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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 95051 to 95100:

  1. Deep ocean warming solves the sea level puzzle
    HumanityRules #17: You seem to misunderstand my post. It's not about what I like or not, it's just a report of this new study. I'm only reporting what they say in their article. On the mismatch between Purkey & Johnson and this new study, you need to remember that Purkey & Johnson's data is sparse and one point of this new study is to emphasize that there are regional differences in deep ocean warming trends which might be important. The references of the figures used are here quoted from the Song & Colberg article: "Satellite altimeters have observed a global mean SLR of 3.11±0.6 mm/year since 1993 until 2008 [Ablain et al. 2009]." "These in-situ measurements include using conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) sensors, expendable bathythermographs (XBT), and Argo floats (Argo), which give a rate of 1.2±0.8 mm/year for the same period [Willis et al. 2004; 2008; 2009; Ishii and Kimoto 2009]." "In addition, GRACE (the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) data infer an ocean-mass change of 0.85±0.5 mm/year over 2002-2008, after corrected by a glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) model [Paulson et al., 2007]."
  2. Link to skeptic rebuttals with short URLs
    Really useful. Very easy.
  3. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    18 Tom Curtis Your problem is that pointing out accurate facts is considered disengenious. At no point in #16 do I suggest what is forcing climate change today. As you suggest Holocene Climactic Optimum is an example of polar amplification forced naturally. It may give you palpitations but it's true.
  4. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    RW1: Seriously, if I'm to believe that complex of a series of factors is likely causing the Antarctic sea ice to grow inspite of 'global warming', why should I not believe that an equally numerous and complex series of factors, and not primarily 'global warming, is what's causing the Artic sea ice to melt? It has already been pointed out to you several times now that the geography is significantly different. The Arctic is significantly warmer than the Antarctic because of those differences. Remember "Global Average Temperature" means exactly what it says. Its that average of global temperatures. The earth does not heat or cool evenly. Why would we expect it to do so. (*BTW, I don't doubt the reasons for the Antarctic increasing sea ice extent are numerous and complex, nor do I doubt that many of the listed mechanisms could very well be playing a role.). Everyone has been presenting evidence to help you understand why there is a difference between the mechanisms in play at the poles. So far you have ignored all of the evidence and simply stated you don't believe. A true skeptic would recognize that evidence, weigh it, ask questions and express concerns if any. How about in the spirit of learning and understanding you give us specific empirical evidence why you don't believe. "observed" in what way? I tend to only trust the satellite data on this. If you only trust satellite data, then why do you cling to a 1922 anecdotal news article and throw out instrumental records in favor of proxy's in the MWP graph. 3 or 4 tenths of degree warming in 30 years is the most rapid warming ever observed? Actually it is more than that which has already been pointed out to you. Can you show data to the contrary?
  5. Miriam O'Brien (Sou) at 01:18 AM on 21 February 2011
    Link to skeptic rebuttals with short URLs
    Hey, that's excellent. I often post links to these topics and the short urls make it a lot easier.
  6. Link to skeptic rebuttals with short URLs
    Just waiting for Pop Tech to post up that these are not real short URLs ;)
  7. Skeptic arguments about cigarette smoke - sound familiar?
    A poor attempt to tar all sceptics with the big tobacco brush.
    Moderator Response: [Daniel Bailey] Mac is making use of analogy; taking a generalization to be all-inclusionary does not necessarily follow. Nice mental imagery, though, with the "tar" & "tobacco brush" verbiage.
  8. Deep ocean warming solves the sea level puzzle
    Avi, This seems like an extraordinary over simplification. You like the model result but fail to mention that Purkey & Johnson have attempted to use observational data to do exactly the same. They find 0.14(0.053+0.093)mm/yr SLR from the deep. That's close to a magnitude lower than the model. If the model fails to match the data shouldn't we question the model? I like the confidence of the title for this article but it seems completely misplaced. Ari I'm also curious where you got the two estimates for the first paragraph? Apart from the fact that you didn't state any dates for those estimates I'm not aware of any recent attempts to close the sea level budget in the literature that gave those figures. Here's four recent one's I've found which focus on the 2003-2007 period. Could you provide a reference for the numbers you use? Chang et al (2010) STERIC −0.11±0.22 MASS 0.70±0.34 TOT 2.67±0.52 Willis et al. (2008) STERIC −0.5±0.5 MASS 0.8±0.8 TOT 3.6±0.8 Leuliette and Miller (2009) STERIC 0.8±0.8 MASS 0.8±0.5 TOT 2.4±1.1(2.7±1.5) Cazenave et al. (2009) STERIC 0.37±0.1 MASS 1.9±0.1 TOT 2.5±0.4
  9. Link to skeptic rebuttals with short URLs
    awesome cool John!
  10. Deep ocean warming solves the sea level puzzle
    zinfan94 #12 How does this paper fit with NOAA chart which shows flat OHC from ARO 2003-2010 since the step jump of the 2002-2003 period? See here:
  11. Captain Pithart at 22:36 PM on 20 February 2011
    Link to skeptic rebuttals with short URLs
    very nice, thank you! p.
  12. Skeptic arguments about cigarette smoke - sound familiar?
    @Sphaerica: Good point. Smoking puts more particulate matter in to the atmosphere, which, in turn, reflects incomming sunlight, thus cooling the earth. So, if you care about global warming, smoke 'em if you've got 'em!
  13. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    TOP @115: 1) You aresimply wrong about outgoing radiation and the ocean. To quote from the first link: "The best up to date measurements of ocean emissivity in the 8-14 μm range are 0.98 – 0.99. The 8-14 μm range is well-known because of the intense focus on sea surface temperature measurements from satellite. From quite ancient data, the average emissivity of water across a very wide broadband range (1-100 μm) is 0.96 for water temperatures from 0-30°C. The values from the ocean when measured close to the vertical are independent of wind speed and sea surface roughness. As the angle of measurement moves from the vertical around to the horizon the measured emissivity drops and the wind speed affects the measurement significantly." An emissivity of 0.96 is higher than that of land, or land plants in the IR spectrum, so rather than ocean emitting less outgoing radiation than land, it emits more. I have seen this in IR cameras over the sea, with the sea surface being bright due to high emissivity while the land of nearby islands are dark due to a relatively lower emissivity and cooler night time temperatures. 2) You wish to adjust the OLR radiation indicated on the graph for the lower unit area per degree latitude at the poles, but you have failed to notice that the scale is already adjusted to compensate for exactly that effect. I even made a note about it. Consequently no further adjustment is required, and the OLR from arctic areas is proven to be substantive by that graph (or more particularly, by the satellite observations summarized in that graph). 3) Ignoring the fact that you repeat the error you discussed in point 1, you are also ignoring the fact that emissivity and absorptivity of different substances vary at different wavelengths. Snow and ice are very good reflectors of visible light. The may or may not reflect UV light well, but as you can become easily sun burnt while swimming, I suspect that they doe not. They certainly do not reflect IR radiation well, instead absorbing it almost completely. In consequence, they are also almost perfect emitters of IR radiation, having about the same emissivity as liquid water. Further, it is quite true that the impact of green house gases depends on the brightness temperature of the outgoing radiation. However, at the tropics, incoming solar radiation greatly excedes the Outgoing Longwave Radiation. The difference, the excess heat, is carried to the poles by air and water currents. Consequently, if GHG's trap 10% more of OLR, they trap less than 10% more of the incoming energy from the sun. If 1/3rd of the incoming energy is transported to the poles, than energy transport by OLR by 10% only results in a net forcing of 6.7% of the incoming solar radiation. In contrast, at the poles, the energy transported by OLR is much greater than that recieved from the Sun. If a third of the incoming energy at the poles is from surface heat transfer, then trapping an additional 10% of OLR energy transfer will trap an additional 15% of the energy incoming from the sun. That means adjusting the energy trapped by OLR is a more efficient driver of temperature at the poles than at the tropics. It really is that simple. But ignoring the actual mechanics involved, or adhering to simply non-physical theories about sea surface emissivity as you are doing will blind you to the fact.
  14. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Just one more point, though-you do realise that there has been channel data difficulties with the satellites since the start of this year? RSS has actually ceased data collection since the end of last year-& the main AMSU-A channel (channel 04) is currently off-line. So I'd like to know where you're getting that data for January 2011.
  15. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Here's the point, RW1, if-as you claim-year to year fluctuations are sufficient to wipe out all the warming that's occurred since 1979, then why has the global temperature for the 2000's *never* been as cool as any of the years of the 1980's? Surely we should have had a whole year as "cold" as the 1980's given that solar activity for this decade has been at its lowest since the start of the 20th century.
  16. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    "You appear to be referring to deviation from the average. I'm referring to actual changes in temperature from year to year." Nope, that's just what you want to believe. I'm actually looking at comparing each 12-month period to the 12-month period that follows it &-guess what-it doesn't change by "up to 0.5 degrees" as you claim. Also, I notice you're relying on UAH data, which has already been proven to be the *least* accurate of all the temperature data (ground & land based). Its the preferred data-set of denialists, of course, because it shows the slowest rate of warming-surprise, surprise. As I said, though, nice little thread-jack.
  17. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    "According to UAH, January of this year came back down to -0.01 C below the 30 year average. You're making a mountain out of mole hill with this data. The temperatures don't do anything but go up and down from year to year." LOL. What was I saying about you denialists leaping on even the most insignificant pieces of data to "prove" their point? Thanks for shooting yourself in the foot again RW1.You claim 30 years isn't sufficient data, but apparently a single month is?!?! So what if the UAH data is showing January sitting at around the 1979-2000 average? despite your increasingly ignorant claims, the temperatures don't just simply "go up & down from year to year". They're actually *trending upwards*. The average temperature anomaly for the 1980's is -0.06 degrees, the average temp anomaly for the 1990's is +0.08 degrees (a difference of 0.14 degrees) & the average temp anomaly for the 2000's is +0.53 degrees ( a difference of 0.45 degrees). So its a clearly *accelerating* warming trend. Still, as you're a typical denialist who twists the facts to suit himself, I really don't see the point in dealing with you anymore. Congrats on your thread-jack though-another typical denialist strategy. Now go & hang out with your other denialists-unless you actually now have something remotely *intelligent* or *relevant* to say!
  18. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Marcus, "So, to further make my point-according to the RSS data, the only time you get a year to year fluctuation of *more* than 0.3 degrees is 1997-1998 (where it went from +0.10 degrees to +0.55 degrees-a change of +0.55 degrees-a change of 0.45) followed by 1998-1999 (where it went from +0.55 to +0.09-a change of 0.46 degrees). So no there are no changes of "up to 0.5 degrees"-only a *single* change of 0.45 degrees. The rest are closer up to 0.2 degrees per year, with the occasional 0.3 degrees per year (usually corrected the following year) as I've already said." You appear to be referring to deviation from the average. I'm referring to actual changes in temperature from year to year.
  19. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    So, to further make my point-according to the RSS data, the only time you get a year to year fluctuation of *more* than 0.3 degrees is 1997-1998 (where it went from +0.10 degrees to +0.55 degrees-a change of +0.55 degrees-a change of 0.45) followed by 1998-1999 (where it went from +0.55 to +0.09-a change of 0.46 degrees). So no there are no changes of "up to 0.5 degrees"-only a *single* change of 0.45 degrees. The rest are closer up to 0.2 degrees per year, with the occasional 0.3 degrees per year (usually corrected the following year) as I've already said.
  20. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Marcus (RE: 139), "The other point is that, as the data shows, regardless of what the year to year fluctuations are, the minimum & maximum anomalies are shifting up-by around +0.1 degrees-per decade." Actually, the data I'm looking at is showing more like +0.15 C per decade. "i.e. year to year fluctuations have yet to even bring the planet's temperatures back to the averages of the 1990's, let alone the averages of 30 years ago." According to UAH, January of this year came back down to -0.01 C below the 30 year average. You're making a mountain out of mole hill with this data. The temperatures don't do anything but go up and down from year to year.
  21. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    "I'm looking at UAH and RSS. Both show year to year fluctuations up to 0.5 C. Now the temperature departures from the average don't show this much variation but that's to be expected." You're totally full of it RW1. I've got the RSS data right in front of me &-with the exception of the strong El Nino year of 1998-1999, there was never a year-to-year fluctuation of more than 0.3-& even the 0.3 degree fluctuations are rare. Most of them are closer to 0.1 to 0.2 as I already said. All of which deliberately ignores the fact that the baseline anomaly for each decade is climbing by around 0.1 degree per decade. Hardly something that can be easily ignored. Still, I was wondering how long it would take for you to resort to outright fabrication to make your point.
  22. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Oh &, before you ask-RSS (satellite) data shows similar year to year fluctuations in the temperature anomalies-with the sole exception of 1997-1998, & 1998-1999 (a change of +/-0.45 respectively). You see, what you clearly fail to understand about year to year fluctuations is that they're usually *corrected*, but still the underlying minima & maxima continue to rise (so for the 1980's, its -0.25 & +0.09; for the 1990's its -0.18 & +0.55-for 1998 only-though its most commonly +0.15; for the 2000's, its +0.08 to +0.55-though its most commonly +0.3 degrees. Again, notice the *trend*).
  23. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Marcus (RE: 139), "GISS global temperature anomalies. Maybe you should check out the data before you go running off at the mouth-especially when you consider that this represents the average anomaly for the entire globe." I'm looking at UAH and RSS. Both show year to year fluctuations up to 0.5 C. Now the temperature departures from the average don't show this much variation but that's to be expected.
  24. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    RW1 (Re:138) GISS global temperature anomalies. Maybe you should check out the data before you go running off at the mouth-especially when you consider that this represents the average anomaly for the entire globe. Its worth noting that the +0.6 degrees of warming over the span of the *entire* Medieval Warm Period was sufficient to wipe out 3 major civilizations (The Anasazi, the Mayans & the Khmer Empire)-so yes there is something to be concerned about. The other point is that, as the data shows, regardless of what the year to year fluctuations are, the minimum & maximum anomalies are shifting up-by around +0.1 degrees-per decade. i.e. year to year fluctuations have yet to even bring the planet's temperatures back to the averages of the 1990's, let alone the averages of 30 years ago.
  25. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Marcus (RE: 135), "Another typical denialist cult argument, RW1. You clearly haven't even got a *clue* how the temperature anomalies work-or the warming trend-or you wouldn't make such a blindingly ignorant comment. In fact there are no 0.4 to 0.5 degree fluctuations in temperatures, as you claim. Average year-to-year fluctuations are more on a scale of 0.05 to 0.2 degrees." What data are you looking at specifically?
  26. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    The point, RW1, is that your reliance on all the tried-&-true Denialist myths exposes you as yet another resident of the Denialist Cult. As such, I really don't think there's any point in people trying to further address your "concerns"-given that everyone has already been sufficiently patient in the face of your increasingly ludicrous claims. Maybe you should go hang out with your mates Anthony Watts & PopTech, as they have about the same weak grasp on reality as you do.
  27. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    "What statistical circles? I don't think it's nearly enough. I would think at least a 100 years would be needed to get an accurate picture - perhaps even longer." Yet another typical Denialist Argument. Even if we had 100 years of satellite data, you'd still say it wasn't enough-you & your denialist mates keep shifting the goal-posts of what constitutes evidence, so that you can maintain your denial-yet you'll leap on the smallest amount of data to "prove" your point. As a *scientist* myself, I have a very good understanding of what amount of data is accepted as statistically significant-you, on the other hand, have *no clue* about statistical significance. "What about the 30 years of statistical cooling between about 1940 and 1970? If that happened to be the period as the base for the '*average* state of affairs', you'd have concluded it was cooling (or at least that it wasn't warming)." There is so much *noise* in that data that its not actually statistically significant-largely because the time series you use marks the end of the solar induced warming of the first half of the 20th century (1900-1945), & the brief cooling that followed it. It also represents the usual cherry-picking I've equally come to expect from the Denialist Cult. If I take 1945-1975, for example, I get a modest warming trend (though, again, not statistically significant). By contrast, if you take 1950-2010 or 1980 to 2010, you get a very statistically significant warming trend. Anyway, why are you talking about 1940-1970? I thought you only trusted satellite data? "But the average used for the standard deviation is from 1979-2000 and not 1979-2010. Did you catch that? The record low extent didn't occur until 2007. These are some of the kinds of issues that can skew the trend analysis when only such a short period of time is available." Oh, that's too hilarious RW1. Yes, 1979-2000, a period in which the majority of the experts believe that ice loss was already underway (& had been for about a decade). Yet all the ice coverage for 2001-2010 has been below even *this* average. You denialists do have an uncanny knack of shooting yourselves in the foot.
  28. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    "Given that the amount of fluctuation from year to year is frequently as much as 0.4 to 0.5 C, I'm hardly shaking in my boots. The last 30 years could be easily wiped out in just a couple years. " Another typical denialist cult argument, RW1. You clearly haven't even got a *clue* how the temperature anomalies work-or the warming trend-or you wouldn't make such a blindingly ignorant comment. In fact there are no 0.4 to 0.5 degree fluctuations in temperatures, as you claim. Average year-to-year fluctuations are more on a scale of 0.05 to 0.2 degrees. Also, the minimum & maximum anomaly in each decade continues to increase. So in the 1980's, the minimum anomaly was +0.05 degrees & the maximum was +0.31 (in 1988 alone)-with the most common maximum being +0.26. In the 1990's, the minimum anomaly was +0.13 degrees, & the maximum was +0.57 degrees (in 1998 alone), with the most common anomaly for the decade being around +0.35. In the 2000's, the minimum anomaly was +0.32 degrees & the maximum was +0.62 degrees-with the next most common anomaly being around +0.55 to +0.6 degrees. You see a *pattern* emerging?
  29. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Marcus (RE: 125), "In statistical circles, 30 years of data *is* considered sufficient to arrive at a reasonable *average* state of affairs." What statistical circles? I don't think it's nearly enough. I would think at least a 100 years would be needed to get an accurate picture - perhaps even longer. What about the 30 years of statistical cooling between about 1940 and 1970? If that happened to be the period as the base for the '*average* state of affairs', you'd have concluded it was cooling (or at least that it wasn't warming). "Remember that ice loss isn't just below this average, its more than 2 standard deviations below this average. That makes this ice loss *incredibly* unusual & ongoing. Oh, but its not anecdotal evidence from an article in a newspaper, so how could you *possibly* be accurate?" But the average used for the standard deviation is from 1979-2000 and not 1979-2010. Did you catch that? The record low extent didn't occur until 2007. These are some of the kinds of issues that can skew the trend analysis when only such a short period of time is availble.
  30. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Funny how this thread has come to resemble the Denominator thread... The Yooper
  31. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Marcus (RE: 124) "Typical straw-man argument-exactly what I expect from a card-carrying denialist. We only have 30-odd years of satellite data but-in spite of its greater accuracy-it does *not* invalidate the decades of direct observation & measurement that occurred in the decades prior to satellite. You just deny the evidence in front of your own eyes, & use the old canard of "30-years is insufficient" argument to cover yourself-because you know there is no real come-back if you refuse to accept other valid data." Sorry, I have a hard time believing non-satellite data on Artic sea ice extents is reliable. You should be a little more skeptical of such data yourself. Yet funny how you denialists will rant, rave & scream that "global warming has stopped" if even a *single* year-or even a single *month* is colder than expected." I don't do this. "Try closer to almost +0.5 degrees of warming in a 30 year period (over 0.16 degrees per decade), which is actually around 3 times faster than the warming we saw in the first half of the 20th century-you know, when solar activity was rising rapidly. This warming we've seen lately has occurred against the backdrop of falling solar activity, & higher than normal volcanic activity (especially over 1990-2010). It's about 10 times as fast as the warming believed to have occurred during the MWP (which saw a total of +0.6 degrees of warming over a span of SIX HUNDRED YEARS). So yep, the fastest warming ever recorded, & without the usual causes to explain even a slower rate of warming." Given that the amount of fluctuation from year to year is frequently as much as 0.4 to 0.5 C, I'm hardly shaking in my boots. The last 30 years could be easily wiped out in just a couple years.
  32. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    RW1 "Antarctic sea ice to expand, is awfully convenient" Typical Denialist-speak I'm afraid. You've been outed mate. I'd suggest you'd do much, much better at WUWT, because your claims won't be held up to nearly as much scrutiny as they are here.
  33. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    RW1. In the Southern Hemisphere, we've seen a significant rise in temperatures in the Southern Ocean. This has caused rain-making systems to shift southwards towards Antarctica. At low altitudes, this increased precipitation is causing increased calving & ice loss along the peninsulas, whilst at high altitudes its-surprise, surprise-falling as *snow* & *ice*. So when you look at the total ice extent for Antarctica, you're seeing both the increased ice extent on the higher altitude Eastern side of the continent (from increased, warming-induced precipitation) & the declining ice extent on the Western side of the Continent (caused by the same warming-induced precipitation increases).
  34. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Okay, correction. Some areas of Antarctica are warming at +0.1 degrees per year (especially around the peninsulas) the rest of Antarctica is warming at closer to a rate of 0.03 to 0.05 degrees per year-which still makes it significantly faster than average warming for the same period.
  35. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    muoncounter (RE: 121), "So now we are supposed to have two 'complex series of factors'; one causing melting, the other freezing. Each unexplained, undocumented and apparently unknowable. Science marches on, I suppose." No, the point is it's very likely the confluence of factors are just as numerous and complex for both, and assuming anthropogenic CO2 induced warming is what's primarily causing the Artic ice to melt while also assuming a confluence of complex factors, completely unrelated to anthropogenic CO2 induced warming, is what's primarily causing the Antarctic sea ice to expand, is awfully convenient.
  36. Monckton Myth #13: The Magical IPCC
    Even if we ignore the fact that this is NH data only, then what I see, Angusmac, is a roughly 0.6 degrees of warming between the period of 600 AD & 1000AD (though the actual dates might be very different)-to put that in context, this represents a rate of change of +0.15 degrees *per century*. By contrast, the warming of the last 60 years has been at a rate of +0.12 degrees *per decade*-a rate ten times *faster* than during the MWP. Not only that, but paleo-climatologists have identified clear forcings responsible for the MWP (primarily a sustained, multi-century rise in solar activity, as determined from Be-10 & C-14 isotope analysis.) By contrast, the last 60 years of warming has been against a backdrop of relatively low solar activity & relatively high levels of volcanic activity. So, in fact, your comparisons are totally odious.
  37. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    According to NASA's Earth Observatory, warming in Antarctica is closer to +0.1 degrees *per year* between 1981 & 2007, which amounts to around +2.6 degrees of warming. I'd call that *very* rapid.
  38. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    RW1 In the Arctic, its more like >0.8 degrees in 30 years. 0.3 degrees per decade is a Northern Hemisphere norm these days. See the Northern hemisphere warming thread.
  39. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    RW1. In statistical circles, 30 years of data *is* considered sufficient to arrive at a reasonable *average* state of affairs. Remember that ice loss isn't just below this average, its more than 2 standard deviations below this average. That makes this ice loss *incredibly* unusual & ongoing. Oh, but its not anecdotal evidence from an article in a newspaper, so how could you *possibly* be accurate? Seriously, this kind of nonsense might work with your mates over at Watts Up With That, but we have a slightly higher standard of *evidence* here.
  40. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    "observed" in what way? I tend to only trust the satellite data on this. Typical straw-man argument-exactly what I expect from a card-carrying denialist. We only have 30-odd years of satellite data but-in spite of its greater accuracy-it does *not* invalidate the decades of direct observation & measurement that occurred in the decades prior to satellite. You just deny the evidence in front of your own eyes, & use the old canard of "30-years is insufficient" argument to cover yourself-because you know there is no real come-back if you refuse to accept other valid data. Yet funny how you denialists will rant, rave & scream that "global warming has stopped" if even a *single* year-or even a single *month* is colder than expected. "3 or 4 tenths of degree warming in 30 years is the most rapid warming ever observed" Try closer to almost +0.5 degrees of warming in a 30 year period (over 0.16 degrees per decade), which is actually around 3 times faster than the warming we saw in the first half of the 20th century-you know, when solar activity was rising rapidly. This warming we've seen lately has occurred against the backdrop of falling solar activity, & higher than normal volcanic activity (especially over 1990-2010). It's about 10 times as fast as the warming believed to have occurred during the MWP (which saw a total of +0.6 degrees of warming over a span of SIX HUNDRED YEARS). So yep, the fastest warming ever recorded, & without the usual causes to explain even a slower rate of warming.
  41. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    muoncounter (RE: 121) "Did you read the overview?" Yes I did.
  42. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Marcus (RE: 119), "It is when the previous 100 years of observed ice extent show no significant change." "observed" in what way? I tend to only trust the satellite data on this. "Funny that this sudden change just "happens" to coincide with the period of most rapid warming ever observed." 3 or 4 tenths of degree warming in 30 years is the most rapid warming ever observed?
  43. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    RW1, No, that's what I came up as a quick analogy to your nonsensical notion that anyone expects the Antarctic continent to melt. An analogy is not a technical answer. Did you read the overview? It poses at least two answers to your 'question.' "if I'm to believe that complex of a series of factors is likely causing the Antarctic sea ice to grow ... why should I not believe that an equally numerous and complex series of factors ... is what's causing the Artic sea ice to melt?" So now we are supposed to have two 'complex series of factors'; one causing melting, the other freezing. Each unexplained, undocumented and apparently unknowable. Science marches on, I suppose. What you choose to believe is your own lookout. But perhaps the reasons lie in the fact that the oceanographic, atmospheric and physiographic settings of the Arctic and Antarctic are completely different? One has much less ozone than the other? One is in the hemisphere with most of the sources of CO2, the other isn't? One is land completely surrounded by open water, the other is water surrounded by land?
  44. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    muoncounter (RE:RE: 116), "Actually, the Antarctic Sea Ice trend is currently negative:" The trend is nearly even or slightly positive. The past year is slightly below the average. "With a long-term decline in evidence:" Does that look like reliable data to you with all those straight lines for such long periods?
    Moderator Response: [DB] If you had even bothered to peruse the link I gave you for your edification you would have found an answer to your "straight lines" question, among others. That indicates you're not even trying to learn, but obfuscate.
  45. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    "I'm simply saying 30 years isn't enough data to know whether the downward trend is anything unusual". It is when the previous 100 years of observed ice extent show no significant change. Funny that this sudden change just "happens" to coincide with the period of most rapid warming ever observed.
  46. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    muoncounter (RE: 117), Seriously, if I'm to believe that complex of a series of factors is likely causing the Antarctic sea ice to grow inspite of 'global warming', why should I not believe that an equally numerous and complex series of factors, and not primarily 'global warming, is what's causing the Artic sea ice to melt? (*BTW, I don't doubt the reasons for the Antarctic increasing sea ice extent are numerous and complex, nor do I doubt that many of the listed mechanisms could very well be playing a role.).
  47. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    RW1, See An overview of Antarctic ice. No one is expecting the continent to melt; the attic of your house may be on fire, but the food in your basement freezer will still be cold.
  48. Monckton Myth #13: The Magical IPCC
    Moderator, I thought that my point was obvious - when you use AR4 Figure 6.10c you get a pronounced MWP, which is similar to the recent warming period. I am not sure what you mean when you state "if you hide the incline". I have hidden nothing. I just removed instrumental data to compare proxy records with proxy records, i.e., I compare "apples with apples".
    Moderator Response: [DB] First you remove the most accurate temperature record we have. Second you compare an event specific to the Northern Hemisphere from hundreds of years ago and pronounce it "similar" to the modern rise in temperature (which is not restricted to just the Northern Hemisphere) - which you no longer show. Hence my statement about your hiding the incline and thus my question about your point. Read this post to gain some insights into the MWP. And third, the temperature rise since 1980 or so is largely attributed to the rise in greenhouse gases, principally CO2, which are sourced to our burning of fossil fuels. Since this option (anthropogenic CO2) was not available during the MWP, you are comparing apples to non-apples.
  49. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    muoncounter (RE: 112), "See this thread for Antarctic ice mass loss. Answers to your question here, here and here. Really, these aren't that hard to find on your own, if you would just look." I know all this. None of it answers my question. I'm talking about the Antarctic sea ice increasing trend. Even if the Antarctic land mass is losing ice, the continent is never going to melt, unless you wait a few 10s or 100s of millions of years for it to move from it's current location.
    Moderator Response: [Daniel Bailey] Actually, the Antarctic Sea Ice trend is currently negative: With a long-term decline in evidence: Further reading here.
  50. A Swift Kick in the Ice
    Tom @83 You don't get the same outgoing radiation over water that you do over land (terrestrial). Last I checked, the Arctic was an ocean. CO2 or no CO2, you will get the same result if the Arctic Ocean is clear of ice. Solar radiation places it's energy deep in the water and it stays there until it escapes mainly by evaporation. Land is much better at converting insolation into outgoing IR. When interpreting the graph you present it is important to remember that the total longwave energy leaving must be reduced by the cosine of the latitude. Your graph is in units of power per unit area. It has to be integrrate over the area of the planet at each latitude. So a strip of the planet 1 degree wide at the equator receives and emits 40% more energy that a strip at 45 degrees. At 60 degrees it is 100% greater. In addition, if the polar region is snow covered with a high albedo the re-radiated energy is going to be shorter wavelengths up to UV. If the polar region is ice-free there simply isn't going to be a lot of longwave because the energy is deposited in the water and stays there. And 32 F water is not going to emit longwave like 80F water at the equator. So any effects of CO2 will be minimal compared to areas south of 45 degrees.

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