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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 81401 to 81450:

  1. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    Again, historical evidence of what the sea levels were during the early AD period. They were quit a bit higher than the early levels developed for this paper. At least near Rome, and it appears also in Kent, which has been sinking for millenia. Salt studies from Roman Empire times

    [DB] Camburn, reliance upon compendiums of anecdotal information, however interesting, is not science.  If you wish to add to the discussion, please find scientific papers that have survived peer review and have added to the body of knowledge of climate science in some way.  That is what Skeptical Science is, using established science in proper context to properly evaluate skeptical claims and new, emerging information in the field.

  2. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Oh & on the issue of reducing base-load demand, we should expand our use of more energy efficient street lighting, & encourage far greater use of solar-battery powered street lighting. That will help to greatly reduce base-load demand. Industry Co-Generation will also help to reduce base-load demand by helping industries to meet more of their own power needs from the channeling of waste heat for electrical power!
  3. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    On a more serious note, Mr. Willis Eschenbach has raised some valid concerns about this paper at Anthony Watts site: Willis Eschenbach's concerns

    [DB] OK, I made it 3 paragraphs in before the innuendo and accusations of malfeasance became too toxic for me.  IMHO, those who rely on such strategies deserve no credence.

    Camburn, you are really doing yourself a disservice and putting your learning curve on a two-steps-forward-one-step-back basis by your reliance on disinformation sites like that in your link.

  4. Peer review process was corrupted
    "Peer review process was corrupted" This is an argument I'm coming across more and more. Not so much with climategate, although that does come up, but with sceptics who say that climatologists and scientific organisations are lying about climate change to secure government funding. Where can I find evidence to debunk those allegations?

    [DB] Ask them for verifiable specifics.  Then come back here.

    The argument on the face of it strains credulity.

  5. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    It is considered common knowledge that the Gulf Stream will speed up as the fish swim further and further east to fatten themselves to prime netting condition.
  6. Eric the Red at 12:00 PM on 25 June 2011
    Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Nothing with which to disagree. Very cold temperatures lead to very light snows, which are very crystallize in nature. Heavy wet snows will fall when the air is warmer. But as the temperature continues to warm, the snow changes to rain. The exact temperature will depend on ground, air, and upper atmospheric temperatures.
  7. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Tom Curtis @ 199 I do like your research abilities. You do seem a very intelligent person. I have to concede my tornado argument as too shallow to demonstrate the point I was attempting between hazard (tornado) and disaster (when humans are impacted by a hazard) and that the number of disasters may not correlate at all with the number of disaters. Another point to consider. If all conditions were held constant then a true link between a hazardous weather event and disaster could be proof of increasing bad weather events. I may be wrong with my reporting point but another one to consider is the population growth and also the possibility of human migration. Since disasters involve people, if this variable is increasing, it will cloud a true link between hazard and disaster. With your skills and research talent I still wonder if you can find better data than Munich Re to prove exterme weather events are becoming more frequent as the globe warms? Since Munich Re does have a potential for profit by showing increasing danger from weather related disasters, even if that is not the true case, it is not the most reliable source. No better than ExxonMobil funded research against AGW or Tobacco company research proving smoking is safe. How could Munich Re profit from generating the perception of more disasters when this may not be the case? They can sell more insurance policies to worried people and businesses and take in more money to invest. They can charge higher premium rates to cover the supposed increases that may never actually take place. This is why I can't trust them as a valid source for this discussion and hope you can provide better sources that would have no reason to bias the data.

    [DB] Norman, it is my understanding that entities like Munich Re exist to quantify risk and to evaluate the cost of enduring that risk.  Given that, their potential for profit is identifying those areas more likely to endure any increased risk of damage due to natural disasters brought on by the consequences of a warming world.

    Essentially, they engage in bets with other entities that those other entities won't suffer a loss and the other entities are betting that they will.  To that end, Munich Re has engaged in a fact-finding mission to help establish the "odds" of the bet.

    That they have made their research public is a testament to fairness: all parties have the same "scouting report".  Does that help enhance your understanding?

  8. Eric the Red at 11:53 AM on 25 June 2011
    Sea Level Hockey Stick
    ROFLMAO I remember the Monty Python skit - a classic. One last question before the moderator yanks us off. What will be the consequences of the ocean currents, specifically the speed of the Gulf Stream with regards to the fish swimming fewer laps?
  9. Eric the Red at 11:46 AM on 25 June 2011
    Websites for Watching the Arctic Sea Ice Melt
    Post #91, and your post #101.

    [DB] Point to Eric.  But while we're playing silly schoolboy games. let the record show that it was you who misquoted Michael Sweet & introduced the "drama" into the discussion.  And it was also you that introduced the red herring about the Hansen report @ CO2 levels, not Michael.

    Prithee, let us all return to the subject of the OP with civility and flank speed.

  10. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    There are a number of solutions to the intermittent power issue of Wind Power & PV Power, which are (1) Pumped storage-using excess electricity to pump water uphill into a Pond/Lagoon/Lake (depending on the amount of storage you want), then releasing that water through a turbine to get electricity when you want it. This would, of course, work well with existing Large & Small Scale Hydro-electric schemes. Then there are vanadium redox batteries, which can store substantial amounts of energy for later release-in a controlled fashion (more controlled than coal or nuclear I might add). Wind Power also has a 3rd storage option-Compressed Air-though I'm not read up enough on that to discuss it here. Some people have also pointed out that bio-electricity generates CO2, & so isn't useful for this purpose. What they fail to mention is that they release no more CO2 than what they originally absorbed in the first place, thus being at least carbon neutral. On top of this, however, you have to consider that every kw-h of electricity generated from these carbon-neutral sources prevents almost 1kg of CO2 being released by the burning of fossil fuels. Of course there are other sources of bio-electricity, like turning methane producing fecal matter & trash waste into electricity & heat, or by capturing CO2, produced from existing sources of electricity, in algal biomass then converting said biomass to fuel & energy. So you see there are tons of options for generating base-load electricity that doesn't add any *new* CO2 to the atmosphere.
  11. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    LazyTeenager (23) You appear to be doing the straw-man dance, I fear. If hydroelectricity and geothermal electricity (generally considered renewable energy) provide base load in Norway, Niagara Falls region, Wairakei, NZ and Iceland, etc., then the myth IS disproved. If you want to be condescending and say NZ and Norway and Iceland are not "significant" then go ahead and paint yourself into that corner. When I lived overseas, the USA was fairly insignificant! Spain has an operating 24-hour electricity generating solar plant. The concept may have been "experimental" five years ago, but it is happening now. If you want to respond that this first plant, almost by definition, is experimental in that the design hadn't been put into practice before, then remember that in the US, nearly every nuclear plant used a new design and therefore, to a certain extent, was experimental. Much practical work has dealt with creating reliable electricity supply. Back-up generators and gas fired plants (depending on scale of need) are regularly used, and are part of the plan for a renewable energy future. Even the best laid plans of the fossil fuel past 'allowed' two massive NY black outs.
  12. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Eric the Red, you should look here for more about snow and the temperatures involved : can snow even at incredibly cold temperatures as long as there is some source of moisture and some way to lift or cool the air. ...most heavy snowfalls occur with relatively warm air temperatures near the ground—typically -9 degrees Celsius (15 degrees Fahrenheit) or warmer... ...snow will not form if the ground temperature is 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit). Plenty of room for snow at warmer than normal winter temperatures as the globe warms, and during colder than normal temperatures during strongly negative Arctic oscillations. What could be causing all that, I wonder ?
  13. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    LazyTeen -
    "You have presented the results of agenda driven reports"
    If you want to be taken seriously, please avoid this sort of ad hominem attack. Many of the case studies discussed in this post are peer-reviewed. I'm not sure what "agenda" you suggest is at play (*gasp* the get our energy from clean renewable sources agenda!), but it's irrelevant. If you dispute the accuracy of the content of the reports, then do so.
  14. Websites for Watching the Arctic Sea Ice Melt
    Eric the Red wrote : "I was looking for it in the Hansen report because michael stated that the report made such a claim, which resulted in the subsequent posts." Where did michael make the claim that "the Hansen report...says that the amount of CO2 added to the atmosphere today is enough to raise sea levels 5m" ?
  15. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Grayman (17) The tone of some of your questions comes across a bit abrasive and some of your questions suggest you have not searched this site for answers. Climate contrarians tend to ask the same old questions and raise straw-man issues which gets some folks riled up - it takes time and energy to respond to the same 'ole same-'ole. I suggest you take a deep breath, and then another; remember it is difficult to understand a person's motivation through the typed word (both yours and, in this instance from your perspective, Paul D's). I know; it has happened to me a couple of times here on SkS. On the other hand, there is consistently valuable information shared here, so I keep coming back!
  16. LazyTeenager at 09:15 AM on 25 June 2011
    A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    The myth that renewable energy sources can't meet baseload (24-hour per day) demand has become quite widespread and widely-accepted. ------------- But you have not disproved the myth. You have presented the results of agenda driven reports based on a whole bunch of hypothetical solutions. For example experimental solutions such as thermal solar plus storage are put forward. But the long term practicality of this solution is not proven. The myth will only be disproven when one or more significant countries demonstrate complete success using these approaches. And there will be complete and partial failures along the way. It should not be forgotten that for some industrial processes are completely intolerant of failure of supply so the reliability requirements for electricity generation is very high.
  17. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    grayman - that was a lot of questions! Regarding lights, an easy solution is to install sensors that automatically turn the lights off if there's no movement after a few minutes. My office has those. I certainly agree that leaving lights on is a big waste. The models don't have to know exactly what the wind is going to do, just how it behaves on average. I'm sure they have good measurements of minimum and maximum and average windspeed at the locations they're modeling. Regarding wind turbines breaking down, I don't know the details, but I do know that research has shown they're much more reliable than coal power plants, which are down something like 10% of the time whereas wind turbines on average are down less than 3% of the time (this is off the top of my head - it might be even less). Regarding biomass, it's putting CO2 back into the atmosphere that the plant took out, whereas burning fossil fuels is putting CO2 into the atmosphere that's been trapped for millions of years. CO2 from biomass is no concern. And there's always bio waste products available to burn.
  18. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Grayman (9) You asked: 2) How can a model accuratly portray the probrabilties of wind when weather models a barly able to do it 4-5 days out, as jetstream winds much less lower level winds are to variable in speed or predictability? Most of the answer is in SkS's "Chaos theory and global warming" and "Difference between weather and climate". Models are slowly getting better at discerning how climate will change within a region. We may not be able to predict with much accuracy if wind will be as steady in a particular region 50 years from now, but we do predict it will generally be windier.
  19. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Dang......I had read that our current wet pattern should be over in approx 40 years. Now in the link above geologists indicate another 100 years of this......offfffffffta. I hope the 40 year fellows were correct.
  20. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Albatros: Devils lake has a natural outlet in the Tolna Coulee. It has filled with sediment and would be draining Devils Lake right now if cleaned out. North Dakota will be doing this in the near future. During the 1860's and 1870's, Devils Lake was flowing through the Tolna Coulee into the Sheyene River. It is about to do so again. A brief history of Devils Lake: A brief history of Devils Lake
  21. actually thoughtful at 08:18 AM on 25 June 2011
    A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Okatiniko -thank you. So your point is that you need energy for space conditioning? I imagine that is heat only in Norway. Maybe also some process heat for industry? Obviously you can create heat from electricity, if you have enough renewable electrons, but that is rarely the case. I imagine solar is only a marginal contributor in Norway. I am not that familiar with the region - is geothermal (for heat) or ground source heat pump possible? Seasonal storage for solar thermal? Heat from compost?
  22. Bob Lacatena at 08:11 AM on 25 June 2011
    Sea Level Hockey Stick
    83, Eric the Red, Trying not to take the discussion too far off topic in covering the Ichthyan Displacement Anomaly theory of sea level rise... I'm sorry, but no, the "Earth will spin faster" is a common misconception pushed by those in icthyan denial. It is quite obvious to anyone who runs the numbers that the expansion of the ocean will in fact (given conservation of angular momentum) slow the rate of spin of the Earth. This will allow the fish to both feed more efficiently (getting fatter) and to mate more productively, producing more fish, and thus contributing even further to sea level rise. The only known negative feedbacks are the negative Laps Rate Feedback (Bainbridge, 1957 and more recently Dominici and Blake, 1997), where the expanded ocean volume combined with the larger fish surface area results in fewer laps made by the fish around the ocean, thus contributing somewhat to speeding the rate of rotation of the earth (due to the preference of fat fish to swim against the spin of the earth), and the admittedly poorly understood negative Fish Slaps Rate feedback (see Palin and Cleese, 1972).
  23. actually thoughtful at 08:07 AM on 25 June 2011
    A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Grayman regarding burning biomass - at that point you are playing in the 97% of CO2 that is the natural cycle, and not the 3% that is man disrupting that cycle or pulling fossil CO2 out of the ground. I have read that there are other issues with biomass burning (products of combustion that are pollutants). But I don't think the base problem is the CO2 itself - it is in the current natural cycle, it will rot (releasing CO2) or be burned (releasing CO2).
  24. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    actually thoughtful#6 : Okatiniko - "You say that Norway already has 100% renewable energy" No I didn't - I said Norway already has 100 % renewable electricity.
  25. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Paul, I do not understand you tone to me in 15, as it was just a general statment in a lead up to what i wrote next. I am just asking questions, why hostlity, if not i am sorry but it sure seems that way! The Danes & Sweden both are heavy producers of hydro & wind power. Again you seem to me to be attacking my statment instead of anwsering my questions. Just trying to learn! @14 you say that you gradually work up to these solutions, yes, so why have these not been worked on for all these yrs. Solar & wind have been around for quite some time again i ask why have there not studys done on this in the past instead of study after study to reinforce the projections. IMHO the money would be better spent on solutions. @16 Working those farms and ranchs, i can tell you that the farmer looks at the cuttings and sees feed for his stock or to sell to the rancher that is in need, he does not look at energy conversion numbers for the elec. grid. Basic facts of farm and ranch life, not a lot of waste there. Now as i said before, trying to learn not argue numbers or phsysics, just reality as i and many others see it. If i am wrong about the tone you seem to take with me i am sorry. But what i am reading in you reply is anger at having to awnser a few questions?
  26. ScaredAmoeba at 07:18 AM on 25 June 2011
    Rogues or respectable? How climate change sceptics spread doubt and denial
    I omitted mined quotations. I understand that in many cases these are silently edited-out later.
  27. The Planetary Greenhouse Engine Revisited
    re my 32 even if the inversion runs all the way through the stratosphere and is sufficiently strong, etc, the downward LW radiation would gradually go from zero to a peak before coming down. Provided optical thickness has no complete spatial gaps (z varies continuously over optical thickness when the later is used as a vertical coordinate), then for any inversion which reaches all the way down to the level being considered, the downward LW flux will saturate at a value that is less than what it is some point before, in a progression toward larger optical thickness. Earth's lower stratosphere is in some places roughly isothermal; the lapse rate is negative down to, or to near, the tropopause in lower latitudes, while in winter polar regions the lower stratosphere can have a small positive lapse rate. (PS what I refer to as the lower stratosphere can/may be as much as 90 % or more of the mass of the stratosphere.)
  28. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    grayman: "But being in farm and ranch country, that biomas is better used as feed stuffs than elec. generation especially in times of drought, and i suspect it is the same around the world for farms and ranches." You have to back that up with figures. What is the efficiency of converting the energy in biomass into meat and then into energy used by the human body? Compared to converting biomass (via incineration or anaerobic digestion) into energy (electricity or heating) for general use?
  29. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    grayman: "Hydro electric power is a great source buti am unsure about Norway use of it, and if i remember correctly they import alot from the danes and sweden." So what?? I'm not actually sure that is true, they are pretty self sufficient and export most of their gas to the UK and Europe. Even if it were correct, borders aren't a problem are they?? There is no specific requirement for a nation (whose boundaries is a figment of the human imagination) to be self sufficient in energy, if everyone has been happy to import and export fossil fuels, I hardly see that import and export of electricity to be a problem. Electricity isn't some magically different energy commodity.
  30. ScaredAmoeba at 07:06 AM on 25 June 2011
    Rogues or respectable? How climate change sceptics spread doubt and denial
    “The very first step should be for climate scientists to make a conscious effort to read some of the documentation appearing in the more respectable sceptic weblogs,” Are there any 'respectable sceptic weblogs'? I honestly can't think of one. Every single one I've visited was clogged with numerous examples of bogus claims; malicious accusations; venomous innuendo; pseudo-science; conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated false accusations against respectable scientists. My understanding is that's neither what's 'respectable', nor remotely 'scepticism'. Should anyone not believe me: ...I had no idea that is what these guys are doing. I am absolutely pissed off at this kind of junk science. This wouldn’t pass the smell test in any field except climatology and it only passes here because there is motive....They would almost want bad data to prove global warming was caused by man. We might as well roll dice and run it through the algorithm.... Follow the link if you dare, you have been warned.

    [DB] Please refrain from linking to...websites such as that one.  At SkS the focus is on the science within an atmosphere of civility.

  31. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Camburn @ 212, You say "The trend changed and the lake was virtually a dry basin in the 30's and very small till the 90's. It is once again filling to the point that it was in during the 1860's-70's. Once again, not extreme but causing a lot of economic distress." No. According to this fact sheet, Devil's Lake is at its highest levels since at least 1865. In fact, it has only been higher than current levels three times in the last 4000 years. So recent levels, while not unprecedented, are certainly extreme. Source]
  32. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    grayman - you don't solve all the problems of the future by writing precise solutions clearly and fully worked out today. That never has happened. You start working on the problems and gradually build up, with engineers solving problems as they go along. The current systems weren't dreamt up in a few years and clearly worked out. We have large power stations, the grid and all the equipment that makes it work, all of which developed incremently, step by step.
  33. Eric the Red at 06:53 AM on 25 June 2011
    Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    JMurphy, None whatsoever. Snowfall is greatest at temperatures nearest freezing. As you deviate from there, snowfall decreases (drier when colder, changing to rain when warmer). Since most of the planet is above freezing most of the year, warmer temperatures will create a greater divergence from freezing, hence less snow.
  34. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    4) biomass is just putting more CO2 in the air and using as you describe in the post crop and plantation forest residue is not a year round solution unless you have yr. round crops providing enough product to burn which IMHO i do not see happening, wish i were wrong on this. But being in farm and ranch country, that biomas is better used as feed stuffs than elec. generation especially in times of drought, and i suspect it is the same around the world for farms and ranches. Geothermal seems to be the best all around for clean energy production, but what of problems of the fact of removing all this heat form these areas in ground, unintended concequences perhaps. Hydro electric power is a great source buti am unsure about Norway use of it, and if i remember correctly they import alot from the danes and sweden. Much less the problem of frezzeing weather up there , yes i have been to norway a couple of times, beautiful counrty and people. I suppose it gets down to the problem for me anyways is that so many study of this and that and not enough of studys of the doing part if this makes any since. Sorry the heat outside has me feeling a little wierd.
  35. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    BP @96, Yes, extraction has not been constant. But your entire premise rests on your presumption that the water extraction along the coastal plain has had a marked impact on the study sites. The data suggest otherwise, from the RC post: "These data are valid for North Carolina, where they are also in agreement with a local tide gauge (Fig. 2 in the paper). But they also agree with another proxy data set from Massachusetts." Sea level evolution in North Carolina from proxy data (blue curve with uncertainty range). Local land subsidence is already removed. The green curve shows a reconstruction based on tide gauges from around the world (Jevrejeva et al. 2006, 2008). The red curve shows results from a simple model connecting global temperature with sea level. You said earlier "Recent acceleration of subsidence on the coastal plain is most likely due to groundwater depletion (sediment compactification occurs as pressure in coastal groundwater table is decreased by overexploitation). There is also a high local variability in this rate, because it depends on both nearby drilling history and structure of local layers at depth." So you are arguing what ifs then. You also admit that impacts depend on the nearby drilling history. As shown in Fig B2 in the document you referred us to, there are no continuous borehole sites near the study sites, nor are there any observational wells. At this point I would suggest that you go to RealClimate and engage the authors there with your hypotheses. And please do not offer up excuses why you might not do that. I for one am interested in what they say about your claims.
  36. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Paul D. Sorry, had to take my son to town, 3) being in the north atlantic region before, and the past few years weather has been brutal for wind turbines i.e. cuasing a lot of problems for them from freezing to out right breakage, much less maintenance and repair, brings up more problems than can be modeled. Per reply, yes cost is one thing but it does not seem to be a factor for them as they still burn these lights thru out the night, and sensors have fixed the street light problem, but IMO there is still to many period. These studies you qoute say that renewable energy can be done, but when will a study(s) be done on how. there seems to be many saying yes but none saying how to fix so many problems in the future.
  37. Rogues or respectable? How climate change sceptics spread doubt and denial
    Patrick, If you want to be taken seriously here, saying something is flawed isn't enough. You'll have to actually demonstrate that it's flawed by pointing out specific errors or shortcomings. Also, I think it's generally frowned on here to quote without attribution, as you did with the italicised paragraph. Even better, link to the original so people can easily check out the full context of your quote.
  38. Bibliovermis at 05:57 AM on 25 June 2011
    Rogues or respectable? How climate change sceptics spread doubt and denial
    Patrick, Check out argument #120, "Naomi Oreskes' study on consensus was flawed". An examination of the papers that critics claim refute the consensus are found to actually endorse the consensus or are review papers (eg - they don't offer any new research but merely review other papers). This led the original critic Benny Peiser to retract his criticism of Oreskes' study.
  39. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    "Overall, AGW predicts greater precipitation, but not snow." "Colder temperatures tend to result in lower snowfall totals." So, Eric the Red, can you see the divergence between those two statements of yours ?
  40. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    The objections to this paper on WUWT (Willis Eschenbach column) are primarily complaints that insufficient data was published along with the paper, in particular the look-up table of depth versus species ratios for the ~200 calibration samples, and that (unspecified) sections of the math were lacking to the point of not enabling proper review. I noted that establishing species ratios vs. depth is pretty standard practice in foraminifera studies, and asked whether they needed the paper to also contain multi-semester courses in GIA, foraminifera identification, tidal gauges, radioisotope dating, and perhaps a private tutor and a masseuse to help them through the material.../sarcasm I expect impolite responses... What's most interesting to me is that this paper was written by six authors, with Michael Mann as the fourth - contributing, but not the lead author - it's Kemp et al 2011. Yet the skeptic blogs are ranting about the "Mann" paper - he appears to be a favorite target for Ad hominem attacks. Logical fallacies, of course, but an easy target for that audience.
  41. Patrick Kelly at 05:41 AM on 25 June 2011
    Rogues or respectable? How climate change sceptics spread doubt and denial
    In the interests of getting exposure to as many viewpoints as possible, I waded into Prof Entings offering. Alas! He proceeds to cite as his first authority Oreskes' discredited The Merchants of Doubt. Oreskes is a non scientific [ -Inflammatory & Ideology/Political Snipped- ).
    Merchants of Doubt is long on innuendo and short on evidence or compelling logic. It fits well with Mark Twain’s classic observation of about the gathering facts and then distorting them as the gatherer desires.
    So with Oreskes being the cardinal point of reference, my motivation to read further disappeared as quickly as a proxy temperature record data set. Sorry Prof.

    [DB] "my motivation to read further disappeared as quickly as a proxy temperature record data set"

    Would that be what real skeptics do? 

    Please try to adhere more closely to the Comments Policy when formulating future comments.  Thanks!

  42. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Albatross: I got in what I could get in. We had 3 inches of rain two days ago and are once again extremely wet. The long term forcast, which is fairly reliable as it is a result of La Nina is continued wet for another 6 weeks. Production in Canada, North Central US is going to be down in major crops. Not a good thing. The thread is about extreme events. While present conditions in my area are not what one would consider extreme, I will say that they are tiresome. We have a long term cycle of wet and dry. We have another 20 years of wet to live through, assuming the cycle is persistent. A good gauge of long term precip in the upper MidWest is Devils Lake. It was running out of the Tolna Coule in the 1860'-1870's. The trend changed and the lake was virtually a dry basin in the 30's and very small till the 90's. It is once again filling to the point that it was in during the 1860's-70's. Once again, not extreme but causing a lot of economic distress.
  43. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Sure Chill fridge technology uses phase change material to keep cooling for 10 days without power: Although having had a look at the vaccine fridge it is pretty bulky. I think they are working on an improved design for commercial/domestic applications.
  44. Berényi Péter at 05:25 AM on 25 June 2011
    Sea Level Hockey Stick
    #96 Albatross at 02:27 AM on 25 June, 2011 So a constant correction was applied to all the data, and just as if a temperature sites has a systematic bias, that systematic bias/offset does not affect the trend. But groundwater extraction rate in the North Carolina Central Coastal Plain was not constant during the last two thousand years. From the USGS report: "As of 2004, large volumes of groundwater being pumped in the CCPCUA ([North Carolina] Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area) had affected groundwater levels and flow regimes (State of North Carolina, 2004) in the aquifers and confining units underlying the area. As the simulated groundwater flow budget analysis indicates, groundwater continues to be removed from storage in many of the hydrogeologic units, and groundwater level declines continue to occur. Until these reductions in groundwater storage are lowered or stopped, groundwater availability will continue to decline in this area." For example PSMSL station DUCK PIER OUTSIDE is not too far (less than 30 km) from Sand Point (where secular coastal land subsidence rate is said to be 1 mm/year). If you calculate rate of sea level change relative to the tide gauge station there between the end of 1992 and beginning of 2010, it turns out to be 4.86 mm/year. On the other hand satellite data at the same location and for the same time period show 1.16 mm/year. It means land subsidence rate at Duck Pier is 3.7 mm/year during the last two decades, almost four times the secular rate due to GIA alone. The additional 2.7 mm/year is probably caused by decreasing pressure in the groundwater table adjacent to the coast. And this (clearly anthropogenic, but local) phenomenon is a new one, caused by excessive drilling and pumping in the region (which, unlike fast increase in global atmospheric CO2, started in the late 19th century indeed). Is it obfuscation, really? Can we look forward to you writing up and submitting a formal rebuttal to the journal, or are you simply here to grandstand? You can't, it's not my job. There are guys who get a salary for that. And I am really surprised this issue has not come up in the peer review process. It is more than obvious. BTW, you are free to submit a letter to PNAS, I have no claims :)
  45. Eric (skeptic) at 05:24 AM on 25 June 2011
    Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    I was simply explaining why one river was breaking the record by five feet. Minot had 6.22 inches of precip in May versus normal of 3.91 but Jan-Apr were all below normal. Their river record is fairly isolated except for the Missouri downstream from the Ft Peck dam which just started releasing extra water in early June. The flood control releases must be considered when comparing old records to new ones.
  46. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Re grayman@9 - the cost is a good incentive for reducing consumption :-) If you don't need lights on in the evening then you are wasting a lot of money by having them on. There is an issue of security (keeping the burglars away), light pollution etc. At least there is no excuse now for street lighting to be on during the day. I remember the old fashioned electromechanical timers used to get out of sync and lights would remain on during the day. These days light sensors have fixed that problem.
  47. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    Hi Dana, Well written post, a few questions. 1) I am sure you have wondered as have i that the cities we live in, why all the lights on in buildings ETC. when not in use from private to govt., i find it a waste. How do we get this slowed or stopped, that would be a suffient start. Just looking at satilite picture of cities at night boggles the mind and i for one see it as a waste period. 2) How can a model accuratly portray the probrabilties of wind when weather models a barly able to do it 4-5 days out, as jetstream winds much less lower level winds are to variable in speed or predictablity?
  48. A Detailed Look at Renewable Baseload Energy
    In the UK RLTec have developed a smart grid fridge which alters it's energy use depending on what power is being provided by the grid: According to their latest press release they did a deal with Sainsburys to put the technology in 200 supermarkets. They have also developed a fridge with Indesit. I know another UK company are developing a fridge/freezer that can continue working for about a week without power. They're using a phase change material. The technology was originally developed for cooling vaccines in developing countries.
  49. Eric the Red at 04:45 AM on 25 June 2011
    Websites for Watching the Arctic Sea Ice Melt
    JMurphy, I was looking for it in the Hansen report because michael stated that the report made such a claim, which resulted in the subsequent posts. michael, If you claim that all these effects are the result of rising temperature (resulting from a CO2 increase), then a reduction in temperature (CO2) will reverse all the effects. Which of these effects will not be reduced? We cannot undo a flood that already happened, but future flooding would be reduced. sky, The trend in maximum sea ice extent shows considerable linearity. The trend in minimum sea ice show more linearity than not, but may be skewed by the high value in 1996 and low value in 2007. It is entirely possible that it could be non-linear, or a shift in the linear trend starting in 1996. There are other possibility that exist with such a small dataset. Some people here seem to prefer the volume calculations over the area measurements. I have a differences of opinion on the topic which I will not pursue. Tom, Yes, it was an initial response to your post, which has been blown out of proportion, and should be put to rest.
  50. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Thanks Camburn. Have you managed to sow your seeds yet?

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