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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 66001 to 66050:

  1. Philippe Chantreau at 03:34 AM on 23 January 2012
    A Comprehensive Review of the Causes of Global Warming
    Patonomics your repeating of the same sentence as if it was a mantra does not flatter others' perceptions of your intrinsic ability to reason on your own. The U. of Waikato's language is overly simplified and erroneously compares level of certainty of concepts that can not be put on the same scale. It is inadequate and misleads the readers into thinking that there is a hierarchy where there isn't one. Thinking critically involves scrutiny of even the sources that teach us to think. Are you always going to recite the same mantra from U.Wai?
  2. How do Climate Models Work?
    Kate, I've been a bit overwhelmed with work, so I didn't get to see this post before you put it up, but when you mention that grid cells are often 100 km wide, which seems large, you might also point out that the surface of the earth is 510,072,000 km2. A 100 km cube/wedge will have a contact surface area of of 10,000 km2. This means (not accounting exactly for the spherical shape of the earth, and how the wedges change in dimensions as one approaches the poles) that you have somewhere around 51,000 cubes in your surface grid alone!!! And then you need to multiply that by the number of levels in your atmospheric representation! So while 100 km may seem "huge" to a small, lonely, self-centered person (or any other sort of person), when one is talking about a global climate model... not so much.
  3. Philippe Chantreau at 03:10 AM on 23 January 2012
    Climate Change Denial and the Media - Banishment of Science Reality
    Skeptikal, the fact that you bought into the myth that scientists were predicting an ice-age in the 70s clearly indicate that you are lacking on the skepticism front. Yet you adorn yourself with that screen name. What did you expect? There is no shortage of ways for you to prove that you are not a fake, if you truly are not one.
  4. Climate Change Denial and the Media - Banishment of Science Reality
    I think the comment in 26 should be appended to the comments policy or displayed in the user registration page...
  5. Climate Change Denial and the Media - Banishment of Science Reality
    skeptikal, you will find that the tones and assumptions you make in your comments tend to get reflected in the tones of the responses. Re-read your original comment for its tone and assumptions, then re-read the immediate responses to that comment for their tones. Then re-read your subsequent comment for its improved tone and assumptions, and note the consequent improvement in the tones of the responses. It is typical for commenters new to Skeptical Science to adopt a combative, assumptive, and scattershot approach that is typical on other sites that have looser commenting policies. The typical result is what you experienced initially. It is also not unusual for such commenters to finally read the comments policy carefully, including the requirement to stick narrowly to the topic of the particular post you are commenting on, and to use the Arguments list (hover over the Arguments link in the horizontal bar at the top of the page to see alternative presentations), and the Search function to find the appropriate thread, read that original post first, and only then comment. Especially helpful is to click on the Newcomers and Big Picture buttons at the top of the home page and follow the suggestions there. When commenters then adapt their approach accordingly, they have a much improved experience. I believe "Eric (skeptic)" had that experience; he seems to enjoy most of his interactions here and his contributions are appreciated by other commenters, authors, and moderators despite his definite planting of at least one foot in the skeptic camp. (Caveat: He seems to be more of a true skeptic than a denier, which is a big help.) Eric should correct me if I have misrepresented his experience.
  6. Climate Change Denial and the Media - Banishment of Science Reality
    Tom Dayton & muoncounter, thanks for taking me seriously. Tom, there's quite a lot of links on Tamino's Climate Data Links page you gave me. Should keep me busy for a while. muoncounter, thanks for encouraging me to read the SkS posts that explicitly address my need to be convinced, but I've already been labelled a fake and don't feel all that comfortable here. Does anyone know what I have to do to cancel my membership?
  7. Arctic methane outgassing on the E Siberian Shelf part 2 - an interview with Dr Natalia Shakhova
    How does the methane and nitrous oxide from permafrost thaw and denitrification, affect the ozone layer? "At low latitudes, methane in the stratosphere breaks down into hydrogen oxides, which attack ozone. Nitrous oxide can decompose to form ozone-eating nitrogen oxides. " Last year they found a ozone hole at the north pole, at the size of the south pole ozone hole.
  8. Climate Change Denial and the Media - Banishment of Science Reality
    Naomi Oreskes has an interesting Op-Ed piece in the Los Angeles Times. She likens Climate Science to a trial and the scientists to the jury. The first two comments were deniers.
  9. Arctic methane outgassing on the E Siberian Shelf part 2 - an interview with Dr Natalia Shakhova
    Wili, In response to your first question, clearly the methane is being released as a feedback to warming. What I was careful NOT to say was to which bit of the warming: that resultant from the Holocene transgression or that heaped upon it by Mankind. At the moment, we don't know, as Shakhove herself says: the point is we need to evaluate the situation further. How one goes about determining whether the post-1980s abrupt seawater warming reported by Dmintrenko et al is causing this effect I don't know, but I would hazard a guess that should the rate of methane emissions in the coming years be found to be increasing in tune with this extra warming then we should have a pretty good idea, likewise with the ARS data you refer to.
  10. A Comprehensive Review of the Causes of Global Warming
    Patanomics, the equation you seek is called a climate model. See the climate model thread which starts with a simple equation just like you asked for!
  11. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    AT #1 Possibly missing several things. Between 1910 and 1955 the worlds temperature record was in flux. Initially stations were being added to the Arctic. Then much latter stations were added to the Antarctic. So the temperature record has some significant possible distortions during that period. Also the SST record was distorted due to a discontinuity caused by a shift in the proportion nof nUS vs UK ships involved in SST measurement during the War Years. So one cannot assume that the 1910/40 curve is really the result of an early warming pattern, rather than simply a result of othet factors not well analysed. And without that curve, the longer term pattern has a different meaning.
  12. How do Climate Models Work?
    As this is a basic article on how climate models work, I'm not sure if my question is on the right place. The last figure shows the observed ice loss vs. the IPCC projection, do you know how much energy this extra melt has taken? I'd imagine it's out of the other parts of the earth system, so a slight overestimate of temperatures could be seen elsewhere in the models. I guess what I mean to ask is, has the heat transport from the tropics to polar areas speeded up, and how could this be measured?
  13. A Comprehensive Review of the Causes of Global Warming
    patanomics. Not wanting to seem to dump on you, but the idea of a few equations that encapsulate what you are looking for is rather simplistic. The function you are looking for probably has lot more aspects than that, including complex time domain relations. Why do you expect such eqns? Surely the appropriate approach it to take the findings from a wide range of scientific disciplines and combine th0em together. Rather than look for a simple set of eqns.
  14. How do Climate Models Work?
    Does your model predict the slowdown in temperature increase since 1998? Does it have the property of even 'accurate' regression models of increasing forecasting error as fufure forecasting distance increases? By what criteria do you judge the forecasting accuracy of your model?
    Moderator Response: Your questions are misplaced on this thread, because the original post is a basic explanation of how climate models work. Your question belongs on the thread "Models are Unreliable," which you can find by entering that phrase in the Search field at the top left of this page. But read the original post on that appropriate thread before posting your questions, because your questions already are answered there.
  15. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Chris G @23: True, if you assume continuity along the horizontal axis (which, regarding time, makes physical sense, but the data is not presented as a function of a continuous variable). You could of course align any mean with any fractional abscissa, but cosmetically (to use your word) it would make more sense to have an X-year centered running mean actually centered on a year, and not a piece of a year (or, month, and not a piece of a month).
  16. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Alex, Hmm, I'm not aware of any difficulty calculating the mean of an even number of points or any requirement that the endpoints of the running mean has to align perfectly with endpoints of the periods of the base measurement. Time can be considered a continuous variable; the middle of a month exists as surely as the start or end. In minutes, X Y 00:01:00 1 00:02:00 2 00:03:00 3 00:04:00 4 If you are calculating the mean of these points, and consider that Y is the mean of the period from the start of the period ending at X, you get means of 00:02:30 2.5 IDK, in my mind, that is just as valid a point, and could be graphed just as easily as 00:03:00 3 would have been if there had been 5 data points (following the same pattern). Hmm, that is actually not correct. If 00:04:00 is the endpoint of a period of 4 minutes, then the middle of that interval is at 00:02:00. You have to consider time not as points, but as intervals. And, you have to know if the point in the dataset represents the start, end, or middle of that interval. Cosmetically, it could be a little easier to deal with the periods of the base measurement aligning with the period of the calculated mean, but if you can put 2.3 children per couple on a graph, I'm pretty sure you can define a point in the middle of a month. For that matter, months are kind of a poor choice for period; there is not the same amount of time in all months. Nevermind leap years, and leap year February. I'm sure that people that deal with temperature record data have figured all this in, but let's not assume that what's convenient for cosmetics or human thought patterns is a requirement of reality. On the other hand, I'm open to the idea that I missed something. Or, maybe I'm overstating the obvious. Or, maybe I'm just overstating the obscure.
  17. A Comprehensive Review of the Causes of Global Warming
    patonomics#29: "I will highly appreciate if anyone refer me to "Climate Science Laws"" The laws you seek are no more than the laws of physics, such as Conservation of Energy, Stefan-Boltzmann, Planck's Radiation Law, Kirchoff's Law of thermal radiation, etc. Do you insist that every sub-discipline have its own unique set of laws? If so, what are the 'Laws of Quantum Mechanics'? If, by your earlier comment, we cannot capture all of quantum mechanics in a single deterministic equation, do you claim to invalidate what is often called the most successful scientific theory we have?
  18. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Then there's the question of how much data is available from the Arctic and Antarctic during the war times, if it was relatively cold in these locations, this could bring the CRU observational dataset down. The topmost snow/ice from Greenland and Antarctic icecore locations should provide some evidence.
  19. A Comprehensive Review of the Causes of Global Warming
    patonomics @29, it may be a "34% error bound", but it is an accuracy of approximately 99% (3 degree K temperature range at approximately 290 degree K). Whether that is accurate enough depends critically on the reason the temperature is being modeled.
  20. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    jyh @20, Foster and Rahmstorf have already used the Southern Oscillation Index instead of the Multi-variate ENSO Index to test the robustness of their analysis, so that aspect should be no problem. Given the removal of exogenous factors, the result should be not a linear trend over the entire century, but a variable curve approximately matching anthropogenic forcings, ie, the green curve in this figure from Lean and Rind (2008): Based on the empirical model produced by Lean and Rind (below), we would expect large excursions from the "anthropogenic" signal in the periods 1910-1915, and 1940-1945, and a smaller excursion in the period 1960-1964. On top of that we would expect small, fluctuations about the anthropogenic signal. I put "anthropogenic" in "shudder quotes" above because Lean and Rind do not model all anthropogenic factors. In particular they do not model Black Carbon, which I suspect was a major influence in the high temperatures during WW2. It should be noted that in the period 1880 to 1940, BC and sulfates found in Greenland ice cores rise to a peak around 1910, before gradually tailing of. The reduction after 1910 would be because of the transition from coal to oil as a major fuel. Because the sulfates and BC are significantly correlated, they would have to a significant extent counteracted each others effects. In contrast, BC from WW2 would come from the burning of cities, and would not have significant associated sulfate emissions. Because of the direction of the prevailing winds, cities burning in Europe would also not have left a significant record in Greenland.
  21. A Comprehensive Review of the Causes of Global Warming
    We learn the following about Science " Theories are more certain than hypotheses, but less certain than laws." I happen to be involved in 3D heat generating equation calculation and validation in a closed miniature atmospheric calculation in 1990 & 1991 for grain silos. I am amazed by a even 2011 publication which claims only over 34% error bound [(3.1-2.3)*100/2.3] and still claim "model is considered sufficiently accurate and reliable". Then what to expect from real earth atmosphere predictions, where closed system experimentation and observation is not feasible. There gain silo case is as follows
    The standard error of predicted versus observed headspace air and wall temperatures was in the range of 2.3°C to 5.3°C and 3.1°C to 5.5°C, respectively. The standard error of predicted versus observed headspace humidities was around 7%. The developed model is considered sufficiently accurate and reliable to predict air temperature and relative humidity at multiple locations in the headspace of a grain storage silo. What to expect when one claims to see what the scientific literature and data have to say about exactly what is causing global warming I will highly appreciate if anyone refer me to "Climate Science Laws", if there are any, for my assimilation of knowledge as I am getting hunted by close friends who claim there are ready prove & certainty about AGW but could not substantiated by any validated document so far. - If there is none, I do not want any initiative to throw any unsubstantiated articles as references (about certainty) is this regard.
    Moderator Response:

    Grain silos are not good models of the Earth's climate system. For actual results of climate models compared to observations, see the Skeptical Science argument "Models are Unreliable." (Type that into the Search box at the top left of this page.)

  22. How do Climate Models Work?
    funglestrumpet@38, what you say is exactly what I imagine is happening. We have for years tried to unlace politics and ideology from the discussion of the science, demanded of ourselves that we maintain a purely scientific argument, and pointed out to the contrarians where they err in this respect. Their perversion of reason is the most frustrating aspect of the general debate, I reckon, and I think the reason-based community has become weary of being primly objective with little apparent effect. At its heart, the debate over climate science is an activist pursuit. It may be we've become tired of covering it with a mask of neutrality, and that it's not enough to "carry on as we are." Tom Curtis@17, agree with all of that. However, the posts you cite are not representative of occasional forays at SkS into areas that are not purely scientific. These are all recent. I believe this is a trend, and the extra latitude in the articles here lately has resulted in some disconnects with the mission statement, which is explicit about devotion to pure science. Technically, the mission statement might be amended. But I just wanted to bring this adjustment in priorities (if such is occurring) to light so that we're aware of it and more effective for being so.
    Moderator Response: [muoncounter] Please take continued discussion of what you perceive to be some sort of 'sea change' at SkS to The Big Picture. You will note that particular thread, originally written in 2010, has a section on advocacy and policy.
  23. How do Climate Models Work?
    Tom... how astute of you! I simply (mis)described climatoloy for annual variability. My experience is that one can run any 12mth perod thru my program and end up with the same result. Then again, I'd like to see a professional examination of this subject.
  24. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    "periods of 1880-1940, 1910 to 1940" I think MEI isn't calculated that far in history, as it takes note of many atmospheric variables not commonly and widely measured before war. But, there's SOI, and as he says it's robust then it seems there should be no reason why this couldn't be done. Aerosol loading may have changed for alterations in ff use, though, i'd imagine
  25. A detailed look at climate sensitivity
    Eric (skeptic) @75, using your numbering: 1) On the Serial Deleter thread, I gave two criteria under which SkS practice should be considered sub-par: a) That "...not including figure 3b of Knutti and Hegerl has resulted, or facilitated, in misrepresentation of some part of Knutti and Hegerl by SkS"; or b) That "...not including figure 3b of Knutti and Hegerl has resulted in a failure to canvass issues that should have been canvassed in a post on SkS." In case (a), you would have found an example in which SkS practice could be (and should be) criticized in much the same manner as Michaels is criticized in the OP of the "serial deleter" thread. In case (b), you would have found an example in which SkS practice did not rise to the level of misrepresentation, and hence was not so criticizable; but in which it still represented a serious lapse from the standards which we would expect. It is noticeable that you do not criticize the OP in this article on either of these grounds. Instead you criticize it on the much weaker grounds that it contained relevant information. Of course, it does contain relevant information. Fortunately, however, we do not and should not expect articles of any nature to contain all relevant information. Where they to do so, nothing short of a expanded exposition of any scientific paper referred to would be acceptable; for, of course, all the information in those papers is relevant, and so is the background knowledge that could be expected of the scientists to whom the papers are addressed but which cannot be expected of the general public (hence the expanded exposition). Such a requirement would make any blog post extraordinarily long and turgid even by my long winded standards. You may suggest that the information in this case is so relevant that it should have been included, or that the information could have been included simply by including the figure (or both). The second, however, is false simply because the figure assumes background information, part of which I expounded after the bolded "more importantly" in my post 72. Because the figure is easy to misinterpret without background knowledge (and doubly so given the presence of people who would IMO willfully misinterpret it), its inclusion would have required adding at least two paragraphs to the two paragraph section on paleoclimate above, plus additional paragraphs in other sections in that the figure is not restricted to paleoclimate. Given an intent to communicate succinctly and clearly, the additional text required to include the relevant information from the graph was too high a load for the additional information required. And of course, much of the information about certainty is already included in the error bars from figure 3a, so it is not true that the additional relevant information should have been expanded on in the original article. Of course, the additional information is included in the article in the minimal form of a link to the original article by Knutti and Hegerl. Given this, and given the factors mentioned above, while the information in figure 3a is relevant, it was certainly not sufficiently relevant that it needed to be canvassed explicitly in the OP. That fact should lay to rest any suggestion that SkS is applying a double standard with respect to the use of graphs in its criticism of Michaels. 2 & 3) The issue of uncertainty in climate regimes is a major factor when considering a sensitivity analysis in relation to a particular period. It ceases to be a significant factor when a large number of paleo sensitivity analyses are made across a large range of different climate regimes. That is because a robust result found across all paleoclimate regimes almost certainly applies in any particular regime, including our current regime. I know that is simply repeating my point from 72 above, but I do not see anything in what you write that tends to rebut it. Yes there are other non-forcing related factors which adjust the base global average temperature for a given radiative forcing, either by altering the strength of feedbacks, or by altering the heat distribution of the Earth (with greater variation allowing a lower Global Mean Surface Temperature). Changes in land cover and land/sea proportions could also make minor changes to emissivity which would also adjust GMST relative to a particular forcing. But it is extraordinarilly odd that these factors should some how combine to produce the same apparent climate sensitivity when comparing either the pliocene (3 C warmer, low ice, higher sea levels) or the LGM (6 C cooler, much ice, lower sea levels) to the present day. It is even odder that with a climate sensitivity for doubling CO2 of between 3-4 degrees C during non-glacial periods and double that during glacial periods (due to the increased feedback from ice albedo effects) explains 85% or more of the variation in CO2 concentration, as found by Park and Royer (2011). Please note that this is the long term climate sensitivity, ie, the climate sensitivity allowing for meltback or growth of "permanent" ice sheets. In the absence of such ice sheets, that should approximate to the Charney Climate sensitivity discussed in the article above. Hence Park and Royer tends to confirm that the Charney climate sensitivity is in the range of 3 to 4 degrees C, and has been across all geographical conditions encountered in the last 540 million years. Once weatherable land surface is factored in, the primary determinant of CO2 levels is temperature. As Park and Royer show, factoring in weatherable land area allows an even greater explanation of the variance in CO2 levels with a presumed non-glacial climate sensitivity of 3-4 degrees C (figure 10). Hence a climate sensitivity given feed backs excluding long term changes in "permanent" ice sheets of 3-4 degrees C is a very robust feature of the phanerozoic.
  26. How do Climate Models Work?
    climateadj use a dice as an analogy. You can hardly predict next result but in the long run you know the probability.
  27. funglestrumpet at 11:18 AM on 22 January 2012
    How do Climate Models Work?
    barry @ 14 What do you recommend then; just carry on as we are watching the world go to hell in a handcart? We see Copenhagen go by in a flurry of missed opportunities and then Durban do the same. We see the sort of tricks that the likes of Monckton, Lawson, Lindzen, Christy, Spencer and Michaels, to name but a few of the denialati, get up to. We see the enormous support given by the fossil fuel industry towards a b.a.u. scenario and nothing much happens to raise that publicly as an issue. We have America, one of the world’s most polluting nations, with a mainstream political party that has climate change denial as a rite of passage to membership. We have articles published here repeatedly reporting how things are just moving from bad to worse and we do nothing, but simply get the science right! Anything else is “Just not cricket, old boy!” Well, to hell with that. I come here to understand the science and this site is excellent at meeting that need. But the reason behind my desire to understand the science is that I am very concerned about the future that my children and grandchildren face. I assume that many others have the same concerns as me and come to the same trough of knowledge for the same purpose. So from time to time I might write something that could be considered advocacy. I make no apologies for that. I will do whatever I can to protect my family and if that is frowned upon, well go on then, frown. My family come before all other considerations. I am not alone in getting exasperated at the lack of action on combating climate change. It was obvious in her excellent article on Methane outgassing in the Arctic that Dr Natalia Shakhova is fed up with the lack of action on the issue. Perhaps she, more than most, can see just how urgent things are, especially if the methane outgassing follows a worst case scenario. She too can see just how much of a hindrance all this arguing about whether the warming is anthropogenic or not is. If it were not climate science, but the science surrounding that of a particular model of aircraft, say, we would have grounded the whole fleet long before now because of the danger posed by continued operation. Yet planet earth can carry on with business as usual. We can always catch another aircraft. We cannot catch another earth.
  28. How do Climate Models Work?
    climateadj @35, I do not see where you performed a mathematical step in order to examine seasonal variance rather than variance simpliciter. I'm not up on the maths involved, but it seems to me that if you just plot the variance of the data, it may well be dominated by quasi-periodic oscillations such as ENSO, or indeed possibly even by long term trends if seasonal variation is low compared to long term changes in temperature.
  29. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Alex C @18, Tamino writes:
    "For the updated results, rather than use TSI (total solar irradiance) to represent solar variations I used sunspot counts, because they’re easy to get, kept up-to-date, and already available as monthly averages."
    The "easy to get at" and "available as monthly averages" may be particularly important factors in that his updated software passages included a program which gathers the data from the internet, and formats it for you so that you can easily keep the analysis up to date. It may be that the programming task was easier in that respect with sunspot numbers than TSI. Of course, I am speculating, and if you think it is important, you should ask him. What I do know is that in Foster and Rahmstorf (2011), Tamino wrote:
    "To test whether the results might be sensitive to these choices, we also did experiments characterizing el Nino by the southern oscillation index (SOI) rather than ˜MEI, characterizing volcanic aerosols by the volcanic forcing estimate of Ammann et al (2003) rather than the AOD data from Sato et al, and using monthly sunspot numbers as a proxy for solar activity rather than TSI. None of these substitutions affected the results in a significant way, establishing that this analysis is robust to the choice of data to represent exogenous factors."
    That being the case, the switch to sunspot numbers should make no significant difference.
  30. How do Climate Models Work?
    climateadj; Thanks for the clarification and the link to your calculations. Alas, I am not qualified to assess the reasonableness of your computations and of your tentative conclusion.
  31. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Tom Curtis @16: I have typically seen 11 year running averages, and thought that it was for much the same reason as that a centered mean cannot be given for an even number of years. I am aware of the solar cycle length average, but the thought that it was the primary driver behind a choice of 11 years hadn't occurred to me before (I suppose it should have, hm?). Thanks for the clarification. I personally found Tamino's switch to sunspot number interesting. I thought that TSI data was updated continuously (daily), why use a proxy instead of the real deal?
  32. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    It would be interesting if one of the tech savvy people at this site used Tamino's software to adjust for exogenous factors for the periods 1880-1940, 1910 to 1940, and 1880 to 2011. (I have just made the same suggestion to Tamino, so you may want to hold of to see how he responds.)
  33. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Alex C @13, while the reason for the odd number of months is as you give it, the reason for choosing an approximately 11 year running average is almost certainly to remove the solar cycle. (I suspect your aware of that, and have merely phrased your response to Chris G @10 poorly.)
  34. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Sorry, I forgot to include the link to Tamino's site for those not familiar with it.
  35. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Grant Foster (Tamino) has updated the analysis from Foster and Rahmstorf to include (most of) 2011's data. The "most of" is because HadCRUTv3 has not yet released their data for Dec 2011. He has also switched to using sunspot data rather than TSI to allow for the influence of solar activity. For the computer savy, he has also updated his publicly accessible programs. His summary of the unadjusted data:
    "For GISS data, 2011 was the 9th-hottest year on record, for NCDC it was 11th-hottest, for HadCRU (using only data through November) it was 12th-hottest, for RSS it was 12th-hottest, and for UAH 9th-hottest."
    And of the data adjusted for exogenous factors:
    "In the adjusted data, GISS ranks 2011 as the 2nd-hottest year on record (just behind 2010), NCDC ranks it 5th, HadCRU (using only data through November 2010) ranks it 5th, RSS ranks it 2nd, and UAH 2nd. No, global temps are not in a crash — they still fluctuate (for a lot of reasons, including exogenous factors) but the trend continues. It’s called “global warming.” It’s caused by human activity. It’s dangerous."
  36. How do Climate Models Work?
    @John: The source of my assertions are my own calculations. The link below is my analysis. Since I'm just a hack with marginal programming skills, there is a high likelihood of error. I am not a scientist of any sort. Caveat Emptor:
  37. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    @Chris G: The running average I think is given at the center of the time interval, which only exists with an odd number of months. I don't think it has to do with removing the solar cycle.
  38. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Dana, Recommend that you move the text caught up in the right-hand margin of the graphics to underneath the graphics.
  39. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    For a portend of what’s on the horizon, see “NASA Sees Repeating La Niña Hitting its Peak” posted on the NASA/Jet Propulsion website.
  40. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Curious, why the 133-month average? I most commonly use a 132 because that smooths over any 11-year solar cycle effect, but then...I'm thinking that the solar cycle average may not be, actually, is highly unlikely to be, exactly 11 years, on average. So, maybe your rationale is the same, just using a more refined number for the period. I'd be surprised if it made any noteworthy difference though. Ah, good old friend Google. Seems the solar cycle average is more accurately 11.1 years; 133 it is.
  41. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    actually thoughtful#1: "1910-1940 warming looks similar, in slope, to the 1970-2010 warming" Another big difference is seen here: Summer warming, driven by solar output, was faster than winter warming in the early 20th century. Latter 20th century (and ongoing) warming shows winters warm more rapidly; a greenhouse effect.
  42. How do Climate Models Work?
    climateadj: What is the source of your assertion that GCMs "can't even mimic seasonal ocean temperature variability"? BTW, climate models cannot "replicate" the real world, they can only "simulate" it.
  43. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    @ actually thoughtful You will note from the 3rd figure in the OP that the La Niña's are consistently getting warmer.
  44. actually thoughtful at 08:44 AM on 22 January 2012
    2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    I suspect La Ninas will bring us more coldest/driest and El Ninos will bring us more record heat. That we are getting record heat in a La Nina should give doubters pause. Very big pause.
  45. 2nd law of thermodynamics contradicts greenhouse theory
    The 2nd reference, "Physical Principles of Meteorology and Environmental Physics", under Further Reading is not free. The Table of Contents and Chapter 1 can apparently be freely downloaded for free.
  46. How do Climate Models Work?
    Quote However, the big questions, like "Is human activity warming the planet?", don't even require a model. The only things you need to answer those questions are a few fundamental physics and chemistry equations that we've known for over a century. You could take climate models right out of the picture, and the answer wouldn't change. Scientists would still be telling us that the Earth is warming, humans are causing it, and the consequences will likely be severe Exactly my point - For the Public Understanding of the issue the science is clear and uncomplicated. By surrendering that clarity of message and allowing the skeptics to muddy the waters a great dis-service has been allowed. Within Science itself of course debate, experiment and challenge must continue to tease out the nuances, feed-back loops and the simple understanding of process and detail but how Science works shouldn't have obscured the basic science and the clarity of its message to the General Public. Johnb.
  47. Pete Dunkelberg at 08:17 AM on 22 January 2012
    2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    The apparent cool spot in south Florida (fig. 4) is just lake Okeechobee.
  48. How do Climate Models Work?
    @John: I suspect that GCM's model radiative forcings, conduction, and convection. Annual variability is a function of all three. It is predictable and testable against observations.
  49. 2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Another noteworthy event from the 2011 temperature records. The UAH annual temperature anomaly is higher than RSS for the first time ever. The differences between them were getting more divergent up to 2000 since when they have converged and now swapped places with the UAH anomaly diverging at a rate of 0.3 deg C per decade!
  50. actually thoughtful at 08:04 AM on 22 January 2012
    2011 Hottest La Niña Year on Record, 11th-Hottest Overall
    Ironically two threads I am posting on over at WuWT are invoking the 1910-1940 (nothing to do with me or this post). Having just reviewed the solar contribution to the 1910-1940 I was able to quickly set the record straight. (not holding my breath that anyone posting at that site will accept said reality). In regards to WUWT - Must...stop...posting

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