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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 22201 to 22250:

  1. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Daniel Mocsny @25. I totally get that. I couldnt agree more. I have written many posts on climate change and tried to stay with the key facts, back them up with solid sources, be polite, and acknowledge other peoples point of view. You will find a couple on earlier articles on this website. I will end up staying like that because its just me and I dont like enraged debate and nasty confrontation. As you say calling people names doesn't usually change their minds.

    But lately I wonder to some extent. I think Obama would have done well to make a few blunt comments on certain issues. Just sometimes there's a place for anger and bluntness, without being nasty and I think you would know the difference. I repeat, just sometimes. A clown is a clown for example.

  2. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    I think one reason prohibition of alcohol failed was that it never made any sense to ban alcohol, as its just not harmful enough to have a total ban.

    We ban lots of things that are far less harmful. According to the CDC, alcohol kills 75,000 Americans per year. It ruins the lives of countless more, fueling crime, domestic violence, sexual abuse, destruction of careers and families, accidents, and diseases.

    Imagine if a terrorist attack were to kill 75,000 Americans. Trump would probably retaliate by nuking some innocent Muslim country off the map. Yet booze does that every single year.

    That most people remain largely oblivious to the staggering destruction wrought by alcohol represents a triumph of messaging, both from the booze industry and from our drunken sellout elites.

    The Prohibitionists of a century ago were early feminists. At the time, most drinkers were men, and most victims of their drunken rages were their families. The booze industry managed to recruit women as customers rather than as hostile political campaigners through the simple technique of getting them drunk. So today the feminist movement blames everything and everybody for alcohol-fueled violence against women except for the alcohol.

  3. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    nigelj: I agree combating climate change starts with individual initiative and individual responsibility, and making personal commitments to some changes in our daily lives. However I disagree that this will be enough by itself. Some government rules or carbon taxes help promote beneficial behaviours.

    Personal action is a necessary condition for government action. As I pointed out in the case of Prohibition, government action fails when too many people refuse to act in accord with policy and thereby raise the enforcement costs too high. We're seeing the same "problem" today with copyright infringement. Computers have made it cheap and easy for everyone to create exact copies of information and share it at almost no cost. No matter how many schoolchildren get sued by the RIAA or MPAA for sharing a song or movie illegally, the content industry's business model (charging consumers artificially high prices to make copies) is doomed. But that won't stop the content industry from buying politicians to ram through more unenforceable laws. An industry in its death throes can still create a lot of mayhem.

    Prohibiting fossil fuels is probably even harder than prohibiting booze or illegal file-sharing. None of those prohibitions stand a chance without large-scale voluntary individual behavior change. No society can afford to imprison more than a very small percentage of its population, so coercion can only have a correspondingly limited reach. Government can only effectively outlaw behaviors which are already highly unpopular.

    That is why speed limits on the highways are largely a joke. On many roads the entire flow of motor traffic is above the posted speed limit. The problem is so unsolvable that many police departments continue to issue tickets for years on end, not with any hope of forcing compliance but simply as a revenue stream. We probably won't see lawful driving become the norm until self-driving cars remove human drivers from the equation. (And by the way, self-driving cars might make the roads safe for bicycles and pedestrians, thus enabling a massive increase in low-carbon transport.)

    Could personal action be sufficient to solve the climate crisis? I'm sure many readers of this site have already cut their emissions as far as any government target for the year 2030, 2050, or whatever. You can cut your carbon footprint far faster, deeper, and cheaper than any government can cut it for you. The question is not whether individual actions works, but whether we can persuade enough people to take it. But as I keep saying, if we can't persuade people to cut their carbon footprints voluntarily, no government is likely to force them.

    To claim that personal action is insufficient is premature, because we've never seriously tried it. Most official messaging on climate change disparages individual action as insufficient - a message that seems to resonate deeply with many commenters, and especially among those who see Trump's rise as The End, since Trump effectively takes government action off the table.

    But what if we had a massive propaganda effort from everyone who believes science is true, calling for massive individual behavior change? What if the Bill McKibbens, the Jane Goodalls, the Naomi Kleins, and so on led by example and just quit flying? We don't have that type of messaging, because the entire ruling class consists of people in the top centile of individual greenhouse gas emitters. Power brokers like Trump and Clinton pretty much live on jet airplanes, spewing a year's worth of emissions for a normal person every few days, or more than once in a day. Many leading environmentalists do the same thing. So of course the elites who control the messaging emphasize collective action, to deflect attention from their own outsized contributions to climate destruction. And what better way to do this than to promote the idea that individual action can never be enough.

    Disdain for individual action (that is, for individual responsibility) may also reflect leftist bias. Steven Pinker in The Blank Slate discusses the Marxist view of human nature, with the individual as a mere product of social shaping, an empty vessel to be filled by government edict. To the Marxist, reshaping society means seizing the levers of government power, where the only real action is. There is some truth to that, but it isn't the whole story. Indeed, any social campaigner of any political stripe can only succeed by persuading massive numbers of people to do something. They can't just walk in unvited and start yanking the levers of power. They have to somehow get lots of people on their side before they can start shaping those empty vessels with coercive policy.

    The fact is in America the majority of people do seem to want some form of government legislation to combat climate change, yet have been let down by congress.

    But not an effective form of legislation, which would raise the cost of fossil fuels. In America the majority are completely habituated to automobiles and measure their personal well-being inversely to the price of gasoline. To get the level of greenhouse gas emission reductions we need, we need to rapidly phase in carbon taxes high enough to at least double the price of motor fuel. Consider that in Europe, motor fuel is already twice as expensive to the consumer as in the USA, yet average per capita carbon footprints are still much too high even in Europe.

    Of course governments can do a lot to assist individuals who want to cut their carbon footprints. Governments can build bicycle paths, subsidize home insulation, set efficiency standards for appliances, and on and on the list goes. It's easier to cut your carbon footprint today than it was 20 years ago, thanks in part to government. But you can easily cancel everything the government does to reduce your carbon footprint just by booking one more flight per year.

    Only two things can cut off those avenues for emission "leakage":

    1. A massive across-the-board carbon tax (which nobody will vote for unless they have already voluntarily adopted low-carbon living)
    2. Individual moral restraint

    The rise of Trump kills option #1, so let's stop pretending we don't have option #2.

  4. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Well.... 'tait over and Mr Ebell has not yet assumed office.  I posit, while offerining no proof, that screech about how Mr Ebell is a 'denier', a voice for the ignorant, a filthy capitalist, industry shill and so forth, will cause the transition team to dig in regardless of any truth contained in those statements.

    Pointing out that he was promting the idea that smoking is not bad for you (if true), that he knows no science, and that he knows nothing about either creating jobs or maintaining clean air and water may yeild a better result.  

    Mr Trump is neither a conservative nor a Republican, he's a former Democrat and Clinton supporter who say an opening with a rebranding. Better would be pointing out the Ebell won't help our industry compete and bring back jobs we've forced offshore, has no part in making America's air and water better than China's, Russia's, or Mexico's (something to be proud of), and offering an alternative. The alternative had better not be a doctrinaire eco-hardliner, but someone who can get 85% of the results at 50% of the regulatory costs, and find tangible things his agency can do that non-elite Americans see as a benefit.  In short, someone who draws less flak, isn't nuts, can compromise and makes Trump look good.   

    As far as climate change & US policy, perhaps try the method of accepting half a loaf (some attempts to reduce carbon output) combined with rebranding low-carbon living as Prarie Farmer Methods or some such.  Even with cheap fuel, going from $200/month to $75 month after month, year after year does one a lotta good.  

    OH, and don't own a Prius. It is a technical marvel, hidously ugly, and a truly wretched car unless one is is the sort who likes lite beer.  The thing makes a nasal, groaning sound whenever attempting to gain momentum, blocks traffic and is hideously ugly. Did I mention it's ugly?  This is not a good brand when you want to use the government to make people do things ;-).   There are hybrids of equal technical cleverness which don't cause gastic distress. Most lack the Prius's hatchback feature, a huge plus is daily use, but I believe the Volt is so equipped.   Personally I like a bicycle with a manual shift Hellcat for the rare times one needs to drive, but it's that's royally impractical for most in the USA.  

  5. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Are we coming down to Trumps level, or is blunt language the only way that will get through to Trumps people?

    Blunt language just won Trump the White House, but Trump constantly shaped his message in response to the crowd reaction at his rallies. If Trump wanted to change the mind of someone on the other side, he'd have to use entirely different language than he used to whip up his own rabble.

    It's hard to persuade a hostile audience by tossing verbal grenades over the wall. Real persuasion typically requires synchronous, one-on-one interactive dialogue. Unfortunately, most online communication is asynchronous. We write our screeds without the ability to see exactly how our target audience members are responding, sentence by sentence.

    Plato's dialogues featured Socrates engaging with his various interlocutors via what we now call his "Socratic method." The book A Manual for Creating Atheists adapts the method to talking people out of faith (that is, talking people out of the religious habit of basing their beliefs on the unsupported assertions of one particular person). Since climate science denial is contrary to evidence, it is also a faith-based position, and as with any position not grounded on evidence it is riddled with internal contradictions. Socratic questioning can lead the person of faith to become consciously aware of these contradictions and to experience elenchus (or cognitive dissonance). When dissonance rises to sufficiently catastrophic levels it can lead to belief change.

    Here is a brief sample Socratic dialogue with a climate skeptic.

    Furthermore, one should not assume that just because a person identifies with a group that the person necessarily aligns entirely with the group's claims. Sometimes a person may not even align entirely with his or her own assertions. Daniel Dennett documented some examples in his fascinating paper Preachers Who Are Not Believers. When dealing with climate "skeptics" we must first be skeptical about whether they really believe what they are saying.

    Climate science deniers nearly all seem troubled by indications of an overwhelming scientific consensus against them. Therefore, deniers routinely try to undermine the multiple studies showing the 97% consensus and so on. The reason for their discomfort is obvious: science is something truly special and unique. Every day we all benefit from consuming miracles of science. Virtually no one wants to give up those benefits. Even Young Earth Creationists, who claim evolution and mainstream geology are false, behave hypocritically by driving around in automobiles fueled by the very science they deny. No oil company on the planet figures out where to drill by assuming the book of Genesis is literally true. Every oil company employs large numbers of geologists who know how old the Earth is and the history of life's evolution on it.

    There is no way your computer could work unless all the scientific theories it embodies are true or all but true. We can be confident that if science should continue to progress for 500 years, there will never be a new discovery that magically stops your computer from working by disproving all those theories. Even though every scientific claim is in some sense provisional and subject to revision, the science that gives rise to billion dollar industries is pretty well settled, perhaps for all time.

    Given the overriding value of science in our society, nobody can take a logically consistent stance against it. They can only try to carve out subsets of science they want to deny, and pretend those subsets can exist in isolation from all the other parts. But it doesn't work that way, especially for such a large and interdisciplinary field such as climate science. That's why the science academies endorsing the mainstream position on man-made climate change represent all the sciences, not just climate scientists. A celebrity physicist such as Stephen Hawking can recognize the vast overlap between climate science and his own specialities. It would be very hard for one area of science to go completely off the rails - for decades - without creating vast and deep conflicts with many other areas of science.

    Thus one approach to engaging with climate science deniers is to question them Socratically to lead them to realize the wider implications of what they are claiming. They don't yet understand all the science - and scientifically-provided goodies - they would have to toss out if they really want to believe climate science is untrue.

  6. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Daniel Mocnsy @21, yes all thats possible, it occured to me, and I hope you are right. Richard Muller did change his criticism of the surface temperature data and concede NASA were right all along, once he came face to face with the "nitty gritty" real science. You can make silly climate denialist statements on websites, but its not so easy face to face with real scientists in a meeting where decisions have to be made. People don't take bulldust in those situations. It's interesting how at least some sceptics change their stance when serving on the IPCC.

    However here are a couple of points. Group think will pervade Trump and his inner circle. Thats not healthy at all.

    And the new climate denialist will be head of the EPA. His employees will explain some realities to him, but employees have to be careful how far they push things. Myron Ebell is the boss, and the guy is clearly badly informed on climate and worse is driven by strong ideological convictions of a libertarian leaning, as opposed to more evidence based leadership.

  7. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    amhartley @ 18


    You say " I think DM @ 10 didn’t intend to downplay the importance or necessity of government action. Rather, wasn’t his main intent to emphasize that many of us in the US, as individuals, hide behind that action, as if we don’t need to change our lifestyles?"

    His comments were good, but his  intent was not clear. I was responding to him, but also used the opportunity to discuss the philosophical role of the state. Some people object to virtually anything government does, apart from a minimilist criminal law. Some even prefer total anarchy.

    I was simply pointing out that the most basic nature of government is harm prevention, or deterrence and punishment, (exemplified in the criminal law)and the real question is how far government are entitled to extend that sort of principle and legislation. I was arguing some simple principles that might form a basis, and thus the justification of climate change legislation.

    Of course the more government intrudes the more the risk people will rely on government. I think its ultimately a balancing act.

    I do agree theres a risk people will hide behind actions of government, however if government action makes some logical sense then I think you minimise this risk and things compliment each other. For example America only has clean electricity legislation and people may assume thats all thats needed. If Americ a also had a carbon tax, or cap and trade scheme this would show that more is expected. I think it would reinforce individual initiative.

    Regarding Lincoln and the slaves. Public sentiment was moving against slavery, but only to a point. It was only Lincolns firm stand on principle, and legislation that really resolved the matter.

  8. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    John Hartz: Members of the 2016 Electoral College have not yet voted. They will do so on Dec 19.

    Thank you for the correction. I did not mean to imply otherwise with my parallel sentence structure. However, Hillary conceded the election, and the press and Obama, and terrified governments around the world, along with all the rent-seekers and opportunists flocking to Trump Tower, and the Russian intelligence agents celebrating their successful manipulation of US politics, are carrying on as if the election is a done deal, because it almost certainly is. According to Wikipedia's article about faithless electors, there have been 157 instances of faithlessness as of 2015, but none has ever affected the Presidential election.

  9. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    By flooding their ranks with such same minded people, like the appointment of Myron Ebell, they will generate the most destructive form of group think imaginable.

    That's certainly a possibility, maybe even a solid bet. But let's take a deep breath first and consider that until now, the response of the scientific community to deniers like Myron Ebell has often been to marginalize rather than engage them. In my experience with science deniers (albeit of lower rank), their denial has always been tightly bound with ignorance. None of them seems to have read a single book containing actual climate science. All of them continue to restate the climate myths so thoroughly debunked right here on Skeptical Science, as if they are playing a game of chess where the opponent has not already made a dozen moves past them.

    Well, there's no getting around engaging with them now. There are still some Democrats in office. Hillary won the popular vote. The scientific community hasn't gone away or become any less critical to increasing prosperity and maintaining the modern way of life. People like Myron Ebell who have lived comfortably in their echo chamber with no real challenge to their views will now get to spend time directly engaging with the world's leading actual scientists. It's one thing to dupe Trump's beloved "poorly educated voters" and another thing entirely to face the tough crowd of science.

    Climate change skeptics/contrarians/deniers can change their minds, for example Richard Muller. Since we can no longer pretend we have the option of just shoving the deniers aside, it's time to study every available case of belief change and try to get the remaining deniers onto the same trajectories.

  10. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    I have admired John's input for some years. I'm Irish and now live in the UK but spent a large part of my Astrophysics PhD at the Harvard Smithsonian in Mt Hopkins Arizona during Carter. I have never seen John so rattled; my American friends are pretty much in shock at the Trump election. I try to cling to the hope that Trump will only serve one term and there will be a backlash of historic proportions in the next few years; towards truth, scientific credibility and decency. I have worked with dozens (if not hundreds) of American scientists and the great America still exists. Take courage; the administration will be totally dysfunctional and not last long.

  11. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns


    Your anecdotal evidence indicates the scale of greenhouse gas emission cuts available to the individual. Even if people cannot figure out how to live car-free, there is still a factor of three or four difference in emissions between driving a large SUV or light truck vs. the most fuel-efficient cars. Another factor of three or four reduction comes from filling the empty seats. Four people in a Prius gives around a tenfold reduction in emissions per passenger-km compared to the single-passenger land yacht. This does not require rocket science or drastic lifestyle change, just having enough concern about climate change to overcome whatever obstacles keep people living in ridiculously damaging ways.

    Of course grandiose government solutions are nice and have their place. But there is no dichotomy or competition between individual and collective action. Rather, individual action is a necessary precursor to collective action. For example, we abolished slavery only after sufficiently many people decided slavery was immoral and freed their own slaves. Once enough people had taken individual action, the ground was prepared for government to make it official and take the credit. Individual states were able to abolish slavery - without fighting wars - before the nation as a whole did. Abolitionists had won the persuasion contest in those states after decades of work.

    To get a carbon tax high enough to make a difference (which might be hundreds of dollars per tonne of carbon dioxide) first requires having a large fraction (perhaps a large majority) of the population already behaving as if emitting carbon dioxide costs that much. Many of those people who live low-carbon without requiring coercion will be buying offsets as well, which is like paying a voluntary carbon tax - so of course they will support an official carbon tax. As for the other people, whose behavior we need to change, will they vote for policies that force them to behave in ways they wouldn't choose voluntarily? I doubt many tobacco smokers vote for increases in tobacco taxes. We can't punish smokers until they are a shrinking minority - something which had to happen voluntarily before the government could start tightening the thumbscrews. The same is true for carbon taxes - the holidaymakers in the world's vacation spots are not going to vote for a tax high enough to price them out of their destructive vice. Only people who have already adopted a moral behavior will vote to impose it on others. (See turkeys voting for Christmas.)

    Having a large population taking voluntary action provides another benefit: what I call a "social carbon tax." Before you have enough political support to pressure the government into raising the direct monetary cost of destroying the planet, you as an individual can raise the social cost for your profligate neighbors and peers through your disapproval of their irresponsibility. By analogy, during the California drought, individuals who visibly consume too much water become subject to "drought shaming." This is the social equivalent of a water tax - calling out people who rob the commons and thereby threaten everybody else who shares that commons.

    Humans are social animals and we care deeply about how others view us (other than the 3% or so who are sociopaths - apparently they don't care what anybody else thinks, so I guess we can take comfort in knowing Donald Trump is probably not a sociopath, given his hypersensitivity to insults). Each person who makes deep cuts in his or her personal emissions has then earned the moral high ground to add another increment to "carbon shaming." People who don't care much about the environment can still be sensitive to the opprobrium they will earn by living as if they don't care. Particularly if this opprobrium begins to cost them opportunities for employment, or romance - things that really matter.

    Therefore, when see your friends on Facebook posting brag photos from their recent planet-raping holiday excursion, you can start giving them negative feedback. Many will simply un-friend you, so they can carry on in their insular high-carbon bubble, but as more people voluntarily dial down their destructive behaviors, they make it harder for destructive individuals to hide from all of them.

    Consider what would happen if someone posted photos on Facebook showing how they were cruel to a housecat. We need the same level of outrage against photos depicting cruelty to the climate. How insane are we to care more about a single cat than we care about the entire biosphere?

  12. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Nigelj @ 13: I think DM @ 10 didn’t intend to downplay the importance or necessity of government action. Rather, wasn’t his main intent to emphasize that many of us in the US, as individuals, hide behind that action, as if we don’t need to change our lifestyles? And, secondarily, that we individuals can exert some impact with our lifestyle choices?

  13. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Sauerj @9, you say "John's frustration is based on historical facts, but I would caution against the use of the word "clowns" in the title."

    The counter argument is the 'warmists' have generally played nice for decades and been almost painfully polite, me as much as anyone and it hasnt worked too well. It just seems 'clowns' is the truth. Trump likes to call "a spade a spade" and not be politically correct, so why shouldn't we do the same?

    Are we coming down to Trumps level, or is blunt language the only way that will get through to Trumps people?

  14. Christopher Gyles at 08:33 AM on 19 November 2016
    Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    I think it's time for biologists step up efforts to preserve as much DNA from at-risk species as possible in doomsday vaults, because it looks like the odds that doomsday might well be on its way have grown astronomically.

  15. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Apologies for the typo. I meant that the only realistic solution to the ozone hole problem was for the government and industry to ban ozone depleting chemicals which is what they did in the end.

  16. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Daniel Mocsny:

    Nice summary, it got me out of my despair a little bit, after reading the equally good argument of the article. There are multiple benefits in petitioning our cities to increase density. I would like to drive less, but because American cities have this unified objective to limit building height, maximize floor footprint, and minimize density, it is very hard to find housing that is not 60 miles out of areas of interest.

    On the other hand, you are right: My all-electric house bill varies from $265 to $45 by using windows to heat and cool the house(I also painted roof and walls with titanium dioxide rich paint, my own mix), and watching light efficiency and use. That’s and 80% reduction. My Prius yields 3 times that of my Titan. I also avoid flying, I had time to do research in Mexico, but avoided the flying, and am successfully, Googling my information. My water bill similarly went from $85 to $35 by converting my yard to a vegetable and fruit garden from lawn. So your argument is sound, by logic, and my own anecdote.

    Still, I wish people would support finding planetary scale solutions, of the sort I research and recommend. It is just as important, and may be critically valuable if the worst feedback loops result. Having intelligent people, at least constructively, arguing such solutions is as critical for environmental security as is convincing people to do their individual bits that you suggest. For example, I am not allowed to mention my arguments here because it hurts people’s climate-change sensibilities. I accept it and fully understand the reasons, but it shows the narrowness of our thinking and searching.

    Trump Demigod phenomenon is not be the worst we must face: Demigods are built on fear and greed, and fear will only increase as tribal division is propagated by ever tougher economic conditions resulting from environmental damage. There you have it, if you want to get really depressed.

  17. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Daniel Mocsny @ 10, thanks for the comments. I agree combating climate change starts with individual initiative and individual responsibility, and making personal commitments to some changes in our daily lives. However I disagree that this will be enough by itself. Some government rules or carbon taxes help promote beneficial behaviours.

    The obvious historical example is tobacco, where in my country society encouraged people to give up, and promoted education campaigns, but this had useful, but limited effects. We combined this with taxes on tobacco to discourage smoking and also help with the costs of healthcare for smokers and numbers of smokers dropped. I think the parallels with climate change should be obvious. It’s a pragmatic approach and the majority supported government legislation.

    The fact is in America the majority of people do seem to want some form of government legislation to combat climate change, yet have been let down by congress. I think this is disgraceful but I think that Trump will only last 4 years and sanity will prevail on climate change. I just hope its not too late.

    It’s actually similar to the overall election. The majority wanted Clinton, but the election was won on the electoral college result, (but only just by a handful of votes). I just find the electoral college system strange, and can’t see why you don’t just decide the president on the popular vote. This would seem more democratic and more direct.

    You quote the ozone layer issue, but this could never be remedied by personal choice. The main culprit was fridges, and their refrigerant chemicals, and no alternative fridges were on the market or likely to ever be. The manufacturers would be very unlikely to move on the issue. The only “practical” remedy for the problem was to ban ozone.

    Here is a related issue. Individuals like you or me may take initiative on climate change, but I doubt companies ever would. The profit motive is just too powerful. This is why some government controls become inevitable.

    On prohibition, I take your point. Prohibition of alcohol never worked. Prohibition of hard drugs struggles to work. We are entering a very difficult ideological and theoretical minefield, on the role of the government. I think one reason prohibition of alcohol failed was that it never made any sense to ban alcohol, as its just not harmful enough to have a total ban. The public treated the legislation with utter contemp.

    I think governments are entitled ideologically to ban things, but should use this power sparingly. We already ban people from buying deadly poisons, or stealing! Who would argue with that?

    But if the government “bans” things it removes freedom of choice, so there is a downside. Government can also ban things to preserve and increase its power, and abuse that power and we have seen examples.

    The philosophical answer to this problem and series of conflicts is government should only “ban’ things if theres a compelling case. They need to prove an activity or substance causes serious harm and that the user of a substance becomes a significant threat to other people. I also think there has to be a majority of popular support for some ban.

    Now let’s apply this principle to climate change. Burning fossil fuels is a threat not just to this generation of people but hundreds of future generations. I can’t think of a clearer case that would philosophically justify some action by government, as well as individuals.

  18. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Daniel Mocsney: Members of the 2016 Electoral College have not yet voted. They will do so on Dec 19. 

    For details about the Electoral College system, go to the U.S. Electoral College website created by the National Archives and Records Administration.  

  19. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Someone made the point the other day that I have a hard time condeming. There is a real chance that this coming presidency could bring the world to its knees which in turn could stifle industry and therefore lower co2 emissions. If there is any chance... well, this is it - Economic Collapse.

  20. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    America, what have you done electing this guy?

    Technically, "America" did not elect this guy, because Hillary won the popular vote. To phrase the question more correctly:

    Electoral College, what have you done electing this guy?

    Trump's election is bad, to be sure, but the individual still primarily determines the carbon footprint of the individual; ditto for the corporation, and for local and state governments. The smaller the entity, the greater the level of independence. For example, Hillary was hoping to cut all of our carbon footprints by something like 30% by the year 2025. Almost anyone who decides to care about climate change can exceed that cut in a few days with a little instruction. The higher an individual's carbon footprint is now (for example, because he or she flies a lot), the more easily he or she can cut it.

    The failure of Prohibition in the USA illustrates that not even a Constitutional Amendment means anything unless sufficiently many people agree with it. People can and do change even deeply held beliefs - that's how we abolished slavery, and gave women the right to vote - but it doesn't happen by lobbying politicians or with the stroke of a pen or even by fighting a war. It happens over the course of billions of interactions between individuals in which persuasion occurs.

    If there is any positive to flow from the unfolding catastrophe that is Trump, it's that enviro-hypocrisy isn't going to cut it. No longer can environmentalists pretend they can protect the climate by flying around on jets, imagining that only grandiose government action (that is, action by someone else) is relevant. There isn't going to be effective government action, and there was never going to be, as long as we have a country in which the overwhelming majority of people see no moral problem with everyday activities that make our biggest contributions to climate destruction: flying, driving, heating, cooling, eating meat, owning meat-eating pets, procreating, etc.

    Most of the environmental movement seems to have bet the house on bypassing the individual. That worked for fixing the ozone hole (unless Trump decides to wreck that too), but only because almost no individuals had to become aware that their spray can propellants were changing. And also because sales of ozone-wrecking propellants were already dropping as consumers had been taking notice. With climate change, as anyone who has looked at carbon footprinting knows, the solution is not so simple.

    Figuring out how to minimize our personal indulgence in the most climate-destructive activities, and then figuring out how to persuade our friends and neighbors to minimize theirs, is the only rational basis for "hope" on climate change. There is no purely technological, transparent solution. To get the deep emission cuts we need on the tight schedule we need requires individual "sacrifice" similar to, but exceeding in intensity and duration, what citizens did to win World War II.

    Regardless of who sits in the White House, the difficulty of persuading your neighbors to stop driving, flying, etc. remains about the same. Consider that according to Wikipedia:

    It is estimated that 134.5 million Americans cast a ballot in 2016. Considering a voting age population of 251.1 million people and voting eligible population of 231.5 million people, this a turnout rate of 53.6% and 58.1% respectively.

    Over 40% of the voting eligible population was so unconcerned about all the issues at stake in this election that they didn't even vote. Let that sink in for a while. Most of those apathetic voters probably do not even have a strong position on climate change, given that this election gave voters just about the clearest opportunity to express a position. Persuading them to take real action on climate change - the only action that matters for anybody at any level of society, cutting the emissions they control - did not just suddenly become harder, because these people are apparently oblivious to who is running the Federal Government.

    Imagine if we could persuade all 61 million Americans who voted for Hillary to take serious action to cut their carbon footprints, and train them to persuade their apathetic friends and neighbors - we could realize Hillary's 30% emission cut target for the year 2025 in a few months.

  21. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    John's frustration is based on historical facts, but I would caution against the use of the word "clowns" in the title. I believe the spirit here is a form of mocking and thus a form of ad hominem. Instead of "... with clowns", I would suggest the objective "... Climate Action Oppositionist". Gandhi refused to engage in ad hominem tactics (link), and I think this strengthened his case in the long run. We should fight the 'sin' (the wrong policy, the wrong action), not the 'sinner' (the person). Yes, we should absolutely speak out with all our might, with all our power, with all the political & economic tools we have available, but we should still speak in a sense that is respectful to the human we are talking to. This will defuse the opposition's rebuttals, and appeal to the moral sense of all individuals. Remember: The battle of words is only partially with those we are directly speaking to. Just as important, if not more so, are how our words are processed by those on the side lines, who are listening to what we say, sizing up both sides with open, unbias, skeptical minds (especially the youth). The words we use, how we speak, the spirit that emanates from those words, is critical in gaining respect from open minds. We must train our minds to this ideal. I think, that if we use words that 'kill' (in spirit) the other side, then the result will be for both sides to embrace & rationalize (more & more) a demonizing position (result: no change from status quo). I believe a point-for-point historical correlative of this escalation of demonization occurred between 1770 & 1860 on the struggle over slavery in the US (in that case, to the point of arms).

  22. What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate

    Sauerj @4: The problem with conservative types is that they reject a revenue neutral carbon tax as one more Washington trick to increasing the regulatory and tax burden, and to decide what happens to your income and spending. It will be difficult to think of a strategy to change this perception which has been assiduously inculcated by politicians and the media since Jimmy Carter.

    It is important to realize that for well-intentioned conservatives, loyalty is their strongest value, and it is possible to leverage this in favor of renewable practices. Demeaning them, criticizing them for being backwards or anti-science, etcetc., will not sway them but harden them. However if you can frame it in terms of loyalty to future generations and the fertility of the earth/creation, not squandering the "farm" that nature/God has given as an inheritance, it is possible to create strong allies — if you can persuade them. If the economics of local sustainable energy makes sense, conservatives (with the exception of the zombie army of the captive corporate lobby) will naturally favor local self-reliance over centralized coporate grid dependance. Above all, it is important not to marry climate change mitigation to other left-wing/progressive causes or political color — that will trigger a whole host of active loyalty conflicts.

    Conservatives are more likely to be persuaded by examples of credentialed conservatives (or the pope, or other leaders) than by scientific facts. Like the fact that the US Air Force was forced to include the basics of infra-red re-radiation in their heat-seeking missile technology to avoid being blinded. Or that Navy admirals are already anticipating on the likely effects. Most ordinary people find it difficult to evaluate reams of scientific facts against competing disinformation claims that are regularly fed them by the media. For conservatives it will be very important to establish which sources of competing claims in the public sphere are more trustworthy: To this end it is very important to give maximum coverage to how co-opted and error-prone most Anglo-Saxon disinformation "experts" are, and how little money or ulterior motive is actually driving frontier scientific inquiry by basically humble, ordinary, plodding science researchers who are being true/loyal to the facts thrust upon them. It is therefore incumbent on experts in the field to address this "political" divide continually, especially since most are naturally geared towards sticking to the scientific discourse and staying out of political frays and other such "BS".

  23. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    citizenschallenge: Your posts of yesterday have been deleted because the SkS website is not an appropriate forum for creating a political movement to prevent Donald Trump's "official" election by the US Electoral College. In that regard, your posts were "off topic" and therefore in violation of the SkS Comments Policy.

  24. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    What if the man actually IS is what he said he was all along?

    I wonder if the voters considered the most obvious possibility.

    Moderator Response:

    [JH] Please use bold font to highlight words, not all-caps.

  25. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Chriskoz @3, I agree that the media failed America. I live in another country, but I did follow the whole thing, and all I heard about was emails, sexual material, and nothing much on policies or climate change. This is pandering to the lowest common denominator and sensationalism. If you feed garbage into the public, garbage will come out in the way of their voting behaviour.

    As to why Clinton lost, there are many reasons. However Clinton went into the election hobbled over the email thing. I don’t think she has done anything sinister, but it seems odd to me the Democrats would risk promoting her as a candidate when there were clearly plenty of other people.

    Trump has a silver tongue like a clever used car salesman, and monopolised on some genuine discontent in America with free trade, and various elites, however Trumps policies are very poor quality. This sort of populist dogma will end in tears for everyone.

    Regarding The EPA, it’s chilling that Trump has appointed such an obvious and strong climate sceptic and apparent libertarian as Myron Ebell. This is a scorched earth policy which shows Trump wants to neutralise the EPA as much as he can. There’s no ambiguity or softening here, he has declared war on science, or any science he doesn’t like.

    Trump is surrounding himself entirely with yes men (and the odd token yes woman) and people of almost identical extreme right wing views. We now have severe group think. Trump is like a quasi dictator in charge of America, who through force of personality is bending everything to his will. Americas system has so called checks and balances, but the Republicans have all branches of government, and soon to have a dominance of their preferred Judges on the Supreme Court, so I dont see any checks or balances. 

  26. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns


    What was astonishing about that Muslim lady was her criticism that Obama's social programs were insufficient to her needs. She was seemingly not aware that Trump's Congressional Republicans plan to gut those same programs, and Trump made not a single promise to defend them. She could not afford Obamacare, but under Trump she will even lose that aspiration to have health insurance, as there will be no program at all - at least that is what he said during the campaign.

    She seemed a very good example of a general electorate who vote from their intuitions or heuristics - fast thinking, in other words, instead of the slow thinking where the policies of both candidates are rationally evaluated. The last is the ideal of the electorate in a democracy, which exists nowhere. 

  27. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns


    Here's another perspective on why many voters flocked to Trump. 

    Trump’s anti-intelligentsia revolution, Op-ed by Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg View, Nov 14, 2016

  28. US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory

    Monckton has been writing silly things about John Abraham, amongst other things, below that Carbon Brief article.

  29. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    John's resentment of US president elect (especially his final conclusion, snipped here, that you find in the Guardian) is no dobt shared by all of us. I resent this president and his office more than John does, up to the point that I think he does not deserve to be called by name (T-word, is in my household a forbidden swear word, just like N-word) and I extend that practice to my posts on SkS.

    But contrary to John, I have no illusion that the new president be "contrarian to the contrarians" only to be even more disappointed later. Instead I concentrate on the reasons behind such absurd election results: what happened to the US voters that they elected the most unimaginable clown that ever existed? This outcome did not come from "deplorables" (eg. white supremacits such as KKK), these are marginal poeple. The outcome came from average decent people but blind GOP supporters and from DEM supporters who turned away from Clinton for various reasons. Here is a confession from such an average voter that I cite after smh:

    I'm a Muslim, a woman and an immigrant. I voted for Trump

    This woman is from Muslim Reform Movement, and voted unreasonably, because he didn't like Clinton's dealings with Arab states and her lack of rejection of radical Islamism. Well, as muslim reformist, she should have listened to someone like Sam Harris, and unreasonably, she didn't but that aspect is not to be discussed on SkS. The important aspect is that she said she accepts climate science and is concerned about AGW but clearly voted irresponsibly against her own concerns here.

    That should tell us that voters still place AGW very low in their priority list. Concerns like muslim reformation, lost emails, or other petty concerns are higher than the most important issue facing policy makers in this century. Where was the media whose job was tohighlight it during the campain? They concentrated on "pussy bus" instead. Although itself disqualifying the actors (including Bush) of that comedy from any public office, the media should cut the show short with the statement: such clowns are unable to grasp any serious issues like e.g. AGW.

    The media failed us. Our job is to continue remind voters to sort their priorities according to the common good, not the petty concerns, in the next election to eliminate the root of the problem we're in.

  30. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    I'm fast losing hope as well. Remember half the population have a limited education, and I would say they figure high in Trumps supporters, and you only need to look at the demographics and groups who supported him. And they are preyed on by ignoramuses like Rush Limbaugh, and will be exploited, fooled, and walked all over by people who actually weild power in Congress.

    Trump and the Republicans are retreating into a giant intellectual, economic, and cultural bubble. They have become massively defensive, and are hunkering down. Yes globalisation has hurt some groups, but they are selecting exactly the wrong mindset and responses.

    By flooding their ranks with such same minded people, like the appointment of Myron Ebell, they will generate the most destructive form of group think imaginable. Braver and smarter people ensure they have a range of advice.

    Remember Trump is a business person, and is used to abrupt decisions and risk taking. This is part of the business ethic, but Trump does it on largely gut instinct and is taking a huge risk with the climate and also his protectionist trade policies.

    The devil is in the detail, and I can see from his rhetoric that he is definitely incorrect on many details, crucially important details, so the sum of the parts will be a disaster. Trumps business history came close to bankruptcy several times. America, what have you done electing this guy?

  31. What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate

    Sauerj @4, everything you say makes plenty of sense. Part of me wants to take that optimistic view as well. However as you say lot of this issue depends on what the world says, and the pressure they put on America.

    And it all depends on how people advise Donald Trump to do better on climate change. I would say do a lot of ego stroking and flattery because Trump has the sort of personality that responds to that. However add a bit of shouting at him as well, because he wont respect people who are timid. This guy has to be handled properly.

  32. Breathing contributes to CO2 buildup

    Lets not get into handwavy arguments. The relevant diagram is already on this thread here. Long term burial of carbon by plants etc takes place at rate about 0.2Pg C per year. Emissions from fossils fuels and land use change are about 9Pg C per year.

    Not to mention the obvious fact that CO2 levels in the atmosphere are rising, and that the isotopic composition of CO2 in atmosphere is consistent with addition coming from FF.

  33. Trump begins filling environmental posts with clowns

    Upon reading and listening to the reasons that Trump's supporters give for backing him, I have lost all hope.  

    His supporters brains have been hijacked by Breitbart, Limaugh, and Fox.    When things get bad, those "newscasters" will find a way to blame it all on Obama.  Eight more years?

  34. What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate

    I am hopeful (naively) that with the GOP now fully 'on the hook' for the path forward that they will step back from their political obstructionism, re-calibrate their priorities and seriously evaluate the gamut of carbon cessation policy options so to unbiasly work out the best strategy for the most carbon emission reductions (nationally & globally), the least GDP-impact & the most equitable. An optium path that considers all 3 constraints (or more if required).

    Before, acceptance of CC & then CC action (via executive order type policies) was a politized gridlock. That political excuse (that political football) has now been taken away from the GOP. Maybe those in their ranks who aspire to true conservatism (a true sense of sustainability) & a true sense of fair skepticism can persuade the rest of the GOP to step back, and re-calibrate its old ways. This re-calibration might make them think about CC strategy like a business problem, with constraints as follows: 1) Meet set carbon reduction goals, 2) Do so in the least economic burdensome & most equitable way as possible, and 3) Assist the global nations (especially the highest emitters) to do the same through technology sharing & funding (if necessary).

    What is missing from this is the economic driving force to push toward the best solutions. Why? Because the cost of FF's today does not include the future cost of tomorrow's CC impacts. We are allowed to litter CO2 to the atmosphere for free. Because of this, wrong business decisions (based on cost vs return evaluations) are being made everyday all over the world by everyone. When the cost of energy is wrong, no one can escape these wrong decisions. Once the future cost of FF's is put into this price (on a ramped slope set so that technology development can keep up w/ demand), sustainable energies will start to florish, along with improvements in efficiency and reductions of discretionary  & other wasteful consumption practices (those which provide no improvement to the quality of life). All fueled by the switch-over of investor capital, thus spurring organic entrepreneurship, technological ingenuity & industrial drive. Ultimately, the best, most sustainable solutions will become the most profitable, and therefore the most pursued.

    Once the cost of unsustainability is included in the consumption of energy (increasly so until the use of FF's is eventually reduced to sustainable rates), then carbon cessation will start to take care of itself, on the best solution path possible. Of course, like today, business regulations will still be required to maintain just & equitable business practices (this is a piece of the policy negotiations but should not stalmate all movement toward significant and abtainable reductions in carbon emissions). A revenue-neutral carbon tax (fee & dividend, or an equitable offsetting of state sales tax, etc) is a good way to insert the future cost of FF's into their price. Once done (& ramped up at a rate that businesses would use in their capital plans), then business decisions will move away from today's wrong ones toward the right (sustainable) ones.

    I am hopefully (again naively) that now that the GOP has the entire football and that some in the ranks are reasonable and with growing political & economic pressures from the rest of the world, that those in power will have a serious re-think, re-calibration on this whole issue. I am not sure that pressure from within their ranks is enough, but pressure from the rest of the world might cause them to totally re-think their strategy.

  35. What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate

    The globe affected by global warming is mostly not the United States.  Yet one country has, more than any other, caused this calamity: the United States.  I should think people around the World are getting royally steamed over America's repeated intransigence.  I know my own country: if you're not hitting someone in his pocketbook, he can't hear you.

  36. What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate

    Mark has written an exceptionally insightful summary of where we stand.  However, he does not address the impact of 4-years of inaction and back sliding on the part of the U.S.  As I write this comment from SW Missouri at 7:30 AM on November 17 the outside temperature is 60 degrees F and the trees in my yard still have green leaves on them.  Climate change is moving much more quickly than the models have predicted.  Measurable action on the part of the U.S. must be implemented yesterday.

  37. US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory

    The International Energy Agency warned that reaching the ambitious targets set forth by last year’s global climate change accord would be next to impossible => Paris Climate Deal Is Too Weak to Meet Goals, Report Finds

  38. US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory

    @Eric Grimsrud

    I have no time for wait and see.

    Trump appointed Steve Bannon – the former chairman of Breitbart, the far-right media outlet that peddles conspiracy theories as news and advances white nationalism – as White House Chief Strategist and his Senior Counselor. Trump's top science advisor is climate change denier Myron Ebell. Mother Jones has an article here => Trump's Top Environmental Adviser Says Pesticides Aren't Bad for You

    These are guys with a long history of science denial. Wait and see is not an option. Wait and see was the tenor when Hitler gained power some 80 years ago...

  39. Breathing contributes to CO2 buildup


    Nope. More like 100's of millions of years ago. Plants removed vast amounts of carbon over huge timescales and it has been locked away ever since. Plants today work on a carbon cycle that doesn't include that sequestered ancient CO2. So adding this carbon from long ago is disrupting the balance of that system.

  40. Hansen's 1988 prediction was wrong

    Sorry, I have two eyes, and the data clearly shows me it's closer to Scenario C, not Scenario B. 

    Moderator Response:

    [PS] It is not clear to me that you have read the article that carefully. Read the comment policy- you are risking sloganeering .Scenario B is about an emission scenario. Hansen considered what would happen for 3 different emission scenarios. What we actually emitted is closer to Scenario B, so should compare his prediction for scenario B to actual temperatures for B. His prediction is too high for reasons the articles discusses.

  41. Breathing contributes to CO2 buildup

    This rebuttal is missing something. It says that people arguing that breathing causes CO2 are missing the other half of the cycle.

    By that very same logic, those who are saying we should cut down on fossil fuel use are missing the other half of the cycle — those plants that created the fossil fuels also took that CO2 out of the atmosphere hundreds of thousands of years ago. This is all a cycle and if it happens, it happens. You can't stop it. 

  42. On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics


    Indeed, note how the tip of the average green curve just "touches" the freezing blue line in summertime, which indicates how sensitive this region is changes in ice accumulation/melting in response to even small warming that shifts the green curve up and down. The simulation of such shifts (or rather changes in green curve in response to Milankovic forcings) can lead the explanation of iceage cycles. But with that model in mind, the departure of red line from green line in wintertime does not make any difference to arctic ice stability as long as it stays below freezing. The relevant summertime part or red curve follows green curve closely. So I don't understand what's a big buzz in this mistery, policy violating bozzza@112 post.

    And above all, I don't understande how this graph is relevant to the topic at hand about demographic of climate science acceptance in America.

  43. On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics

    I am pretty sure it is Arctic temperatures north of 80N. See here.

  44. What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate

    Trump may be susceptible to the idea that the US is going to lose its role as a leader in emergent technologies, such as solar and renewables. His views on climate amount to a few goofy one-offs ("Where is global warming when you need it" –- everybody in Russia and Canada has said that sometime in their life) and ignorance: He thinks that if the weather breaks a record that was last set in 1896 it proves that there is nothing novel about weather extremes (which is true — but not germane). If not completely beholden to fossil fuel interests or campaign promises there is some hope for a learning curve if he runs into advisors with an educational streak. He's also likely to be in for a surprise when calculating how many "hundreds of billions" can actually be squeezed from subsidies (and coal substitution). Further hope can be garnered from the fact that he is likely to favor States' and local autonomy, which means a lot of initiatives will carry on despite new policy. Just saying, the cause has not yet been completely lost.

  45. On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics

    The chart @12 needs some explanation.  As in, what is it?

  46. US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory

    "But given Trump’s comments on the campaign trail, the US’s recent reputation under Barack Obama as a nation serious about tackling climate change now looks to be in peril."

    im sorry, but donald trump does not dicate my energy consuption/ carbon footprint choices.

  47. One Planet Only Forever at 04:29 AM on 17 November 2016
    2016 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming Digest #46

    Trump's plans for coal is likely to stop any transition of existing coal burners in the US and motivate utilities to maximize their use by ending laws and enforcement that make coal burning less profitable. However, his main plan would likely be to maximize exports of coal and us US influence to keep buyers of US coal from reducing their burning-blaming them and excusing the US.

    Bottom line is Trump is bottom line popularity and profit guy who has a history of not caring how popularity gets drummed up or how unsustainable or damaging a pursuit of profit is understood to be. He has proven that popularity for nationalism can override any better understanding that what is being promoted will not advance humanity to a lasting better future. Tragically in Germany White Nationalists were twice proven to respond even more as the damaging absurdity of the Weimar and Nazi Regimes claims were ramped up.

  48. US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory

    Visiting the original article at Carbon Brief I note that somebody using the name 'monckton' has opened the comments batting with long debunked disinformation for which his Lordship is so well known.

  49. On Trump and climate, America is split in two by these demographics

    Enough, it's time to do something!Temperatures in Arctic above 80N

    Moderator Response:

    [RH] Adjusted image size. Please keep image limited to 500px.

  50. US election: Climate scientists react to Donald Trump’s victory

    nigelj: You state:

    Somebody needs to talk to Trump about climate change, but it needs to be kept to just a few key points. He will not have time for a massive lecture.

    According to the following article, President Barak Obama is doing just that.

    Here's how Obama's trying to persuade Trump not to abandon the Paris climate deal by Brad Plumer, Energy & Environment, Vox, Nov 15, 2016

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