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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 122651 to 122700:

  1. Antarctica is gaining ice
    protestant writes: Its lunacy to claim one can measure the whole Antarctic thickness with a few millimeter accuracy. And even if one could - there is NO CONTEXT for the claimed ice loss. Actually, what GRACE does is measure distortions in the earth's gravity field over broad areas and long periods of time. This can't tell you what the exact elevation of the ice surface at point X was on date Y, but it can give you a very precise estimate of regional-scale, long-term changes in ice mass. You really should make an effort to understand how things work before throwing around accusations of "lunacy". I'm not sure what you mean by "NO CONTEXT". The context is that anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases creates an energy imbalance between the earth and its exoatmospheric environment, in turn producing a net increase in heat content of the climate system. This has resulted in warming of the Southern Ocean around Antarctica, a reduction in the mass of ice shelves, and an increase in the rate of ice discharge from the continent into the ocean. As additional context, this is all occurring at a time when the planet is near the "warm" peak of its glacial/interglacial cycle, so rather than, say, moving us from a glacial to an interglacial climate, this anthropogenic warming is moving us from an interglacial climate to a condition the earth has probably not experienced in millions of years.
  2. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    RSVP, with both the snow and ice coverage the reason that the feedback is positive is the same... because the NET change in both is that they are decreasing. In each case 'skeptics' seem intent on staring only at the tiny area where there is minor growth... while ignoring full scale mass retreat across the entire rest of the planet. The snow and ice cover of the planet is melting. That means more sunlight hits darker surfaces and causes more warming... positive feedback. The fact that a handful of areas still have minuscule growth of snow and ice should NOT be a surprise, but doesn't change the very clear overall trends.
  3. Berényi Péter at 23:11 PM on 10 March 2010
    Does record snowfall disprove global warming?
    If it counts, you have my full support for regulating soot emissions. Unlike CO2 the stuff is not even good for your health. However, beyond that concern there is a serious scientific one as well. How reliable are climate models? If they are good at hincasting (reproducing the past) with no soot taken into account, they are surely flawed. If soot is responsible for 30% of recent warming, this percentage had to be even more during first half of 20th century. As all the past "anomaly" is attributed to GHGs by models and the fit is good, their effect is overestimated for sure. Using these ill-calibrated models for assessing recent soot contribution is an even more dangerous somersault of logic.
  4. Antarctica is gaining ice
    To detect a 100km^3 ice mass loss one should be able to measure a 7mm decrease in the ice thickness. And the ice is covered with a 100metres layer of snow, which varies a lot. Its lunacy to claim one can measure the whole Antarctic thickness with a few millimeter accuracy. And even if one could - there is NO CONTEXT for the claimed ice loss. Also i'd like to point out that "glacier melting" is no evidence to claim that global warming is still happening (NOR that its man made). If you take ice out from the freezer to the room temp, it will continue melting even if the room temp stays constant. Same happens now with the glaciers - temperatures rose sharply in the late 1990's and have stayed almost at constant since (even slight cooling both ARGO and UAH show this).
  5. Have American Thinker disproven global warming?
    Well, if anyone is still here on this blog.. and makes it through to the end of the comments.. Check out American Thinker – the Difference between a Smoking Gun and a Science Paper
  6. Berényi Péter at 21:33 PM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    #33 Albatross at 04:41 AM on 10 March, 2010 "Can you elaborate and quantify this generalized statement? Are the trends stat. sig.? If so, at which level of confidence? Also, for which months are you talking about?" Yes I can. You have picked the wrong months (February & September). Check April and May. I have already linked the book that was misquoted in IPCC AR4: Sea Ice: An introduction to its physics, biology, chemistry, and geology,” David Thomas, Editor Chapter 4, pp. 18 Large Scale Characteristics and Variability of the Global Sea Ice Cover by Josefino C. Comiso It says trend is significant for SH autumn. Sure it is. Figure is Southern Hemisphere sea ice trend by month, both extent & area, 1979-2009. Scale is 106 km2 year-1. Data, as you have indicated, can be downloaded from here. Freezing around Antarctica starts about three weeks earlier than thirty years ago. The finding is robust, begs for an explanation. Strong (SH) autumn sea ice trend indicates ozone hole claim might be bogus. Ozone depletion is a spring phenomenon, most expressed in October, separated from sea ice by 180 degree phase shift.
  7. Peter Hogarth at 20:23 PM on 10 March 2010
    Does record snowfall disprove global warming?
    Berényi Péter at 01:47 AM on 10 March, 2010 First, I’m no expert on Black Carbon! but I follow the debate. I think we have common ground based on recent evidence based research that it is a significant contributor to ice melt, and the estimate of “30% of global warming” is current, and factoring in Black Carbon is a relatively recent development. The large variability in estimates of levels of soot and the estimate of associated forcing effects has also been noted by some workers. The most recent measurement based effort resolves this to an extent and work continues. However to simply multiply 30% by a factor of 5 misrepresents all of this work, and I believe you are more thorough than that! You are correct that we need “background info”, and we also need appropriate context and detail. In posts like this it is difficult to get the balance between general interest and excruciating scientific detail correct. Everyone has different levels of weight of evidence at which the threshold of persuasion operates. To overload all at once can be off-putting! Anyway, wary of the danger of this diverting too far off post and overdoing “soot”, some recent free access papers, links and quotes on this: “Black soot and the survival of Tibetan glaciers” Xu 2009 Variability and measurements: “BC concentrations of 10 ng g_1 significantly alter the albedo (reflectivity) of a thick snow layer. The visible albedo of deep fresh snow, about 0.9–0.97, is decreased by 0.01 0.04 by a BC amount of 10 ng g_1, thus increasing absorption (1 minus albedo) of visible radiation by 10–100%, depending on the size and shape of snow crystals and on whether the soot is incorporated within snow crystals or externally mixed”. “Black carbon aerosols and the third polar ice cap” Menon 2009 “Springtime warming and reduced snow cover from carbonaceous Particles” Flanner 2009 “Emissions of black carbon (BC) and organic matter (OM) drive nearly as much reduction in Eurasian springtime snow cover as anthropogenic CO2 in equilibrium climate experiments initialized with pre-industrial conditions” In summary the climate models without aerosols underestimate warming and ice loss in Northern Europe. Higher levels of Black carbon in these areas (compared with North America) and accounting for this in the models helps resolve differences between models and measurements of warming. “In-situ measurements of the mixing state and optical properties of soot with implications for radiative forcing estimates” Moffet 2009 “In global models and inferences from atmospheric heating measurements, soot radiative forcing estimates currently differ by a factor of 6, ranging between 0.2–1.2 W/m2, making soot second only to CO2 in terms of global warming potential” “These atmospheric observations help explain the larger values for soot forcing measured by others and will be used to obtain closure in optical property measurements to reduce one of the largest remaining uncertainties in climate change”.
  8. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Sciencefan (#58) said: Lastly, sea ice extent in the Arctic and in the antarctic are both within 2 standard deviations of satellite records, so what the big deal is, I do not know. Arctic sea ice in September has reduced by over 2 million km^2 since 1980.
  9. Senator Inhofe's attempt to distract us from the scientific realities of global warming
    Tony Noerpel "Corporations are not citizens and should not be treated as such. Corporations are only tools of society and if they don’t serve the public good, we have a right to eliminate them or break them up. My own view on ExxonMobil, as a shareholder, is that they should stay out of the political process, let whatever regulation, which needs to happen to meet the requirements of society, happen and then compete fairly with other companies under whatever rules society deems necessary. This is easy because we understand the problem, but given the SCOTUS decision of the Supreme Court it pragmatically may not be solvable." You really hit the nail on the head with that. I've been thinking about the contradiction that corporations have been given the legal status of a person, and yet the Supreme Court says they can donate unlimited funds to political campaigns etc. Now doesn't an individual person have a limit on how much he/she can donate? Am I missing something, or are the corporations having their cake and eating it too? Take away that status of a person, to start with. I don't remember the consitution saying anything about government by and for corporations. Its not new that industrial interests twist our government policies in ways that do not benfit the citizenry. Global warming denialism is just the latest example. Consider hemp. Probably the most useful plant on earth. One that could make a serious contribution to mitigating climate change, if it weren't banned. One acre of hemp would replace about 5 acres of trees in the making of paper, and make a better paper. It could be grown for biomass power, or for biofuels. Its good for the soil, and doesn't need weed killers. Its oil and seeds are highly nutritious. There is a process for building long lasting buildings with a form of "petrified" hemp. A 1300 year old bridge in France made of this material was found in pretty good condition. Plastics can be made from hemp, like the car body that Henry Ford built. It makes excellent clothing, rope, burlap, paints, canvas and lots of other uses. It can grow on marginal land. But DuPont, who had just invented nylon at the same time that a new machine was invented for mass processing of hemp fibers, manuevered the govt to ban hemp. It wasn't just Dupont, but oil companies, Hearst newspapers who owned huge tracts of paper pulp forests, Mellon, Allen Dulles, liquor industry, etc. They made up bogus stories about the dangers of marijuana and launched a huge propaganda program to instill that idea in Americans and policy makers. Other than a breif respite for the WW2 war effort when Victory Hemp was grown, these actions killed the hemp business, not only here but in much of the world. The U.S. stipulated that hemp be eradicated in countries that wanted to trade with us. They got rid of books in the Library of Congress that described the benefits of hemp. Good book called "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" by Jack Herer, an effort of about 30 years, spells this all out, as well as telling the fascintating story of the history of hemp. I thought about this as I watched Naomi Oreskes speach, the other day. It goes back even further than the SDI events involving Frederick Seitz, that she mentions.
  10. Senator Inhofe's attempt to distract us from the scientific realities of global warming
    Arkadiusz Semczyszak "Here you can see that the increase in pCO2 - is a function of temperature." This argument never made sense to me. I'm not a scientist, but common sense says that is wrong. It isn't like we don't know if we are emitting x amount of gigatons of carbon annually into the atmosphere. It is quantifiable. There is no mystery where CO2 is coming from. For that reason, the argument has always seemed absurd to me. Showing that CO2 might have followed warming in some past warming event doesn't really tell me anything about what happens when there are 6 billion people with modern industrialization burning fossil fuels like all get out. And it doesn't seem like very good logic to say that because x happened in the past, y can't happen at another time. And when was the last time on this planet, that a species decided to take the carbon that mother nature has been "sequestering" in the earth, for a period of 65 million years in the case of coal, and putting it all back into the atmosphere and hence the short term carbon cycle in a few hundred years, or a geological nanosecond? Mother natures' sequestering of carbon as coal and oil, just might be one of the main things keeping the carbon cycle in a balance that supports life as we know it.
  11. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Again. Just as with snowcover in earlier article, increased ice cover is negative feedback for global warming. And I am sure, I will be told in someway (just as before) that yes, it is negative feedback, but no, it is actually positive because of x,y and z.
  12. Senator Inhofe's attempt to distract us from the scientific realities of global warming
    gallopingcamel at 15:07 PM on 10 March, 2010 Well, we're plunging into the future at a fixed paced so the outcome will reveal itself in due course. Welcome seque back to Senator Inhofe, thanks. W/regard to a carbon tax, if such is not to be then we need to provide our collective adult with a different whip to apply to our backsides. It's not in our nature to eschew things that appear to be free, even when our inner grownups tell us they are not. Somehow strict accountability needs to brought into this picture or we'll end up going the hard way, with regard to both C02 emissions and progressing past fossil fuels. Senator Inhofe is particularly annoying because he asked for and received a role as a person who will be responsible for the public interest. The public interest is clearly not aligned with ripping through our petroleum resources as quickly as possible, yet he behaves as though it is. Some folks speculate Inhofe is in the pocket of the petroleum industry. Maybe, but perhaps this is just a form of cowardice, of failure of will, of reluctance to be the bearer of bad tidings for fear of being punished. Maybe Inhofe is certain that his constituents must be treated as children, indulged even as they're protected from some ugly truths lest they scream. Whatever the case, I'm certain that he is engaging in absurd, degenerate political theatrics wholly useless for conducting the public's business.
  13. gallopingcamel at 15:07 PM on 10 March 2010
    Senator Inhofe's attempt to distract us from the scientific realities of global warming
    doug_bostrom, (#133) with regard to "first do no harm", every one of your arguments makes perfect sense to me. Burning fossil fuels at ever higher rates is something our children will blame us for. My take on "first do no harm" is that it is better to do nothing than take action that makes things worse. If John Cook's blog proves anything it is that the climate is poorly understood, so it is hard to be certain what will cause harm. When you tweak complex eco-systems there are usually unintended consequences. As for example when Ethanol was added to most of the gasoline sold in the USA. Will the rising CO2 concentration be harmful or beneficial? As I can't say with certainty that it will be beneficial, I have to side with you. Getting back to Inhofe, he is against any form of carbon tax. The carbon tax reminds me of the old lady who swallowed a fly. To get rid of the fly she swallowed a spider. My fear is that carbon taxes could reduce CO2 emissions but the unintended consequences will be much more serious than the original problem.
  14. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    And possibly has conflated different periods, too.
  15. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Turner 09 does say something else about temperatures. From the quickfacts pdf helpfully linked above....
    a. The waters of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (the largest ocean current on Earth) have warmed more rapidly than the global ocean as a whole.
    Not having access to Turner 09, I'm taking a guess - perhaps someone can confirm. The Stieg paper found a positive trend in Antarctic land temperature when the record was extended back to 1957. I'm guessing Turner focuses on trends since the seventies, since when there is a flat or slightly cooling trend - right when the ozone layer started to get depleted over the Antarctic. I also suspect they focused on East Antarctica re this cooling trend. Anyone read the paper? If I'm right, Goddard has mixed up continental ice with sea ice, the ocean temp record and the land record, and regional/continent-wide data.
  16. Humans are too insignificant to affect global climate
    woodtom at 12:35 PM on 10 March, 2010 Or "innumeracy" as I've heard the concept called. I think you're quite right, we're adapted to succeed with intuiting small numbers but the quantities and effects we're dealing with here are on a inhuman scale, bigger than their creators. I've mentioned here before that on RC a tractable skeptic and I each did back-of-the-envelope calculations to reveal some idea of how much additional instantaneous power was going into the Arctic ocean during late summer as a result of ice loss. If I remember right I came up with ~80TW, my skeptic friend ~40TW. To put that in proportion, the entire world electrical generation capacity is about 16TW. My skeptic acquaintance and I found a point of agreement on our inability to predict such staggeringly large numbers from what is after all the loss of "only" about 6% of ice cover. "Only" 6% is of course an enormous surface area, multiply that by an additional few tens of watts per square meter absorption and numbers get very big indeed. Our brains don't produce good results dealing with numbers this large, our discrimination becomes mushy, orders of magnitude mix together. Our very largest artifact is so big it's almost incomprehensible.
  17. Every skeptic argument ever used
    I've just added a few extra arguments from Coby Beck's list How to Talk to a Climate Sceptic. I hope it isn't too frivolous, but there were some which I have heard contrarians use that I couldn't find on your list (particularly the clouds one).
    Response: One man's frivolous is another man's dogma so your submissions are very much appreciated.
  18. New observations find underwater Arctic Shelf is perforated and venting methane
    Methane emissions from Wetlands etc have dramatically risen in comparison to levels over the last 1000 years, doesn't this show that current temperatures are unprecedented over the period?
  19. Humans are too insignificant to affect global climate
    I have heard this argument (humans are too insignificant to affect climate) more often than any other over the past few years. I have been thinking much lately that this attitude is an example of numerical illiteracy. The numbers documenting CO2 emissions do not mean something tangible that many people can imagine. And those who do not, or cannot turn very large numbers into something personally meaningful, simply see that Earth as overwhelmingly larger than mankind. Scientists are trained for years in making sense of large numbers. Very few other people are adept at this ability. It is easy for anyone to see how "small" we are as individuals on the vast Earth. But it is not easy to quantify the true dimensions of the atmosphere, the biosphere, communities, and how human activities add up. There is a failure at a personal level to understand the total global impact from summing every small contribution. This is as true for understanding rising CO2 as for anything that results from the actions of populations that now number in the 'billions'. Seems to me that we all could benefit from creative graphical and narrative examples that would illustrate how human sources of CO2 have been increasing the levels in the atmosphere for many years, in sync with economic expansion. Those trying to demonstrate this point need to make the human impact of CO2 emissions tangible. One simplistic example I once used as a comment to someone about this topic is night time photos of North America and Europe from space. These show the enormous networks of lights from communities. It makes the human race appear as quite a significantly large presence. I am sure that far better quantitatively based examples could be composed to get people (and critics) past this misconception.
  20. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Jeff Freymueller at 11:16 AM on 10 March, 2010 ...the glaciers are unpersuaded by this claim and continue to lose mass anyway. Cussed things, glaciers are. Entirely immune to appeals for sympathy and understanding.
  21. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    HumanityRules at 11:14 AM on 10 March, 2010 I worry more about folks being able to compartmentalize different things, a necessary part of understanding complex phenomena. Take a brief glance at a globe and notice that the Arctic is situated in a radically different environment than the Antarctic and is notably different in features. Air and water circulation around each pole is quite different, the average elevation of Antarctica is much higher than the Arctic, there is land at the South Pole, no land at the North Pole, one place is a continent in its own right, the other not; the two extremes have in common latitude from the equator and that's about all. Trying to generalize the behavior of Antarctica to the Arctic is an error.
  22. Jeff Freymueller at 11:22 AM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    #72 HumanityRules, the details are really out of my particular expertise but I have known for quite a while that sea ice scientists have predicted drastically different responses for the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. So this is not some story being made up after the fact -- my understanding is that the difference in response was in fact predicted. I am aware of no fundamental difference in response by hemisphere for land ice, predicted or observed. Alaska and Patagonia are doing similar things. Greenland and the Antarctic Peninsula, similar. But its different for sea ice. Sometimes the answer is simple, and sometimes it is not.
  23. Jeff Freymueller at 11:16 AM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    #58 sciencefan: "I do not see how the Antarctic is melting when the temperature rarely gets of freezing, except on the Antarctic Peninsula and the shore. So how is Antarctic ice melting. (Hint, it has to move to where it is less cold than freezing)." You may already know the answer to this based on your hint, but it is important to note that it is not necessary to melt Antarctic ice in place. All you need to do is have the glacier that the ice is part of dump the ice into the ocean, where it will melt soon enough. The fact that it is usually too cold for ice to melt is often held up as "proof" that Antarctica can't be losing mass, but the glaciers are unpersuaded by this claim and continue to lose mass anyway.
  24. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Berényi Péter at 09:06 AM on 10 March, 2010 Looks like there is presently loss, but it's fun to watch scientific progress go "boink"* Here's a earlier posting on this topic from Real Climate: The Greenland Ice which discusses Johanessen et al plus some other work at the time. The open question at the time had to do with measurements at the margins of the ice sheet, which Johanessen points out was then problematic. The RC writeup looks forward to seeing results from GRACE, still in process in 2006. As it turns out, GRACE helps to refine the budget, tipping the balance of mass trends from positive to negative. *
  25. HumanityRules at 11:14 AM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    So take home message. Antarctic sea ice - climate is complicated so we can't use arctic sea increases to either prove or disprove global warming. Antarctic land ice - It's simple more energy melts ice proving global warming. Arctic sea ice - It's simple more energy melts ice proving global warming. Do you not worry about the inconsistency here?
    Response: You don't need to be so cynical, HR :-) We go where the empirical observations take us. In this case, the Southern Ocean is warming at the same time that sea ice is increasing. So obviously this is a complex and counter-intuitive situation (and from a scientific point of view, these are the questions that really fascinate scientists). The long term projections from Turner 2009 is that eventually the warming trend will overcome the increased sea ice production and Antarctic sea ice will eventually decline.
  26. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Tadzio, you are presumably referring to John's actual article (rather than subsequent comments) and the bit about less dense water on the surface acting to prevent warmer deep water from welling up. Keep in mind that none of this water just 'stays put'. Currents will carry it out to mix with the rest of the oceans. Indeed, that relatively warm water is brought to the Antarctic deeps from other parts of the globe. Note that even the cold water at the surface is getting warmer (per the first chart in the article)... just not as fast as it would be if these other factors (i.e. ozone driven air circulation, decreased surface water density, et cetera) weren't in play. The oceans as a whole are warming. These other factors are just minor fluctuations around that underlying trend.
  27. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    tadzio at 10:39 AM on 10 March, 2010 Assuming you mean water beneath and proximate to the ice shelves, it's giving up heat to change the phase of water from ice to liquid. Energy is of course conserved in the process so unfortunately this is only a temporary effect. In the long term the Antarctic will not be a reliable means of moderating the temperature of the planet, it's already inadequate as we can see from ocean temperatures.
  28. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    tadzio writes: So if the warmer water is being kept at the bottom these layers must be getting warmer ? where is all that heat going and whats it doing ? Warmer water kept at the bottom of what? What layers? All which heat? Sorry, but it's not clear whom you are responding to or what the question is. Can you be a bit more specific?
  29. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    So if the warmer water is being kept at the bottom these layers must be getting warmer ? where is all that heat going and whats it doing ? Cheers dave
  30. Water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas
    Well, you outweigh me a bit; I'm 3,780,000 ladybugs as of this morning. It's been a long day here and I'm a bit addle-brained right now, but I think you're talking about two separate issues. One is the units involved in comparing radiative forcing to gross Australian livestock metabolism, and the other is how to account for changes in radiative forcing over time.* Is that right? If so, I think we've taken care of the first part (units should be consistent on both sides, either comparing watts to watts or watt-days per year to watt-days per year). Then the other question is about radiative forcing and how to handle changes therein over time. If CO2 and everything else were constant, RF would be constant too (and there'd be no need for this website!) Unfortunately CO2 is increasing, so the RF associated with CO2 is likewise increasing over time. Now, I may have screwed up the calculations somewhere, and I'm too tired to re-check this, but apparently when I wrote that original reply to Mizimi I'd calculated that annual increase in RF as 0.03 W/m2 over the whole earth. (I would not be the least bit surprised to learn that I'd made an error somewhere there, but let's assume it's correct). Now, the RF itself doesn't "accumulate" from year to year, though the energy resulting from it does (until the earth comes back into radiative balance with its exoatmospheric environment). But you can still look at the annual increase in RF caused by the annual increase in CO2, and compare the power of that RF increase with some other thing (like Australian sheep metabolism). Of course, I may be confused about what you're saying, or I might be screwing up the calculations. Or I might be suffering from a case of DK effect. But this is how it seems to me. * This is a sentence that has probably never before been composed in all of human history!
  31. Visual depictions of Sea Level Rise
    @Berényi Péter -- See the webpage In the download options box, check the Time Series box and the Global Isostatic Adjustment option is enabled. That website probably has the answers to many of your other questions.
  32. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Ned @65, you just beat me to it. Just a few more comments. Peter @64. From their abstract: "An increase of 6.4 +/- 0.2 centimeters per year (cm/year) is found in the vast interior areas above 1500 meters, in contrast to previous reports of high elevation balance. Below 1500 meters, the elevation-change rate is –2.0 +/-0.9 cm/year, in qualitative agreement with reported thinning in the ice-sheet margins." The increase (or stability) of snow and ice above the melt line is known: What is of concern is the loss of ice below the melt line. Also, the data in the paper you provided are for 1992-2003, whereas the data from GRACE are for the period 2002-2009. Anyhow, I am not sure what this has to do with Antarctic sea ice and the fallacious claims made at WUWT? Your comments regarding Greenland ice loss should probably be posted at the URL provided above.
  33. Pete Dunkelberg at 09:23 AM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    USGS says find a link to a large pdf there.
  34. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Berényi Péter writes: "Is there a loss?" Yes. See, elsewhere on this site: Accelerating ice loss from Antarctica and Greenland and An overview of Greenland ice trends among other posts and articles. My suggestion would be that, before asking such a relatively basic question, to use the "Search" box on the top left of this page ...
  35. Visual depictions of Sea Level Rise
    @ Berényi Péter "When we are talking about "sea level rise" it is not meant to be relative to some external reference frame but to "average coastal elevation". How this latter quantity is measured?" If one is trying to figure out how much increase in volume in the sea has taken place, for example due to steric expansion and meltwater addition to the oceans, then one wants to reference to the bottom of the ocean. For this, one applies the Global Isostatic Adjustment of about 0.3mm/yr. If one is interested in relative sea level to coastlines, then one must adjust for the local elevation changes of the land. Or if one is just looking at global changes on the average, then one uses sea levels without the glacial rebound or global isostatic adjustment. Using this type of reference, the global mean sea level rate-of-rise is about 0.3mm/yr less.
  36. Berényi Péter at 09:06 AM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    #34 doug_bostrom at 04:52 AM on 10 March, 2010 "Easier units on Greenland loss" Is there a loss? Published Online October 20, 2005 Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1115356 Recent Ice-Sheet Growth in the Interior of Greenland Ola M. Johannessen, Kirill Khvorostovsky, Martin W. Miles & Leonid P. Bobylev
    Response: Ned answers this in the following comment but just to deliver the science on a silver platter, satellite gravity measurements do find that the Greenland interior is in approximate mass balance where mass loss is balanced by increased precipitation. But the edges of Greenland are losing mass. The overall result is that the Greenland ice sheet is losing ice mass (Wouters 2008). More here...

  37. Pete Dunkelberg at 09:02 AM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Sciencefan, the ice shelves melt from below. The air temperature has nothing to do with it. The thinning, weakening ice shelves offer less resistance to the great ice sheets (which tend to spread out due to their own weight) and so ice flows faster into the ocean. See “Extensive dynamic thinning on the margins of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets”.Pritchard et al. 2009 in Nature/advance online publication 23 September 2009, and their Map of Antarctica: Red and yellow indicate thinning ice. Note that the "small" West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is the major concern along with Greenland.
  38. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Peter, I downloaded the data off their FTP server here: Click on the "Get extent and concentration data" hyperlink.
  39. Jeff Freymueller at 08:54 AM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    #30 Berényi Péter. No, you don't have to measure the volume of the ice sheet to measure the change in volume of the ice sheet. You just have to measure the change in the gravity field. So your argument is wrong. It is not just supposition, it is hard data. There are accurate explanations of it on this site, too.
  40. Water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas
    Ned, Thanks for the quick reply. You certainly gave me a better understanding of what Mizimi did with the metabolic rate, and how it affects the resulting answer. However I am still a bit lost on the radiative forcing. I think I know where I am going wrong. Radiative forcing would need to be changed in the same way metabolic influence would need to be due to the fact both are expressed in watts? But isn’t the radiatve forcing just relative to a set period, not a predictable increase? In order to do RF-Years wouldn’t we have to apply the change from year to year, and not the actual RF number? Thanks! By the way, apparently I weigh approximately 3,995,933 ladybugs. (wiki says .021 grams per ladybug)
  41. Berényi Péter at 08:20 AM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    #33 Albatross at 04:41 AM on 10 March, 2010 "I have downloaded the sea ice area data from NSIDC for Antarctica" Could you publish the link?
  42. Philippe Chantreau at 08:18 AM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Steven Goddard talks about debating science and describes John's blog as "this Wonderland, where down is up and up is down." I take offense from that. Since the post has been left by moderators, I believe it should be addressed. For a quick comparison, I want to remind readers that WUWT is a place where the existence of natural deposition of carbonic snow on Earth was discussed as a serious possibility, a post done by Stephen Goddard. This is somewhat on topic with our thread since it is about Antarctica. The ensuing comments contain variations and apparently a partial recant on the original intent and meaning (i.e. the idea that Antarctica acts as a carbon sink because of deposition). Fortunately, some posters pointed in the right direction, and despite the overall confusion on phase changes apparent in the comments, an update later appeared. Even a cursory read of Skeptical Science will reveal the higher scientific standards that would prevent such a post to happen here in the first place.
  43. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    If you like science take a look at this article, it is in terms a reasonably knowledgeable person can understand. It is a geologist point of view about ice shelf break up. I do not see how the Antarctic is melting when the temperature rarely gets of freezing, except on the Antarctic Peninsula and the shore. So how is Antarctic ice melting. (Hint, it has to move to where it is less cold than freezing). I believe interest in polar caps is due to the hype about rising ocean levels if said ice cap do melt all at once(unlikely). At the current rate it would take hundreds of thousands of years to melt away, assuming no more snow accumulation. we can breathe easier knowing we are safe from catastrophic polar melting, no matter what Al Gore shows in his movie. As for whether ice extent is due to warming, we can see that wind and ocean currents are the biggest operator in whether sea ice extent grows or shrinks. In the Arctic, NASA says that ocean currents and wind pushed out sea ice to warmer waters during the '07 record. And in the comments we see that the circumpolar winds an currents play a big part in expanding the range of the sea ice. Lastly, sea ice extent in the Arctic and in the antarctic are both within 2 standard deviations of satellite records, so what the big deal is, I do not know.
  44. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Hello. Just to let you know I'm a genius in my own mind, and in the minds of my grandchildren. Because of that sometimes I will speak to elementary school children about weather, sun, and planets. Now what I see is that there are several variables with whats happening. Even though the cyclonic flow may have a lot to do with whats being observed, I would like to look at the fresh water vs salt water aspect. Since fresh water freezes at a higher temp than salt water, in very elementary terms I would like to explain it like this: If I put an ice cube on a plate and put it in a freezer, turn the temp up so it partially melts the water spreads out. Then I turn the temp down and it freezes further out. I could continue doing this till the ice cube is gone. So my question is would I be wrong to use this in an elemntary way to show a possible cause for the increase in ice extent. Thanks
  45. Water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas
    Okay, first of all I think that evaluating the impact of CO2 by comparison to the metabolism of Australian livestock is not necessarily the optimal way to visualize it. Kind of like weighing yourself and then converting to units of ladybugs based on a sample weight of a ladybug in grams found somewhere on the internet. But, since you asked ... Tadh writes: Why then is it inappropriate for an individual to calculate the total increase in heat or energy over a period of time (a year) based on the length of time given in the definition of a watt? Actually, it's not at all inappropriate in the right circumstances. My monthly electricity bill reports usage in kilowatt-hours. That is appropriate for a quantity that fluctuates over time, like household electrical usage. In this case, it's not necessary, since for both the animal metabolism and climate radiative forcing data we have just an annual average. When Mizimi writes "... a daily heat emission of 315 x 10E9 watts ..." that's not "daily" ... it's 315 x 10E9 watts full stop. When she/he multiplies that by 365 to get "114 x 10E12 watts per annum" that's actually "114 x 10E12 watt-days per annum", though Mizimi doesn't seem to understand the meaning of these units. Now, doing that conversion merely complicates things unnecessarily, since "114 x 10E12 watt-days per annum" is exactly the same as "315 x 10E9 watts" (ignoring leap-years). However, the real problem is that Mizimi converted the metabolic data to "watt-days per annum" but didn't convert the radiative forcing to the same units. In other words, one side of the comparison got multiplied by 365 but the other side didn't. Hope this helps. Let me know if it's still confusing...
  46. Rob Honeycutt at 07:58 AM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    To Steven Goddard... What gets me about your articles, such as the one regarding sea ice extent, is the fact that you are purposefully selecting out small aspects of weather and climate (which I'm sure we both would agree are highly complex systems) that potentially show cooling and hold them up as examples to prove a point you want to make. But all the while you IGNORE the preponderance of evidence that show exactly the opposite! Literally, what you do is tantamount to trying to convince an expedition of climbers to Everest that it's "down hill all the way" by pointing out only the times when they're going downhill while ignoring all the climbing!
  47. Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    Thanks Ned, I'm reading the preprint as the published paper is not accessible for me.
  48. Tenney Naumer at 07:12 AM on 10 March 2010
    Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice
    re: #30 Sorry dude, but Greenland's ice sheet is melting so badly that anybody can see it happening even from the low resolution satellite photos available at MODIS rapidfire. Be sure to check it out this July and August. We are talking snowcone at the ballpark in July.
  49. Antarctica is gaining ice
    Geo Guy at 07:00 AM on 10 March, 2010 Your argument is incomplete. You need to account for the GRACE data shown above and in any case the single year you cite is inadequate as a suggestion that the Antarctic ice sheet is trending upward in mass. Also, would you mind providing a citation for your quote?
  50. We're heading into an ice age
    There are a number of issues that affect a possible ice age - the sun (and related wobble to the earth) being one. The others include the melting of the arctic ice cap. With the ice in place, the climate is arid; with the ice melted, there is a source for water vapor - necessary for precipitation to happen. During the last major ice age, a portion of the arctic ocean remained open, thereby providing for a source of water for the snowfalls that covered North America (Russia on the other hand escaped glaciation). The third issue to be considered is a change to ocean currents - specifically the interchange of waters from the North Atlantic and the Arctic waters. It was noted in a number of studies in the 1930's that the arctic ocean was showing signs of warming.

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