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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 68751 to 68800:

  1. Not so Permanent Permafrost
    Agnostic, Charlie A has been told several times on this thread that the data are based on model data. With that said, the caption for Fig.2 needs to be changed to reflect that. But this all detracts form the fact that the permafrost is melting and is expected to continue doing so, especially if emissions follow the A2 scenario. It would help greatly if someone could digitize the curves, or even better contact Lawrence and/or Slater and request the actual data. we can then generate our own hi res graphic. I wonder if that would appease the contrarians? But those data are now outdated. Lawrence et al. (2011) have a new paper out on this subject. They say: "Near-surface permafrost (NSP) and seasonally frozen ground (SFG) area is projected to decline substantially during the 21st century (RCP8.5: NSP – 9.0x106 km2, 72%, SFG – 7.1x106, 15%; RCP2.6: NSP – 4.1x106, 33%, SFG – 2.1x106, 4%). The permafrost degradation rate is slower (2000-2050) than in CCSM3 by ~35% due to improved soil physics. Under the low RCP2.6 emissions pathway, permafrost state stabilizes by 2100, suggesting that permafrost related feedbacks could be minimized if greenhouse emissions could be reduced."
  2. Not so Permanent Permafrost
    Charlie A @28, the data is clearly sourced from Lawrence and Slater 2005, and specifically their figure 1 (d), which is reproduced below: A detailed comparison shows that the UNEP version differs primarily in showing the SRES A1B scenario, rather than the B1 and A2 scenarios shown in the paper. As only the B1 and A2 scenarios were modeled in the paper, and the graph shown matches very closely the A2 projections, it is likely that the UNEP graph has been mislabelled in error. Further, the UNEP graph mislabels the modeled 20th century extent as observed extent. In Lawrence and Slater, the observed continuous permafrost (figure 1C, and figure 1 above) matches well the modeled permafrost for the 20th century (figure 1).
  3. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    Bob Loblaw @34, you can also set your key board up in windows to produce an umlaut by typing double [shift-inverted comma] followed by a vowel, which produces: ä, ë, ï, ö, and ü. Using the single inverted comma produces: á, é, í, ó and ú. Unfortunately I just stumbled onto this, and cannot tell you which key board setting is required.
  4. A_Gang_of_Loners at 16:19 PM on 7 December 2011
    Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    5 mervhob "I am deeply worried" Also, you're concern trolling.
  5. A_Gang_of_Loners at 16:19 PM on 7 December 2011
    Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    When will you deniers get it through your heads that words - prose - like the kind you and I are typing into these textboxes right now - are MODELS of the real physical world? Hence, you already ARE modeling the world. The difference between all the words by all the deniers - or even lectures by non-deniers meant to educate the public, but which must necessarily resort to imperfect metaphors or analogies for clarity and brevity - versus mathematical models, is that only mathematical and logistical models can model 1) the magnitude of things - only math can tell you when one thing is bigger than another, or that there is more of something than another, or that something occurs more frequently than another, or that one form of energy gets much more government subsidies than another 2) logical consistency of cause and effect: i.e. if (as deniers always do) you blame some poor person in India for failing to do enough to get THEIR government to pass stronger restrictions on CO2 emissions, then you must blame (as deniers never do) blame some comfortable person in America or Australia for failing to do enough to get THEIR governments to act, etc 3) test hypothetical what-if scenarios and assert if-then statements 4) no human can memorize all the boundary and initial conditions (i.e. data) that goes into these models. Only computers can. 5) the difference between math models and computer models is: one can test only one "what-if" scenario in a computer model at a time, or, more accurately, one can test only a finite number of them. A math theorem proves assertions that can knock out an UNCOUNTABLY INFINITE number of scenarios, say, if a given forcing function f:R->R, f(t), t=time, is unknown, we can still derive important statements from a math theorem. e.g. if x = some physical variable, x'+x=f(t), we know then that x(t)=integral of exp(t)*f(t) times constants mervhob: here's a quiz: what is the cardinality of continuous functions, f:R->R, from reals to reals? So, saying math and computer models are wrong is like saying language is wrong and should not be used or trusted for making predictions or assertions of any kind.
  6. A_Gang_of_Loners at 16:05 PM on 7 December 2011
    Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    5,8,12 mervhob Since you make completely false and outrageous claims about what mathematicians know and claim to know and claim to know, I am free to do the same to you. You clearly have never heard of functional analysis: Fredholm operators, Hilbert spaces, Soboleve spaces. It was created by extremely intelligent mathematicians in the early half of the 20-th century to extract results about the properties of non-linear differential equations to deal with the fact that they could not figure out a way to solve these equations exactly. These mathematicians know more than anyone else the difficulties and limitations of their work. And computer programmers know better than any non-programmers the difficulties and limitations of their work. There is a niche of mathematics called differential algebra which is devoted entirely to finding exact solutions. Exact solutions can be defined as finite compositions of certain well-known functions and quadratures (integrals) of such compositions. I personally know many mathematicians who work night and day in this area, searching for new exact solutions. Check out the weekly Kolchin Seminar in Differential Algebra at Hunter College in New York City. You DO know that any partial differential equation (PDE) has a multivariable Taylor series solution that can be computed iteratively from the PDE itself by repeated differentiation, right? If Laplace and Lagrange are "bad" mathematicians, as you claim, then by the same standards WUWT posters and Monckton and Alex Jones don't even deserve recognition as human. Laplace - inventor of the Laplace transform. Lagrange was the discoverer of the Lagrange Interpolation Formula. And Lagrange who achieved the single greatest triumph over the nonlinearity of math still to this day: the Lagrange Inversion Formula for inverting ANY given analytic function, z=g(w), to find w=f(z), and expressing the coefficients of the powers of z in the power series expansion of H(f(z)) for an ARBITRARY function H(t). I'm sure you know all about these achievements, since you claim to be such an expert.
  7. The Monckton Maneuver
    I'd like to bring again this comment by John Hartz quoting Donald Brown, Professor of Environmental Ethics, Science, and Law at Penn State, comparing the climate change disinformation campaign to "A New Kind of Assault on Humanity". Clearly, we are dealing with the person very intelligent and outspoken as Christopher Monckton appears to be; with the degree of journalism, so surely understanding the manipulative mechanisms he employs. We have a perfect case of the assault prof Brown is talking about, with plenty of evidence gatherred by Peter in this this bunkum series. And the harm done by Monckton is also very high: i.e. his testimony in the Congress is a very high profile disinformation, targetted at most influential policy makers. Shouldn't someone name those practices and bring justice to the evidently guilty perpetrators? In Australia, Monckton labels policy makers trying to deal with climate change as 'fascists' here. Well, if he regards the debate about climate change in such terms, then he is simply asking for that himself: to be treated as he is treating others. If prof Brown's teaching turned into law soon, and if law could work backwards, we would have a perfect criminal to watch, as we had them in Hague some half century ago...
  8. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    It's alt + 0246 (numeric keypad) in Windows: ö
  9. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    31, Bob Loblaw, If you have a Macintosh, type option-u then after that the vowel, like option-u then "o" to get ö (or option-e then "e" to get the very common é). I have no idea what the key combination is on a PC. It probably involves using your toes to simultaneously press 8 keys while humming God Save the Queen and eating chocolate pudding with chopsticks, which is why I have a Mac.
  10. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    27, jimspy, In 1992 Pons and Flieshman both moved to France to continue their work together in/for the IMRA laboratory (part of Technova Corporation, a subsidiary of Toyota). The laboratory closed in 1998 after a ₤12 million research investment with no results. Doesn't sound to me like they were "forever be followed around by a dark cloud over their reputations." It's a fanciful story, but not how it played out. And, with that said, I think the cold fusion case is a once in 50 years occurrence, a peculiar combination of decisions and outcomes. You would be hard pressed to find a similar example that did not involve outright academic fraud. It simply does not apply as a real world example, because it is such an extreme (and yet, even so, does not support your premise that bad-boy scientists would be drummed out of the corps for one mistake).
  11. Not so Permanent Permafrost
    My very basic question of "actual vs. modeled" has not been answered. Is the 1900-2000 permafrost area in Figure 2 of this article based upon observations or is it the result of a model? @27 Agnostic -- to which figure in Lawrence & Slater 2005 does your figure 2 correspond? 1. I could not find any graph in that paper that has the same data as shown in your Figure 2. Your/WWF's figure 2 does have some similarity to the upper bound of the ensemble of models, but it doesn't really match even that. 2. The only actual area data presented in Lawrence and Slater 2005 is a mean area of 10.69 million sq km for 1980-1999. No times series of actual/observed/estimated area is given. The reference WWF supplied, Lawrence and Slater 2005 does not have any information on actual or estimated permafrost area for the period 1900-2000. But your graph shows "actual area" plot going back to 1900. Please explain your Figure 2. 1. Source? 2. Actual or model output?
  12. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    12, mervhob,
    So the use of smoothing functions doesn't linearize the system?
    Strawman. I never said any such thing. No one has. Tom Curtis already said it at 13, but since the comment was directed at me, please let me reiterate. Please provide a citation for where (anywhere) that someone in a position to know such things says that smoothing functions are in common use in climate models. You are fabricating arguments and lecturing everyone about the mathematics of linear systems when it is not an issue, because climate models are not implemented as linear systems, and the mathematics background of climate modelers is very, very good. Again, instead of lecturing someone you don't know on the mathematics that you presume they (I) don't know, please do as you have been instructed. Your understanding of how climate models are designed and implemented is pathetically bad. Your Russian education in mathematics may be good (but not as good as my American education, I'll wager), however it is irrelevant when the topic at hand is not mathematics (of any sort) but instead complex, state-of-the-art climate modeling techniques. Please educate yourself before continuing this discussion. The following statements that you have made are categorically false, and until you have learned enough to understand this, the conversation amounts to you blustering and refusing to listen:
    • There is a belief that by the application of ‘smoothing functions’, these variations in systematic boundary conditions may be ignored
    • the crude Laplacian ‘steady state’ model favoured by climate modellers
    • It is now accepted that linear approximation reduces the potential behaviours in a physical system
    • We seem prepared to hang all on a few decades of data, and a very limited understanding of the dynamic behaviours involved
    • There is an almost deadly silence on the mathematical background to climate modelling
    • smoothing functions were in common use, with seemingly little understanding of their effect on dynamics
    When you have learned enough about how climate models work to understand that all of these assertions are false, and that the rest of your statements about mathematics, dynamics, Laplace, Lagrange and linear systems simply do not apply to the topic of modern climate models, then a meaningful discussion can proceed from that point. If you seriously consider yourself qualified to understand, then the best place to start is here, the GISS GCM ModelE. You can view the documentation, download the source code, and compile and run it yourself. There are myriad other sources of information on the web, including, as you have already been told, books on climate modeling, web pages on climate modeling, source code, models you can run online, models you can download, and more. There is no excuse to speak without understanding. Climate models are not linear systems. Read. Learn. Then we'll talk.
  13. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    Sphaerica @26: Point accepted. Sorry if I'm picking nits. jimspy @ 27: No, you wouldn't know what it has to do with the subject. You seem to think that "science" is some monolithic, centrally-controlled cabal that can "ostracize" people at will. It can't. People like Mörner will always find a platform, and "Science" won't be able to do much but give him no respect and point out the flaws in his reasoning. It's not as if we can vote him off the island. Heck, it's not as if "Science" has one voice. You're creating a strawman view of "Science", and erroneously equating Mörner's success at finding a soapbox with success or acceptance in science. P.S. I got the umlaut (?) over the o in Mörner by cutting and pasting from the title line of the post... Easier than figuring out how to insert it myself.
  14. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    TOP - um? Do you agree with him that the graph shows no trend from 1992-2007? (Unrotated version at top of page)
  15. The Monckton Maneuver
    Brilliant work, potholer54. A marvellous "smack down".
  16. Bert from Eltham at 14:31 PM on 7 December 2011
    The Monckton Maneuver
    It is not the dumb bludgeon that works on these deniers. It is the surgeons knife that cuts to the bone of their beleifs. They have been de-hoisted by their own petard! Bert
  17. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    I guess I'm still trying to see what is wrong with that graph. It doesn't look tampered with to me.
  18. Doug Hutcheson at 14:18 PM on 7 December 2011
    The Monckton Maneuver
    The 'Bunkum' series should be compulsory viewing in high schools, to demonstrate the nature of the supposed debate. I have just finished viewing them and the 'response' videos linked above. It is depressing to consider how many MSM column inches are devoted to distortions like this. It is even more depressing to consider how many people rely on the MSM for their world-view. Thank goodness for SkS! The AGW theory can be regarded as pretty well proved, as far as untrained people like me are concerned, but the distortions seem to gain the greatest populist momentum. Sigh. Dumb humanity may deserve the future it is creating.
  19. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    mervhob - what makes you believe that climate modellers are not competent mathematicians? So far you are pontificating about something you clearly know very little about. Have you read any papers on the mathematical foundations in climate modelling at all? Note also that there are 20 different modelling groups from around the world participating in CMIP5 so lets forget the "my countries education is superior to yours" bit.
  20. The Monckton Maneuver
    I find it interesting that one of the big problems that proponents of CAGW (Conspiracy theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming) have is that they consider people who think AGW is a problem to hold a "religious" belief in it, not subject to argument or discussion but a matter of faith. Yet, they revere Monkton, hold him up as a brave non-conformist who champions the truth, when he's been repeatedly rebutted by none other than himself? I think that's what makes potholer54's approach so effective. Sarcasm and some mocking, but mainly letting Monkton speak for himself and fairly examining his assetions.
  21. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    mervhob I do not know what are you smoking. Highly non-linear, but as you may experience everyday it does not jump around between steady states at the global scale. There are no hidden states in the system. Similar to RANS a time-averaging that allows you to ignore local chaotic behavior of turbulence but still lets you make macroscopic predictions of flow behavior. You can add any physics you want, radiation, complex non-linear kinetics etc.. etc.. still tractable under specific assumptions. If you are the genius that uncovered the mathematical scandal please put up or shut up....
  22. The Monckton Maneuver
    Sphærica at #8. WUWT is definitely frothing right over 'the top' these days. One can hope that it presages the end, just as it does with a two-stroke mower running out of fuel. Sadly, even if that end were to occur today, the Moncktons, the Watts, and the Bolts of the world have already wrought irreparable harm on the biosphere. Our choice is no longer "if" but "how much".
  23. The Monckton Maneuver
    Phillippe Chantreau @10, is that what you call "athletic democracy"?
  24. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    jimspy @27, there is no need for ostracizing (a social act). Morner should be welcome to attend whatever scientific conferences he wishes, to discuss issues with any colleagues who wish to, to publish anything he can get past peer review (and in Energy and Environment, anything he can't get past peer review). But if the quality of his science does not improve, even without ostracizing, his results will be ignored as demonstrably irrelevant and ill grounded. The problem is not the scientific community, but the political community, or at least sections of it, who find his brand of clap trap politically useful. Personally I believe newspapers who publish complete scientific nonsense as being the truth, as does the Spectator ought to be heavily fined for false advertising. They advertise themselves a presenters of fact, but instead present fictions in the guise of facts. Therefore they are fraudulently selling their wares, just as much as a publican who waters his beer, and should face the same range of penalties. But beyond that, Mörner's article is political speech, and should be protected accordingly.
  25. Philippe Chantreau at 13:12 PM on 7 December 2011
    The Monckton Maneuver
    There used to be a time when, in the US, people like this would be ran out of town on a rail, covered with tar and feathers...
  26. Philippe Chantreau at 13:05 PM on 7 December 2011
    The Monckton Maneuver
    This is precious. I had no idea Monckton could be that funny. I'm still laughing. Thank you Mr Hadfield.
  27. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    Sphaerica #20, do you deny that Pons & Fleischmann will forever be followed around by a dark cloud over their reputations? That wherever they go, they will hear hisses of, "Oh, yeah, the cold fusion guys..."? That for all intents and purposes, their days of being taken seriously as scientists are over? And perhaps deservedly so, or perhaps its too harsh a judgement, but that's the way I see Science operating, for better or for worse (and I think generally for the better). Rob #22, I don't know what The Spectator is, but even if the article was in Mad Magazine, if it was presented as a serious analysis, he should be ostracized by the scientific community in general. If it was a political spoof, as Sphaerica indicates, then why does the caption to the graphic take itself so seriously? But if that is the case, if it was genuinely JUST a spoof, I hereby withdraw my condemnation. Bob Loblaw #24, granted, but I don't know what that has to do with the subject at hand.
  28. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    mervhob: If you really want to know about the state-of-the art in climate modeling you could start by immersing yourself in the materials about the MIT Integrated Global System Model posted here. From the tenor of your posts, I suspect that you may just be trying to stir up a hornet's nest on this comment thread by slinging a lot of hash about climate models.
  29. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    mervhob @11, you are making a number of unsupported claims. When you said you were, "... shocked by the statement that smoothing functions were in common use", I looked for that statement in the article above, and could not find it. Nor could I find it in either of the two FAQs linked by scaddenp. Further, you have provided no examples any models replacing a dynamic chaotic function with a smoothed approximation. Absent sources or examples to back up your claims, it is difficult to take them seriously. Please note that providing technical discussion on this point, while welcome, may be of topic for this post. I suggest you shift the discussion to this more relevant thread. You can always link back to that discussion in support of points directly relevant to this topic.
  30. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    Sphaerica, So the use of smoothing functions doesn't linearize the system? That assumption would not be accepted by a professional mathematician. It has been a tool of classical analysis for the last 200 years. However, it proved to be of little value in dynamics. I suggest you improve your own education, in particular take a look at the statements of mathematicians in the early 19th century, where it was widely stated that the French school had abandoned dynamics and replaced it with statics - the mathematics of the known solution. This is the mathematics commonly taught today. However, if you were fortunate enough to have a mathematical education in Russia, you would find that they teach non-linear principles, and linear methods are always treated as an approximation, with sound advice on their limitations.
  31. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    scaddenp Thanks for the links, but they don't answer any questions. There is an almost deadly silence on the mathematical background to climate modelling - I was shocked by the statement that smoothing functions were in common use, with seemingly little understanding of their effect on dynamics. This is hardly surprising as most graduates leave university with the delusion that they can solve any problem using linear algebra. Newton would not agree, and we have had to return to many of the tricks of the fluxional calculus, in order to solve non-linear problems.
  32. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    Climate models have no skill at decadal or shorter predictions. No such claim is made and that limitation is readily accepted - the subject of many papers. Again it seems that you are making a raft of assumptions without actually studying how climate modelling is done first.
  33. Temporarily Frozen Planet, Permanently Frozen Objectivity
    I just got an email from that said :"But just hours after Claudia Abbott-Barish's petition hit 75,000 signatures, Discovery backed down, and agreed to air the final episode (all about climate change) in its entirety! " So I guess the public has spoken.High five!
  34. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    8, mervhob, It is a very poor carpenter who looks at a cement and steel skyscraper, and says that it cannot exist because he is a carpenter and he knows one could never fabricate such a structure using wood. Your presumption that models "linearize" things is flat out wrong. Again, you are speaking from a position of complete ignorance. Educate yourself properly about how the models are constructed before casting arrogant aspersions and speaking condescendingly about things that you misunderstand.
  35. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    It is a very poor mathematician that does not accept the limitations of the tools he uses, and their inapplicabilty to certain types of problems. I do not doubt your ability to model a simple outcome - a rise in temperature. What I question is the ability of such a model to quantify the the effects of such a temperature rise, except in equally simplistic terms. The empirical evidence has already started to diverge from the model - the model did not predict the dramatic increase in the rainfall around the Tropic of Cancer, and neither did it predict the very dry conditions in much of the Northern hemisphere in winter. I find the idea that a non-linear model can be 'linearised' and still represent long term behavior baroque - the methods of Lagrange and Laplace only work for small perturbations - hence the good correlation to temperature in the short term. But please don't consider such a model dynamic - it is not.
  36. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    mervhob, you might also like to look at: FAQ on climate models and Part 2 from the modellers themselves.
  37. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    24, Bob Loblaw, I didn't intend to make it sound as if scientists have no such input (obviously, at all levels, scientists will be making recommendations, and many scientists eventually wind up in such positions in management, government or business). My statement was more along the lines that the mythical club-of-scientists could not get together and agree to completely deprive two scientists of all funding from all possible sources just because they were deemed to be "out of the club."
  38. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    5, mervhob, Your opinion is, unfortunately, founded on a large number of false assertions/assumptions. In fact, I'm not sure there is any foundation at all beneath your conclusions. Rather than address them point by point (which would be tedious), I would suggest that since the subject is of such interest to you, your best course would be to educate yourself on how climate models actually are designed and operate. There are a great number of resources available on the Internet, including a number of in-depth books on how to design and implement climate models, and several climate models that you can actually download and run yourself, as well as reading the actual source code (which I myself have done, although not to any great extent). But, as I've already said... most of your foundation statements are false. You do not appear to have an actual grasp of how climate models operate. Instead, you appear to be basing your opinion on the fanciful descriptions of such models that you might find in ignorant venues such as WUWT and others, or on false premises and assumptions inferred purely from your own experience and education in EE or signal theory. This site is a decent place to start to better understand the models at a very high level, but really, to learn what you need to know to be able to speak knowledgeably on the subject, you'll need to go much more deeply into it than this site offers. Google and time are your friends in this. Hasty assumptions and misinformation delivered by sites that specialize in misinformation are not.
  39. Separating signal and noise in climate warming
    I am deeply worried, having looked at the mathematical background to the current climate models, by the insistence that there is no dynamic linkage between weather and climate. This is known to be false, from the science of non-linear systems, or dynamics. There is a belief that by the application of ‘smoothing functions’, these variations in systematic boundary conditions may be ignored. I would point out that in the field of oscillator theory, this was proven to be false in 1988, in the landmark PhD thesis of David M. Harrison at Leeds University. David conclusively proved that the lack of correlation between real noise performance, and the then ‘theoretical models’ was the introduction of smoothing functions to allow the generation of closed integral solutions. This investigation was sparked by my observation that the value of close to carrier noise terms in electronic oscillators was often 10 – 100 times worse than the open loop noise. This had led, by modellers, to the introduction of coefficients for these noise terms that could not be related to the physics of operation. David implemented a full, non-linear solution, and showed clearly how the noise terms were multiplicative, leading to a dramatic increase in noise amplitudes at low frequencies. Such as model applies to any dynamic system, and can lead to a system with more than one, potential stable amplitude, and the system jumping from one state to another in a very short timescale. In the case of climate, the noise variables are of very high energy, unlike the noise perturbations in an electronic oscillator. This is a true dynamic model, unlike the crude Laplacian ‘steady state’ model favoured by climate modellers. Laplace, because he was incapable of solving problems in dynamics, reduced all to statics, a system of closed integral curves which allowed the formulation of integrals schoolboys could handle. In this he followed Lagrange. I do not doubt that climate change is occurring, and that man has made some contribution, but I doubt our ability to accurately predict the outcome on the basis of the reasoning of some not very good French mathematicians of the 18th century. No Langrangian or, Laplacian model can be relied on for development as a time series solution, and crude attempts to introduce coupling terms will lead the analyst astray. It is now accepted that linear approximation reduces the potential behaviours in a physical system, and in the case of a simple non-linear system – an oscillator, led us up the garden path for decades. In the case of a system as complex and multivariate as climate, we should not be surprised if it springs a few surprises on us. We seem prepared to hang all on a few decades of data, and a very limited understanding of the dynamic behaviours involved. We cannot avoid jumps in a non-linear system by pretending they cannot occur – and the potential jumps could be in any direction!
    Moderator Response: Your personal skepticism of the ability of climate models to predict must take a back seat to the empirical evidence that climate models do predict easily well enough to feed decisions to act; in the Search field at the top left of this page, type "models are unreliable" without the quote marks. Also search for "chaos."
  40. 2011: World’s 10th warmest year, warmest year with La Niña event, lowest Arctic sea ice volume
    jimb#39: "I had no intention of suggesting that it was not a consequence of greenhouse warming." I didn't say that you had suggested it; I merely find it yet another piece in the mountain of evidence that all point in the same direction. Let's watch how those who claim the stratosphere isn't cooling spin this evidence that it is.
  41. The Monckton Maneuver
    8, pbjamm, Really, at this point it's beginning to be thanks to WUWT for being so far over the top, so demonstrably wrong, and so ridiculously one-sided that it wants to prop up someone as wrong as Monckton, and as a result they will all go together when they go.
  42. The Monckton Maneuver
    As compelling as Monckton can manage to sound when in his element (a stage presentation), he's shown himself to be woefully incapable of defending himself after the fact. Almost to the point of being sad.
  43. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    Apparently most of that water went to land. As the world ice melts wet areas are going to get much wetter more of the time. ie swamplands. We are going to have a vastly eire landscape much different to anything we are accustom to now. Swamps and deserts with very little in between.
  44. 2011: World’s 10th warmest year, warmest year with La Niña event, lowest Arctic sea ice volume
    re #38- I was simply referencing the article in Nature where the title of the abstract was titled "Unprecedented Arctic Ozone loss in 2011". (don't have access to the full article) As a non-scientist, I try to keep up with the various issues, and find this site very helpful in sorting out the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. I should have been more clear with my question, I suppose, but I assume from your response that the 'unprecedented ozone loss' is not expected to have any effect on arctic temperatures. I'm not sure how to take your last rhetorical question, but I had no intention of suggesting that it was not a consequence of greenhouse warming.

    [DB] "(don't have access to the full article)"

    Try here:

  45. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    Tenney @17: The Wikipedia entry on the Mississippi River says that the retention time from the headwaters at Lake Itasca to the Gulf is typically about 90 days (last sentence in the Watershed section). That is along the Mississippi proper (starting in Minnesota), not along its longer tributary, the Missouri. The Amazon and Nile are longer yet, and any river system with a lot of lakes probably slows the length of time it takes to get water from the headwaters back to the ocean. Obviously, shorter rivers return water to the ocean a lot faster, but winter snowfall won't have a chance to start the journey until spring snowmelt season. Also, there are large areas of the globe that basically have no drainage to the ocean, so you have to wait for water to evaporate and fall somewhere else to get it back to sea, or feed it to groundwater. The US southwest Great Basin is one such example. Getting all that rain back to the ocean is not a quick and easy task. jimspy @19: You need to remember that a career in science is not the same thing as a career in academia. Yes, sometimes people do both, but there are skills that can give a person a great academic career in certain disciplines without ever being any good at science. And someone can accomplish enough science to start a career, and then move on to other ways of extending a career, without science. Sphaerica @20: Sometimes other scientists do get to determine funding. Many grant agencies have rigorous review panels, primarily made up of practising scientists. Participating on such panels is one of the things that academics are expected to do as part of a successful career. The participating scientists don't get to decide how big the pot of money is, but they do influence who gets it.
  46. The Monckton Maneuver
    Wow, that series of videos from Peter Hadfield is devastating. My hat is off to him. 'Monckton answers a troll' (from WUWT) Thanks also to WUWT for its continued commitment to the highest quality scientific discourse.
  47. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    Tenney Naumer @ 16 & 17 - It certainly is unusual. Carmen Boening from NASA JPL has a forthcoming paper on the subject. We'll post on it when it's published.
  48. Nils-Axel Mörner is Wrong About Sea Level Rise
    Jimpsy@19 -" how is it that someone like this Morner ..........can pull such an obviously deliberately misleading and quite laughable Three Stooges stunt like rotating a graph, and be allowed to remain anywhere near the vaunted halls of "Science?" I can assure you The Spectator is far, far, far from the vaunted halls of science.
  49. The Monckton Maneuver
    Decimating exposures like this are surely sending indisputable wakeup signals to climate “skeptics” because Monckton is one of their most prominent distributers of politically motivated science. Vaudeville sideshows will not change the knowledge database of climate science. Other vocal denialist like Watts, Plimer and the rest (including fossil fuelers and media hacks), hang their hats on or lend support to Monckton’s utterances. Plimer’s books prove he is guilty of the same gross manipulation of the science. Excellent investigative journalism, like this from Peter Hadfield (Potholer54), will eventually marginalise these promoters of confusion and misinformation. Either that or the sheer weight of scientific evidence will.
  50. 2011: World’s 10th warmest year, warmest year with La Niña event, lowest Arctic sea ice volume
    jimb#37: The Arctic ozone hole has been kicking around for 15 years or so; apparently a consequence of a cooler-than normal stratosphere. The Arctic ozone hole first appeared in the mid-1990s, more than a decade after the Antarctic hole. Like its southern cousin, it forms as the Sun rises after the midwinter night. Solar radiation triggers reactions between ozone in the stratosphere and chemicals containing chlorine or bromine. These occur fastest on the surface of ice particles in clouds, which only form in the polar stratosphere at temperatures below ­80 °C. And isn't that a consequence of greenhouse warming?

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