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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 82201 to 82250:

  1. Eric the Red at 01:31 AM on 19 June 2011
    How would a Solar Grand Minimum affect global warming?
    Albatross, The whole solar / sunspot issue may finally be resolved if a grand minimum occurs. The solar contribution to warming, if any, will be determined, and any more speculation will have ended. I am actually a little excited about this, because we can now study the sun's changes in detail.
  2. SkS Weekly Digest #3
    When I open the site, the lettering (not just in the titles) is screaming at me in bright red capitals. It goes back to normal when I click on a particular post. Am I the only one :) .. or has John decided to "up the temperature"?
  3. SkS Weekly Digest #3
    FYI if you need to send a large number of emails and you host is complaining Amazon recently introduced its Simple email service. It is a pain to set up, but seems to work very well once you do so. (At least in my testing of it) And it is fairly cheap.
  4. Eric the Red at 01:26 AM on 19 June 2011
    Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Anne-Marie, While global warming theory predicts an increase in rainfall due to increased moisture, that does not correlate with snowfall. Snowfall is largely contralled by temperature; when the temperature rises above freezinf, the precipitation falls as rain. Historical data supports this. The snowiest winters are, on average, the coldest. The past two NH winters were both colder and snowier than the preceding winters.
  5. CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    Chris the peak in global temperatures coincides with India colliding with Asia 50 million years ago- The PETM occurred 56 million years ago. See Hansen's book page 153. There was another spike in temperatures about 42 million years ago- not as severe as the PETM. Temperatures and C02 fell for the next several million years until global temperatures reached 3 degrees C above what they where circa 1900. This was about 34.5 million years ago, when C02 fell to 450-500ppm.
  6. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Norman @34, the point I was trying to make is that there is no point looking for trends in a detrended data set. In this particular case, the trend that was removed was for decreasing rainfall: The consequence of that has been that while floods in SWWA have almost entirely disappeared, drought has become effectively a permanent condition. Moving from a situation in which you have either a drouht or a flood every three to five years into a situation in which you have drought in four out of five years represents a decrease in variability in the rainfall (which will show up in a detrended graph), but the drying will not; and itself results in a significant increase in extreme conditions relative to the twentieth century average.
  7. Eric (skeptic) at 00:10 AM on 19 June 2011
    Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    In the three lower bullets, the first one, increasing trend in extreme rainfall, seems reasonable and well supported although it shows up mostly in local rain gauges. The second bullet seems to contradict the first and the fact that warmer air holds more moisture. This paper shows that drought and a reduction in extreme rainfall (as they defined it) went hand-in-hand. The paper also suggests that the particular Australian drought being studied was due to changes in weather patterns, specifically "This supports the argument that the winter (extreme daily) rainfall decline over SWWA is, at least in part, associated with the upward trend of the Antarctic Oscillation."
  8. Bob Lacatena at 23:51 PM on 18 June 2011
    CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    jerryd, Two probably bizarre questions, but: 1) Is it possible that carbon existed in some form prior to the PETM which we no longer see in noticeable quantities today? That is, could there have been some sort of release mechanism which entirely escapes our imagination, exactly because it all "let loose" during the PETM? I have no idea what such a form would be, although I imagine such insights would come from a study of the biosphere in any of the millions of years prior to the PETM (e.g. could a massive die off of plant matter during a previous extinction, combined with a certain predominant climate [dry, wet, hot, cold] have produced a "high layer" of what amounts to fossil fuels, something like peat, but with different properties from peat, and yet more accessible than the coal and petroleum with which we are familiar)? 2) Has anyone ever done a sort of "carbon accounting through the ages" to try to add up and track how much carbon has entered the system at various stages of the earth's existence, and in what quantities in what forms it has existed in the various stages of the earth's existence (atmosphere, living biosphere, decaying plant matter, various sequestered carbon forms, etc.)?
  9. Speaking science to climate policy
    Michael Sweet #19 I am not confused at all. Thermal inertia has everything to do with heat flow and temperature distribution.
  10. Speaking science to climate policy
    Michael Sweet #21 "If Hansen's estimate of 1.3 W/m2 is correct we are in for a world of pain." Hansen has upped the aerosol cooling estimate as one of the factors to explain the reduced theoretical warming imbalance ie. 0.9 down to 0.59W/sq.m. I don't recall seeing anything in his paper about raising the warming forcings for CO2GHG which should theroetically be about 1.77W/sq.m for a 390ppmv concentration. Why would this forbode a 'world of pain'?
  11. CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    newcrusader at 19:15 PM on 18 June, 2011 I wonder whether Dr. Hansen was referring to the raised atmospheric [CO2] levels throughout the Early/Mid Cenozoic (65 MYA to around 40 MYA) onto which the PETM "piggybacked" around 55.5 MYA. There is a very nice theory that this was indeed the result of the remorseless drifting of the Indian subcontinent (to be!) into sub-Asia and the subduction of carbonate-loaded plate beneath the ever-narrowing Tethys sea. The carbonates were driven off as CO2, maintaining a steady high level of [CO2] during this period and warm earth conditions. Once India had "squeezed out" the Tethys sea (around 50 MYA), the "CO2 factory" ceased and was overtaken by enhanced weathering of the Deccan Traps (formed near the end-Cretaceous) as these moved (with the Indian sub-continent) into the warm moist tropical humid belt where basalt weathering was very efficient. By around 33 MYA atmospheric [CO2] thresholds had dropped towards the threshold that allowed polar continental ice sheet formation... Can't find a downloadable version of this fascinating paper: D. V. Kent and G. Muttoni (2008) Equatorial convergence of India and early Cenozoic climate trends PNAS 105:16065-16070 abstract However there is a “Commentary” accompanying their article that summarises their proposal quite nicely here.
  12. Anne-Marie Blackburn at 22:12 PM on 18 June 2011
    Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    The claim is that there is 4% more moisture in the air (and this has a very high uncertainty factor and needs above and beyond proof as that moisture is entering and living the air at highly variable rates at any given period). The mountain ranges in US received well above 100% of their normal snowfall. If it would have been 104% then the claim that excessive snow is the result of a small increase in overal moisture levels in the air. When the snowfall is doubled it seems a far stretch that these events can be caused by that slight moisture increase.
    That is not what the article claims. Global warming does not cause extreme weather events, but it increases the odds that such events will take place because of changes in the water cycle (and atmospheric circulation) brought on by rising sea and air temperatures.
  13. Dikran Marsupial at 22:03 PM on 18 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    MoreCarbonOK So to summarise: All of the professional scientists at NOAA, NASA GISS, UK Met Office, CRU, RSS, UAH (who have relevant qualifications and have studied the data in depth) are wrong and you (who apparently does science as a hobby) are right. If there is a discrepancy in the data, it is at BoM (who collect and distribute the data) not at one of their clients. You apparently have nothing to learn from us (as you have not engaged with any of the constructive criticism so far), but we (in our ignorance) have everything to learn from you. Do you realise how you come across? Do you think anyone will take your analysis seriously having seen your display of hubris here? Most physics departments from time to time have a member of public come along with a proof that Einstein was wrong, or a prototype for a perpetual motion machine, or maths department have someone claim to have a short proof for Fermat's last theorem, or a proof that Godel was wrong etc. You are heading into that territory, please do yourself a favour, doing science as a hobby is something very admirable, but you do need to learn the basics first, and have some humility.
  14. CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    jerryd at 20:33 PM on 18 June, 2011 Yes that was the point I was making with respect to okatiniko's suggestion (his post #11) that the raised atmospheric [CO2] in the PETM might be a response to raised temperatures (by analogy with the raised atmospheric [CO2] during glacial-interglacial cycles). The numbers (massive amount of raised [CO2] during PETM and the delta 13C excursion) simply rule out that as a significant contribution. The carbon must have come from "without" the exogenic carbon cycle! P.S. By "exogenic carbon cycle" I assume that you mean the "accessible" carbon within the carbon cycle that involves the carbon in the atmosphere, oceans and living things.
  15. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    28 Tom Curtis The graph you describe in your post is the one I am talking about. Extreme events would be excessive or much lower than normal rainfall. In the early part of the graph there were such extremes, then it seems to settle down for awhile and then extremes show up. Is there a trend in the frequency of the extreme events? Looks like there is not enough data available to make such a claim. A longer time frame is required for such.
  16. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    #32 JMurphy Mechanisms would help. The claim is that there is 4% more moisture in the air (and this has a very high uncertainty factor and needs above and beyond proof as that moisture is entering and living the air at highly variable rates at any given period). The mountain ranges in US received well above 100% of their normal snowfall. If it would have been 104% then the claim that excessive snow is the result of a small increase in overal moisture levels in the air. When the snowfall is doubled it seems a far stretch that these events can be caused by that slight moisture increase. On Evolution, the evidence is not just in the fossil record. That would be meaningless without the other factor. There is a mechanism for evolution that makes it a valid theory (but still not fact). That mechanism is that DNA is flexible, it can be changed by external forces. If it was a very stable molecule that was higly resistant to change than a mechanism would not exist and another explanation would be required to explain the fossil evidence. In science one makes claims then they propose mechanisms that can explain these claims.
  17. Rob Painting at 21:37 PM on 18 June 2011
    CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    Jerryd - thanks for the input. Very much appreciated. I noticed in Zeebe 2009, of which you were one of the co-authors, a mention of trace greenhouses gases in the concluding remarks. Have you read Beerling 2011? Any comments?
  18. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Norman wrote : "Until you have the complete evidence to state the case it is unscientific to make the claims of certainty and mostly seems propoganda to get uninterested people interested in this issue." Maybe you could provide the criteria that would convince you that Global Warming is affecting the weather ? What would it take to convince you ? And, as a side-line, what is the "complete evidence" that has convinced you as to the validity of Evolution - that is, if you do accept it ?
  19. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    #26 scaddenp Your point is my point. I do not know if waraming is driving the changes in SAM. I brought the article up because it does not make the claim global warming is the cause nor did it claim it was not the cause. It looked for the root known cause. Further research would be needed to see if global warming played a part. I read articles on the web page daily but rarely post. This point is one that I find most unscientific and it prompts me to post. In the above article the quote "How global warming affects weather parameters" should read How global warming may affect weather parameters. Until you have the complete evidence to state the case it is unscientific to make the claims of certainty and mostly seems propoganda to get uninterested people interested in this issue. May be a necessary action if you believe the world is near doom if action is not taken very soon, but it is not a scientific approach. It is a shock the emotional core approach and it is the very thing that is generating such a wave of denial among the average citizen. People have a natural resistence to what seems like emotional manipulation and react negative to it. When all extreme weather events (including very cold and heavy snow events especially without rigorous proof) are linked to global warming the Public becomes skeptical of the claims and turns of the channel. It does not serve your cause well and creates the very wall you are working to bring down.
  20. CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    To follow with specific points: Chris: This is not the correct way to think about the problem. The glacial-interglacial changes in pCO2 likely involve carbon redistribution within the exogenic carbon cycle; changes in the PETM (and in our future) likely involve carbon inputs and outputs to the exogenic carbon cycle. In any case, all indications are that massive carbon input during the PETM was a response to external forcing. (And this also hits at the root problem because there is no way to explain this with conventional thinking as to how Earth works). Sphaerica and scaddenp: The idea here comes from Svensen et al. (Nature, 2004). They documented, using seismic techniques, thousands of fluid escape structures in the North Atlantic, which appear to have occurred near the onset of the PETM. Thus, they suggested that instrusive sills converted large amounts of organic carbon to methane, which then escaped from the seafloor. It is a very interesting idea and explains several observations; however, it invokes catastrophism (i.e., essentially an equivalent to all the world’s oil, gas and coal were formed and released within <50,000 years). It also fails to explain the other hyperthermal events following the PETM. Newcrusader: With all deference to Dr. Hansen, this idea makes no sense given the timing. The massive carbon injection at the onset of the PETM happened within a maximum of 60,000 years, and probably less.
  21. Miriam O'Brien (Sou) at 20:28 PM on 18 June 2011
    Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Camburn @21 said 'Also, the current La Nina was not a strong one, as some have indicated.' I don't know how it rated in your part of the world. This La Nina was extreme in Australia. Many parts of Australia had the wettest summer on record. From the media release from the Bureau of Meteorology: "This most recent La Niña [2010-2011] will go down in the record books as one of the strongest in living memory. It's been nearly 40 years [1975-76] since Australians have witnessed a La Niña event of this intensity," said Dr Watkins. AFAIK global warming is deemed a contributing factor in the amount and intensity of rain here this past few months, amplifying the effects of La Nina.
  22. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    michael sweet: I particularly liked this quote from Jeff Masters' article:
    One thing we can say is that since global ocean temperatures have warmed about 0.6°C (1°F) over the past 40 years, there is more moisture in the air to generate record flooding rains. The near-record warm Gulf of Mexico SSTs this April that led to record Ohio Valley rainfalls and the 100-year $5 billion+ flood on the Mississippi River would have been much harder to realize without global warming.
  23. CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    The most fundamental problem regarding our understanding of the PETM (and other "hyperthermal" events) is one of carbon mass balance. All evidence consistently points to the idea that at least 2000-3000 Gigatonnes of carbon rapidly entered the exogenic carbon cycle (the combined ocean-atmosphere-biosphere). This is different than during glacial-interglacial cycles, when carbon was being shuttled between the ocean, atmosphere, and biosphere. It is, however, very analogous to what we are doing currently through carbon emissions (and why so many people have become fascinated with the PETM). To conceptualize the differences, I often give students a picture of a nightclub with three rooms: the big dance hall (ocean), a modest bar (biosphere), and a small restroom (atmosphere). As a spectator, there are two general views for checking the flow of people. One is watching people shuffle between the dance hall, the bar and the restroom, and sometimes there are more people at the restroom (this is the cycling of carbon within the exogenic carbon cycle, and how we think of things during glacial-interglacial cycles). The second is watching people enter and leave the nightclub, and sometimes there are more people in the nightclub, and consequently a more crowded dance floor, a packed bar, and longer queues at the restrooom (this is the cycling of carbon to and from the exogenic carbon cycle, and how we think of things during the PETM and in our future). It is easy to understand how and why the nightclub/exogenic carbon cycle is gaining mass at present-day. It’s 22:00 on a Saturday night, the door is open, and we are adding an excess of about 8 Gt C/yr through combustion of coal, oil and natural gas. However, it is not so easy to conceptualize why this happened rapidly in the past. To follow the analogy, albeit somewhat awkwardly, the PETM is a bit like finding the nightclub packed at 13:00 on a Tuesday afternoon. How can massive amounts of carbon suddenly enter the exogenic carbon cycle ~55 million years ago? Numerous explanations for the PETM carbon mass balance problem have been given. At present, only three seem viable -- intrusive volcanism (Svensen et al., Nature, 2004), burning/oxidation of peat (Kurtz et al., Paleoceanography, 2003), dissociation of gas hydrate in marine sediment (Dickens et al., Paleoceanography, 1995). None are compatible with current views for how carbon cycles on Earth’s surface. It really is an interesting puzzle … on multiple levels. On the one hand, there is the obvious tendency to make comparisons between the PETM and future climate predictions. In general, model simulations for a world perturbed by a rapid and massive input of carbon nicely explains many of the observations in sediments spanning the PETM. On the other hand, the models are based on a framework in which the PETM cannot have occurred … but it did.
  24. MoreCarbonOK at 19:36 PM on 18 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    You guys are obviously not interested in following the logic of my thinking and investigations as it progressed and still progresses so what is the point in arguing if you cut everything I say right left and centre. Carry on and stay in your ignorance.
  25. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    MoreCarbonOK @172, having had experience with deniers I expected an accusation of dishonesty against BoM as soon as the data discrepancy was shown. It was for that reason I chose to compare the most recent full month, when the record was most easily checked, and hence for which any "fiddling" with the data. Despite that, you did not disappoint, and made the accusation anyway. Your accusation is, of course, absurd as is the supposed motive. As if their could not be sufficient commercial demand for a weather record at the airport of the capital of Queensland so that BoM needs to fiddle the data. Please note that you have made the accusation based on no evidence beyond the fact that BoM data was inconvenient to you. Further, you have made absolutely no checks on your hypothesis to see if it had any validity. That clearly shows that whatever your hobby is, it is not science. As it is, it is very easy to check if BoM has altered the data by comparing it with other records of the Brisbane Airport data. The first alternate record I could find was Weatherzone. Performing the same checks as I did for Tutieme (first four days and monthly mean for May 2011) I found complete agreement with BoM data. (I could not check humidity as it is not recorded at Weatherzone.) Please note the logic here. If BoM modified the data before initially issuing it, Tutiemo would have the modified data, and hence the modification could not be the explanation of the discrepancy between tutiemo and BoM. If BoM modified the data after first issuing it, then Weatherzone, who keeps a daily record, would have the unmodified data and would not agree with BoM. Hence this is simply a case of tutiemo getting the data wrong. I request that the moderator leave your post, even though it clearly violates the comments policy, and the replies on this thread. In that way your intellectual integrity will be clearly advertised to anyone tempted to take your website seriously.
  26. CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    Dr. Hansen feels that C02 was released from rich carbon beds in what is now the Indian Ocean during the PETM. India was still not attached to the Asian continent- and was moving rapidly through this ocean before its collision with the Asian continent. This carbon rich area was an area where many rivers emptied their debris. At least that is how Dr. Hansen perceives the PETM from a paleo climate and geological perspective in his book 'Storms of my Grandchildren'. Once India collided with Asia, C02 levels began to drop.
  27. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Norman @25, do you mean to ask whether we see a trend in the graph of the detrended rainfall anomaly for south west Western Australia (Fig 1 b)? Well, no I don't see any trend in the detrended data, and nor would I expect to. Of course, if figure 1 b is not the figure you are referring to, would you please be more specific as I do not see any other suitable candidate.
  28. michael sweet at 18:41 PM on 18 June 2011
    Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Jeff Masters wonder blog has a detailed article about the weather in the USA this spring. "Nature's fury reached new extremes in the U.S. during the spring of 2011, as a punishing series of billion-dollar disasters brought the greatest flood in recorded history to the Lower Mississippi River, an astonishingly deadly tornado season, the worst drought in Texas history, and the worst fire season in recorded history. There's never been a spring this extreme for combined wet and dry extremes in the U.S. since record keeping began over a century ago, It was the most extreme spring on record" (117 years). It was probably just the La Nina, worst in 117 years.
  29. Dikran Marsupial at 17:38 PM on 18 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    MoreCarbonOK I am not going to moderate your post as I am taking an active part in the discussion, but your post contains an accusation of dishonesty, which is explicitly forbidden by the comments policy. If you don't want your posts deleted by the moderators, please conform to the comments policy. BTW, your post only reduces your credibility further as yet again you are demonstrating a complete lack of self-skepticism. There is no good reason to think Tuitempo has the correct data and BoM data is incorrect. There will be a lot of organisations that downloaded the data from BoM at the same time or before Tuitempo, so if BoM were fiddling the data there would be no way they could get away with it. The guys at BoM are not stupid and wouldn't try fiddiling with data when there was no chance of getting away with it, even if there were something to gain from it (which there isn't, the data are primarily collected for weather forecasting, not climate studies, so they would be funded to collect it anyway).
  30. Dikran Marsupial at 17:26 PM on 18 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    sphaerica I shouldn't worry, the attitude to constructive criticism he has displayed here means it probably hasn't been much of an advertisement. His credibility is rather lower now than when he made his first post here; but it was his choice to behave in the rather unscientific way he did.
  31. Philippe Chantreau at 16:37 PM on 18 June 2011
    Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    Actually Scaddenp, CH4 is 24 times more powerful than a CO2 as a GHG, on a per molecule basis. However, the total amount of CH4 in the atmosphere is nowhere near that of CO2. This has been discussed already and is also treated on RC. Truly interested readers should become proficient at using search engines on both sites.
  32. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Norman, why are you so sure that the proximate causes of precipation change does not have warming as the ultimate cause. What drives the changes in SAM?
  33. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Albatross, You like the peer-review format. Here is a peer-reviewed article that shows the precipitation of Southwest Western Australia since the 1970's to present. If you look at the graph of precipitation over this time period, please explain how you see a trend and the trend is more extreme? I do not see it but maybe I need glasses. Article on causes of precipitation variations in Australia.
  34. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Here is a peer-reviewed article that explains changes in New Zealand precipitation without the need for global warming as a cause. Likely causes of changes in New Zealand precipitation.
  35. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Speaking of extreme weather - I was just looking at the IJIS sea ice extent graph. Sea ice seems to be declining at a similar rate to the record-setting 2007 season - but is currently nearly a million km2 lower. Will be interesting to see how the arctic weather patterns develop this northern summer, as that's what will determine the minimum extent in September. If we get more relatively abnormal weather, with cold arctic air pushing south and warm temperate air pushing north (as has happened a few times in recent years), we could be looking at some very cool summer weather in some spots, and record warm weather in some northerly locations. On the other hand, we might see some more 'average' weather (notwithstanding that the NOAA climate 'normals' have increased by 0.5-2ºC over most of the USA, thanks to dropping off the 70s and adding in the 2000s).
  36. CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    I suspect (but I would love to here more) that he means what happens when you put an intrusion complex into a petroleum system. Our modelling software has been used to look at this for intrusions in the Taranaki basin of NZ. Sedimentary basin contain very large amounts of carbon so I certainly think we should be looking at them. There is a paper relevant to this which be published soon. Subducting such carbon reservoirs has also been postulated. Getting meaningful numbers to put into such models is a difficult process and I suspect years away.
  37. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    Climate Watcher@10: Most folks want to ignore what the Univ of Florida's data shows. Not only has the number gone down, but the ACE has had a steady decline as shown. That is expected to change, as there is a cycle exibited in hurricane creation and intensity. We have had the luxury of living in a long period of low intensity, as a rule, and low numbers as well.
  38. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    The increased snow pack in the Rockies is a normal response from La Nina as well. The effects from the current La Nina cycle will prevail for another 4-6 months in the USA. Also, the current La Nina was not a strong one, as some have indicated.
  39. Linking Extreme Weather and Global Warming
    I can tell that you folks who are talking about the effects of La Nina on the continental USA do not live here, and if you do, do not farm. 1. There is an 8-12 month lag time for the effects of La Nina and what precip and temp will do. 2. The drought in Kansas/Oklahoma/Texas is a normal response to La Nina. The increased precip and cold temps are a normal response in the North Central US. I can only recommend that some people who post about La Nina effects study before posting so that they don't look quit so foolish. The long term climate outlook from NOAA has been epressing exactly what has/is happening for over a year.
  40. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    MoreCarbonOK, the Bureau of Meteorology is Australia's official meteorological organisation. As such it operates directly a large number of meteorological stations throughout Australia, including the Brisbane Aero site (Brisbane airport). As such they are the initial source of any data from Brisbane Aero. There data is picked up and republished on the web by a large number of weather sites, some of whom acknowledge the BoM, and some of whom do not. Those that do not, including Tutiempo, may well have copied their data from secondary sources. Some of those sources may have deliberately introduced errors as a method of copyright protection, or, of course may have just inadvertently introduced errors.
  41. Bob Lacatena at 12:53 PM on 18 June 2011
    CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    24, jerryd, If you don't mind my asking, at the very end of your paper, you referred to: metamorphism of a large petroleum system in the northern Atlantic Ocean.
    Can you elaborate very briefly on what this actually means?
  42. Who's your expert? The difference between peer review and rhetoric
    whoops, wrong button. i still say if we can agree to consider anything viewed by a peer (lord monckton perhaps?) as "peer reviewed" we'll really be able to help a bunch of denialists out. who needs those pesky scientists anyhow?
  43. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    learner - as a maths major, you would probably enjoy the treatment of these basic topics over at science of Doom. The questions are really require more treatment than a blog answer can give you. Methane is I think 12 times more powerful than CO2 as a GHG but its concentration is a/ measured in ppb instead of ppm so its effect is less than CO2 and b/ eventually oxidized to CO2
  44. The Planetary Greenhouse Engine Revisited
    Re Michele 13 - Conversely, my concepts are very precise. Well they sound inaccurate and even if you understand them, just be forewarned they could be confusing to people used to more familiar conventions such as using ε for emissivity. Of course you can draw analogies and use analogous language that way, but using phrases like 'evaporator' and 'photonic pressure' may give the wrong impression. But I assume you aren't literally refering to evaporation in the mesopause region or the pressure exerted by radiation (not that this doesn't exist but it isn't important in this context). and so my first equation is perfectly correct. Really, I solely forgot to specify that I was assuming a unitary emission for the tropopause though it was implicit because the brightness temperature obtained by satellite measurements equals that of the vertical profiles obtained using the weather balloons. That (unitary emission) is precisely why you're first equation is wrong. The only way the tropopause region can emit as a blackbody is if no radiation from below it can get past it. In order for some fraction (any nonzero fraction) of radiation from warmer layers below to get past a cooler layer above is if that cooler layer is partially transparent - it has absorbitivity less than 1 and therefore emissivity less than 1. Consider a situation where a layer and an opaque surface below it are both at the same temperature; assuming no reflection/backscatter from hotter sources, the maximum emitted flux possible (PS we're assuming LTE, of course) is sigma*T^4, where sigma is about 5.67E-8 W/(m2*K4) (the only way to get more is . Applying your formula to this situation, you'd have (1+ε)*sigma*T^4, which would then, a few steps later, allow you to build a perpetual motion machine. You can find brightness temperatures corresponding to different levels in the atmosphere at different wavelengths; at some wavelengths essentially no radiation from the surface or even the lower troposphere escapes to space. At other wavelengths a significant fraction of radiation from the surface can escape to space. Sufficiently thick clouds can act like blackbodies (so far as I know) and block essentially 100 % of the radiation from behind them, and at wavelengths where the atmosphere above is transparent, you can read the temperature of the clouds from the brightness temperature of the radiation. A given vertical layer is thicker at angles closer to horizontal, so you'll get different brightness temperatures corresponding to different regions of the atmosphere by varying the angle too. But it is important to note that the level with the temperature equal to the brightness temperature of the radiation is not the sole source of the radiation, it is merely representative; the source of the radiation is distributed according to the emission weighting function, multiplied by the local Planck function. You can think of the emission weighting function as describing how much of what you see is where. Imagine looking through a cloud of smoke. How much of what you see is within 1 meter of you? How much is between 1 and 2 meters? Etc. The formula you propose is heavily affected by a your personal point of view (isothermal troposphere and sole radiative heat transfer). That's not a personal point of view. The formula you propose is structured in such a way that this is the situation it would describe. Nowhere in my correction does it imply that convection doesn't occur, but you were refering to the radiative flux going to space, were you not? (essentially no convection or other non-radiant energy goes to space. Nothing of immediate climatological significance, anyway. H-escape has implications for geochemical evolution but very little energy is involved relative to radiant fluxes). Specifically, an atmosphere is of course not generally isothermal, but if a greenhouse effect is sufficiently weak, an isothermal approximation can be used - if the optical thickness of the atmopshere is small than the monochromatic emission weighting function would be, aside from variations in composition and line broadenning and line strenght, almost evenly distributed within the atmosphere (by mass), and in that case the emission from the atmosphere either to the surface or to space could be approximated as, for a grey gas, ea*sigma*Ta^4, where Ta is the mass-averaged atmospheric temperature and ea is the atmospheric emissivity (in effect for all directions) and the flux to space coming from the surface would then be, assuming the surface is a perfect blackbdoy, (1-ea)*sigma*Ts^4, where Ts is the surface temperature. And note that I am NOT saying that real atmospheres have only well-mixed grey-gas greenhouse effects, nor even that real surfaces are perfect blackbodies, though the later is a better approximation of reality than the former at least typically. In any case, it would be more correct to take into account all the known forms of heat transfer: conduction-diffusion, convection, radiation. Of course, **where applicable**. I never described the tropopause and the mesopause as “surfaces” And I wouldn’t do it because they are two region of the atmosphere as large as the troposphere or, also, larger than it. Tropopause, stratopause, and mesopause are, I think, typically defined as the top level of the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere; these pauses are boundaries between layers and thus are surfaces. Of course, in reality the exact location of such a surface will be hard to determine down the the nearest molecule and so there is a region that the surface is within; of course the surface will also vary with weather and region and season, etc. But conceptually one can model an atmosphere as having a troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere, etc, and there is no actual air within the tropopause, etc, in that case - it is just a boundary between layers. Hence we may refer to the tropopause-level radiative forcing, for example. (And when considering radiation it is important to consider optical thickness, which aside for compositional variations and line strength and broadenning variations, would be proportional to mass, in which terms the troposphere on Earth is something like 85 % of the whole atmosphere. It isn't wrong to say that the stratosphere is thicker geometrically, but thinking in terms of mass is also a useful perspective.) The tropopause and the mesopause behave as an evaporator-emitter and, for Earth, the stratopause behaves as a condenser-absorber. To a good first approximation of at least the global annual average, the atmosphere above the tropopause (above the troposphere) is in radiative equilibrium. Convection can be approximated as zero. Were it not for direct solar heating above the tropopause (which in particular heats the ozone layer and thermosphere), the temperature would continue declining above the tropopause, but radiative equilibrium would maintain a sufficiently low lapse rate that convection would be inhibited - which of course is why the tropopause is there. When temperature variation is monotonic over large optical thicknesses, the net LW (non-solar) flux is locally from higher to lower temperature. Using the local Planck function instead as a measure of temperature, when the Planck function is concave or convex, the net LW flux will change such that there is an accumulation or depletion of energy - net LW heating or cooling, which must balance either net LW cooling or heating at other wavelengths, and/or convective and solar heating, when in equilibrium; this can occur even if the concave or convex regions are not local minima or maxima in temperature. When a layer is optically thin relative to the structure of the temperature profile, more or less net LW heating, or the opposite for net LW cooling, will tend to occur with minima and maxima in temperature, and there can also be some net LW heating or cooling due to emissions or lack-thereof from more distant regions being absorbed by the layer, and by emission of the layer. Emission increases and decreases (nonlinearly) with temperature, while absorption depends on the temperature at other locations, more distant if optical thicknesses are small over shorter distaces. The higher up you go, the farther, both geometrically and optically, you are from the surface, and the closer you are to space, which radiates approximately as a very cold blackbody, near zero K. Higher layers of atmosphere can recieve (setting aside the fraction they absorb) less or more LW radiation from above depending on the temperature of higher layers, but in addition, there is a tendency to recieve less LW flux from above because there is less air above to 'hide' the darkness of space. They also tend to recieve less LW radiation from below when the temperature is decreasing with height, thus the brightness temperature of the upward LW radiantion is reduced. This can still be true even if the temperature is locally increasing with height if the optical thickness is not too large and the increase not too great and over not too thick a layer, because then the emission weighting function may still be dominated by the surface and/or the rest of the atmosphere. Thus to reach radiative equilibrium there is a general tendency, underlying the potentially more variable effects of temperature as influenced by solar heating above the tropopause (and also local conditions where inversions may develop within the troposphere), to be colder going higher. Solar heating alters this by warming the upper stratosphere/lower mesosphere and the thermosphere. Some of this heat is radiated to space and some to other layers and some to the surface if the atmosphere is transparent enough, the cooler layers emit less to space (except for the effects of overlying layers) and less to the surface (except for the effects of underlying layers), and less to the warmer layers, but they can still emit to space depending on high high they are. Convection generally (global annual average) cools the surface and warms the troposphere (it is possible to have a situation where convection cools the lower troposphere and heats the upper troposphere, or some more complex distribution, but at least for Earthlike conditions the troposphere is mainly, so far as I know, and at least for globally representative conditions except (?) with no well-defined cloud layers (?), heated by convection throughout (but not evenly). The troposphere experiences net LW cooling that balances convective heating and direct solar heating. The surface experiences both net LW cooling (the difference between emission from the surface and absorption of the flux absorbed from the atmosphere) and convective cooling, which balance solar heating of the surface.
  45. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    I'm a math major but I haven't even finished my undergraduate degree yet. So, while this stuff isn't a completely foreign language, it's close. I have a couple questions that I haven't seen a straight answer for yet. 1: I know that the CO2 band is absorbing energy attempting to exit our atmosphere and that the satellite readings prove this. What I've yet to find a straight answer on is this: I read somewhere(I think here?), that despite this absorption from the GHG bands, the actual radiant energy escaping is still greater than going in from the sun. Is this true? Is so, how is this explained? I've tried finding the answer to no avail. 2. I've seen the graphs showing that since the start of the industrial era temperatures have clearly been on a steady climb and that there's no chance it's solely due to the sun's activity. I've read that temperatures pre-industrial age were also steadily rising. Is this true? If so, is it the rate of increase that is of concern? 3. Last one. I've read and seen in the graphs that methane can play a much bigger role in the GHG effect than can CO2. What are the real world applications to this? How do they compare to our CO2 production? Thanks
  46. michael sweet at 10:24 AM on 18 June 2011
    Speaking science to climate policy
    Papy, This mission has been delayed for over 20 years already. That is more than 6 times your three year turn-around time. It is a scandal that such basic information on the Climate is still not known. If Hansen's estimate of 1.3 W/m2 is correct we are in for a world of pain.
  47. CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    okatiniko at 15:29 PM on 17 June, 2011 okatiniko at 02:38 AM on 18 June, 2011 The comparison between PETM and glacial-interglacial transitions you mention in post # 11 is instructive in addressing the source of [CO2] and its temporal relationship to warming. During Milankovitch-driven glacial-interglacial transitions, the Earth warms by around 5 oC globally-averaged, and this is associated with a rise in [CO2] from around 190 ppm to 280 ppm. Since all of this CO2 results from ocean warming and circulation changes, we can assess the [CO2] response to global temperature rise. It's about 18 ppm [CO2] per degree of global temperature rise [(280-190)/5)]. Since the PETM warming was associated with an increase in [CO2] of around 700 ppm, resulting (with some unknown positive feedbacks possibly involving methane clathrate release), to give a global temperature rise of 5-9 oC, it's inconceivable that the huge rise in [CO2] could be a response to warming. We could only account for perhaps 90-150 ppm's "worth" in this way. There's some compelling evidence that the greenhouse gas release at the PETM was a result of the tectonic events associated with opening up of the N. Atlantic at the nascent plate boundary: M. Storey et al. (2007)Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and the Opening of the Northeast Atlantic Science 316, 587 - 589 link to paper
  48. CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    Hej Rob, In response to the query, yes, I am “he” … who also happened to make the figure with ridiculously bright colours! [After giving about 20 lectures on the topic across North America courtesy of AAPG in 2009, I was asked to write an article on the topic by CSEG but with a special note that the graphics should be vivid. I responded accordingly, but I think, in retrospect, I went a bit silly]. I can send you my latest views on the PETM if you think interesting and worth discussion. Jerry
    Moderator Response: (DB) By all means, please do share.
  49. CO2 Currently Rising Faster Than The PETM Extinction Event
    okatiniko - unfortunately I don't have access to my papers at home but I think it is Zeebe, R. E., Zachos, J. C., and G. R. Dickens, 2009. There is an issue with the accounting. The upper limit on the carbon release consistent with the record is problematic for producing the temperatures reaching if sensitivity is only in the 2-3 range. Show me how ANY model for ocean currents can produce that much global change. However, there is a lot of work going on (my own sedimentary basin models are being pressed into service) so watch this space. I doubt the answer will prove that exotic.
  50. How would a Solar Grand Minimum affect global warming?
    Poodle @53, OK, thanks for the clarification. But I think you are missing the point of this post and the hype surrounding the conference proceedings. Yes, the current solar cycle, so far at least looks to be fairly quite in terms of sunspot activity. But the current solar cycle is not what is at issue here. What the 'skeptics' are getting excited about is the prediction at by 2020 and for some time thereafter that there will be little or no sunspot activity. It is the projected continuing downward trend that has the 'skeptics" excited. And it is not helping several media outlets, are spinning this madly and now the echo chamber that is the internet is abounding with stories about impending global cooling and ice ages. Quite ridiculous, and anyone jumping on that bandwagon is instantly discredited. In a way I'm OK with that, b/c by doing so they have really painted themselves into a very tight corner when temperature continue to rise in coming years and decades.

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