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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 21351 to 21400:

  1. Joint Statements on Climate Change from National Academies of Science Around the World

    Durn, posted before completing the first paragraph... the next sentence was to the effect that the public will notice when they are forced to do something, but will still believe what they want to believe.  

    Rising seas will be considered caused by CO2 driven warming by some, by the Evil Americans to others, by 'natural cycles' to consumers of internet wisdom, by 'depravity and Somomites' to a few, and by "the Infidel angering Allah" by a larger group.  

  2. Joint Statements on Climate Change from National Academies of Science Around the World

    Science has done all it can to communicate on this issue. If the public does not want to listen, they will not, and shouting will only make them angry. If nothing changes, expensive, unpleasant adjustments such as moving coastal structures inland will have to be made ... in 75 years. 

    A project to record who said what denying or obfuscating the issue will have some historical value, it can be referred to when dealing with further such issues.  Most people rather dislike science, although they're happy to use the end products, which they assume are obvious. Nobody (as a % of the population) thinks about how electricity was discovered, less than nobody uses their phone and thanks Maxwell's equations.  

    Quite recently, an airplane hit terrain, killing all on board. To prevent another crash, the airline slaughtered a goat. Not a joke:

  3. CO2 lags temperature

    poncholarpez @515:

    1)  Greenhouse gases account for 46%, and CO2 changes for around 30%, of the temperature change between glacial and interglacial, as shown in the following graph: 

    Based on that, the presumption would be that a 125 ppmv increase in CO2 would drive not a 9 C increase, but a 3 C increase, assuming linearity.  Of course, there is not point in assuming linearity because it is known that temperature responds to the log of CO2 concentration, not linearly.  Factoring that in, the expected equilibrium response (ECS) of the current increase over the preindustrial is about 1.5 C.  To reach the equilibrium response, however, takes decades.  The expected current response is better mapped by the Transient Climate Response (TCR) of about two thirds of the ECS, or about 1 C for the current CO2 concentration.  Of course, the temperature response over the glacial cycle has time for a full equilibrium response rather than just the transient response.

    The upshot is that your entire premise is wrong.

    2)  Moving on from that, because the CO2 response represents only about a third of the total response, it is quite possible that a decline in one of the other factors could lead to a gradual decline in temperature, which leads to a decline in CO2 concentration.  In particular, albedo is likely to increase gradually as NH summer insolation declines as a result of Milankovitch cycles.  

    The upshot is that you have simply demonstrated once again that, as is so often the case, arguments premised on scientists being too stupid to see the obvious merely show the person making the argument to be too ill informed to see what is obvious to those scientists all along.

  4. CO2 lags temperature

    Based off the carbon dioxide v temp change over 400,000 years graph, it shows for a 80ppm rise in carbon dioxide that the temp increase is 6 degrees C. If you then take Tom Curtis's graph showing todays carbon dioxide level spike which is an increase of 125ppm you can roughly interpolate a future temp rise of around 9 degrees C assuming its linear. This is without even starting to reduce overall global emsiions. This is all assuming co2 causes temp increases(and if it does, humanity has already gone past the point of no return and all this arguing is a waste of time). But it doesnt and I can prove why. If you look at the backsides of the spikes of co2 v temp, you will notice as the suns effect reduces and temp falls, co2 still stays high. If co2 was the driving factor, temp wouldnt suddenly decline, it would plateau(as its a greenhouse remember) and both co2 and temp would come to an equalibrium and fall together. This is not showen to be true based off the historical data.

  5. Temp record is unreliable

    Tom Curtis @401

    Thank you for the correction on CO2/albedo contributions to the episodic cooling process producing a (modern) glacial age.  The diagram you supplied indicates a (roughly) one-third contribution coming from CO2 changes alone, for the cooling phase.

    May I ask you whether the warming-phase figures are similar — or whether the CO2/albedo relationship is asymmetric regarding the actual causation of progressive warming as the planet exits a glacial age (i.e. whether CO2 plays a larger role in the ultimate root cause of the rapid 3-degree warming which terminates the typical glacial age) ?

    My error in #400, came from mis-remembering your recent statement [which I have checked as being: 11 January 2017, Comment #513, in "CO2 Lags Temperature"] that "90% of the temperature increase lags the CO2 increase".   Which (on reflection!!) certainly is not equivalent to saying that only 10% of glacial-to-interglacial warming is caused by the (Milankovitch) orbital variation and its arctic albedo effects .... with the rest being a direct consequence of CO2 and other GHG's. !

    I had concentrated more on the final question from Bulthompsn @399, where he had made an irritable (off-topic) question, which would have been better made separately on the "CO2 Lags Temperature" thread.   But since his @399 comments had a tone/manner suspiciously suggestive of a "drive-by" venting, I thought it pardonable to answer him entirely in this thread.

    If you can spare the time, Tom, please reply on the "CO2 Lags Temperature" thread.   I consider the "90%" figure a very useful one, in countering the frequent denier meme that the "lag" must mean that CO2 is a trivially unimportant tail of the climate dog.

  6. 2017 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #3

    The New York Times had an interesting article on climate change attitudes in Kansas.  Farmers there all know that the climate is changing but it is politically incorrect to talk about it.  They discusss the "strange weather" instead.  From the article it appears that a completely different approach is needed to reach these very important people.  

    The Times says that some of the big agriculture enterprises are starting to raise climate change as an issue since it is obviously so important to farmers.  The farmers are resistant to any discussion of the IPCC or the words "Climate Change".  How can the data be reframed to reach these people?  They know that they plant crops three weeks earlier than they did 30 years ago, it must be possible to get them on board.  They know rain patterns have changed and more extreme weather is happening.

    They do not want the government or environmentalists to tell them what to do.  Perhaps working with the busines leaders would be a way to approach them.  Their income stream is threatened by climate change.  If the data were presented to them correctly they will take action to protect their future income.

  7. Temp record is unreliable

    Bulthompsn @399, I am not aware of anybody here "blowing off" human error when discussing Global Mean Surface Temperature (GMST).  Certainly the scientists who analyze it do not.  Indeed, the take great care to analyze potential sources of error, and to quantify the resulting uncertainty in their estimate of GMST, as shown in this graph from the Berkely Earth Surfact Temperature project (BEST):

    Note, that the grey shaded zone (the 95% confidence interval of the annual GMST estimate) shrinks rapidly from 1850 to 1880, and that post 1950 is very small relative to the decadal change in GMST.  Other teams do not typically show uncertainty on the graphs, but do publish the uncertainty with the data and in scientific papers discussing methodology.

    Nor are the satellite records more accurate than the surface records.  That is not just my opinion, but that of Carl Meares, head of the team that produces the RSS satellite temperature records, who said:

    "A similar, but stronger case [regarding trends] can be made using surface temperature datasets, which I consider to be more reliable than satellite datasets (they certainly agree with each other better than the various satellite datasets do!)."

    (My emphasis, source)

    This can be seen by comparing the size of the error in the trend estimate for RSS TLT vs HadCRUT4 for the period 1979-2012:

    Indeed, the satellite record requires more adjustments from a more disparate original data set than is required for the surface record.  This is something people pushing the accuracy of the satellite record never see fit to mention, but that it is the case is obvious when you have a look at (already partially adjusted) satellite data (top panel):

    For further information see here, here, here, and here (the start of a four part series).

    Finally, IMO, anybody who subscribes to a conspiracy theory of science ("This presumes that these current results are not being doctored") has thereby invalidated any claim they may have made to be informed, or rational on the topic. 

  8. Temp record is unreliable

    Eclectic @400, the change in radiation due to changes in the Earth's orbit (Milankovitch cycles) has mostly a regional effect, with almost no net effect on globally averaged radiative forcing.  The regional effect, however, can be quite large, and is sufficient to cause feedbacks which in turn are responsible for nearly 100% of the change in the energy balance between glacial and interglacial.  Those feedbacks can be changes in albedo (ice sheet, sea ice, and snow extent, along with changes to vegetation) and changes in greenhouse gas concentration (mostly CO2 and CH4).  According to a well known figure from Hansen, the greenhouse gases represent about 46% of the total effect, with the rest being from changes in albedo:


  9. Temp record is unreliable

    Bulthompson @399 :-

    The warm up since the ice age [the most recent Glacial Age] was caused about 90% by CO2 and more minor Greenhouse Gasses (and the initial 10% by temporary Earth orbit changes).

    Funnily enough, Bulthompson, you can learn some of these very basic things by reading the very first of the "Most Used Climate Myths".   Yes, that's right : Climate Myth Number 1 , which you will find on the Home Page, top left corner.

    You will also benefit yourself by reading Myth Number 12 . . . as well as many of the others.

    You seem to be suffering from a (misplaced) belief in Alternative Facts.

    Also please note that the "weather satellites" [as you have misnamed them] don't really measure world surface at all, but rather measure air temperature in the upper atmosphere (mid and upper troposphere, predominantly) miles above where humans, plants and animals do live.   Bulthompson, you will be falling into a trap for fools, if you take the "satellite temperatures" as a replacement for plain straightforward thermometers at ground level & ocean level.

    There seems to be a lot of science that you don't understand.   Best for you, would be a long course of reading and thinking, as you work your way down the Climate Myths — starting of course at the Number One .

    That will help you avoid making embarrassing assertions based on false ideas.

  10. Temp record is unreliable

    I love how you guys blow off human error in discussing the accuracy of historical  global temperature records.  Wars, revolutions,   empty government coffers all existed for centuries prior to weather satellites giving us accurate temps. This presumes that  these current results are not being doctored.  What caused the warm up after the ice age?

    Moderator Response:


    Thank you for taking the time to share with us.  Skeptical Science is a user forum wherein the science of climate change can be discussed from the standpoint of the science itself.  Ideology and politics get checked at the keyboard.

    Please take the time to review the Comments Policy and ensure future comments are in full compliance with it.  Thanks for your understanding and compliance in this matter. Note the prohibition of accusations of fraud and the requirement to be on topic. If you dont like how records are adjusted for station shift, TOB bias, instument change etc, then state where the methodology is flawed and back your argument with data/references.

    In particular please take the time to investigate what science really does say rather than repeating long-debunked myths. The Search function at the top is great place to start. Questions are welcome (when on topic) so long as you want to hear the answer.

  11. Joint Statements on Climate Change from National Academies of Science Around the World

    Um, the blue poster at the top should say "Science tells us so".

  12. How much does animal agriculture and eating meat contribute to global warming?

    Its always easy to discard evidence like Teague by appealing to unkowns and the impact of poorly studied modifiers. But I would rather trust robust studies like I cited that looked at hundreds of sites rather than aneqdotes or the fag packet calculations of people with so much vested interest that they are willing throw away all the evidence that disagrees with their point of view because of there own bias. Industry funded studies are so open to bias that they are often not worth the paper they are writen on. 

  13. From the eMail Bag: Abrupt Climate Change in Greenland's Past?


    Your scenario is one of the possible causes of the beginning of the Younger Dryas. See this post: Catching up with the Younger Dryas

    There was a recent paper on this: Overlooked possibility of a collapsed Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in warming climate, Liu, et al DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1601666 And a write-up on it at Real Climate: The underestimated danger of a breakdown of the Gulf Stream System.

    Yes, definite repercussions for our future.

  14. We may be closer than we thought to dangerous climate thresholds

    The main thing that concerns me about this articl is that it ignores climate intertia.  It seems to be quibbling about a few tenths of a degree, whereas the equilibrium temperature for our current GHG concentrations is much higher than the current temperature.  (I have no idea how much higher — that is what I would have hoped the article would tell us :)

  15. We may be closer than we thought to dangerous climate thresholds

    What was the zero point that the experts used in arriving at their judgement that warming should not exceed 1.5 to 2 degrees?

  16. We may be closer than we thought to dangerous climate thresholds

    [Within the portion here at SkS, there is a paragraph missing compared to the the Guardian site. It is right before the para "Prior to this publication,..."]

    On the substance of the article, I'm uneasy with the logic presented. It seems we have a carefully considered limit to warming determined by experts, and then quite independently, and after the fact, we need to go about determining the pre-industrial baseline to discover how we are doing.  That seems to imply that the limits are based on relative changes from an (initially) unknown value, and not based on absolute temperatures nor based relative to known data points in the last few decades. 

    Is that really the correct logic? Perhaps the nature of the changes requires that we benchmark against an uncertain past, but it also seems to imply the expert-set limits do not include an assessment of impacts connected to known temperatures.

  17. We may be closer than we thought to dangerous climate thresholds

    For "A Better Graph" with 1880-1920 base period by James Hansen and Makiko Sato, see A Better Graph.

    To convert NASA GISS anomaly base 1951-1980 to base 1880-1920, add 0.27 degrees C.

  18. From the eMail Bag: Abrupt Climate Change in Greenland's Past?

    If we were to take all the necessary measures and avoid a disastrous climate change, the denialists would say it was all nonsense and revive business as usual.  If we let things go, we will likely cause ourselves a series of serious disasters.  We almost need some mid level disaster that is sufficient to get the attention of the deniers.  I wonder if one will occur before it is too late.

  19. From the eMail Bag: Abrupt Climate Change in Greenland's Past?

    Is is possible during the warming period, so much fresh water suddenly entered the North Atlantic it shut down the AMOC? Perhaps this would plunge the Northern Hemisphere back into an mini-glacial period until such time as all the fresh water was discharged, and the AMOC could rebuild itself.  If this is the scenario, it could have repercussions for our future.

  20. We may be closer than we thought to dangerous climate thresholds

    Recommended supplemental reading:

    How the World Passed a Carbon Threshold and Why It Matters by Nicola Jones, Yale Environment 360. Jan 26, 2017

  21. So what did-in the dinosaurs? An update.

    An overlooked factor in this late K extinction event is the loss of atmospheric pressure that began at the end of the K superchron and would have been enhanced with the Chicxulub event. The isotope data from amber (Tappert 2013) indictes that the air pressure in the Upper K was about 1.7 times the present - N15 records also indicate a loss of N2 during the geomagnetic reversals. Certainly all proxy CO2 values that relate to temperature should be quoted as "ppm equivalent at 1 bar" and not simply ppm, as molecular pressure is, of course, a function of air density.

    This is presented at length on Researchgate under "Giant Bugs, Martian Air, Pterosaurs and Ice Ages" .


    The Deccan traps pale incomparison to the basalt flows in the pacific plateuax during the K and Eocene/Miocene periods: a probable source for the apparent increase in N2 and possibly for CO2.

    Moderator Response:

    [PS] It really helps discussion if you provide a proper citation for papers (like Tappert 2013) or better still, use the link tool to access a public copy. Is this the one you mean? I have added a link to the researchgate paper, but please learn how to do this yourself with the link tool in the comment editor.

  22. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    I think that is really the wrong question. Year to year it is just weather. What matters is trend, and trend over a 20-30 year period if you are talking about surface temperatures. That is what the climate models really predict. If you want to talk about shorter time periods, then need to look at something less noisy that surface temperature. Ocean Heat Content for instance.

  23. Richard McGuire at 09:32 AM on 26 January 2017
    We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    I have no scientific qualifications, but have keenly followed the debate over many years, from the hockey stick to the hiatus debate. Have watched and engaged climate change deniers who have cherry picked temperature data, especially UHA and RSS satellite data. The climate change debate remains highly politically charged. Which is why temperature data that is comprehensible to the media and public at large is so critical. So 2016 was warmer than 2015. The next obvious question is by how much ? Debates about margins of error and which of half a dozen temperature data sets is closer to the mark is unlikely to cut through in the wider world.

  24. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    Richard McGuire @7: in terms of what the average person needs to know, consider the analogy of investing for retirement. Some investment advisors tell their clients not to check the value of their portfolios every day, but rather to trust in the market fundamentals that guide an advisor's long-term investment strategy for the client. Stock prices fluctuate randomly from day to day and year to year, but all that really matters for the buy-and-hold investor is the long-term performance.

    Our present response to the future threat of climate change does not depend on knowing precisely how much hotter the global average surface temperature was in 2016 over 2015. In the year 2050 nobody will care about that. Since we only have one available planet to inhabit, we are all long-term investors in its future. The average person needs to focus on the fundamentals, not the noise.

    The challenge is to persuade people to give up something that gives them real, tangible value now, to avoid causing abstract harm to other people and other species in the future. For example, if someone takes a holiday flight to Cancun or Tahiti, s/he experiences undeniable and immediate hedonic rewards. The several tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent s/he dumps into the atmosphere to get those rewards will go on incrementally heating the climate system for centuries.

    It's similar to smoking cigarettes for short-term hedonic reward, except that with greenhouse gas pollution, it's like smokers giving cancer to someone else they've never met.

    There's no way to mask this moral quandary with any combination of policies or rhetoric. To avoid wrecking the future, people today must change their values drastically, to get the average per capita carbon footprint below the globally equitable emission allowance. The rise of Trump reflects the average person's refusal to do this. Trump represents the interests of everyone who wants to keep flying to Cancun - or to a scientific conference, for that matter (instead of figuring out how to virtualize the conference).

    Even in the liberal enclaves of California, Oregon, etc. nobody is shutting down the highways and airports. Given that a single long return flight causes a whole year's worth of allowed emissions for one person (leaving nothing for other activities such as eating), we can't have any flying if we want to stabilize the climate. We need many other equally drastic adjustments, but I focus on flying because it is one of the most egregious, least necessary, and least equal ways in which humans assault the climate. Flying is a good test case of our seriousness about mitigating climate change. It will be much harder to cut emissions from things everybody needs, such as agriculture.

    The level of response we need isn't going to be motivated by figuring out whether last year was 0.12°C or 0.04°C hotter than the year before. By analogy, imagine trying to abolish lynchings or stonings by determining whether the victim dies in 345.4 seconds or 345.7 seconds. The only way to durably eliminate lynchings and stonings is to persuade people that participating in them is morally unacceptable. As Trump is showing, merely passing laws accomplishes nothing that the next election cycle can't destroy.

  25. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    Richard McGuire @14, you are being inconsistent.  You point to an article which claims that uncertainties are important (they are), and that consequently 2014 was not the hottest year todate as of the end of 2014, but a statistical tie with two other years for that title.  But then you insist that the four observed 2016 values from my post @6 are different, even though they are within uncertainty of each other, and will within uncertainty of the mean value.  If Walker's article on 2014 has merit, as you suggest, then the four records are effective replications of each other.

    This is more obvious when the full overlapping record is shown:



    Indeed, quite independent of the merit's or Walker's article, replication cannot achieve an accuracy greater than measurement error.  It may happen by coincidence that two values from different observations are identical, but that is no more significant than if they were further appart, but within error.  That is because we do not know the observed value any more accurately than the limits of measurement error, so exact coincidence my be pure coincidence.  But two values falling within measurement error of each other counts as a replication because, with the information to hand the real, underlying value may well coincide, with the difference between observations being down to error.  Indeed, as examples from other sciences show, particular obserations may lie outside measurement error, and still count as a replication provided they are one of a set of observations that progressively (but not monotonically) close on a particular value.  That is because we can also be in error about the magnitude of the measurement error. 

    So, with that in mind, I will note that while Walker's more general point about the need for more scientifically accurate reporting is correct, it is not correct to claim that 2014 did not hold the temperature record as of Jan 2015.  That is because records, in all fields of endeavour, are based on nominal values, without concern about uncertainties.  Put simply, 2014 was the warmest year on the record, but the record is known to be slightly inaccurate due to uncertainty, so that the warmest year on record may not be the actual warmest year.

  26. How much does animal agriculture and eating meat contribute to global warming?

    Unfortunately seems Trump may be also shutting down research in this promising area as well. It was part of the same gag order imposed on the EPA.

    Trump silences government scientists with gag orders

    Employees at Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Agriculture are affected

    "After this story went to press, the department disavowed the memo sent to employees in the Agricultural Research Service — the USDA’s science arm. The USDA’s deputy administrator Michael Young clarified in a follow up memo that the gag order specifically applies to policy-related statements in press releases and interviews, which need to be vetted with the secretary of agriculture."

    Hard to believe it actually. Almost like a book burning from ages past. I am still stunned. But at least for now it appears any and all attempts to mitigate AGW in any sector; energy, agriculture, environment, will be squashed by Trump. Considering our best bet is to attack the problem from all three, this looks bad. Really really bad.

  27. Richard McGuire at 10:42 AM on 25 January 2017
    We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    Tom Curtis @8 "That four different methods using different (if significantly overlapping) data produce the same results shows the result to be robust" With due respect Tom the only same result produced was that 2016 was warmer than 2015, therefore the warmest year on record. By how much is open to debate. Does this matter ? In some cases, such as in 2014 it does. This article that appeared on the ABC's Drum in 2015 may help explain my point better 

  28. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    jdixon1980 @9, perhaps what you are looking for is something like the World Meteorological Organization's press release on 2016 temperatures.  They state:

    "The globally averaged temperature in 2016 was about 1.1°C higher than the pre-industrial period. It was approximately 0.83° Celsius above the long term average (14°C) of the WMO 1961-1990 reference period, and about 0.07°C warmer than the previous record set in 2015.

    WMO uses data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the UK’s Met Office Hadley Centre and the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit. WMO also draws on reanalysis data from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts and the Copernicus Climate Change Service, which use a weather forecasting system to combine many sources of data to provide a more complete picture of global temperatures, including in Polar regions."

    And later:

    "Notes to Editors

    Global temperature anomalies are computed using three global datasets: HadCRUT4, jointly produced by the Met Office Hadley Centre and the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom; the GISTEMP analysis (2016 version), produced by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA GISS); and the NOAA Merged Land Ocean Global Surface Temperature Analysis Dataset (version 4.0), produced by NCEI. WMO also uses European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting ERA-Interim reanalysis data. Copernicus ECMWF press release available here. Differences between the datasets arise largely from the way that the data-sparse polar regions are handled. There is a margin of uncertainty of +- 0.09 °C in the anomaly value.

    A number of definitions exist for the pre-industrial period, the most commonly used being 1850-99 and 1880-99. The value of 1.1 °C is valid (to the nearest 0.1 °C) whichever of these periods is chosen."

    For completeness, the ERA (ie, the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts and the Copernicus Climate Change Service) data is a reanalysis product.  That is, it is produced by running a climate values with cell values slaved to observed values were known, which allows a prediction of unobserved values.  It showed global temperatures to be nearly 0.2 C greater than 2015.

    I am not sure how they derive the 0.07 C figure.  It is too high to be the simple mean of the three observationatal values (which rounds up to 0.06 C), and too low to be the simple mean of the three observational plus ERA interim records (0.09 C).  For the record, the simple mean of the four observational records including BEST rounds down to 0.06 C. 

  29. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    And now the rich and super rich are trying to buy up bolt holes in New Zealand to escape the chaos they have caused.  It would be interesting to research, from the America side, which of these paragons of virtue are trying to prepare a place where they can escape the mess they have caused.  They have caused the ship to sink and now they want preference in the life boats.

  30. So what did-in the dinosaurs? An update.

    martin - no that's not a typo. From Clyde et al:

    "Using the median sediment accumulation rate of 142 yrs/cm ... indicates that the ∼0.6 cm ... in stratigraphic thickness between the top of the K–Pg boundary layer and the peak in fern spore abundance... represents ∼85 yrs and the ~6cm thick recovery interval after the initial peak in fern abundance lasted ∼850 yrs, suggesting the entire fern spike occurred over ∼1000 yrs."

    Theres more detail and discussion of uncertainty in the paper, but no it's not a typo.

  31. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    My comment @10 is of course not for Dana's benefit, who knows this a lot better than I do, but for visitors to the site.

  32. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    "The latest IPCC report stated with 95% confidence that humans are the main cause of global warming since 1950, and most likely responsible for 100% of that temperature rise."  

    I would add here (Dana correct me if I am wrong) that the precise meaning of the statement is that humans are most likely responsible for at least 100% of that temperature rise.  As phrased in the article, the average person might interpret 100% as the physical maximum humans could have contributed.  However, I understand that not to be the case, as the human contribution would be more than 100%  of the temperature rise if the aggregate impact of natural forcings (TSI, ENSO, volcanic activity etc.) would have been a temperature decline, but human activity more than made up for those factors.  And if we parse out GHG emissions from other human contributions, we could add aerosols to the list of forcings with a cooling tendency, which were overcome by human GHG emissions and anything else on the warming side.  

  33. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    Richard McGuire @7 and Tom Curtis @8, it seems to me that the spirit of what RM is suggesting is not necessarily to scrap replication, but for someone to distill the conclusions in a way more digestible by the average person.  

    In that regard, would it be feasible (and meaningful) for the groups' results to be synthesized in some way, to produce a quantitative "best estimate" of average surface temperature derived from the four (or however many) primary estimates, taking into account differences in their respective methodologies when determining how best to combine them?  Each of the four independent "products" could still be reported, in addition to an aggregate/synthesized "product".  

    As I (by no means an expert on climate science, physical measurement, or statistics) write and edit and re-edit this question, feeling the need to pack in more and more parentheticals and qualifiers as I go, I become more and more convinced the answer is surely no.  I suspect the task of combining the products in a meaningful way would be monumental, and at the end it would produce a result with no coherent methodology behind it, sort of divorcing the number from the physical quantity it represents.  It seems better to keep each curve separate, perhaps presenting them on a single graph and explaining how scientists interpret any apparent differences, as is essentially being done by honest and diligent climate news sources.

    Another thing, whatever group took the four temperature curves and synthesized them into one sounds an awful lot like the IPCC, and as such we already know would be looked upon by deniers with great suspicion as part of a massive global conspiracy.

  34. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    Richard McGuire @7, I disagree.  The most important thing in science is replicability.  The different temperature products represent four different replications of the same measured quantity.  That four different methods, using different (if significantly overlapping) data produce essentially the same result shows the result to be robust.  Where they to cooperate by using precisely the same data and precisely the same method, the different "products" might represent audits of each other, but they would not be replications.  In scientific terms, they would be of no greater interest than if their were just one team, with no replication.

    As to joint press releases, ie, cooperating when they release the data, GISTEMP and NOAA already do hold joint releases, but the other teams are not US government agencies and should not be expected to do so.  Further, how far would this cooperation need to extend.  Would we need the (very infrequently cited) Japanese version?  What about the 5 or 6 odd versions put out by private individuals?

    If you actually look at the media statements by the respective groups, they tend already to indicate why there are major divergences between the groups (if there is).  They also tend to indicate the uncertainty.  What we need is an expectation that the press report those relevant details, rather than that the scientists should self censor.

  35. Richard McGuire at 15:06 PM on 24 January 2017
    We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    Thank you for the information Tom Curtis. However given how politically charged the Climate Change issue is, and with the Trump administration poised to set any global progress in mitigation back decades I don't think it is good enough. If the GISSTEMP's, NOAA's and HadCRUT's can't collaborate on their temperature data collection, maybe they could co-operate when it comes to releasing such important information to the media. As things stand it is confusing. Contradictory information gets out there, GISTEMP's 0.12 c verses HadCRUT's 0.013 c. The average person out there has no idea who has the most Arctic weather stations, nor should they need to know. Must somehow do better.   

  36. How much does animal agriculture and eating meat contribute to global warming?


    Well I wrote this: Holistic management (agriculture)

    and this: Can we reverse global warming?

    And I have many educational videos here: 
    Red Baron Farm

    Moderator Response:

    [PS] thanks for those. Please use them.

  37. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    Richard McGuire @5, the four major surface temperature records show the following differences between 2015 and 2016:


    Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature LOTI 0.078 C

    NOAA LOTI: 0.04 C

    HadCRUT4: 0.013 C 

    Of these, NOAA and HadCRUT4 do not significantly cover polar regions, with HadCRUT4 also missing significant parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Australia.  Apparently the Arctic was unusually hot, so that would account for the low values of those two relative to GISSTEMP and BEST.  Further, BEST uses more stations, and probably has a better statistical technique than does GISSTEMP.  NOAA and GISSTEMP use almost the same stations, with just a few extra for GISSTEMP, with GISSTEMP using the better technique; and HadCRUT4 has significantly less stations than the other three, and probably the worst technique.

    Finally, each dataset has its own error margin.  Further, at this stage each is liable to further, small adjustment as data from late reporting stations comes in.  For both reasons, the figures should be considered as indicative rather than set in stone.  

  38. Richard McGuire at 12:11 PM on 24 January 2017
    We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    How much hotter was 2016 ? I read at the beginning of the the piece that 2016 broke the 2015 record by 0.12 degrees celsius according to NASA. Yet I have before me a news item taken from the ABC web site January 19th this year where the temperature rise is cited at 0.04 degrees celsius. The news item does not clarify which temperature data set that figure is taken from. I go to the Climate Council web site for more information and yes 2016 was the hottest year again by 0.04 celsius. Reading on I discover that their figure is based on NOAA temperature data. Throw in the UK Met Office and lower troposphere satellite data and it all becomes a bit of a dogs breakfast. Would it ever be possible when it comes to global surface temperatures for the NASA's, NOAA'S ect to collaborate come up with one figure ? Then there is the satellite data much loved by climate change deniers, but on this forum often accused of being problematic and unreliable. Did their 2016 data better that 1998 spike ?  In the end it all comes down to clear communication. 

  39. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    Tony Heller, aka Steven Goddard. The guy who claimed it snows CO2 atop the Antarctic ice dome. The guy who claimed the reason Lake Superior is cold is it "remembers" the last glaciation.

    'Nuff said.

  40. Press complaints process is ‘exercise in futility’ for scientists

    Reminds me of the Black Knight in a Monte Python skit declaring "None shall pass". When confronted with evidence of injury, completely ignores the "flesh wound" and simply repeats, "None shall pass". Just substitute Delingpole and Booker as the Black Knight.

    The very idea that Ipso made such a ridiculous ruling only compounds the absurd nature of the whole thing. Almost like a court Jester kibitzing in from the side saying the Black Knight is right. His arm isn't off.

    Doesn't speak well for UK journalism. That's certain. But I can't say US journalism is any better. Heck, we even elected the Black Knight POTUS.

    Please tell me this is some strange UK humor?

  41. Press complaints process is ‘exercise in futility’ for scientists

    Wasn't it in an interview with Dawkins that Delingpole actually stated that he was quite comfortable about not knowing science? That he was a "reviewer of reviews" or something like that?

    A joke for anyone with any respect of science but unfortunately there are many who are so uneducated that people like Delingpole can spout "facts" and be taken seriously.

  42. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    Thanks for that.

  43. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    Postkey @1, Breitbart's source is Tony Heller of Real Climate Science, now renamed "The deplorable climate science blog" (the one accurate thing about it).  Tony Heller is one of the worst of the climate deniers.  His output does not even rise to the level of pseudoscience, being rather a straightforward series of outrageous distortions of the data.  His style can be shown by another recent article on the popularity of Trump, where he accuses "fake news networks" (by which he means the mainstream news) of reporting Trumps approval rating at 32% whereas, he assures us, it is actually 56%.  In fact, the media have been reporting approval ratings around 40%, some based on a Fox Poll showing 42% favourable to 55% unfavourable.  Looking at RealClearPolitics shows what is happening.  Their average of 9 polls shows 41.8% favourable, to 49.9% unfavourable, but with the Rasmussen poll as a clear outlier, and the only one to show a net positive approval rating for Trump.  Heller, of course, reports only the Rasmussen poll.  Thus, by first distorting the news reporting, and then cherry picking his data, he purports to find media bias, wheras he only demonstrates his own.  (I would go much further than that were it not for the comments policy.)

    I another recent example, he indicates he has "Smoking gun of fraud by NASA and Gavin Schmidt".  The "evidence" is a report on Real Climate claiming there was no pause.  This is compared to a scientific paper, "Making Sense of the early 2000s slowdown" which said:

    "It has been claimed that the early-2000s global warming slowdown or hiatus, characterized by a reduced rate of global surface warming, has been overstated, lacks sound scientific basis, or is unsupported by observations. The evidence presented here contradicts these claims."

    Heller claims, based on the Real Climate article that "Now, the same people claim there never was a global warming pause or hiatus, and it was just a “red herring.”  

    Heller's evidence that these "are the same people" is that Michael Mann was both a co-author of the scientific paper and is a contributor to Real Climate.  But a one person overlap hardly counts as "the same people".  Nor is even that overlap relevant given that the Real Climate article was written, not by Mann, but by Rasmus Benestad.  To summarize, Heller accuses Schmidt of fraud because one of his colleagues (Mann) supported one opinion in a scientific paper, and a different one of his colleagues supported a diferent opinion, later, and with more evidence.  Needless to say, as an evidentiary basis this is beyond weak.  As evidentiary support, it ressembles more a magic trick where he uses random facts to distract the audience from the fact that his thesis has no support at all, but is rather simply an unjustified slander.

    Given that background, it will be no surprise that his evidence, rellied on by Breitbart, consists only of appending the running five year mean of the 2000 version of GISTEMP up to (approximately) 1995 to the running five year mean of RSS TLT up to 2014.  That is, he has cherry picked the satellite data with the lowest trend knowing full well it does not measure surface temperatures and appended it to a surface temperature record whose endpoint is reduced to early 1990 levels (ie, Pinatubo volcano levels) by the inclusion of that volcano but not the 1998 El Nino in the averaging frame.

    In short, it is just more prestidigitation.

    No surprise then, that it should be echoed on a fake news site like Breitbart. 

  44. How much does animal agriculture and eating meat contribute to global warming?


    The guest article written by West and Briske at RealClimate was rigorously and vigorously disputed in the comments section. Not the least of which was this formal rebuttal by Teague.


    By Richard Teague
    Professor, Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University
    Senior Scientist of the Borlaug Institute
    Associate Resident Director, Texas A&M AgriLife Research
    P.O. Box 1658, Vernon, TX 76385

    Most research related to grazing management, and thus carbon sequestration potential, on rangelands cited by Briske et al. [1,2,3] has been short-term and has examined the issue from a reductionist viewpoint that ignores the critical influences of scale, and does not use adaptive multi-paddock grazing to achieve sound animal production, resource improvement, and socio-economic goals under constantly varying conditions on rangelands [4]. Superior results in terms of range ecosystem improvement, productivity, soil carbon and fertility, water holding capacity and profitability have been regularly obtained by ranchers using multiple paddocks per herd with short periods of grazing, long recovery periods and adaptively changing recovery periods and other management elements as conditions change [4,5].

    The references cited by Briske et al. [1,2,3] concentrate only on differences in rangeland productivity without meaningfully taking into account negative impacts on the environment that can lead to misleading extrapolations. These conclusions cloud, rather than enhance, knowledge about sustainable grazing management and are not relevant to practical grazing management. Multi-paddock grazing research from Australia, Southern Africa, Argentina and USA [4,5] that was: i) conducted at the scale of ranching operations, ii) adaptively managed as conditions changed to achieve desired ecosystem and production goals, and iii) measured parameters indicating change in ecosystem function, have arrived at the opposite conclusion. These published data were omitted in the reviews by Briske et al. [1,2,3].

    Many ranchers around the world have used adaptive, multi-paddock grazing management to restore ecosystem services and productivity on degraded rangelands in areas with less than 10 and up to 80 inches of annual precipitation. Many of these ranches in drier areas were initially so bare of vegetation that they would have been classified as desertified. By ignoring such successful restoration examples, Briske and other scientists with the same limited experience are grossly underestimating the potential of management to increase carbon sequestration on the rangelands of the world. Consequently, the inferences and conclusions made by Briske et al. [1,2,3] do not represent the subject adequately because conclusions have been selectively chosen so as to exclude published data showing superior results at commercial ranch scale from adaptively managed multi-paddock grazing. The studies referenced underestimate positive benefits to soil and ecosystem function, so they almost certainly underestimate the potential of rangelands to sequester carbon. The accumulated body of small-scale grazing systems research promoted by Dr. Briske and partners needs to be evaluated in light of the discrepancies with larger-scale studies, and perhaps should be largely set aside as being of little relevance to any discussion of grazing distribution on commercial ranches.

    The majority of conservation awards to ranchers operating on native rangelands have overwhelmingly gone to ranchers using multi-paddock grazing of one form or another. These ranchers operate in extensive, heterogeneous landscapes, where they are confronted with the adverse effects of uneven grazing distribution, and their collective ecological and management knowledge using multi paddock grazing indicating the necessity of using adaptive, multi-paddock grazing management to achieve superior outcomes. The articles in the Rangelands October 2013 issue, a journal of the Society for Rangeland Management, support this.
    In calculating the potential of rangelands to sequester carbon to offset global climate change and improve ecosystem function we cannot ignore the superior outcomes achieved by conservation award winning ranchers, those who have restored ecosystem function and productivity on degraded rangeland using adaptively managed multi-paddock, time-controlled grazing, or published research that does not refute the results achieved on these ranches.


    1. Briske, D., Derner, J., Brown, J., Fuhlendorf, S., Teague, R., Gillen, B., Ash, A., Havstad, K., Willms, W., 2008. Benefits of Rotational Grazing on Rangelands: An Evaluation of the Experimental Evidence. Rangeland Ecology and Management 61, 3-17.

    2. Briske, D.D., Sayre, N.F., Huntsinger, L., Fernandez-Gimenez, M., Budd, B., Derner, J.D., 2011. Origin, persistence, and resolution of the rotational grazing debate: integrating human dimensions into rangeland research. Rangeland Ecology and Management 64, 325e334.

    3. David D. Briske, Brandon T. Bestelmeyer, Joel R. Brown, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, and H. Wayne Polley, 2013. The Savory Method Can Not Green Deserts or Reverse Climate Change. A response to the Allan Savory TED video. Rangelands 35(5):72-74. 2013

    4. Richard Teague, Fred Provenza, Urs Kreuter, Tim Steffens, Matt Barnes, 2013. Multi-paddock grazing on rangelands: Why the perceptual dichotomy between research results and rancher experience? Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 128, 15 October 2013, Pages 699-717, ISSN 0301-4797,

    5. Teague, W.R., Dowhower, S.L., Baker, S.A., Haile, N., DeLaune, P.B., Conover, D.M., 2011. Grazing management impacts on vegetation, soil biota and soil chemical, physical and hydrological properties in tall grass prairie. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 141, 310-322.

    The John Carter et al. paper is an open access article. And yet even with large viewership, not once has it been cited in any other peer reviewed paper. This should be your first clue regarding the quality of the review. Simply put, a so called review of HM that doesn't actually review HM land isn't really worth a whole lot except to document why the consensus prior to Savory's work didn't believe Savory would succeed as he has. But empirical evidence always trumps low quality reviews like this. The Teague rebuttal of Briske applies here as well.

    The Rolf Sommer paper is a much better paper, but it did not study any HP managed land, nor any other of the many regenerative agricultural practises. It has been cited 15 times. Generally it is a good example of the potential of conventional no till and fallows as a mitigation tool. I happen to agree with the Sommer paper that this won't work. I said as much in my previous post to you. If we are locked into this sort of agriculture, even the best case scenarios are still insufficient and do no more than slow the inevitable. In that false dichotomy where we are forced to do agriculture in this manner, then yes veganism is less destructive. Already stipulated. I simply don't agree that we are locked into this sort of high input agriculture that Rolf Sommer modeled. In fact, neither does the USDA.

    "When farmers view soil health not as an abstract virtue, but as a real asset, it revolutionizes the way they farm and radically reduces their dependence on inputs to produce food and fiber." -USDA

    The last paper you referenced is another great paper in my opinion, However, keep in mind what it is basically saying is the Roth C model is not capable of describing the LCP. 

    These inconsistencies suggest that ESMs must better represent carbon stabilization processes and the turnover time of slow and passive reservoirs when simulating future atmospheric carbon dioxide dynamics.

    In fact I agree. The Roth C model was thought to do a good job of describing labile carbon cycling in the soil, but does not describe the medium to long carbon cycling at all. It is inadequate for predicting carbon sequestration in the soil snk. Your study shows it is even less adequate than previously known. Dr Christine Jones has written extensively about this. And her conclusions come from multiple 10yr case studies of HM land against controlls.

    Liquid Carbon Pathway Unrecognised


    Moderator Response:

    [PS] Just a note that Teague and Briske have conducted a lively debate in the literature over quite a number of years which you can follow by cites in google scholar. A recent paper trying to reconcile differences in results might be of interest to commentators.

    RB, instead of having comments and references supporting your arguements scattered over many SkS threads and comments, how about you create a website (or make a free blog with Wordpress or where you can collect your evidence and references in one place with a full coherent argument. Then you can direct other commentators to this resource rather than simply repeating it all the time.

  45. We’re now breaking global temperature records once every three years

    “deniers gonna deny.”

    The 'latest'?

    “Unadjusted and satellite records combine to suggest that there has been no more than 0.6 degrees C warming since the middle of the 19th century.”

  46. 2017 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #3

    ajki: An explanation of how Climate Central computed the data used to create the Graphic of the Week is contained in its Research ReportFlirting with the 1.5°C Threshold, April 20, 2016.

  47. How much does animal agriculture and eating meat contribute to global warming?

    @RedBaron 192

    Allan Savory is just a con man. There is no evidence that his ideas on "holoistic management" actually work. Furthermore there is evidence that soil carbon sequesteration is not a solution to climate change the animal agriculture climate change denialists would have us believe.

    Here is a good comentary on his Ted talk

    More evidence...

    Moderator Response:

    [PS] Please read and comply with the comments policy - no accusations of fraud. Fixed the links. Please use to the link tool in the comment editor to create these yourself - posting links to references like this is best way to conduct a discussion. We strongly encourage it.

  48. 2017 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #3

    Tom @2: When I look up some anomaly curves/data (e.g. on woodfortrees, gistmp LOTI), I can really see a massive "spike" within the timeframe 11/2015 and 02-03/2016 (the Nino peak, I assume). But the per-day values in this timeframe are sure connected (in the upward direction) - there isn't something like a sudden "step" from Dec 2015 to Jan 2016. This is a kind of representational flaw within the graph, which may lead (and sure led me) to a very high astonishment factor.

  49. One Planet Only Forever at 14:44 PM on 23 January 2017
    2017 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #3

    The Story of the Week is a comprehensive presentation of how damaging just one USA Presidential term of deliberate delay on climate action can be. However, the clear precedent for the concerns was not mentioned. The USA anti-Leadership of the Bush Administration on this matter is clearly a major reason the challenge today is so much larger.

    During those 8 years some very smart people deliberately trying to get away with behaving as unacceptably as they could get away with. THeir actions had major impacts on the magnitude of the challenge being faced today. The developing nations were given plenty of good excuses to refuse to consider that they had any responsibility to commit to behaving better than the already developed nations, particularly the leadership of the USA, had behaved. It also derailed efforts by other developed nations that wanted to be more helpful, because being more helpful was clearly a global competitive disadvantage to the deliberate trouble-makers encouraged and excused by the likes of the Bush Administration.

    Another point not clearly presented is that the added actions to try to mitigate the climate impacts are costs and challenges being imposed on future generations, other people. Many of the people benefiting from creating the future costs, and potentially insurmountable challenges of trying to correctly determine exactly how to adapt to the rapid climate changes in every region of the planet, will not suffer the consequences. Some of the most powerful people benefiting today likely only care about benefiting for a short period of time (maximizing their image and personal rate of return during their personal lifetime. They really do not care what people in the future think about them. Why should they?).

    Particularly troubling are the statements that if things get built on the gamble that they will be gotten away with, they actually become activities that deserve protection. It is as if the investors who gambled on getting away with behaving unacceptably get protected from losing on their bad bets because of some implication that getting 'Leadership Permission' to go ahead somehow grants them immunity from personally losing Big Time when the unacceptability of what they is better understood.

    Since the end of the 1980s it has been clear that every wealthy powerful person understood the unacceptability of already fortunate humans trying to get even more benefit from an activity like the global burning of fossil fuels. Only the less fortunate deserved an opportunity to benefit. And even their opportunity to benefit from burning fossil fuels would need to be limited. The exact global limit was not as clearly understood then, but the gist of it was undeniable.

    I will present my perspective of the case of Alberta Bitumen Extraction (since it is what I am intimately familiar with, having lived here through those years). The understanding that there would be global limits on fossil fuel burning, and understanding that the less fortunate would be considered to be the only ones allowed to really benefit, was likely a major motivation for the Alberta efforts to rapidly accelerate the extraction of buried ancient hydorcarbons, particularly the massive amount of Bitumen in the sands of Northern Alberta. Those efforts included setting incredibly low Royalty rates and giving other incentives to get investors to bet on getting away with profiting from extraction of Alberta Bitumen. Future Albertans clearly could have gotten more value out of the buried ancient hydrocarbons but that was not a serious consideration. The key action was rapidly building a popular impression of economic activity that could be claimed to be deserving of protection and further growth. Don't all those people who have jobs deserve to continue doing what they were doing for as long as they can get away with? More importantly, don't the investors deserve to get their 'expected' return on their investment?

    The expansion of the rate of extraction is now being claimed to be the reason that pipelines must be built. The threat is that if the new pipelines for the unjustifiably expanded, but 'permitted', operations are not allowed then that larger rate of extraction will be shipped in more damaging ways. And the Conservative Federal government deliberately weakened the permission process for pipelines, making it a quicker process and far more difficult for the unacceptable permission of such pursuits to be 'legally' blocked. And the regional popularity and profitability make it even more difficult to stop because 'why should anyone care about the future problems other people may face?'

    A sad part is the recent claims of Alberta leadership on climate action. The claims being made are that by taking nominal action regarding CO2 emissions Alberta is granted social license and support for pipelines (or continuing to benefit from the extraction of the bitumen as long as can be gotten away with). It is sort of like claiming that since you properly stop at a stop sign you get the social licence to speed through playground zones, or from a business perspective if you donate to the Food Bank you can pollute the river. No amount of good action grants permission to behave less acceptably, yet popular opinion in Alberta (and outside of Alberta), clearly indicates those ways of thinking are indeed common, and many people actually consider such thinking to be sensible.

    That is just the case of what happened in Alberta since the end of the 1980s. Many similarly damaging developments of undeserved perceptions of prosperity have been gotten away with. And it is undeniable that the Trump Administration will try to develop popular support for even more undeserved perceptions of prosperity.

    Such actions are claimed to be the proper balancing of economic interests with other considerations. But they deliberately exclude future considerations or any considerations of unacceptability that clearly should Trump any “demand for balance'. The reality of what goes on was well presented in the 1987 UN commissioned report “Our Common Future”. That report made it clear that any reasonably aware wealthy powerful person no longer had any excuse to try to get away with benefiting from an activity that likely created problems for future generations. The following quote from that document states it undeniably:
    “.25. Many present efforts to guard and maintain human progress, to meet human needs, and to realize human ambitions are simply unsustainable - in both the rich and poor nations. They draw too heavily, too quickly, on already overdrawn environmental resource accounts to be affordable far into the future without bankrupting those accounts. They may show profit on the balance sheets of our generation, but our children will inherit the losses. We borrow environmental capital from future generations with no intention or prospect of repaying. They may damn us for our spendthrift ways, but they can never collect on our debt to them. We act as we do because we can get away with it: future generations do not vote; they have no political or financial power; they cannot challenge our decisions.
    26. But the results of the present profligacy are rapidly closing the options for future generations. Most of today's decision makers will be dead before the planet feels; the heavier effects of acid precipitation, global warming, ozone depletion, or widespread desertification and species loss. Most of the young voters of today will still be alive. In the Commission's hearings it was the young, those who have the most to lose, who were the harshest critics of the planet's present management.”

    The future for life on this planet is clearly the responsibility of every generation of humanity. And every 'today' is the result of how responsible or irresponsible previous generations were. Real leaders understand their responsibility for the future. Many Winners like Trump care more about 'Appearing to Win any way they can get away with'. The USA is now clearly being governed by Winners for at least 2 years (the mid-term election could change control of the Senate, and maybe even the House). Hopefully the Winners who care less about the future will be encouraged to change their minds and becoming Responsible Leaders. If they don't then the future of humanity loses; It becomes more difficult for other Responsible Leaders to succeed if they have to compete with “People who don't care how they Win”.

  50. How much does animal agriculture and eating meat contribute to global warming?


     It is the same false dichotomy posted many places on the web. The false assumption being there is no sustainable way to do agriculture. So that isn't even an option. Therefore given we are locked into destructive forms of agriculture, a vegan diet would be the lessor of the two evils. 

    If your premise were true, sure that makes sense. However, it isn't true. We can change agricultural models to regenerative systems. When we do that, animals are an important part of the biological cycles.

    “The number one public enemy is the cow. But the number one tool that can save mankind is the cow. We need every cow we can get back out on the range. It is almost criminal to have them in feedlots which are inhumane, antisocial, and environmentally and economically unsound.” Allan Savory

    So for now I commend you for boycotting industrial factory farming of animals. But it isn't a solution to climate change. The types of agriculture that can actually be part of a solution to climate change in almost every case involve animal husbandry properly done.

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