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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 67601 to 67650:

  1. Making Arctic Sea Ice Loss Real
    DB (and mouncounter) @9 - Thank you, I had not seen the Walsh dataset before.
  2. Rising Oceans - Too Late to Turn the Tide?
    rktect#99:"a bargain we should jump at? " More people should think like you. Fig 7 here demonstrates comparative costs of early action vs. inaction. What we usually hear are far-sighted statements like 'they can just move' or 'let them build walls' and of course, the ever-popular 'its not happening to me.' Here is a set of planning maps for the eastern US. You can see roads, ports, power plants, sewer plants, oil refineries, airports etc, all in need of some level of protection; all just waiting for the next disaster.
  3. Rising Oceans - Too Late to Turn the Tide?
    Regarding the discussion of our transition from hunter gatherers to nomadic pastorialists and then settled urban populations, One of the costs of rising sea levels is the destruction of infrastructure. Most of our oldest cities are built as ports at river mouths. Nuclear facilities which use oceans for cooling are very hard to service underwater but so are water treatment and sewage facilities; street utilities, power stations, lpg terminals, roads, bridges, subways, commuter rail, and most of our communications facilities. Doesn't the cost of replacing all of that make mediating climate change a bargain we should jump at?
  4. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    I'm concerned that the often quoted IPCC data are wrong. Essentially what was published in 2007 was designed to present a lowest common denominator consensus amongst as many scientists as possible who would agree to anthropogenic causes for global warming. By the time its next report comes out in 2014 and its observed data is seen to exceed its worst case projections from 2007 the IPCC discussion will have become so skewed by partisan political posturing between those who think global warming is a scienctific fraud of some sort and those who realise that it is real and has tipping points such as the massive Siberian methane release, ocean acidification which in synergy with rainforest destruction is destroying the worlds largest carbon sinks, that the argument itself will have carried us past those tipping points and made mediation impossible regardless of cost. The only bright side is that the observed phenomena may be self correcting. If you consider overpopulation from a Malthusian perspective so that Peak oil, resource war, plague, pestilence, the loss of the fossil water that irrigates the worlds crops to feed the growing population, resulting famine, dead oceans and depleted fish stocks, extinction of the species we are dependent on for our survival, we are actually doing everything we can to remove the anthropogenic cause.
  5. Updating the Climate Big Picture
    Just to give a piece of context, the change in ocean heat content (joules) from 1960 to date is more that ten times the energy contained in the combined gas and petroleum reserves known in 2010.
  6. Ocean Acidification Is Fatal To Fish
    Something to keep in mind is that the human impact being wraught on the marine milieu involves changes to thermal, oxic, sonic, and olfactory conditions, as well as to hydronium ion concentration. These impacts combined represent a challenge to many species, and to other species who rely on the former for whatever ecological reason. As Doug H says, we've started a steam roller and it won't be braking any time soon. Sigh, indeed...
  7. Philippe Chantreau at 20:17 PM on 25 December 2011
    IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    Mace thinks he's so subtle, while you could see him coming from a mile away starting on his very first post. That's almost comical. [Mod} feel free to delete this comment.
  8. Satellites show no warming in the troposphere
    Is there a prize for the finest examples of cherry picking? I just had a "skeptic" tell me that the satellite data is biased because they were launched in 1978 which was "one of the coldest periods on record". This was his "proof", a post from Steven Goddard: The temperature data comes from a *single* location in Greenland (Nuuk)!
  9. Peter Sinclair on Climate, Sun, and Cosmic Rays
    chriskoz, it might be mild in Sydney, but it was over 38 in Adelaide for Xmas Eve. Cooling off today for turkey baking.
  10. Peter Sinclair on Climate, Sun, and Cosmic Rays
    muoncounter... Good catch. Thanks. caerbannog... That's very cool news. I wonder if Peter knows?
  11. The End of the Hothouse
    "If everything happens for a reason, then there has to be a reason for .... (absolutely everything) ... and unless there's a physical law with mathematical verification that there cannot exist a phenomena with a cause ... " Just because there's a reason for everything, it doesn't necessarily follow that we have yet identified that reason or set of reasons. There are millions of issues in science that we don't even bother with - even though we know there are 'reasons' for them - because what we already know is good enough. Or often, in the case of earth sciences especially, we don't have equipment like enough satellites or deep ocean observatories or seismological sensors to gather and process the mountains of details we'd need to get things down to the umpteenth decimal place or the precise day and hour of expected earthquakes and the like. The 'reason' for warming of the ocean and atmosphere is, in fact, pretty straightforward. We do know how greenhouse gases work and we do know how much of them are emitted and absorbed. Physics plus other arithmetic tells us what kind of events to expect as a result of the net increase. The fact that we can't tell the precise place, date and time of floods or wildfires is irrelevant. (Just like we don't know which particular smokers will suffer which particular illnesses - or none at all for the lucky ones. What we do know is that a community with more smokers suffers more smoking related illnesses. And that's all we need to know to take action.)
  12. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    "To suggest an answer to my own question: is it the case that the fix for NEOs is technological and the solution does not require a change in the status quo?" The other side of this is that such a project looks glamorous, exciting and, best of all, a single, literal target. Technological whizbangery at its finest. We might think that saying we've already got the technology to deal with reducing emissions is a positive. It is, for many people. For others, it seems pedestrian and unappealing and therefore negative. They really do want a silver bullet. (Hence the attraction of mirrors in orbit and other such nonsense.)
  13. Making Arctic Sea Ice Loss Real
    Wow! Great graphics. Thanks to all who contributed to furthering my understanding: the picture is clear and frightening.
  14. Peter Sinclair on Climate, Sun, and Cosmic Rays
    Right you are muon - correction made.
  15. Making Arctic Sea Ice Loss Real
    @ arch stanton One can go much further back in time than 1979: Red is September min, blue is March max (From the Walsh dataset, courtesy muoncounter) Or this image from Cryosphere Today: And the following graphic from L. Hamilton shows area and extent declining in every month of the year (back to 1978), again:
  16. Peter Sinclair on Climate, Sun, and Cosmic Rays
    Rob H., This is a terrific summary, making the CR issue quite clear. But it's Jasper Kirkby, not Kirby.
  17. Peter Sinclair on Climate, Sun, and Cosmic Rays
    A slightly off-topic but I'm hoping to be treated as an exception one: Merry Christmass (which is already underway in the part of the globe E of GMT) to John Cook and the team of authors and the whole bunch of good commenters! you're the best blog to educate people (myself included) about AGW. And of course to Peter whose Crocks are as funny as informative. Keep doing good job! We are blessed with unusually mild (not so hot) December 2011 Down Under (SYD area) so Santa may feel releaved. Not so good news on the noth pole though: mybe he should move to the south pole at least temporarily until people (majority of them Up Over) do sth about north pole situation...
  18. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    John, My suspicion is that there is a lot of overlap between the hardcore deniers of AGW and this lot. The difference? AGW is our doing; something falling from the sky isn't.
  19. Peter Sinclair on Climate, Sun, and Cosmic Rays
    FYI, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) has given Peter Sinclair's videos an implicit endorsement with a link to Peter's YouTube channel on the "Best Bets For More Information" page of the Scripps-Birch Aquarium web-site.
  20. Making Arctic Sea Ice Loss Real
    I liked the explanation in that article of how arctic ice loss affects the jet stream and hence the climate AND weather in the mid-latitudes. Another arrow in the quiver...
  21. The Media & Global Climate Science Communication
    Tom @9, Indeed, I agree I painted the image of AUS Liberals (LIB) in my previous comment as too rosy. I was trying to say that the situation with respect to AGW in AUS politics is not as bad as it is in US. LIB's official docs do not deny the bottom line facts about CO2. Further to that Monckton, while visiting AUS earlier this year, was not allowed to pronounce his ridiculous testimony in Canberra's Parliament as he did in US Congress. It's hard to believe today, that back in 2008-2009, under the leadership of Michael Turnbull (a strong-minded conservative), LIB supported the ETS similar to that just introduced today by the ruling party (ALP). But, sadly, the denialist voices within LIB prevailed when 2y ago, the caucus knocked down MT and elected Tony Abbott, who is just a silly puppet, IMO. I agree with you and MT, that their current "direct action plan" is worthless. So TA, who later sort of appologised for his "climate science is crap" comment as pronounced in "hyperbolic state of mind", should rather have said that about his own direct action policy. He would be very inappropriate about it, but at least sort of right. Someone above praised Julia Gillard (current PM) for her currage in this divided political world. No doubt a strong and harismatic leader, JG however with respect to ETS, implemented northing more than her predecessor (Kevin Rudd) conceived yet in 2007. If talking about courage here, we should not forget a couple of independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor, who gave their support to ALP. Without RO and TW, ALP would not be able to rule let along do anything in the hang parliament situation we have here. RO & TW joined ALP despite harsh criticism in media and loud voices suggesting their background predisposes them towards LIB. I think more reasonable stance of ALP towards AGW weighed heavilly on RO & TW decision to join ALP rather than LIB. That's a lots of courage, and let's remember that without it ALP would not have been ruling here and ATS would not be alive.
  22. Making Arctic Sea Ice Loss Real
    Happy Christmas to the Skeptical Science team !!! [Ok, its off topic, but stretch a point :)]
    Moderator Response: [DB] 'Tis the season...Merry Christmas to all!
  23. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    Thanks for the link, @muoncounter! I'll add it to the bite at ClimateBites. You're right; concerns over asteroid impacts, in theory, should attract exactly the same denial memes as does AGW. So what's different -- or has it not entered the radar yet? To suggest an answer to my own question: is it the case that the fix for NEOs is technological and the solution does not require a change in the status quo? Even so, it will require a major concerted effort, and money, to provide protection.
  24. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    It will be interesting to watch how this develops. Concepts for communicating the risks and managing the threat of asteroid impacts will be considered by the United Nations following an expert working group meeting in Colorado. ... The meeting, held at University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, was organized by the Secure World Foundation and aimed at a draft report for the U.N. Action Team 14 working group on NEOs. The team forms part of the U.N.’s Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, and will present guidance to the U.N. working group at a NEO-mitigation meeting in Vienna, in February 2012. NEOs are near earth objects. I'll put a dollar on the table that we'll soon be hearing about this as another 'international cabal' planning to subvert our way of life with their 'science.' Sounds like a lot of alarmism to me. Bet its because of the sun.
  25. The End of the Hothouse
    doubtingallofit - Lets take this carefully. I assume that you are not doubting conservation of mass - if CO2 goes down in the atmosphere this it must be absorbed somewhere else. I would contend that this absorption somewhere else must be result of a process (eg absorption into seawater, take up by vegetation) which in turn is governed by law of thermodynamics. For this process to change with cause is magic to me (a breach of physical law). Whether there is anything truly random in nature is an open question though quantum processes appear so. What is absolutely not random is chaos. Predicting what face a dice a show when thrown is extremely difficult but the result is pre-determined by the throw. With AGW what we observe in the world matches what is predicted by the science. However, you appear to be preferring to hope in some other cause (or even no cause). It seems to me that your strange belief is likely routed in fact that you do not wish to deal with the consequences of AGW being true?? You would rather hope that we are going from suffer from natural causes than having the power to do something about it? It should be pointed out that EVEN if warming from natural causes we could reduce the impact be reducing our emissions.
  26. Dikran Marsupial at 06:57 AM on 25 December 2011
    IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    Sorry mace, it looks very much like every one of your posts is designed to publicise some denialist meme and that your approach is essentially subtle trolling. If this is not your intention then I suggest that (i) you examine your posts to see how this impression might arise and (ii) read the relevant articles related to the denialist meme in question and only then post a message on the appropriate article.
  27. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    I think we need to increase publicity of sites like this. Gallup regularly publishes public opinion on this subject and it makes depressing reading Global warming concernts continue to drop

    [DB] Your referenced Gallup poll is a bit dated, coming from March of 2010.  A more topical poll is this one from Yale from November 2011.  It quite frankly paints a different picture from the one you intimate exists.

  28. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    @Dikran Thanks. I take the point and I've modified the 'bite'. It's difficult to use plain English to compare the sizes of asteroids and their potential damage! I've now said AGW could be potentially as dangerous as a large asteroid strike. I know it's chalk and cheese -- and perhaps a rather woolly to the scientific mind -- but the key point is that no one is in denial of asteroid strikes, and everyone agrees we should deal with them if one approaches; even though at this point in our history a strike is much less probable than dangerous climate change.
  29. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    #John Russell at 03:36 AM on 25 December, 2011 Yes I clearly prefer your new "bite" with the 50% chance of an asteroid hitting the Earth (much better than a 90% collapse on 20 yrs for a house family)! I'm not enough fluent in English to suggest optimizations, and I'm naturally reluctant to analogy, so not the best adviser. But your bite seems to me interesting as it is. For the Dikran objection (04:56 AM), you've not to imagine a big asteroid, just one who's going to destroy a part of life and well-being on Earth. (Of course, if we go beyond the analogy, we've the conclusion that a particular problem needs a particular analysis so as to conceive, evaluate and share the solutions, therefore analogy is not a very good way of thinking. If people think they have been mislead by an analogy, the effect may be counterproductive because they will be reinforced in their initial convictions. Probably a difficult thing to manipulate, I'm not expert.)
  30. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    mace#35, That was largely before the 24 hour cable faux news talking head machine. Example: When the Spencer-Braswell nonsense came out, a reasonably intelligent fellow told me that 'new NASA data proved that ozone didn't cause global warming.' All he had read was the Forbes opinion piece (and heard Fox echo-chambering it). There was no new data, it wasn't put out by NASA and it wasn't ozone. But you couldn't convince him otherwise.
  31. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    If we only have to worry about skeptic-deniers planted by the oil industry, we won't have a problem. Negative media stories didn't work for the tobacco industry.

    [DB] "If we only have to worry about skeptic-deniers planted by the oil industry, we won't have a problem."

    We don't have a problem, Jdey123 mace.  The irony of you making this statement is not lost.

    "Negative media stories didn't work for the tobacco industry."

    They worked well enough to stave off needed regulation for decades, ensuring billions more in profits.  Today the petroleum industry executes the same game plan (with some of the same "consultants"). 

    What is different is scale: trillions in profits today vs the billions then.  And a plethora more sock-puppets plaguing the intertubes doing someone else's bidding.

  32. Making Arctic Sea Ice Loss Real
    Great graphic, thanks. On the picky side: I find 1980 to be a poor choice of start point as it is the highest summer ice area on record and therefore leaves the graph open to the (barely valid) criticism of being cherry-picked. Better IMO to have used 1979. The graphics would not be much different and the choice could be defended in 2 ways: 1979 was the first year available, and 1979 was closer to (only slightly less) than the average summer area from the first 10 years available. A similar comment applies to the choice of 2007 v 2011 as an end point. No point in giving the contrarians a valid but insignificant angle to exploit. Happy Holidays to everyone. arch
  33. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    mace#29: "it is proving difficult for the general public to unequivocally accept that warming is happening in general" Let's rephrase that: It is proving difficult for the general public to unequivocally accept that warming is happening because there is an active, well-financed, very powerful lobby working against that acceptance, actively spreading disinformation and distrust. This op-ed is not about climate science, but the first two paragraphs easily could be. Repetition is all-important to spreading a Big Lie.
  34. Dikran Marsupial at 04:56 AM on 25 December 2011
    IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    John, my main issue with the bite would be the implication that AGW were likely to be of similar severity to a large asteroid impact (e.g. Chicxulub), which seems to me to be greatly overstating things. Such an impact would be likely to result in the deaths of the majority of humans in a pretty short timespan. I doubt the consequences of AGW would be anything like that severe as there is more time to adapt to the disruption in food supply. I'm willing to admit that I may not be the best person (c.f. Mr Logic) to ask on public communication of science. ;o)
  35. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    @mace #29: Your propensity to insert climate deneir memes into your posts, e.g., "...and indeed as we've recently experienced, it's been some 13 years since we had the maximum global mean temperature on some measures," suggests to me that you may have a hidden agenda in posting comments.
  36. Dikran Marsupial at 04:47 AM on 25 December 2011
    IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    mace, if the population are not going to accept AGW other than in hindsight ("practical experience) then we are doomed, because by that time we will be committed to more warming than to which the world has the resources to adapt. The purpose of the IPCC scientific reports is to summarise the science, not to provide soundbites that will convince the irrational. A better approach is to explain why waiting for proof by practical experience is unreasonable and fundamentally wrong-headed. If more people understood why the "no warming since 1998" canard to which you referred is is a canard, it would be a start in explaining why the attribution of warming since 1978 not being unequivocal is not justification for doubt of AGW. Now, as I said, please learn about internal climate variability before commenting on this issue further, so that you realise why your line of argument is faulty.
  37. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    @mace You've explained why people don't believe (though I would suggest some of your facts are out); so that's why it's so important to help people understand the science. Only by understanding the science will people realise the importance of action to prevent dangerous climate change. That's why this site exists. If you really want to convince other people that global warming is a problem, then I suggest you point them at NASA's site where everything is explained in simple terms. Why would anyone believe that NASA doesn't know what they're taking about?
  38. doubtingallofit at 04:07 AM on 25 December 2011
    The End of the Hothouse
    If everything happens for a reason, then there has to be a reason for the Big Bang, a reason for the reason for the Big Bang, etc. Causation is a tenet in science, but that does not mean everything has a cause. It means we search for the cause as a function of the discipline called science. Also, the statement says "no particular reason", not no reason. Maybe wording it differently would have helped, since all attention went to that statement rather than the entire post. As for calling a belief that things can be random or without causation believing in magic, I would reply that magic requires violation of physical laws and unless there's a physical law with mathematical verification that there cannot exist a phenomena with a cause, my belief is not magic.
    Moderator Response: [muoncounter] Your 'beliefs' are of little general interest. Please confine your commentary to the topic of this post. Off topic comments are deleted.
    Please note that posting comments here at SkS is a privilege, not a right. This privilege can be rescinded if the posting individual treats adherence to the Comments Policy as optional, rather than the mandatory condition of participating in this online forum. Please take the time to review the policy and ensure future comments are in full compliance with it. Thanks for your understanding and compliance in this matter.
  39. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    @Dikran Marsupial. In science, nothing can be 100% proven, but for most people, it needs to be proven in terms of their practical experience. So, looking at the analogy, I provided earlier, sticking my fingers in an electric socket will cause at least burns and possibly death may not always prove true e.g. a fuse could blow, or a general power cut may exist, but fundamentally, anybody whose experienced an electric shock is aware of the danger. Now, the problem that we have with climate science is that it takes place over a long period of time, so people's experiences of how warm it is today compared to how warm it was in the 1970s, say, is subjective, and because it doesn't warm up in straight lines, and indeed as we've recently experienced, it's been some 13 years since we had the maximum global mean temperature on some measures, it is proving difficult for the general public to unequivocally accept that warming is happening in general, let alone that man is responsible for it.
  40. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    OK, Dikran, I take the point. Sorry to be sloppy! Unfortunately sometimes you scientists say things in ways which are not totally understandable to those not versed in science. I try to be an interpreter, because I do have a little knowledge; but it's difficult. Please bear with me! I'd be grateful for any comments on the 'bite' I refer to in my previous comment to '', (above).
  41. Updating the Climate Big Picture
    Dana: Figure 1: "Indicators of Warming" ought to be expanded to include severe dought/desertification and severe rainfall/flooding. These two indcators should be mentioned in the text as well.
  42. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin? writes: (on 'Updating the Climate Big Picture' thread)... "I dislike analogies, but if you want absolutely use some, they must be convincing." Well, we must agree to disagree over whether analogies can be effective with the right kind of person, but I agree completely that they must be convincing. Of course, analogies can never be totally convincing -- how could they when they are not 'the real thing' and therefore will fall over at some point of detail? I agree about the 90% point and in fact when I developed this analogy further I dropped it. I'd be grateful if you could take at look at this new 'bite' I put together on ClimateBites (a development of this train of thought) and tell me whether you think it works, or how I might improve it. Perhaps it would be better to use the comments here rather than on ClimateBites -- unless of course you think it's great! Please understand that I'm keen to get the facts right, though with metaphors or analogies it's also important to simplify in order to be understandable and convincing. And we're not aiming at people who have your knowledge of the science. I just want to get to a point where if a reader is clever enough to see any flaws, then they're clever enough to see why it's wrong to be in denial over AGW.
  43. Dikran Marsupial at 03:25 AM on 25 December 2011
    IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    John Russell As I understand it, absolute proof of a causal relationship in the real world is indeed impossible via empirical means. Observing the rise in temperatures expected by AGW theory does not prove that the theory is correct, as the prediction might be correct by coincidence and the rise in temperatures is actually due to aliens bombarding the earth with unknown forms of radiation to make the Earth more suitable for their purposes. There is no reason to think the latter theory is correct, of course, but it is also consistent with the observations, and so the observations do not absolutely prove the theory. This is a deliberately extreme example, there are more plausible non-anthropogenic theories, but the point remains. In maths you can have absolute proof, in science you can only have absolute disproof, which is why most modern science operated by falsificationism. The IPCC are very careful and very scientific in their presentation of the strength of the evidence for the mainstream position. Generally those who don't like their terminology (e.g. Judith Curry) seem not to understand probability adequately well. It is ironic that the "skeptics" complain on one hand about claims that the "science is settled" (an argument that the scientists tend not to actually make) and on the other hand complain about the lack of absolute proof, which the philosophy of science tells is that there is no absolute proof of any scientific theory. I think we need a post on philosophy of science.
  44. Updating the Climate Big Picture
    Sorry if I have misunderstood something, Dikran, but won't we have absolute proof of the consequence of our actions in 50/100 year's time, when we are experiencing the results of putting another ~200ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere? Or are you arguing that nothing can ever be 'absolute' proof? (I've also posted this comment on the 'IPCC Reports: Science or Spin' thread) [Moderator: by all means delete this post if it's O.T., but if you do, please delete my earlier post as well. Thanks.]
  45. IPCC Reports: Science or Spin?
    Continued from thread, 'Updating the Climate Big Picture'... "John Russell wrote "As I know you know, absolute proof is possible," This is incorrect, I don't want this thread to descend into yet another discussion of the philisophy of science, David Hume showed that we can have no certain knowledge of causal relationships in the real world. Instead, as Hume suggests, we should apportion our belief according to the evidence, but this falls well short of "absolute proof". The point is that the original statement referred to a warming trend since 1978. One could argue that the warming we have observed is due to deep ocean currents redistributing heat within the climate system. Our knowledge of deep ocean currents in the 1980s is unlikely to improve much on what we already know as we don't have a time machine to go back and take more measurements. Thus there will always be irreducible uncertainty on the attribution of warming over that period. What mace fails to understand is that there is a difference between what we can say "all things being otherwise equal" and what we can say about specific observed events. " Sorry if I have misunderstood something, Dikran, but won't we have absolute proof of the consequence of our actions in 50/100 year's time, when we are experiencing the results of putting another ~200ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere? Or are you arguing that nothing can ever be 'absolute' proof?
  46. Updating the Climate Big Picture
    #41 John Russell : "I ask them: if there was a 90% chance that the family house they lived in was going to collapse at some time in the next twenty years, would they demand more evidence, or would they get out, fast? " For a skeptic mind, this is typically not a good metaphor or analogy (I've already had this kind of debate with Tom Curtis, by the way). I dislike analogies, but if you want absolutely use some, they must be convincing. In climate sciences' conclusions assessed by IPCC (which form the base for policy advice and citizen reflexion), the 90% level of confidence we're discussing does not concern a "collapse" in a short period (20 years), but an attribution (of past 60 years warming to GHGs as the main cause). See for example confidence levels in the latest IPCC report on extreme events, SREX 2011 (policymakers read the IPCC reports' SPM, not the full report and not some particular work in the abundant literature).

    [DB] As previously noted, IPCC discussion is OT here.  Please take this area of the discussion to the IPCC Reports: Science or Spin? thread.

  47. Making Arctic Sea Ice Loss Real
    Less technical, but more tasty: Late 1970's minimum volume ~16k km^3, on the left; current minimum volume ~4k, on the right: Our Arctic ice is now 'pint-sized.' Apologies to you metric folks; there are 2 pints in a quart and 2 quarts in a half-gallon.
  48. Updating the Climate Big Picture
    Dikran Marsupial & John Russell: Re your exchanges with mace, "Beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing."
    Moderator Response: [muoncounter] Let's go a step further. This posting is a summary article, not a detailed analysis. Protracted argument over exact wording is a distraction; let's make further commentary over shades of meaning of terms like 'very likely' off-topic from this point forward.
    If you would like to continue detailed discussion of specific terminology in IPCC AR4, there are several topic-specific IPCC threads.
  49. Making Arctic Sea Ice Loss Real

    @ Doug H The mass loss is indeed dramatic. Being volumetric (non-existing in 3-dimensions), it is more difficult to make that volume loss relational. Here are 3 attempts: Click to enlarge


    Click to enlarge


    Click to enlarge


    Note that this final graphic reveals that Arctic sea ice volume has declined in every month of the year, not just the summer minimums.

  50. Dikran Marsupial at 00:28 AM on 25 December 2011
    Updating the Climate Big Picture
    John Russell wrote "As I know you know, absolute proof is possible," This is incorrect, I don't want this thread to descend into yet another discussion of the philisophy of science, David Hume showed that we can have no certain knowledge of causal relationships in the real world. Instead, as Hume suggests, we should apportion our belief according to the evidence, but this falls well short of "absolute proof". The point is that the original statement referred to a warming trend since 1978. One could argue that the warming we have observed is due to deep ocean currents redistributing heat within the climate system. Our knowledge of deep ocean currents in the 1980s is unlikely to improve much on what we already know as we don't have a time machine to go back and take more measurements. Thus there will always be irreducible uncertainty on the attribution of warming over that period. What mace fails to understand is that there is a difference between what we can say "all things being otherwise equal" and what we can say about specific observed events.

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