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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 75401 to 75450:

  1. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    WOW! congratulations all! And having contributed an article during 2011, I now have a very inflated addition to my resume ... ;-)
  2. Models are unreliable
    Tom: As far as feedback, that is in question. The statement of the abstract that the models do not do a good job of hindcast is a fact.
  3. Models are unreliable
    Tom: The hindsight of the models do a poor job replicating the temp pattern in the early 20th century. That is obvious from the abstract. As to my question, is the paper worth paying the rental fee for? Someone may be able to access this and give an opinion. Abstracts are a hint, but the meat of an issue is in the paper itself.
  4. Models are unreliable
    Camburn @395, I cannot comment on the paper, but I can comment on your misrepresentation of the abstract. The relevant sentence, just one item out of many discussed is:
    "Few models reproduce the strong observed warming trend from 1918 to 1940. The simulated trend is too low, particularly in the tropics, even allowing for internal variability, suggesting there is too little positive forcing or too much negative forcing in the models at this time."
    There is a very large difference between the claim that "Climate models don't show the warming in the early 20th Century" and the actual claim in the abstract that the warming shown by most models is not as great as that observed. There is also a difference between your blanket "Climate models" (indicating all Climate models) and the abstracts concession that a few models do in fact show the correct trend. It is difficult to not believe that your misrepresentation of the contents of the abstract is deliberate. Further, your choice of just one sentence to highlight out of the abstract also shows bias. Why not, for example, discuss this sentence:
    "Over the whole of the 20th century, the feedback strength is likely to be underestimated by the multimodel mean."
    The answer, I am sure, is that you do not want people thinking about the possibility that climate sensitivity is more than that which the models indicate.
  5. Models are unreliable
    This is an interesting abstract. Does anyone here have a journal handy to read it and know if it is worth the subscription rental? Climate models don't show the warming in the early 20th century
  6. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Nice! Good job! Can't help but notice that Certain Names aren't adding to the congrats. They certainly jump on the other threads fast enough.
  7. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    You are all so fabulous, and it is great that your contributions have been recognized in this way.
  8. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Congratulations to John and all others working for this fantastic resource.
  9. Climate's changed before
    Thanks, Tom, Very informative. It brings up new questions for me, but I'll save 'em while I do more reading.
  10. Miriam O'Brien (Sou) at 06:11 AM on 11 September 2011
    Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Congrats John and also to all your contributors and mods. Totally deserved.
  11. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    An award richly deserved. SkS is the TalkOrigins of climate debates, an invaluable resource and teaching tool.
  12. Republican Presidential Candidates vs. Climate Science
    The following is from the most historically in-depth, recently published article on Galileo that I have come across. "For scientists it shows that if you are in agreement with most of your colleagues, you will most likely be forgotten while history remembers some crank. For advocates of non-consensus positions (e.g., AGW skeptics, Intelligent Design theorists) it teaches that claiming your theory is correct is no substitute for backing it up with experiments and data (even if you are right). For aggressively self-confident people the lesson is that sometimes being persistent and believing in yourself will just get you into trouble. For Catholics it provides an example of why you shouldn’t insult the Pope (at least when there is an Inquisition going on)." Source: "The Myth of Galileo: A Story With a (Mostly) Valuable Lesson for Today by Joe Carter," First Things, Sep 8, 2011 To access the article, click here.
  13. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Congratulations John and team. You thoroughly deserve it for creating the best denialist squishing facility around. Keep up the good work.
  14. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Congratulation to John Cook and the SkS team!
  15. Dessler Demolishes Three Crucial 'Skeptic' Myths
    Dana & Marcus: Thanks for the feedback re the term, "error bars."
  16. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    A big cheer for John and the whole SkS team! And I would add to that my sincere thanks for everything they've done to promote education about climate change and its ramifications. This site is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in the subject.
  17. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Well done! A small reward for a lot of hard work.
  18. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Encore! Encore!
  19. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Congratulations on receiving a much deserved award!
  20. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Congratulations to John and all other contributors!
  21. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    This is what happens when you create and share a website of public interest. Congrats to John and his team !
  22. CO2 is just a trace gas
    here is another comparison of trace gases. Hydrogen Sulfide - H2S. it occurs naturally typically in swamps and sewers as well as emmitted from volcanoes. 0.00047 ppm is the recognition threshold, the concentration at which 50% of humans can detect the characteristic odor of hydrogen sulfide,[14] normally described as resembling "a rotten egg". Less than 10 ppm has an exposure limit of 8 hours per day. 10–20 ppm is the borderline concentration for eye irritation. 50–100 ppm leads to eye damage. At 100–150 ppm the olfactory nerve is paralyzed after a few inhalations, and the sense of smell disappears, often together with awareness of danger.[15][16] 320–530 ppm leads to pulmonary edema with the possibility of death. 530–1000 ppm causes strong stimulation of the central nervous system and rapid breathing, leading to loss of breathing. 800 ppm is the lethal concentration for 50% of humans for 5 minutes exposure (LC50). Concentrations over 1000 ppm cause immediate collapse with loss of breathing, even after inhalation of a single breath.
  23. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Congrats. Well deserved.
  24. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    A heart warming endorsement for the hard work you and your team do. I have been referring confused friends and family to you excellent website for over a year now. Cheers to you.
  25. Lessons from Past Climate Predictions: IPCC TAR
    Is it possible to put a marker on the graphs for this and the other 'lessons from predictions' articles, that shows exactly what part of the graph was predicted? In this case, the TAR was in 2001, I presume it included data up until 2000, so forecast is from that date, with the prior being hindcasting. Might be helpful for folks to see exactly how much prediction there is - the rest indicates how well their model fits the measured data, but isn't an actual prediction, per se.
  26. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Congratulations, well deserved.
  27. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Congrats guys, well deserved. Kind of makes the WUWT best science blog voted by people who don't know what they are talking about look a bit silly now.
  28. Philippe Chantreau at 19:19 PM on 10 September 2011
    Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Congrats to John and all moderators. This is a well deserved accomplishement and a meaningful award, not the internet poll type.
  29. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Well done - richly deserved!
  30. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Good on ya John ! And the whole SKS Team ! You are very worthy recipients of this well deserved honour !
  31. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    A superb contribution to the understanding of this important science deservedly recognised by this highest of accolades. You are entitled to boast a bit!
  32. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Well done all!
  33. Dessler Demolishes Three Crucial 'Skeptic' Myths
    Dana. I can't speak for climate modeling, but 'error bars' in my line of work are just a way of graphically representing deviation around the mean-to ensure that any results are statistically significant. The larger the deviation, the more likely it is that the mean is due to chance alone. That's why we often employ so many field replicates in our analyses-to reduce the total deviation by having a sufficiently large sample size!
  34. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Congratulations, Team - well deserved.
  35. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Well done John, your service to cause of dispelling the lies about Global Warming have been absolutely amazing. Keep up the fantastic work.
  36. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Bravo from across the ocean.
  37. Climate's changed before
    stonefly @214, below is a proxy of temperature over the last 5 million years. As you can see, significant low temperature episodes (glaciations) only occur the last 3.5 million years, and the large glaciations which we are familiar with from popular culture are a feature only of the last on million years. Here is a temperature reconstruction of the last 65 million years to put that into perspective. Note that the oxygen isotope "thermometer" is differently calibrated depending on the level of ice, so the first section is not strictly comparable to the last section of the graph. Over the last 600 million years,, every period of glaciation has coincided with CO2 concentrations less than 1000 ppmv. Note that this graph has an effective resolution of 10 million years. The entire period of the recent glaciation (double the length of the first graph) would appear as just one point on that graph. Obviously a lot can happen in 10 million years, and more detailed measurements have indeed shown in the episodes of glaciation during high CO2 levels as shown above, the duration of the glacition was short (< 10 million years) and that during the glaciation, CO2 levels where low (< 1,000 ppmv).
  38. CO2 is just a trace gas
    Tom Curtis - 40 W/m^2 escapes directly through the atmospheric window. However, ~160 W/m^2 leaves the ground through various means (IR, evaporation, thermals, minus 333 W/m^2 back-radiation). And ~80% of that energy leaves the surface via IR. But yes, convection is a major contributor to that heated atmosphere being able to radiate to space. A good thing, too - an average temperature 10 degrees C under boiling would be, um, uncomfortable...
  39. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Aye, congrats John -- and a hearty ditto to KR @ 3.
  40. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    And also congrats to the team supporting John here. A true labor of love (since, after all, you're not getting paid for it), and very well done - contributors, moderators, and the regulars who spend time posting.
  41. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Thumbs up, John Cook! Well deserved. You've put a heck of a lot of work into this, and this is good recognition of an impressive effort.
  42. Just Deserts: Winning the 2011 Eureka Prize
    Please add my hearty congratulations to John and all at SkS on a thoroughly well-deserved win!
  43. CO2 is just a trace gas
    Just to add clarity, by using English, to the equations above: 1) A* + B -> A + B_ : excited GHG molecule A increases the velocity of non GHG molecule B (raising the temperature) 2) A + B_ -> A* + B : GHG molecule A collides with non GHG molecule B, becoming excited and robbing molecule B of velocity (lowering the temperature) 3) * + A -> A* : Infrared radiation strikes GHG molecule A, exciting it 4) A* -> A + * : Excited GHG molecule A emits infrared radiation, becoming de-excited
  44. CO2 is just a trace gas
    86, Dana69,
    So it appears that whatever some IR absorbing molecule A* (CO2 , H20 , CH4 etc) does , there is at least one thing it doesn’t and it is to “heat the atmosphere”."
    This is wrong for three reasons. First, your explanation assumes an unchanging system at equilibrium. But what we are talking about is adding more A to that system, which will change the balance of the equations (after raising the temperature). Second, the equations you've been given all work for a closed system in equilibrium, which leads us to the last point, which is... Third, there are more equations to consider (I've numbered them to be able to sort them out). These are what you've considered so far:
    (1) A* + B -> A + B_ (2) A + B_ -> A* + B The conclusion that follows is that the number of A* (vibrationnaly excited molecules) is constant."
    This conclusion is wrong unless the system is in equilibrium (which it can't ever be, because the sun sets and rises, adding more or less * to the system, so it is constantly changing). The big problem with this is that set of equations is incomplete. The system is not closed (it has differing amounts of IR entering and leaving) and is not in equilibrium until it has warmed (if you increase the amount of A (CO2) in the system). You have two more equations:
    (3) * + A -> A* (4) A* -> A + *
    Here, to be consistent with the previous notation, I am using * to represent the introduction of infrared radiation to the system, to excite a CO2 molecule (A). What is important to recognize is that these equations are not in a simple 1 to 1 equilibrium, and so the balance is more complex. First, equation 4 happens a lot less than equation 1 lower in the atmosphere, it balances more and more as you get higher up and the air is less dense, so collisions (Eq. 1 and 2) are less likely to happen, until you reach a point where equation 4 happens more than equation 1. So ultimately the balance in these equations depends on how often 1 and 2 occur, which is determined by the temperature and density of the atmosphere (since temperature affects average velocity of the molecules) and also the amount of A* in the atmosphere, which is altered since equation 3 elevates the amount of A*. The frequency of equation 3 depends on the amount of infrared coming into the system, which is dependent not only on the temperature of the surface but also the temperature and composition of the nearby layers of atmosphere. Equation 3 also depends on the amount of A/CO2 in the system. More A means more chances to intercept IR, and so more chances to become A*, and so more chances for equation 1 to occur (passing that energy on to B and heating the system). Equation 4 depends almost entirely on the amount of A* (excited CO2) in the system, which depends on the rates of equations 1, 2 and 3. Lower in the atmosphere, it doesn't get to come into play as much, because equation 1 robs the atmosphere of A* so quickly (100 such collisions [Eq. 1] occur on average before it is able to emit [Eq. 4]). Higher up the reverse is true, so that equations 2 and 4 happen more often, and in that case CO2 actually acts to cool the stratosphere. So I'm afraid, yes, CO2 does heat the atmosphere, but the interaction is far, far more complex than the simple two equation scenario that your chemist friend has presented, and the answer to how much requires understanding all of the factors, including how often collisions occurs (eq. 1 and 2), how much IR is entering the system (eq 3), and how long a CO2 molecule "waits" before emitting IR (equation 4) relative to the rates of equations 1 and 2. But most importantly, the question is not "does A heat the atmosphere?" but rather "does increasing A heat the atmosphere beyond what it was before the increase?"
  45. Climate's changed before
    Bibliovermis at 09:18 AM Sorry I missed your link. I went right to google. Your link explains the carbon 12 - carbon 13 deal right away. I'll read it now.
  46. Climate's changed before
    Tom Curtis at 09:47 AM on 10 September, 2011 stonefly @210, orbital forcings are only as significant as they have been when the Earth is cool enough to have ice caps. Throughout most of Earth's history CO2 has been the major determiner of the surface temperature (thanks to the remarkable stability of our sun). I can tell this is going to take a lot of studying, but I want to understand this. I looked at a chart which showed glaciations approximately every 100,000 years going back to about a half million. Are there any glaciation charts that go back further? **** I suggest you watch Richard Alley's 2009 lecture to the AGU for a brief summary of the details. I did watch that lecture. It was interesting and informative. Only I wish I could have seen the laser on the slides.
  47. Climate's changed before
    Bibliovermis at 09:18 AM The reading gets deep. I'm doing a lot of googling for definitions. After I struggle with it for a while, maybe I'll get an understanding. One question I have now, though. They talk about carbon 13. I know that carbon 13 makes up only between 1% and 2% of carbon. I don't understand that. Does carbon 13 separate from carbon 12 and form CO2 that is all carbon 13? I know I'm going off on a little bit of a tangent. Anything you know about it would help, or if you could steer me in the right direction. Thanks.
  48. Climate's changed before
    stonefly @210, orbital forcings are only as significant as they have been when the Earth is cool enough to have ice caps. Throughout most of Earth's history CO2 has been the major determiner of the surface temperature (thanks to the remarkable stability of our sun). I suggest you watch Richard Alley's 2009 lecture to the AGU for a brief summary of the details.
  49. CO2 is just a trace gas
    KR @89, a slight nitpick. 40 W/m^2 of the surface radiation escapes to space, so the energy absorbed by the atmosphere from the surface by radiation is 356 W/m^2. More importantly, Trenberth and Fasullo quantify energy transports from the surface to the atmosphere. They do not quantify energy transports within the atmosphere, and within the atmosphere, or more specifically the troposphere, convection dominates over radiation as a means of energy transport. As I understand it, the reason for this is that it would take weeks (?! certainly days) for the atmosphere to reach a purely radiative equilibrium while it only takes hours to establish a convective equilibrium. Consequently the troposphere has a lapse rate determined by convection rather than radiation. Dana89 is right if he thinks this face weakens the greenhouse effect. If the troposphere's temperature profile was determined by radiation rather than convection, the Mean Average Global Temperature would be closer to 90 degrees C than to 15! It is only because convection reduces the greenhouse effect that the surface of the Earth is inhabitable! But reducing the greenhouse effect is not eliminating the greenhouse effect. Since the 1960's, the effect of convection on the greenhouse effect has been fully taken into account by atmospheric scientists, and their predictions, including the prediction of increased surface temperatures as a result of increased CO2 concentrations incorporate that fact, and are based on it. The only way to find solace in the dominance of convection is to studiously pay attention to that one fact, and ignore all the others that you find inconvenient.
  50. Conspiracy Dog-whistling about GRL and the New Dessler Paper
    Is it just me, or is the Watts/Pielke Sr etc response an eerie microcosm/metaphor/analogy/whatever of the way denialism works? 1) Encounter inconvenient (ho ho) facts 2) Without checking for context (for obvious reasons) spray out tendentious 'facts' of your own 3) Sit back and wait for howls of outrage/sober-disproving-of-your-"hypothesis", and then wait for 1)...

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