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All IPCC definitions taken from Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Annex I, Glossary, pp. 941-954. Cambridge University Press.

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Comments 32901 to 32950:

  1. Fact check: China pledged bigger climate action than the USA; Republican leaders wrong

    Two further points to bolster Dana's case:

    1. China's carbon footprint is only 1/4th America's.

    2. The EU has already pledged a 2030 target of 40% (down from 1990 levels).  Hopefully, all these falling domino's will encourage more commitments.

  2. CO2 effect is saturated

    The irony is that you would include a graph that shows 80% transmittence in the N-Band (8 to 13 microns) which is a big fat region smack in the middle of the strongest part of earth's radiation curve, and use it as part of your argument that Trenberth's 10% figure, of blackbody surface radiation making it to space, is correct. I won't link to the article on the N-Band in Wikipedia, I'll let you do it, but if you add that to the J Band and the K Band, I just don't believe it's only 10%. There are more windows in the atmosphere than there are in Notra Dame. If we account for clouds, which cover roughly half the sky, then the figure would be 20%, half blocked by cloud, but that still seems way too low.

  3. New study shows warm waters are melting Antarctica from below

    Thanks for another great article from JA. Toward the end he says: " I have a paper in press with Dr. Ted Scambos that identifies the potential for rapid sea level rise based on Antarctic melting."

    I, for one, look forward for this update, though not without some dread!

  4. The Debunking Handbook: now freely available for download

    Actually, graafderaaf, you've apparently failed to read the Handbook.  It is not based on the 97% consensus.  The 97% graph is used to illustrate one method (of many noted) of working with the general public.

  5. 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #46A

    GISTemp is out for October: .76C — tied for warmest October on record (2005).  2014 is on track for warmest year on record.  Sept-Oct ENSO (MEI) = .36.  

  6. One Planet Only Forever at 03:34 AM on 15 November 2014
    Fact check: China pledged bigger climate action than the USA; Republican leaders wrong

    Predictably the claims by the Republican leadership-of-the-moment have little merit, just potential popular appeal. After all, they are trying to promote activity that has no real merit, just potential short-term popular appeal.

    Those who only care about getting the best possible present benefit for themselves are the real problem. They will constantly fight to try to win what they want any way they they can get away with. A better future is of little interest to them. And fighting to keep others from 'developing to live the way they do because there is not enough opportunity for everyone to live that unsustainable damaging way' is an obsession for them. And in many cases the actions that would develop a sustainable better future for all of humanity are contrary to 'their interests'.

    A lack of interest in the development of a sustainable better future for all clearly has a potential for short-term competetive advantage and potential regional popular support. And the damaging consequences of those attitudes and actions continuing to succeed is becoming clearer. Yet they remain 'popular and profitable'. Their popularity and profitability is what needs to change and that will only happen with the success of decent reasonable leadership examples. Other types of leadership succeeding will be unsustainable and damaging as much as they can get away with.

  7. More research confirming large methane leakage from shale boom


    You're evading the question.

    The SRES Scenarios are "If-Then" statements.   If the world's population and economies play out a certain way, then emissions will be a certain amount.  In your own words:

    "If X then Y. Not, 'the result will be Z'."

    One again, and for the record, I'm saying that the IPCC overestimated methane emissions (for whatever scenario we can test), or residence time, or both.  And they admit that they got the trend wrong.  

    So, as it stands today, methane is turning out to be not as big a climate issue as we were told it would be.

    Moderator Response:

    [JH] You assert that the IPCC admits "that they got the trend wrong" re methane emissions. Please document with specific source reference or references.

  8. CO2 effect is saturated

    Satoh @327, I was going to quote exactly the same secton from wikipedia as Glenn.  To make the point clearer, however, here is the IR atmospheric transmittance from wikipedia:

    You will notice that both IR camera frequency bands (3-5 micron and 8-12 microns) have relatively high transmittance.  Indeed, the average transmittance over the 8-12 band is probably better, but atmospheric radiation is very low in the 3-5 micron band making it more suitable for long distance viewing.  The difference between the two bands is that between looking through fog (3-5 micron) and looking through a glowing fog (8-12 microns).

    The irony of your argument is that the chief database of emission frequencies for atmospheric gases (the HiTran database) was generated by the USAF in order to determine which frequencies were suitable for IR cameras (and heat seakers) and which were not.  Having constructed their cameras using information from that database applied to radiative models equivalent to those which show the greenhouse effect (as shown above), you now cite the effectiveness of those cameras as disproof of the database and theories used in constructing them.

  9. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    Alright, found the proble is with units. The EPA is Pg/CO2 and the IPCC is PG/C, so a conversion factor of about 3.7. Mystery solved.

  10. CO2 effect is saturated

    Satoh from Wikipedia on the subject of FLIR

    "Infrared light falls into two basic ranges: long-wave and medium-wave. Long-wave infrared (LWIR) cameras, sometimes called "far infrared", operate at 8 to 12 μm, and can see heat sources, such as hot engine parts or human body heat, a few miles away. Longer-distance viewing is made more difficult with LWIR because the infrared light is absorbed, scattered, and refracted by air and by water vapor. ...

    Medium-wave (MWIR) cameras operate in the 3-to-5 μm range. These can see almost as well, since those frequencies are less affected by water-vapor absorption, but generally require a more expensive sensor array, along with cryogenic cooling."

    Contrast this with Tom's just posted graph. 8-12μm is the 'atmospheric window' plus a bit of the H2O absorption bands on either side. No involvement from CO2. And virtually no backradiation since that only occurs at wavelenths where the GH gases can absorb and thus emit. And 3-5μm is completely off the graph to the right.

    FLIR works precisely because it works around the absorption properties of the GH gases. Your belief that " FLIR operates at all wavelengths that CO2 emits" is incorrect.

    And Back Radiation isn't something to be believed in or not. It is something routinely and directly observed.

  11. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    @KR in 57,

    sorry, still confused. I was understanding that models were based upon concentrations versus emissions or forcings? Concentrations being derived from net expected emissions, and forcings being derived from concentrations?

  12. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    MA Rodger,

    Thanks for that. I'm second guessing my reading of the IPCC CO2 emission numbers for scenarios now though. As per your post I compared the FAR to actual as per prior links and concluded as you that absorption was since adjusted. I went to look what that adjustment looked like and instead find that even the AR5 has nonsensically low CO2 emission numbers per Table AII.2.1a. We are looking at 2010 emission numbers of ~8 Petagrams across all scenarios for 2010 and future projections ranging from below zero but in no circumstances exceeding 29 Petagrams. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the IPCC did look at current numbers before picking the 2010 values and would have noticed if the actual human emissions matched the EPA's aparently observed numbers already exceeding 25-30 Petagrams.

    So my question is, if the EPA numbers are out, were would one find actual historicial fossil fuel emission numbers to reference correctly? Everything I can google comes up like the EPA numbers, but from the IPCC numbers in their 2013 report that simple can't be the same numbers the IPCC is working from.

  13. The Debunking Handbook: now freely available for download

    "The general public does not trust climate scientists and with good reason because advocating disaster can have great career prospects."

    As a working scientist, this is simply a crazy notion.  If anything, scientists tend to be conservative to avoid seeming "unobjective" to their peers.  And it is to their peers that they must answer.

  14. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    bcglrofindel - As Bob points out determining forcings is part of the modeling process, albeit done for FAR with feed-in models such as line-by-line radiative codes and simplified carbon cycle models (See FAR chapter 3 on modeling). The scenarios for FAR and in fact for current IPCC summaries are based on emissions, not forcings. 

    As to the latter part of your comment, I'm not certain what you're asking, although that may just be my (mis)reading. I will point out that CO2 isn't the only driver of climate, and there were significant differences in other influences between the FAR scenarios and actual history such as CFC levels. 

  15. CO2 effect is saturated

    Glenn, the images I am talking about are generically known as FLIR which means Forward Looking IR. It's an old-fashioned military term for heat seeking and visualizing equipment that goes back many decades. There are many FLIR cameras / sights on many types of military weapons, where an enemy soldier's human form can clearly be seen using only the IR that he radiates. All objects that emit IR are as clear as if a light camera were taking them, and you can identify humans, tanks, hot weapons (and their ammunition) from 20,000 feet elevation. I don't see how this is possible if the atmosphere absorbs and re-emits IR. I believe FLIR operates at all wavelengths that CO2 emits. I believe that CO2 absorbs IR and turns it into kinetic heat. I do not believe in back-radiation in the troposphere, otherwise FLIR would not work at all.

  16. CO2 effect is saturated

    Satoh @322:

    First, the graph I used was just a highlighted region used to show the agreement between model and observation closely.  As Glenn correctly notes, it is one of three graphs in the original paper, two of which is shown by Science of Doom, including this one:


    Second, Science of Doom also developed his own Line by Line model, and used it to calculate first the upward IR radiation at various altitudes with a clear sky:

    And then just the transmitted upward IR radiation from the surface:

    The light blue shows the transmission to 22.8 kilometers of altitude, ie, effectively to space.  Except for very small amounts, almost all of it comes from the 750-1350 wave number "atmospheric window", in which around 90% of surface emitted IR radiation transits the atmosphere.  Overall, there will be slightly more than 17% (=40/239) of surface radiation will be transmitted averaged over the Earth in clear sky conditions.  That is because no IR radiation from the surface penetrates clouds.  Taking clouds into account, the total is reduced to approximately 17%.

    It should be noted that SOD's model does not differ on any principles relative to the models that produced the predicted result in Conrath et al (1970), nor those that produce so good a match to observations as shown in the scatterplot of 134,862 model/observation comparisons by Dessler et al (2008).  Those models of prove accuracy, therefore, will produce equivalent results if atmospheric emission is eliminated from them as well.

    Your mistake is to assume that the IR radiation to space consists of the surface emission minus atmospheric absorption.  It is, however, overwhelmingly the result of atmospheric emission, with nearly all (90%) of surface emission being absorbed in the atmosphere.

    IR satellites are able to produce usefull images because their IR sensors are tuned to the atmospheric window where only about 10% of surface emission is absorbed.  Indeed, they will be tuned to the precise frequencies in which absorption is at a minimum.  Even so, they do not see through clouds and have a degraded performance relative to optical cameras.  

  17. PhilippeChantreau at 00:33 AM on 15 November 2014
    The Debunking Handbook: now freely available for download

    Graafderaaf, a common pseudo-dkeptic argument is that there is disagreement among scientists on the subject. Closer examination reveals that there is no significant disagreement, in fact less so than many other scientific subjects.

    Can you explain how exactly advocating disaster helps with carreer propects? I recall Sallie Baliunas predicting "trillions" of dollars of losses and economic mayhem as a result of the CFC ban to protect the ozone layer, how has that helped her carreer?

  18. Dikran Marsupial at 00:09 AM on 15 November 2014
    The Debunking Handbook: now freely available for download

    graafderaaf not that old canard again.  Nobody is using the existence of a consensus as a scientific argument for the existence of anthropogenic climate change.  If you look around the myths discussed here, you will find that we base our arguments on peer-reviewed scientific articles.  If you disagree with any of them, then I would encourage you to post a comment on a relevant topic explaining your scientific objections.

    The existence of a consensus ought to be a good way of communicating expert opinion on more or less any scientific topic, as it shows you what the mainstream scientific position actually is.   Ignoring the opinion of qualified people is hubris and folly of the highest order.

    As to career prospects, I think you ought to do some research to find out how much academics get paid, it isn't actually all that much when you think how long they spent earning the qualifications and compared to how much management in industry earns for similar levels of responsibility, or qualifications (e.g. actuarial salaries).

    It is ironic that you complain about faulty reasoning and then procede to use an ad-hominem! ;o)

  19. More research confirming large methane leakage from shale boom

    Russ, I repeat the quotation from the IPCC report;

    "Because at the time the scenarios were developed (e.g., the SRES
    scenarios were developed in 2000), it was thought that past trends
    would continue, the scenarios used and the resulting model projections
    assumed in FAR through AR4 all show larger increases than those
    observed (Figure 1.6)."

    So, none of them aligns with methane emissions since 1990. Of course, you ask which of those scenarios best aligns with other factors... but that is obviously irrelevant to methane levels.

    My best guess is that you are trying to 'prove' that the trend in methane emissions relative to economic development decreased for several years. However, as the IPCC report actually says that, I'm not sure what you think you have 'uncovered'.

  20. CO2 effect is saturated


    "The argument given here only addresses "d" and ignores "a-c" and "e". In fact, the vast majority of radiation to space from earth is from "a"

    Not true.

    "a. blackbody radiation from the surface which radiates directly into space through the many windows in the spectrum where the atmosphere is transparent to IR."

    There aren't many windows. There is a recognised region around 10-11.5 microns labelled the Atmospheric Window where tranmission through the atmosphere is nearly total. Across the rest of the spectrum absorption is nearly total. What we are seeing in graphs like what Tom has shown is predominantly not transmission. It is reradiation.

  21. The Debunking Handbook: now freely available for download

    The example used in this book is terrible!

    If you want to convince the world about climate change being caused by humans you don't make the argument based on that 97 out of a 100 climate scientist agree with that statement!

    The general public does not trust climate scientists and with good reason because advocating disaster can have great career prospects.

    You have to use real arguments.

    Moderator Response:

    [PS] Please read the comments policy on this site. If you make sweeping statements like above, then please provide support for your argument. Further wild rhetoric like this will be deleted.

  22. CO2 effect is saturated


    "The irradiance chart, on the other hand, clearly shows that much of the spectrum has high transmission of IR through the atmosphere, with the exception of a big CO2 band from 13 to 18 microns"

    This is a common misunderstanding. Take the region on the left of Tom's second graph, to the left of wavenumber 600. That is a region dominated by water vapour absorption/emission. And not that the intensity corresponds to a Planck curve with a temperature below 280 K. I.e, well above the surface.

    What you are seeing there is not IR that has been transmitted through the atmosphere. Water vapour absorbs virtually all the IR leaving the surface. The transmittance is negligible. What is being measured there is IR radiated from higher in the atmosphere. It is not transmitted through it.

    Siimilarly the CO2 region represents again near total absorption the reradiation at higher altitudes. Much higher than the altitude the signals from the water band are coming from so much colder. So the intensity is so much lower. Look at the spike in the center of the CO2 'notch'. That corresponds to an altitude so high that it is in the upper stratosphere where temperatures are actually warmer. The detailed shape of the CO2 'notch' is a direct reflection of the verticl temperature profile of the atmosphere.

    Tom's 'graph' is actually taken from an observations based paper from 1970. It is one of three such graphs provided by that paper and covers a larger frequency range, but still ultimately limited by the operating range of the instrument on the Nimbus 3 satellite.

    Your earlier comment "That would only be true for blackbody Planck radiatiors. CO2 is a gas and does not emit blackbody radiation. "is only partly correct. A gas does not radiate as a black (or even grey) body in that it does not radiate a continuous spectrum with a Planck Function shape. It only radiates over a narrower range of discrete frequencies. However, at those frequencies the intensity of the radiation emitted by the gas does match the strength of a black body at that frequency.

    Yo are making a claim that the ability to discern continents in IR suggests relatively high transmission. However you haven't backed up that assertion.

    1. What part of the IR spectrum is being used in these observtions?
    2. What sort of signal processing is being done to the data to allow discrimination of the continents? Do you know that it is being done with raw data?
    3. Even if there is no signal processing, is the fact that a portion of the signal does transit all the way to space, even if only 10%, provide sufficient discrimination to allow boundaries to be detected.
    4. Unless the sea and closely adjacent land are at significantly different temperatures, how different will they appear on a raw R plot and thus how visible would any boundary be?
    5. When we see boundaries in visible light for example we are seeing differneces of intensity, colour, polarisation etc. that form a composite means of detecting boundaries. Is there the same discrimintion available in IR data.
    6. Do the images of continents men what you thing they mean? I don't know that answer, I am just posing the question.

    Trenberth's 'cartoon calculations' aren't his. That paper amalgamates measurements from many different sources to produce that composit picture.

    And Tom's pont about your misunderstanding Wien's Displacement Law is spot on. Look at his figure 2. Pick any wavelength and compare the magnitude of the different Planck curves shown. Where do any of them show a higher intensity for a lower temperature at any single wavelength? A cooler Planck curve always lies below a warmer one, at all wavelengths.

  23. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    bcgirofindel @53.

    Adding to other comments here, as you show, recourse to FAR WG3 does easily yield emissions (as per tables 2.8) which for CO2 in all scenarios, project values lower than outcomes so far. Yet, to convert emissions into forcings you require to establish atmospheric concentrations which in FAR for CO2 can be gleaned from WG3 Figure 2.2. My reading of it suggests the 400ppm is passed by Scenario B in 2015, an event that now looks certain to occur.
    The different outcome between the emissions comparison and concentrations comparison tells us that 25 years ago FAR were a bit out calculating CO2 absorption rates.

  24. CO2 effect is saturated

    Every time someone throws issues a challenge to Mr Curtis, I want to get pretzels, his science-powered takedowns are exquisite.

  25. CO2 effect is saturated

    Your first two graphs disagree with each other. The first graph says only 40 W/m2 out of 396 are emitted directly through atmospheric spectral windows, which is only 10%. The irradiance chart, on the other hand, clearly shows that much of the spectrum has high transmission of IR through the atmosphere, with the exception of a big CO2 band from 13 to 18 microns. Your radiance chart is incomplete by the way, because it only goes from 10 microns to 25, when the earth radiates from 7 to 100 microns. The complete chart spectrum, from 7 to 100, shows very little absorption by the atmosphere from 7 to 13 microns, and again very little absorption from 18 to 100, which is a big enough part of the spectrum for me to know that Trenberth's figure of 10% is extremely low. I don't believe it. The large amount of radiance to space from earth surface, through windows, is evidenced by the fact that IR images of earth taken from satellites show surface features such as continents and islands, lakes, etc, which would not be visible if 90% of the IR is absorbed by and re-emitted by the atmosphere. A 90% atmospheric interference of IR would mean the atmosphere is basically transleucent to IR, and IR cameras in satellites would not show continents, etc, but would show nothing but a featureless haze. I don't buy Trenberth's cartoon calculations at all.

  26. CO2 effect is saturated

    Satoh @329:

    1)  The term "saturated greenhouse effect" has a long history, and is well understood.  "Extinction" refers to the point at which no radiation from the original source remains - which is a different concept.  The greenhouse effect is claimed to be saturated by the misinformed due to the fact that radiation from the Earth's surface is extinguished in the 15 micron band at very low levels (which is a non-sequitur on a variety of grounds).

    Confusing the two terms only confuses the issue, leading the gullible to believe that the greenhouse effect cannot become stronger with increased CO2 concentration (ie, it is saturated) because IR radiation from the Earth's surface at 15 micron is in fact extinguished low in the atmosphere.  The two are not the same thing.

    2)  I do not believe the article leaves that impression.  (Which, article by the way?  I assume you mean the basic article.)  However, to the extent that it does, it is only because it is discussing the claim that the greenhouse effect is saturated because IR radiation from the surface at 15 microns does not escape to space.  Because that is the argument which is being responded to, of course attention is focussed on CO2.

    Working through the list, you claim that "In fact, the vast majority of radiation to space from earth is from "a"", which is simply false.  Here is the partition of energy flows by Kiehle and Trenberth, 2009:

    As you will notice, only 40 W/m^2 out of 249 W/m^2 of the IR radiation to space comes directly from the planets surface.  A further 30 W/m^2 comes from cloud tops.  Of the remaining 179 W/m^2, all of it comes from the atmosphere, but most of it will come from water vapour.  However, as the greenhouse effect works by replacing a high IR flux from the surface with a lower IR flux from the atmosphere at certain wavelengths, the lower the IR contribution from a given gas, all else being equal, the stronger the greenhouse effect caused by that gas.   The argument that CO2 is of relatively little importance because it contributes relatively little to the total IR flux has the relationship exactly reversed, and shows a lack of understanding of the greenhouse effect.

    3) (@320), first and most generally, you are in complete disagreement with  line by line radiation models.  They assume atmospheric gases are grey bodies and calculate emissions and absorptions spectral line by spectral line, and produce results, when compared to observations like this:

    And like this:

    If you will excuse me, I will accept such a well confirmed theory as that presented by LBL models over the bad theory of "random internet guy".

    More specifically, you are using Wein's displacement law incorrectly.  It points out the wavelength (or frequency) of the peak radiation for a given temperature of a black body.  It does not indicate the temperature of peak emission for a given wavelength (or frequency).  In fact, for black bodies at any given wavelength, the emission at that wavelength will be greater at higher temperatures in all cases:


    Because CO2 molecules in the atmosphere gain the energy that they emit by molecular collision, the intensity of radiation at the frequencies in which it radiates follow the black body laws.  Therefore decreased temperature will decrease emission from CO2 at 15 microns even though it approaches the temperature at which 15 microns is the wavelength of peak emission for a black body.  Indeed, it will continue to do so until molecular collissions occur at a frequency much less than the frequency of reemission of absorbed radiation, or until the temperature is much less than 200 K (so that thermal emission can be neglected).

  27. CO2 effect is saturated

    Another glaring error in the argument given here: it treats the radiation at the top of the atmosphere, I suppose from CO2, as if it were blackbody radiation. I say this because the argument specifically states that if the elevation of radiation is higher, the temperature becomes colder, so the amount of radiation is less. That would only be true for blackbody Planck radiatiors. CO2 is a gas and does not emit blackbody radiation. It emits quantum specific radiation, namely 15 microns, which according to Wiens law corresponds with around 200K. We all know, 200 K is very cold. If the elevation of this emitting layer of CO2 climbs higher, and therefore becomes colder, it makes the temperature closer to 200K and therefore the emission would be STRONGER, not weaker. The giant error in the argument is assuming that as the layer grows colder, it will emit less, when the opposite is it gets closer to 200K the emission increases because 200K is the quantum specific temperature of maximum emission.

  28. CO2 effect is saturated

    I've found some errors in the original argument which I would like to address. I've not read all 318 posts, so it's possible that somebody has already corrected them.

    1. The correct term is extinction, not saturation. Nothing is being saturated, the 15 micron IR band radiates from earth's surface and is absorbed to extinction by CO2 in the lowest level of the atmosphere (the elevation of extinction is around 500 feet).

    2. The argument given here gives the false impression that the only IR that radiates into space comes from CO2 radiating at 15 microns from the top of the atmosphere. Let us refresh our memories on how earth loses heat:

    a. blackbody radiation from the surface which radiates directly into space through the many windows in the spectrum where the atmosphere is transparent to IR.

    b. blackbody radiation from cloud tops in the troposphere

    c. quantum radiation from H2O molecules in the troposphere, at many different wavelengths

    d. quantum radiation from CO2 in the stratosphere, at 15 microns

    e. quantum radiation from O3 in the thermosphere, at 9.6 microns

    The argument given here only addresses "d" and ignores "a-c" and "e". In fact, the vast majority of radiation to space from earth is from "a"

  29. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    bcglrofindel: "the relationship between emissions forcings and climate change?"

    This isn't quite right [the strikeout of emissions and replacement with forcings].

    GCM's are not given forcing [radiation changes], they are given CO2 concentrations as a function of time. The forcing is then calculated within the model, based on the principles of radiation transfer and the known radiative properties of CO2.

    Although the top-of-atmosphere forcing (change in IR radiation) is a key diagnostic element when it comes to climate response, the change in CO2 concentration has an effect throughout the atmosphere. Thus, there are many "forcings", if one thinks of "forcings" as changes in radiation. Even at the top of the atmosphere, the effect will depend on latitude and longitude - which is why climatologists like to run 3d models.

    "Emissions" isn't exactly right, either, because a typical GCM does not accept an input of CO2 at the rate given from anthropogenic output, and then move the CO2 around and aborb some back into the oceans and biosphere. That is the role of carbon cycle models. A carbon cycle model will determine a trajectory of atmospheric CO2 based on emissions scenarios, and that atmospheric CO2 concentration will be used as input to a GCM.

    ...but "emissions" is a lot closer to correct than "forcings".

  30. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    bcglrofindel - "Putting the two together too hard though also leads to an easy target for complaint of making claims that can not be disproven."

    Come on. If temperatures didnt rise then AGW is instantly disproved.

    Models are wrong - any modeller will tell you that. The question to ask about models is do they have skill? (ie do they outperform a naive method). On this they certainly do. It's a pain we can't tie down climate sensitivity better than we do but that is the real world.

    But it is a mistake to think AGW hypothesis hangs on model projections. The science makes plenty of other claims that be tested directly (eg LW intensity and spectra both at surface and outgoing, pattern of warming, changes to humidity,  etc)

  31. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    Thanks again KR.

    If I can risk being wrong again, I take it you meant that 'prediction' from the GCMs is the relationship between emissions forcings and climate change?  Adjusting the FAR forcings for lower observed values makes for the good corrections you provided. The FAR emissions values though radically underestimated actuality in Fig 2.7. Even for 2100 the projections for all scenarios was under 30 Petagrams. For 2013 they are across the board under 10 Petagrams. Observed CO2 emissions though for 2013 are over 35 Petagrams. If we were to go based off of CO2 emissions than the FAR scenarios were universally optimistic, and by that metric aught to have underestimated forcings and warming.

    Moderator Response:

    [RH] Corrected 40 Petegrams figure.

  32. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    bcglrofindel - CO2 forcings are on the low side of the FAR projections, CFCs are also lower, and see my previous comment on the updated effective CO2 forcings. 

    Again - the only 'prediction' from the GCMs is the relationship between emissions and climate change, the only appropriate test against observations is to take those models and run them with actual forcings. Old economic projections are useful tools for exploring the envelope of the GHG/temperature relationship, and that relationship can be tested, can be disproven if wrong, even if the emission scenarios are nowhere near actual emissions. 

    That relationship quite frankly passes testing

    FAR models and historic forcings


    Yes, folks can complain about almost anything. But that doesn't mean they have a leg to stand on. 

  33. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    @MA Rodgers,

    Thanks for that and right you are. By all measures effective forcing is currently under all scenarios assessed in the FAR. I had stated CO2 and CO2 equivalent concentrations where within the FAR estimates in Fig 2.1. I dunno if anyone can clarify me as an aside where the FAR CO2 concentration scenarios are within current measurements while effective forcing for CO2 is not? Is it climate sensitivity values used? It'd thought it had been a translation directly based on radiation obsorption which was already well known for the FAR?


    The point on not overly relying on science from nearly 3 decades ago is obvious and important. The point on not judging modelling of processes that take decades on short term trends is obvious and important. Putting the two together too hard though also leads to an easy target for complaint of making claims that can not be disproven.

  34. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    "Yes, there are plenty of caveats to be included, but simple is better."

    Is it? Present that graph without the cavaets to "Joe Blow public", and (especially if he is a republican apparently) he will jump to conclusion that models can't be trusted that climate sensitivity is overestimated. These would be invalid conclusions. You dont jump to the same conclusion for the graph KR showed which compares FAR with actual forcings.

  35. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    bcglrofindel - Keep in mind that the FAR results from 1990 are just that, 25yr. old results, that the state of the art and available data has only improved since then, and that current work gives more detailed results that earlier works are generally consistent with. 

    As with the early 'hockey-stick' work by Mann et al, nobody claims perfection in early work, nor even in current science. But the work since those seminal papers and early reports has only confirmed the general conclusions regarding AGW, and small decades old issues visible only from the perspective of current science don't invalidate the entire field

    In short, we're still seeing warming, it's consistent with about 3C/CO2 doubling +/-, the models are reasonably accurate for longer term trends (just not short term unpredictable variability that they've never been claimed to deal with), and there's really neither evidence nor reason to think that those basic facts will change. No matter how much 'skeptics' re-examine old papers and reports with ever smaller nit-picking. 

  36. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    A not-so-trivial note here: the 1990 FAR models used a direct forcing of CO2 simplified equation of 6.3*ln(C/C0) (see pg. 52 of the FAR Radiative Focing document), while later literature in particular Myhre et al 1998 using improved spectra computed a direct CO2 forcing of 5.35*ln(C/C0), changing that direct CO2 forcing estimate from 4.37 W/m2 to 3.7 W/m2. N2O and CFC simplified values were also updated at that time, those for CH4 were unchanged.

    As with the Hansen 1988 predictions, this inaccuracy in early line-by-line radiative codes led to some overestimation of climate sensitivity and warming in those earlier GCMs - which, mind you, was not specifically due to errors in the GCMs, as they were using the best values available at the time. 

  37. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    "The only thing I guess I really have left to say is that I don't count that as trivial, dishonest or entirely without value."

    IF you conclude from the comparison that the underlying physical model is useless, you are in fact wrong.  That is all anyone is saying.  The physical model works OK IF the forcings are correct and you use a proper baseline. More recent models do better, and capture a lot more of the natural variability, so the focus on FAR escapes me.

    In that light, the comparison in the figure is only really useful to show that it is hard to predict volcanoes, economic and political crises, management decisions, and technological changes that might influence the forcings. But that point is really quite trivial, and is the whole point behind using different scenarios, as you point out.

    You must realize that people use the mismatches that stem from the second problem to imply that the first problem is serious, when an appropriate comparison would indicate that the physical model works prety well. They don't always make that argument sincerely, but sometimes they just don't know better.  If you go into a discussion not realizing that, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the result.

  38. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    bcglrofindel @45.

    "The atmospheric CO2 and CO2 equivalent concentrations they used in scenarios BAU, B, C, D still span the current day values. If I'm not mistaken, falling inbetween BAU and B?"

    You are mistaken. For instance, compare the total of equivilant values in AR5 Table AII.2 for AD2000 with those in  FAR Table 2.7. AR5 forcings lie below all values used by FAR.

  39. More research confirming large methane leakage from shale boom


    Very well... which of the three SRES scenarios shown above (A1B, A2, or B1) aligns most closely with the demographic, socio-economic and techological development path the world has followed since 1990?

    Here's your reference:

    Moderator Response:

    [PS] Fixed link

  40. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    @Dikran and Tom

    If I'd been able to find or see the original source reference to this graph of temp vs. FAR I'd not even have posted as my query was answered:

    FAR vs Actual


    What I read and could see instead was no mention of how actual temperature compared to the FAR because that was declared misleading, unscientific, etc. JSmith attempted his own graph of same, and it was pointed out that his actual was grossly inaccurate and nothing like what an honest plot of actual vs FAR would look like. However, there was still lack of any plotting of what that different honest FAR vs actual would look like. As it turns out, a separate page on this very site had exactly that graph as linked above. Better still before KR kindly pointed to that graph, I had broken down and endeavoured to digitize the FAR graphs myself and reference temperature trends over the period prior to 1985 from the FAR graphs. Averaging across that time frame, I get the encouraging reward of a near matching to the result of above pre-existing graph. 

    The only thing I guess I really have left to say is that I don't count that as trivial, dishonest or entirely without value. I still staunchly disagree that looking for that result is inherently dishonest, or even misguided.

    The Joe Blow public wants simple tests that lack lengthy qualifications and caveats. The IPCC team that worked on FAR understood that, and half their reason to exist was to endeavor to bridge that gap. To that end, the projections they did included considerations for a broad range of possible unknowns. A key reason for doing this is to span the spectrum of possible future outcomes. Discount their efforts to that at your peril. The CO2 sensitivity ranges they used spanned from 1.5 to 4.5, which if I'm not mistaken is still within the currently expected range? The atmospheric CO2 and CO2 equivalent concentrations they used in scenarios BAU, B, C, D still span the current day values. If I'm not mistaken, falling inbetween BAU and B?

    If you start denying those basic coverages, you're discrediting the FAR report and work for any skeptics. They'll just throw your claims right bakc in your face and say see, told ya so. As you've admitted, the IPCC so misjudged climate conditions 25 years later that not even it's defenders expect it to be correct.

    Meanwhile there exists the graph I've included showing a tracking of actual temp to IPCC predictions from 25 years ago with the actual temp between the IPCC worst and best scenario estimates. Yes, there are plenty of caveats to be included, but simple is better. Certainly better than throwing the entire IPCC FAR team under the bus for no good reason.

  41. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    bcgirofindel @38.

    Your original comment here talked of JSmith making "mistakes or inaccuracies in matching" data. But JSmith did no matching. Rather, he simply cut and pasted a graphic sourced from the internet, a graphic which originated as part of a piece of denialistic reporting by Der Spiegel.

    And I'm still at a loss as to why the "simple apples to apples comparison" called for would require to be with the IPCC FAR graphics rather than the IPCC FAR calculations. Surely we wish to judge the IPCC on the veracity of its calculations not on its abilities in accurately predicting the future w.r.t. such things as the speed with which CFCs would be phased out, the drop in methane emissions from waste tips and petrochemicals, the collapse of Communism, etc.

  42. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    Given bcglrofindel's comments @38, I am tempted to let him totter of with his stick to the gun fight.  However ...

    While the two graphs shown by KR @34 are excellent for their purpose, that purpose is not the comparison of post 1990s trends.  As the comparison of temperature changes post 1990 is the "purpose" of the pseudo-skeptical interest in the FAR projections, the graphs are not suitable for the underlying purpose.  Used as such, a competent* pseudo-skeptic will point out that:

    1)  The graph shows a multi year average of the GISS temperature record, thereby eliminating (by regression to the mean) some of the lower temperature values in the twenty first century;

    2)  The graph has no clearly defined baselining procedure (and natural candidates are excluded by relative values); and (most importantly)

    3)  By taking the change in temperautre from 1880, the graph allows the accumulated relative difference over 110 years to distract from the very different rates of change between observations and IPCC FAR projections post 1990 (and particularly post 2000).

    Please note that these are only problems when the graphs are used, contrary to their original purpose, to compare changes in temperature post 1990.  Further, note that, with regard to point (2), although the baselining method is not specified, a perfectly valid baselining technique may have been used (and probably was given that Dana constructed the graph).  However, if you do not know what it is, you cannot defend its reasonableness, or correct for it if you think it unreasonable.

    Because the graphs are not suitable for comparison of post 1990 changes in temperature, the original article included a graph for just that purpose:


    Note, however, that for that graph, the IPCC "projection" was adjusted to reflect actual (rather than projected) changes in GHG forcings.

    So, once again we return to the same points.  A proper comparison requires understanding the difference between projections and predictions, and not expecting the IPCC to "predict" the fall of the former Soviet Union (among other things).


    (* The incompetent pseudo-skeptics tend to simply reject such graphs out of hand on the sole basis that they come from Skeptical Science.)

  43. Dikran Marsupial at 03:24 AM on 14 November 2014
    IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    bcglorfindel wrote "IMO, the big problem here is trust and confidence in modelling."

    The graph you propose will not be able to address this question in a scientific manner because projections tend to have stated uncertainties, as do the observations, so you would need to add credible intervals to both before you could really determine whether the models had peformed as well as could be reasonably expected over such a short timescale.

    Another important point to bear in mind (and this is really important) which is the mean of an ensemble of model runs is not a projection of the trajectory of the Earth's actual climate, just of theofirced component (i.e. the climate change that results from a change in the forcings, rather than sources of internal climate variability).  A fairer comparsion would involve also adjusting the observations to account for the effects of internal variablity (e.g. by regression analysis to remove the effects of ENSO and volcanic forcings which the models do not include).

    Performing an apples-v-apples comparsion is not as straightforward as you might think, and performing the comparison properly includes either performing the adjustments to the best of your ability or including the caveats that explain (if not quantify) likely sources of discrepancy.

  44. Dikran Marsupial at 03:15 AM on 14 November 2014
    IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    incidentally, it is pretty well known that electronic forms of communication have a tendency to be percieved as being rather more agressive than actually intended, which I think applies to all sides in this discussion.  Note my previous comment was intended as helpful guidance for bcglrofindel on adjusting his posting style to be a little less confrontational, and hence improve his/her interaction here.

  45. Dikran Marsupial at 02:59 AM on 14 November 2014
    IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    bcglrofindel I think perhaps it would be a good thing if you were to review the wording of your initial posts here in understanding the reception you have received.   jsmith wanted asked a question about why the adjustments made such a large difference compared to the diagram that he introduced into the discussion.  It was explained why that diagram was itself highly nuanced (the nuance explaining a lot of the difference).  Your first comment began

    "If JSmith's methods were wrong can you not at least address his core concern? "

    Note that you implicitly question the issues that I had raised (or at least do not accept them), but if his core concern was indeed the discrepancy, then the issue that I had raised explains most of it.  You began on this thread by effectively glossing over a substantive issue that had been raised.  That is not conducive to scientific discussion.

    KR then made the very important point that GCM projections are not intended to be accurate over such short timescales, and gave an appropriate plot of various projections to demonstrate this, but your reply was frankly rather rude "You still aren't giving a simple apples to apples comparison." and went on to ask " Isn't it trivial to plot actual temperature against the 3 projections the IPCC gave in Fig 6.11? "

    the answer to this is that "yes it would be trivial, but it would be misleading for the reasons that had already been explained to you, for a start it is important to take into account that the observed forcings did not match those used in the scenarios, so you should adjust for that in order to make a like-for-like comparison"

    however you write "That would easily do away with all the hedging and confusion and end the matter, no? "

    now "hedging" suggests that someone is being deliberately disingenuous in their presentation of the data.  Getting the science right, and adjusting for known problems is not "hedging".

    Can you see that your own comments here have not been altogether conducive to good natured discussion.

    you carry on

    "Why can't I find such a simple plot anywhere? All the places I find such a plot, like JSmith's in thread, it's called out as inaccurate. Can't 3 simple plots done on excel in about a half hour clear this up and silence skeptics?"

    I explained why JSmiths plot is problematic (I wouldn't say innacurate, just that there are nuances in its interpretation that you need to be aware of).  Now accepting my criticism would be fine, or challenging it, that would be fine to.  However you chose a third option, which was to imply that it was some sort of partisan rejection.  I find that kind of treatment of my well-intentioned comments to be pretty offensive.  However, that is pretty much water of a ducks back these days, so I let it go; others may not have been that charitable.

    I suspect that part of the problem here is that the issue is not as straightforward as you think it ought to be, and you are having difficulty accepting that others know more than you do about this.  Hopefully this will help you see why you have had the reception you have recieved, it is at least partly your own fault.

    In short, it is better to ask questions with some humility, and if you don't understand why something is not done the way you think it should be done, consider that there may be good reasons and ask why, rather than demand plots being drawn to your specifications.

  46. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    bcglrofindel - I had forgotten about that earlier FAR specific post; SkS really contains a lot of information. If you're interested in other predictions that have been examined here, the Lessons from Predictions button in the left margin is quite useful. 

    I'm afraid that much of the strength of the reaction to your questions was based on past experiences - I cannot count how many times someone has commented here and on other climate blogs claiming despite the evidence that mismatches between specific projections and observed temperatures somehow invalidate all climate modeling, despite the projected emissions not matching actuals. The pattern for those 'skeptics' is one of starting out with what sems like a reasonable question, then not accepting the explanations, degenerating into denial, libertarian fantasies, and conspiracy theories while asserting counterfactuals, before their politeness finally expires and moderation kicks in. But it's difficult to distinguish between such people and the genuinely curious early in the exchange. 

    Note to everyone - As bcglrofindel points out, such a strong reaction can be quite offputting. Save the sarcasm for people who have demonstrated the need for heavy implements in clue delivery. 

  47. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    @KR thanks, the graph there is pretty much exactly what I was wanting to track down. When it was in the gif with a dozen other graphs I failed to pick it out specifically.

    @Tom Curtis, I understand being enthusiastic when you are passionate about something, but your posts are all coming across way overly aggressive. So much so you don't really even seem to have bothered with reading my actual requests as I never insisted on the BAU scenario comparison, but just any comparison to the entirety of the scenarios used in the FAR including bau, b, c, and d. 


    IMHO I don't quite agree with the vehement insistance on rejecting the initial query itself. KR's second last post and in particular his source are pretty much exactly what I was looking for from the start. I hadn't thought I'd asked the question that badly? The extensive insistence that we should discourage people from making the query at all, and even further should be shaming them for asking it is, well, wrong. That approach is going to just drive away most people and as likely as not they'll take the extreme defensiveness as proof the claim is true. Meanwhile, the reality is that plotting temp against the FAR scenarios places reality having fallen HOTTER hotter than FAR BAU at 1.5 sensitivity.

    Additionally, insisting that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES no circumstances was reality anywhere near even the most optimistic of the FAR's assumptions and scenarios is basically telling a skeptic they were right all along, and exactly the OPPOSITE opposite tactic I'd think should be taken. 

    Sorry, I don't want to be hyper critical, and doubly so with a good answer to my query in hand. I do however find the extraordinary grilling and condmening of the query as counter productive and frankly damaging and really want to put that out there as something to be cautioned against.

    Moderator Response:

    [JH] The use of "all caps" is akin to shouting and is prohibited by SkS Comments Policy

  48. More research confirming large methane leakage from shale boom

    Russ wrote: "No... I'm saying the IPCC has overestimated either CH4 emissions, or residence time, or both." 

    You appear not to understand the difference between projections and predictions. A prediction is a description or depiction of expected future results. A projection is a depiction of future results based on a specific set of assumptions.

    The chart you posted in #5 shows projections not, as you incorrectly stated, predictions. If we assume emissions at the A1B level then we get one projection of future atmospheric concentrations, but if we assume emissions at the A2 level then we get a different projection. If X then Y. Not, 'the result will be Z'. Indeed, the description of that chart in the report begins;

    "Figure 1.6 | Observed globally and annually averaged CH4 concentrations in parts per billion (ppb) since 1950 compared with projections from the previous IPCC assessments."

    Further, the text of the chapter you linked notes that actual emission levels from 1999 to 2006 were lower than the range of past trends used as the basis for projections in previous reports and that emissions are now rising again;

    "As discussed in Dlugokencky et al. (2009), trends in CH4 showed a
    stabilization from 1999 to 2006, but CH4 concentrations have been
    increasing again starting in 2007 (see Sections 2.2 and 6.3 for more
    discussion on the budget and changing concentration trends for CH4).
    Because at the time the scenarios were developed (e.g., the SRES
    scenarios were developed in 2000), it was thought that past trends
    would continue, the scenarios used and the resulting model projections
    assumed in FAR through AR4 all show larger increases than those
    observed (Figure 1.6)."

    Thus, everything you claim to be confused about is quite clearly explained in the source you claim to be working from.

  49. 2014 SkS Weekly News Roundup #46A

    I though this title sums up the recent situation nicely (even if I'm not sure China is trying to save anything other than its reputation):

     China Tries to Save Earth: Republicans Furious

  50. IPCC overestimate temperature rise

    As a followup to KR's last sentence, you can get a look at what a pseudo-skeptic does with this comparison by looking at this Skeptical Science post about Pat Michaels.

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