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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 114851 to 114900:

  1. 3 levels of cherry picking in a single argument
    Hi David , as a average punter I dont mind the graphs , I sorta understand trend lines and smoothing but I would like to learn more so if there a not to technical resource out Id be interested . Anomaly graphs ? how do you set zero line ? is like a base line of what normal varience should be ? . there just an example of my ignorance . :-)
  2. actually thoughtful at 18:04 PM on 21 July 2010
    Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    So Pete Ridley you think Hansen's 1988 model just got lucky in predicting the climate from then until now? I suppose it is possible. Something can be messy and still be accurate enough. That models are not perfect is not a counter to AGW - it is a fact of life. That an imperfect model can come up with the right answer, year after year (Hansen's 1988 work) - is notable. So does reality trump your criticism? Or do we need a 2nd earth to catch all the intricacies and satisfy the false bar you have set? I have computer models that tell me what size pump I need for certain piping applications. I guarantee the model does not understand chaos theory. It MIGHT be aware of laminar flow. But it gives me the right answer, every time. I am not convinced that a model (which I think almost by definition cannot/will not include every bit of variability in the real-world conditions it models) can't provide good answers. Maybe the current climate models don't actually provide good answers, but to say no model, ever, can provide good answers seems way too strong of a claim.
  3. HumanityRules at 17:00 PM on 21 July 2010
    3 levels of cherry picking in a single argument
    #1 ECMWF in Fig2 seems to be global LAND record from the image, so maybe not truely global? Also deniers criticize GISS for the way it extrapolates(?) the polar regions and for having a land biased. So it seems many records exist, all with pros and cons. It seems that this fact allows for multiple interpretations. #2 Josh Willis said on Roger Pielkes snr’s website “However, I personally belive that there is not a long enough common period between the satellite observations and the RELIABLE ocean heat content record to make any strong claims about the energy budget.” That aside it seems that Murphy vastly exaggerates deep ocean energy content compared with others such as Purkey and Johnson. #3 I am confused why the HADCRUT appears to showing a flattening on the year to year basis since 1998 while the 11 year averaging doesn't. It strikes me that in the averaging process the final years become under reprecedented compared with earlier time points. Won't the flattening of the HADCRUT data only show through over the next few years using this sort of averaging? I'm truely confused by this.
  4. Peter Hogarth at 16:00 PM on 21 July 2010
    Part Three: Response to Goddard
    HumanityRules at 11:19 AM on 21 July, 2010 We could also argue that the natural and regional variations are superimposed on a global background trend that is now emerging as the dominant warming signal. The 100 year trend, even in Greenland, is significantly positive. There are plenty of papers, some limited data, and documentary evidence of warming in Greenland in the 1930s, and that this is evident in the high latitude NH records and reconstructions (see the last graphic I did in the second Arctic Ice article). The main issue is that it appears to be much more localised than the recent warming. This topic I do find interesting, and am collating references on long term records for a post.
  5. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    RSVP - that requires political action and variety of strategies is possible. Solving a problem is a separate question to acknowledging a problem exists. What is warped is deciding on the truth of proposition based a perception of what is required for a solution, which seems to be the case for those whose primary concern is something like "AGW causes higher taxes", "AGW is making me be a greeny", "AGW is taking away my toys", rather than "I dont like those solutions, so here is what I think is a better one". This is a place to discuss the science.
  6. David Horton at 15:11 PM on 21 July 2010
    3 levels of cherry picking in a single argument
    I have often thought, since the deniaworld sprang into action, that the reason they can be so successful in misleading people is that the average punter can't read graphs. We in science tend o think of graphs as a perfectly normal way of presenting information, and we understand the conventions and implications. The non-scientist rarely if ever sees a graph, and when they do, as in the global temp graphs, what they see is not a trend, but a wiggly line. So when someone says to them "no warming since 98" they look at the wiggly line and say, oh yes, those temps are all about the same. They cannot, it seems, because of unfamiliarity, cast an eye along the graph and recognise that those wiggles, including the last 12 years, form a trend. And of course they have absolutely no idea of regression analysis. It is difficult, as graphically literate scientists, to put ourselves in the mind set of those to who graphs mean nothing. We might therefore be better to keep pointing out that all the evidence, from all kinds of sources, points in the same direction, rather than relying on graphs as a self-evident presentation of data.
  7. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    For all the denier bashing, I am still waiting to see the list of recommendations to prevent global warming, along with some one-liner impact analysis.
  8. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    KR @ 115: Bad arguments tend to be easy to take down! I think that's one of the best internal editors for science - if you publish junk, it will be noted and treated as such. It's a great incentive to do decent work. And a very good incentive to cover your tracks :-)
  9. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Michael swet @ 123: I think Miami and Florida will cope better than we fear. CBW @ 116: To what do they attribute the increase/lack of decrease in the size of the islands they studied? Erosion if my memory serves me well. Michael Sweet @ 130: I believe the New Scientist article cites a peer reviewed reference (included in my post). Feel free to look it up and I'm happy to stand corrected if there's been any cherry picking or other misinterpretation. New Scientist may be a popular science magazine but it tends to follow conventional thinking by and large and tries to be genuinely representative and quotes peer reviewed literature.
  10. 3 levels of cherry picking in a single argument
    scaddenp: Well said. This is one of the things I find most troubling about climate change -- the more you study it, the more connections you make (like your point about all the data pointing in the same direction), and the more urgency you feel about our situation. Unless, of course, you've decided before looking at the data what the answer is, then you can save yourself a lot of time and effort and just leap to the preferred conclusion.
  11. Part Three: Response to Goddard
    So at WUWT they have another grace topic up and I posted this response and it was snipped. I said nothing bad and the only thing they snipped was this link.
    Response: Just went and posted a comment, then noticed your comments are up there again. Oh well, can never hurt to reinforce the point.
  12. Pete Dunkelberg at 11:56 AM on 21 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    69 muoncounter "Exxon's policy changed (at least publicly) in 2007." Alas === RSVP: "Taking a red hot iron plug inside an "ideal" insulator such as a glass thermos with reflective surfaces. Does it radiate?" If you don't think so, why do you posit reflective walls? You know that the iron radiates. You must have been thinking of net radiation, or something like that. ==== 77 Berényi Péter "...attempt to arrive at some overview of what is presently known...." This does not mean "Put the conclusion first."
  13. 3 levels of cherry picking in a single argument
    Besides the cherry picking, there is the completely blind eye to consilience. We have multiple independent inferences pointing to the same thing. There is a chance that errors exist construction of the surface temperature records. Maybe there is a calibration issue with sealevel records. Satellite MSU records have a long line on known issues. Glacial data has sampling problems going back in time. Ice-loss records are too short. The upper stratospheric is somewhat under-observed. Multiple measurement issues trouble ocean heat content. Yes to all, but the data we have with all its issues is remarkably consistent with each other and all point the same way. For us to be wrong about warming is to imply a major problem in ALL the evidence. The probabilities here are too small for me to feel like gambling. I am amazed at what straws deniers will grasp. There must be a lot of people with shares in fossil fuel industry.
  14. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    My favorite (almost) one-liner to throw at deniers? "No warming since 1998, eh? Well, the same graph shows WILD, OUT OF CONTROL WARMING since both 1997 and 1999. Two out of three, I win." Either they are too stupid to counter effectively, or smart enough to know that they are entering into a cherry-picking contest with someone who owns an orchard.
  15. Part Three: Response to Goddard
    HR - for someone to come up with a convincing "larger natural cycle" then they are going to have to show where the energy is in this natural cycle. You can do this easily for cycles like ENSO but show me a convincing new hidden cycle. For Greenland - whether it was warmer 40 years ago in parts of Greenland may not be that relevant to question of the rate of ice loss. Increased calving because of warmer oceans is also a significant factor that would appear to be unlikely earlier in the century. Are you suggesting all the ice being lost is less than a century old? Is the ocean warming a natural cycle? Well where is the warmth in the ocean coming from? What we see is general warming of the ocean not a movement of energy from some deep store to the surface. It perfectly consist with the global warming which is heating the ocean.
  16. Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions
    I would contest that the mechanisms that deposit oil and coal are very much going on much as they always have. Peat swamps still grow, benthic black ooze still accumlates - they are just very slow processes that remove very small amounts of carbon from the cycle. The oil and gas we use is result of millions of years of accumulation. The more important removal of carbon is from deposition as CaCO3 but this is also only significant on geological time spans as rate of deposition is ultimately tied to Ca flux from weathering.
  17. HumanityRules at 11:19 AM on 21 July 2010
    Part Three: Response to Goddard
    43.chris I wasn't aware I was trying to relate Greenland temp to the Arctic as a whole. You say "you can't tell (from their data anyhow!) the relation of current Greenland warming to natural variability." if what you mean by this is what is causing present warming, then that's true but surely what you can say is that the present warming is well within the limits of natural variability based on this work, which is important to know. I don't see where Kobashi's work is suggesting the Greenland ice sheet is sensitive to temperature. The work is purely a reconstruction of the 1000 year temp record and doesn't seem to say anything about how this relates to mass balance. Chylek would have it that AGW is piggy backing on the much larger natural variability trend. #44 Peter Hogarth "warmer in 1940s", "the same now and in 1940s", "slightly warmer now". I think really that's only important for grabbing headlines, and I apologize for doing it. The real question is whether what we see now in Greenland stand so far outside recent historical experience to warrant concern. To me Kobashi's work suggests it doesn't. So the latest upswing in Greenland temperature and associated mass balance loss. can we definitively say this is a sgnal of AGW. I think if we gave any weight to this paper you'd have to say no. Othher non-AGW processes may be at work here.
  18. Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions
    adelady #51 "But the mechanisms that deposited oil and coal beneath us are *not* going on today." Not in any way at all meaningful to the human lifespan. On the other hand, I seem to recall that the ABC docco Crude suggested that maybe the processes that deposited all that oil might be beginning again, due to the action of anthropogenic CO2 entering the atmosphere (specifically in the Back to the Future episode I think).
  19. actually thoughtful at 10:26 AM on 21 July 2010
    Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    Truth Seeker - It is theoretically possible that somebody didn't carry the one - but that is the strength of AGW theory, there are so many lines of evidence, if one seems faulty or questionable, you have to ask yourself what about the other items that indicate the same thing. So I suggest you ask yourself the following (you can research all of this on this site): 1. Why does the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere match the expectations from burning fossil carbon (less the amount natural systems absorb)? 2. Why is the decrease in oxygen in the atmosphere consistent with burning fossil fuels as the increase in CO2? 3. Why does the carbon isotope of the additional carbon in the atmosphere match the signature of fossil carbon? Any one of these (including the fact that with all we know about climate, no models can match the trend over the last 3 decades without including increased CO2 - by the amount the theory predicts man is producing!) are a slam dunk in and of themselves. The fact that there are at least 4 independent lines of evidence, logic and reasoning that I can come up with (I am a plumber - someone more knowledgeable might be able to increase the count of valid, independent arguments) should be some indication that this is not a weak spot in the AGW theory.
    Response: I learnt of several other lines of evidence that fossil fuel burning was causing the rise in atmospheric CO2 levels just a few weeks ago in my trip to Perth, speaking to a coral reef researcher who had analysed carbon isotopes in coral reefs over the last few centuries. He emailed me his paper a few weeks ago and I've been meaning to post about it but just haven't found the time yet :-(
  20. Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions
    TruthSeeker at 09:11 AM on 21 July, 2010 "If these sinks are essentially non-reversable, and the same mechanizms that produced these fuels are currently going on today." But the mechanisms that deposited oil and coal beneath us are *not* going on today. There wouldn't be a problem if oil and coal were being deposited at the same time and the same rate as we use them. That's why they're called fossil fuels - as against renewable or replenishable fuels like burning wood or animal dung or anything else that will grow or return within a short time or at most, a human lifetime.
  21. Human CO2 is a tiny % of CO2 emissions
    thpritch #49 "To the lay person, a "sink" implies an essentially non-reversible storage system. In other words, once the carbon is absorbed into a "sink", it will never come out. In reality we know that there are very few essentially irreversible carbon storage systems out there." Really, than why do we now have coal and oil to burn, and how by not burning them will we beable to prevent the release of CO2? If these sinks are essentially non-reversable, and the same mechanizms that produced these fuels are currently going on today.
  22. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    Honestly, you have a great site and have educated me by correcting many of the fales skeptic agurments that I was lead to believe. But with all do respect, there are some that you haven't suffeciently addressed. Please endulge me as I bring them up. First, the contribution of CO2 from fossil fuels versus that from more natural causes. I have read your post at on this topic located here, But I still don't understand how you can attribute all the increase to man made causes, when even the sightest accounty error of one of the natural causes would dwarf what you attribute to man made CO2. also, please don't insult me in your response. If you truley think I am ignorant, then please point me to the information that will corret me rather than just insulting me.
  23. Peter Hogarth at 08:02 AM on 21 July 2010
    Part Three: Response to Goddard
    HumanityRules at 01:58 AM on 21 July, 2010 That’s an interesting paper, but the Greenland 1940s peak referred to relates to their reconstruction and correlation with instrumental records used by Vinther 2006 (the graphic shows data up to 2000). These station records have been calibrated and updated to 2009 in this DMI report which shows as high or higher recent mean temperatures, and a current upward trend.
  24. Part Three: Response to Goddard
    HumanityRules at 01:58 AM on 21 July, 2010 Yes Kobashi et al is interesting. However it's worth noting that there’s a big difference between what happens in Greenland (especially on the ice sheet summit at GISP2 where Kobashi et al are sampling), and the Arctic as a whole. So for example, while it’s true that the evidence suggests that Greenland was warm in the 30’s and 40’s, the evidence also strongly indicates that (i) the Arctic as a whole is a good bit warmer now than during the 40’s, and (ii) that Arctic sea ice retreat was minimal then, and much more significant now. Note that you can’t tell from Kobashi et al’s data how GISP2 surface temperatures in 1940 compare to current Greenland summit temperatures since their data only goes to 1950; likewise you can't tell (from their data anyhow!) the relation of current Greenland warming to natural variability. Other than that, there’s no question that there are quasiperiodic natural fluctuations (especially involving volcanic eruptions, and solar and ocean current variation) in Greenland/Arctic temperatures but these are now “piggy-backing” on a pretty large rising anthropogenic temperature trend. Here’s some detail: (i) A recent multiproxy temperature reconstruction (Kaufmann et al, 2009) indicates that the last decade was the warmest in the Arctic for the last 2000 years, and 20th century warming has strongly reversed a long term (and extremely slow 0.22 oC per 1000 years) cooling trend. Contemporary temperature measures indicate that the Arctic as a whole is warmer now than during the mid-20th century, even if Greenland itself may be not much warmer (and accordingly Arctic sea ice retreat was likely minimal during the time of the apparent Greenland summit temperature max). (ii) The Greenland ice sheet is very sensitive to volcanic (and also solar) variability and Kobashi et al highlight these as well as ocean current variability as the likely source of quasiperiodic fluctuations. This interpretation is quite similar to a related study of Greenland temperature (Box et al, 2009) which also found that Greenland was around as warm (and possibly a tad warmer) during 1930-40 than now. We should also consider the possible role of black carbon [e.g. McConnell et al (2007)] which has its largest warming effect when it is deposited on snow/ice. Black carbon can be directly identified in Greenland cores and was deposited at high levels during the 30’s and 40’s. This, together with the recovery of temperatures suppressed by high volcanic activity from the late 19th century through the early part of the 20th century, are likely contributions to the observations of enhanced Greenland warming, in an Arctic that wasn’t as warm as now. (iii) So one does need to be careful with attributing temperature variations at the summit of the Greenland ice sheet. These are not necessarily related to phenomena that influence Arctic temperatures overall. Obviously in the present widescale warming both Greenland and the Arctic as a whole are warming. One of the potentially concerning observations of Box et al is that Greenland tends to retain a phase relationship with overall N. hemispheric warming, such that it eventually rises to a temperature anomaly around 1.6 times that of the N. hemisphere ("NH polar amplification"). It’s way below that now, and if this relationship holds up Greenland has got quite a lot of warming (1-1.5 oC) just to “catch up”. Kaufman DS, et al. (2009) Recent warming reverses long-term Arctic cooling. Science 325:1236–1238. Box, J. al (2009) Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Air Temperature Variability: 1840–2007. Journal of Climate, 22, 4029-4049. McConnell, J.R. et al. (2007) 20th-Century Industrial Black Carbon Emissions Altered Arctic Climate Forcing Science 317, 1381-1384.
  25. michael sweet at 07:56 AM on 21 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Chrisancaris: I read the newspaper reports of the New Scientist article. -->New Scientist is not a peer reviewed journal. I note that the most populated island in Tuvalu was not measured, while seven small, unimportant islands in the atoll were. Why measure the small islands and not the important ones? It is common knowledge that the small islands on atolls constantly change size. Funafuti atoll, the capitol of Tuvalu, has 33 islets in the atoll. It would be easy to pick seven that have increased in size. They report Funamanu gained .44 hecatres, 30% of its previous size. This is one of the smallest islands in the atoll and is not occupied by people. I am concerned about cherry picking of data. Can you find me a reviewed journal article that makes the same claim? When I visited Funafuti in 1990 they were already concerned about rising water levels and flooding in the village was common.
  26. actually thoughtful at 07:54 AM on 21 July 2010
    Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    31 hadfield - your response "What does warming on Neptune (or Mars or Alpha Centauri) have to do with the relationship between observed climate change and known forcings on Earth." is much better than "And the sun is cooling" - yours at least addresses the question. I still don't think a warming on another planet in our solar system that we can document but not explain helps the AGW case (because there is no "A" on that other planet). thanks for the helpful response.
  27. actually thoughtful at 07:49 AM on 21 July 2010
    Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    Part 2 Here are some suggestions that make them more powerful for me (if you like the suggested wordking make sure the science make sense - I am perhaps better at communicating than climatology). 69 "Humans are too insignificant to affect global climate" - We easily affected the Gulf of Mexico *** A different take, but one that brings the point home. BTW - the percentage of oil in the Gulf by volume is 184,000,000 gallons oil/640,000,000,000,000,000 gallons water or 0.000000029% - much lower than CO2 in the air, but it is wreaking havoc; small things CAN hurt you. *** 79 "Ocean acidification isn't serious" Past history shows that when CO2 rose quickly, there were mass extinctions of coral reefs. *** grammar nazi strikes *** 104 "Southern sea ice is increasing" While the sea ice increases, the more important land ice shrinks. *** scientifically valid?? *** I agree with the comments above that this is a good thing and does give us a quick response (especially when the tiny URLs are added).
  28. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    actually thougtful @ 7:29 am: "Huh? I don't have any suggestions here, but this is NOT a good argument for AGW - if we can't explain Neptune warming with a cooling sun, what business do we have claiming we know why earth is warming with a cooling sun. Maybe I am being obtuse??" Very. I completely fail to see your logic here. What does alleged climate change on Neptune (or Mars or Alpha Centauri) have to do with the relationship between observed climate change and known forcings on Earth.
  29. actually thoughtful at 07:29 AM on 21 July 2010
    Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    Finally found the list - here are some suggestions that make them more powerful for me (if you like the suggested wordking make sure the science make sense - I am perhaps better at communicating than climatology). 1. "It's the sun." - Since the 1970s the sun is cooling and the earth is warming 2. "Climate's changed before" - The natural changes that completely explain past climate change do not explain warming now. 5. "Model's are unreliable" - Climate models from the 1980s successfully predicted today's temperatures. *** I think the skeptics don't care that the hindcast is good, they like to say no model has EVER predicted the future, which, according to skepticalscience, is wrong.*** 11 "CO2 lags temperature" - CO2 accelerates warming. *** Sounds good. Can that be said truthfully? *** 14 "It's cosmic rays" - Cosmic rays DO NOT correlate with the current warming. 21 "It's just a natural cycle" - Natural cycles cannot explain the current warming. 29 "Climategate CRU emails suggest conspiracy" - Emails do not melt ice, warm the earth or acidify the ocean. *** I realize that is a different take, but I try to bring it back to the physical evidence, rather than defend Mann and Jones ad nauseum.*** 30 "Climate sensitivity is low" - Multiple lines of research indicate a 3C warming for each CO2 doubling. *** I don't know if the science is that strong. I personally think this is the best denier argument (most of them do not make it...). The current wording doesn't really counter the point. 35 "It warmed before 1940 when CO2 was low" - Early 20th century warming is largely attributable to the sun. *** I like to show that the solar changes DO matter and ARE in the models *** 48 "Neptune is warming" - And the sun is cooling *** Huh? I don't have any suggestions here, but this is NOT a good argument for AGW - if we can't explain Neptune warming with a cooling sun, what business do we have claiming we know why earth is warming with a cooling sun. Maybe I am being obtuse?? *** 52 ditto above 60 "Arctic sea ice is back to normal" - Artic see ice volume is shrinking.
  30. michael sweet at 06:55 AM on 21 July 2010
    The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Chriscanaris: While I did mention Tuvalu, my catastrophy was Miami with current projections of sea level rise. What do you think about Florida having to evacuate to North Dakota? Is this OK with you or do you think this is a problem? What do you think the dollar value of all the development in south Florida is? What should we do with their nuclear power plants? Or is it too far in the future for you to worry about?
  31. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    John, maybe this layout can work as an inspiration for you as well.
    Response: I have a similar taxonomy style layout here.
  32. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    And "Moonbat" should be "Monbiot"
  33. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    This is excellent. May I suggest a few tweaks? #77 "Michael Mann was quoted out of context, and nothing was hidden." It was Phil Jones, not Michael Mann who was quoted out of context in this case. #116 "CO2 emissions were much smaller 100 years ago." To nitpick, the industrial revolution ended more than 100 years ago. I prefer the one-liner that the full rebuttal begins with: "Global CO2 emissions during the Industrial Revolution were a fraction of the CO2 we are currently emitting now". (The "fraction" is actually less than 1%, so you might rather say "tiny fraction" and add "annual" to "emissions" to distinguish rates from cumulative emissions.) So, I'd suggest: "Annual CO2 emissions during the Industrial Revolution were a tiny fraction of current emission rates." BTW, In the rebuttal to point #81 you refer to "Peisner" and "Benchley", whereas those names should be spelled Peiser and Brenchley.
  34. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    You know that I write slowly. This is chiefly because I am never satisfied until I have said as much as possible in a few words, and writing briefly takes far more time than writing at length. -- Karl Friedrich Gauss If you want me to give you a two-hour presentation, I am ready today. If you want only a five-minute speech, it will take me two weeks to prepare. -- Mark Twain
  35. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    Dr.Stephen Schneider has died on a flight from Stockholm to London.
  36. actually thoughtful at 05:48 AM on 21 July 2010
    Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    Compare #10 Sea ice has increased a bit, but satellites show total ice volume is lessening. to #10 Sea ice extent has increased a bit, but satellites show shrinking ice volume. So long as "shrinking" is accurate, it carries more punch. Also active voice is preferred for clarity & brevity (can't see how to de-passify "has increased" without making it longer
  37. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    Great resource. Two suggestions for improvements: #28 "Climategate CRU emails suggest conspiracy" "Several investigations have cleared scientists of any wrongdoing in the media-hyped email incident." I'd suggest focussing on the data as the average contrarian will dismiss investigations as part of the lizard man conspiracy anyway. How about: "Independent analyses of the data reach the same conclusions as the CRU, revealing this to be media hype" #30 "Climate sensitivity is low" "Net positive feedback is confirmed by many different lines of evidence." Whilst I understand this, I don't like it as "net positive" implies runaway whereas the radiative emissions always ensure a net negative feedback. How about "Ice ages cannot be explained without relatively high sensitivity" which focusses on well known phenomena - the other lines of evidence can be used as follow-up. And how about, on the 4-5 words challenge: #28 "Independent analysis agrees with CRU" #30 "This makes ice ages impossible"
  38. Skeptical Science now an Android app
    I appreciate this. Downloaded it yesterday. Looks good! Quite frankly, I'm not sure when I'll use it in practice. I don't run into global warming contrarians too often in day-to-day life, and I bet the strong majority of those that might prompt me to use the app would probably dismiss it as a "warmist propaganda app". Oh well. It's nice to have the wealth of information at my fingertips anyways.
  39. 1934 - hottest year on record
    Perhaps the one-line argument should be : "1934 was one of the hottest years in the US, not globally."
    Response: Better, I was really sweating on that 1934/1998/2006 inaccuracy. Thanks for the suggestion, I've updated it.
  40. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    This is great. When I was looking at many of the Arguments articles, frequently, the first paragraph would be very similar to the scientific argument. This provides a good one-liner plus the scientific details.
  41. Skeptical Science now an Android app
    Um, how do I know if my mobile can run this app ?
    Response: If it's an Android phone, go to the Android Marketplace (or tap the Market icon) then search for 'skeptic'. If Skeptical Science comes up, click Install and you're on your way.

    If it's not an Android phone, you probably won't have the Market icon to choose from.
  42. HumanityRules at 01:58 AM on 21 July 2010
    Part Three: Response to Goddard
    Persistent multi-decadal Greenland temperature fluctuation through the last millennium. Kobashi et al Climatic Change (2010) 100:733–756 DOI 10.1007/s10584-009-9689-9 A recent temperature reconstruction of Greenland suggesting the presence of decadal temperature fluctuations. Apparently recent warming fits well within this natural variability. Among many interesting points it marks the 1940's as the warmest decade in Greenland. Well worth a read.
  43. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    chriscanaris @ 109: To what do they attribute the increase/lack of decrease in the size of the islands they studied?
  44. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    It's very interesting how the science community resists honing their arguments down to words that are concise and easy to understand. And how surprised they are when it works! Let me suggest something as a non-scientist who works in business: Because you people who are MORE science oriented than I do believe in empiricism and facts, consider that there is a whole body of work out there, both academic and trade-oriented about how to persuade people and what works when you do that. And yes, they do suggest boiling things down to what is important and persuasive, while also having done the homework and study (in your case, research) to back it up. It's not "dumbing down", it's being persuasive. And expecting other people to on their own do the study to think as you do is a loser strategy. Indeed, the expectation that such a strategy might work is itself a superstition, based on all the contrary studies out there in the business world. Kudos to the efforts shown on this thread, I think this path will work a lot better than the tack of trying to stuff every scientific argument in every response mode.
  45. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    chriscanaris - funny thing is, your peers don't have to be moral giants. They just need to be competitive. Bad arguments tend to be easy to take down! I think that's one of the best internal editors for science - if you publish junk, it will be noted and treated as such. It's a great incentive to do decent work.
  46. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    KR @ 113 Always assuming that your peers are moral, disinterested, and not easily blinded by bells and whistles. Overall, however, I sincerely hope you're largely right.
  47. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    ... and, that's our dose of cranky curmudgeon for today :-)
  48. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    John, I think this is a great idea, and very much worth doing. Thanks to Jan for coming up with these, and to you for editing them and making them so widely available. That said, I can't let this pass without telling a little story here: ------------------ Before the start of the Holocene, early humans lived in small bands, slowly wandering from Africa into Eurasia and spreading wherever their feet took them. When two of these groups crossed paths, they might scream at each other, make threatening gestures, and perhaps throw rocks or sticks to drive away the others. With the invention of agriculture, the world changed. People began to settle down. Surplus food permitted the development of more organized society. Writing was developed, the first maps were drawn, small cities grew up. Cities were linked into nations, and then empires. The written word became even more important as a means of passing down knowledge and communicating across great distances. Books and scrolls were precious objects, and the clerks and copyists who transcribed them were respected. With the invention of the printing press, it became possible to mass produce books. Literacy rates increased. By the time of the Enlightenment, in the mid-18th century, the western world was awash in intellectual debates on the subjects of politics, economics, religion, natural science, the arts, and other subjects ... all carried on through the medium of the book. Years passed, society and technology developed further, and people began reading fewer books and more newspapers and magazines. An invention called "talk radio" appeared on the scene, allowing people to argue about stuff with more brevity and at greater distances. Later still, the Internet formed out of previously disparate communications networks. People began reading "newsgroups" and "phpbb forums" and "web logs." They liked this, because they could shout at each other anonymously in comments on the web logs (or "blogs"). The discussion forums were popular, too, especially those that let the participants pick from an endless variety of ugly but colorful "avatars" to symbolize themselves. At the turn of a new century, as the older generation was shuffled off into obsolescence and nursing homes, their grandchildren invented "texting," "tweets," and other ways to exchange information in even shorter, more effortlessly digested blobs. With some of these methods, the user's fingers could actually do all the communication with no participation by the cerebral cortex at all. Eventually this arc reached its logical end point. Across the "developed" world, millions of people gave up on Twitter, which was now seen as too deliberative and too intellectually demanding. Instead, they began to interact by tossing handfuls of letter tiles from "Scrabble" at each other. If emotions ran high, the tile flinging might be supplemented by grunting or by emphatic gestures with the middle finger. Although this new means of communication ("B!" ... "G!" ... "auughn grrrhuhh?" ... "K!") would have been ill-suited to the style of discourse used by their grandparents and great-grandparents, it was perfectly adequate to convey the streamlined and softened thought processes that characterized the waning years of post-Enlightenment civilization. -------------- Millions of years later, alien archeologists traced the origin of this strange cultural transformation to the invention of one Philo Farnsworth in the mid-1900s....
  49. The Missing Link, Creationism and Climate Change
    Actually, chriscanaris - in science and medicine your peers are usually "...sufficiently intelligent..." to catch immoral, greedy, and narcissistic work. That's one of the great benefits of peer review and lots of work being done in the field - junk gets caught.
  50. Rebutting skeptic arguments in a single line
    Great idea, great post. I have already been able to use some of the soundbites. While I generally despise the soundbite culture, realistically today people demand information in bite-sized chunks. The interested few will delve deeper.

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