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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 105301 to 105350:

  1. Isn't global warming just 2 °C and isn't that really small?
    RE: #36 Glenn Tamblyn, I have reworded it a couple of times because the writing was a bit ambiguous. My original phrasing had the CO2 doubling at the end of the sentence iirc and that confused some readers, so I moved it to the middle. I've similarly changed the phrasing of the 'warmest in 600,000 years' paragraph. The meaning of both is the same as it was originally, but hopefully it is less open to misinterpretation. I would also consider specifying that comparing any individual ice core to today and seeing whether it has been 2 °C warmer than today or not isn't necessarily going to be that accurate. After all, we don't expect warming to be absolutely uniform and the majority of places won't warm by 2 C exactly, therefore your attempted comparison will be wrong.
  2. What should we do about climate change?
    Re: Peter Lang (260) Thanks for the links. They're appreciated, but completely unnecessary. When it comes to the value of nuclear power as an energy supply source, you're preaching to a choir member. However (there always seems to be a however, doesn't there?), let's be pragmatic. While an end-goal of 100% of energy needs supplied by NPP can be an admirable goal (if there exists no other practical alternatives no wean us off fossil fuels), in the world most of us inhabit there exists no possibility of that happening. In order for that to be an eventuality, there must first take place an extensive educational process to resolve lingering public concerns and fears. So, in the short term, you must make allowances for a place at the energy dinner table for renewable energy sources (specifically wind and solar). Wind and solar also possess the distinct advantage of tying directly into the American self-definition of independence and autonomy, and not being beholden to outside interests. Given the choice, a not-insubstantial segment of the populace would opt for a combination of wind/solar/geothermal energy sources for personal and business usage. And that includes myself, my admiration of NP notwithstanding. So a mixture of energy sources which center around NPP as a primary driver appear to be your best short-term bet. Given time, perhaps, a larger piece of the energy pie will go to NPP. Or not. But a greater personal problem exists for you, Peter, on this blog. SkS exists to provide clarity and education for laymen and interested professionals about the science underlying global warming and CO2's role in that warming. Your refusal to acknowledge a position either in belief of the science underlying humanity as the primary driver of CO2 elevations and their central role as the biggest control knob of global temperatures, or in disbelief of it, stands to severely undermine your credibility in your attempts to sway people's minds here to your advocacy position of NPP. Let there be no mistake on this: there exists no play, no grey area, no middle ground; either you acknowledge the science and CO2's role in the warming we empirically see, or you don't. Black and white. It doesn't make you an advocate of AGW in the same sense that you advocate for NPP's. But it will either restore some needed credibility to you, or take it away completely should you disavow it. As Bibliovermis has stated, you cannot advocate a solution for a problem which you refuse to acknowledge exists and hope to retain a shred of credibility with any here. Including me. The Yooper
  3. Hockey stick or hockey league?
    Actually, Ken, radiative cooling increases with the temperature but decreases with GHG forcing. The upwards slope in temperature indicates that the radiative cooling is below the solar input (imbalanced), and will stay that way until we reach a (rough) equilibrium. Radiative cooling is presently under the pre-industrial levels. Which won't change as long as we're chasing the GHG forcings - the energy imbalance causing the climate change.
  4. Hockey stick or hockey league?
    Ken,The northern hemisphere land is used because there is the most data for that chart. I care more about the land than the ocean since I live on land and it affects my life the most. The thermal inertia of the ocean keeps it cool for the present. Eventually it will warm up and then we will really be in trouble. The radiative cooling increase is entirely due to the increase in temperature caused by AGW. How deniers can argue that the increase in radiative cooling is positive is beyond my understanding.
  5. What should we do about climate change?
    #Peter Hogarth "the current build of Gen III reactors may run out of fuel before the end of their design life if current rates of use accelerate (going by the industries own figures)." Probably not according to a big recent MIT study of the nuclear fuel cycle. However, there are lot's of politics connected with the fuel cycle in the US and I think one needs to read between the lines a bit. In particular, the US would like to control the fuel cycle internationally as much as it can. But that doesn't change the finding of sufficient uranium. The Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
  6. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    Robert Wray #39: "The best way to verify results in science is to use multiple methods to measure ice trends." Speaking of which; Cryosat recently completed its commissioning phase... so we should soon have another very high quality data source by which to evaluate the Greenland ice mass (among other things).
  7. Hockey stick or hockey league?
    adelady #14 Why indeed. The pattern emerging from this award winning blog is a regurgitation pattern. Re-stating arguments and reproducing charts which have already been extensively discussed elsewhere. The Northern Hemisphere 'land' temperature chart exaggerates the temperature increase - a global chart which includes the oceans shows significantly less temperature rise. The Net Climate Forcing chart might also mislead when it should be noted that relative to AD1750 - radiative cooling at AD2005 is estimated at -2.8W/sq.m and rising (exponentially and negatively) with the fourth power of absolute temperature. Boofy might have a point - why not produce a chart of Chinese GDP or the population of Chinese solar panels plotted against CO2 GHG concentration. I am sure the correlation will be high.
  8. What should we do about climate change?
    Peter Lang #242: "Who said anything about 100% nuclear?" Peter Lang #204: "Nuclear is some 10 to 100 times safer than coal for generating electricity as you can appreciate from figure 1 in the link I provided. I point this out because coal is the only other technology, realistically, that can provide the electricity modern society demands." Peter Lang #237: "You believe GHG emissions are a mjor risk, yet you preclude tackling them with the only viable technology available to make serious cuts" Peter Lang #194: "However, the wind figues are not comparable because wind power cannot substitute for coal power; only nuclear can do that (to any significant extent)." Your repeated insistence that nuclear is our only alternative to coal inherently precludes all other options. Also in #242: "That question is really asking: why do you have aphobia about nuclear power?" This in response to a post (#238) wherein I advocated the use of nuclear power; "However, the most logical course is a mix of energy sources... wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, nuclear, et cetera. Each where they are most accepted and practical." It is simply impossible to have a rational discussion with someone who CONSTANTLY makes false statements about the very content of the dialog. Your advocacy of nuclear power is SO combative and SO irrationally over the top that you actually manage to turn OTHER advocates of nuclear power off it.
  9. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    Glenn Tamblyn #14 "Individually we can do nothing, only when we all act together." More realistically, at least have a good plan B in the works. With all those computers and bull dozers, just think of the possibilities... perfect waves for surfing, fish farms, etc.
  10. What should we do about climate change?
    The future of nuclear energy production looks bright, as it has for decades. The present (reality?) turned out to be problematic and we've been waiting for solutions for decades.
  11. What should we do about climate change?
    @Peter I have the feeling we are running in circles. In response to your last post, I will therefore only stress the most important issue I have wanted to bring up: Peter: The point I am making is that if we allow clean electricity to be cheap, it will displace oil for transport and gas for heating and, therefore, reduce emissions from all fossil fuel use. I completely understand the point you are making. I am asking you to provide proof that your hypothesis is correct: If we provide enough cheap energy (e.g. nuclear), that it will automatically make mankind turn away from fossil fuel (even with fossil fuel still available in substantial amounts). Until now, reality proves otherwise (see France and see worldwide CO2 emissions). What makes you think it will be different in the future ?
  12. What should we do about climate change?
    I said upthread that people don't fear nuclear power once they have lived near it. Here is a photo of once of Canada's nuclear power stations, Pickering, nestled neatly in the suburbs of Toronto. Land values around here are higher than around the coal power stations.
  13. 2009-2010 winter saw record cold spells
    jyyh the paper you quote should be Turney and Jones 2010. Please not that they call the Agulhas current effect a feedback, not a forcing.
  14. What should we do about climate change?
    For those who would place more trust in Scientific American, you might prefer Smarter Use of Nuclear Waste
  15. What should we do about climate change?
    Daniel Bailey, Regarding the management and reuse of once-used-nuclear-fuel (nuclear waste to some), you might be interested in this article. If you would like to know more about the Gen IV and small nuclear power plants, this USNRC web site provides authoritative short summaries on the current status of the main players.
  16. 2009-2010 winter saw record cold spells
    As the oceans are heat capacitors of the planet and there are 3 of them, Pacific, Atlantic and the Indian ocean it is reasonable to suggest cold intrusions from either pole will affect the weather systems over them. This combined with the Walker circulation and ENSO might produce an uneven rythm on the weather patterns over land areas, even without the GW effect. There was a paper recently of the significance to the warming of the S Atlantic of Agulhas current, but of course I've lost the link. Similar patterns would be the Indonesian throughflow (linked to ENSO and IOD) and the cold water intrusion to N Atlantic (likely linked to NAO). In combination these likely produce the teleconnection patterns the values of which are usually evaluated after they've happened, but which also have a limited amount of predictive value.
  17. Skeptical Science Firefox Add-on: Send and receive climate info while you browse
    I've installed the Skeptical Science 1.0 add-on, then closed and restarted my Firefox v3.6.12 a couple of times, but I don't see the View Report icon or Create Report icon anywhere. Might some other add-on be interfering?
  18. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    HR @38, I think John may have erred when he said "hottest on record". In the report they say: "A clear pattern of exceptional and record-setting warm air temperatures is evident at long-term meteorological stations around Greenland (Table GL1)." They then go on to indicate which stations had record setting seasons (e.g., Nuuk (warmest spring and summer) and Thule (warmest spring), or Aasiaat warmest past 12-months on record). So their summary is, IMHO, a fair reflextion of recent temperatures at stations with long-term records. So, IMHO, John should probably say: "Noteworthy are the exceptional and record-setting warm air temperatures observed over portions of Greenland so far 2010". Caveat--it could be that another data set, such as GISS or ETA-interim, supports John's wording, I don't know.
  19. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    The Inconvenient Skeptic at 02:45 AM on 2 November, 2010 "Another study from September showed that the isostatic adjustment from the last glacial period is causing the ice loss to be overstated by about double. So which is correct? The studies that give the higher results don't take the adjustment into account. Stating that the loss is 200+ Gt/yr as fact when there are “published” articles that give results that are half as much is a bit disingenuous." Do you know what is also disingenuous. Giving the impression you know what you're talking about when you don't. Adjustments for GIA are done to all grace and altimetry methods. This study you refer to (Wu et al. 2010), does it in a different way than before for Grace data. Is it better? Well it disagrees with the three other primary methods Radar interferometry, Altimetry and Previous Grace studies. In fact a new study (Sorensen et al. 2010) evaluates 4 different methods for estimating Greenland's mass balance using icesat's laser altimeter and concludes that the best estimate is 237 GT/year. The point here Mr. Kerr is that just because a study is the newest doesn't mean it is the best. The best way to verify results in science is to use multiple methods to measure ice trends. Another little note for you. Wu et al (2010) shows ice losses at the upper limit of IPCC estimates. I don't know how you skeptics call this good news?
  20. What should we do about climate change?
    Some of the issues with selling power back are simply consumer mindset. If they are paying say $0.12/kWh for electricity from the grid, then they expect to sell it back to the grid for the same price. On the other hand, grid companies cant why they have to pay retail price to get it back rather than the wholesale price that they pay large generators. Once this is understood, then if you can generate power cheaper than power company can supply it, then it makes sense to do so. Selling back excess generation then just becomes a bonus. A marginal proposition dependent on a sell-back price shouldn't be done. However, I can think of very few small-scale renewables where it is worth doing this. Economies of scale apply to renewables too. By the way, thanks to all contributing here. I am finding the arguments and references put up very interesting.
  21. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    "Greenland temperatures were the hottest on record." Is it possible to qualify this statement? From table GL1 I see lots of records being set in 2010 but mainly only at stations which begin records after 1949 (Nuuk would standout from this). In fact in terms of annual temperature records 1929 and 2005 might also be standout years. The longest records have many records set in the first half of the 20th C. I used KNMI Climate Explorer to plot Greenlands temp record (NCDC). 2005, 2007, 1943, 2008 and 1995 all seem hotter in Greenland than 2010. I think the statement above is a little misleading due to the poor presentstion of the temperature data in the report. It would have been very easy to simply present a temperature record for Greenland as a single line on a graph. If you did that then 2010 would be hot but wouldn't be the standout year suggested in the text. Why didn't they do that?
  22. gallopingcamel at 13:50 PM on 2 November 2010
    What should we do about climate change?
    archiesteel, For 30 years I have tried to sell power to the grid. I tried to find a house with a small stream with the idea of setting up a mini-hydro plant but failed to find the right site. Later, when living in windy New Jersey in a location with a genuine Dutch windmill nearby I was seeking planning permission to construct my own windmill but my company relocated me to.....Holland. My next failed project arose when I bought a house that had a buried 1,000 gallon propane tank. I planned to install a generator that would have produced electricity at $0.10/kVAh but the power company would only pay me $0.08/kVAh. There is better technology out there now that might do a better job than my generating plant but I sold that house. I had high hopes for fuel cells but we are still waiting. I am getting too old for building my own power systems so my advice to you is keep trying!
  23. What should we do about climate change?
    @Peter Lang: "They cannot because of, so far and probably always, insurmountable technical constraints (like the sun doesn't shine at night)." It seems our friend Peter is forgetting the Earth is a sphere. The sun is always shining *somewhere*. The wind is always blowing *somewhere*. Rivers are always running, and tides ceaselessly come and go. Again, the idea is not to shut out nuclear, but to use it along with renewables in a mixed solution. Oh well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
  24. What should we do about climate change?
    Re: Peter Lang (254) Thanks for the answer to my question. It was...sufficient.
  25. What should we do about climate change?
    Peter, 242:
    CBDunkerson, "Also, 100% nuclear is NOT the only option (which is good since it isn't possible)." Who said anything about 100% nuclear?
    “And this task will require every energy source available: NPP, wind, solar, geothermal, tidal. All of them, in bulk quantities”. I do not agree.
    Congratulations on reformulating the Pareto Principle. You are not the first person I have talked with who pushed nuclear energy as The Solution to a problem they didn't acknowledge existed. It's actually quite common. What is your opinion on my cynicism? Is corner clipping a concern, especially in the regulatory environment you are advocating?
  26. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    @Don Gisselbeck: yep, that's the danger of some of the 'denialist' memes floating around - they enter the broad body of stuff that "everyone knows", despite being completely (and provably, in many cases) false. This is exactly what makes progress in climate action so difficult.
  27. What should we do about climate change?
    Daniel Bailey, Where you lost credibility with me was when you were challenged, several times, to elucidate your position on AGW and the dangers we face from human-produced, fossil-fuel-derived CO2 emissions. And failed to respond. I have decided I can be more effective, and get to a wider audience, if I stick to what I know something about. I’ll talk about cutting CO2 emissions, costs of doing so, security of supply etc, and leave others to join the dots in the way they want to. People have to be convinced of the graveness of the threat CO2 represents so they will want to leave the fossil fuels in the ground. I do not agree. That may apply to a few rich people who live in the concrete jungles and chatter (the chattering classes). Most people just want a life, the best life they can have. If nuclear electricity is cheaper than coal, as it could and should be, then no more coal power stations will be built (I agree there will be a transition period). If the Greens, Greenpeace, WWF, FOE, Australian Conservation Foundation came out and said it is urgent we go nuclear to cut CO2 emissions, the developed countries could gear up very quickly. Australia could have its first 1 GW NPP running before 2020 (even earlier if we really wanted to) and have all coal replaced by 2035 or 2040. Nuclear could and should be far cheaper than coal. It should be small and modular, made in factories, shipped to site and connected. It is not because of 40 years of the anti-nuclear propaganda that we see lots of on this (and other) web sites, togheter with a Lefties dream about renewable energy. Our CO2 emissions are far higher today than they would be if not for the success of anti-nuclear activists of the past 40 years. “And this task will require every energy source available: NPP, wind, solar, geothermal, tidal. All of them, in bulk quantities”. I do not agree. If we spend 80% of our effort, time and money on technologies that can provide only 5% to perhaps 20% of the solution (i.e. renewables), and spend only 0% to 20% of our time and effort on the technologies that can provide 80% to 95% of the solution (e.g. nuclear) then we waste all our wealth for no result. We are doing worse than this because, not only do we spend no effort, time, of funds on nuclear, we actually prohibit nuclear!
  28. What should we do about climate change?
    #243: "France built the nuclear generating capacity at the rate of about 3GW per year." For completeness, you should point out that France was going nuclear in the early '80s, well before: a. GHG levels were at the frightening levels they are today b. the anthropogenic source for GHGs was as clearly understood as it is today c. climate change was as clearly established as it is today d. wind and/or solar was a viable technology at all e. Chernobyl. There are choices and imperatives today that were not the case in the 80s. One has to see this French economic miracle you describe in context. That's neither pro nor con but it is necessary for a rational discussion. France has an almost 20% sales tax, many food products are from within France, thus the workers are paid a first world wage. Most of the big ticket items, health, education, child care, are subsided by the government, thus bring down their costs.
  29. What should we do about climate change?
    Peter Hogarth, Woops! Yes, that was a typo on hydro. I meant to say 0% to 15%. Sorry. I agree, that hydro is extremely valuable. It has fast response (0% to 100% power in about 75 seconds). The way hydro is used in France is ideal. It is following the load changes and can do so faster than fossil fuels or nuclear. A perfect match. Pumped hydro is ideal for matching with nuclear and coal, but not economic with intermittent renewables. You may be interested in this analysis of a possible pumped hydro scheme in the Australian Snowy Mountains. It would link existing reservoirs, provide up to 8 GW of power and store up to 50GWh of energy each day. If matched with 28 GW of nuclear capacity, the two together could provide the supply meet all the National Electricity Market's current demand. [Our demand (2007) was 33 GW peak, 25 GW average, 17 GW baseload in summer and 20 GW basload in mid winter.] Don't skip the reviewer's comments because this explains why pumped hydro can be economical when matched with a reliable, low cost power supply that provides consistent power through the times of low demand and then generates from storage during peak and shoulder periods. That is, it is used daily. Many comments on this thread are highly informative too. Regarding, the management of once-used-nuclear-fuel, quokka and I both addressed that on earlier posts on this thread. If there are questions on that, we can take it up again. I feel it is a trivial issue from a technical perspective (I agree it is a major pubic concern). The price of uranium and the volatility of it is irrelevant. The fuel makes up about 3% of the cost of electricity from nuclear. Double or quadruple the price of uranium and it makes no significant difference to the cost of electricity from nuclear. There is no shortage of uranium as there is for oil, so no reason to be concerned about escalating fuel prices. That is not where the threat to nuclear is. The threat to nuclear is from political activity and public disruption. It is the threat to the investors and, therfore, the invstment risk premium they require to encourage them to invest their money in it. It is worth keeping the increasing costs in perspective. The cost of wind farms rose 25% in Australia last year (that is part of an ongoing trend). The cost of solar thermal in the USA increased 30% last year (and, remember, that is for day time, summer time power only.) The costs of renewables are far higher than nculear when you compare aon a proerly comparable basis.
  30. DMI and GISS Arctic Temperatures: Hide the Increase?
    Great work as always Peter. Thanks!
  31. What should we do about climate change?
    Peter Lang wrote : "I wonder if they are using fear of climate change as a means to push their other left wing agendas. I think many people are concerned about this." Comments like this (and others you have posted over at BRAVE NEW CLIMATE and here - including your refusal to give your opinion on global warming) put you squarely in the corner of the so-called skeptics like Monckton, who see conspiracies (particularly left-wing/Marxist/Communist ones - delete as applicable) everywhere. In fact, it also very telling how some so-called skeptics make such a big thing on the nuclear-power issue - either to try to highlight differences among those who accept AGW ("Look, they can't even agree on energy production : how can we trust them on anything !"); or to try to regain some of their conservative, comfort-blanket ideology by forcefully pushing a nuclear agenda they see as being anti-green and anti-lefty. Unfortunately for you, Peter Lang, you are the best advertisement for the blinkered thinking behind the 'nuclear now, whatever' thinking. Thank you.
  32. What should we do about climate change?
    Peter Lang at 08:44 AM on 2 November, 2010 Your figures for hydro in France are a bit misleading (a typo?). Move the cursor on your nice link to the times of peak generation, Hydro will be around 15%. It plays a significant role in filling the base to peak load gap. The UK planned a similar scheme when Nuclear was "the answer" to the 70s oil crisis, and did actually build half of the intended pumped hydro capacity (about 10GWhr of energy storage). Economical large scale (or distributed small scale) energy storage would be a good aim, even for supplementing Nuclear, but especially for mitigating the intermittent nature of any significant contribution from solar/wind. "Economical" is the tricky bit. On the downside I note even France has still not resolved its high level nuclear waste storage problems and only recently has put a plan in place to open its first deep repository by 2025 (which is not yet licenced). Political problems are just as real as technical ones. The extreme price volatility of non-renewables (including Uranium) over the past few decades (and especially recently) is also not being factored in to the price comparisons and "economics" are notoriously short term. I am not against Nuclear, but the current build of Gen III reactors may run out of fuel before the end of their design life if current rates of use accelerate (going by the industries own figures). Current and Gen III build Nuclear is (in climate terms) a temporary measure but may be necessary short term to fuel the next transition, and it is what's next that interests me.
  33. What should we do about climate change?
    Re: Peter Lang It is with great interest that I have been following this thread. Over the course of your many comments I feel I have learned a great deal that I was unaware of in regards to NPP. I feel you have brought some valuable points to the table as well, challenging (from your point of view) the 'sacred cows' of green energy (wind and solar). Those in advocacy of wind and solar, on the other hand, have not been remiss in putting forth their positions as well. Makes for a lively debate and a good read by those of us in the background. Where I feel you have made your best mark, Peter, is when you challenged the perceptions and preconceptions of the advocates of wind and solar. However, the same lens of analysis can also be applied to your position as well. Where you lost credibility with me was when you were challenged, several times, to elucidate your position on AGW and the dangers we face from human-produced, fossil-fuel-derived CO2 emissions. And failed to respond. Either you feel it is a grave threat, or you don't. So what's the harm in stating your position on it? If, as Ann posits, it is a grave threat to humanity, then it's simply not good enough to remove restrictions on NPP and let the market replace coal-fired electrical power plants. People have to be convinced of the graveness of the threat CO2 represents so they will want to leave the fossil fuels in the ground. Or they will use it all. No matter how universal or cheap NPP becomes. Or solar. Or Wind. Or tidal or geothermal (did I leave any out?). To summarize Ann's point: In order to fully replace fossil fuel CO2 production, we have to educate the public & replace the world's fossil fuel energy sources at the same time. And this task will require every energy source available: NPP, wind, solar, geothermal, tidal. All of them, in bulk quantities. So you either believe in the dangers that CO2 represents, and are part of the solution, or you don't. So, Peter, which is it? The Yooper
  34. The Grumble in the Jungle
    Stephen Baines, thanks. Couple of points, though: 1. According to RealClimate it was the Sunday Times, not the Times. These are different papers though both are part of the Murdoch empire. 2. Just because the article has been retracted doesn't stop it being cited, though of course it might make it harder to link to. 3. The retraction is, though not strictly relevant to this post, of sufficient interest to be worth mentioning - particularly for those who come here via Google as a result of more recent citations of the article. Maybe instead of "An article in a British newspaper claimed..." it would better be "An article in the January 31st, 2010 edition of the British Sunday Times newspaper, subsequently retracted, claimed...". (I'm assuming here that the original publication date is the same as that given on the PDF linked from the RealClimate page.)
  35. What should we do about climate change?
    Peter Lang - An excellent question, I have no idea. They've done proof of concept work, I don't think they've published economic data. They're using full spectrum solar units - visible light goes into the photovoltaic conversion, the rest to heat their thermal cell to 750-950 degrees C to make the reaction possible. So solar utilization is excellent. But again as to cost, considering the need for lithium carbonate or (less efficiently) potassium carbonate, ??? Given the use, irregularity of sunlight would be irrelevant as long as the rate of CO2 removal over time was sufficient. It's also interesting in terms of (possibly) producing a possible carbon neutral fuel for transportation use. I think we're still a long way away from battery electric cars being generally practical.
  36. What should we do about climate change?
    Peter, My skepticism comes not from "scary nuclear" (OMG! Teh radiations!), but from a cynicism that the safety measures will be observed in a cost-cutting race for the short-term bottom line. This especially holds for pleads of "removing blocks and imposts". France still hasn't figured out what to do with the spent fuel waste, other than piling it together and watching it for an initial term of 300 years. That is not reasonable in my opinion. The 2005 WHO study is one of the works discussed by the 2009 NYAS study. Talking about "insurmountable technical constraints" does not give you the high ground to call others "irrational and unreachable".
  37. What should we do about climate change?
    KR, What is the cost per tonne CO2 avoided/removed?
  38. What should we do about climate change?
    In the list above "Export" should have been "Others" During the day France exported up to 7.3GW of power with maximum exports at the time of peak demand. The large export of electricity demonstrates that France's power is low cost compared with the cost of generating electricity in the neighbouring countries. The large export at peak time demonstrates that, not only is France's basload electricity cheap (relative to its neighbours) but so is the cost of its peak power. France's electricity is cheap (relative to its neighbours). It has supported a strong economy and high standard of living. It is safe and clean. It has been proven reliable over a period of 40 years. What more could anyone want? For those who are the most ardent supporters of immediate action to cut CO2 emissions, it absolutely stunns me that they are so strongly opposed to nuclear power (and are totally opposed to investigating it in an unbiased way - similar to what they claim they have done on "dangerous AGW"). It makes me wonder about their real agendas, and whether they really have been objective on "Dangerous AGW". If they are so emotively driven on nuclear, are they just as emotively driven on "Dangerous AGW"? I wonder if they are using fear of climate change as a means to push their other left wing agendas. I think many people are concerned about this. I'd urge the real thinkers to consider whether tieing many other agendas to climate change is helping or hindering getting in place the policies to cut emissions. If we cannot be economically rational, it's going to be a long hard fight and slow progress. I, for one, am strongly opposed to economically irrational policies. Especially when I am firmly convinced that we can have low emisisons and a strong economy, and reliable, secure energy supply. So why risk wrecking the economy when we don't have to.
  39. What should we do about climate change?
    On a completely different topic than the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power: I just found an article on separating and sequestering atmospheric CO2; the authors of the study (Licht et al 2009) use a mix of solar thermal and photovoltaic power to capture CO2, breaking it down into O2 and solid carbon or at higher temps O2 and carbon monoxide. They indicate that the CO might be useful as feed stock with hydrogen to produce recycled diesel or jet fuel. Their energy efficiency for the process is estimated at 34%-50%. According to the somewhat more approachable article that led me to this reference (Photonics Spectra Oct. 2010), the authors indicate that ~700km^2 of photovoltaics (and much of the worlds annual lithium carbonate production, mind you) could drop CO2 levels to pre-industrial in 10 years if pushed. I'm certain that they're being a bit (!!!) optimistic, but it's an interesting read.
  40. What should we do about climate change?
    This shows what technologies are generating France’s electricity on any given day (including today). (if the charts are blank change the date to yesterday). Move your mouse left and right over the stacked area chart and watch the changes on the pie chart below. Notice the following (for 1 November): Nuclear = 77% to 87% Coal = 1% to 2% Gas = 1% to 3% Hydro = 0% to 1 Wind = 1% to 4% Export = 1% to 8% Scroll down to the “Emissions de CO2” chart. Notice that the total emissions from all Frances electricity generation are 1,400 to 3,255 tonnes per hour. Just two of Australia’s coal fired power stations produce that amount. This is what I suggest we should be striving for. It is proven, economic, safe, accepted, reliable, secure, and given France an economic advantage and higher standard of living than it would have without it. France built the nuclear generating capacity at the rate of about 3GW per year. At that rate Australia could replace all its coal fired power station in around 15 years from start. I would suggest 20 years from start would be definitely achievable. Wind and solar are only being built in France because France is forced, by EU regulation, to produce 23% of its electricity generation from renewables. If it could build nuclear it would, but that is not allowed. If it could build hydro it would, but it cannot. So it is forced to build wind and solar capacity. That is an example of the very worst of “picking winners”. That si what the renewable energy advocates are forcing on us.
  41. Don Gisselbeck at 08:15 AM on 2 November 2010
    Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    When the story of uplift in Greenland due to ice loss appeared on Yahoo, at least one comment seriously claimed that Greenland was ice free when the vikings arrived.
  42. Berényi Péter at 08:09 AM on 2 November 2010
    Climate sensitivity is low
    Well, I have looked into the issue a bit deeper and have found that my point 1. in #85 under The 2nd law of thermodynamics and the greenhouse effect is actually not a valid claim. It says "If IR optical depth of the atmosphere is increased by a small amount by adding to it some well mixed greenhouse gas while everything else is held constant, entropy production rate would decrease". In fact it is only true if optical depth is high enough, that is, in a high IR opacity approximation. For optically thin atmospheres the opposite is true. In other words there is a limit value of IR optical depth for which entropy production rate is at its maximum. I still think IR optical depth of the real atmosphere has to be close to this value (due to MEP), but it would need some deeper analysis and actual data to determine if it is below or above this threshold at the moment. Under these circumstances the original argument may not work without restrictions, however, the very existence of an "optimal" IR optical depth suggests a negative water vapor feedback (on overall IR opacity).
  43. What should we do about climate change?
    CBDunkerson, "Also, 100% nuclear is NOT the only option (which is good since it isn't possible)." Who said anything about 100% nuclear? However, you say it isn't possible. On what basis do you say that? "Arguments can be made that 100% solar or 100% wind, both requiring significant grid and power storage improvements, could be made to work." Arguments can be made for anything? What is your point? Do you think that cost and economics is irrelevant? Do you believe that the laws of physics are going to change? Or are you just hoping they will? If so why do you hope that? Getting to the real question: Why do you want anything but the proven, available, economic (if we removed the blocks and imposts) technology that can provide our power needs - nuclear? That question is really asking: why do you have aphobia about nuclear power?
  44. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    Chris G @ 33 - missed that, thanks. I note in the Khan 2010 paper abstract, that they have now deployed far more permanent GPS stations around the Greenland coast (now up to 51). Was it 3 that were used in the WU study?. Spread of ice mass loss into northwest Greenland observed by GRACE and GPS "In addition to showing that the northwest ice sheet margin is now losing mass, the uplift results from both the GPS measurements and the GRACE predictions show rapid acceleration in southeast Greenland in late 2003, followed by a moderate deceleration in 2006. Because that latter deceleration is weak, southeast Greenland still appears to be losing ice mass at a much higher rate than it was prior to fall 2003. In a more general sense, the analysis described here demonstrates that GPS uplift measurements can be used in combination with GRACE mass estimates to provide a better understanding of ongoing Greenland mass loss; an analysis approach that will become increasingly useful as long time spans of data accumulate from the 51 permanent GPS stations recently deployed around the edge of the ice sheet as part of the Greenland GPS Network (GNET)."
  45. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    TIS - "There is a good reason to be skeptical about the significance of the current behavior." Uh huh. It appears that you broken second link was actually a meant to be link to your own site. The article I assume is Jakobsson, 2010? You would do your readers a service if you linked to the article. Quote from article - "that Arctic sea ice cover was strongly reduced during most of the early Holocene; there appears even to have been periods of ice free summers in large parts of the central Arctic Ocean". A slightly more cautious assessment than yours perhaps? The article also points out the rather different forcings at work. These forcings are NOT present today which is what makes the ice loss significant. And to hammer home the important point yet again - its the rate of change compared to what happens with natural forcings that is the major concern.
  46. What should we do about climate change?
    CBDunkerson, You aregue that because nuclear is not popular it is not viable. "Unpopular" is a political poblem. It can be fixed. It is a matter of education for most people and assisting a few people to overcome their phobia about "scary nuclear". Some will fear it forever, but not many. Just go and live near a NPP and you would/might understand that (or might not). However, you argue, in effect, that because renewables are popular they can provide our electricity supply. They cannot because of, so far and probably always, insurmountable technical constraints (like the sun doesn't shine at night). The cost of storage is far tool high. So I conclude you are one of those people who is irrational and unreachable. Some might refer to such people as deniers. I note how this thread started off areguing that nuclear was uneconomical. Then that it was unsafe. And at last the real issue is revealed - "nuclear phobia".
  47. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    Rob Painting #19, You might want to read my post above, it contains the words, "GRACE and GPS" as well as "Khan, S. A., J. Wahr, M. Bevis, I. Velicogna, and E. Kendrick" So, I do suspect that they have picked up on using GPS to account for rebound; though, I don't know if they used the same math as Wu.
  48. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    #31: "look what has happened just three years after he said that...." Yep: even in climate science, despite 'all the uncertainty' some predictions turn out right. Makes you wonder if all those separate lines of evidence mean something ...
  49. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    Muoncounter @29, Thanks for that link. What is interesting is that they were investigating differences between different methodologies and data sets back in 2007 (the article is dated August 2007). This is exactly how science works. I also found this statement concerning: "Abdalati says he is convinced that the Greenland Ice Sheet will continue to shrink at a significant and, perhaps, accelerating rate. Already he and his colleagues have new studies underway in which they are investigating the sensitivity of the ice sheet to rising temperatures and the specific mechanisms by which the ice sheet responds to increased warmth." [August 2007]. Well look what has happened just three years after he said that.... Do I want to read what Abdalati said above? No, of course not, but I'm not going to waste yet more time by going into denial as some in this thread are doing? Again, No.
  50. Greenland ice mass loss after the 2010 summer
    John Kehr @26, Can you please refrain from suggesting nefarious goings on concerning these Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) data? Thanks. It baffles me that we can have these data/events staring us in the face and yet some people choose to think of creative ways of dismissing or questioning these troubling revelations. First, the studies using GRACE (e.g., Velicogna 2009), data do apply isostatic adjustments to the data--"GIA [Glacial Isostatic Adjustment] signal is removed from the GRACE data using independent models as described by Velicogna and Wahr [2006a, 2006b]." Second, as far as I can tell, IF Wu et al's (2010) proposed GIAs are correct (and there are reasons to believe that that they not be appropriate), they affect only the absolute values, not the trend. Regardless, data from multiple, independent groups and measurement platforms do point towards an accelerating rate of ice loss (e.g., Jiang et al. 2010). Third, surely you can do better than arguing the equivalent of "well the climate is always changing so this is nothing unusual". Climate scientists and glaciologists of course know very well that ice sheets are dynamic, complex systems which respond to multiple drivers, and consequently that they have grown and receded in the past. What is happening now with not only the GIS, but WAIS, Arctic sea ice, and other terrestrial glaciers/ice sheets and other metrics concerns people who study the cryosphere for a living, and so it should also concern reasonable and prudent people. Polyak et al. (2010) are concerned and not what is happening now with Arctic sea ice and note that what is happening can not be attributed to natural you really think that you know better than they do? This is still relatively early days in the AGW story, so do not make the mistake of equating what is happening now to what the situation will be decades or centuries form now-- the GIS (and WAIS) will, in all likelihood, look very much different by then. You can choose to ignore this image, but do so at the peril of future generations: Figure GL3. Difference (days) in summer 2010 melt duration compared to 1979-2007 mean, after Mote (2007). The 2400 m elevation contour is included to illustrate higher elevations of melting over the southern ice sheet. [Along the southwestern ice sheet, the number of melting days in August has increased by 24 days over the past 30 years-- NOAA]

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