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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 119201 to 119250:

  1. Arkadiusz Semczyszak at 23:24 PM on 18 May 2010
    Species extinctions happening before our eyes
    With many of the speeches on abrupt climate change - short and long past - the survivors now living species (not only lizards) - I chose two, but one author: Richard Seager ... - "The Little Ice Age" (film): "In the early 14th century cooled off in just 10 years. The temperature was about 2 degrees lower than today. Change in solar activity was low and we need to find out why it had so great influence on the climate. " - in presentation to the New York Academy of Sciences: "These abrupt changes - the Dansgaard-Oeschger events of the last ice age and the Younger Dryas cold reversal of the last deglaciation - are well recorded in the Greenland ice core and Europe and involved changes in winter temperature of as much as thirty degrees C!"
  2. michael sweet at 23:07 PM on 18 May 2010
    The significance of the CO2 lag
    Mythago: The answer to your question is that in the past the temperature was forced (changed) by some other cause (like solar variation). CO2 was released by the ocean as temperatures increased. In the current situation, CO2 is being released by humans. This CO2 causes (forces)the temperature to rise. The ocean absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere now, changing ocean pH (and decreasing temperature rise). It is not yet known how long the oceans will continue to absorb CO2, or how much will be absorbed. Because the change in temperature is caused by a different forcing, the CO2 response (release, absorbtion) in the ocean is different. The CO2 lead/lag is also caused by the difference in the forcing.
  3. Species extinctions happening before our eyes
    nofreewind writes: This is the only blog that I would bother to read regarding the warmers point of view. Some of the science is over my head, but I appreciate and enjoy reading it never the less. I'm not sure what a "warmer" is. But if you like this site, you might also check out the thread about Science of Doom. I just added a comment that lists a few other useful and less well known climate science blogs.
  4. Woody Guthrie award to The Science of Doom
    I too am a fan of the Science of Doom blog. For those who are interested, here are a few more climate science related websites that I like. I'm omitting ones that are already widely known (RealClimate, Tamino) and those that focus more on policy, politics, etc., in favor of less-well-known sites that focus on the data and the science: Climate Change (Chris Colose's blog) Climate Charts & Graphs (Kelly O'Day's blog) The Whiteboard (Ron Broberg's blog) moyhu (Nick Barnes's blog) Clear Climate Code I would add these to the list of links, but that seems to be more intended for people to submit their own blogs as links ...
  5. Species extinctions happening before our eyes
    Nofreewind, the Science article that this post is about, is behind a paywall. But a huge number of libraries have that journal. If you're unwilling to get to a copy of the journal, you should at least listen to the radio interview I linked to in my earlier comment. As John explained in his post, the lizards can't forage sufficiently while they are sitting quietly in the shade. Also, they can't find mates.
  6. CO2 measurements are suspect
    Okay, one last comment. I wrote "Of course, the trends are actually increasing exponentially, but over short periods of time they don't diverge much from a linear trend." To be precise, the CO2 curves are actually increasing faster than an exponential trend.
  7. CO2 measurements are suspect
    FYI, here are the linear trends in CO2 concentration, 1990-2008, at the stations shown in the above graph:
    Mauna Loa, Hawaii:+1.79 ppmv/year
    Barrow, Alaska:+1.78
    Cape Ferguson, Australia:+1.79
    Halley Bay, Antarctica:+1.78
    Key Biscayne, Florida:+1.78
    Ocean Station M, Norway:+1.78
    Niwot Ridge, Colorado:+1.79
    Of course, the trends are actually increasing exponentially, but over short periods of time they don't diverge much from a linear trend. There are lots of additional stations all over the world that show the same thing. Anyone who still claims that the Keeling Curve is somehow contaminated by proximity to a volcano and unrepresentative of the rest of the world needs to explain why every other non-urban site shows the same pattern.
  8. CO2 measurements are suspect

    As Tom Dayton suggests, if the question is whether CO2 has a short residence time, that should be discussed in the thread CO2 has a short residence time. If anyone is still uncertain about how consistent CO2 measurements are globally, please go to the World Data Center for Greenhouse Gases, search for CO2 data from various stations, and look at them yourself. Here are some examples of graphs. These data haven't been "normalized" or "fixed" to match each other; they're completely independent data sets. Some are from the polar regions, some from the tropics, some from the northern hemisphere, some from the southern, some from ocean sites, and some from inland sites. 

    [BW 2015-08-22 - link to graphic on imageshack (co2stnsfull.png) no longer valid]

    Here's an enlargement showing 1990 to the present:

    [BW 2015-08-22 - link to graphic on imageshack (co2stnspost1990.png) no longer valid]

    Note how consistent the following are: the actual value, the upward trend, and the seasonal cycle.

    Moderator Response:

    [BW 2015-08-22 - embedded graphics deleted as no longer showing valid content (were showing advertisments instead) and were breaking page formatting]

  9. Species extinctions happening before our eyes
    Quokka: >There is only so much WUWT I can take in one sitting. I could say the same about here, but I won't. This is the only blog that I would bother to read regarding the warmers point of view. Some of the science is over my head, but I appreciate and enjoy reading it never the less. But when I see the majority of you completely accept the premise that global warming in Mexico is making these lizards go locally extinct, what I can say but Oh Well, LOL. You mean, that a one to two degree change in temperature, from 92 to 94F say, is wiping out these lizards, I am supposed to believe that is the conclusion?? Sorry, but it just doesn't make any what I call, "common sense" to me. Could someone point me in the direction of the Mexico temperature data.
  10. Species extinctions happening before our eyes
    Quokka: >I didn't get past the abstract. the author stated that he didn't consider Australia a continent, but an island.
  11. Arkadiusz Semczyszak at 21:46 PM on 18 May 2010
    Species extinctions happening before our eyes
    and ... "... and continually hark back to 12 year old papers ..." - The UNEP Climate Change Science Compendium 2009, on page 5, first version ...
  12. The significance of the CO2 lag
    During previous interglacial periods, natural warming (initially caused by Milankovitch Cycles) cause the oceans to release CO2 into the atmosphere. Milankovitch Cycles are base upon sine-waves but feedback processes (from CO2, water vapor, albedo, etc) change the sine-waves into a resultant saw-tooth wave. See the second graphic on this page: The problem with the current interglacial (which started 11,700 years ago) is that industrial humans have precharged the atmosphere with industrial CO2. As the oceans continue to warm, dissolved CO2 will fizz out then add to the CO2 we have already released. Humanity will be hit with a double whammy. Scientists "have speculated" that our oceans hold 50 CO2 molecules for every CO2 molecule in the atmosphere. Let's hope the warming oceans are able to retain some of it.
  13. The significance of the CO2 lag
    So what does this mean in our present time frame? In the current decade- 2010-2020? Would we see a global rise of around .3 degree F? Most climate models see this decade warming as much as the period of 1970-2010.
  14. The significance of the CO2 lag
    John, Thanks for reminding everyone that CO served as a feedback in past climate change and therefore MUST follow the initial climate forcing (e.g., the warming at the end of an ice age). However, temperature is not the main factor causing CO2 to change. The temperature dependence of CO2 solubility in seawater is well known. On glacial time scales the combined effects of changes in the temperature and salinity of seawater could have accounted for only about a fifth of the observed changes in atmospheric CO2 (e.g., W.S. Broecker, Glacial to interglacial changes in ocean chemistry, Progress in Oceanography 2(1982) 151-197). Over the time period covered by the ice core CO2 record the primary factors regulating atmospheric CO2 involved changes in ocean and atmospheric circulation that determine the amount of CO2 stored in the deep ocean, as shown by a number of recent studies. See for example: Anderson et al., Science 323(2009) 1443-1448, and the related Perspective by Toggweiler (same issue, p. 1434). Skinner et al., to appear in Science next week, and the related perspective. George Denton and coworkers have a review (in press) in Science that documents the complete sequence of conditions and events at the end of the last ice age, including the ocean and atmospheric processes that caused CO2 to rise. They emphasize and the importance of CO2 as a feedback to complete the termination of the last ice age. The science is certainly not settled on this issue, and competing hypotheses warrant further examination. But it’s an exciting time to see so many new insights concerning the links between past climate change and CO2.
  15. Arkadiusz Semczyszak at 21:17 PM on 18 May 2010
    Species extinctions happening before our eyes
    # 50 Chris NOAA Paleoclimatology: "Imagine that over the course of a decade or two, the long, snowy winters of northern New England were replaced by the milder winters of a place like Washington, D.C. Or that a sharp decrease in rainfall turned the short-grass prairie of the western Great Plains into a desert landscape like you would see in Arizona. Changes of this sort would obviously have important impacts on humans, affecting the crops we grow, the availability of water, and our energy usage. These scenarios are not science fiction. Paleoclimate records indicate that climate changes of this size and speed have occurred at many times in the past. Past human civilizations were sometimes successful in adapting to the climate changes and at other times they were not. Because they occur relatively rapidly, these sorts of climate change are called abrupt climate change. Our understanding of past abrupt climate changes and their causes is still in its infancy; most of the research on this topic has been completed since the early 1990s. Scientists have made significant progress, however, in identifying and describing various abrupt events of the past and forming hypotheses about their causes. This paleo perspective will describe the evidence for past abrupt climate change and explore some of the possible causes." (2004,2008) - sorry for so long a quotation
  16. The significance of the CO2 lag
    Okay I almost fully understand the principles of CO2 temperature lag but there is still another aspect which suddenly doesn't seem to fit, unless it is an effect that occurs during the time lag period which still doesn't seem to fit. I am referring to Ocean acidification which is (stating the obvious I know) the absorption of CO2. Now you say that the oceans releases CO2 as the temperature rises(first paragraph). So where does CO2 get absorbed into the oceans in this great cycle of events to bring about all this acidification that the oceanographers are screaming about? Are they simply getting jealous about the atmospheric scientists getting all the publicity? :-0) Only joking honest! I know acidification does destroy coral reefs but there seems to be a contradiction here. Has anyone done any research as to this aspect other than to say 'oceans get more acidic and this leads to the destruction of corals etc'? It happens to be a very pertinent point which if a mere amateur like me can spot it then I am sure the idiots who insist its all a scam will no doubt have spotted it too and be busy refuting climate science as another excuse to increase taxes (well here in the UK at least). So can you point me in the direction of some very simple research that will allow me to get my head around that sequence of events so that I can then set the record straight if anyone starts arguing the point. Specifically how CO2 gets absorbed by the oceans, yet is released by the oceans when the temperature increases. Yet there is a temperature lag from increased CO2 in the atmosphere, but the oceans are getting more acidic as atmospheric CO2 increases. But the increased atmospheric CO2 increases atmospheric temperature which increases ocean emissions of CO2. Which surely must reducer oceanic CO2 concentrations which must in turn reduce the acidification unless there is something that I have missed which says that CO2 is absorbed by the oceans from some other third party source. But which source would that be or by which mechanism does this occur? Its one of those silly niggling points that will bug me all day now.:-0) Any help with that would be very gratefully appreciated.
  17. Arkadiusz Semczyszak at 20:15 PM on 18 May 2010
    The significance of the CO2 lag
    "However, this is complicated by the fact that different carbon cycle processes operate on different time scales." ... and it is very important: the essence - the heart of the matter. There is a huge range of uncertainty as "... Carbon Cycle Processes Operate On Different time scales ..." react (respond) to the temperature rise. For example, land. 11 the computer models, gave for 2,100 years (as projected in different p.CO2 for 2100 - 730 - 1020 ppm) results differ by up to circa 20 GtC/yr ! (Fig 1. (e), (f) - Climate–Carbon Cycle Feedback Analysis: Results from the C4MIP Model Intercomparison, Friedlingstein P. et al., 2006). # 2. MarkR It would be worth on this issue, once again to discuss (on this website) Segalstad's these words: "The IPCC postulates an atmospheric doubling of CO2, meaning that the oceans would need to receive 50 times more CO2 to obtain chemical equilibrium ..." According to me about the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere does not decide the ocean. That soil. I am currently working hypothesis - the scheme: the beginning of warming = increase soil respiration = increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. Remember that, with the highest content of soil humus, there are a temperate climate - warmer version (ie 4% of northern Ukraine, southern 7% humus in the soil). There synthesizing microbes humic acids dominate. The proposal - in the long term warming stimulates the synthesis of humus. Warming (especially tundra) = first increases respiration (p.CO2 increase in the atmosphere), then the succession of microbial groups, biocoenoses synthesize humus (final result: taiga) = increase in humus content = decrease of CO2 in the atmosphere. Delay (tens of years), is due to the fact that there is no simultaneous microbial succession of the whole team. Different species move at different speeds with the progressive warming. I recommend a very interesting publication: Temperature-associated increases in the global soil respiration record. Bond-Lamberty B, Thomson A, Nature. 2010.
  18. The significance of the CO2 lag
    This paper should also be included in this discussion. Like Scheffer et al, Frank et al (2010) analyse pre-industrial Holocone temperature/CO2 relationships to extract a range of likely [CO2] feedback response to temperature change. They consider high values to be rather unlikely. So probably not quite so scary as the numbers in the top article might imply tadzio! That's not to say that there won't be nasty surprises ahead, since these analyses are for relatively non-perturbed natural environments, and unexpected responses to rapid temperature increases might push us into new regimes where theses analyses don't apply (e.g. heat-stressed rain forest die-back and the accompanying loss of carbon sequestration)..... Also it would be good if we would stop cutting down rainforest....
  19. The significance of the CO2 lag
    RSVP writes: "warming causes more CO2 and more CO2 causes warming" Taken to its logical conclusion, this statement implies a runaway effect... (assuming an unlimited supply of CO2). Nope, that's wrong. In addition to Chris's explanation, see this other thread here and the graphs here. A given forcing (of either CO2 or warming) will produce more CO2 and more warming, because of the positive feedbacks. But unless the forcing keeps increasing, both CO2 and temperature will converge on some new, higher value, with no runaway effect (unless you add enough heat or CO2 to cause a regime shift a la Venus).
  20. The significance of the CO2 lag
    does not anyone find this a bit scary ??
  21. The significance of the CO2 lag
    no it doesn't RSVP let's take the value of a [CO2] response to warming of 15 ppm (equilibium rise in [CO2]) per oC. let's say that during the early Holcene (no human contribution to changes in atmospheric [CO2]) the Earth temperature was suddenly to rise by 1 oC. Atmospheric [CO2] would slowly rise from 270 ppm to 270 +15 = 285 ppm. We can esily calculate the consequent temperature response. Let's assume a climate sensitivity of 3 oC (of Earth surface warming at equilibrium per doubling of [CO2]). The temperature rise is close to 0.23 oC. This will induce a recruitment of more [CO2] (the CO2 response to enhanced temperature). This is 15 ppm x 0.23 = 3.6 ppm. The temperature response from this enhanced [CO2] (285 + 3.6 ppm = 288.6 ppm) is around 0.05 oC. This will recruit an extra 15 ppm x 0.05 = 0.75 ppm of [CO2]... ...and so on. In other words the two feedacks: [CO2] feedback (15 + 3.6 + 0.75 + .....) ppm temperature feedback (0.23 + 0.05 + ...) oC converge to new equilibrium values. i.e. no "runway effect"
  22. The significance of the CO2 lag
    "warming causes more CO2 and more CO2 causes warming" Taken to its logical conclusion, this statement implies a runaway effect... (assuming an unlimited supply of CO2).
  23. The significance of the CO2 lag
    I don't have time to read the paper yet, but I do wonder: as I understand it, a lo of the feedback is mostly from the oceans. Henry's Law says that both temperature and partial pressure of CO2 control the rate of CO2 dissolving. We now have drastically increased partial pressure by a factor of larger than the temperature change: might this not stop the CO2 feedback? At most, we should just expect a declining percentage of dissolving CO2 and eventually an increasing airborne fraction.
  24. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    doug_bostrom, well, that is the interesting thing: He claims that his "study" would avoid all discussion of other issues but just show that CO2 (and the other GHGs) *cannot* be the culprit due to what he calls the energy balance question...
  25. There's no empirical evidence
    PaulK, the heat balance equation can be solved analytically for a forcing linear in time F=b*t (Schwartz 2007); neglecting feedbacks: DT(t) = b*((t-tau)+tau*exp(-t/tau))/l where tau is the response time (=C/l with C heat capacity) and l is the climate sensitivity. For small deviations from equilibrium, i.e. DT<< Te, the increasing thermal radiation E is proportional to DT, E=c1*DT. If the linear forcing is due to an increasing IR absorption (e.g. exponentially increasing CO2 concentration), the total OLR is: OLR(t) = E - F = c1*DT - b*t which, grouping all the constants together for simplicity, can be written as: OLR(t) = c*((t-tau)+tau*exp(-t/tau))-b*t The first term in the equation above is linear for t>>tau and one can write: OLR(t) ~ (c-b)*t - c*tau ; for t>>tau what governs the slope of the OLR is then the term (c-b) which can be positive or negative. For short times, instead, the slope of the OLR is always negative: d OLR/dt = c*(1-exp(-t/tau))-b*t ~ -b*t ; for small t In a few words, with a linear forcing DT will always increase linearly for time much longer than the characteristic response time of the system while OLR may increase or decrease depending on the strength of the forcing. What I (inappropiately) called runaway warming is when you have a continuosly decreasing OLR.
  26. Species extinctions happening before our eyes
    #52 nofreewind: In the abstract Eschenbach states "Very few continental birds or mammals are recorded as having gone extinct, and none have gone extinct from habitat reduction alone. No continental forest bird or mammal is recorded as having gone extinct from any cause." Having a look at the Australian government's list of extinct species, there are 27 mammals: Among them is the Crescent Nail-tail Wallaby, which inhabited woodlands. Among the extinct birds are the Rufous Bristlebird (western), South-western Rufous Bristlebird which lived in forests. I didn't get past the abstract. There is only so much WUWT I can take in one sitting.
  27. There's no empirical evidence
    As above but with some corrected subscript problems in this version. Riccardo #53 Thanks for the response. I don’t actually disagree with anything you have written, but I believe that you need to follow your conclusions to the next logical step. I wrote initially: “For an idealised system the OLR perturbation response to a year-on-year geometric growth in CO2 should be a monotonic decrease in OLR upto the equilibration time and a constant (negative perturbation) value thereafter.” I think that you are agreeing with this, but let me expand a little. Consider a single ANNUAL pulse of CO2 and an OLR response function in time, f(t), on (0,te), where te is the equilibration time. This function has the properties:- f(t) = 0 at t=0 f(t) <0 for all 0 is less than t is less than te, and f(t) = 0 for all t>=te. Let us define the integral of this function between 0 and t as F(t). The area subtended by the curve at t=te is the FINITE net energy received by the planet as a result of the single year pulse. Call this absolute value Ea. Or we can write F(te) = -Ea. Ea can be related to an increase in the temperature of the planet at equilibrium via the specific heat of the system. For a geometric growth model of CO2, the second year pulse yields an identical response to the first year with an energy commitment of Ea, and the third year is the same as the second and so on. In fact, each year we are adding the same energy commitment, for as long as the geometric growth continues. Now consider the multiyear solution obtained by stacking (superposing) the single year solutions. The stacked solution for OLR approximates to F(t) for t is less than te and becomes a constant negative Ea thereafter. (This is an algebraic identity. I won’t prove this here, but you can confirm it numerically for yourself on a spreadsheet in a matter of minutes.) This is not “runaway” warming. It corresponds to a linear increase in planetary temperature after time te - exactly what one would expect given a logarithmic relationship between CO2 and equilibrium temperature and a geometric growth in CO2. Note also that since f(t) all sits on one side of the zero line, the integral form F(t) is MONOTONIC decreasing (or increasing in a negative direction) irrespective of the choice of functional form for f(t). In the real world, we would not expect to see the monotonic OLR response implied by this solution, but we would expect to see a decreasing trend in OLR if CO2 were the PRIMARY driver of the temperature change - for the reasons I stated in my earlier post. During this period, if CO2 were the primary driver, we therefore should have seen simultaneously a decreasing trend in OLR, a decreasing trend in brightness temperature and an increasing trend in surface temperature. The reason for the opposite signs in brightness temperature and surface temperature come from the increase in downwelling radiation from the continuously added CO2. I do not believe that one can argue (as you seem to) that thermal emissions have overtaken the effects of CO2 on OLR and at the same time that CO2 is the PRIMARY driver of heating over this period. The two things cannot be readily reconciled and indeed this position probably threatens 2nd Law.
  28. Species extinctions happening before our eyes
    Please do cite your sources Arkadiusz. I've spent a lot of time looking at close to a dozen paleo-climate reconstructions, & the range of warming over the Medieval Warm Period is usually the same-roughly +0.7 degrees (wrt 1961-1990 average) between 600 AD & 1200 AD (or delta T of +0.012 degrees/decade) & a cooling of 0.6 degrees between 1300 AD & 1600 AD, or -0.02 degrees per decade. Neither of these climate change events come even *close* to the warming of +0.12 degrees per decade that we've seen in the last 50 years, or the almost +0.16 degrees per decade we've seen in the last 30 years-especially when one considers the lack of forcings!
  29. Skeptical Science housekeeping: navigation, comments and Thai translation
    Wrt to a glossary, one of the easiest ways of getting started may be to contact other friendly sites that have one and ask permission to reproduce portions (or even the whole thing) with appropriate acknowledgements. Even organizations such as NOAA might be agreeable. I'd expect some conditions such as verbatim transcription, and a commitment to keep it up to date, which is fair enough.
  30. CO2 measurements are suspect
    johnd, you're now moving on to the topic of CO2 residence time, which has a considerable number of facts and links on a different thread: CO2 has a short residence time. We all can continue this conversation over there, if that's the topic onto which you are moving.
  31. CO2 measurements are suspect
    Tom Dayton at 12:26 PM, thanks for that article, it goes part of the way, the other part being how the variations in CO2 levels interacts with plants that are far closer to CO2 starvation levels than optimum. Do they take in more when the CO2 levels are higher, thus stripping the CO2 out at a higher rate? What the article indicates firstly is that understanding of the processes is still very limited, and that what occurs in the real world of complex and infinitely variable conditions is vastly different, not only from what is at times studied in laboratories under fixed and tightly controlled conditions, but also from some of the rather simplistic generalisations by which many of the AGW subjects are understood by many. This limited understanding of the processes as indicated in the article is perhaps reflected in the differences between some of the modelled and observed data. What is also clear from the article is that the transportation of CO2 at the near surface occurs as part of the weather system which is all about the redistribution of heat energy. What is does not address is the relationship between the belief that CO2 has a residence time of a century or more when the movement of CO2 near the surface satisfies the more immediate requirements of the plants, soil and oceans as both a source and a sink for carbon that requires an equivalent amount of the total atmosphere to be turned over every 3.5 years approximately. Is it that the CO2 high in the atmosphere plays no part in the surface exchanges and is merely the remainder left over? If so does the measurement of this non active participant include or allow for the more variable and highly mobile CO2 at the surface? One wonders whether a statistician studying the utilisation of a swimming pool only counts those passive sunbathers lying on the lawn soaking up the solar energy, using them as a convenient indicator, or does he also count those swimmers who are constantly climbing out of the pool onto the edge and shaking off moisture before diving in again. Getting an accurate count of one group would be easy, nigh impossible for the other in a crowded pool.
  32. CO2 measurements are suspect
    johnd, a less technical and much shorter explanation of CO2's thorough mixing in the atmosphere is given on page 8 of the EPA's Response to Public Comments, Volume 2, in the section "Response 2-8":
    "...turbulent mixing (e.g., through wind and convection) dominates the distribution of gases throughout the atmosphere (below 100 kilometers in altitude). The mixing of substances in a gas or fluid is only dependent on mass when the gas or fluid is perfectly still, or when the pressure of the gas is low enough that there is not much interaction between the molecules. Therefore, all long-lived gases become well-mixed at large distances from their sources or sinks over a period of one to two years...."
    You should also read Response 2-3, regarding lifetime. And some of the nearby Responses.
  33. On the reliability of the U.S. Surface Temperature Record
    For a while Watts et al. were saying the problem was the decline in numbers of rural stations, or high-latitude stations. When it became clear that neither of these affects the temperature trend, I began noticing more and more contrarians saying that it's all because of airports. Now, Clear Climate Code has done a nice analysis showing no real difference in trend between airport and non-airport sites -- or, insofar as there is a difference, airport sites have had less warming than non-airports. So, once again, Watts etc have been quick to jump to conclusions with no evidence, and then were proved wrong when somebody actually bothered to sit down and do a quantitative analysis. It's, like, deja vu all over again!
  34. CO2 measurements are suspect
    johnd, maybe this article by Parazoo et al. has the kind of info you're looking for.
  35. Species extinctions happening before our eyes
    Can anyone comment on why this article,Where Are The Corpses?, is not valid. It does not discuss reptiles and amphibians, but looks at birds and mammals.
  36. CO2 measurements are suspect
    I agree with Doug that johnd needs to be more clear about what specifically he's claiming. Looking back up-thread to johnd's comment here, I see the question "What would be the means that allows CO2 to be well mixed in the atmosphere whereas heat is not." The main answer to that is "residence time." The residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere is very long (on the order of a century or so). The residence time of heat in the atmosphere is very short. (Water vapor, one of the vehicles for heat in the atmosphere, has a residence time of about nine or ten days). Thus, CO2 sticks around long enough to become well-mixed, while heat does not.
  37. Doug Bostrom at 09:49 AM on 18 May 2010
    CO2 measurements are suspect
    Sorry johnd, you've lost me, I don't understand what you're driving at. I think you're saying that heat has something to do with the carbon cycle, and that unless CO2 is "stirred" up somehow and driven into contact with the surface the carbon cycle can't work? That's what I take from your post here, anyway. I don't know why you're asking me whether I think there's a carbon cycle in operation. Something to do with my question about mixing of other gases, I suppose.
  38. CO2 measurements are suspect
    doug_bostrom at 09:04 AM, please correct me if I am wrong, but the carbon cycle and the sequestration and liberation of CO2 at the earths surface by plants, soil and oceans has been established as a fact, and gone beyond being a hypothesis. Yes or no? With regards to heat, perhaps if you provided some data regarding the processes that you feel surely would apply to the mixing of O2 as they do to CO2, then we will have some basis to examine as to whether they do or not. Given oxygen makes up over 20% of the atmosphere whereas CO2 is a minor trace gas, the means that would have to be applied so that such a minor trace gas will become evenly distributed could be expected to apply to all other elements present in the atmosphere, including heat which always seeks to find equilibrium.
  39. Doug Bostrom at 09:04 AM on 18 May 2010
    CO2 measurements are suspect
    Johnd, just so we're clear, I understand you to hypothesize that some concentration of C02 is required at the surface in order for the carbon cycle to work? Or are you saying that we -ought- to see a concentration of C02 at the surface -if- there is a carbon cycle? Your original explanation is leaving me scratching my head. What does heat have to do with it?
  40. CO2 measurements are suspect
    doug_bostrom at 05:01 AM, since when has the sequestration and liberation of carbon between the atmosphere and the plants, soil and ocean been returned to being a mere hypothesis. Perhaps the data on what proportion of atmospheric oxygen is involved in similar exchange processes at the surface as CO2 would provide a clue. What does that tell you? The carbon cycle requires CO2 to be sequestered at the very surface of the planet from where it is also liberated. On an annual basis about 200Gt of C is sequestered and 200Gt liberated by processes that occur at the surface. This is out of a total of 750Gt of C present in the air giving an equivalent total turnover time of 3.5 years. If a similarly high proportion of oxygen does turnover within a similar time frame than surely you would agree that heat distribution throughout the atmosphere would also be well mixed, oxygen being such a high proportion of the atmosphere rather than a trace gas?
  41. Doug Bostrom at 07:12 AM on 18 May 2010
    Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    Babelsguy, your friend apparently has not so much a quibble with C02 as a GHG so much as he does with the concept of an atmosphere being able to trap heat. After all, what he believes applies to any GHG. How does he explain why Earth's climate is not the same as that of a planet with no atmosphere?
  42. Steven Sullivan at 07:11 AM on 18 May 2010
    It's cooling
    Oh joy, we're about to get another revival of this argument "Geologist Declares 'global warming is over' -- Warns U.S. Climate Conference of 'Looming Threat of Global Cooling' "
  43. Increasing CO2 has little to no effect
    A related question about the basics of the greenhouse effect: I have been sent a "study" by a guy who claims that CO2 cannot be a greenhouse gas because any warming would cause an instant increase in outward radiation due to the increased temperature difference between the atmosphere and open space, which would immediately diminish the warming. I tried to discuss some sense into him, but in classic denier fashion, he remained stubborn that nobody so far could give him a "convincing" reason why his objection cannot be true. I tried the earth system's heat capacity, speed of propagation of temperature changes in a kilometer-thick atmosphere, dynamic equilibrium, I even quoted the paragraphs from "A History of Global Warming" at that say that the actual greenhouse effect is caused by a greenhouse gas concentration change at the tropopause, effectively shifting it into higher, cooler layers of the atmosphere, which radiate heat less effectively than warmer layers, which forces the whole of the temperature gradient in the atmosphere to do something like a parallel shift in order to achieve a high enough temperature at the tropopause to force enough radiation out into space to re-establish the equilibrium - all to no avail. What would you experts here tell him (assuming he might still be convinced)? Any reply very much appreciated! Cheers, babelsguy
  44. Doug Bostrom at 05:01 AM on 18 May 2010
    CO2 measurements are suspect
    Johnd, surely the same processes you hypothesize in your #25 would apply for 02 as well?
  45. CO2 measurements are suspect
    doug_bostrom at 03:47 AM, I don't have the appropriate data available, perhaps you will have, what is the proportion of atmospheric oxygen that is involved in exchange processes at the surface, or elsewhere for that matter?
  46. Doug Bostrom at 03:47 AM on 18 May 2010
    CO2 measurements are suspect
    Johnd, what about other gases? Forgetting C02 for a moment, how about molecular oxygen? Well mixed? Not well mixed?
  47. CO2 measurements are suspect
    What would be the means that allows CO2 to be well mixed in the atmosphere whereas heat is not. Heat content varies from one extreme to the other not only with altitude but across all the regions of the world. One would expect that whatever mechanism controls the transportation of CO2 would also be involved in the transportation of heat. Given that the amount of CO2 that is pumped into the atmosphere by the combustion of fossil fuels is very small compared to the quantity of CO2 that is in constant exchange between the atmosphere and the surface, about 1/60th, either the concentration of CO2 will be higher right at the surface where the exchange takes place or there are very violent forces in place that if able to transport and distribute the CO2 given up by the plants, soil and oceans has to be matched by perhaps even greater violent forces that has to search the entire atmosphere and gather the CO2 up to concentrate it and physically transport it back to the surface, all without doing the same to the heat contained in the environments that well mixed CO2 would find itself. Either that or the CO2 exchanged through natural processes stays very close to the surface. It is very clear how the local CO2 levels vary considerably during the plant growing seasons around the world which generally coincide with more stable and benign weather systems, and also from the experiences of decades of CO2 enrichment experience in the greenhouse industry producing plants and food, where CO2 levels can vary considerably within each greenhouse itself requiring forced circulation that not only ensures that the required levels of CO2 are evenly distributed to the plants, but also the heat, and one cannot be redistributed without the other.
  48. Woody Guthrie award to The Science of Doom
    Just had a look. Excellent! BTW I was reading his post on "Models, On – and Off – the Catwalk – Part Two". The last comments are an exchange about what consitutes V&V (Verification and Validation) in a climate model. I'm not an expert. I've just got the feeling that climate models can't be quite as bad as one commentor puts it even if they haven't been validated in the same way as Boeing’s computer models of airplanes. Do you have a view on this issue?
  49. Woody Guthrie award to The Science of Doom
    Great blog. We needed a site that explained the mathematics and physics of global warming. I know there are some, but this is the best I have seen so far.
  50. Woody Guthrie award to The Science of Doom
    Many thanks. Good choice. I've just visited the SoD site for the first time. It appears excellent.

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