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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 69701 to 69750:

  1. Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    Several of the comments look terrible to me: mostly related to FoI requests. On one level you think: what is there to hide? Repeated tests of the science, like BEST, have shown that the work is generally good. It seems like they'd have nothing to hide. Until you see the misrepresentation and spin (intentional or unintentional) in the media and blogosphere. You know, the spin which turned poor tree ring data into 'global temperatures are declining', which is just flat out ignorance or lies. The aggressive smear campaign by think tanks and ideologues makes scientists act more defensive, which is used to raise more suspicion about scientists...
  2. The Debunking Handbook Part 4: The Worldview Backfire Effect
    It was even more striking (following on from Kevin C's comment) to see the number of those people who have subsequently reverted back to doubting any form of warming anyway, meaning that their denial about their previous views was also a denial ! (If you see what I mean...)
  3. Economic Growth and Climate Change Part 1 - Factors Influencing CO2 Emissions
    Success after a fashion. The links @7 yield images of twice the linear size which is rather useful for reading the annotations. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    [DB] The comment box field can accomodate image widths up to 500 pixels, if need be.  Image posting advice is located here.

  4. The Debunking Handbook Part 4: The Worldview Backfire Effect
    Only 2% of participants changed their mind (although interestingly, 14% denied that they believed the link in the first place).
    Indeed; it was striking in the week after the BEST data came out to see the number of statements from people had suddenly never previously doubted that the world was warming, but merely doubted the cause.
  5. Economic Growth and Climate Change Part 1 - Factors Influencing CO2 Emissions
    PeteM @3 The spectacular record rise in CO2 emissions in 2010 were really due to the recovery from the reduced emissions of 2009, although I should stress the trend over the last decade (averaging 2.4% per annum) iis seriously bad news. See graph down this link Graph of carbon emissions The news that atmospheric CO2 had risen 2.3ppm over the year 2010 was but conicidence. The 2010 record rise in emissions comprised 0.5 million tons of carbon above 2009 emission totals. That 0.5 million into the atmosphere would add roughly 0.1ppm to the CO2 level. As the WMO news release said, annual rises has been averaging 2ppm per annum. Again CO2 concentrations do wobble about but the trend is increasingly upwards. See graph down this link. Graph of CO2 concentrations (I will now have a try at posting them onto here as graphs but I'm not sure of their size & my record with web links is not good.)
  6. Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    Apparently Benny Peiser at GWPF has refused to hand over emails. Smacks of double standards:
  7. Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    Robert Wray @9, I doubt any scientists are perfect, and so see no reason why climate scientists should be different in that regard. If deniers think they have genuine case against climate scientists, let them eschew the ridiculous conspiracy theories, and build a case by quoting entire emails with their full context carefully explained. When they have sufficient confidence in their case to do that, then and only then need we take the accusations seriously. As it stands, the emails as presented can tell us nothing about any wrong doing by scientists. They are taken out of context. The texts are culled for anything that can be misinterpreted, then quoted and in some cases redacted to encourage that misinterpretation. Their presentation, in fact, resembles nothing so much as a trial for witchcraft:
    Moderator Response: [Sph] Shrunk embedded video to 500 width
  8. Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    Robert: I sort of agree, but there's an issue of perspective here. How would your email box fare under that kind of scrutiny? I suspect mine contains a lot of things I would regret saying. What I see in the emails are scientists who are no better people than me, struggling with communicating across two spheres with conflicting, contradictory approaches to information - from science to politics. People who have already been selected for their science aptitude, that same aptitude rendering them ill equipped for communicating to the political sphere. Some of the emails do cast an unflattering light on the scientists involved. But only in comparison to an unrealistic ideal of what a scientists should be, one which people in other professions don't being to live up to either. I think a significant factor here is that the structures and conventions of science - which have evolved over the past couple of centuries - have allowed science to produce robust results even in the face of the fallibility, cognitive biases, and even rare cases dishonesty of individual researchers. And thus the leaks have not lead to even one paper being retracted, or the identification of one additional error in the IPCC AR4 report.
  9. Economic Growth and Climate Change Part 1 - Factors Influencing CO2 Emissions
    perseus : "However, the expanding economies of China, Brazil and India have more recently become major emitters" You're right, and we must recall that, according to the last IEA WEO 2011 report (commented on SkS previous week) "over the next 25 years, 90% of the projected growth in global energy demand comes from non-OECD economies; China alone accounts for more than 30%, consolidating its position as the world’s largest energy consumer" Main driver of world economic and energy growth is no more OECD, but the development of emerging countries in Asia, Africa and Americas. I'll enjoy to read the 2nd part of your text.
  10. Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    Thus far, the most 'exploitable' line seem to be Phil Jones's comment about the IPCC being above national FOI requests, which seems a reasonable enough statement when referring to an international body (isn't this international sharing what prevented him releasing data previously?). He might need to clarify what he said about deleting emails to 'cover yourself'. Again, it's obviously an innocent suggestion of a way to prevent data being released or requisitioned inappropriately (Oh! The irony that we're now talking about it!) but I can see it being spun eternally ...
  11. World Energy Outlook 2011: “The door to 2°C is closing”
    Adelady : thanks, I’ll try to charge the Bloomberg report (just access to the press release for now, not the primary source). Agnostic : I’ve problem with your link. In my mind, we are not discussing here if some non-carbon energy sources are competitive (of course they already are in better – sunny, windy, etc. – places, and even more with a carbon price), but at which conditions a 2K / 450 ppm can be targeted (IEA WEO report). It is very different to get, say, 20 % of your total energy mix (not just electricity) and to get 50 or 80% of it from non-carbon sources. A majority of models are unable to rely just on RE (see IPCC SRREN) and that’s why coal with CCS, biofuel, nuclear are supposed to be included in the mix.
  12. Pielke Sr. Misinforms High School Students
    rpauli @33, Your analogy, although interesting ethically, is incorrect. Encouraging to drink driving is illegal, while 'skeptic' opinion about AGW is perfectly legal, and even boasted by some as an example of democracy, or first amendment in Pielke's country, rights of commons or other 'noble priviledge'. Unfortunately for you, law and ethics are totally different things. The anology similar to yours, would be: what if Tony Abbott in Australia after June 2012, starts talking to mining magnates: "don't pay those carbon taxes, this taxation is a big scam based on a lie, it's OK if you don't pay it". I'm sure Tony is very keen on that but not silly enough to actually say that (after June 2012) and say good-buy his career and possibly his freedom. Same applies to Pielke and your analogy: he's not silly enough to publicly promote illegal behaviour.
  13. Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    To be honest I'm going to be frank and say there are parts of emails in there which I am not happy about. I have heard some of these things privately from others and I think that we have to be careful not to "cheerlead" the AGW side. There are elements that we should rightfully be critical of and elements where skeptics will take things to extremes. We have to be with the science even more so today.
  14. Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    Have to say, my heart goes out to Mann, Johns et al looking at the prospect of another witch-hunt looming just in time for Christmas.
  15. Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    Karl @ 2 Gavin Schmidt over at Realclimate is already busy providing the context you demand.
  16. Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    Karl @ 2 - even though the turkey is two years old, it sat in the freezer for at least a decade. That's how old some of the e-mails are. We will be offering point-by-point rebuttals in the future.
  17. Congressional Climate Briefing - The End of Climate Skepticism?
    Nothing to stop anyone getting a supply contract and building a refinery. Oil companies dont need to control refinery capacity to make money. The problem is maintaining production. IEA figures for 2012 are not looking promising in that department. Need a big depression to keep demand down. Looks like Italy and Greece are answering the call.
  18. Philippe Chantreau at 17:03 PM on 23 November 2011
    Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    I say that, for the sake of "transparency", McIntyre and Watts should release all their personal e-mails too. Since they are not scientists, and their opinions are not officially part of policy making, it should be no big deal, right?
  19. Philippe Chantreau at 16:53 PM on 23 November 2011
    Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    whistle blower, my left toe. I'm having deja moo (the feeling that I've heard this bull before). How qualifed is Karl to determine that the research reporting is "shoddy?" Nonsense piled on top of more nonsense. The buffoons arguing that 2.5 billions people live on less than $2 a day should take their complaints to those who hold more of the world's wealth that any human can possibly have a use for. As far as plaguing the world's economy, we've seen how costly speculation and bad financial practices can be. Why is nobody releasing e-mails from Charles Schwab, B of A and so forth? The buffoons must have their strings pulled by some pretty selective authority...
  20. Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    @Karl_from_Wylie Quotes have already been addressed, see here:
  21. Karl_from_Wylie at 16:27 PM on 23 November 2011
    Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    Attack the "whistle blowers". Don't address any of the quotes other than say their "out of context" It's time to admit that shoddy research reporting lessens the credibility of one's work.

    [DB] Unless it is proven that "whistle blowers" were involved the skeptical thing to do would be to presume the emails were hacked, as no "whistle blowers" have come forward under the shield of whistle blower acts designed to protect them.

  22. Climategate 2.0: Denialists Serve Up Two-Year-Old Turkey
    As it happens, two-year-old, stale, reheated CRU conspiracy theory comes conveniently wrapped in tinfoil from which very fashionable and practical hats can be assembled.
  23. Congressional Climate Briefing - The End of Climate Skepticism?
    scaddenp$54: I guess it depends on who is doing the refining. Here's a USEIA database of US % refinery utilization that shows the peak was in 1998; 2010 was back to the same level as 1991. BP enjoys a considerable margin on refining: Global average refining margins improved to $10.0/bbl in 2010 from $9/bbl in 2009 with oil demand returning to growth. Chevron's not doing so badly either: Chevron, the second-largest American oil company, had a 43 percent jump in quarterly profit, beating estimates as high oil prices and increased refinery margins offset weaker output. Chevron’s profit rose to $7.7 billion, or $3.85 a share, from $5.4 billion, or $2.70 a share, a year earlier. Profits are indeed up; gasoline prices are just high enough to keep people driving - and finding costs, which spiked in 2008, are back down in the $15/bbl range. Last I checked, WTI was over $95. Like they used to say in Texas, "If you don't have an oil well, get one!"
  24. Extreme Events Increase With Global Warming
    Tom Curtis @ 122 Thank you for your very thoughtful and interesting post. Good ideas in there to consider. I do appreciate the effort.
  25. Congressional Climate Briefing - The End of Climate Skepticism?
    muon, I am in no position to assess the expertise of Consumer Union researchers but I do see some issues with that report. Firstly, if crude production is constrained while demand increases, then I cant see how profits can do anything except go up. The cost part of the production goes up only modestly while retail price goes up a lot. If refining capacity has been artificially limited, then surely someone can make a buck reopening a refinery or building a new one? The real issue with refining is that they cost a huge amount build and need to operate 20-30 years to return a profit to investors. But 30 year supply contracts are rather thin on the ground. Compare that article with this one "Many refiners struggle to make money currently as refining margins slide back to $2-5 per barrel. My own refinery model clearly demonstrates this phenomena and finished product prices will have to rise substantially"
  26. Congressional Climate Briefing - The End of Climate Skepticism?
    Humor is obviously acceptable, there have been many good examples here. But the political humor in the last sentence in the OP should be removed and/or left out of future articles.
  27. Economic Growth and Climate Change Part 1 - Factors Influencing CO2 Emissions
    I have commented on this particular issue over and over again, and hopefully we will start to wake up to the very simple fact that there are too many people in the world. Our use of resources is NOT sustainable, and there is zero doubt that we are heading for a population crash in the not too far distant future. Climate change is just one part of the jig-saw, and it isn't even really the problem - it is just a symptom of the real problem. Over-exploitation of resources, wildlife habitat fragmentation, climate change, pollution - these are all symptoms of there being too many people. I have seen it over and over again where a species undergoes exponential growth because of lack of predation, disease or competition. And in every single case such growth is simply unsustainable, and the population eventually crashes because of lack of resources and because their environment becomes virtually uninhabitable. Humans are not different. And the result WILL be inevitable unless we change our ways - which we won't or can't.
  28. Congressional Climate Briefing - The End of Climate Skepticism?
    pirate#47: "a product that you can offer and make a profit, would you limit yourself?" All corporations are expected to limit themselves - they must stay within the law. For the time being, the US still has a Clean Air Act and an EPA. How do your precious companies respond? They buy themselves enough representation in Congress to influence lawmaking. Since the 1990 election cycle, the oil and gas industry has contributed more than $270 million to political campaigns, committees and causes. Republicans received 76 percent of the total money. ... What companies are contributing the most? The people and PACs affiliated with Koch Industries, ExxonMobil and Chief Oil and Gas were the top three political donors during the 2010 election. How've the oils done during this time period? ... the U.S. oil industry made $100 billion in windfall profits since the late 1990s, largely by eliminating refining capacity that paved the way to drive up prices at the pump. Those price increases have added more than $1,000 a year to the average family’s gasoline bill. The analysis, entitled “Debunking Oil Company Myths and Deception: The $100 Billion Consumer Rip-Off,” found that the difference between the cost of crude oil, and the price at the pump (net of taxes) is now about 40 cents a gallon higher than historical averages. That spike comes as a small number of large oil companies control both oil production and refining in the United States. Great system; I was a part of it for 25 years (until I got a real job). No wonder Congressmen don't have to show up for briefings - or do anything that helps the people they were sent there to help fleece. Just "Drill, baby, drill."
  29. Pielke Sr. Misinforms High School Students
    Thanks for your analysis of the science. It is most important. I humbly request you reconsider publishing my analogy: what if a scientist answers email questions from HS students about drinking and driving - and opines that a small amount of alcohol blood level is OK - imprecise science there would be harmful.
  30. The Debunking Handbook Part 3: The Overkill Backfire Effect
    DrTsk@1, 6 Your original comment was "Keep It Simple for the Stupid". My point is that most of the population are not scientists and, if intelligence distribution follows a Bell curve, most of the population is of average intelligence and not stupid. Thus, I was trying to show that we should keep things simple for the masses, in order to make our information accessible to and digestible by the greatest number of people. In my experience, we tend to gloss over the 'too hard' bits in information we process and only go back to try for a deeper understanding if the topic interests us, or if we need the knowledge for an exam . This has been an entertaining and informative thread of comments. I have certainly learned some useful tips.
  31. Congressional Climate Briefing - The End of Climate Skepticism?
    "I don't know of a better system worldwide" Apart from the specific issues noted by scaddenp, the glaring problem in democratic decision making in the USA from an Australian point of view would be voter registration. Here there's a neutral agency which handles voter registration, according to rules clearly set out in legislation and regulation. They apply equally to all Australian citizens, no variations state by state. Having an impartial, universal voter registration system would be a vast improvement for USA democracy. At least from the view on this side of the Pacific.
  32. Congressional Climate Briefing - The End of Climate Skepticism?
    @Pirate #47: You convenitnetly ignore the fact that the five companies listed have been in the vanguard of creating and perpetuating the Climate Denial Spin Machine. In addition, their environmental track records have been abysmal. BTW, Coca-Cola's environmental track record has also been abysmal.
  33. Congressional Climate Briefing - The End of Climate Skepticism?
    #47 pirate, if you think the US system is the best political system in the world, you haven't looked into other political systems. First, as scaddenp says, money utterly talks in US politics. You can't be a US candidate unless large sums of money are donated to you personally, allowing all manner of corruption from vested interests. It's all to easy for principles to take a back seat when an organisation comes up to a budding candidate and offers hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations, but might hint that taxes on rich/coporations might be best left low, and that it's not a great idea to act on climate change, for example. Secondly, due to the filibuster rules, US politics necessarily relies on compromise and discussion between the parties, something that just isn't happening at present with Republicans having sworn to make Obama a one-term president and oppose every single thing he does. So nothing gets agreed, even on debt or budget. Between these two facts, US democracy appears from the outside to be broken just now. You don't like the source of John's article. Do you have evidence that energy / FF companies are not using some of their profits to influence politicians in the USA? Here's some evidence in a Guardian article showing that even foreign FF companies got into the act before the US mid-term elections. I much prefer democratic systems like NZ or even the UK (and I think many European countries) where private funding of campaigns is much more limited, such as in scaddenp's post above. It doesn't prevent corruption, but it certainly doesn't aid it as in the US.
  34. Economic Growth and Climate Change Part 1 - Factors Influencing CO2 Emissions
    @Kevin : Ultimately sustainability DOES equal austerity. But maybe austerity does NOT equal human unhappiness. I bet there are levels of material sufficiency that are lower than the developed world's current profligacy, but which could actually enrich us all in that most precious commodity - that of human happiness. We do need to reduce carbon intensity, and fast. But reducing GDP, however taboo, is both necessary, and potentially hugely rewarding. Necessary, because even if we 'solve' the carbon intensity issue, our endless striving for economic growth is exhausting most of the world's ecological resources. Hugely rewarding because, in a society where 30-50% of our labours is no longer required, just to fill the coffers of landowners; where the mass-consumer beast is finally dead and buried; where real needs are met, and false ones are no longer inflated -- in that society, we might all actually be able to achieve that fabled work/life/security balance. (And no I don't mean 'going back to the Stone Age'!)
  35. Economic Growth and Climate Change Part 1 - Factors Influencing CO2 Emissions
    I recently reads that there has been a record increase in carbon consumption and I've also seen that we've added 2.3 ppm Co2 to the atmosphere. Is the 2.3 based on the record fossil fuel consumption or is that going to hit next year's figures ?
  36. Congressional Climate Briefing - The End of Climate Skepticism?
    "Sure, successful companies can hire lobbyists and influence decision making on the political level. I'm no fan of that either, but I don't know of a better system worldwide. " Hmm. Well here in NZ, we have: - public funds used for election campaigning. Each party gets a share based roughly on recent popularity. This is an anathema to many but it puts campaigning on an even footing. - limits on campaign expenditure - no anonymous advertising. - political donations over NZ$30,000 (from memory) must be declared. The idea is severely limit the power of money to influence policy. To me, the US democracy look corrupt. It offers a way to buy power and influence. The world needs US citizens to fix it. You know you have succeeded when you dont have lobbyists (in the sense of people hired to talk directly to politicians).
  37. World Energy Outlook 2011: “The door to 2°C is closing”
    I have described the problems associated with development of CCS technology and its use in CCS: Investment in Futility at Since 2008, very large sums of money (public and coal industry) have been allocated to overcoming these problems. Progress has been made on capture of CO2 but not on reducing overall cost of using the technology. In Australia, the only attempt at commercial application ended in the 2010 bankruptcy of the proponent company. The exercise did at least confirm earlier expressed views that use of CCS technology was prohibitively expensive, preventing its commercial use. During the same period, the cost of RE has fallen and continues to fall as technological improvements in this area made by the private sector in Australia (with limited public funding) and overseas. In Australia, legislation pricing carbon establishes an independent statutory fund for development of RE technology (specifically excluding CCS) and a fund to assist in its commercial application. By imposing a price on carbon emissions, the legislation ensures (and is intended to ensure) that the price of FFE rises and continues to rise relative to the cost of RE producing base load power – geothermal, marine and solar. As the price of FFE rises commercial use of CCS technology also becomes more affordable but it still remains significantly more expensive than RE and seems destined to remain that way – at least that is my assessment. As adalady points out, RE is being deployed in Australia now. Five solar energy power stations have been approved for construction and the first geothermal (hot rocks) electricity is expected to come on line in March 2012. Meanwhile the domestic and global price of coal continues to rise while pricing carbon emissions gives certainty to investors that RE is the way to go and provides for billions to be available for its technological development. Rather than representing a biased (pessimistic) view of CCS v RE, I suggest it is a view based on current realities.
  38. World Energy Outlook 2011: “The door to 2°C is closing”
    adelady, this state?
  39. apiratelooksat50 at 11:18 AM on 23 November 2011
    Congressional Climate Briefing - The End of Climate Skepticism?
    John at 46 If you have a product that you can offer and make a profit, would you limit yourself? You need to think about the multitude of people who profit from a company that makes money. Workers, shareholders and executives. That is what a well-run business does. That is who we invest in. Is Coca-Cola evil because they make massive profits? Sure, successful companies can hire lobbyists and influence decision making on the political level. I'm no fan of that either, but I don't know of a better system worldwide. Plus, anything coming from should be considered extremely biased.
  40. Pielke Sr. Misinforms High School Students
    Pielke is correct: "The addition of CO2 to the atmosphere from human activities is a warming influence in terms of reducing the magnitude of heat lost to space over time. However, it is just one of a number of warming influences including from soot (black carbon), ozone, and other aerosol effects." Where he fails (whether deliberately or stupidly) is in making explicit that the other warming influences are the result of the same processes of burning fuel. CO2 is the initial driver of climate change, but it is not the main tipping point. The main tipping point is the contributions of the effects of CO2 triggers, like melting ice and permafrost methane release. Most neglected is the effect of NOx precursors creating ozone, which is killing vegetation around the globe. The loss of the CO2 sink of plant live is already leading (anyone see it?) to the rise in the rate of CO2 increase in the atmosphere.
  41. World Energy Outlook 2011: “The door to 2°C is closing”
    I suppose I should add that I live in a state that gets 20% of its power from wind already.
  42. World Energy Outlook 2011: “The door to 2°C is closing”
    "...wind costs are not really reducing in the most recent years..." Well, according to this report the best windfarms are now competitive with coal, gas and nuclear. And they expect that by 2016 the average wind farm will be cost competitive. When we're looking at choices for investors, I'd not be putting my money into one that looks to be declining in competitiveness within the industry.
  43. World Energy Outlook 2011: “The door to 2°C is closing”
    adelady : "It's not arbitrary. The glaringly obvious difference between them is that RE is being deployed right now. And the costs are reducing all the time. Plummeting in the case of solar PV." Well, "all the time", it depends. I take this 2009 document from a wind energy association (so, at least, we can suppose that it should be fair to wind, not a competitor-funded critics). If you look at the figure 0.3 p. 10, you can observe that wind costs are not really reducing in the most recent years (example of Denmark, whose aggressive policy and reknown savoir-faire is leader in Europe). Note also the 7.5% discount rate. Same is true in this 2010 Wind Technologies Market Report from US Dept of Energy / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Look at the figures of pp 45-47, particularly figure 28 : costs are up if anything from 2001-2003 to 2011. (In the previous 2009 report, they announced that costs could drop in 2010, but they don't. In this 2010 report, they say costs could drop in 2011... and we'll see). IPCC SRREN 2011, in the chapter 7 dedicated to wind energy, don't give a decade trend for wind cost. But it emphasis that a deeper penetration (20%) would imply higher balancing costs (see 7.17, figure and explanations), even if there is also a hope for further technological improvement downing costs (no estimation, no date, as far as remember). So this is not a "all-the-time decreasing cost" for wind energy, even if it is presently mature and competitive in many conditions. It would be better to document such assertions when firstly introduced in the discussion, if possible from serious sources. scaddenp : "I do not think that we know the answer to enough questions to say with any certainty whether CCS has a role to play or not" I agree with you. That's why IEA scenario, and all energy-economy models' scenarios, should be taken with some caution. Unbiased skepticism is healthy in the energy debate.
  44. Pielke Sr. Misinforms High School Students
    rpauli @30, I understand that you must be vexed by this, but please do not go there. That is not what is going on here, period. Watts and his followers might be compelled to try and make the bizarre connection between Mann and what happened with the Penn State football coach. But we do not have to invent reasons to find fault, we have science and facts on our side. So please stick to the facts at hand. It was not a lecture, he was answering some questions emailed to him by high school students at a school in Colorado. We do not know in what capacity Pielke was acting when he chose to mislead the students, nor do we know which school he chose to mislead.
  45. Congressional Climate Briefing - The End of Climate Skepticism?
    Never underestimate the ability of the fossil fuel industry to influence what happens in the Congress of the United States. Energy companies continue to rake in massive profits. They use this wealth to leverage elections, write legislation, scale back regulations and escape accountability. Source: “The 5 Most Toxic Energy Companies and How They Control Our (USA) Politics” by Tara Lohan, AlterNet, Nov 20, 2011 To access this in-depth and hard-hitting article, click here. PS: The five most toxic energy companies are per the article are: 1. Chevron, 2. Exxon Mobile, 3. BP, 4. Koch Industries, and 5. Massy Energy
  46. The Debunking Handbook Part 3: The Overkill Backfire Effect
    Thanks Bob Loblaw. I like your distinctions between observation, interpretation and conclusions and how you go about it. Based on your tip, I will attach John Cook's "Guide" to my brief introduction to the topic because it wraps up observations, interpretation and conclusions better than I can. My ability to articulate in such a reasoned way just flies out the window sometimes especially if someone tells me it is all rubbish. I will try to apply the distinctions you have made in the way I write and speak about the issue. I am hoping I might get better with practise. I see what you mean about where that quote could lead and plus I think it would place the listener in a defensive frame of mind possibly resulting in them not listening at all.
  47. Pielke Sr. Misinforms High School Students
    -snip- I am concerned more about the -snip- spirit of this lecture. "Don't you kids worry about your CO2 emissions" harms their future to be mislead about potential danger.
    Moderator Response: [Albatross] Inflammatory text removed.
  48. Pielke Sr. Misinforms High School Students
    28, Steve, How can you not see his response to #1 as misleading? He clearly is saying, by nuanced implication, that there are so many factors in warming that CO2 is minor and nothing to really worry about. How can that not be seen as misleading?
  49. Pielke Sr. Misinforms High School Students
    re Albatross, #27 Question #1, not misleading IMHO. Questions 2, 3 and 4, probably misleading. Question 5, too nuanced, possibly misleading, but in some ways not too much different from what Bill McKibben is saying--we are in for a time of global wierding, which in some places will be manifested as cold, heavy precipitation.

    [DB] The prudent reader would be wise to see Bob Loblaw's response to this here for deeper insight to question #2.

  50. World Energy Outlook 2011: “The door to 2°C is closing”
    adelady, in fairness, you also need to note that CCS has only just started to have serious research. RE has been around for a long time. Disclaimer: my department (though not me personally) is involved in CCS research. I do not think that we know the answer to enough questions to say with any certainty whether CCS has a role to play or not. Hence the research.

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