique by people you regard as untrained?
    2. Can you provide names for the people you refer to who are unethical and for those who are the untrained?
    3. Do you regard the teaching of such a university course by an unqualified person to be ethical?
    4. Who do you (an unqualified person) regard as sufficiently well trained to assess the accuracy of the information you gave to your students?
    5. Does your association with the Heartland Institute create a conflict of interest when teaching?
    6. Was the information you gave your students in accord with current, published, peer-reviewed science, or did it run counter to the mainstream?
    7. Who assigned student grades following the course?
    Just askin', you unnerstand.
  32. Sapient Fridge at 16:38 PM on 10 May 2012
    Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Summary of the radio show clip: 1) Twist the word "denier" to link it to WW2, then complain that people are calling you a holocaust denier 2) Attack a critic by saying they are an activist geneticist, not a climate scientist 3) Say that your critics don't understand climate from a geologic perspective 4) Complain that your critics didn't go through official channels 5) Claim that the planet is not particularly warm today from a geologic perspective (true, but irrelevant) 6) End by saying that the weather is awfully cold outside Yep, I would agree that it shows Tim Patterson dismissing your critics. It's a shame, though, that he didn't include any science in that defence.
  33. Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Tom- Such a great example of "squirrel". Patterson's dismissal comes across as a man living in an alternative reality. Talk about everything but the content of the course. Nothing substantive in it. Unimpressed. {snip}
    Moderator Response: TC: Ad hominen snipped, compliance with the comments policy is not optional regardless of your view point.
  34. TomHarrisICSC at 15:02 PM on 10 May 2012
    Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    The critique on the course was conducted in an unethical fashion by people who are untrained in the field and so had many errors and naive assertions. Several of their issues were completely false factually, which is not surprising since they did not have the notes for the course that only registered students had (where the many scientific references were listed and much more details were included). Listen here to the course originator, Professor Tim Patterson dismiss their findings and their ridiculous approach: Tom Harris
  35. Doug Hutcheson at 14:20 PM on 10 May 2012
    Tom Harris' Carleton University Climate Misinformation Class
    Perhaps Carleton could help students to focus on how to think, rather than what to think. Those who know how to think will see through Harris' misinformation; those who rely on him to tell them what to think will not realise that he is subtracting from the sum of human knowledge.
  36. Lindzen's Clouded Vision, Part 2: Risk
    Yes Dana, I agree it seems to have been politically influenced. I did see the links, but think it would be a good exercise to cover it more systematically to see how the concensus formed around it. @18 John, yes I saw the report. I meant I couldn't find any links to the Oxford/Princeton research that the reuters news item refered to.
  37. Turbines in Texas mix up nighttime heat
    It seems this story started a few months ago: How the 'windfarms increase climate change' myth was born The article that really gave this idea a push online was published on Sunday evening [Feb 5] on the Daily Mail's website. It was delivered with the headline: "Wind farms can actually INCREASE climate change by raising temperatures and causing downpours, warn academics." The original study is Roy and Traiteur 2010: Data from a meteorological field campaign show that such wind farms can significantly affect near-surface air temperatures. These effects result from enhanced vertical mixing due to turbulence generated by wind turbine rotors. The impacts of wind farms on local weather can be minimized by changing rotor design or by siting wind farms in regions with high natural turbulence. -- emphasis added So this 'windfarm heat island' is weather, not climate. I guess we can't expect the denialosphere to know the difference. The Guardian goes on to describe how the original author's work was misused to suit the Daily Mail's preconceived notions. "I am already getting emails on this. I will have to categorically say that the headline is not an accurate representation of my work. But I guess there is little I can do now." Sounds like the recent 'ikaite in Antarctica means MCA/MWP is global' flap. A pattern emerges that is disturbingly familiar, if you know your Ingsoc.
  38. 101 responses to Ian Plimer's climate questions
    @ 2. I don't think Plimer actually sent copies of his book to schools; I think it was the Institute of Public Affairs, an Australian right-wing "think-tank" which does not disclose its donors.
  39. Sceptical Wombat at 11:30 AM on 10 May 2012
    rbutr Puts Climate Information In Front of Those Who Need It Most
    Shane That's good to hear.
  40. 101 responses to Ian Plimer's climate questions
    Many of the questions and answers in Professor Plimer’s book are misleading and are based on inaccurate or selective interpretation of the science
    chriskoz, the format of Plimer's book - and it is a book - is to pre-arm the kiddies with the 'correct' answers to the questions, that they then may go well-equipped to waylay their potentially errant, overworked and warmism-addled teachers with a succession of 'gotchas!' All for the greater good, of course. Hence this counter-response from the Australian Government. And hence I think your 'acknowledgement' is rather too kind. Should you wish to subject yourself to the original it's available here. (I did get a chuckle when I observed the second publication in the 'Customers who bought this product also purchased...' list! ;-) ) Interestingly, Graham Readfearn reports that review copies were refused to some news outlets.
  41. Turbines in Texas mix up nighttime heat
    Like 70rn I find it hard to credit that many of those spinning this are doing much more than going through the motions. (There's a hell of a lot of whistling in the dark going on among the contrarians at the moment, and, to further mangle some metaphor, any straw must be not only clutched, it must be brandished aloft and proclaimed as a mighty oaken bough!) But who's really fooled? There was even a higher-than-usual count of 'hang on a minute' responses when this came up over at WUWT. You'd really have to be crazy-like-Fox to swallow the 'windfarms cause warming' tosh. But don't they just hate the windfarms? With a passion? The level of hysteria is palpable, and more than a little unsettling; the fervour required is, after all, inversely proportional to the inherent inoffensiveness of the technology. Why? Because the turbines represent the possibility of a workable future that simply must not be, lest the 'skeptic' be revealed as an irrelevant anachronism, and their world-view be blown to the winds. Spend some time at WUWT and Bishop Hill, and discover that, for some, any success of any renewable technology is an existential threat, so much so that they'd rather that the future be impossible.
  42. Turbines in Texas mix up nighttime heat
    I don't think Zhou (as reported) does have the fluid dynamics right. There's nothing to "bring warm air down to the ground". In an uninterrupted flow over a flat surface you get a fairly thin boundary layer with a more uniform velocity above. The boundary layer has a large velocity gradient and transfers heat very well; the uniform layer transfers heat poorly. Making the flow more turbulent enhances heat transfer in the uniform layer. But it thickens the boundary layer, which diminishes heat transfer there. A lot of the thinking about inversion layers (as here) is misplaced. It relates to a calm atmosphere. But then the turbines aren't doing anything. My view is that the effect is heat generated from turbulence - the part ofd the wind KE that was not converted to electricity. The scale matches. A wind farm generates enough power for a small town, and that power can create a UHI. The turbines are probably less than 50% efficient overall, so equivalent heat is also released at the wundfarm. You're seeing a UHI. But it isn't nett warming. The KE of the wind was always going to be converted to heat somewhere. The turbines move the location of the conversion.
  43. There is no consensus
    YellowElephant, you can easily tell when a consensus has been reached by working scientists and scientific organizations. Consensus occurs when scientists stop spending time, money, and energy to test hypotheses within an area. People stopped working on testing the radiative properties of atmospheric gases decades ago. The radiative properties of CO2 are well-established. Now, you might get the odd working engineer or geologist who doesn't understand the idea of pressure broadening, and who will make a claim like "CO2 effect is saturated!" The basics of AGW are old hat, even though blog sciency types keep making bizarre claims about them. Actual science has long since moved on to build successfully on those basics. As far as the human element goes, I've never heard an argument from a working scientist that makes the claim that we are not the source of the additional atmospheric CO2. I've read the opinion and work of hundreds and hundreds of working scientists who readily accept the mass balance argument corroborated by isotope studies. If you think you have evidence that there is not a consensus, present it. Change my mind. I take it that you have no time, energy, or training to work on understanding the science yourself. If that is the case (as it is with most of the general population), ask yourself why you believe what you believe. Why believe source X (who argues with great passion but no evidence) rather than source Y (who argues with evidence from a broad range of scientific disciplines).
  44. funglestrumpet at 07:28 AM on 10 May 2012
    Lindzen's Clouded Vision, Part 2: Risk
    If you listen via BBC iPlayer 'listen again' feature to 'Costing the Earth', BBC Radio 4, U.K. time 20.00 today (9th May), it will break your heart. It is all about coal, need I say more? I just hope that the denialati are called to account for their actions, especially Monckton.
  45. Why Are We Sure We're Right? #2
    "If you left any doubt consult a physicist" - that's a funny comment to leave on this forum! As Riccardo says, your statements here clearly show that you are criticizing something you havent understood. The responses have been trying to find out where you have gone wrong (eg do you understand why lapse rate is important?) and to encourage further study. It would be far more constructive if you took some time to study what the theory actually says instead of what you think it says. You can get plenty of help here on that.
  46. Two Centuries of Climate Science: part two - Hulburt to Keeling, 1931- 1965
    Fleming's book is a good read, The disagreement between Fleming and Weart on Fourier is marginal. It's true that Fourier was more interested on the temperature of space; nevertheless the idea of the role of the atmosphere is his. Callendar, instead, is rarely quoted despite he was the first (to my knowledge) to try to put up a global surface temperature record and to show the concomitant increase of CO2 and temperature. Maybe it's because he was wrong on several accounts. Archer and Pierrehumbert included one of his articles in their "The Warming Papers".
  47. Prudent Risk
    Tom, thanks for the clarification and my apologies for the misinterpret to Paul Magnus.
  48. It hasn't warmed since 1998
    Thank you, Daniel. I've seen worse in a thread, for sure. But, yes, agreed, I've also seen much, much better. :-)
  49. John Russell at 06:25 AM on 10 May 2012
    Turbines in Texas mix up nighttime heat
    Everyone who grows trees -- as I do -- knows that large structures create microclimates around them. I can take you to areas in my woods where trees planted ten year ago are twice the height of those in other areas, even though they were all planted at the same time. The difference is that the first trees were planted in the shadow of a group of much taller, mature trees and thus they've been exposed to warmer temperatures and less wind than those in the open. The same also happens when buildings create a wind shadow. The fact is, I'd have been astonished if it had been shown that tall structures like a wind farm didn't take energy out of the air and create microclimates. More on micro-climates here.
  50. Daniel Bailey at 06:19 AM on 10 May 2012
    Lindzen's Clouded Vision, Part 2: Risk
    @ Paul Sokolov et al 2009 (blogged on by Romm here) shows all 400 model runs exceeding 2C by 2100. Fig 8b shows SAT exceeding 2C before 2050: (middle red line above is ensemble mean for Sokolov) Betts et al 2011 (blogged on by Romm here), published in the Royal Society A, details a 4C world by 2070...

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