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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 63051 to 63100:

  1. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    1343, Rob, No, this is the Galileo thread. The Dunning-Kruger thread overloaded and exploded.
  2. Global Extinction: Gradual Doom as Bad as Abrupt
    Doug H - if you hate civilization so much, then maybe you should go to the African rift valley and chop off your thumbs. You would live a very short, hard, and hungry life in your "garden of eden." If you want to get philosophical, in 5 billion years the sun will become a red giant, and if there isn't an intelligent, spacefaring civilization around, life, the most amazing thing in the universe, could be destroyed forever. You seem to be saying that we all need to be punished for what we are currently doing to the planet. The important thing is that we learn from our mistakes and don't make them again. It makes me very sad that self-distructive nihilisim like this exists.
  3. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    18, owl905, My calculations were simply a "for instance" intended to give some measure of contrast to what the energy that melts 500 Gt of ice is capable of doing. Obviously this would be spread through the entire system (ocean/atmosphere) and eventually deeply into the ocean... although all of that would take time, and because of the high specific heat of water compared to air, the ocean is what really matters. The point isn't to demonstrate how much warming would have been caused if the ice hadn't been available to melt, but rather simply that 500 Gt of ice translates into a huge amount of energy.
  4. Dikran Marsupial at 00:01 AM on 27 February 2012
    2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    YOGI wrote: "Unlike the Earth I am internally heated so the [blanket] analogy is not safe" which clearly shows that YOGI has not the slightest familiarity with how the greenhouse effect works, which is not a good position from which to be questioning it. The atmosphere is largely transparent to visible and UV light, which makes up the majority of the Sun's radiation. Thus most of the Suns radiation is absorbed by the surface, which heats up as a result, and re-radiates this energy as IR radiation. Thus as far as the atmosphere is concerned, it is being heated from below by the surface, which is why the blanket analogy is perfectly reasonable, provided it is not extended beyond this most basic point. Now anybody who has made the slightest effort to understand the way in which the greenhouse effect works will know that already. Sadly the WWW is full of Dunning-Kruger sufferers who think that a few things they have read on climate blogs means they know more than scientists who work on this for a living. Generally all they manage is to make themselves look silly, as YOGI has done on this thread (he/she is not the first and I suspect will not be the last). The basic idea of the greenhouse effect goes back to the 1820s at the very least, so it would be extremely unusual for a physical theory to have survived this long if it contradicted a fundamental law of thermodynamics! Of course it doesn't. The error is to assume that the second law says that heat cannot flow from a cooler body to a warmer one. It doesn't, essentially the net flow of heat must be from the warmer body to the cooler one, and even then it is only true in a statistical sense after the exchange of a sufficiently large number of IR photons. To see this is true, consider a thought experiment, where there are two identical bodies, separated by a small gap, both of which are only slightly above absolute zero. One is warm enough to emit photons of IR at random at an average rate of one per year (365 days). The other is a little cooler, so that it radiates a photon at an average rate of one per 366 days. If you observed them for a month, then assuming one photon was emitted by one body and absorbed by the other in that month, it is almost as likely to have gone from the cooler body to the warmer body, thus making the warmer body a little warmer. However this is not in contradiction of the second law of thermodynamics. If you observe the bodies for long enough, you will find that slightly more IR photons from the warmer body are absorbed by the cooler body than vice versa, and hence the net flow of heat is from warmer to cooler. Anyway, I hope my exchange with YOGI has demonstrated that he/she is not here for rational discussion of the science, and is not worth the effort. DNFTT.
  5. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    From Peru: So we know that he total heat budget should be pretty closely tied to the total radiative balance. 2004-2011 saw an exceptionally low level of solar activity, knocking around a tenth of a W m-2 off the heating rate. That explains some of it. Other recent work showing an increase in aerosol optical depth thanks to China and decreasing statospheric water vapour would also reduce the heating. Cyclical or random 'weather' factors could also be involved. Accounting for this in the way that The aerosol optical depth effect won't stay forever. I suspect it won't continue to grow for that much longer. The drying of the stratosphere is a weird one. It has to continue to dry to carry on cancelling out the growing greenhouse heating, and I've no idea what'll happen to that!
  6. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    From Peru - Go to the thread suggested by Tom Curtis & we'll discuss it there. I understand why you are confused, but you are making some assumptions that are simply not valid.
  7. Global Extinction: Gradual Doom as Bad as Abrupt
    Owl9005 @30 "You fall on your facia with the Punjab as an example that isn't about technology - while you acknowledge all the technology used to make it succeed." Key point about you comment - you are speaking in the past tense. The question isn't whether something has 'succeeded'! It is whether that success is or can be enduring. Yes Owl, the technology allowed it to succeed. For now. By being so good at consuming a resource - groundwater - that for a time the good times rolled. And still are at present. But the water tables keep on dropping. And they can't do that forever. What happens when the technology of pumps runs up against the lack of resources availabe to be pumped? This is the fallacy of always assuming that technology will provide long term answers rather than just stop-gaps for a few decades. Technology is neutral. We can use it to solve problems or compound them. Technology doesn't solve problems, sensible thinking does. Technology is simply the 'force multiplier' for other judgements.
  8. Monckton Misrepresents Reality (Part 3)
    @Tom 7, thanks for the reply, but it doesn't register here. The heat sink capacity of the deep oceans is too large to suggest it's a temporary exception. 'Warming the deep oceans will make it harder for heat to flow' ... then it shouldn't have started in the 00's after almost two centuries of rising temperatures. And suggesting that one or two degrees in deep currents or the Thermo conveyor creates resistance ... another non-starter here. It doesn't end. This theory of the 'temporary deep ocean sink' still looks very fundamentally flawed. If something new, or different, or an oscillation, provides transport to the deep ocean - there's nothing obvious that's going to drive it back to the surface.
  9. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    From Peru @33: I) The atmosphere and land surface have not been warming more steadily than the ocean. It is just that because most heat goes into the ocean, fluctuations in the land/atmosphere/cryosphere heat content are difficult to see on the chart. III) Again, the deep ocean has also experience fluctuations in heat gain, more or less coincident and opposite in direction to those of the surface ocean. Having said that, there is a far more detailed discussion of just this issue here. I recommend you read it, and then post any further comments on that thread.
  10. Uncertainty Is Not the Basis for Investment
    Pete @61. Agreed. The real world is more complex that my example. My point is that their is an underlying driver for water vapour increase that does not depend on increased evaporation.
  11. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    A different way of looking at sphaerica's calcs. Total heat from melting ice is 1.665 x 10^20 J Mass of the atmosphere is around 5 x 10^21 grams. Specific heat of Air as about 1 j/gK So the heat of ice melt is the equivalent of a uniform rise in Air temps of 1.665 x 10^20/5 x 10^21 which equals 0.0333 K/year or 0.333 K/decade. And we are seeing air temperature rises of the order of 0.15 K/decade. That seems to say that ice melt is consuming twice as much heat as atmospheric warming. Or if ice wasn't melting, the atmosphere might be warming 3 times as fast. So what happens when we run out of ice?
  12. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    Tom Curtis: I am just trying to find the solution to the apparent contradictory findings that: 1)sea level rise has slowed slightly while the ice sheets in Antartica, Greenland and most of the land glaciers are suffering accelerating melting due to surface warming. 2)To explain 1, thermosteric sea level rise must had slowed down (i.e. the oceans are warming more slowly since 2004), while surface and atmospheric temperatures have continued to warm without slowing (the rate of warming has been nearly constant, as Foster and Rahmstorf found). 3)In effect, temperature mesurements of the deep sea have shown us that ocean warming has continued, but at a slower rate. The contradiction with the surface record was partly reduced when the 0-2000 meter deep ocean heat content data was published, (not long ago only the 0-700 m Ocean heat content(OHC) was avaivable, and it showed almost no warming since 2004) but still show significantly less warming in the last decade than in the previous decade. How can happen that: I)The atmosphere and land surface are warming steadily II)The 700 upper meters of the sea are warming a lot more slowly since 2004 than in the few decades before III) The deep ocean is warming steadily What is happening in the shallow ocean?
  13. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    From Peru @31, the chart you show shows a trend of increasing Earth Total Heat Content of approximately 6.4 x10^21 Joules per annum. That is the equivalent of a 1.1 W/m^2 energy imbalance globally averaged. The question is, does the currently reduced energy imbalance indicate the imbalance will be reduced into the future, ie, is global warming slowed down? Well, as it happens the plateau in ETHC around 1974/75 associated with one of the largest La Nina's on record did not indicate that. Neither did the plateau around 1984 associated with the El Chichon volcanic eruption and one of the largest El Nino's on record. Nor did the plateau in the early 1990's associated with the Pinatubo eruption. Nor did the decline in ETHC in the late 1990s associated with the other of the two largest El Nino's on record. Despite this, you now want to tell me the reduction in gain in ETHC around 2008/9 represents a slow down of global warming, even though it is associated with the deepest solar minimum since 1910 and a strong La Nina? Are you really going to conclude that a Foster and Rahmstorf style analysis of ETHC must fail simply on the basis that it has not been done yet, and that it succeeded when applied to temperatures?
  14. Sceptical Wombat at 16:29 PM on 26 February 2012
    Monckton Misrepresents Reality (Part 3)
    Tom Curtis @ 6 Thanks
  15. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    Tom Curtis: You said: "you need to determine what the change of temperature would have been without the effect of known short term influences such as ENSO, and the solar cycle.Foster and Rahmstorf have done exactly that and shown no reduction in the global warming trend" I believed exactly that just an hour before, but after seeing the 0-2000 meters ocean heat content/thermosteric sea level timeseries with more attention(as your previous comment suggested me to do) I realized that I was wrong. The nearly constant warming that Foster and Rahmstorf found covers just the Earth surface and the atmosphere. However 90% of the warming occurrs in the oceans... and there the 1992-2003 warming was bigger than the 2004-2011 one. That explains the non-acceleration of sea level rise despite the ongoing accelerating meltdown. You told me that in the previous comment...why you are now telling that global warming has not slowed down?
  16. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    Ahem... Um, is this the Dunning-Kruger thread?
  17. Tropical Thermostats and Global Warming
    My speculative hypothesis for the "Tropical Thermostat" is an anti-phased relationship between solar insolation and ocean upwelling. That is, the hotter the sun, the stronger the upwelling of cool water. At some point the rate of warming from the sun is matched by the rate of cooling from upwelling and a temperature plateau is reached. This mechanism could concievably act as a natural temperature governor across the tropics. The rate of ocean upwelling could be correlated with annual variations in a number of related phenomena, such as deep convection, trade winds, or the migation of the ITCZ. This might be relatively easy to test. For instance, a cross-correlation analysis of ARGO and solar insolation data would determine if the signals are anti-phased. That being said, I still wouldn't bet that tommorrow's tempeature plateau would be the same as today's. I imagine that the rise in the DC signal has a corresponding impact on the AC signal.
  18. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    From Peru @28, "Global warming" refers to the background trend, not to annual fluctuations. Therefore, while the rate of increase of temperatures has slowed down, but there is no evidence that the pace of global warming has slowed. To determine whether or not Global Warming has slowed down, you need to determine what the change of temperature would have been without the effect of known short term influences such as ENSO, and the solar cycle. Foster and Rahmstorf have done exactly that and shown no reduction in the global warming trend. Therefore, in the near future when we are at a solar maximum and have an El Nino we can expect global temperature records to be smashed again. After that, of course, we can expect so-called climate skeptics to write endless blogs about how there has been no warming since 2013 or 2014.
  19. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    From Peru - "The slowdown in global warming during the last decade was real and not an ENSO + Solar driven (because of the big La Niñas + reduced solar activity in recent years) artifact? I hope you realize that none of those are mutually exclusive. We've been down this road with comments before. Some readers, for whatever reason, seem to want to pin this on one factor alone, when in fact it may be due to multiple factors. The trend toward more intense and dominant La Nina at the end of the 'noughties' has clearly affected global surface temperatures, but so too has the solar cycle, and maybe those Asian aerosols (reflective particles of pollution). The slower rate of ocean heat uptake is partially a result of the downward trend in the solar cycle through the 'noughties'. Not only did it (solar output) reach the lowest solar sunspot cycle in a century, but it also lasted 2 years longer than normal. But the solar cycle trend is now upwards, and due to the 18 month-24 month thermal lag of the oceans, we will soon see this manifest itself in global surface temperatures. See SkS posts: NASA scientists expect more rapid global warming in the very near future Personally I find it a little troubling that all these factors lined up to cool the Earth, and yet it keeps absorbing more heat. That heat will make soon make itself felt in the next El Nino. It's lurking down there below the 100 metre layer of the surface ocean ready to pounce!
  20. Monckton Misrepresents Reality (Part 3)
    Owl905 @5, while I agree saying that the heat in the deep ocean will return to the surface in the near future is slightly inaccurate, never-the-less the heat in the deep ocean will contribute to future warming. That is because warming the deep oceans makes it harder for heat to flow to the deep oceans, so that in the near future we can expect a greater proportion of the warming from enhanced greenhouse gas concentrations and feedbacks to be retained at the surface. The effect of that will be a more rapid temperature rise. Consequently, while the language may not have been precise,the point being made was entirely accurate.
  21. Monckton Misrepresents Reality (Part 3)
    Sceptical Wombat @3, you raise an interesting point. As it happens, in his St Pauls address, Monckton accused the IPCC of "... a statistical lie known as the start point or end point fallacy" based on the same graph. That is, of course, a very different argument to that which he made in response to Dana, and which is discussed above. But while Monckton's purported reasons change, his conclusion (that the IPCC lied) never does. His argument against the IPCC in St Paul was, of course, entirely invalid. The start point fallacy is committed when just a small change in start point makes a large change in the determined trend. The way you avoid the start point or end point fallacy is you ensure that all trends shown are statistically significant. As the shortest trend shown by the IPCC is 25 years, all the trends they show are statistically significant. Therefore they did not commit the start point fallacy. It really is that simple, but you don't need to know statistics or check statistical significance to see that Monckton was entirely misrepresenting the facts of the matter. Nick Stokes has developed a trend viewer, which is available at his blog, Moyhu. The viewer shows all trends in the given data set, from any start date to any end date. To read it, you pick a start year on the Y axis, then scan across till you come to the end date that you want, on the X axis (or vise versa). The colour of the relevant point on the graph will then show you the trend. Care does need to be taken because of Nick's unusual colour scheme. Specifically, he uses the yellower shades of green to indicate small positive trends, and bluer shades of green to indicate small negative trends. When looking at shades of green, therefore, look for the grey zone indicating near zero trend to make sure you know the sign of the trend in that area. Just to confuse things further, he also uses grey between to shades of orange to indicate a strong positive trend, so those regions of grey are not to be confused with the grey sections found in green areas and indicating near zero trends. With that warning in mind, here is the HadCRUT3 plot with the end year 2005 (approximately) marked out clearly by a black border: First, you will notice that for every trend with start year prior to 1987 that ends in 2005, the trend is positive. Second, you will notice that for every trend with a start year prior to 1987 that ends in 2005, the general pattern is that the more recent the start year, the stronger the trend. Third, you will notice that the same is true for all end years between 1995 and 2012, provided that you only consider trends at least 20 years in length. The reason for the twenty year limit is only to ensure statistical significance. However, with that limit you can see that the general pattern is robust with respect to start points and end points. That is, there is no start point (or end point) fallacy involved. I should further not that I have only used HadCRUT3 to enable direct comparison with the IPCC Graph. HadCRUT3 is less accurate than either the NCDC or GISTEMP temperature indices, and indeed is soon to be supplanted by HadCRUT4. All of NCDC, GISTEMP and HadCRUT4 show this pattern even more strongly than does HadCRUT3.
  22. Radiative Balance, Feedback, and Runaway Warming
    Tom Actually Charlie is correct here. Climate scientists usually don't define the Stefan-Boltzmann response as a feedback whatsoever, but rather as the baseline relative to how other feedbacks are referenced. Take the following image for example (from Roe, 2009): Roe 2009 Here the y-axis is the feedback factor,f, typically associated with the equation 1/1-f. Climate sensitivity is proportional to 1/1-f. More specifically it is *equal to* CS=b/1-f where b is the response you'd get in a system that only had the Stefan-Boltzmann response operating. Thus, in the limit where we have no feedbacks, f=0 and the equation reduces to CS=b. That is, you'd get the response from just the Stefan-Boltzmann response. In the above graph, the "all" feedback factor is positive, f=0.6 or so. This means that CS = b/0.4 = 2.5b (i.e., climate sensitivity is inflated by a factor of 2.5). Note however that the Stefan-Boltzmann response is not included in the graph.
  23. Search For 'Missing Heat' Confirms More Global Warming 'In The Pipeline'
    neil - Even if CO2 emission halted tomorrow, and aerosols were not a factor (pretty big "ifs", mind you), there would still be some warming in the pipeline. Currently the oceans are absorbing ~40% of our emissions, call it 2ppm/yr. The climate is still catching up to emissions from decades ago. Until the oceanic drawdown zeros out TOA imbalances, we will continue to increase the energy in the climate. That means increases in surface temperatures as well as oceanic. Only when that imbalance is canceled will we see a halt in temperature increases - the two processes have quite a distance before they meet.
  24. Search For 'Missing Heat' Confirms More Global Warming 'In The Pipeline'
    Neil - "The fully-coupled models used for IPCC AR4 were only 'physical' models. They did not contain carbon-cycles, so carbon could not be advected around or exchanged between natural reservoirs." And yet the IPCC AR4 has a whole chapter dedicated to coupled climate-carbon cycle projections. I have no idea why you think the AR4 would neglect something so obvious, but you can't have read the AR4 in any event. "For zero emissions, (or the commitment to past emissions), there is no future warming, as explained previously." Errr, no. The 'no warming' scenario only occurs if aerosols are held constant. Clearly that is not possible. Once the same activity, the burning of fossil fuels, ceases, so too will the reflective aerosol shield which has prevented further warming thus far. How big this future warming may be is not yet known, because we don't have a good handle on the size of the cooling effect of aerosols , nor how sensitive the climate really is. And, as I stated earlier, the carbon cycle models may not be accurately modeling the terrestrial carbon sink. Land vegetation is a strong carbon sink because of forest re-growth - especially in the tropics. See Pan (2011). But the carbon cycle models show a strong draw-down of CO2 both presently and in the future due to CO2 fertilization - increased plant growth soaking up CO2. Trouble is it isn't happening. A number of regional studies show that the CO2 fertilization effect, if it did exist in the region, has since ceased. And the most telling is Penuelas (2011), which is a global study, and likewise finds no evidence of the CO2 fertilization effect. This is troubling because the carbon cycle models project many decades worth of annual fossil fuel emissions (at the present rate) are expected to be absorbed by the proposed CO2 fertilization effect. Let's hope it kicks in at some point, or things could be much worse than currently projected. " Don't get confused between heat and temperature!! The ocean can absorb a massive amount of heat, but the average temperature of the ocean (and particulalrly the deep ocean) will remain below the temperature of the surface! Thus the direction of the heat flux remains downward!" I think you need to consider for a moment how the global surface warms. Have you never heard of evaporation, convection and conduction? How do you propose the atmosphere warms if heat only travels downwards? And don't run away - answer the question. I think it's a useful lesson in logic.
  25. Monckton Misrepresents Reality (Part 3)
    Good dart-point responses to Moncton's mumbo-jumbo. ... except for the 'magic' about the heat transferred to the deep ocean coming back and adding to surface heating in the near term. That description: "so the heat doesn't stay there forever, and eventually the stored heat warms surface temperatures as well." ... is the type of tilt usually associated with pro-pollutionists. The fallacies are rift. SKS really needs to walk through a warming-force in the atmosphere partnered with a huge reservoir of ice-cold deep ocean currents and pools. The claim states the deep oceans are the destination of recent warming, versus recent flattening in both atmospheric and 0-700metre ocean depths. Then that heat is getting down into currents that may not surface for a 1,000 years: "The deep water slowly travels south through the oceanic abyss, eventually mixing upward to the surface in different parts of the world up to 1,000 years later." If the gyres are the transport down, and the current is slow, the heat will also spread into the surrounding deep cold currents. It's not magic - it's the same process that warmed all spheres - atmosphere, land, and oceans - during deglaciation periods. The starting point for the analysis is to confirm deep ocean warming. Then put focus on the downward transport during three distinct sea-surface states: El Nino ENSO-neutral, and La Nina.
  26. Monckton Misrepresents Reality (Part 3)
    Tom Curtis @ 2, that is the Catch 22, isn't it? Scientists need to follow the scientific method in opposing the psuedo-science of people like Michaels and Monckton. Non-scientists like me could presumably take them on in civilian court action only if we could prove they are causing us harm through their actions and that would be a very slippery slope, as we non-scientists would have to rely on science to prove our case, but that is not the scientific way. The underlying problem is one of publicity, not science. Eliminating Michaels and Monckton would only result in some other sock-puppets taking their place. If only there was a Heartland equivalent working to promote truth and reality. Clever marketing is creating the political inertia and I suspect only clever marketing will be able to overcome the inertia. By the time Earth's climate is so badly dislocated that Mr. Average can understand what is happening, it will be too late.
  27. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    Tom Curtis: After seeing the curve again, I realized that in effect thermo-steric sea level rise slowed down after 2003. So after all,the ocean warmed less after 2004 than in 1992-2003 period? The slowdown in global warming during the last decade was real and not an ENSO + Solar driven (because of the big La Niñas + reduced solar activity in recent years) artifact?
  28. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    Doug H @26, as I said, "...the massive and wide spread flooding in 2010 resulted in a decrease in ocean mass, also adding to the reduced trend." But thank you for the graphic illustrating the point.
  29. Sceptical Wombat at 12:40 PM on 26 February 2012
    Monckton Misrepresents Reality (Part 3)
    The obvious question with the IPPC graph which shows that warming has been accelerating is to what extent it is dependent on start dates. It would be interesting to graph the rate of increase to 2005 from each year from 1856 to 1981.
  30. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    Tom Curtis @ 25, What impact on sea level have the following had over the last few years?
    1. Increased atmospheric water vapour, due to increased temperatures
    2. Increased precipitation over land, resulting from increased atmospheric water vapour
    Here is a jpg map of the Earth, showing how GRACE measured various places gaining water mass over a recent year. Would these have a measurable impact on sea levels?
  31. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    From Peru @24, your third chart shows a clear reduction in the rate of seal level rise due to the warming of the oceans in 2004 (steric sea level rise). As steric sea level represented more than half of the total contribution to sea level rise up to that point, the surprising thing is that the rate of sea level rise did not (approximately) halve at that time. Clearly an increase in ocean mass has partially countered a decrease in steric sea level rise. It should be noted that the massive and wide spread flooding in 2010 resulted in a decrease in ocean mass, also adding to the reduced trend.
  32. Global Extinction: Gradual Doom as Bad as Abrupt
    JP40 @ 33, you say
    "settlements in space could be the only way to preserve our civilization and our species"
    Even if our space settlements could survive the randomness of critical failures of equipment, or damage from the likes of meteorites and even if they had the capability to engineer replacement parts for failed equipment, I earnestly hope that they would not preserve our civilisation. After all, it is our civilised treatment of our home planet that is causing us to consider alternatives. I am saddened by the thought that all we have learned during our evolution may be lost, but I wonder whether knowledge has not been the poisoned fruit which now threatens us. If only we had never developed opposed thumbs, the world would still be Eden and humanity would be innocent of its crimes.
  33. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    One thing perplexes me: How can ocean mass sea level rise be accelerating (due to accelerating melt in Antartica and Greenland) while total sea level rise has not done the same thing? During 1993-2011, we have had a nearly constant rate of 3.2 mm/yr of SLR: Even worse, for 2003-2011 the linear trend dropped to 2.55 mm/yr: Source: AVISO One could think that steric sea level rise (a change in sea level caused by temperature and salinity changes)has slowed, balancing the ocean mass sea level rise acceleration, but that is not true: Source: NODC Where is the missing sea level rise?
  34. Radiative Balance, Feedback, and Runaway Warming
    Charlie A @21, I believe climate scientists use the term "net positive feedback" to mean that the feedback including the Stefan-Boltzmann radiation term is positive, ie, that the temperature response of the initial forcing plus the feedback is larger than the temperature response of the initial forcing alone.
  35. Positive feedback means runaway warming
    David Lewis @109, in that lecture, Hansen says,
    "Our model blows up before the oceans boil, but it suggests that perhaps runaway conditions could occur with added forcing as small as 10-20 W/m2."
    A 10 W/m^2 forcing, the lower limit of the range where a runaway greenhouse effect could be caused represents a 2.7 times doubling of CO2 concentration, or 1800 ppmv. To put that into perspective, the complete combustion of all currently known and speculated oil, gas and coal reserves would raise the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere to 1366 ppmv, or approx 8.5 W/m^2 forcing. Even where we foolish enough to do that, we could not realistically do it in a century, so there would be plenty of time to turn back from our folly. What concerns Hansen is the possible massive release of Methane from clathrates and from thawed tundra adding over 1000 ppmv of CO2 to the atmosphere; or if done quickly enough, acting as a direct forcing of much greater magnitude. Fortunately the probability of a methane release of that magnitude, or a rapid enough methane release to lift the forcing over the 10 W/m^2 level for the possibility of a runaway greenhouse effect is remote. I note that Hansen indicates that the run away effect is a "dead certainty" not only if we consume all coal, but also all tars (shale oil & tar sands). That indeed would lift CO2 concentrations above his lower limit for possibility, which together with a clathrate gun is would lift CO2 concentrations beyond the level where his model blows up. Again, however, this is not a prospect for this coming century because we cannot consume the coals fast enough on any likely economic scenario. More to the point, Hansen is simply wrong about this prospect, as is elegantly discussed by Chris Colose in his recent blog post on SkS. The upshot is, if we go for a suicide pact (burn all tars and coal), we can in fact make large portions of the planet literally uninhabitable by warm blooded creatures; but we cannot turn Earth into another Venus, or extinguish all life on Earth. (If nothing else, hypothermophiles will continue to hold on in geysers and ocean ridges. I'm sure that is a comforting thought.
  36. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    I will read the Trenberth guest post and comment later, thank you.
  37. Monckton Misrepresents Reality (Part 3)
    JoeTheScientist @2, No! And nor do we want to. Even on an issue so important, science works by the open exchange of ideas. Well, actually it works by the open and honest exchange of ideas, so what Monckton does is anti-science, but because of the way science works, it can only defend itself by the open exchange of ideas. As soon as scientists think they can rely on more than that, they kill that which they are trying to defend, as Lysenko did in the Soviet Union.
  38. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    Yogi 1338, If, hypothetically speaking, the source of heat on earth is internally generated, would you, in this case, agree that the earth will be warmer with water vapour present compared to the case without?
    Moderator Response: [JH] Please do not feed the troll.
  39. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    "[DB] You are advised to read the entire thread above, as your fallacy has been corrected several times already." Nutshell it for me now if you can, unless you can link me to the relevant comment, I`m not going to read all the comments for it.

    [DB] If you cannot be bothered to read work already done, there for inspection, then why should anyone here engage you?  Perhaps if you succinctly narrow down your objection to the one thing you want to hang your hat on then someone here will be able to help you.

    Unless your goal is to simply waste the time of others.  As also has been evidenced on this thread.

  40. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    Response: [JH] Your propensisty to post factoids without context...... It was not out of context. I was commenting on the SOD link at #1333. And the data shows that daily min/max soil temp`s range less than the atmosphere.
    Moderator Response: [JH] You are skating on very thin ice. Please cease and desist.
  41. Satellites find over 500 billion tons of land ice melting worldwide every year, headlines focus on Himalayas
    Excuse my ignorance, what does,"the red spot in Africa is an artifact" mean and why do we have blue spot in the Pilbara region of WA,yes there is geological evidence of ice sheets at Marble Bar, but certainly not in the time these satellites have been recording data?
  42. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    #1336 "Are you warmer if you cover yourself in a blanket than you would be without the blanket? Yes of course you are, because the blanket back-radiates some of your body heat." Unlike the Earth I am internally heated so the analogy is not safe, but if the blanket is bright white, it could be handy to reflect the sunshine on a really hot day. But for an externally heated system such as Earth, to have 235W/m go in and out, but to reach 390 watts within the system is impossible: [link]
    Moderator Response:

    [DB] You are advised to read the entire thread above, as your fallacy has been corrected several times already.

    Additionally, you would be wise to read this guest post by Dr. Trenberth for yet further exposition into the subject.  It contains this updated version of the graphic you link:

    Click to enlarge

    [RH] Hotlinked url that was breaking page format.
  43. Global Extinction: Gradual Doom as Bad as Abrupt
    The technology needed for accomplishing a task isn't a guarantee to it getting done. We see this now with space travel exploration, but it also applies to climate change issues. Just because we know how to build wind turbines, solar plants, indoor airoponic farms, and sea barriers, doesn't mean we will be able to stop a collapse of civilization due to climate change and overpopulation related problems. The main problem in the western world, and especially America is the capitalist economy. A large corporation, as a collective entity of people pursuing their personal goals, has absolutely no intrest in reducing its profit margins, in the long term intrest of helping our civilization survive. That, and the fact that politics works a similar way, with politicians only concerned about getting reelected, Is the main reason why climate change denial is so wide-spread. In WW2, the government ordered car companies to start making tanks, jeeps, and aircraft. If a strong-willed president tried that today, with renewable energy, he/she would be called a commie and would get almost no support from congress. Technology is useless if the power behind the money needed to implement it won't act in the long-term best intrest of its people.
  44. Global Extinction: Gradual Doom as Bad as Abrupt
    Bernard J. - I agree with you that for humanity to survive on earth, and for the earth to survive, we need far fewer people living on it. But, I strongly dissagree with your dismissal of the possibility of colonizing space. The amount of energy required for moving people that far is mostly irrelevant, because there is no friction in space. After a spacecraft reaches its cruising speed, it doesn't need to fire its engines until it reaches its destination. As Robert Heinlein said "Get to low earth orbit and you're halfway to anywhere in the solar system." Most of the massive Saturn-5 rocket that sent the Apollo astronauts to the moon was just to get the rocket out of the atmosphere. We have the technology right now to colonize the moon and put a permanent outpost on Mars. It's only a matter of a government putting the 20-30 billion USD required into its space program. The only other issue is time. Using our current rocket technology, it takes 1-2 earth years to get to Mars. I liken it to the age of exploration in the 1500s. Where people decided to get on a boat and start a new life in the "new world." People then couldn't imagine that now we can cross the Atlantic in a few hours. With radiation protection, people could live their entire lives on Mars, or rotating space stations. Probably not on the moon, because of the affects of low gravity on people. Getting back to the topic, if human damage to the environment triggers the same chain of events as in the P-T extinction, settlements in space could be the only way to preserve our civilization and our species. As Carl Sagan said "All civilizations become either spacefaring or extinct."
  45. Radiative Balance, Feedback, and Runaway Warming
    @Saurj 16 - thanks for the expansion. For the purpose of ChrisC's review, maybe ppmv would work. @ChrisC - After three rounds of Moncton and the greatest extinction in the history of earth, explaining blackbody, sensitivity, and the temperature/gas dance with a few simple graphs ... is a grand slam. Maybe you could send this to the guys at The Big Bang Theory ... even Penny might get this one.
  46. Medieval Warm Period was warmer
    cjshaker, there's a nice 'hockey-stick' available at the first link you provided :
  47. Radiative Balance, Feedback, and Runaway Warming
    This is an areas where semantics and precise meanings DO matter. Many climate scientists use the term "net positive feedback" to mean that all second order feedbacks other than the Stefan-Boltzmann radiation term are positive. That is quite different than a true net positive feedback, where the positive feedbacks are larger than the negative feedback of ithe increase in radiation caused by the increase in temperature.
  48. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    #1333 S.O.D. article: "Notice that DLR does not drop significantly overnight. This is because of the heat capacity of the atmosphere – it cools down, but not as quickly as the ground." Thats bigger than some of the seasonal variation !
    Moderator Response: [JH] Your propensisty to post factoids without context is wearing very thin. It's like someone throwing gobs of paint against a wall and hoping that some will stick. At the end of the day, the wall is a complete mess. Please cease and desist.
  49. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    Yogi, Let me state this clearly. You are wrong and confused. You are religiously clinging to a misunderstanding of the science. You do not need Dikran or anyone else to walk you, step by painful step, through the thought process. What you need is to simply say to yourself "gee, maybe I don't understand all this, and I should open my mind, and go read and learn, and then come back when I have a better understanding of things." Trying to convince everyone else that you know better than all of science is a waste of everybody's time.
  50. Dikran Marsupial at 07:58 AM on 26 February 2012
    2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    YOGI Sorry, nobody can say I haven't been extreemly patient with you, but again you are playing word games. Nobody has said that back-radiation makes the surface warmer, just that it makes the surface warmer than it would otherwise be. Are you warmer if you cover yourself in a blanket than you would be without the blanket? Yes of course you are, because the blanket back-radiates some of your body heat. Likewise the back radiation from GHGs causes the earth to loose the heat it gains from absorbing visible and UV light from the sun more slowly by returning some of the out-bound IR back to the surface. I have had more than enough of this discussion; had you behaved better I would continue, but life is just too short.

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