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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 82751 to 82800:

  1. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    This entire discussion thread confirms my conviction that way too much attention is placed on the single metric of average annual global mean temperature of the tropophere and not enough attention is paid to the distribution of heat throughout the entire climate system. I also find the critiquing of Jones' interview on a public comment thread to be unseemly and unwise.
  2. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    Eric the Red - "What I find rather ironic, is that of all the temperature databases, only UAH has a 5-year moving average in record territory. Go figure." You might find this analysis enlightening: Tamino - Five Years And yet some people insist that short term data sets represent "trends"...
  3. Eric the Red at 08:21 AM on 14 June 2011
    Examining Dr. John Christy's Global Warming Skepticism
    Tom, I do not think that you understood that I was comparing them to a political argument. However, I will end here before the moderator chastises me further from being OT.
  4. Eric the Red at 08:16 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    The four datasets are not that far off, especially over the longer term. Over the past decade, the temperatures have not changed as significantly as the preceding two, so that there appears to be a divergence among them. If you start with 1999, the trends are all increasing, but if you go back one more year to 1998, they all show a decrease. Choosing the start or end points can influence the results significantly. What I find rather ironic, is that of all the temperature databases, only UAH has a 5-year moving average in record territory. Go figure.
  5. michael sweet at 08:14 AM on 14 June 2011
    Forecast: Permanently Hotter Summers in 20-60 years
    Robert, It is currently accepted in the climate literature that any concequences that last more than 200 years can be considered permanent. They are permanent for people currently living, and our children and grandchildren. Everyone knows that in 500,000 years the Earth will be able to heal itself- except for those things that go extinct. Constantly bringing that up is catering to the deniers. They play on "not permanent" to make people think it will change in a few years. Changes that cannot be unwound in the lifetimes of those currently living are permanent.
  6. Forecast: Permanently Hotter Summers in 20-60 years
    Tamino has an excellent comment on the paper:
  7. Robert Murphy at 07:30 AM on 14 June 2011
    Forecast: Permanently Hotter Summers in 20-60 years
    While not disputing the thesis that summers toward the end of century could be warmer in the coldest years than the warmest summers in recent times, I cringe when I see phrases like "Permanently Hotter Summers" or "an irreversible rise in summer temperatures". Nothing in climate is permanent. Such language is sloppy and opens climate scientists up to unnecessary attacks by deniers. How about "persistent" instead? "Persistently hotter summers for centuries or longer", for instance. Just my two cents.
  8. Rob Honeycutt at 07:26 AM on 14 June 2011
    The Critical Decade - Part 3: Implications for Emissions Reductions
    sout and dana... The most encouraging news that I hear is always in relation to the cost of solar. If projections hold true and they can get the cost of solar below the cost of coal... we have a fighting chance. That could easily tip the scales in a very significant way. If the solar industry can prove they can bring cost down like this, with the possibility of driving costs even below that... it's literally a game changer. Investment dollars are not going to go into new coal, gas or any other fossil fuel related energy. Who wants to put money into the old technology that is likely to not be anywhere close to competitive once the plants are built? The same could easily play out for nuclear as well. Once we get the two cost curves to cross (rising FF, falling solar) that will be the tipping point where big changes start taking place. Just hoping it happens soon!
  9. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    The interactive graphing tool mentioned in #17 really is interesting to a non-scientist (that would be me). Using the GISTEMP dataset (1880-present), if you create averages your intervals in the upper 50's of years or greater, you will find no cooling trends, and the same for the HadCRU dataset (1850-present) for intervals in the lower 80's or greater. This gives visual to support to the points made about the desirability of using longer intervals. (Unless there is something hidden in the graphing tool, I realize I'm ignoring statistical significance. And I would want to understand those data before using it where I was an author. But the picture certainly is interesting.) Also--in my mind at least--shortening the interval to show times when the trend is decreasing over various intervals certainly gives one pause in "calling" a peak, because the ones in the past haven't persisted. I would think you'd want some driver to have changed to increase confidence that something really was different.
  10. The Critical Decade - Part 3: Implications for Emissions Reductions
    "I remain hopeful but not optimistic. And I'm generally an optimist. I see very difficult times ahead for the world as a whole."
    I feel exactly the same way, sout.
  11. Examining Dr. John Christy's Global Warming Skepticism
    KL - read the Gilbert paper and tell me E&E is not a joke. Anything published there will make no contribution to science so the purpose of anyone publishing there is political.
  12. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    In a real lot of discussions the "cooling" since 1995, 1998, 2000, 2001 etc. (depends on how outdated the pseudo-sceptic article is, on which the discussant refers) shines up. I have some links handy with the four main timeseries, suitable fo the most common situations: 1995 until today 1998 until today 2000 until end of 2010 2000 until today

    [DB] Fixed missing equals signs from html url tags

  13. Rob Painting at 06:00 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    John Russell @ 38 - Has Roger Harrabin not dealt with Phil Jones before? "Strong answer " doesn't seem to be in Jones' skill set. Regardless, thanks for clarifying the circumstances.
  14. Bob Lacatena at 05:54 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    36, Dikran, Here's the headline after Dikran Marsupial, a lead figure in the climate change debate, gives an interview to the BBC (and this is an exact quote):
    "There is no trend and the Earth isn't warming" says lead climate scientist Dikran Marsupial
    You can't win at this game. You just can't.
  15. CO2 limits will harm the economy
    I agree, to an extent, Adelady, but only with the recognition that, in addition to being the best target for bloodless fundamental change, the middle class is also the flywheel of "business as usual." Advocates for social change have been trying to resolve that contradiction for over a century with little success. I'm still mostly of the mind that it's going to take two boots to the head to get anything of significant consequence done.
  16. Geologists and climate change denial
    Funny, I commented this very topic the previous week on my (much lesser than this) blog: but I was prompted by this:
  17. Climate is chaotic and cannot be predicted
    I posted a link back to this discussion on WUWT. It will be interesting to see if there's any response.
  18. John Russell at 05:34 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    Rob painting writes: "And yes, he probably would not be invited back, because providing context and dictating the narrative would have circumvented the story that was trying to be spun." In this case that's not the situation. Roger Harrabin, the BBC's reporter is straight up -- but I don't think he realised the significance of the question he was asking. And if he did he would probably have been hoping Jones would have given a stronger rebuttal. Remember that most interviewers talking to a single individual have to ask devil's advocate questions because they cause the interviewee to respond with strong answers. I suggest anyone likely to be interviewed analyses interviewing techniques on TV -- you can learn a lot.
  19. Dikran Marsupial at 05:27 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    John Russell I do not question the value of media training, just that for this particular question there is no safe answer to give and remain honest. I'd rather our scientists remained scrupulously honest and leave the non-denialist journalists to point out the deception. Jones clearly did get his point across in a relaxed and friendly manner, just not perhaps the point that we might have wanted him to get across! sphaerica ;o) ... or just have a time machine, I'm sure that is the way Hansen got his predictions so accurate, we all know climate projection is impossible because climate is chaotic!
  20. Dikran Marsupial at 05:24 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    FWIW, my answer to the question would have explained that not reaching statistical significance can mean two things: (i) there is no trend and the Earth isn't warming or (ii) there isn't enough data to be sure that the trend is not the result of random fluctuations, and that solely by looking at the data from 1995 to 2009 there is no way to know which is true. What we could do is look at a longer timescale, in which case the warming trend is clear (and indeed statistically significant). That would suggest that we just don't have enough data to be sure that the observed trend is not just the result of chance. I could also point out that if you don't have much data (i.e. you look at trends over a small timescale) it is easy to find cooling trends, even while long term warming is clearly going on, for instance: Again that suggests that the reason for a lack of significance is that there just isn't enough data between 1995 and 2009 to rule out random chance, as there are three other similar (albeit shorter) cooling periods that are very likely to be random chance. If they wanted additional evidence, I'd point them to the paper by Easterling and Wehner on this topic. I'd also point out that another way of deciding would be physics. CO2 is known to be a greenhouse gas, the greenhouse effect has been well understood since the 1950s, and if there were cooling you'd need an explanation as to why there was cooling. In other words we have prior knowledge and the trend between 1995 and 2009 is not the only evidence we have. However I know there is plenty in there to be misconstrued by the deliberate denialist. It is unavoidable.
  21. John Russell at 05:23 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    People need to understand the importance and value of media training for anyone who will present climate science to the public -- especially if they're hostile! Media training is about having the confidence to get your point across in a friendly and helpful manner, no matter what you're asked. Most scientists are touchingly naive about this (I've interviewed enough of them to know!). The truth will win in the end but at this point it needs a bit of help. The 'sceptics' are way ahead of you on this.
  22. Climate is chaotic and cannot be predicted
    Sadly, this skeptic meme has resurfaced at WUWT. The poster in the June 13th item, Dr. Andy Edwards (not a climate scientist, mind you - his background is in AI and chaotic systems) claims climate is unpredictable based on the chaotic behavior of weather. Sigh.
  23. Bob Lacatena at 05:15 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    The only way Jones could have crafted a perfect answer would have been to him to have seen everything coming (maybe by running an ensemble of interview-reaction models using OUTFOX-E, a popular Global Confusion Model) and then saying something along the lines of: "Well, there is a statistically significant warming trend since X, but the period from 1995 to the present is simply to short to properly use statistical methods to answer your question." That answer, too, would have been a bit of a white lie (if the upward trend were strong and steady enough, it would have been possible, so saying it's not possible is not strictly true, it's just not true as things turned out), but... really, I think it's the only thing he could have said to avoid all that came after. My advice to everyone is to get a supercomputer, and run several thousand iterations of OUTFOX-E before you post a even a simple comment here!
  24. Rob Painting at 05:14 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    Dikran - I think Jones could have done a far better job, rather than let the "skeptics" frame the narrative, he should have done exactly as John Russell suggests. Sure it still would have been distorted, but at least in order to clarify things, one would only need to link to Jones' original response. And yes, he probably would not be invited back, because providing context and dictating the narrative would have circumvented the story that was trying to be spun.
  25. John Russell at 05:13 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    Dikran writes: "Jones answer was fine." It was fine if you're a scientist who understands the language. But while it was scientifically correct it could have been worded to make it clearer to the layperson. For instance I think if Phil Jones had been media trained he would have answered the question, "Do you agree that from 1995 to the present there has been no statistically-significant global warming?" with the answer... "I've calculated the trend for the period 1995 to 2009. This trend (0.12C per decade) is positive at the 93% significance level. Which means there's only a 7% chance of error." (-- or whatever is scientifically correct). There was no reason to say, 'Yes'. The interviewer is not a judge and they're not in court. Saying 'yes' meant that from that point on he was on the back foot.
  26. Dikran Marsupial at 05:02 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    CBDunkerson An agressive attitude like that would have gone down rather badly and given the denialists more to work with rather than less. It would almost certainly give the impression that this was an awkward question that he did not want to answer (and would be reported that way by the denialists even if it didn't).
  27. Robert Murphy at 04:55 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    Warming stopped in 2001? Never fear; it started up again in 2006. From 2006 to the present GISS, Hadcrut, UAH, and RSS have a positive trend. If you're going to cherry pick a small sample, so can I. Want something farther back instead? How about 1999 and 2000? From those years to the present we also have a positive trend for those four. How can that be? A cooling trend imbedded in a warming trend and a warming trend imbedded in a cooling trend? Basically, all such small samples show too much noise to make claims about long term trends. That's why longer sample ranges are necessary. Anything else is just mathturbation.

    [DB] Good points.  Here's the trends, overall, 2001-2010 and 2008-2010:



  28. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    From a statistical and scientific standpoint, Jones' answer was fine. But the problem is that most people don't have a very strong grasp of statistics, and his answer was easy to misinterpret. In that sense I agree with John Russell - it would behoove climate scientists to take some media training before being interviewed. It's unfortunate, but they really have to anticipate that there are a lot of people just waiting to pounce on any opportunity to misrepresent their comments. Rather than beginning his answer with the word "yes", Jones probably should have begun it with an explanation about why the question was loaded.
  29. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    I do think Jones could have done more to defuse the inevitable distortions by confronting them head on. That is, ask where the interviewer got the questions and note that they appeared to be worded very carefully to be as misleading as possible. His explanation was very detailed and covered all the areas of possible confusion... but that didn't stop them from turning his detailed explanation into just 'no warming'. Calling them on the deception upfront would have made it that much more difficult for them to 'accidentally' misrepresent him.
  30. Dikran Marsupial at 04:46 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    John Russell I disagree, Jones answer was fine. More or less anything he could have said, whilst still remaining valid, would have been deliberately misrepresented by those that chose to do so. There pretty much isn't a way a layman can understand frequentist statistical hypothesis tests; many scientists who use them every day don't understand them either. I am a statistician and while I understand them, I can't really explain why they are useful in the form they are generally used in science. The point I was really making was that Jones gave a straight answer to a loaded question, unlike some (naming no names) that give loaded answers to straight questions! ;o)
  31. Examining Dr. John Christy's Global Warming Skepticism
    Chris@5 It would be a fun exercise to stoke the anti-science blogs with a carefully crafted story about climate "scientists" ignoring their fundamental errors for decades all the while proclaiming their falsehoods to the compliant MSM (did i hit all the buttons?). The names would only be revealed to those who bothered to read the actual linked papers. It would spread like wildfire before anyone checked up on who the actual scientists are. If only I were a better creative writer.
  32. John Russell at 04:28 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    [Dikran Marsupial] writes: "Jones gave a completely straight answer to a highly loaded question, an example to which we should all aspire." Hmm. There's a lesson to be learned here. Scientists being interviewed by the media should take some media training. No politician would have fallen for an ambush like that. Climate Scientists need to start thinking more like politicians. It's not being dishonest; it's just thinking through how your responses can be misrepresented by those with intent to deny. Remember, if you pause and think, nine times out of ten the editor will have to cut out the pause. By all means fill the gap by saying something like, "let me explain this in ways the layman can understand..." pause... (as long as you like)... then answer. Don't be rushed! Of course if you're live on air you might not get asked again: but what's worse -- that, or being haunted for a year by something you said too hurriedly? And that's free advice from someone who has been interviewing people for doccos for 35 years.
  33. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    Dana @24, "I find it a bit silly, in comments on an article about cherrypicking data since 1995, that we're now cherrypicking data since 2001." It is how they manufacture debate and confuse Dana. But I'm sure you know that and are being too polite about it :)
  34. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    To clarify the new 2001 cherrypick issue, HadCRUT is the only dataset which shows a (miniscule) cooling trend over that period. As noted in the post above, HadCRUT is also not a complete global dataset, as it excludes much of the Arctic. The global surface temperature datasets, and even the satellites, show a warming trend since 2001, though none are statistically significant as it's too short of a timeframe (also discussed in the post). I find it a bit silly, in comments on an article about cherrypicking data since 1995, that we're now cherrypicking data since 2001.
  35. Rob Honeycutt at 04:17 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    CW... You're also engaging in cherry picking of data sets to claim any cooling from 2001 to the present. Only CRU shows any cooling. GISS and UAH both show clear warming, and RSS shows essentially flat.

    [DB] Indeed.  When one considers the warming of the Arctic excluded by CRU, the cherry-pick becomes even more obvious:


    Especially when viewed latitudinally:



  36. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    Skywatcher @18, Re the 2001-2010 period, CW is arguing a strawman, so how anyone can imply Dana is trying to hide/ignore something that was not even on the radar when he drafted the post is beyond me. This is what 'skeptics' have to do in the absence of facts-- they distort and fabricate strawmen arguments.
  37. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    NewYorkJ, Yes, they did a double cherry pick, they sought out the HadCRUT3 data from all the available global temperature data sets to deceive and confuse. Ironic beyond belief, because the CRU employs the same group of scientists who the 'skeptics' accused of fudging the temperature data and of fraud. The behaviour of Lindzen is beyond the pale.
  38. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    #17 Hadn't seen that before - that's a fantastic tool, big h/t from me too to Gareth Renowden. You can use it to estimate the frequency over time in the coming century that we'll experience deniers claiming that it's cooling, because of a decade's, or a few years, worth of wiggle. If it was merely an academic exercise, I'd sugget revisiting the trend in five or 10 years time to see if it's still cooling (which it virtually certainly won't be), but sadly it's not just an academic exercise anymore...
  39. Bibliovermis at 04:06 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    Yes, there is an end-to-end cooling trend in that specified timespan. The average of that timespan however is the warmest on record by a larger margin than the 90s were warmer than the 80s, the two previous warmest decades on record. HadCRUT3v global dataset
  40. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    #14 Eric, I think you're right about the CRU data, as also shown clearly by Albatross. You're also making a veiled suggestion that Dana deliberately pretended the decrease did not exist. I'm sure that wasn't Dana's intention. Of course the only reason that CRU shows this apparent 'cooling' is because it is not a global record, and excludes some of the fastest-warming areas on the planet. But that's just been discussed at length in the excellent series of posts on GISS.
  41. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    The neat tool[{H/T to Gareth Renowden] featured here nicely demonstrates the folly of cherry-picking.
  42. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    Ignoring post-2009 data for a moment, what's the significance of statistical significance (or lack thereof) of HadCrut when independent records say essentially the same thing? When one reads denialist arguments, it seems they pretend HadCrut is the only indicator we have of a warming climate, and if it doesn't reach 95% confidence, it means there's no warming, or no significant warming. But what are the odds that's the case when: 1. GISS reached 95% confidence through 2009. 2. Independent satellite (RSS/UAH) records also show warming (90% level?). 3. Significant global glacier loss, and rising sea levels are indirect indications of warming. What are the odds of all these measures being greatly wrong in the same direction?
  43. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    CW, You are digging yourself in a very, very deep hole here. CW "Jones who notes the trends since 1995 to begin with." No, please pay attention and read the main post. It was a set-up by Lindzen and his pals. CW "the warming since 1995 and the cooling since 2001 can both be statistically significant." I have just shown @14 that your unsubstantiated claim that the temperature trend from 2001 to 2010 was statistically significant is demonstrably wrong. Do you not even understand basic stats? Please stop right now at trying to deceive people.
  44. Eric the Red at 03:49 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    Regarding the CRU temperature trend since 2001: Yes, it is cooling (-.006C/yr), however, it is anything but scientifically significant. There are those who would use this short-term (sky would call it cherry-picked) data to "prove" that the globe is cooling, and others who will claim that the decrease does not exist. At least acknowledge the data for what it is worth.
  45. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    CW has still not provided a source to substantiate his claims. Looking at the trend from 2001 (10 years of data) is meaningless in the context of making deductions about whether or not the planet is undergoing long-term warming or cooling (you know, climate change). The p-value for the 2001-2010 trend (-0.0281 C/decade) is a paltry 0.592, an epic fail. Hardly surprising given that the deniers are cherry picking 10-yrs of data, a period of time known to have no statistical significance. To use Tom's analogy, we would expect to see a short-term rate of 'cooling' as calculated for 2001-2010 ~61% of the time-- so nothing unusual. Did I get that right Tom?
  46. ClimateWatcher at 03:44 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    #8 The line is there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. Yes there is a warming trend in the thirty year record. ( I have never indicated there wasn't ). At the same time, the warming since 1995 and the cooling since 2001 can both be statistically significant. The thirty year trend certainly contains more data points, but it was Jones who notes the trends since 1995 to begin with.
    Moderator Response:

    [DB] You continue to make false, unsubstantiated statements and ignore rquests for substantiation of those claims.  If you wish your comments to remain after posting, then please either substantiate those claims as requested or retract the falsehoods.

    [Dikran Marsupial] Jones was asked to comment on trends since 1995 in a BBC interview, he did not introduce the 1995 start date (as you ought to know if you read the article to which you are responding). Jones gave a completely straight answer to a highly loaded question, an example to which we should all aspire.
  47. Dikran Marsupial at 03:40 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    dana1981 Sadly there isn't much that is more likely to be inaccessible to the general public than a frequentist hypothesis test! However we should not sacrifice validity for accessibility, it is a slipperly slope. :( If only science could go back to Bayes factors, then we could have validity and accessibility!
  48. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    #2: That would be known as cherry-picking. Big no-no in science. It is possible to take the temperature data ever since 1900 and fit a series of short 'cooling trends' that together cover the whole series. Yet the whole series shows a large warming. That is why you use a timescale longer than 10 years to establish a trend. You could learn such useful nuggets by listening carefully to an expert, say, like Phil Jones, for example in the second paragraph of his quote above... More good learning tools about statistical significance of trends in noisy data in Tamino's "How Long" post, as well as the linked post above. 2010 was also 1st or 2nd in the list of all-time hottest years (up to May 2010 was clearly the hottest 12 months IIRC). With the start of a big La Nina, and an exceptional solar minimum, that's some cooling we're observing. As far as I know, the early months of this year, under the effects of a full large La Nina, are still ranking highly in all-time lists. Some cooling...
  49. ClimateWatcher at 03:38 AM on 14 June 2011
    Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    #5. Climate Watcher - no, the "cooling since 2001" isn't statistically significant, since it doesn't exist. Sounds like denial. And the IPCC trend is not linear, so please stop misrepresenting the IPCC report. We've explained this to you several times and yet you continue to repeat this distortion. You're like our own personal Fox News. This is the quote from the IPCC: "A temperature rise of about 0.2 °C per decade is projected for the next two decades for all SRES scenarios"
    Moderator Response: [Dikran Marsupial] So what are the error bars on those projections then (given by the spread of the trends obtained from individual model runs)? I rather suspect you will find that the observed trend lies within the uncertainty of the projections, and so the observations are consistent with the model projections, and hence your objection is ill-founded.
  50. Phil Jones - Warming Since 1995 is now Statistically Significant
    And ClimateWatcher descends to argue his strawman arguments and shifting of the goal posts (I see, now 2001 is the magic year to cherry pick and to deceive) much distortion in just two sentences CW. In CW's eagerness, he forgets to note that he has just agreed that the warming was in fact present for the period in question. The relatively noisy data and statistics dictate that one typically needs 20-30 years of global temperature data to determine reliable trends in the data-- yet here we have another 'skeptic', again cherry picking. Yay, we can do this ad infinitum to delude ourselves-- "ooh, ooh the warming in 2081-2085 slowed or was not statistically significant, no need to worry folks!". I have process the data using a stats package. The rate of warming for the HadCRUTv3 (variance adjusted) data was 0.10839 C/decade, and for 1995-2010 it was 0.10865 C/decade, a difference of 0.00026 C/decade. Yet some dishonest people would have us believe that that tiny difference is the difference between warming and no warming. Can we also assume CW that you are OK with people (even some of high standing like Lindzen) cherry-picking the data with the sole purpose of hiding the incline and obfuscating?

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