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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 81651 to 81700:

  1. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Norman @155, yes I did, and the difference in extreme maximum temperatures is due to the well known fact that the hottest years in the Continental US were in the 1930/40s. Of course, the 30s and 40s where not as hot as the 90s and 00s globally, as is also well known. Consequently we would expect a similar chart for global extreme maximum temperatures to peak in the 00s, if one existed. @157, that's it? Just thanks for the links? If any links showing AGW to be real and dangerous are posted, you are quick respond with a comment, any comment no matter how ill founded, so long as it plays down the evidence. But if links apparently supporting a denier point of view are posted, you just accept them uncritically even when at least one of them has been shown to be of very poor quality. You really ought to stop saying that you are just trying to learn here, because you are not keeping up the pretence very well. @158 in fact the greatest increases in reporting have been in North America, and in Asia, particularly China and India. The trend in South America has been flat, while that in Africa has matched the global trend, but reporting rates are very low. As the areas of greatest increase in reporting have also been high population areas with modern communications over the entire period, the suggestion that the increase is due to increased reporting in third world nations is ill founded.
  2. The chief troupier: the follies of Mr Monckton
    Good article. I like your video too. Have you seen Peter Hadfield's latest (Monckton Bunkum #5), out this week? This sentence bothered me slightly: None of the articles I read supported the claims or inferences that Mr. Monckton was promoting. While it is no doubt accurate, I guess there is a little cherry-picking in the assertion? e.g. Monckton cites at least Soon and Lindzen: I'm presuming you didn't bother to read those, but if you had they would require a different refutation.
  3. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    With regard to tornadoes, a post by Andrew Freedman in the Washington Post gives a good overview, with links to papers : Are La Nina and global warming behind the extreme tornado activity? There was also an interesting piece in Science Daily a few years back : Global Warming Will Bring Violent Storms And Tornadoes, NASA Predicts But, as scaddenp notes, why are we suddenly focussing on tornadoes ? Not a diversion, for some strange so-called skeptical reason, is it ?
  4. The Planetary Greenhouse Engine Revisited
    @ Patrick I would like your point of view about the arising of the heat sinks and sources ”(Venus-Earth-Mars Profiles)” within the uniform temperature profile of a perfectly transparent atmosphere later than a GHG is added. Perhaps, absit iniuria verbis, a greater synthesis would be more effective for our purposes.
  5. The chief troupier: the follies of Mr Monckton
    What "outrageous claims and distortions" has "Al (hockeystick) Gore" made ? Why the specific link between Gore and the 'hockeystick' ? Are the "claims and distortions" only outrageous in the minds of so-called skeptics or those in denial ? Is Gore one of those "AGW proponents" some see everywhere ? What, actually, is an "AGW proponent" ? Finally, can anyone name any "sensible sceptics" ? With regard to Robyn Williams, of whom I knew nothing until he was just mentioned, I presume this is in reference to his comment to that very rational commentator (ahem) Andrew Bolt ? This is what Williams has to say about that : "So, what to make of this encounter? I draw two conclusions. The first is that the handful of 'climate sceptics' are politically driven and exploit the same trademark clutch of factoids and phrases. They ignore published, peer-reviewed scientific papers containing evidence that shatters their case, vanishingly small as it is. The noise they make is out of all proportion to their puny numbers, and they protest furiously that all they are doing is trying to save us from unnecessary paralysing angst – rather than inconvenient truth." Hear, hear.
  6. The chief troupier: the follies of Mr Monckton
    @Ken. Well, maybe your comments are deleted because you don't participate to the discussion via arguments. If you use the Monckton method (give no reference at all or -even more popular- quote it in a complete apropriate way) those comments will be deleted I think. If you give studies that support your point of view, you will be welcomed to join the debate for sure.
  7. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    This seems to be wondering off track somewhat here. Lets see if I have it clear. We have various historical records like fish farms, harbours etc. which help construct past sea level. While these show sealevel hasnt changed a lot of last 2-3000 years, they don't rule out the possibility that there were large fluctuations between these points. One thing about sealevel, unlike temperature, is that without volcanic/instrusive activity or faulting, you cant get wild fluctuations in sealevel in one part of world and not in others. In this sense, any high-resolution record is as good as an other. The point in this paper is that in the best records in terms of resolution, accuracy of timing and depth, there are not wild changes and current sealevel rates are extraordinary compared to the last 2000 years.
  8. The chief troupier: the follies of Mr Monckton
    [moderator trolling deleted] Monckton's Nazi reference to Ross Garnaut is quite outrageous [gratuitous insult snipped] There is an extreme 'denier' position which I do not support - and which does the sensible sceptic position some harm. Of course outrageous claims and distortions afflict both sides of the debate - Robyn (100m of sea level rise) Williams, Tim (rivers will never run again) Flannery and Al (hockeystick) Gore come to mind on the AGW side.
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] Ken, if you dont want your comments deleted, do not deliberately provoke the moderators by challenging them to delete your posts. You ought to know by now that such complaints about moderation are off-topic and are deleted as such (after reading). I have been generous in editing your post rather than deleting it, I will cease to be as generous if you continue in the same vein.
  9. monkeyorchid at 17:43 PM on 23 June 2011
    Review of 2084: An Oral History of the Great Warming by James Powell
    I have written a short story on the same topic, with much the same goals. It is available at: please share this link with Skeptical Science readers!
  10. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    Camburn @37:
    "A recently uncovered Roman structure at Richborough , England, which has been estimated to be a dock dating back to the 14th century, has turned history on its head, by proving that at the height of medieval Sandwichs power and wealth as a port, boats were still mooring at Richborough. According to a report in The Guardian, this discovery is unique because according to the conventional history of the site, Richborough had been completely filled with silt 800 years earlier, the once magnificent Roman fort and large town left abandoned and desolate. The medieval dock was neatly constructed by joining up double-decker-bus-sized lumps of Roman walls which tumbled and slid down from the ramparts of the fort further up the slope. It is built on the shingled Roman shore, one of the key sites in the Roman invasion of Britain in 43 AD, and can be securely dated to the 14th century, since the construction technique is identical to the medieval town walls of nearby Sandwich."
    (From here So, as I understand this, a Roman beach (hence above the low tide mark) sunk low enough that a medieval dock (hence with footings below the low tide mark), which in turn sunk low enough that it to was covered by silt (and hence lay below the water level) and this is taken by you as evidence the coast in that region was not sinking, but rising? I just want to be clear on this.
  11. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    @okatiniko. What do you mean? without any clear signal...? Can it be any clearer? Do you have some studies that prove your point about the illknown reconstruction methods?
  12. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    yes, another "hockey stick" starting around 1900, and without any clear signal associated to a rising anthropogenic influence after 1960 !!! and another hockey stick relying of ill-known (and unverified independently) reconstruction methods, very likely smoothing the natural variance.
  13. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    Thank you DB. I appreciate your help.

    [DB] Anytime.

  14. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    Camburn @34 Silt has filled what was a shallow harbour 2000 years ago. Exactly where in this article is there anything to about changes of sea level?
  15. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    DB: Yes, over the years the channel silted up. But you have to look at the current level of the harbor. Google maps will show you that where the port was unearthed is above current sea level. As an aside, I looked for the comments thing as I was going to try to learn how to post url's with a link as some seem able to do. I can't seem to find that area on the site, maybe I am tired and blind right now.

    [DB] See here.  I well understand the tired and blind thing.

  16. The Planetary Greenhouse Engine Revisited
    re my 28 - Think of the effective emitting levels (EELS) forming a landscape... and a valley dropping down from space. That last part highlights the importance of recognizing that an 'EEL' is a representative concept for something more complex (an 'EWF' - emission weighting function). Because the stratosphere, or at least the upper stratosphere, on Earth, has temperature increasing with height, pulling the EEL out of space and down through the stratosphere would appear to suggest that the radiation goes from having a brightness temperature approximately at zero to having some higher value and gradually dropping down toward the tropopause temperature. But for a well-mixed gas, aside from line broadenning and line strength variations, the first little bit of emissivity added to an otherwise transparent atmosphere produces an EWF such that, for whatever portion is in the atmosphere, it is evenly distributed (over mass for constant optical thickness per unit mass path; otherwise more generally, over optical thickness) So if the inversion of the stratosphere is sufficiently thin relative to a lower isothermal part (and/or sufficiently weak), it may never come to dominate, and having the EEL come down from space may only gradually increase the brightness temperature (and for upward radiation, an inversion at the surface that is sufficiently thin wouldn't keep the brightness temperature of the upward flux at the tropopause from decreasing - unless the surface is colder than the troposphere's average temperature (or averaged in terms of the Planck function, and then weighted by EWF)); and even if the inversion runs all the way through the stratosphere and is sufficiently strong, etc, the downward LW radiation would gradually go from zero to a peak before coming down.
  17. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    And here is the clinker: Archelogical evidence recently discovered showing the sea level in Southern England approx 2,000 years ago. Being North Carolina is all of a sudden a proxy for worldwide sea level, the port 2 miles inland on a isostatic falling area indicates that the Romans had ships that sailed on land, or the beginning of the graph for North Carolina is wrong. Being there was a proxy switch at approx 1,000 AD, the earlier levels are probably wrong as I find it hard to concieve that the variation in sea level at that time could have been over 5.5 meters from Kent, England to North Carolina.

    [DB] It is hard to conceive that you actually read articles in their entirety.  From your linked article:

    "Over the centuries, the channel silted up"

    It is patently obvious the narrative you seek to maintain.  If you can find peer-reviewed sources to cite that support that narrative, fine.  But I would suggest reading them in their entirety to ensure that they actually say what you think they say.

  18. Daniel Bailey at 14:40 PM on 23 June 2011
    Sea Level Hockey Stick
    Anyone reading this far into this thread will easily see the selective interpretation of the study that forms the basis of this post on the part of some. You all have patiently, robustly and succinctly provided easy-to-follow feedback and guidance. When that endangers ones internal narrative and worldview than one can either bow to the inevitable and change...or one can maintain that the sky is green and lowflying bacon is a public endangerment. Not a choice most would agree with, but a choice nonetheless.
  19. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    Well, we did try to a/ explain that sea level was different from temperature. Is this fundamental physics not obvious? Similarly CO2 at Mauna Loa is a local measurement but its pretty good proxy for average global CO2 when suitably corrected. The temperature at Mauna Loa however it not a good proxy for global temperature. b/ point out that the paper was drawing its conclusion after comparison with other proxy records. (Just like you would check Mauna Loa Co2 levels against other stations).
  20. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    "The next time I am confronted with someone telling me that regional weather is not global, I am going to refer them to this link." The ocean is not the atmosphere, and steric expansion of the ocean is unrelated to weather. So, go ahead and make that equality, and if you do, be assured you're playing the fool, again. ( -Snip- )

    [DB] Please, everyone, dial the emotions down a notch.

  21. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    dhogaza: I don't have to play the fool, in this instance the comments trying to tie this to global from one location are doing a great job. The next time I am confronted with someone telling me that regional weather is not global, I am going to refer them to this link.
  22. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    "I am not disputing the sea level rise/fall in North Carolina. What I am disputing is to use it as a global metric. This is a regional phenominum. Just as it is a regional phenominum that it is cold and wet where I live." Actually, your regional weather phenominum (sic: phenomenom is better known to me) tends to be driven by global stuff like, oh, ENSO. So it's not necessarily difficult to tie your regional weather experience to global phenomena...
  23. Michael Hauber at 14:09 PM on 23 June 2011
    Sea Level Hockey Stick
    There is nothing inherently unscientific about measuring sea level at one point and extrapolating to the entire globe. Or even for measuring temperature at one point and extrapolating to the entire globe. But when doing such an extrapolation two issues arise: 1) if you have other points, then why limit yourself to just one (perhaps the other points are poor quality). The article does discuss what sea level is doing at other points. 2) what is the typical variation from region to region. If the regional variation is typically less than 10cm, then a 40 cm rise at one point is highly likely to reflect a global sea level rise. For temperature regional variations for multi-decade trends are of the order of a couple degrees. Therefore you won't accurately measure global temperature increase of under 1 degree by just one point as the regional variation is bigger than the trend your are trying to measure. If the earth spiralled towards the sun in the next 100 years and temperatures went up by 50 degrees globally, then I am quite sure the temperature trend at just one point is highly likely to reflect this trend reasonably accurately (i.e. to within a degree or two).
  24. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    "The paper is trying to stretch one location to global. It doesn't wash. It would be like saying because the sea level is falling on the coast of Alaska that overall sea level is falling. That doesn't wash either. Both are regional events." That might be a point if they hadn't bothered to check for correlation with other reconstructions, including your pet Southern Cook Islands (I'm sure your next gambit will be to scream that "data corrections to correct for known geological and oceanographic differences are evidence of fraud!!!!" I made similar points earlier, and you ignored them. Just as well. Play the fool, but you won't fool us.
  25. McManufactured Controversy
    An interesting take on the McControversy is that provided by Teske, who concludes:
    "Finally, while it’s certainly flattering that Mr Lynas thinks that Greenpeace has the power to “dictate” IPCC conclusions, it is a great pity that he doesn’t seem to consider the possibility that the IPCC chose to include the findings of Greenpeace, the EREC and the German Space Agency in The Energy [R]evolution for one very good reason - because hundreds of energy experts from different backgrounds, considered it a good, realistic and useful piece of research. If Mr Lynas has a problem with these findings, he should clearly demonstrate his issue with them, rather than simply trying to claim that some crude conspiracy theory is at work."
    This, I think, goes to the heart of the issue. Let's assume that Teske did in fact argue the case for using the Teske et 2010 Advanced Energy Revolution scenario (as per Eric the Red 54). That only calls into question the choice of that scenario if we assume the other ten primary decision makers on chapter 10 (the two Coordinating Lead Authors, and the other eight Lead Authors) where ciphers, that the where sufficiently gullible, and incompetent in their field of expertise to be fooled into accepting an inferior scenario just because one of their number had a vested interest. Indeed, we have to assume this even though at least three of their number had a vested interest in number had a vested interest in not accepting that scenario. The three are Raymond Wright (economic interest in the fossil fuel industry), Makoto Akai (professional investment in carbon capture and storage which does not feature in the Advanced Energy Revolution Scenario), and Leon Clark (joint author of alternative scenarios). That is not a plausible assumption. The only plausible conclusion is that Teske's participation did not significantly influence the choice of the fourth scenario.
  26. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    camburn- can you actually link us to what you are quoting? This seems at variance with the calculations by other researchers (eg Clark, Mitrovica) in the field.
  27. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    re: Tornado data. Since this thread is about severe weather AND global warming, wouldnt it be more relevant to look at severe events that are actually predicted increase with global warming? Anyone got a paper saying tornadoes will increase as the planet warms?
  28. McManufactured Controversy
    Lynas continues to post blog entries about this and hasn't backed off a bit. Somebody posted a link to this post there and he did not respond to it. The general commentary on his blog now is deniers asking why he didn't read and get the "message" from the hacked emails, that he's on the way to becoming one of them. I don't know if that will happen or not, but that is who is now posting to his blog.
  29. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Tom Curtis @141 I was investigating and working to understand the concepts presented about catastrophe and Great Natural Catastrophe. My graph was of Great Natural Catastrophe. I am wondering how do you determine conclusively that the increase in catasptrophe is not the product of increased reporting? Like with tornadoes. F0 tornado number skyrocketed after the 1990's but the larger tornado number stayed relatively the same. Maybe a lot of catastrophe's in third world countries were not reported in a few decades ago but now more awareness is taking place leading to more reports generated but not meaning more actual events are taking place.
  30. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    Camburn @various, the continent of North America is tilting up in the north and down in the south as shown by these local sea level rise plots: As you can see, the more southerly the location, the greater the fall in sea level, while Pointe-au Pere in Quebec is rising slightly, and Churchill on Hudson Bay is rising rapidly. The accepted reason for this is that land previously depressed by the weight of ice in the last glacial is rebounding to a more stable position. The same phenomenon can be seen in Britain, and in Europe more generally: Given that this is the cause of local changes of sea level in North Carolina, then the rate of the isostatic adjustment is highly unlikely to have suddenly changes in the last 100 years, or the last 500. Consequently, we should expect a reconstruction adjusted for Isostatic Rebound to show an approximately level sea level at the site over long intervals, as indeed can be seen in the reconstruction. Conversely, if the hockey stick shape of the reconstruction is an artifact, the Isostatic Rebound must have rapidly accelerated and de-accelerated at intervals over the last two thousand years to miraculously reproduce a sea level rise in the MWP, a fall in the LIA, and a very rapid rise over the industrial period. Indeed, if the "blade" of the graph is an artifact, as you are implying, the Isostatic Rebound must have accelerated to approximately double its current value around 200 years ago, and then suddenly de-accelerated to its current value just in time for the instillation of GPS monitoring. While possible, such suppositions are ad hoc and a clear attempt to evade evidence rather than be guided by it.
  31. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    Rob: The sea level rise in the Southern Hemisphere should be greater than what is observed in the Northern Hemisphere. Per Prof Steffan. I am not disputing the sea level rise/fall in North Carolina. What I am disputing is to use it as a global metric. This is a regional phenominum. Just as it is a regional phenominum that it is cold and wet where I live. The paper is trying to stretch one location to global. It doesn't wash. It would be like saying because the sea level is falling on the coast of Alaska that overall sea level is falling. That doesn't wash either. Both are regional events.
  32. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Camburn, Thanks for the links.
  33. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Tom Curtis and Albatross, I posted this graph of F3 and above tornadoes from NOAA on a post to JMurphy. Severe Tornadoes historical graph. You can see this unusual large peak in 1974. What this tells me is with extreme weather events you may get these spikes from time to time but does it mean anything? So why is the Russian heat wave any more unusual than the tornado spike, or the Pakistan flood. I still cannot see what evidence has been presented that would make you feel extreme weather events are increasing in number and intensity because of global warming.
  34. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Tom Curtis @ 149 I did look at the one day precipitation but did you look at the extremes in maximum temperature. It is up then down and up but not as extreme today as in the past.
  35. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    JMurphy @ 152 I will try to demonstrate what is actually the case with disasters. I will use data on tornadoes to demonstrate. I will link to two web sites that I am using for this demonstration. Graph of Strong to Violent Tornadoes. Source for tornado graph. Tornadoes that became disasters. Also need this information: Number of Strong to Violent tornadoes in is 80 so far. If you look at the first NOAA graph you will see that in 1974 there were >120 F3 or Above tornadoes. Now look at the link "tornadoes that became disasters". In 1974 there were 3 tornado disasters. In 2011 with 80 F3 or above tornadoes you have 6 tornadoes of this magnitude that caused disaters and a total of 9 tornadoes that struck cities. This is an example of where the number of hazards does not relfect the actual number of disasters. Look at 1964. This would be a close year to 2011 for F3 or above tornado activity. There were no disasters from tornadoes that year. Not sure it this little exercise is what you requested but I hope it clears up what I am getting at.
  36. Daniel Bailey at 12:24 PM on 23 June 2011
    Websites for Watching the Arctic Sea Ice Melt
    Tamino has now weighed-in on the ongoing Death Spiral in the Arctic: Sayonara, white lumpy rain.
  37. Eric the Red at 12:03 PM on 23 June 2011
    How would a Solar Grand Minimum affect global warming?
    I was not aware that anyone was predicting an ice age. At this point it is just speculation, although it has been postulated for almost five years now, and the data is leaning closer to such an event. Others have predicted a Dalton-like minimum, similar to the 19th century. From a scientific standpoint, it would be fascinating to observe and measure, if it were to occur.
  38. Rob Painting at 12:02 PM on 23 June 2011
    Sea Level Hockey Stick
    Camburn - IF the North Carolina data were anything but a local phenominum.....the sea level SHOULD be rising quit fast in the Southern Cook Islands. It isn't Why? Sea level rise isn't globally uniform, (for a myriad of reasons) so why do you expect a higher rate there?
  39. IPCC Report on Renewable Energy
    I agree that "Of course it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Meeting the $5.1 trillion global renewable energy investment from 2011 to 2020 will require a five-fold increase from current investment levels. And of course there is the political challenge involved in implementing the necessary policies to allow this renewable energy investment increase to happen". Also support this report with a few hints. What about natural disasters e.g.: volcanic emissions, the impact of the earthquake, wind, etc.. Of course scenario is attainable, but in the report is only mentioned mitigation and therefore I 'think' based on the examples that I mentioned about report are need 'small corrections and additions' to the report, and should turn attention mechanisms of the adaptation. Guided by the idea that we have to adapt to the nature and not vice versa. I apologize if someone understood this comment as a malicious. Thanks.
  40. Climate is chaotic and cannot be predicted
    rgriffin42 @59, the same thing concerns climate scientists and interested observers like me. That is what all the discussion of tipping points is about. It is very possible that at a certain rise in temperature, some natural feedback will kick in that is strong enough that will rapidly accelerate the rate of warming. Potential candidates are the the release of methane from clathrates, the release methane from formerly frozen tundra, and the deforestation of the amazon, two of which can individually release more CO2 equivalent of methane than has been released by humans since the industrial revolution. Another suggested tipping point is the possible shut down of the North Atlantic conveyor, with a consequent significant reduction in temperatures in Europe. However, as best understood at the moment, that is not likely for several centuries, at which time it may bring relief to Europe, but will not trigger an ice age. In fact, from geological studies, we know the possibility of a cooling tipping point is remote. If there was such a cooling mechanism, it would place a hard ceiling on global temperatures - but we know global temperatures have been significantly higher than they currently are. Hence the instability you mention may make things get a lot worse a lot faster than we are expecting, it is very likely that they will be our salvation.
  41. Eric the Red at 11:58 AM on 23 June 2011
    Websites for Watching the Arctic Sea Ice Melt
    To what denial are you referring? That is exactly the trend to which I am referring. 2007 was anomalously low, just like 1996 was anomalously high. Other than that, the trend looks robust. I do not know why so many people are getting exciting about breaking the 2007 low this year. I have always understood.
  42. Rob Painting at 11:53 AM on 23 June 2011
    It's the sun
    The way I read 1 & 2 of rdmtask's comment, is that he/she thinks the heat driving global warming is from the heat given off by burning of fossil fuels, rather than the CO2 given off increasing the Greenhouse Effect. This confusion continues here: "All energy enters the earth via solar radiation, all energy leaves the earth via solar radiation" Where he/she appears to claim that the Earth is a star.
  43. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    Sorry, I should be clearer. The tectonic effect is regional GIA adjustment. Rather different to say my local area where Malrborough Sounds on one side a fault are dropping 4mm/year while 50km away, on another fault, the range goes up at close 5mm/year. Relating coastal sealevel predictions to globalin that setting is tough. Estimating GIA?, not so much. (Actually I am not so sure about their GIA adjustment.The basis for it depends on an estimate of crustal rheological parameters that I am not so sure about, but that's another story - more data coming. It wont effect the shape of their curve.)
  44. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    scaddenp: North Carolina is an area that is sinking so to make the statement that tetonics is not an issue with North Carolina is false.
  45. Bibliovermis at 10:34 AM on 23 June 2011
    It's the sun
    As for #4: The incoming energy from the sun primarily is shortwave radiation. This is absorbed by the planet and emitted as longwave radiation. The greenhouse gases absorb and reflect this longwave radiation. The "greenhouse effect" You are arguing against over a century of accumulated scientific knowledge based on your lack of understanding.
  46. It's the sun
    And further note, that we have enough coal to change the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere back to pre-pliocene levels.
  47. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    You will note however, that Prof Steffen was quite capable of relating global level to local levels. Really big differences over short distances are difficult but they are due to tectonic effects not present in North Carolina. You will also note that the paper did compare their results to other sealevel proxies.
  48. IPCC Report on Renewable Energy
    #41 Stephen Leahy I call Germany's decision to phase out nuclear power dumb not smart. There is absolutely no way that it will not result in emissions higher than they would have been if nuclear was retained and operated in parallel with new renewables build. It cannot be otherwise. The UK now has a "legally binding" commitment to 50% emissions reductions by 2027, so it would be well to study it's plans too. Of course for all nations, one does not have have to question the sincerity of commitments, to observe that what is being said may well not be what is achieved. It's all still words at the moment and does not constitute "proof" in any sense that any particular path is anything like optimal. There is an unfortunate habit of lumping all renewables together and make implications about future growth of renewables based on their share of current electricity generation. This obscures rather than informs. It it overwhelmingly solar/wind that must be grown to do the heavy lifting, if renewables alone are to deliver the goods. Today, the situation is that in OECD countries nuclear supplies 22% of electricity, solar/wind/geothermal 4%. In Germany solar/wind/geo supplies 7.7%. (Source IEA Monthly Electricity Stats). If all the OECD shut down nuclear over the next decade, it would require the current solar/wind group to be expanded by a factor of six or more just to maintain the current level of emissions in electricity generation. What hope for emissions reductions then? This is how important nuclear is. I believe that the UK now has the highest commitment to emissions reductions over the next two decades. Their anticipated pathway including nuclear deserves study, recognizing that for each nation there are specific factors that must influence their choices. The The Renewable Energy Review and supporting documents are important contributions.
  49. The Planetary Greenhouse Engine Revisited
    re my 26, first big paragraph: The energy is absorbed above when and where kinetic energy is dissipated mechanically (mechanical damping of the waves) and otherwise converted to APE in thermally indirection motion with the resulting APE being dissipated radiatively (thermal damping of the waves). Sometimes conditions favoring absorption are what cause energy and momentum of the wave to be absorbed where they are. Sometimes nonlinear wave breaking from sufficient increases in amplitude cause the wave energy to be absorbed when and where it is.
  50. Sea Level Hockey Stick
    Camburn: Southern Cook Islands is one of the reconstructions they calibrated against. Please read the post and study the diagrams.

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